Friday, August 15, 2008

Slovaltine Clues: Part 1 259

To help relieve the boredom of waiting for Hans Van Eegen to get things running over at, Nick from Lostpedia and I will be creating some ARG-ish clues for everyone to solve, which I am calling Slovaltine Clues.

Here is the the first clue from Nick. There is a LOST-related answer hidden in the image, which will in turn be the "key" to another puzzle.

Feel free to discuss it in the comments, and if you think you have the answer, send an email to

* and special thanks to Takes A Village for inventing such a funny word!

Hint #1
There are a lot of "red herrings" in this photo, lets get rid of some the distractions.

Hint #2
PigPen is also the name of a Peanuts character (mentioned in the podcast), and the answer to the question on the envelope "Say What You See": Padlock, Eye (I), Green scribble, Pen (or Pen, Eraser, Necklace). PigPen is also is a type of cipher, however a normal Pigpan cipher doesn't have curved symbols...

Hint #3
The black symbol on the right is called a Chakana. You can ignore the letters and numbers inside the Chakana (another distraction).

Using the Chakana pattern instead of the normal Pigpen pattern (a dot denotes the back side), the cipher decodes to Ethan Rom.


1 – 200 of 259   Newer›   Newest»
Nickb123 said...


Black Swan said...

Fun! I'll give it a try!

Congested said...

The frozen donkey wheel coaster looks like it has binary in it.

Congested said...

oh its a piece of paper, not a coaster. doh!

*note to self: make frozen donkey wheel coaster

Nickb123 said...

Sorry Congested I don't have enough cool credits for an actual donkey wheel coaster

lost2010 said...

The fish has dots and dashes in it. Morse code?

lost2010 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lost2010 said...

You got me. :)

Anonymous said...

there are lots of lost references in this image...i think it is the watch with 8hrs 15 minutes...

Black Swan said...

I'm having a hard time deciding if the 1's are l's in the letters/numbers inside the coaster

I'm thinking these letters/numbers are something for the "key" at this website:


Black Swan said...

lol, piece of paper.. not a coaster

Black Swan said...

Lost 2010 said...

The fish has dots and dashes in it. Morse code?

I think it translates to the word, "fake"


Congested said...

Ahh, see, I'm not the only one who saw a coaster. :)

There is also code in the fish, written on the table, and on that squarish-black-cross shape... I wonder if the --- aww what am I saying lol.

I love that taking a picture of a bunch of crap on a desk can suddenly become a puzzle with clues to solve. XD

Nickb123 said...

Yes I was inspired by Hi-ReS! who did a similar thing for their navigation on the Lost: The Untold site.

Except they had sand... lots of sand...

Black Swan said...

lol, bunch of crap on a desk

My question is.... inside the "coaster" is it:






or, none of the above? The O's can be O's or zeros and it depends on the font used......

Nickb123 said...

All the 0s are zeroes. As for the 8s and Bs there are both within it, so you'll just have to use trial and error when you figure out what they mean.

FYI - I won't give you clues, but for technical Qs like that I may help you out as its just being nice lol

Anonymous said...

I'm with Cody's mom. ;)

Black Swan said...

Thanks, nicdb123!!

Tess315 said...

Brought this over from the last post.
Sorry to hear that zort.
Didn't mean to be insinsitve.

Anonymous said...

So now we take that string of characters and use the binary around the other one.
That's gotta be it. :D

Ellen said...

flyin', this is hard!

Unknown said...

OK, technical question then: is there really a "J" and a "T" in there? Or they are just blurred "1"s ?

Black Swan said...

Darn... I've gotta go. There's a wedding I have to get ready for. I'll work on this later. Have fun!

Black Swan said...

messias, I had better luck seeing the text when I saved the pic to my disk and opened it up in another program.

Pixie said...

Maybe it's a Morse Cod? :p


Unknown said...

I thought it was probably hex, but J and T shouldn't be there.

Meatball said...

Guys, it's a "red" herring...

lost2010 said...

Do all security envelopes have numbers in the background? I never noticed it before if they do. . .

Zort70 said...

Sayid'sgirl - don't be sorry, everyone loses at some point. It was the British players last match as they are retiring after these games.

