Tuesday, July 29, 2008

No More From DuaneIsInsane 262

Update 7/31: Dark UFO is confirming that DuaneIsInsane is FAKE, and not affiliated with the ARG in any way. You can read about it here.

DuaneIsInsane is at it again. He's posted an "urgent" message at the SpoilerTV forums:
by DuaneIsInsane on Tue Jul 29, 2008 11:47 am
Sorry I haven't been able to reply. I've been busy going to places that Dan Bronson may have been before me.

The little information that I give in each post is very hard for me and I wish I could tell you more about what I know.

I knew about Dan Bronson two days before he made himself visible to the world because of a Halloween party I had met him at.

He wore a BumbleBee costume.
*Thanks to Nat for e-mailing about this.

There's speculation around the various blogs that BumbleBee is guiding us to the Transformer BumbleBee. Or perhaps we're supposed to look at the Bumblebee species as a whole and their mating, nesting and social behaviors?

UPDATE: He's back again at SpoilerTV, this time to help "clarify" things for us:
Re: Extremely Urgent.
by DuaneIsInsane on Tue Jul 29, 2008 8:19 pm

I can understand why my last comment may have confused a lot of you. The way my life works is probably not common to most of you.

To clarify, I have met Dan Bronson for the first time twice.
*Thanks to Lost2010 for posting this in comments.


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Capcom said...

WLM is really getting interesting over on that Doc Arzt post, wow. Concentric cirlces of time (hello Orchid logo!), and all kinds of theoretical goodies.

Capcom said...

Wow, that is interesting Memphish. Unless it was the Hostiles that made the mistake and now we in the game (or the 815ers in the show) have to make the fix or correction to let them live.

Scoutpost said...

I really hope this ARG is not scheduled like Find815. For all it's problems, TLE was a lot of fun finding things where there wasn't supposed to be anything, and never knowing when something would happen. Ah the memories....:)

re: the emails. I hope I get them. I got the first one from OGR way back in May, but haven't received one since. I tried to go back and enter/register again, but they told me my email address was already registered. I didn't even get that last one that told about DWY being up and running. I keep checking my junk mail to see if they're in there, but nothing. I hope that after filling in the info the other night that it will all be cleared up.

The whole time thing with Dan's rocket and dead Ray has me perplexed as well. I guess if there are different modes of time travel (physical and mental) that they must be hinting at several timelines or spheres of timespace like capcom's website explains.

I hate to say it, but could almost go for a glyph hunt right about now! ;)

Capcom said...

Bite your tongue Scoutpost! Do you really want to spend mindless hours and hours online looking for cryptic messages? OK, me too!! :-D

I just asked WLM on Doc's site if he could explain that contradiction with the missile test and Doc's double exposure, so to speak. Hopefully he'll come back online after dinner and maybe give us a clue how that fits in with his Kerr theory. It's all looking very good so far.

memphish said...

Scoutpost, have you checked your spam folder?

TakesaVillage said...

Logon to Darmawantsyou and check your profile to see if your E-mail is correct,and if you want to recieve E-mail updates.

Anonymous said...

Vis a Vis, "course correction"...what about this:

What if the Purge was the original event that was outside the "correct" timeline, and everything since has been an attempt by "time" (and the island) to stop the DI purge?

Just thinking...

Capcom said...

Yes, that's what I was wondering Torifan. The Purge was the "mistake" that needs to be corrected, maybe.

That might actually then put the DIs on the Good Guys side, and the Hostiles in the Bad Guys side.

Tess315 said...

....and I am pretty sure we were told there is no science fiction and everything is based on current science.

lol maybe they should have said theoretical science.

As far as the conscience time travel that Desmond did I get. But Doc Ray...that's a another story.

Tess315 said...

I hate to say it, but could almost go for a glyph hunt right about now! ;)

ahhh! no glph hunt that thing gave me a headache. lol

I like that idea too.

Tess315 said...

See it gave me such a headache I can't even spell it. "glyph"

lost2010 said...

Due to the random temporal anomaly, Dr. Ray washed up on shore.

No matter how they explain it - that's all I'll get out of it.

Ange said...

Holy smokes I actually found that interview Jess was talking about. It's Here. and they say:

"This is not a show about the supernatural, despite the fact that we have a very huge creature that likes to eat people. Despite the surreal, bizarre aspects of the island, there will be an explanation for it. It may not come for a very long time, but certain information about the island will explain how things are possible. We'll try to root it in real science or real pseudo-science. There will be no mystical reason or an island of monsters. The island has been around for millennia, and many people have found themselves on it, and as far as we know, nobody has ever gotten off. There is also the possibility of others being on the island, they just haven't seen them yet.

I guess time travel (corporeal or not), and communication through a pinhole via a 30 year time gap can qualify as pseudo-science eh?

Capcom said...

I'd say so Ange. :o) That works for me.

jess4ua said...

ROFL... And island moving too! Thanks Ange!

