by DuaneIsInsane on Tue Jul 29, 2008 11:47 am*Thanks to Nat for e-mailing about this.Sorry I haven't been able to reply. I've been busy going to places that Dan Bronson may have been before me.
The little information that I give in each post is very hard for me and I wish I could tell you more about what I know.
I knew about Dan Bronson two days before he made himself visible to the world because of a Halloween party I had met him at.
He wore a BumbleBee costume.
There's speculation around the various blogs that BumbleBee is guiding us to the Transformer BumbleBee. Or perhaps we're supposed to look at the Bumblebee species as a whole and their mating, nesting and social behaviors?
UPDATE: He's back again at SpoilerTV, this time to help "clarify" things for us:
Re: Extremely Urgent.*Thanks to Lost2010 for posting this in comments.
by DuaneIsInsane on Tue Jul 29, 2008 8:19 pm
I can understand why my last comment may have confused a lot of you. The way my life works is probably not common to most of you.
To clarify, I have met Dan Bronson for the first time twice.
1 – 200 of 262 Newer› Newest»First?
Perhaps it'll be a password for something.
Reposting. Blind Melon's album. And the No Rain video.
There's also Bumble Bee tuna.
Hey, what about the bees Charlie disturbed on the way to the caves?
I like the password idea Nat! Okay this BumbleBee stuff has me all twitterpated and reading up on nesting behavior. I found this on wiki and it sort of puts me in mind of the various societies we can find on the island:
The last generation of summer includes a number of queens who overwinter separately in protected spots. The queens can live up to one year, possibly longer in tropical species.
Also, Bumblebees are eusocial. Or it could just be the robot ;).
Then there's the Baby Bumblebee song. Okay, I'll stop now.
Nothing on LOST has been very "queen" oriented. Are we finally going to shift?
I was still in the last comments. DOH!......
I was reading a bit about BumbleBee on wikipedia. There was a G.B. Blackrock in the comicbook version.
"Bumblebee arranged their first meeting with Optimus Prime, and his role as a "liaison" of sorts between the Autobots and humans continued as he participated in the first meetings with millionaire industrialist G. B. Blackrock, eventually leading to a deal between them that saw Blackrock supply the robots with fuel."
Personally, I was rooting for the Blind Melon bee girl. But it very well might be a Transformers reference.
I was in DWY last night at 11:15 EST without a problem but I have not been able to get back in since then.
My knowledge of Transformers is pretty much limited to the movie, but the movie version of BumbleBee was a sort of scout for the rest of the Transformers. He also was the personal bodyguard for the main human character. Maybe Dan is our scout, our inside man and our protector.
I wonder why Duane says that he has "been busy going to places that Dan Bronson may have been before me." At first I thought that he was tailing Dan, but then maybe not, if he's not sure that he has been there or not. Hmmm. I'm probably just making too much of it.
I just heard back from someone who took the test at the OGR booth and entered his Comic Con number at DWY. It just took him directly to the registration page. So we're caught up with the people who went to Comic Con.
Oh my god! Where to begin! As a Transformers nerd I am so excited and wishing it to be true. I am actually going to leave work early so that I can play along. But Bumble Bee is the scout for Prime in a sense, he also be friended Spike Witwicky. As a series it is only about 28 or so years old, could be part of the 30 year "phasing" to the future. This was hois costume for a Halloween party, so it would have to elaborate if it was the Transformer.
Autobots, transform and roll out!
lol, thrasher, I knew you'd be into this....
I heard on a newsbreak you had an earthquake in your area. Was it close enough for you to feel?
LOL Thrasher! You're crossover dreams have been fullfilled.
I just saw on TV that there was an earthquake in LA, are all of our LA LoCos OK??????? :-O
Yikes! He's back over there:
Re: Extremely Urgent.
by DuaneIsInsane on Tue Jul 29, 2008 8:19 pm
I can understand why my last comment may have confused a lot of you. The way my life works is probably not common to most of you.
To clarify, I have met Dan Bronson for the first time twice.
What does that mean?
And why does it make me think of 'The Time Traveler's Wife' - he met his wife for the first time twics. . .
It sounds like Duane or Dan maybe both have been time traveling.
So Duane is Insane is time travelling? As in he went to Saturday and knew Dan Bronson would have something on Saturday and then went back to Thursday and posted about it? Yeah, I'm not liking the idea that some guy posting in a forum not officially attached to the game is now claiming to time travel.
I'm especially leery given that DWY has a forum link to the ABC forums not the DarkUFO spoiler forum. I'm just not comfortable trolling around over there.
Maybe they are searching for the Matrix of Leadership!!
Duane needs a constant
Has anyone notice that when you register for DWY that the default date is June 18, 1978...
Maybe that's why he's insane...no constant.
I take the postings with a small grain of salt. Duane did know about Dan Bronson and posted it before Comiccon. But anyone can post anything.
Insanity is by the definition doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.
And DWY is not loading me in!! WTF?
Heheh, perhaps Duane is a former disgruntled employee of Hoodlum and getting some revenge on his former company by jerking up the works of the game. ;-)
@Thrasher - like looping back in time to hope that you can change the past to change the future? Or pressing F5 on DWY over and over again expecting to get in?
Uh oh.
LOL Thrasher and Eugene. X-D
I'm right there with you Memphish and Eugene...although I might just still be crabby from Find 815.
You're right though, it never ever sits right with me that there is an ABC forum link, but that these posts turn up elsewhere. Oh well, I guess we'll see how it pans out. Although I am not looking at any stegosaurus pictures! And with that, I'm outta here for the afternoon. (wave)
OK, who turned the donkey wheel underneath LA city hall?
I am watching the rotating dharma logo as it flashes loading, after registering and hitting next!