Anyway back to the clues, the envelope is a British one, or at least it looks like it has a British postcode on the back of it.

amcorrea said...

I think I solved it...!

(Have emailed for confirmation.)

Zort70 said...

I think the Morse Code is UUC or if you reverse it - RGL

Also on the envelope there are lots of faint words / letters

Nickb123 said...

Amcorrea - did you send it to the slovaltine address? I haven't gotten your submission yet.

Steff said...

OK.. so let's crack this together.. the previous 'games' in the comments between some users were pretty easy - just HEX decoding and morse code. This one is pretty tough, it reminds me of notpr0n =)

So, let's see what we have. I'll make too lists, one of the things I think are just to confuse us, and after it the 'useful things'

'fake clues' (IMO):
*morse code inside the fish which actually reads FAKE
*rabbit and bear (just reference to Lost)
*4 keys (maybe just a reference to THE NUMBERS)
*the watch (8:15)
*pen, pencil and eraser (?, probably nothing useful)
*copy of the book BAD TWIN
*Ticket or some kind of ID card(?, maybe reference to plane)
*a letter
*EYE (?, maybe Mikhail, or the glass Eye in the Arrow)
*"Left Behind" (the episode)

and now the things for which i can't find a reference to Lost

*picture of a FISH (?)
*butterfly necklace (?)

*"Say what you see"
*"Hermit Crabs Live Alone"
*the black polygon with a code

feel free to add more things and help solve this game together =)

Steff said...


*The Wheel (reference to the Frozen Donkey Wheel) with 1's and 0's

it should be binary, but in which order? clockwise/counter-clockwise/inside-out or vice versa???

if u convert the binary 01001000 01000001 it reads "HA"

Dennis said...

Welcome to everyone from DarkUFO OGR and Audibly Lost!

nightphoenix13 said...

Thanks for the welcome dennis. And thank you to the creators of this for finally giving me something to do. I think we all needed this.

Dennis said...

BTW, for anyone interested in the etymology of "Slovaltine Clues"... Solvaltine is a portmanteau of the words Slow and Ovaltine. Slow, because the pace of this game is slow, and Ovaltine because of a running joke about A Christmas Story (as in Be sure to drink your Ovaltine!).

Draven said...

I have 6 pages of notes and so far I just have a Fish that is "Fake" and some binary that seems to be laughing at me!!

"HA" yourself binary lol

This is tricier than I thought though it gave me the shove I needed to code a Monoalphabetic Substitution Decoder.

Draven said...

Also made me realise that at times I spell trickier wrong :(

(Sorry for the double post btw)

Nickb123 said...

You don't necessarily need coding knowledge, just some degree of knowledge on code-breaking techniques and also TLE code-breaking precedents.

That's as far as my clues go!

maven said...

Just came home to all this "excitement"! You all gave me a running start!

Zort: Your kitty pictures made me laugh! Today's my Shadow's 16th birthday (8/15)!

Anonymous said...

The envelope is from Lloyds Bank TSB (Looked up addresses in the UK and figured the po box is BX1 1LT, which belongs to said bank...)

Tess315 said...

Not to be a downer but I got some bad news about my kitty yesterday.
She has a mammary tumor. She's 15 and the vet said he wouldn't suggest sugery. She may be with us awhile and she may not. She's not in pain though.

maven said...

Sorry to hear that, Sayid's Girl. My good cat thoughts are with you!

Capcom said...

LOL Pixie. *ba-dum-pshhhhh!*

Geewhiz, you guys are the funnest! Homemade hiatus games, and etymology lessons too! X-D

That's why we love TLC.

Capcom said...

Awww, so sorry Sayidsgirl. Sending kitty-prayers up to heaven. XO

Tess315 said...

Thanks maven and capcom.
You guys are having alot of fun with that puzzle Dennis and Nick's.
But to be honest it's way over my head.

Anonymous said...

i spy pigpen.

working it out now.

maven said...

Is everybody still getting the blue skies page at DWY? What the heck is going to happen Tuesday with that site when everyone wants on at the same time? I shudder at the thought!

Anonymous said...

Right, the longer line of pigpen says FNYTHQ, the small word near the train ticket is ORB


Nickb123 said...