Also, based on Find 815, I have a feeling we are going to have to wait a bit for this to start. I think they want to reel in as many fish as possible before they start it.

Tess315 said...

I finally got caught up on the post and went to look at the WLN post.
He's talking about Kerr metric which I haven't a clue what is, but am about to read up on it.
Any way I had thought he had said "To conduct experiments study/ies static occur metric....."
If I had any knowledge at all about this branch of science I might have been able to figure out he said Kerr.
ahhh that makes me crazy when I don't know something.
Oh well I know about it now.
Back to reading.

Capcom said...

I didn't understand what he said either Sayidsgirl, until I read WLM's post. Now it is oh-so-sort-of-clear.

Ellen said...

Hi everyone! I'm back from typing up a massive theory post, and wanted to let you know that I gave several of you a mention...hope you'll check it out!

Crazy Georgia LOST Fan!

Thanks to:
Sayid's Girl

You guys are awesome!
I'll be around tomorrow so talk to ya then! (ouch! Brain Freeze)

Capcom said...

Neat Ellen. :-)

maven said...

Excellent summary of all these theories out there, Ellen! Thanks for all the kudos, too!

Tess315 said...

Nice job ellen.
Thanks for the mention. Although that nagging feeling probably won't pan out. :)

Tess315 said...

Am I misunderstanding WLN in thinking the people on the island Sawyer Juliet etc. are in the same "now" as the other observers off the island Jack Faraday etc.?
If this is the case I don't agree with that.

WLN said
2) Chang mentions the Kerr Metric, which if you look on Wikipedia, the following paragraph could relate to what happened to the Island. "Even stranger phenomena can be observed within the innermost region of this spacetime, such as some forms of time travel. For example, the Kerr metric permits closed, time-like loops in which a band of travelers' returns to the same place after moving for a finite time by their own clock; however, they return to the same place and time, as seen by an outside observer." I suspect the Island will return to the same place and time as it was when it vanished, yet days, months or years may have passed for **anyone on or near the Island**.

WLN said
The Island is no longer in the same timeline as the "now" observers, there for it appears "gone."

I agree with this but only if the observers are off island.

Tess315 said...

Over at DocArtz you asked WLN about the term pinhole which I can't help you with.
But they did know about black holes in the '70's. They made a interestingly lame movie about it in 1979 which yes I did go see in my 20's. :)


Tess315 said...

I think I'm alooonnne. I'll shut up now. :)

lost2010 said...

This pinhole definition seems to fit the context if not the physics:
Firewall Pinhole

maven said...

FYI: Posters at both DarkUFO and DocArtz has been playing around with the new Dharma symbol. Koobie at DocArtz found an H and an O in the symbol. And rollinrevue lines it up with the FDW. Everything happens for a reason!

Zort70 said...

Morning all, I've tried to log in to DWY this morning and when I click on the login link all I get is a blank screen.

Zort70 said...

I almost got excited then when I thought it wasn't a blank page but a new dot pattern, then realised my screen was just dirty :-)

Ellen said...

Lol! Zort, you are so funny!

Ellen said...

Maven, thanks for the links! I found them very intriguing...

Zort70 said...

Thanks Ellen :-)

I've been poking around the DWY webpage and come up with this xml file, I'm not sure it helps but it does have other links on it, presumably to the people running the "Assessment" process.


Ellen said...

looks like those links are to the marketing (mktg) part of the website? maybe...

Eugene said...

Hi. Wow. I have been over at eyemsick reading up. Between that and getting caught up with 100s of comments I thought I would have missed more. (I did get pulled into the Duane is Insane business over at DUFO. Always trust your first instincts!)

Shoot. I had some relevant comments but work is calling already.


Thrasher76 said...

Good Morning! And i see nothing new...ugh!

Capcom said...

Morning All!

Sayidsgirl, I think that WLM is, like you say, saying that the off-island observers (if they could see it) are in the outer "now" or current time area, and the island (and I guess anyone near -- meaning anyone possibly floating in the water within the inner time sphere) is at the different time, past or future. Whew. I guess so far we can assume that Daniel was close enough to get caught up in the "move" until further info shows differently.

Yeah heheh, I just saw that Black Hole movie again on TCM for the first time since I saw it in the theaters. What a hoot. State of the art for its time tho. I was just wondering if maybe TPTB were trying to point out the primitve nature of the DIs early knowledge of all this theoritical stuff, by having them use an early or not so contemporary term.

Those guys are a little late catching the H-O, Lost2010 mentioned that here the first day that we got the completed bagua. Not the H-O per se, but what it might have spelled out.

I ran into all kinds of pinhole refs too on a search, but none that I found satisfying in the context of our application here.

Thanks for the insights everyone!

Capcom said...

I like the ideas on DarkUFO connecting the new bagua to the FDW, i.e., the tilt of the bagua vs. the turn of the wheel, and a "keying" position. Not sure it will pan out, but it's an interesting thought nonetheless.

lost2010 said...

capcom - HUNUOIIN ;) We joked about it being similar to the name of some restaurant, I think.

