Join hosts David A Dein and Steve "The Goog" Guglich as they unlock and review the Lost ARG. In this episode David and Goog unpack all the events that have occurred so far, and the Goog gets an unusual phone call from an unusual man? You'll have to listen to find out more.
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If you'd like to be a guest on the podcast, have any theories, discover any clues, or just want to say "Hi!", contact (mp3 comments are accepted as well), or leave a voice mail or fax at (206) 202-3512.
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First on this one! LOL
Listened to the podcast, good summary of things so far!!
third (I guess)
Hi Maven!
Hi codysmom!
*waving some more*
Hi David and Goog!
Great summary.
David... you missed the point of the March Has 32 Days story. When the man relived the day, he DID save the bridge (instead of going to the airport).
I guess that makes me 4th. And waving to ellen and maven and codysmom. :)
Make that 5th.
waving to all!
Waves back to Ellen, Codysmom, Sayid'sGirl, Dennis, David, and Goog!:)
Hi sayid'sgirl!
*waving back*
Geez, are we bored with waiting or what?
I guess I'd better go and grab a couple of hours of sleep (literally).
Sorry...wish I could hang around, but I'm nodding here!
Take care, and see ya tomorrow!
That's so funny about the message left for Richard Alpert on the phone.. lol
G'nite ellen, I'm about ready to do the same
I guess I'm going to have to talk my wife into a faster internet connection to download the podcasts....
Ok, seriously, what the heck is going on? How long are they going to wait. I really think they are going to lose people if they don't start soon, and of course the longer they wait, the higher our expectations are going to be. This really is surprising.
Maybe TPTB are so clever the game is up and running and we haven't found they key to start. One can hope...
Colduphere: I, too, am beginning to get the creepy feeling that we're missing something....
Well, nothing new this morning, I'm really itching to get going.
This is going to have to be (re)kicked off by something fairly impressive to stop people from loosing interest.
Maven - I commented yesterday, that we may have to solve a different puzzle to get things started, but I really don't know where to start looking.
Hey Gang, Posting for e-mail, and hello from England :).
Okay, in March has 32 days, the guy goes to the bridge instead of the airport and saves the day.
What do we think the event is that the losties need to change to impact the past? Or what do we need to change to save Dharma?
Do they just need to stop Jack making the phone call or did things go wrong before that?
Yes I think things went wrong well before the phone call, maybe even before the 815 crash.
I'm just listening to the Podcast, if the game is lasting until next year and it runs at this pace, then it is going to be verrrrrryyyyyy ssssslllloooowwwwww.
Good Morning Lost Argers! Still nothing?
Ange, Hi and hope you're having a marvelous time! You'll have tell us all about it when you get back.
Having a great time, Ange? We all hope so! You're not missing anything yet!
Jet-laggy but fun! Fenris says hello, and iPhone works in the UK :)! I'm about to go have a walk down the beach, and FWIW I can not believe there is no weekly test yet!
Say hello to Fenris for us! We miss him. Is he going to get involved with whatever we're waiting for?
Can't believe I'm celebrating 36 years of wedded bliss today! And I'm hoping that nothing starts today when we go out for dinner! LOL
Congratulations Maven and Mr Maven
Hey ange!
Glad you're having fun. Cool on the iphone working in the UK.
Hi to fenris!
I think this thing is starting out slower than the first one, unless we've missed some clue. Maybe someone will show up somewhere and say hey look here. :) I keep checking my email hoping OGR wil send me something but nothing. boo hoo.
Congratulations and Happy Aniversary Maven!!!
Just lurking and happened upon this:
Very interesting!! Maybe a little something to pass the time?
Congratulations Maven!
Having fun yet, Ange?
(envy :P)LOL! Hope so!
And time keeps on ticking, ticking, ticking . . . into the future.
Anyone looked at the possibility that there's a laptop on the shelf behind Chang in the video? Bigmouth bring it up on his blog..
Happy Anniversary Maven! Happy travels Ange and Capcom!