Kategg really?

Anonymous said...

I thought so until you said that!! It's years since I've decoded pigpen, and the incomplete squares with dots and stuff sure looks like it

Anonymous said...

kategg...I got the same translation from a usual pigpen cipher...but what if they changed the kay used to assign the symbols to the letters? Is that even possible? (Im a HUGE code-breaking beginner)

Anonymous said...

anon: they could have used a Caesar cypher before pigpenning it, yeah

i'm so stumped anything's possible right now

inatrancer said...

havent had time to look properly but the ticket IS a british rail ticket. probably reference to desmond somehow.also the padlock with "sterling" on it (our currency) and the key "england".thats just at a glance. so "tally ho"
also thoughts are with you and your kitty sayidsgirl

inatrancer said...

what am i saying its not probably reference to anything let alone desmond, talk about assumptions then i have had 5 cans of stella!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i just had a horrible thought.

i see an enigma.

this had better not be a simplified enigma code, i'll cry!

inatrancer said...

also the eyeball has something written in it but too sloshed to see!!!!!

Nickb123 said...

Lol that's probably just "copyright Disney" - its a Monsters Inc thing.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, most things are british (the fish is a trout, common to uk rivers, the envelope as I said before I believe belongs to lloyds bank-again brit- the ticket, the locket, the key..although WINKHAUS is a german company). There is something written in the eye, can anyone make it out??

Anonymous said...

inatrancer: it says disney pixxar.

monsters inc merch!

Anonymous said...

Still working on the pigpen/Ceasar code, if that is what it is. Im doing a brute force analysis, basically trying all 26 shift possibilities. At nº9 I get W G U Y H F I S...guy fish w ....thoughts?

Anonymous said...

I get the feeling it's using Vigenere Cipher since it's what was used in TLE, but i have no idea what on earth the key is if it has to be the same length as the input text

maven said...

There is something written saying: "Say what you see." Are we supposed to sound out the items and make sense of them?

Nickb123 said...

FYI so far no-one has guessed correctly, but some people have come incredibly close "so warm they're scolding" as I put it in the Lostpedia chatroom

Anonymous said...

Lets see..the pigpen is F N D H Q / O R B (although I am no longer sure about the N....) Im gonna try bunny or rabbit for FNDHQ and key for ORB....getting a hedache (its 1:56 am here)

Paula said...

Kategg, the vigenere is being use but for the second part of the clue for what i can tell...

this first part we need to find the key to decipher the "phrase" in the second part....

Anonymous said...


Paula said...

anon, for what i see pigpen is

FNTHQ ORB (not a D, a T)

Anonymous said...

english things???Britain, desmond..I get the feeling this all goes back to the UK....mmmmm

Anonymous said...

PAULA you are absolutely right, small spelling mistake there...ooops!

Steff said...

well maybe the > is not a T, but ">"

Anonymous said...

Mr/Ms nickb123...can you please tell me how to get to the chatroom?? (I am such a "freshman" at this!)
BTW, finally loged in at Dharmawantsyou!No more blank screen 4 me!

Nickb123 said...

The Chatroom can be found at

The guys don't just talk clues there though, its general Lost-related chat.

Anonymous said...

Going back to the eye, it belongs to James P. Sullivan aka Sully from Monsters Inc.
There are two other JPS, a sportsman and a politician both american

inatrancer said...

ahhhhhhh thanks nickb and kategg.

right time for bed my head hurts! cant decide if its the beer or the picture! anyways its 1;16 here in desmond country so nite nite all, happy hunting

Anonymous said...

Thanx nickb123! Will drop by!

Anonymous said...

Are we all just getting way too in depth?

Anonymous said...

will keep trying tomorrow

TakesaVillage said...

A prayer for kitty,and your family is on the way.

maven said...

DWY is finally working for me, too!

Tess315 said...

Mine's working too now. I keep hoping something will happen before Tues. But if it's as hard as the slovaltine puzzle I'll be hopelessly useless. lol
Thanks for the good thoughts inatrancer and takes a village.

Anonymous said...

We need a hint on the Slovaltine puzzle - anyone figure out the black thing with the numbers/letters in the center?

