Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Dharma Wants You: Security Upgrade 81

The Dharma Wants You website has been updated. The hacked message has been removed and been replaced with Currently Conducting Security Upgrade.

There do not appear to be any other updates at this time...

* Thanks to Anonymous, RRogue67, Zort70, inatrancer


Zort70 said...

I don't even feel like saying first, as things are so slow !

Apologies to all Olympics viewers that I might have spoiled in the previous comments.

Dennis said...

It's no big deal... nobody else watches badminton anyways ;)

Ellen said...

I'm here too, Zort & Dennis...
yes, this game is veeerrryyy ssslllooowww...
oh well, as Maven so aptly put it, at least it keeps us together!
Have a great day, I'll be lurking & working!

Melissa_Lossa said...

Flying by to say hi!!

memphish said...

Hey I watch badminton! But that "spoiler" didn't spoil me. I watch for the action, not the results. :-)

Zort70 said...

I play it with friends so I do try and watch when I can.

The British mixed doubles are one of our best (only) hopes for a medal in Badminton.

Capcom said...

Good luck to the Brits Zort! :-D

maven said...

These next days are going to be tough to avoid Olympic spoilers...especially on the west coast when we don't get to see Phelps swim until around 11:45pm PST!

And this is on top of avoid LOST spoilers! LOL

Well, I guess this new update is supposed to explain the delay.

Fenris said...

*wave*, saying hello, e-mail comment, etc. Oh and I ate blood sausage this morning :D while reading about the Dharma security upgrade.

Zort70 said...

fenris : If you are talking about Black Pudding then yum yum

Fenris said...

Whoops. That was Ange posting that but off my computer so missed it auto logged in as me.

I of course am well acquainted with the joys of Black Pudding. :)

Hi all. Doesn't look like we've missed much while we've been away.

Capcom said...
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Capcom said...

Whoa, I just looked that up on the web. What are the benefits of eating blood sausage, may I ask? I'm actually curious. And how did people come about inventing this food? And why does Barbra Streisand's image come up on an image search for blood sausage? Maybe Mecha-Streisand eats it. :-)

Ange said...

Me for real this time. And yeah I've been eating my way through England. Blood sausage was as adventurous as I got though LOL. Glad the game is "progressing" in a manor condusive to my vacation ;).

CattyGirl said...

Hi everyone! Slow game, huh.

Tess315 said...

Hi fenris and cattygirl!!
And good luck to the British Badminton team!
I watch a little bit of everything including water polo and women's handball, tough sport. I watched badminton and archery too.

Capcom said...

Sometime I would like to make and eat "bubble and squeek" or "bangers and mash". I saw those on the Two Fat Ladies cooking show.


melodious said...

hey Maven,anything new with Dan Bronson?

maven said...

Well, it turns out IAm on the Inside was just a fan. Big surprise. He apologized to all the Lost fans. He said he did it to keep up busy while waiting for something to happen. He's saying Dan Bronson is too. But Dan is still playing along that something big is going to happen soon. Duh...we all know something big is going to happen soon. I have not seen Dan Bronson on line today, so I haven't chatted with him.

Black Swan said...

lol, maven, at least there was some drama!

lost2010 said...

Are we sure this is a game? Maybe it's just sort of a marketing campaign like those billboards where they add a word to the sign every week. . .

Capcom said...

LOL Lost2010, or like those roadside Burma Shave signs! X-D


Or, are we gonna get Ralphied again?

Anonymous said...

hahah i was just watchin an episode of curb your enthusiasm and that dan bronson dude was in it.. that guy is everywhere.. one of the most recent movies i saw was pathology and he was in that one to. i remember me and my cousin rewinding the scene in Spider-Man where parker kicks flashs ass cause the bronson guy was such a funny lookin weirdo..and now hes in the latest lost arg, freakin insane! just wanted to tell ya..and blaaaah things are slow

Beverly said...

I have a hard time thinking of badminton as an olympic sport. That's a game enjoyed by little kids who can't play tennis yet and adults who had a bit to drink. No-one actually keeps score - you just hit th elittle birdie around until you get tired of it. At least that's been my experience with the game. Who knew people actually played the game as a sport? I guess I've learned something today!

Zort70 said...

lostit - I'm trying not to get upset, but Badminton is a real sport when played properly. It's a fantastic workout and great for fitness.

It's also a great sport to watch, when played by experts, very fast and furious with lots of drama.

But I do have to say that we set up a net in our garden, marked out a court on the grass, and the only people that played it were kids at a BBQ, and the adults later when they had had a few drinks and it was pitch dark !

Zort70 said...

No change on DharmaWantsYou this morning.

By the way I've logged in at work today and not got the white screen that some of us were getting on older / alternative browsers.

Passafist said...


I actually agree with you to a point. While watching Olympic Water Polo the other day I thought of just how silly it looks. I thought the same thing about Badminton. I can't grasp the concept that people can play these games for a living. HA HA! But that's probably because here in the US about the only time we are introduced to these games is in Gym glass and everything looks silly in Gym class.