And that too, F5,F5,F5...LOL
I am such a Duane!! (Special Person)
It took my registration from this morning, that I thought was not taking...so yeah, I am an idiot and now looking at the new screen to hit F5 on!!
And to think I cut out of work early for this!!
Just in case no one has posted this nugget of info. on BumbleBee...
Small, eager, and brave, Bumblebee acts as a messenger and spy. Due to his small size, he dares to go where others can't and won't. He idolizes the bigger Autobots, especially Optimus Prime and Prowl, and strives to be accepted. He is the most energy efficient and has the best vision of all the Autobots. He can go underwater for reconnaissance and salvage missions. Although physically the weakest Autobot, his stealth more than compensates for this inadequacy.
Bumblebee is the Autobots' little brother. He's small, eager and at times can be a bit of a smart-mouth. Yet for all his wisecracks, he obviously idolizes the bigger robots, especially Optimus and Prowl. He is useful as a messenger and a spy; he can go where other vehicles would not dare because he does not look threatening. And his relatively small size occasionally enables him to use routes not available to the others. More than anything, Bumblebee wants to be accepted, and this sometimes causes him to take chances he shouldn't.
As he can get up to 1.8 times more use out of a unit of fuel than the next most efficient Autobot, Bumblebee is often called upon at times of low energy resources. His visual acuity rates tops of all Autobots: he can spot a 10" x 10", object at a distance of 48 miles on a clear day. His adaptability to water environments makes him particularly important in undersea reconnaisance and salvage operations.
Bumblebee is physically the weakest of the Autobots and the most easily damaged. His stealth more than compensates for this liability.
Awesome Thrasher.
Too true Colduphere! :-o
So what are we waiting on now?
where is the interaction? I miss the days of Persphone!
I'm such a Duane?! LOL. Duane is the new Dwight.
Some of the description of BumbeBee sounds like Ben. He looks fairly non-threatening, except for his eyes. I'm not sure he cares about being "accepted."
Hey, when I click on the DI logo on DWY the boxes for the leader board, my progress etc. are moving around, is this new?
Not all at once everyone...
So I think I like the music on DWY, but doesn't seem nearly as creepy as thehansofoundation.org...
Agreed, it has a calming affect. I think I need to take a leave of absence from my job to play all day!!
I just tried to get on DWY and got an error page, too many connections.
I finally got back in and the boxes seem to float around slightly. It's just enough to make you wonder if it's really happening. That's as far as I get. Last night I got in and took the test right as it went live. But I have not been able to get much beyond "loading" today.
During TLE1 I had to play whenever I could. During find815 I was between jobs but it was not nearly as much fun as TLE1.
I hope DWY will be more like the first ARG. It was fun zipping around the internets looking at different sites. But if it's as time consuming as the first one then I agree that a leave of absence is called for.
I too hope it will be like TLE1 eugene... although at the rate it is going, I'm not sure I can wait to take a test once a week. I certainly hope there are some viral marketing sites or something...just to pass the day.
Too many connections because of people like me with it just sitting there with floating boxes and soothing music.
Thrasher, I'm right there with you - I've had it open for hours because once I got in, I was afraid to get back out and lose the connection! ;) I had to finally stop the music, though. It was putting me to sleep.
Thing right now is that we are just waiting, it is not like we are off solving a puzzle or anything, which is frustrating. Even if there was some great idea to theorize about would be nice. But so far bumpkiss!
I got off the phone with Steve a few hours ago and he claims he got a telemarketing call for someone looking for a Richard Alpert.
Unfotunetly Steve hasn't taken the test yet,, so it's probably not game related. but hopefully well find out soon.
That is very bizarre, The Man From Tallahassee is not on the do not call list?
There must be something wrong with me cause that music gets on my nerves after awhile. I think maybe because it's repetitive.
So, since I don't mind lurking around the spoilertv forum, do you want me to pass the duane insane messages over here? Or do you prefer not? I don't really see any reason yet to believe he's real.
I have finally succumbed and turned it off too.
Apparently DuaneIsNotInsaneBUTIsFAKE!
BumbleBee is a plug to this tool's movie!
Heheh, don't ever listen to that spacey late night radio show "Hearts of Space" then Sayidsgirl. :-D
That link didn't work for me Thrasher. But I'll be glad if Duane is a Fake. He can still be insane. That's okay with me.
I wonder how he knew about Dan?Maybe they are friends in the industry? Dan was in his movie? Meh.
Hmmm...I am rusty at this posting thing...
Maybe he is that guy that played Dan.
Too bad we can't get Sam Thomas back - I liked him. He wasn't much quicker on the uptake than I am.
I was talking duane on spoiler tv and he pm'd me saying "Im glad you see me for what i really am".
Earlier in the thread i had been discussing how he seems to me like the closest thing to a bot because he doesnt seem to be able to or allowed to post answers but just cryptic clues. it's like he's under strict instructions or possibly restrictions .
Well, they are certainly cryptic.
My best guess is that TPTB will be satisfied with the game so far and will move things along tonight or tomorrow, giving people enough time to register. I have taken the test numerous times and it seems that any set of answers will pass the test.
So he is a BOT?
So he is a BOT?
As long as I don't end up spending my August hunting glyphs, I'll be happy.
So he is a BOT?
What's a bot? Context wise - I'm concluding it's a program that gives you cryptic clues is you ask the right questions? But I won't be surprised to be way off.
I dont think he's a bot. But as i said, he's the closest thing to one. Like a robot following instructions as such. He's probably only allowed give clues which provide us with a foundation, he possibly cant give us anymore than that because its not part of the game. . This is just my opinion. but why would he pm me saying "Im glad you see me for what i really am".. ?
Ok, I have been thinking.
12.18 is when Duane first posted right? 12+18 is 30
The video is from 30 years ago
The only thing that does not add up is the BumbleBee reference.
More on BumbleBee...