Jon 815 said...

lol well i was just pointing this out
but at the bottom of the paper theres the lettering LTOI which is an anagram of Toil?

dont know what that has to do with anything but just thot id throw it out there lol

Jon 815 said...

and near tht theres the characters


which could translate into

Eko lol

Anonymous said...

I think the 31 is more of a reference to the time difference between the Island and the freighter.

Meatball said...

Aww, after checking back hours later I still only feel good about finding the word "red" in morse code on the herring to the left of the table...Boo.

Obviously the answer is "rabbitkeyblackthingpolarbearbadtwinwatchwheelkeyenvelopekeylockherringmedalticketeyekeypeneraserpencilnecklace"


maven said...

Well, we are supposed to "Say what we see". So that must be the answer, meatball! I think you got it! LOL

Anonymous said...

So this is weird. I just went to a binary conversion site and there was a special message in binary and it said "Make sure to drink your ovaltine." do you guys think that is a little weird?

Anonymous said...

I googled binary ovaltine and apparently there was a 1949 Captian Midnight show with a "Key-O-Matic Code-O-Graph decoder... okay basically, the decoded message was consistently a variation of "drink more ovaltine".

Which reminds me that I read somewhere about a connection between 1949 (or a year around there), March, and Lost. (off the subject perhaps)

Anonymous said...

Can anybody spot two letters together? maybe you should use them in a shift cipher.

Anonymous said...

So i see....

Watch: 8:15:30
"Coaster": 108F225E30B147E180A61C57J151E196A50B10BT
Keys: England, Wink Haus 933031X
Lock: Sterling
Wheel binary "ha"
England/Desmond theme?
Polar bear, fish, rabbit
Morse code: "fake"
Butterfly necklace???
Ticket receipt
Envelope made from sustainable forests
Bad Twin book
Medal or Medallion??
A Disney Pixar eyeball
pencil, pen, eraser

Say what you see!
pigpen: FNYTHQ ORB
Hermit Crabs Live Alone
3KO or 31<0
IO (or) I.
Something above the rabbit that looks like \ /\
Left Behind

Also, tried everything i could see here as a key for the pigpen/vigenere but no luck.

Hoku said...

Sent an email with what I hope is the answer... might have missed something in the pic though!

kristaps194 said...

note that pen is from Oceanic AirLines.

Anonymous said...

I sent an answer too, after chatting with nickb123 yesterday night (poor guy, he's got the patience of a saint) and a good night's sleep. It just came to me this morning, so its probably wrong but hey, isn't this entertaining??
BTW my keyword is a way we call one Lostie (feel I cant say more, especially since its impossible to be the right answer) (* o*)/

Nickb123 said...

Hi everyone, a lot of people have sent the correct answer to the blog code, by using a different means to what I actually have.

As a clue, look at the whole picture - and think what one thing doesn't make any sense in the whole image. Then take that and fly with it.

Meatball said...

anyone make out what it says on the pencil?

Meatball said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Congested said...

Well the book is a bit out of place with everything else. It's the only official "Lost" item in the picture and its the only thing that looks like it is actually worth more than $5.

Anonymous said...

the butterfly?

Anonymous said...

the butterfly yeah...but how does that lead to a lost connected keyword??

Anonymous said...

There is also that pendant thing under the envelope, to the left of the ticket, just above the "red herring"...what is that all about? What else...well the eraser could be totally random, or connected to the red pencil..mmmm

Anonymous said...

This is what I found:
The Butterfly could make reference to Madame Butterfly the opera, which Ben plays for Juliet when they have dinner at his house.
There is also the butterfly effect,"The Moth"-a Charlie centered episode (remember Charlie is from the UK). Also nickb123 mentioned the word butterfly on a blog post July 18yh....

KansasGal said...

Ack!!! I found this right b4 going to bed last night. And I could not get to sleep because I could not get it out of my head.

I think the pendant thing is one of those you get from AA. It has the Lords Prayer on it.

Anonymous said...

Could be a religious pendant, like the ones catholics wear witha saint or virgin on one side and a prayer on the other. Ties in with the whole Faith vs. Science theme, Eko, Charlie, the virgin Mary satues full of drugs...acK!!Brain hurts

KansasGal said...

