Monday, July 28, 2008

Introducing The LOST ARGs Podcast 74

Join hosts David A Dein and Steve 'The Goog' Guglich as they unpack the Lost Comic-Con panel, and tease the brand new Lost ARG with the premiere of their brand new Podcast THE DO OR DIE CAST (aka the Lost Community Podcast #49, aka the Lost ARGs podcast ;)

Listen now:

Download (right-click, save as)

To leave a message for the next podcast, please contact, or leave a voice mail at (206) 202-3512.


Black Swan said...


maven said...

Second! Listening now...getting very scientific towards the end.

Ellen said...

GOOD podcast! Hi everybody!! Still anxiously awaiting the ARG....

Scoutpost said...

Well just enough time to check in again. Can't believe nothing has happened yet. Guess I'll check in again later and catch up.

maven said...

Beginning to understand Steve's story about the island being the center of time.

Waiting, waiting, waiting....(I have a few errands - it better not start then!)

Ange said...

Comment for e-mail, and going to listen now. Thanks gang for checking the pictures, even though they didn't offer anything. Is it sad that I think my favorite thing today might be Dennis's Octagon-Dharma symbol with headphones on?

Thrasher76 said...

Maybe this will now work? I think I have the bugs out of this phone!

Capcom said...

Codysmom, here's a not-so-good quicky image of the gravity well. :-)

Thrasher76 said...

What is the "essence" of time? Sounds like we are trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum. ~ know one thing, time does not stop, it is absolute, or is it? My brains hurt!

Thrasher76 said...

I am so glad I am able to join the conversation, while web browsing may be troublesome if not slow. But, YAY me! At least I can theorize!

memphish said...

Just posting for email. And waiting. Waiting.

Black Swan said...

capcom, thanks (for confusing me further.. lol)

I'm giving up on the couch search. Here's one more picture of ugly curtains:

Everything I've found similar is in New Otherton, so I'm going to conclude that the video with Pierre Change/Marvin was taken in his "house" in New Otherton and we just haven't seen it yet.

Going to listen to the podcast while I finally get something done today!!

Eugene said...

Wow. I am going to have to get a copy of Einstein for Dummies. The island is time. Time is the essence.

I ggogled the names of the people who were brought up onstage with Dan Bronson. A couple had small coincidences. There is a Dan Bronson who is a photographer in Portland, as has been mentioned earlier. There is a Jennifer Pritchard who is a desgner. There is an Alison Gibbons who is also a photographer. Nothing so far for Liam Brucker or Matthew Loberg.

Maybe the rest of them are real people and not actors.

I am sure DWY will go live while I am driving home from work. Oh wells.

maven said...

Not yet?

Scoutpost said...

Well clearly Dharma does not want us as much as we want them!
Time must not be absolute...apparently July 28th in Dharma world is different than July 28th in our world.

Missed all the couch talk. Guess I'll have to go back and check on that.

maven said...

There is one Ruckus Guy on Facebook. I just sent a friend request.

Capcom said...

Eugene, we are finding a lot of the Lost SciFi applications in Stephen Hawking's books, if that helps. The new ones have lots of great illustrations, so it kind of is like physics for dummies. :-)

Unknown said...

Hi all!
I sent a friend request to Ruckus Guy on Facebook too... hoping that's him!
DWY still dead, and in about half hour it will be 29th of July for me!

Capcom said...


Dharma Wants You



Unknown said...

I just noticed this now: in the video of Cheng there's another voice that stands just for a moment, like an interference. I cannot understand what it says.
It's "hidden" right after the first interruption of the maybe-Daniel Faraday.

After the cameraman says "Doesnt' matter, stick to it", Cheng starts to say something, then it comes a strong interference and, while he start again to talk, there's a word or two from another voice I can't recognize or understand.

What was that?

Unknown said...

Ok... now it's midnight! sigh!!!

FYSB said...

Poopcam, you have such a knack of distilling a situation to its essence.

maven said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
maven said...