Awakening in 1984, Bumblebee distinguished himself by helping Ironhide quell a raging river and using his small size to help Sparkplug Witwicky plant explosives in the midst of a Decepticon mining operation.
So not 30 years ago, maybe BumbleBee was Daniel's favorite Transformer.
And maybe Dan Bronson is Duane's constant? "met him for the first time twice."
"And maybe Dan Bronson is Duane's constant? "met him for the first time twice.""
Yup i just mentioned it over at spoilertv :) im probably wrong about it though lol.
Great minds think alike!
I'm off for a little while, when everything will happen I am sure. Be back later tonight and certainly tomorrow.
it seems like DWY is working a little better now. Still no changes.
cya later thrasher ! :)
Yeah im finding DWY smoother now, i was able log in and everything nothing new though.
Where are those people who usually hack something and tell us what time to expect the next step?
Good afternoon all:
We had a little excitement today in So Cal! A 5.4 earthquake! It was over 30 miles away from me, but it really shook for a long time. And the awful thing was all of our cell phones didn't work. Took some time before we could get into touch with loved one!
So is this Duane guy real or not?
maven - Glad to hear you are ok!
Glad it didn't shake you to hard. :)
I just tried DWY again and I'm still getting the error page.
There's this now. . . for whatever it's worth.
Re: Extremely Urgent.
by DuaneIsInsane on Tue Jul 29, 2008 11:32 pm
They know what I'm doing.
BumbleBee was the only safe way to lead you to Machine Child.
Don't forget what I've said.
It comforts me to know there are others like me.
What could Machine Child be?
(BTW: Lost2010, thanks for the kind comment on the quilt blog!)
Here's what BumbleBee and Machine Child have in common. I guess the next thing will mention The Unsteady Chough.
I'm seriously beginning to doubt Duane! Sounds like a troll for some small films! LOL
An Oxford undergraduate discovers that amid the dreaming spires there roosts a boozy bird.
I just cannot stop today!
Glad you are ok Maven and all you Left Coasters!
Machine Child
If someone hasn't already posted it. I don't see that it could be remotely related to Lost, but it's hmmm - interesting?
Ok, now I must go spend quality time with the wife. Good luck all, chat tomorrow.
Peace & Namaste!
Of course if it wasn't for Duane, what would we have had to talk about today? How much the DWY site sucks?
I actually prefered the pursuit of the "Black Swan" stuff...
You guys missed one of Duane's comments!
"by DuaneIsInsane on Tue Jul 29, 2008 8:55 pm
While I can't confirm that Dan Bronson is his real name, Dan Bronson is indeed one man and one man alone.
His first attempt at exposing what Global Octagon Recruiting was doing at Comic Con did not go as planned.
That's where I came in."
So now he's a co-saboteur of the DI?
I sincerely hope they work out all the glitches with DWY. It is annoying how long it take to get from one thing to the next (what with the Dharma symbol breaking up, etc.) Especially since this site seems to be the hub of the whole game!
And do you guys get what he said about being a Dark UFO?
"I felt connected and that's why I'm trying to help you.
I was lead here by the words Dark UFO because that's what I am.
A Dark UFO, an unseen aid."
I'm doubting him too, although Duaneisinsane does descramble to "is an unseen aid" or something like that. But of course, he would know that if he made up the name and is now saying that.
Yeah I agree, back to the black swan until further proof.
Hi Everyone!
I'm here for a while, lurking. I'll jump in when there's something I can help with!
Unseen Aid does NOT anagram to DuaneIsInsane, it is too few letters.
Yay! I'm finally registered!
Couldn't find a reasonable anagram for Machine Child. Could Duane be talking about androids or cyborgs? I don't get the relevance but I'm grasping here.
(Still not convinced that Duane is in-game.)
Has anyone tried to register for DWY and left the birthdate on the default date to see if something different happens?
I think duaneisinsane is Jacob
this guy</a
Maven,glad you guys are ok.
Down here,we just have to dodge Hurricanes every so often. Earthquakes are like Black Swans.
(from a previous post:7/17/78; Baby Miles birthday?)
I know Thrasher, see the entire line, "is an unseen aid". :-)
Thanks to you all re the shaking in LA today! Not being able to use your cell phone for a while (about 1/2 hour) was scary and frustrating!
I think that the 7/17/78 is the actual date of the Purge.
How to you think this is going to work (a la Find 815)? We get an email and then we all try to log on at once to take the next test? I'm sure that will go smoothly! LOL
Glad you're ok, maven! My son, who works in Irvine, said it's the most shaking he's felt in the 8 years he's lived there. And yeah, that'll go smoothly...lol I finally got on today to see that my profile is still there..
I've been meaning to ask, how can 1978 be the date of the Purge? Wasn't adult Ben at the purge? Weren't some of the DI flims dated 1980? Is this a back-in-time-moved purge that I didn't catch? Tx. :-)
And didn't someone from another country say last night that thier default date was different? Just asking.
Hi DWYs (deewees?)...just went to the DharmaWantsYou site to register and take my test and I'm getting a page that reads "Not Yet!
Sorry, the DharmaWantsYou.com site is not yet available."
Anybody else have that problem?
OH and Maven...so glad you and your family are ok after the Big Shake. Must have been scary to be out of contact. I guess I always assume that my land line will go out, but my cell will be available.
Wow Capcom! Excellent point about the Orientation videos. How do we reconcile the 1980 copyright dates with Cheng's claim of this new video being 30 years in the past. 2009 will be the last year that George W Bush is president and by then there will be a President Elect, so 2008 seems to be the outside date for the 30 year claim. Which makes 1978 the Purge date. I guess the older films could be copyrighted at a later date. But how did they get to the Island after the Purge?
