Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Lost ARGs Podcast #2 - Do Or Die Cast 60

Join hosts David A. Dein and Steve 'The Goog' Guglich as they unpack the latest updates from the brand new Lost ARG at Along the way David comes up with a bunch of bad analogies and Goog harasses a poor unfortunate door store.

If you'd like to be a guest on the podcast, have any theories, discover any clues, or just want to say "Hi!", contact (mp3 comments are accepted as well), or leave a voice mail or fax at (206) 202-3512.

Listen now:

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You can also subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, by clicking the iTunes logo, or searching for "Lost ARGs" in the iTunes store.

LostARGs Poll: How do you say


maven said...

First! Halfway through listening. A lot of good points made about whether or not to go "behind the scenes" and find things before they are intended to be released. I'm sure the fans are split 50/50 on this issue. It's good to know that we have our site that's truly spoiler free. But, equally, it's good to know there are sites like DarkUFO that have people that post those "finds". I think we're all free to partake of the info, as long as this site remain pure! LOL

ColdUpHere said...

Second? After TLEC this is as close as I come to the top. Woohoo!!! Downloading now..

TakesaVillage said...

Bronze Medal.
Off to listen...

Dennis said...

Please no Olympic spoilers :)

Dennis said...

Also, I have to disagree with David AND The Goog on one thing...

The Goog said "anything goes" in an ARG, but I don't agree with that all the time. Hacking source code is cheating, and trying to break into third party sites (gmail, myspace, flickr, etc) is strictly out-of-bounds. Fortunately this hasn't happened in this game...yet, but it happened several times in the Cloverfield ARG.

However, to contradict David, one of the points of an ARG is to find hidden pages, look for hidden source code, etc. So to find a email posted on the DWY site falls under the category of looking for hidden stuff, IMO. When the "dots" were showing up on DWY, each image was numbered - 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg, etc. It doesn't take a FRINGE scientist to figure out the next sequence - likewise for the emails.

Hoodlum will learn soon enough that they can't "phone it in" and leave stuff they don't want people to see lying around. Was this kind of thing a problem with Find815?

Anonymous said...

haha i love his theory

but i agree
i wouldnt be suprised if the losties or at least one or a few of them joined the Initiavite

Dennis said... more thing...

I say the ARGs in as a word, like how a pirate would say it - ARRRRGGGGSS.

David pronounces the site Lost A.R.G.s, saying each letter.

I have created a poll on the front page to ask how you say it...

Capcom said...

Me too, I say "ARGs" as a word. That would be the military/aerospace way to say it. :-)

maven said...

I say ARG as a word, too. Of course, I have to explain it to many people, and tell them what each letter stands for...! LOL

lost2010 said...

Well, I'm not sure I've ever said it out loud actually. (It won't let me vote right now) But I think A.R.G. when I'm reading along.

Tess315 said...

I'll throw my 2cents in, and be in the minority as usual. :)
I say A.R.G.

TakesaVillage said...

I usualy say A.R.G.,but like aarrggg,because sometimes they can make you talk like a Pirate.
I agree with Dennis that some things are to be considered out of bounds.However if the door is left open,how do we know whether something is in game,or inside the game?
It should send a message to TPTB. Like Mr. Talbot said in FIND 815 "You don't know who you're dealing with".

Beverly said...

I say aaaarrrrgg. I'm using to pronouncing TLA's as words whenever possible. It's pretty common in the software industry (or at least among the software engineers that I know).

I think it's pretty lame that the ARG is so slow that the most exciting thing we have to talk about is how to pronoounce it. I hope the pace picks up. With my luck it'll start get exciting the day I fly to Alaska where I'll be without much internet access for almost 2 weeks.

Beverly said...

This is probably not LOST-related since we now know that time rather than invisibility is the reason for the island disappearing, but I found it interesing. Just in case the island really is just cloaked.

Poof! Scientists closer to invisibility cloak

ColdUpHere said...

arrrrrg mateys..... @ lostit: don't worry, I'll give you a local number in AK so I can give you the verbal blow-by-blow...who knows, maybe you can look for glyphs on mt. McKinley?

Ellen said...

I usually pronounce it as a word-Arrrgh!

Paper Dolls Don't Gasp! said...

First time poster...
I just have to agree with Steve on his theory that the O6 have to join the DI to get back to the island. Except for Kate and Aaron, I can see a position for them. bus driver,, Sayid...communications officer/former military, Sun...botanical researcher? It's kinda interesting on how they fit. Good theory Steve!
Oh! And I pronounce it aarrggs, one word.