If time is of the essence, where's Dharma?

Hey, Fysb!

Zort70 said...

Well I got back from work, inspected the damage done by our builders on the house extension we are having done as they started today, so I've finally got to a computer to post some pictures for my family, it's 23:16 in the UK and still no DWY.

By the way great news about the new podcast, I've got a whole day tomorrow to listen to it and catch up with anything that happens overnight.

FYSB said...

Hey Maven!
and did I see Thrasher posting today?
My F5 muscles are getting quite the workout today....

maven said...

In rewatching the Chang video some things jumped out at me:
1. When he says: "If you're watching this now yo already know that my name, my REAL name, is Pierre Change." Now how would we know that?

2. Re when the baby starts crying: He says take HIM out. Maybe that squashes the Charlotte as baby idea.

3. If they got the info that there was going to be a violent purge, why couldn't anything be done about it? Is it because they couldn't change their future, but we can by coming from the future?

4. Chang tells us that DI's work is valid because we are seeing this video.

5. Our goal is to find a way to save them.

Tess315 said...

maven said:
1. When he says: "If you're watching this now yo already know that my name, my REAL name, is Pierre Change." Now how would we know that?

I wondered about that too. It's like he's sending his transmission to someone who knows him.
I'm just wondering who it is he's sending it to.

3. If they got the info that there was going to be a violent purge, why couldn't anything be done about it? Is it because they couldn't change their future, but we can by coming from the future?

I'm thinking Faraday is his credible source. And maybe they are making this transmission before the purge. But since Daniel is from the future he knows and tells "Marvin" what happens.
Daniel gives proof of knowledge of the future by talking about the President and the internet.
So if his transmission works I think he feels who ever is recieving it can stop the purge if they continue his experiments.
Oh and the thought keeps popping into my mind that maybe he's sending it to himself. But I really don't think this to be true. :)

Thrasher76 said...

Hey Fysb! Yep, I am back! Ready for this thing to get moving! Ah yes the good ol' F5 muscles are in fine shape and ready to go! Too bad I cannot really do any real work in the game on a daily basis, but new phone will keep me posting.

Eugene said...

Ok. So home from work and still Dharma does not seem to want me. I just e-mailed Hoodlum. :o)


Capcom, thanks for the Stephen Hawking suggestion. Maybe I'll tackle some of that before the weekend.

maven said...

Has anyone heard or read anything as to why this is not happening yet?

Ange said...

Hey gang, I think we need to just be patient. I know that it helped me today to just decide that it wasn't happening until 9pm Eastern like Find 815...brought to us by Hoodlum. So with that in mind, only and hour and a half to go, well hopefully :D.

FYSB said...

Maybe it IS happening now, but in a now that is actually in the past. Or the future. Or in another July 28 in another dimension.

lost2010 said...

So Dharma wants us, they're just not ready for us yet. . .

Sorry Pierre, we're willing as soon as the site is able.

lost2010 said...

It could be all this button pushing we're doing - -everyone stop and let's see if the Dharma site turns purple.

maven said...

fysb: You just gave me a headache! LOL

Thanks, Ange...that makes sense if we go by Find815. You calmed me down!

Ange said...

Holy smokes, looks like the link to Tapdawg's video is "no longer available" anyone got another link so I can re-post it?

maven said...

Ange: Are you talking about the Chang video? It's still there for me.

Ange said...

Yeah Maven. Wow that was weird, I just tried to play it and it said "this video is no longer available". I refreshed a bunch of times and it's back now. Maybe everyone is at YouTube watching it while we wait or something.

Tess315 said...

I've been having that problem with the video too. It's there then it's not then it's back.
The one time I couldn't see it I couldn't get on DocArtz site either.

TakesaVillage said...

Maybe it's July 28th,"Island Time".
Hopefully it is 9PM EST.

Black Swan said...

Wow, still nothing. The gang's all here, though.. (waves)

I enjoyed the podcast!

maven said...

Waves back!