Are we assuming this latest video by "Marvin" is 1978? Or do I have that wrong? If so the purge hasn't happened yet, I don't think. I think Faraday has just told him about it. It may be 1978 when video is made.
I always assumed the purege was in 1981 based on some of the things Mikhail said.
Also these games,the show and real life don't always mesh.
I created a feed on Itunes for the Do or Die Cast.... you can subscribe right here....
Yes, I think that maybe Cheng and the DI found out about the Purge happening in the future? That way he could say he knew that he was dead in the future, but wasn't dead then in 1978? Either Farady/Whomever told him, or Bunny15 told him when he/she came back to the lab. :o)
I've already forgotten why we thought 1978 was important. Is it that the video was sent 30 years forward?
That and because the default date on the profile page birth date was at July 17 1978. But mostly I think that the 30-year thing is the clue, 1978-2008.
Hmmm. I like that interpretation. Faraday manages to open a pinhole for Cheng in 1978. That message arrives in 2008 and says that by this point there has been a Purge and DI is dead. I suppose they are powerless to change this because of Mrs. Hawking's rule that the universe will course correct. Maybe they think the Purge is coming from location A when in fact it is coming from location Ben. :-) They try to avoid it but fail.
I suppose we could even go so far as to say that what happens is that there's a Timeline A where the DI makes the Orientation film where we see a calm, cool and collected Candle, Wickman, etc. making his films in 1980 and then a Timeline B where a post 1980 Faraday arrives on the Island in 1978 and opens the pinhole for the latest video much like what was happening with Desmond in The Constant. It's really only the 1 day in 1978 that changes like it was that week or so in 1996 in Desmond's life, but the films don't change like the encounter between Penny and Desmond at the stadium in LA doesn't change.
Does that make any sense?
FYSB said...
Hi DWYs (deewees?)...just went to the DharmaWantsYou site to register and take my test and I'm getting a page that reads "Not Yet!
Sorry, the DharmaWantsYou.com site is not yet available."
Anybody else have that problem?
I think you may of found MtP's little joke from yesterday while we were all waiting....
Does it look like this?
Posted by: Matt the Pale | July 28, 2008 at 03:11 PM
Just a quick thing I noticed about the whole Duane thing...
thrasher posted the link to the imdb page for Bumblebee... but I actually see some similarities between it and Lost/Dharma
First of all Jonathan van Tulleken seems to be a very Dutch name. I remember when the whole Hans van Eeghen thing came about there was a page posted with family lines with all these names. Wonder if his name might be on there?
Also, read the synopsis..."as two young boys explore a serene island" and one of the plot keywords is Island.
Maybe I'm grasping at straws here but there might be something there?
Very interesting Memphish, I like it. And I just remembered that we have to squeeze the catastrophy of The Incident in there somewhere as well. I wonder what Cheng fears more in the future, the Incident or the Purge? Probably the Purge, since it killed everyone and the Incident maybe "only" fried his arm.
Cool Laura.
Well a lot of people think Cheng's arm in the new video may already be compromised perhaps by the Incident.
You know I wonder if there is a pre-Incident Swan film. I guess the better question is was there a pre-Incident Swan? The world may never know. And that's all right.
I'm wondering now if Miles is supposed to be Pierre Chang's son. . .as in the baby-him that they need to get out of here now. (I'm sure we went over that at some point already).
That's an intriguing thought.
On another note - you don't suppose this Duane guy is someone who turned down the part of Dan Bronson, do you?
That's waht I was wondering...some kind of grudge thing for some reason...previously fired from Hoodlum, etc.
Looks like a fake DuaneIsInsane site has popped up:
What took them so long! :-D
I don't think the purge was in 1978 either. Didn't Mikhail say that it was 11 years ago? And I think Horace told Locke that it was 12 years ago. Since the Losties were in 2004-2005 at the time, the purge must have been in 1993.
capcom - I just now checked the other blog and saw where you mentioned Miles as Chang's son. That must be where I got the idea - I knew I got the idea from somewhere.
I think that that idea went around from all of us on the previous threads here, but I don't think that I originated it. :-)
1978-Pierre sends the video 30 years into the future.
1992- The Purge occurs
2008- The video shows up
what is hard to understand about this? Don't want to sound condescending or anything.
Dec 1992 as the date of the Purge and was established during Season 4, when in doubt check Lostpedia and then cross reference it elsewhere to make sure.
Finally have time to catch up! sheesh.
First of all- Maven- glad you are ok!! You are brave to live in SoCal. I was in Hawaii a couple of years ago during that earthquake (on the big island only about 6 miles from the epicenter)- Don't need to experience that again...ever!
I hate to start out an ARG complaining, but I do hope this runs a little more like TLE than like Find815. Find815 was fun enough, but a little boring.
I hope this Duane guy is a fake, but he is the only thing going right now. I like the idea that Miles is Cheng's son. If so, maybe he's heard his dad's voice on the island and that's why he made the decision to stay.
Seems to me like you all have the timeline thing down pretty good (as much as can be at least).
Here's to hoping something will happen soon. Talk with ya'll tomorrow (I hope).
Thanks for all the concern about the shaker today! It was a little scary, but nothing like the 94 Northridge Quake (which is actually my town)!
Anyway, the time line seems to be making sense. Memphish's explanation as to two time lines seems plausible. It is interesting that in the video Chang touches his arm, maybe knowing that something happens to it in the future.
Still liking the crying baby as Miles since Chang reference the baby as a HIM.
The Duane thing was a fun diversion today. The only thing that bothers me about this is that he knew of Bronson prior to Comic-Con.
Hope the is not exactly like Find815...being so structured. We'll have to see how it plays out.
DuaneIsInsane is a dead time machine....lol
Just had to point out a synopsis I read at DocArzt:
WLN post
I really like the way he laid out the information we can glean from the Chang video. What do you guys think? Agree or disagree?