The thing is, you would think that if we were supposed to be looking somewhere else, that someone would've found it by now. Remember in TLE- nothing was out there for long before someone found it, and half the time somebody found stuff before it was even active. I think if there was anything to discover, that it would be by now, and the word would have spread (although I hope I'm wrong- this is getting ridiculous). Second, in TLE, if we were sniffing down the wrong path, they would use speaker or someone else at the Fuselage or ITE to give us a hint and point us in the right direction. And I don't think anyone has done that yet. But again, I hope I'm wrong.
Happy Anniversary Maven!! 36 years- that's great!
Ange, have fun!! Say Hi to Fenris for us and tell him to get his butt online! j/k
Something just occurred to me while re-watching (for the millionth time) the Chang video, but what if we are supposed to enter a certain date into the birth date field on the DWY site. Maybe the default date is a clue that we need to input the next important date or another important date for the next part of the ARG to become active or unlocked or something.
This is my first ARG so, I'm kind of just lurking and grasping at straws, but this is getting boring so why not try something...
This game is moving pretty slow. But I don't think it's going to matter much for me. Because I still can't get the site to work for me.
When I go to the page it shows me everything but the loading bar only goes halfway.
I can try to login but all I get is a white page. When I use the back button it says I'm logged in because it has the option to logout.
But when I try to access anything like the leader board I get the dreaded white page again.
When I use the back button from there I go back to my browsers home page. It's been this way for days.
Hi LoCos! Lo and behold, there's a PC in the lobby here, so I've been able to read your great posts. You'
re only supposed to be on for 15 minutes tho, so my "sand" runs out quickly.
Nothing yet eh? Rats. maybe tonight or tomorrow. That would be too interesting if that's a laptop behind Chang. Wow.
*waving at Capcom!*
Hope you are having a great time!
Happy Anniversary Maven!
Sayid's Girl...
Send me an email and I'll see if I can help you out...
email sent.
scoutpost said... I really think they are going to lose people if they don't start soon.
I think I'm already lost (no pun intended).
If something is out there and we've all missed it, they did a damn good job of hiding it because darkufo, docartz, etc. haven't found it either.
Happy anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Maven!
I have been so busy I have not had much time to get on this ARG. But I am surprised that nothing much has happened and a little disappointed.
Happy Anniversary Maven! I am not sure you know that there are some of us quasi-lurkers out here that really love this place and your beautiful quilt.
As much as I want the game to get moving I hope you don't miss any of it while you're out and I hope Capcom and Ange don't miss much while they travel.
Cheers, to you and the Mr!
Sayid's Girl...
My work PC does that too, it's quite annoying, although it might stop me from doing something I shouldn't at work !
Happy Anniversary. Congratulations to you two Love Birds.
Dennis,Dennis,he's the man
if he can't help Sayid's girl,
no one can.
Sayid's girl;tried another computer?
Thanks for all your well wishes to me and "Mr. Maven"! I come home to all these great people on our blog, but NO ARG!
Yes, congrats to macen and the ball and chain :)
So still nothing yet huh? I get no sleep, am miserable at work all day, and now the one thing that could brighten my day is a bit dimmer than expected.
Damn yous dirty PTB. Stop egging us on.
Dennis thinks it's an IE6 issue. Is that what your work computer has?
I found out once it takes me back to my browser home page if I click the forward button I can get back to the page and into the options. But when I go back out of the options I get the white page again. Then I have to hit the browser back button to get back to the page again. But each time it has to reload the page again.
takes a village
I hadn't tried another computer,but at your suggestion I tried my daughter's laptop. It has Vista and IE7 and it worked just fine. I have IE6 and XP. Maybe it's time to upgrade. :)
I use IE7 with XP, no problems whatsoever!
I also use firefox for the games...
I have IE6 with XP
My daughter has IE7 with Vista
I think I need to upgrade to IE7 and much as I hate to.
The funny thing is I was able to sign up and take the test last Monday but have been having trouble ever since.
I have the same problem with safari on my Mac. I got in took the test, but every attempt to log back to the site has met with getting stuck on the loading screen.
I have switched to FireFox and all is well. :)
There's a new offical lost video podcast, with a short interview with the lady at the Dharma Booth and some guy dressed in Tin Foil named Michael Donahoe. I'm watching it right now!