Hmm.... Million Dollar Idea - "Olympic Flag Football"

Zort70 said...

Is "Olympic Flag Football" :-

A) Making a ball out of an olympic flag and using that.

B) Using a goal shaped like olympic rings, where each ring scores a different value.

C) Having a team from every nation, carrying their flag, and the other teams try and tackle them so the flag falls (maybe that would get too political !)

inatrancer said...

hey capcom just a quick tip. if your going to have bubble and squeek then your going to have to put a runny fried egg on the top so all the yolk runs through it! and with the bangers and mash your going to need plenty of onion gravey! yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmie

Zort70 said...

mmmmmmm onion gravy

Anonymous said...

the website is now up and running for me, its got an intro vid, a quiz type recruitment thing and an 'about us' section

FYSB said...

Good morning all, another fast paced day in DWYLand I see. think RuckusGuy should rename himself ComaGuy.

Apparently water polo looks all mild mannered above the water, but I've heard what goes on below the surface is supposed to be pretty brutal...lots of punching and kicking.

I saw a nice Olympic moment on the highlights this morning when the Russian and Georgian beach volleyball players shook hands and hugged.

Zort70 said...

Anonymous - That sounds like what you get the first time you log on to the site, when you take the quiz and register you can log in with a username and password.

That gets you to the message about he securitry update you see on the post in the blog.

Passafist said...


I love your ideas for Flag Football, but alas here in America (our Football, not soccer) has a variation in which instead of tackling someone to end the down you have to remove small strips of cloth from a belt (usually affixed by velcro)to end the play. It was so in Gym class you could play football with the girls and nobody got hurt. Wow!! I never in a million years thought I would ever have to explain that to anyone. Thanks for that!! That is so awesome... I uhink I'll go twitter about that now!

Dennis said...

Zort70 said... lostit - I'm trying not to get upset, but Badminton is a real sport when played properly. It's a fantastic workout and great for fitness.

Don't be upset. I think everyone's just "having a laugh". I'd much rather watch badminton than 10 Meter Air Pistol.

Here in the US, they only show the "big" events in primetime on NBC - Gymnastics, Swimming, Diving, Beach Volleyball - everything else is relegated to daytime coverage or other channels. Even with Tivo, there's just not enough time to watch 8+ hours of coverage eveyday...

BTW, Has anyone watched anything on NBCOlympics.com? The have every event live, and the quality is pretty good. The only complaint I have is some of the events do not have commentary.

Zort70 said...

Dennis, Lostit - Don't worry I'm not upset, I was typing for dramatic effect.

I forget that we are very lucky in the UK to get blanket live coverage, up to 7 events being shown live simultaneously, and we are also able to watch it online.

Zort70 said...

David, you tell me all about (American) Football and I'll explain all the rules of Cricket !

Tess315 said...

I've watched on NBCOlympics.com also. I agree the only complaint is the lack of commentators.
Actually I was watching that while I was watching the opening ceremonies.

maven said...

Well, at least we have the Olympics as a "filler" until something interesting happens at DWY! It is amazing how all these "little, obscure" sports take the spotlight every 4 years. These athletes plug away at their passion every day...glad to see them getting recognition every 4 years! And I'm exhausted from staying up way past my bedtime every night to watch the "big" sports (Phelps, gymnastics)!

FYSB: ComaGuy! LOL

Black Swan said...

Another (yawn) exciting day for DWY, I see. capcom, let's hope we don't get RALPHIED!

zort, I love your idea of Olympic Flag Football if choice is is employed.. lol

Hi, fysb! I saw that nice Olympic moment, too.

If anyone knows of a repeat of the opening ceremonies, please let me know. I would really like to tivo it!

Black Swan said...

zort, I meant choice C

FYSB said...

Hi Codysmom! I'm going to be very suspicious if our next contact from Dharma comes from OvaltineGuy.

maven said...

FYI: Jesse Heiman's status report on FB says: "Jesse is working today". That could mean anything totally unrelated to playing the part of Dan Bronson, but just letting you know!

Black Swan said...

LOL, fysb!!

Dennis said...

Codysmom said... If anyone knows of a repeat of the opening ceremonies, please let me know. I would really like to tivo it!

NBCOlympics.com has the opening ceremony in their NBC Encore section, (or you could download it...)

Capcom said...

Hi All!

Thanks Inatrancer! I'll keep that in mind. I really need to get a Two Fat Ladies DVD. The best part is how they showed that the Bubble and Squeek really bubbles and squeeks when you're cooking it! :-D

ComaGuy, LOLLLLLL! OvaltineGuy, LOLLLLLL!!

Awwww, I got all teared up when I read that about the Russians and Georgians FYSB, thanks for posting that!

Black Swan said...

Thanks, dennis! I'll try downloading it (although I've never done that before and I hope it works)

lost2010 said...

I suppose I'm the last person around to fill in my bracket on the Character Cup over at darkufo, but it appears time's running out if you were planning to do so. . .

lost2010 said...