By the way, Maven, so glad you and yours are ok. That quake was scary I'm sure. My dad was in the LA earthquake about 20 or 30 (?) years ago or so. Sure scared him!
I'll just add my hopes that everyone in the quake is ok.
We don't have significant ones too often in the UK, and the two we have had that actually shook things I slept through.
Ellen - yes I like the DocArzt page, but we don't know if anything there is definitely true.
It is a collection of theories, most I think we have discussed here at some point.
Hi guys!
Glad to know that everyone is fine.
I just found this post on the ABC forum (link "Forum" on DWY):
[By: Ludicfallacy8]
[Jul 29, 15:27gmt+02:00]
>jeremybentham1 said...
>No i havent
>Have you been classified?
Two Swans, one black, one white...based on my name, I am part of the Black Swan team!
The Black Swan?! So it's a group inside DI? Have you been classified too?
cya (arp23)
I agree, Zort, it is a collection of theories...isn't that what all speculation is? I don't accept anything as "fact" at this point, not even our discussions, but I felt that this particular post was well put-together, succinct and to the point concerning the chang video. I agree with the idea that Daniel Faraday is the voice in the background, and that perhaps Miles is the baby crying and is the son of Pierre Chang, it just makes sense. Charlotte and Miles are on that island for a specific purpose or purposes, and I believe that their personal agendas include "finding" their roots. As far as Daniel, I believe he is there for the specific purpose of helping to send that message 30 years into the future, and I think that Frank Lapidus is there with his own agenda too, although I can't figure it out yet, but perhaps it's to find out about his friend Seth (the dead pilot) and to bring his remains back to his family, just a thought.
All these ideas are not the sole discovery of the poster at Doc's, but I haven't seen anyone put it together in such a clear manner until now.
Ellen - Yes agree totally.
Simone - A black swan and a white swan would fit in to the theme of black and white in LOST. The question is who are the good guys ?
At Wiki, if you look up Ludic Fallacy, there is a link at the bottom of the page which leads to a very interesting power point presentation which seems to be a message of guidance...hmm.
It's an excerpt from "The Black Swan"...
I should say, and an excerpt and explanation of the Ludic Fallacy...anyway, very interesting.
The pdf file (LudicFallacy.pdf) at the bottom is an excerpt, I think, and it talks about a character named "Fat Tony" who is described in such a way that it seems to point to our friend, Ruckusguy...
maybe nothing, maybe something, who knows....
Hi and thanks! Sorry, I didn't explain very well, I'm "at work" and I have to close the blog window once in a while!
I meant, I've found this post of LudicFallacy. The question was if the anyone of the recruits had alreday been classified in a team. And she answered with this post about "2 swans, one black, one white..." and then that she would be part of the Black Swan team.
So, I don't understand where this comes from: are there images or othere references to Swans + Teams? I only knew about the code in the last e-mail ("claw banks" > "Black Swan").
Thank you!!!
Yes, Simone, the "Black Swan" was a reference to the book by Nassim Taleb which talks about probabilities and when they work and when they don't. Very interesting philosophical point of view. Any reference to the book is very interesting...could be a clue...who knows. I think there is more to this game than meets the eye!
There are, so far, no references to teams,classification, etc. Only that "Volunteer Assessments Commencing Soon" according to the DWY site...
The mention of the swans is what caught my eye regarding that post...
From Wiki-"Platonicity":
The idea is used in the book The Black Swan to show the idea that reality is not compelled to be what theories want it to be. Reality is complex, changing and is not always amenable to narrowly focused technical models.
There is also a heavy emphasis on "science vs. faith" in the book. A comparison of sorts with regard to probabilities...
Yeah, actually it's since the 2nd series of Lost that I thought of some connection with hermetic and gnostic theories - sorry, but I studied something abotu Kabballah, Giordano Bruno and the Art of Memory, so it's kind of "put it down to my job" (I don't if I'm saying it the right way)...
So, platonicity, a World-beyond-World theory, it's all kind of things in which I swim with pleasure!
Capcom - My bad, you are right about the is an unseen aid...boy I am rusty. I normally double check these things!!
Let's hope that something good happens today!
*chuckle* I have a similar background, and I can relate to that!
See this:
and you will understand a lot of where I'm coming from...
Thrasher!! How are you? Glad you are here to share the game with us!
I have found our Time Machine. Since I am having serious doubts about Duane be real. He called himself a time machine last night. Maybe he is truly insane.
I think that DuaneIsInsane AKA Jesse Heiman is just an actor who is trying to generate buzz for himself. Think about it, he could have had a friend pretend to be a DI suit, follow him at Comic-con, then get chased etc. How hard would that be to do and produce? He has all this buzz around him from all of us, 95 friends in his group and that will surely grow. I just don't buy it that he is in game at this point. I need some proof.
Boy, for nothing happening we got a lot of talk out of it.
Maven and any other So. Cal folks, I'm glad the earthquakes weren't bad. I was living in So. Cal during Northridge Maven. In fact I had a friend driving on the 10 during it. She was lucky. We also made it through the Big Bear. Now I just get tornados and refugees from Hurricanes. I can't believe it's been almost 3 years since Katrina.
Now back to the ARG.
Ellen -- thanks for that WLN link. It's a nice summary.
Anon -- I know that Lostpedia says the Purge is 1992, but I don't think that's 100% confirmed. One of the questions I really wanted someone to ask at Comic Con was about Horace's claim of being dead 12 years. Assuming dream ghost Horace's claim is accurate that would make the Purge late 1992 in fact on Ben's birthday 1992. But as someone else mentioned Mikhail gave a date of 1991. And the biggest question mark for me is how to jive that number with Danielle's story and Alex's age. Did Danielle survive the Purge out in the jungle on her own? Did baby Alex live 4 years with the barefooted Others? So if the Purge predates Rousseau's team it has to be 1988 or earlier.