Doesn't seem to be any hidden clues in that podcast. Seemed pretty straight-forward promo to me.
Maybe no one made it through to the second phase.
Memphish: LOL
While we're still waiting for something to happen, I found this interesting article about something called "The Electronic Fog" after this guy had a weird experience flying through the Bermuda Triangle. The fog supposedly ended up helping him travel through 100 miles of space and 30 mins of time in about 3 minutes.
Not only does it have some kind of time aspect, but it also made me think of the "monster smoke" on the island for some reason
PS. Sorry about the web address, I couldn't figure out how to put make it some kind of link.
Something seems to be going on at DarkUFO....someone received a mysterious reply from Jesse Heiman on MySpace...could be somethin', could be nothin', not sure.
What do you guys think?
Happy Anniversary Maven!
Ange hope you are having fun and send my regards to Fil!
Capcom I hope you are also having fun!
I am too intrigued to quit at this point, so get used to me, again! LOL
Peace & Namaste!
I was just looking at that.
It is kind of a weird response.
Yes, very strange...I found a few photos in the pic folder on his profile. I'll try to post them somewhere...they look sort of like he's been in room 23!! :D
Several are of buildings that look familiar, just can't place them.
bb in a min...
ok, pics posted:
My Blog
Some of these may be from a film or something, don't know. I figure someone here will be able to tell if there is something fishy in any of these....
Thanks for posting the pictures Ellen.
I hope someone can figure it out. I haven't a clue - even if that email was supposed to be one.
Going back into lurk mode. . .
imdb has him involved in three different projects. So I guess those pictures could be from any of those projects. Who knows.
I was just looking back at TLEC... and you know what I miss?
When people would post their funny WVs:
"BTW, my word verification was impoo"
The few time I wrote Jesse on Facebook he answered by with just one "ok". I asked him what city he was in in So. Cal and he answered "rb" (Redondo Beach). So this sentence is sort of out of character with him.
I remember that it was pretty funny. I didn't post back then but I was always lurking.
hmmm, interesting point Maven. Wonder if this is a "steg" thing?
Anyone still have that?
If you just really have a lot of time to kill trying passwords, you can find the software here:
I'm still burned out on that program from find815.
Thanks, lost2010 for the link!
I'll give it a try...
yecht---hate stego. oh well, tired.
Maybe I'll give it another go tomorrow. 'Night ya'll!
Here I am again, one last thought:
The question ODI asked Jesse in the email he sent was:
Hello Jesse,
Is there any thing you can divulge about your experience with the OGR?? What they did to you or what happened during your test?
The answer that Jesse sent in response to the email was:
"I was in Utah for the entire month of November."
Could he have been subjected to something that made him become "unstuck" so that he was mentally back there in November?
okay, for to bed.
Dharma Wants You has been updated just now...still nothing happening quite yet though as far as I can tell. Maybe something's going to happen today???? (I hope, I hope!!)
I see that Ellen, but it is not doing anything different. Maybe today is the day it gets going?
Hi again! Happy anniversary Maven!!
Be sure to not just lurk Eugene, your post's and ideas are great!
Keep up the good work on that lead you guys might have there! Well, my 15 minutes are up, hope that the lead turns into something.
Vacation is a little brighter by getting in touch with the LoCos!! :-D
Sayid'sgirl - Yes it is IE6 at work, all the IE7 versions I have access to work fine.
No change to DWY that I can see today
ellen - I almost felt guilty pointing you to openstego. Irritating, isn't it?
capcom - Enjoy you're vacation. You aren't missing much here. :)
Forget Rachel Blake... where's the guy that called Hoodlum and asked when DWY was going to open? He needs to start making some more calls... :)
Oh, and...
btw, Rachel Blake is right here :)
hey dedjezter or any other macsters out there do you have a copy of tiger or leopard, i got a g4 running os x 10.2.8 and its not comapatible with firefox 3 or the new safari, my e-mail is, maybe you could mirc it to me. i tried to do the torrent but it hopelessly slow
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