I'm kind of stuck - has Jack really fallen far enough to lose to Charlie? Decisions, decisions. . .

lost2010 said...

Ooh, I'm coming up with Desmond versus Penny too. And Sayid versus Danielle. . .

This is worse than the fantasy team.

Dennis said...


Someone is selling an Apollo Bar on eBay that they had autographed by JJ Abrams at this year's Comic-Con. They even have a picture of him signing it :)

lost2010 said...

He looks so excited. :)

Dennis said...

He's probably confused and has no idea what an Apollo Bar is ;)

Black Swan said...

$40 opening bid?

I went over and signed up for the character cup on darkufo, lost 2010, and I have a question. Are we voting for popularity or strength? (never did this before, obviously, but I'm bored.. lol)

Olerica said...

LOL! $46 opening bid for 2 year old chocolate and a signature ($6 shipping). Wonder if it will sell... wait, of course it will!

I think I got rid of my old Appolos when I moved after that summer. Now I sorta wish I hadn't. The one I ate didn't taste good either - worse than hershey's.

I'm starting to go a bit wacky with waiting.

lost2010 said...

codysmom - I imagine it ends up being about popularity. I went with the Smoke Monster to take that bracket just because I kept conjuring up these mental images of Sawyer taking on the Smoke Monster. And then Jack taking on the Smoke Monster. . .you get the idea. . .I amused myself with it anyway. LOL

Black Swan said...

lost 2010, I have some of the same dilemas as you... jack/charlie (I chose charlie!), desmond/penny (I chose desmond), sayid/danielle (I chose sayid). My hardest choice was Locke vs. Linus (I chose Linus).. heheheh I've got Sawyer winning it all in a match against Desmond (52-48)... it was close..

Melissa_Lossa said...

Don't forget - Lord of the Flies podcast starts in one hour! :)

lost2010 said...

codysmom - I ended up with The Smoke Monster versus Linus, with Linus taking it all. But I'd be amazed if it turned out that way.

Passafist said...

Not to get anyone's hopes up. but I signed into DWY and the center of the Dharma Logo is Empty. Could a new test be up soon? Maybe even tonight??

maven said...

David: Me, too! We can only hope it means their new security measures are in place and they can commence assessments! Yeah!

Tess315 said...

Huh I just check there and it was the same. Maybe I should refresh.

Tess315 said...

Yep refreshed mines empty too!

Beverly said...


I didn't mean to offend. I've just never seen badminton played as a real sport.

"But I do have to say that we set up a net in our garden, marked out a court on the grass, and the only people that played it were kids at a BBQ, and the adults later when they had had a few drinks and it was pitch dark!"

This is the only exposure I've ever had to the game. I've never seen it played in any other context, not even in gym class at school.

Black Swan said...

Mine's empty, too! ok, I'm ready..

lost 2010, smoke monster vs linus.... very cool!

Black Swan said...

It's real easy to screw up the DWY site now. If you click on any of the moving buttons, then click like crazy on the DI up on the right side, the moving bagua will get stuck. I don't find anything interesting, though..

Black Swan said...
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Black Swan said...
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Anonymous said...

Tapdawg got his email. He posted over on DocArzt's.

Anonymous said...

Edit* Should of said *An email. it's to the Comic-con recruits.

TakesaVillage said...


Zort70 said...

I've seen the blank logo as well now, I'm not sure whether to read the email at DocArzt or not.

lost2010 said...

It's pretty dry if you want to read it. It's over at darkufo too.

Here's the gist of it:

"Drink more orange juice. Here's your sign."

Capcom said...

"...somewhat disappointing start..." indeed! :-p Was that Hans apologizing or Hoodlum, heehee.

Slovaltine! LOL Village!!!!!

LOL Lost2010, also. :-)

Yeah, here's my not so humble opinion on this and then I'll shut up: it seems to me that you'd want to start out something like this with a BANG and then slow down if need be, after you give the peeps something to work on. There's more going on with the Fringe stuff than with this ARG, and it's not even a show yet. OK, opinion on this over and out.

Dennis said...

I check the DWY email directory last night and noticed there was a 8/14 email available, but I haven't posted anything because I haven't personally received it... (but then again I didn't go to Comic-con...)

Passafist said...

Here's another thing I've noticed and I have failed to mention it on the podcast. But If you focus on the New DHARMA Logo It sorft of spells out Hanso.

A is Upside Down
S = This one is a little streach I Know!

Just my thinking!!!WORD

maven said...

FYI: "Dan Bronson" on FB changed his profile picture today to what looks like a Black Rock-type ship. Also, his birthday is listed as August 15th and his status report today says: Happy Birthday everyone.

Maybe it's the birth of a new DI tomorrow! LOL

FYSB said...

Slovaltine! HA! Brilliant.

maven said...

I wonder if the rest of us will receive a "thank you" letter, too. It would be a nice gesture...LOL

Capcom said...

I crack up when I see your Miss Cleo avi, FYSB! X-D

Dennis said...