While dream ghost Horace is a more reliable source that Duane, I'm not sure how reliable he is. As much as people poo poo the overuse of exposition, I'd like an hour long episode of Ben Linus strapped to the world's best lie detector telling me the real story.
I'm undecided on Duane too. However does rukusguy not mention he had "a friend" at comic-con who was helping him? just a thought
This is from WLN:
3) It was Faraday filming the video, possibly during the time that the Island was "gone."
Does this mean WLN's suggesting that Faraday from the Zodiac in 2004/5 goes to 1978 and makes this video then Faraday goes back to present day Island? But this Daniel acts a lot different, he's much more assertive than the Daniel we've seen. And how did the video get in the hands of OGR from a "gone" Island or even a reappeared Island?
I'm also not convinced Miles is there to communicate with Chang -- BTW the actor says it's Chang not Cheng. After all Miles was the 1 of the Freighter Four that was only interested in Ben Linus (for the money, think we'll see the 3.2 again?). And he's never gone off to do any exploration on his own like to look for and communicate with Chang. Of course, Charlotte hasn't gone off on her own either. I guess all that could be blamed on The Writers Strike -- the catch-all blame for all of TVs failures in 2008. :-)
Miles does have the ability to commune with the dead, so he should be hearing all sorts of things on the island. Be interesting to have him go to the caves and "listen" to Adam and Eve.
I reckon Miles gained his ability through a Des-esque time travelling experience.
I really like the idea about Miles being on the island as a child. And within the context of his snide remark to Charlotte about coming back to the island, or whatever, maybe they were both there at the same time as kids, he knew about her but she didn't know about him. Hard to believe I know, in such a closed community, but if Miles was in an elite scientist family, perhaps the elites didn't hang with the workman families. Just a thought rattling around in my groggy morning head. When I wake up I'll probably hate it.
I am also lovin' all this black swan, et.al., theories talk. Thanks so much to everyone for posting and sharing what they find. I love the smell of philosophy in the morning. :o)
Memphish said:"As much as people poo poo the overuse of exposition, I'd like an hour long episode of Ben Linus strapped to the world's best lie detector telling me the real story." I say, BRING IT ON!!! :-D At this point we could break our preferences and settle for some exposition!
Tx Ellen for that link.
The theory that I like the best in that DocArzt post is: "I suspect the Island will return to the same place and time as it was when it vanished, yet days, months or years may have passed for anyone on or near the Island," from the Kerr Metric application. That would help to explain a lot, for instance Doc Ray's floatation situation, the missile exper, etc. Neat-o.
Capcom - The First Law of Philosophy: For every philosopher, there exists an equal and opposite philosopher.
Sorry, it's the best I could do at short notice.
Heheh, that's so true! I guess that why philosophers get into such heated discusions/arguments. :o) Of course for that matter so do any scientists, from my lab experience, oy.
Re: Faraday's 'tude in the video (if it's him), maybe he is just being curt and impatient like he was with Des at Oxford. And now in 2008, he might be more passive because of his "maladies" and what he's seen, etc.
*chuckle!* mmmmm...philosophy!
One problem I have with Daniel being in a 30 year old transmission is that he isn't 30 years old (or just barely) on the island.
When Des came "unstuck", he was moving in a parallel timeline, but he didn't "go back in time" (to like 1900 or something). For Daniel to be with Pierre in 1978, he would have had to physically "time travel".
And that seems to be outside of what the show has allowed (so far) for the boundaries of the time experiments.
Unless...the island itself moved back (with Faraday too) to 1978 (or earlier). Maybe that'll be part of the twist for S5, where the island now exists BEFORE the DI was ever there.
Makes my head hurt!
Good point Torifan. I think that WLN's comment on the Kerr Metric (see Ellen's link) could help explain what you say about the island moving back. It's something about time travel within regular time, that allows regluar time to remian for some people in a certain spot, while time moves around for others in another spot. So somehow Faraday has gotten "moved", separate from regular time. So he could be in the "past" with Chang, at whatever age he's is in the present. I think. :o)
But haven't TPTB hinted or implied that there has been two types of "travel"...the Des unstuck time, and the physical travel?
Hey locos... long time, no see. Between work and home, it didn't leave much time for TLC. Looks like I have some major catching up to do.
Hi ib4uc, only about 1000 posts between TLC and LOSTARGS !
Unless Daniel Faraday originally existed in the timeline of Dr. Chang. And he (like Ben) got physically thrown forward in time somehow to the 90's. Then, when the chopper went through the purple storm, he got unstuck in time like Desmond and his consciousness went back to the time when he was on the island with Chang so he knew all that stuff.
Then, he'd also be missing pieces of what happened in between. He wasn't on the island during the purge that way. So he can only guess what led to it - - he may have done some research but he can't know precisely what happened. Thus, his agitation.
Morning all (in a calm So. Cal)!
A lot of great philosophy and time travel discussions. I, too, thought the DocArtz post laid out what we know/don't know/speculate up to now with the Chang video. The voice that we are assuming is Daniel does seem to know Chang and a lot of what is happening to the DI. And, even if Miles is on the team for the money, maybe his special skills will reveal more to him than he realizes regarding his own background and relation to the island's history.
You know. I'm sure this duane guy probably is a fake. But he's now running around leaving messages in source codes, etc. Setting up a series of blogs with clues that lead one to the other.
I hate to say it, but following him is almost more fun than following the real game.
Agreed, sometimes copying is the biggest form of flattery.
And it is not hard to decode binary or base 64 these days.
Well there's got to be something other than money motivating Miles right, or he would have been on the Zodiac or Freighter.