Hermit Crabs do not live alone....

Dennis said...

108! Woo hoo!


Anonymous said...

they dont?

KansasGal said...

Because Hermit Crabs live in second hand shells, their name is in reference to a hermit living alone in a cave. But, Hermit Crabs live in large groups, and don't thrive in small numbers...(via Wikipedia)

Anonymous said...

mmmm the phrase is a we see a lie written on a desk over a butterlfy pendant...

Anonymous said...

I give up!

KansasGal said...

Jupiter. That is the only thing that seems to be out of place.....

Anonymous said...

I think this is so hard because it's made by one person and what they think is a good Lost clue. The ARGs are made by a group of people that work on clues together, to avoid things being so subjective.

Anonymous said...

Too hard!!

Anonymous said...

Too vague!!

Congested said...

Perhaps Jack... but the ARG at this point has given us little to no clues so this is better than nothing. :)

Anonymous said...

congested I agree , but at this rate my brain is gonna be fried by the time ARG begins (If it ever does!HOW much LONGER is it gonna take???)*Sorry for the outburst, its just Ive been staring at mainly bluish/white screens hoping, searching, waiting for something..anything....19-08....WHYYYY!?

Steff said...

congested, did u solve the first puzzle? i just cannot find the answer whereas i solved the second one immediately!!! can u give some clues?

Anonymous said...

how bout some clues on the 2nd in exchange for clues on the 1st?? I have none but hey, its an idea!

Anna said...

It probably means nothing, but its interesting that if you ignore all the keys, almost all items on the envelope are actual words or character names in lost.




Pen (short for penny?)

The exception is the eraser, but it's also only half on.

Steff said...

any more clues??? who actually solved this correctly?? can u post some hints? Nickb123?? Dennis? anybody?

Anonymous said...

Sorry Steff no clues, only confusion and loads of wasted paper

Nickb123 said...

Ok here's a clue - imagine a new shipper name if a Chakram and a Katana got together.

Also maybe look up the code recluse...

Now you've gotta figure it out!

Anonymous said...

Shipper as in "Ships things from one location to another"?

Steff said...

we should look at Chakram and a Katana as words/names, or as objects?

Anonymous said...

yeah 'cause a chakram (Xenaaaa) and a katana as objects together could look like a crooked and very sharp lollipop -o hehehe
no seriously, a shipper? like a person/company who sends stuff?

Steff said...

LOL, i got it (the new hint).. now back to yesterdays work =)))

Meatball said...

shipper as in sawyer+kate= skater?

Meatball said...

do you mean recluse from this?

Anonymous said...

Looked for code recluse and recluse code on Google. Got:
a)Music link !!
b)82725 zip code Recluse. Zip Code: 82725. State: Wyoming. Population: 149...
c)Persephone link guys!!!!!!Mmmm so here is one of the links to TLE uh?....investigating

Steff said...

and what after the pigpen???

Nickb123 said...

Steff what is your question?

Nickb123 said...

Codysmom - you guys are nearing the answer now...

Steff said...

after we decode the code using pigpen cipher and get FNTHQ ORB (or FN>HQ ORB), what is the next step?

Steff said...

and please some little hint for the code in the chakana

Anonymous said...

Are we supposed to name every single thing, take the first letters and make a word??If I am close I must say this game has a flaw: one object has different names (eg rubber/eraser,) or one object can be named differently ( I see a Polar bear/ I see the Figurine of a Polar Bear; Bunny/Rabbit etc)....

Nickb123 said...

Steff, when have you ever seen pigpen that is a circle or a )

Nickb123 said...

Work on the two areas, the recluse and the shipping thing. Then connect the two and the answer is easily obtained.

Steff said...

that's what i could make out from the pic.. so its "F center ) HQ" ??

Nickb123 said...

Steff - those markings are not normal and are very important, but you lack the right way to decipher them. You're incredibly close but need to solve the shipper clue to make the final connection

Meatball said...

shipper clue = chakana = that black thing with the text in it...

Nickb123 said...

No more clues - you now have all you need...

orb said...

I'm a bit wary of what to post in case I spoil anything but I know what you mean about connecting the two areas.