Paper Dolls Don't Gasp! said...

Btw-that would explain why Ben is working as a vet. And that Sayid is a corporate recruiter as he says in "The Economist" episode. It's a stretch, I know. lol.

maven said...

Welcome here, paper dolls don't gasp! Interesting user name!

Capcom said...

It certainly would make things interesting if the O-6 ended up joining the DI, Paperdolls. I don't know if we have enough time (2 seasons) left to explain how they'll meet up, since the storytelling goes so slow in this show (and there is so much else to explain yet!). But it would be neat. Maybe Sun gets them together, if Widmore is with the DI???

Passafist said...

STOP FEEDING THE GOOG...... He's gonna record with a big head next week if all his theory fanboys pop out of the network. THE DI IS DEAD!!!!

Anonymous said...

Passafist said...
STOP FEEDING THE GOOG...... He's gonna record with a big head next week if all his theory fanboys pop out of the network. THE DI IS DEAD!!!!

August 11, 2008 3:42 AM

HEHE... give's him a fish biscut....HEHE....

memphish said...

Mostly just marking for email. But I'll weigh in on pronunciation -- Arrrrgggg!

And I haven't listened yet, but if Hoodlum doesn't want people searching for what's next, then they need to a) give us a lot more or b) let us know when to expect it like they did in Find815. Thank goodness for the distraction of the Olympics.

Paper Dolls Don't Gasp! said...
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Paper Dolls Don't Gasp! said...

Thank you Maven for the warm welcome, I got my name from the book a "Wrinkle In Time". ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!
To Capcom, yeah your right not enough time to explain. But its a good thought about Sun and Widmore!

Thrasher76 said...

Thank goodness for the podcasts, now I have something to listen to on the way to work. I pronounce it as one word, reminds me of Pirate day during TLEC and everyone was changing the avitar to pirate theme and talking in pirate speak! Ah, good times...good times.

I like the idea of cracking source code and what not, not everyone can do it, I have learned tons from this community over the years because of it. And honestly, it is up to TPTB to out smart us, they should know by now what kind of group they are dealing with.

Thrasher76 said...

Welcome PDDG!!

Thrasher76 said...

And one more thing before I go off to work.

One would think that TPTB would hire one of us to kind of advise or even work on the ARG. Maybe that is where Belly of Desire is! Or MtP??!?!?


Later Losties!

Paper Dolls Don't Gasp! said...

Thanks Thrasher for welcoming me. *waves*

Anonymous said...

thrasher76- MtP has posted a a few times over ITE lately... So he's still around....

Eugene said...

I am an aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggg person. I want to BE a pirate.

I have received a couple of text messages on my phone from a number I don't recognize. The messages are scrambled. I deleted the first one without thinking. I have not deleted the 2nd one. The message is "Aqorakedams?"

I called the number but no one answered and the VM box is not set up.

Do you think this means anything? DWY does have my cell number.

Or am I just overthinking?

Melissa_Lossa said...

Howdy strangers!

Just finished up the 2nd of three HUGE work events that fall on consecutive weeks in August. We had the Antiques Roadshow in town on Saturday, which was so cool, but exhausting.

This is the part where you all feel so sorry for me, that you completely forget that we're a coupld of weeks behind on the Book Club podcasts. :)

The situation will be rectified this Wednesday night at 6 p.m. ET, when we discuss Lord of the Flies! The Tempest will follow in a mere two weeks. Hope to hear from you all soon!

maven said...
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maven said...

Eugene: I wondered why we gave them our cell numbers! I think this is DWY related somehow. Where are the anagramers?

FYI: I friended "Dan Bronson" at FB. He has some interesting pictures up...hard to describe. One show him as a young boy in a grainy pic looking at a man holding a falcon on his arm at some outdoor event. The man looks like Alvar Hanso? He also lists his birthday as 8/15. Today there are some postings from "Richard Alpert" and "IAmOnTheInside" about when he's going to show the video. Don't know if this is in-game or not, but a lot of us on FB are starting to friend him. BTW, also, Andy Page (Speaker) was one of his original friends. FWIW

Eugene said...

Hi Maven,
There is a q in the text message but no u. So I have not been able to come up with any anagrams. Maybe I'll go on FB and try sending the message to Dan. Who knows? I looked on a couple of other blogs and no one else has mentioned receiving any text messages. So I am on the fence as to whether or not this is "in game".

If I find out anything I'll be back!

maven said...