I think there are 2 kinds of time travel going on. One in the consciousness like we saw with Desmond and Minkowski and physical like we've seen with Ben when he turned the wheel. I'm guessing Daniel is also physically time traveling because I agree that his body in 1978 would at best be a kids. Unless Daniel is now somehow ageless like Richard Alpert. I'm still a fan of that notion.
Think back to Alvar's map of his travels around the world, didn't he also seem to time travel?
I like the idea of two kinds of time travel, awesome!
Miles has to have been brought on for a purpose with his ability, right?
I had thought that the whole "Miles wants money" was settled as a ruse. Wasn't Miles conveying a message to Ben with the "3.2 Million", which was 32 and 5 zeros => 325?
Plus, Miles chose to stay on the island in the end, at some level likely knowing that there was no money in it.
I still like to believe that he was sent to communicate with the dead DI folks...and he obviously knows something interesting about Charlotte.
Memphish: Love the two kinds of time travel. And I also think that Daniel and Richard have a lot in common regarding not aging! I know at Comic Con they mentioned something about Daniel's tie having some meaning. The thin style of the tie would "tie-in" with coming from the 70's.
Thrasher: Good thought about Alvar time traveling. We were shown that map of his travels and some of it didn't make much sense.
TX Memphish, I thought that maybe I had it wrong that there were two types of time travel represented to us.
We need to see that Hanso ledger!!!!!
FWIW, I've tried to expand on WLM's theory about the Kerr metric a little more, with a couple diagrams, here (see last two paragraphs for the meat) with thanks to Ellen at the bottom: :-)
I think that understanding this will be a work in progress. :-p
Not to rehash old things but I have been looking for the map of where Alvar went and I came upon this from Colin's old TLEC blog from 2006.
Another quick “Lost Experience” update connected to the Hanso Foundation shutdown. If you watch under the Hanso Foundation logo you will see a message that says “orientation testing issue 1980″. Throw that at the end of the url and you get a new orientation test film.
This video reminds me of the film shown to Alexander at the mental hospital in Clockwork Orange.
At the end of the “Orientation” film there is a message, “Who were they? Where did they go? Why didn’t they return? Whatever happened to the Dharma Initiative?”
Still looking for a complete map, lostpedia has one that is incomplete.
Maybe Richard and his group took Alex not Ben. And they kept her safe during the purge.
Maybe Richard gave Alex to Ben for whatever reason.
I assumed that only "New Otherton" (and I hate that name) was purged not the whole island. I just assumed they were wearing gas masks in the compound as a precaution, but I could be wrong.
I've always thought Danielle was there before the purge.Maybe if the whole island was purged she was underground somewhere and that kept her safe. Like you said Alex would have been 3 or 4 during the purge. So I'm thinking she had to be with Richard. How could Ben explain bringing a baby home from the jungle?
Capcom! Thanks for the mention. Great post...
Thrasher-WOW! That's the best blast from the past! Those pics could be relevant today...
Tx for the retro-work for us Thrasher! Hmmm, "why didn't they return?" is curious, because isn't that kind of what is going on now? Returning to make things right? Does that mean that the do-over didn't work? Or just that TPTB hadn't thought that far ahead, when writing Persephone's script? :o) Does anyone remember who had those images all laid out in their photo page? It would be nice to scour those individualy again. Didn't see a black swan, but there was that wheel symbol in there that we know so well now.
Same things that I was wondering Sayidsgirl. It kind of seems like Ben wanted to get his dad personallay (ew!) and maybe also he needed to get him before he got to the station, where he might be safe underground from the gas, to make sure he got killed (again, ew). Maybe Danielle was safe in her underground hidy-hole when the gas emerged. It did seem to dissapate quickly, as the Hostiles were walking around maskless already when Ben got back to the barracks. I'm just guessing.
I'm off to get to my O.A.R. concert...hope good stuff happens and I also hope I am pointing down the correct rabbit hole by looking in the past to find answers.
Peace & Namaste!
Welcome back Thrasher.And you've brought back presents for us all.
Thanks for that video.
To answer my own Q: the stills of the psych test can be found here on Lostpedia, of course:
ooo! Thanks for the link Capcom!
Going to check it out...
Hi everyone, and thanks for the useful comments & links!
So, Duane seems at last to be just a fake. I don't know if it could be interesting, but Lostpedia says about Dan Bronson:
" The casting call for the character was: Any ethnicity, must be 18 to 22, computer hacker, self-promoter. Smart, self-righteous with a forceful personality. Suspicious about what Global Octagon Recruiting is up to, and intends to hack their recruiting fair to expose the the truth and to bring himself a little on-line glory. This character is like the ultimate fan of "LOST".. "
Is it just a coincidence that the casting call uses GOR like Duane?
That WAS a blast from the past, Thrasher! Thanks.
Maybe Widmore is the one that wants to reconstitute the DI. And that's the conflict with Ben...who thinks their experiments are silly and exploitive on the island.
Afternoon everyone! That Orientations Film really brought back the memories and got the ARG juices flowing. I hope we get thrown a bone soon.
Capcom- wow! great work on your science blog.
I would add something, if I had anything meaningful to add...but that rarely happens- so check in with ya'll later.
Until someone, anyone can feasibly explain Dead Ray washing up on shore, then none of us can claim that we haven't seen backwards, physical time travel on the show.
I am inclined to think that this is what Darlton want us to think and it will be explained another way, however it if walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...
With regard to the Purge and Danielle. Two sources 'on the show itself' place the Purge in either 1992 or 1993 (Patchy/Horace), so it's semantics with regard to how this relates to Danielle. Bottom line, that is the date of the Purge. Ben's birthday, in either of those two years (doesn't seem to really matter which)
The presumption of 16 years that Danielle has been there comes only from Danielle, who just in fact may have been 'sent' to Room 23, developing her madness. Think about all the mystery that surrounds her. Her accent, hell, her actions etc. Why accept her 16 years as fact when it's only come from her as a source?