I'm with anonymous on this - the persephone link and taking the first letters of the objects.

Nickb123 said...

Orb - if you know what I mean, do it and email me the answer!!!!!

Meatball said...

im with anon from earlier if it's like the recluse one then how are we supposed to know which to call what things?

Nickb123 said...

Meatball - you don't need to do it with everything, just the ones with no Lost link that aren't part of any other clue. Now come on, how much more can I give you lol!!

Anonymous said...

I gotta say, when there's this many people and you've got to give this many hints, it's just a bad puzzle.

Steff said...

no, it's just a difficult and time consuming puzzle

Nickb123 said...

Actually when I first posted it someone got to the stage people are at now within 10 minutes on Lostpedia Chat.

Meatball said...

hey, that sounds like a crack at my intelligence, lol.

i'll have you know that in TLE i figured out THAT recluse clue very quickly.

this one is just beyond me, i suppose.

Nickb123 said...

Sorry it wasn't a crack, if it helps the one person is an expert at ciphers

Anonymous said...

Meatball, lets work together!!
Things with no Lost link (that I can think of obviously):

Butterfly (unless its a moth)
Pencil (the Pen is from Oceanic)
Train Ticket
Eye ball from Monsters Inc
How bout the keys...and the pigpen looking non-pigpen code¿?

Meatball said...

the wheel and the eraser and the envelope and the chakana?

Meatball said...

and the watch unless thats a reference to the one that jin was delivering...this is so subjective...

Nickb123 said...

Er 8:15 much...

Anonymous said...

Well the wheel is like the donkey wheel, the watch says its 8:15,the envelope being returned was part of TLE (A letter from a Doc to Alvar saying he could have a heart attack soon)..the eraser..yep, cant c a connection.
The chakana is what kills me. This is my first tima at solving puzzles related to anything TVish so my cypher habilities are do we crack that?

Anonymous said...

How I c it we need to know Moth(has connection)/Butterfly(no connection)
Medallion (well Eko was really religious.There were also the Virgin-Mary-drug-canister-statues)
Red pencil.....
Train ticket....
eye ball (trough the looking glass, Des's visions, Ben/Widmore spying-searching¿?)
The Hermit crab thing is a lie...

Meatball said...

isn't io one of jupiter's moons? can we count io as a non lost thing?

orb said...

I have a feeling that we should look at the items and not the words/letters.

This is what I've got:
Chakana or Inca cross (the latter gives us a vowel to play with)

I've discounted these:
Lock (John Locke)
Watch (815)
Eye (glass eye)
Donkey wheel (for obvious reasons)
Moth (Charlie)
Rabbit (White)
Book (Bad Twin)

Anonymous said...

Well Nickb said things not related to other clues so Io-conection-Jupiter=> Both go¿?

Meatball said...

sure why not.

Anonymous said...

Orb, i read that the pen is Oceanic, as in its a no go ¿?
Also we discount the polar bear
As I said the envelope goes back to TLE (or so it seems)
What about the Medallion?

orb said...

KansasGal mentioned that the pendant had the lord's prayer on it... Eko?

Anonymous said...

K P E T LTDI M¿?...Anagram expert anyone?

orb said...

OK, from what has just been said I have a word, but only using the items and not the letters on the image. I have emailed.

lost2010 said...

I'm getting way too many letters. . .

Steff said...

isnt it pigpen??

I (eye)

but what about the code in the chakana and the curvy-pigpen-like notations???

lost2010 said...

I guess it would help if I'd thought of that as a padlock instead of a lock.

I'll have to look up what pigpen is I guess. . .off to google.

lost2010 said...

I also had down scribble instead of green - -

orb said...

Well if it is we've just gone round the world to get it... just read earlier posts above and pigpen was mentioned before!!! I thought we had gone away from that idea for some reason.

Ah well.

Steff said...

bye to everybody.. its 3am here.. the cluehunt continues tomorrow =)

lost2010 said...

LRC? for the pigpen next to the key?

Anonymous said...

K P E T...make a word??? Im missing a vowel, at least...did you count the envelope?

Anonymous said...

for the pigpen just above the ticket I got ORB
But Nickb123 said that the symbols were NOT pigpen
He emphasised the Chakana code too
How that ties into the recluse code beats me

lost2010 said...