Capcom said...

Rats, I went out for sushi and got caught in a thunderstorm, and I thought that by the time I got home I'd have missed all the fun. I hope that Dharma isn't having technical difficulties.

Heheh, thanks FYSB.....I think. :o)

Eugene, while we are waiting for the DI to reconstitute itself, you could also peruse: if you haven't already. Bigmouth gets into some pretty neat theories about the science stuff, especially in his season 3 and hiatus posts. There are more fans who get into the science too, but that's a good place to start.

Black Swan said...

Hey, maven! Hope it starts in 10 min.

Ellen said...

Waving! (Here, but lurking...)

Eugene said...

Thanks for that. I have not been to that one. I think I might have some time tonight!

Scoutpost said...

Well this wait is getting a little annoying isn't it? I hope you're right Takes a Village.

Tess315 said...

Still nothing.

maven said...

Anything for anyone?

Scoutpost said...

Nothin', nada, zip, zero....

Is this a trick? Maybe the fluffy headed guy at Comic Con exposed them, Van whats his face got carted off to prison and now recruitment is off?! LOL

...Or maybe there are just technical difficulties.

Tess315 said...

Didn't we have the same problem with Find 815 on it's launch?

Scoutpost said...

I thought Find815 launched on time, but just got overloaded to the point that no one could get on. But I don't exactly remember.

memphish said...

Okay, this is now officially annoying! But American Gladiators was awesome.

maven said...

Maybe there's another site that we should be looking for? Did we miss something?

Black Swan said...

I've been checking the octogon global recruiting site, too

BarbaraJay said...

I've been scanning the dots on DWY in case there's a hidden link.

Capcom said...

Check this out while we're waiting, it's from the DarkUFO forum:

It seems to be our friendly neighborhood Comic Con spy-geek. :o)

Scoutpost said...

I was wondering if we missed something too, but I think someone somewhere would've figured it out and I haven't seen or heard anything.

memphish said...

I just tried sending an email to Hans Van Eeghen. I haven't gotten anything back yet.

Tess315 said...

You might be right scoutpost.

maven said...

I'm waiting for someone to say: Hey, gang, follow me! We're looking in the wrong place!

Capcom: Looks like Dan Bronson has been outed!

memphish said...

Stuart, the guy that looks like Hurley who asked the question at the LOST panel said that actor was in the first Spiderman movie too, just in the background of Peter Parker's class or field trip.

Tess315 said...

I guess that's what DuaneIsInsane meant by background work. :)

Black Swan said...

I knew that guy looked familiar

memphish said...

I'm outie. I'm going to put the kid to bed and watch The Middleman. I'll check back in in about 90 minutes.

Scoutpost said...

Well I've checked OGR over on Dark's site and the comment section on ITE, but every one seems to be waiting around like us with no clue. So.....guess we wait.

maven said...

Yep, it seems like everyone on all the sites are just waiting around.

FYSB said...

Will these interns never graduate? Why put a date out if you don't mean it? They should know by now we are going to be F5-ing like crazy the day that they tell us something is coming. Just don't freakin' say it rather than set a standard you can't meet. Seems to me Hoodlum would want to start off with a bang and not annoy the F5 masses.

That is funny about the kid actor. I kept thinking he reminded me of the Superbad nerd.

Capcom said...

Dang, when I refresh the DWY it goes dark for a second and then goes back to light blue, and I think that something new is going to come up. It fools me every time!

Capcom said...

Huh! I just checked out the Mystery Tales blog to check in on the "March" story again, and it seems to be down. I can't read spanish, so I have no idea exactly what it's saying. That's disappointing as well.

TakesaVillage said...

While we are waiting,pop on over to Dark UFO,
to see all of our Lost Community teams for The Lost Fantasy League.We are #'s 4347-4375.That is one fine looking group.(I used the Google Docs Version to view the list).

lost2010 said...

Still nothing? I thought for sure I'd stayed away long enough this time.

Dennis said...