In any event, it could have been that Danielle was the Swan pusher before Radzinsky. She could have been down there for years and the isolation and electromagnetism drover her batty, among other ideas.
So let's say she did arrive there in 1988. Not everyone on the Island was killed in the Purge in the first place and besides, she seems to be quite resourceful.
I dont see that this as some great quandary, among all the other issues. It oculd be explained any number of ways.
Regarding DuaneIsInsane, might the DarkUFO (spoilerTv) identity be real and someone else, is apeing the moniker to just screw with people. Like the blogspot page and such.
Seems to me the dude from DarkUFO's board had some legit info. All the rest of it is precarious at best.
Lastly, there was a 'pushing of the wheel' that caused the polar bear to be deposited in Medenine, Tunisia. This is a different spot than where Ben landed (source:subtitles). If Daniel Farady were on the Island as a 18 year old kid in 1978, and the Island were moved to say, 1988.
He would have lost those 10 years.
So 20 years later, he would be 38.
Instead of 48. And he could be the same Daniel, with no backward time travel.
Maven, I agree with you about Widmore and the DI...
and Anon-regarding Danielle and the purge, she could very well have survived the purge, living in one of the Dharma stations. Or, she could be confused about the timing or even lying about how and when she came to the island. It will be interesting to find out...
The other thing that bolsters the 16 years of Danielle is Alex! Alex is clearly not 12. She's 15 or older.
The introduction of time travel means that almost anything at all can be explained away actually.
Just saw Space Chimps - amid a myriad of sci-fi references - they enacted Protocol 815. And they had to cross the valley of "very bad things" where they encountered "the black cloud of id from which no one emerges unchanged". I won't tell you who gets the girl chimp - wouldn't want to ruin the suspense for you. :)
The issue I have with Danielle surviving the Purge is the fact the general info. we have about the Tempest gassing the entire Island. Granted that mythology is not complete as evidenced by Damon's answer to it at Comic Con.
Of course in general I want to know why the Others didn't take Danielle out in all that time anyway. Jacob's orders? Hopefully we'll know that answer by this time next year.
Since we don't have any ARG stuff yet today, maybe someone(s) can help me with this.
I am confusing myself concerning the island's temporal state...
One the one hand, the test rocket Daniel had fired from the boat didn’t show up on the island for xx minutes (can’t remember the exact delta). So the freighter was predicting the future (rocket launched/landed) and the island was in the past (rocket hadn't landed).
One the other hand, Dead Ray turned up on the island but was still alive on the freighter. So the freighter was in the past (live Ray) and the island was predicting the future (dead Ray).
So, the island was in the past relative to the freighter and the rocket, but in the future for Dead Ray. Right?
These seem to contradict each other…to me. Am I as confused as I feel???
OH lost2010 ROFL! I'll have to hide my eyes at the end of Space Chimps when I take my kids. I don't want to be spoiled. :D
I agree, with time travel involved you can almost say that ANYTHING happened or NOTHING happened. Makes it hard to guess when we don't know what has been affected by time jumps and what hasn't.
Also, I believe nothing that Damon and Carlton say. In TLE, there were several of us that thought Alvar was involved in time travel because of the screwy dates....and I am pretty sure we were told there is no science fiction and everything is based on current science. (rolls eyes). So I figured there were just mistakes in the game. Wonder what else we may have missed trying to keep science fiction out of the picture.
Anyone think there's any chance of an update tonight? Didn't we get the Mon Wed Fri during Find815?
I think that was the schedule, Memphish. Do you think we'll all get emails notifying us of the next test? I would think they would stagger that so the site won't explode!
Hi Gang, Find 815 had updates weeknights (M-F) at 9PM EST. There was also that countdown thing that would count down to larger type activities.
Each week we had red squares that we had to turn green, and each day we'd get an e-mail or something...then a clue hunt, game, and video. I remember because I think I still have nightmares of posting screenies of them all :D.
I wonder how "scheduled" this Hoodlum production will be?
Maybe that's the purpose of the staggered e-mails. . .
OT - Have you ever wondered why Lost doesn't have at least one character that's on the island desperate to get home to their children? I know we had Michael who wanted to get his son home, but considering the broad range of characters, you'd sort of think they'd have a person traveling on business who is desperate to get home to their kids. I'm sure they'd have had their epiphany about working too much by now and be dead - but still - it's odd to me.
All those people died in the crash Lost2010. Actually given how long it takes to get to Australia I can see how parents were not on the plane. Also given that I want no more Paolo and Nikkis it doesn't bother me that we don't have a parent trying to get home.
Ange, thanks for the reminders. This of course has a "My Progress" section, but it hasn't been updated yet. I'm wondering when that assessment will finally be posted.
Thanks, Ange, for the refresher on Find815 (you guys were awesome on that blog, too)!
The My Progress page on DWY is probably going to be eerily similar.
Interesting about GOR Simone.
Thanks Scoutpost!
I can certainly get behind a Widmore/DI vs. Ben/Hostile idea! Just to finally get some players falling onto sides for once. :-)
So far, I still think that Danielle could have escaped the gas in her hidey-hole, and the Hostiles just let her live cause she was nuts and not a threat. Like some primitive peoples supposedly avoid or ignore people if they are crazy. But I'm not glued to that theory.
That's the problem I have Torifan, those two incidents appear to have acted opposite-ly. I vaguely remember reading something official about that, but can't remember where.
Freaky about the chimp movie, Lost2010!
I'm just now getting around to listening to the podcast. David and Steve make an interesting point -- TPTB have said that Mrs. Hawking's rule that the universe course corrects is the rule. So if someone does manage to go back in time and save the DI does that mean that something else will take the DI out as a course correction? Is that where we're headed?
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