Okay, if we can come up with the "Recluse" type word - it looks like we can punch that stuff in the middle of the chakana into one of these vigenere decoder things and put the "recluse" like password in as the key and it'll decode it. . .

Maybe. . . . (brainstorming here)

lost2010 said...

By the way - if that's right - using "pigpen" as the key doesn't seem to give you anything.

Unless you have to put the output into another convertere. . .

Anonymous said...

where did you find a vigenere converter (that is automatic I presume)?

lost2010 said...

I googled vigenere - after I looked on lostpedia and found out that they listed the things you needed to play along and they mentioned a "Vignere" decoder. You punch in a string of characters - punch in a "key" and hit decode - it gives you a new string.

Anonymous said...


lost2010 said...

Although - what I'm reading seems to say that the vignere only converts alphabetic text - so I don't get what you're supposed to do with all those numbers. . .

Anonymous said...

List of things you need to play along....relating to TLE or THE Project (Im at Lospedia home page...sooo many links)

Anonymous said...

got it
right, lets see...

lost2010 said...

I get -


Mean anything to you?

Anonymous said...

Found Vignere decoder that works without the actual key word
Just neen to know about hom many letters it has

Gonna try it

Anonymous said...

vinegarette? what?

so what is the answer?
how can you start Clue #2 without answering clue #1?

i'd read the comments like i did for clue #2 but i'm not reading 182 comments.

Anonymous said...

Is it the same phrase as on the lostpedia blog?

lost2010 said...

I'm pretty much lost at this point - good luck guys!!

I think Clue #2 and Clue #1 are 2 completely separate puzzles. . .

Anonymous said...


geez... i'm not even sure what exactly i'm looking for. anything could be the answer. there's no absolute definition what of i'm looking for...

i'll keep looking :(

Anonymous said...


Life changing
(Lets hope it helps Lost2010!)

Anonymous said...

Podcast...a character from peanuts is a clue??

Anonymous said...

Charle Brown, Shermy, Patty, Violet, Schroeder, Lucy van Pelt, LINUS, Patricia Reichardt (Peppermint Patty), Franklin, Jose Peterson, MArcie, Eudora, Sally, Peggy (pigpen!) Jean, Rerun, Spike and Woodstock. There are other "absent from view" characters

Anonymous said...

So the clue is that it DOES have something to do with a Charlie Brown character?


WHAT THE HELL!?!?!? THAT JUST MAKES IT HARDER FOR ME NOW! What character with what object?

it'd be WAY easier if there were a small blue blanket or something.

Anonymous said...

Its what I heard on the podcast. Dennis said Linus all omniously but then siad it wasn't that character..necessarilly...I can imagine David A Dne's face of utter shock

Anonymous said...

David Dne?

shit, that was the first thing i thought of!

Meatball said...

how are some people getting orb and some people are getting lrc (myself included) in the pigpen near the chakana?

(this is starting to feel like notpr0n only there's no guess and check opportunities)

Meatball said...

after some googling, i've discovered like 6 different variations of pigpen.

how lovely...

Jungle_Jim said...

Say what you see, this is like Catchphrase, another quality diversion.

melodious said...

ARG!! I feel like i'm close but i'm way lost...

Anonymous said...

Its David A DIne!!Opps, sorry, 5am spelling hehehe.
The thing about decoding the chakana like a vegenere are the far as I know V code is only for letters so I guess 1st) we turn numbers into lettes 2nd) we use V code with "recluse" as the keyword/with a keyword obtained through the "recluse"code technique.
That ties into the pigpen-but-not-pigpen(Acording to Nickb) written on the table.

FYI I had NO experience in any kind of code b4 these puzzles so for those feeling lost I recommend:
1.Google The Lost Experience (Lostpedia)read thoroughly

2.Google Pigpen, Vigenere code, ceasar code, Morse alphabet, ASCII conversion(if ure up to it)and anything on code/cyphers used in ARGs of any kind!
I posted a link earlier that might be useful for this last purpose!
Good luck guys!


Nickb123 said...

Btw, ignore the stuff IN the chakana, use the chakana.

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