I also just friended "IAmOnTheInside". There are a lot of posts regarding March has 32 days and how Dharma can do that. Also, he/she's talking about Dan's video.

maven said...

I just chatted with "IAM" and asked is he/she hacked that email. "No I did not, but I know who did" and then went off-line.

(Off to a dentist appt.!)

Capcom said...

If Season 5 and 6 are going to follow the "32 Days" plot of a do-over, I hope that the game will not spoil the details like Find815 did (for me). I know that Naomi told Hurley that they found the wreckage in S3, but after watching the details unfold during Find815, when it played out on the show for me it was like, "OK, we know this, move along to the mysteries that we don't know."

I know that everyone doesn't follow the hiatus games, but it still kind of irked me for some reason. I also know that I'm just being a poop about it. :o)

ib4uc said...

maven... hopefully, it's "in game" and things will start to heat up. I'm getting impatient playing the waiting game :)

Was just checking the new post at ITE and they're buzzing about the same thing.

Nicole said...

Great podcast! :)

Look forward to hearing more.

maven said...

Well, I'm very, very skeptical about these FB profiles until otherwise proven as legit. I'm having fun playing along, though! LOL But I am NOT taking them as gospel yet!

maven said...

FYI: Matthew Fox and Evi are renegotiating their contracts and inspiring the rest of the cast to do the same. Uh-oh?

maven said...

I've been chatting on FB with IAm on the Inside (yes that's the user name!). He says a video will be released soon, but Dan is having trouble with the new security. Also, IAm says he is not RuckusGuy or Dan. He says we should not trust the DI. The problem is with the investors. I asked for some concrete proof that he is who he says he is...we'll see.

Don't worry gang, I'm not buying any of this yet! Just playing along and having fun.

Olerica said...

That DOES sound like fun, Maven. Hopefully, it'll all be in-game and you'll be OUR woman on the inside!

Personnally, I don't mind the slow pace of the ARG (which I pronouce A.R.G.). At least I can participate without jeapordizing my job.

Black Swan said...

Hi everybody! Sounds like an interesting weekend that I missed.

Maven, "our girl on the inside"... be careful!

Another great podcast! Thanks! I agree with passafist that ruckusguy and the one "on the inside" are two different people. I'd like our guy on the inside to be Sam Thomas (from find 815). I liked him.

And Goog, nice theory! Now, if you are correct about our O6 joining the new DI to get back to the island, then of course BEN LINUS is our guy on the inside!!!!! He told Jack that he has some ideas about getting the group together and back on the island. hehhehheh

Lastly, I think it's fair to give ALL the cast of Lost a big raise, since they aren't doing as many episodes per season now (since they seem to be paid per/episode).

Black Swan said...

Oh, yes... I say ARGGGGGGG (like a pirate) lol

and capcom, don't be a poop! hehehe

lost2010 said...

Renegotiating those contracts though - is a good way to get eaten by the black smoke monster if you get too greedy - I'd think. Or to get one of the other cast members eaten to pay for your raise. . . .

Capcom said...

LOL Codysmom. :o)

Love your new avi Lost2010!!!

lost2010 said...

Thanks. I got a little grossed out with Mad Men last night and decided to change it.

Capcom said...
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Capcom said...

LOL. Eureka is a much more wholesome town than Manhattan in the 1960s. :o)

Anonymous said...

The DWY site changed it now says
Currently conducting security upgrade.
And the hack is gone.

Anonymous said...

oh and lectric74 over on ITE was the first to notice the hack was gone as far as I know.. but they had nit change the message yet.

Anonymous said...

Edit* had not changed the message yet.

Zort70 said...

I've just emailed the admins with a picture of the new message. 'Anonymous' if you name yourself you should get the credit on this site for discovering it first.

memphish said...

I hope that DWY change means something's coming soon. Frankly, I don't even think to look over there anymore. Too much Olympics. I even watched Team Archery yesterday. I like a sport where the athletes wear bucket hats.

But if you want something LOST related there's new Doc Jensen. He discusses the goings-on at Comic Con and has one actual bit of news -- the title of Episode 5.1. It is on page 3 of the article at the very bottom, and he doesn't really add anything after that if for some reason you want to avoid it. It doesn't have centricity or anything else, just the title.

Zort70 said...

I've been watching the Badminton today and boy did the British pair win it by the skin of their teeth. Talk about close !

Dennis said...

Please be careful with the Olympics spoilers....

Dennis said...


Jon 815 said...

Lol Great Podcast You Guys

All i gotta say is that the Goog's
theory is awesome and totally believable great job