There's some big string of letters over at darkufo that they're playing around with too. I see a big string of letters and numbers like that and my brain shuts down but some of you code-crackers might take a look.

Capcom said...

OH....MY....GOSH! Check this out!

I'm taping "Atlantis, The Lost Continent" on TCM while I'm on the computer, and I just walked in on -- guess what? -- a bunch of dudes turning a wooden donkey wheel, inside of a cave (don't know if it's underground or not, I didn't see them go there) and the wheel's wormscrew goes down into a hole that is glowing and has vapor coming out of it!!!!!

I think that we have to look up this movie for more clues. I'm going to rewatch it today, after I tape "Mysterious Island" that's coming up next. I'll report what I find if there's any more connections to tell!


Capcom said...

Not much here:


maven said...

Well, it is interesting that the new Dharma symbol has different "cut outs" in each section. Is one of the tests going to be to use the slots in the symbol and construct something? LOL

Capcom said...

That's what I was wondering too Maven! :-D

I thought about transfering the shapes to some card stock to try and put them together.

Ange said...

Hi Gang, Dark UFO is confirming what we've suspected/known, DuaneIsInsnae is a fake. Main page is updated with the link if you want to have a look.

I'm also watching this Jesse Heiman FaceBook situation, and may update later with some information on that if it's pertinent.

Capcom said...

Thanks Ange. Very happy to get all that out of the way.

maven said...

I asked to friend Jesse on FB over a week ago...never heard anything! :( He's probably bombarded with friend requests and wondering why he's so popular all of a sudden! LOL

Dennis said...

Very disappointing TPTB!

Without DII (I'm not mentioning his name any more!), there hasn't been ANY activity since Monday. :(

Dennis said...

Zort70 said... I've been poking around the DWY webpage and come up with this xml file, I'm not sure it helps but it does have other links on it, presumably to the people running the "Assessment" process.

For some reason, all of the HTML files for DWY are on the DWY site, but all of the flash files are on this http://wdig.vo.llnwd.net/ server.

BTW, I've dug around in the flash files, and didn't see anything useful.

Capcom said...

Ditto Dennis, about he-who-shall-not-be-named.

And, TPTB. The "What Is This" link on the front page of DWY says that tests will happen weekly. Maybe that means we'll only have something to do once a week. :-(

Ange said...

Maven, Jesse just friended me on Facebook so maybe today will be your day too.

maven said...

Thanks, Ange.

It does seem that there's going to be a weekly "test" on DWY, but I'm hoping we can go beyond that. Let's hope Ruckus Guy/Dan Bronson/Jesse continues his exposure of the new DI. Hope it's not only a Comic Con gig for him to deliver the Chang video. There were several layers to Find815 if one wanted to dig into it further. Let's hope that besides the tests there's also a story behind what the DI is up to.

Tess315 said...

It does seem like it's going to be more like Find 815 than TLE.
With the weekly "tests".
And of course Hoodlum is running it again.

jess4ua said...

But MOOOOMMMM! I don't wanna take a test!

lost2010 said...

So it's just a series of one test a week over 6 weeks? That seems like a bit of a let-down.

Dennis said...

No, there has to be much more than that.


• Dan Bronson / RuckusGuy is still real
• Black Swan hacks are still real
• Pierre Chang video that Dan Bronson videoed at Comic-com is real
• Bluetooth hack is real

There a deeper story here than just taking tests for Dharma.

I think we'll probably have to wait to hear from RuckusGuy again before anything starts to happen.

I hope Dan can get us a better copy of the PC video.

Capcom said...

Hopefully it will be "offical" weekly tests from the DI, and in between that will come waves information leaking in from the side sources for us to digest and act upon.

Tess315 said...

I hope you're right Dennis.

Scoutpost said...

I think you're right Dennis, but I sure wish something would get underway. It will be a big let down for me if it is as scheduled as Find815.

Where did RuckusGuy get off to? Come on man, give us something!

Anonymous said...

dark has the hi rez video up

hq video

Passafist said...

Dark UFO has clean copies of the Comic Con Videos up!!!!

Hope that helps!!!

Also fear not... True I think the Dharma Test will be weekly but I looked at Find 815 as the testing ground. Do you remember their was at least one puzzle that needed to be ferreted out by clues. Well honestly I believe things are slow because their Maximizing the number of people who can sign up for the game. It'll pick up!!!

maven said...

I agree with David, that ABC is just waiting out this week to sign up the maximum number of people. And I hope Dennis is right. We can't have tests every week until S5 starts!

jess4ua said...

jess4ua said : dark has the hi rez video up

hq video

I did not say that! Who is posting as me? :D

Ange said...

Oh oh Tapdawg was in the clip compilation of the tests. He was one of the "constant" people. Neato.

FYI those videos came from ABC.com

Dennis said...


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