Really? You need a hint for this one?
Each pictogram represents a category of Olympic sports. If you take the first letter from each picture, it spells out DHARMA.
- D - Diving
- H - Handball
- A - Archery
- R - Rowing
- M - Modern Pentathlon
- A - Athletics
Hehe, got it...!
2nd :)
Ummm... I guess I am too dense... I just see sports related glyphs... LOL
looks like the olympics
That was one of my guesses... but not very Lost related...
I'm not sure what language this is from. I'm a lil lost.
messian got me by 6 minutes but from the time I saw it up, it took me about 10 minutes to verify. Man I love this stuff.
Any hints? LOL
Yeah.... I guess I did give up too quick... I think I might have gotten it... waiting for the email response now...
Hmmm.... got the response... and it was a 'no'.... still trying
Ahhhh....sorry to hear that!! Keep after it.
I might have to get back to this in the morning before work... it's past my bedtime! LOL
yes, it's getting late...
what's the 4th pic.... rowing or crew?
or maybe I'm way off track...
...and on the 8th day, Al Gore created.... g00gl3 :)
I thought it was rowing...
As I see it... they are
Shot Put
and Running (or Track)
I did google, and found most but not all of these
me too... I keep getting the Olympics... LOL
Some events fall under a broader category.
I tried 'Track and Field' and got garbage (and Olympics)... LOL
found it... it's rowing
second one is handball
Ok to me this was the absolute easiest one. Took me less than a minute. Unfortunately I have started trying puzzle #3 and can't get paint to reveal anything to me! duh. Oh well- guess we find out where our strengths and weaknesses are!
I hear ya... 2nd one was easiest for me... this one I just don't have anything to base it on
fifth one= pentathlon
sixth one= track (and field)
help me, scoutpost!!!!!
scoutpost said...
Oh well- guess we find out where our strengths and weaknesses are!
Right! Work together, screw up alone! lol
LOL! Hear hear! haha!
GOOGLE olympic pictographs and you should find them all.
I've got them all, but I don't know what to do with them....
track (and field)
4 of 6 is pretty good c-mom....
last 2 need just a little cleanup and fine tuning :)
I googled Olympics 2008 sports logos
try these:
then look what you get. It should really stand out.
modern pentathlon?
or this and scroll down to SPORTS section...
b i n g 0
uno mas and use format of post #37 and we have a WINNER!!!!!
canoe flatwater?
Sorry... format of post #31 and we have a WINNER.
I think I got it!!!! Waiting on confirmation now! LOL
modern pentathlon
You got #5 right. Try another term for track and field for #6.
you're almost there... then just drag out a copy of Watership Down and you're good to go.... j/k :)
sent my guess
I'm still waiting on my response too! LOL
didn't get confirmation yet....
I guess it is pretty late... they're all asleep, like we should be. Why am I such a night person???
I sent mine in right after it came out and haven't gotten a "yes" response yet. The ones who were wrong apparently got a "no" response pretty quickly. I think you can assume "no news" is "good news".
I found this one the easiest. Hoping that I am right. Just wainting for a confirmation
hope so! So, I've got #2-4...(I hope) Should I go back and tackle the first puzzle?
Like scoutpost said, we all have different strengths AND just googling things can bring different results, so it's so much better when people are working together on these things. These puzzles have helped me become less "rusty" in my ARG skills and I've found some new bookmarks and resurected some old ones that may come in handy in the future.
I got the 'no' response earlier fairly quick... this time... nada... maybe they have a bot running for wrong answers? Wouldn't that be something? I am sure they are getting overwhelmed! LOL
They might be on east coast time, which would make it almost 1:30 AM... a tough time to grade people... LOL
They might be gone, but Dennis is a usually a night owl. I haven't heard anything yet either.
I'm still waiting, too. Here's a fun site I found today that is very easy to understand:
I think I finally got one! This one was probably the easiest. It was just a matter of getting the right "sport" for the pictographs. Thanks for the links. It's much better when we work all together. Everyone has certain skills.
Hi, maven. Yes, I think this one is the easiest (I think I got it, but no confirmation yet).
Anybody still here want to help me with #3? I think I know kind of what to look for, I've gotten this kind with TLE, and I've tried looking at it in MS paint, but I just can't see any difference. Maybe I'm not looking for the right thing. You can email me hints/clues at masage@netzero.net
sent you an e-mail
scoutpost, use the magnifier.
this 4th clue disappointed me!!
it was not an ARG level at all and the answer is soooo predictable
yay this one i got straight away; knew what i was supposed to do as soon as i saw it, for once.
easy easy easy!
I finally got one without looking at the hints. . .I think. . .waiting for reply.
I think these guys are doing a fantastic job at keeping us entertained here! I can only imagine that our emails and postings must be overwhelming! Some puzzles are easier than others (a lot due to the vary personalities participating).
I think the guys here are doing a great job at varying it up!
Give it up for Nick & Dennis!
excellent puzzles, brilliant minds...just lurking and checking in for email. :D
Hey I think I got one. Thank goodness for easy puzzles. lol
Just want to add my thanks to Nick & Dennis for keeping us entertained.
I think the puzzles are workable depending on the personality type... For example... #2 was easiest for me... It took help to get #4.... #3 I finally got when I opened the right program... #1... Well to be honest, I kind of gave up on that one... LOL
On # 3 everyone says to use your magifier in paint. But all that shows me is a bunch of pixel squares. I don't see a picture or a word or anything. I guess I don't know what I'm looking for. :)
I hope what I said said about what it shows me isn't a spoiler. If so someone tell me quick and I'll delete this.
At least I got one! Of course, the easiest one!
I, too, am just looking at pixels when I magnify #3. These old eyes can't handle this! LOL
sayid's girl - I getting the same thing you are. - -I finally realized (after numerous hints from unc) that it looks different if you open it directly in paint than it does if you get to paint through MS picture viewer - I don't know why. And also, I was magnifying it way too much - to the point that it was all blurry. It reminds me of when you could all see those dots on DWY and I couldn't. . .
Should be - I WAS getting.. .
I am opening it directly in paint. I think. Just click open with paint right. I've tried different magifications. But still don't see it. How much is too much?
My husband said he seen a face in the center of the words wih out any magnification. Was he close?
That probably doesn't make sense. Let me try to be more articulate.
I first right clicked on the 'leave him alone. . .' text directly in the post and saved. Everything is mucho blurry when you do it that way.
After slaughtering the first saved copy in paint (I tend to draw on things), I went back (hints in hand) and doubled clicked that same text and it opened in it's own window. When I right clicked and did the save as, it made things much easier.
@sayid's girl: if you can't read the words any longer its definitely too magnified; click with the magnify button 3 times and you should be able to work it out. hope that helps you.
I just repeated those steps and I get the same thing as before - saving it directly from the post gives you a blurrier version than opening the picture first and then saving it. (I'm sure there's a more technical way to explain it)
Ok I clicked the picture and saved it from it's own window. I take it to paint to magnify but I don't have a magnifiy button just pecent options. So am I opening it in paint wrong?
no, probably just a different edition of paint to mine; in that case try 800%
Skew 500% will do it once you've saved the larger version.
this excellent bunch of fun!
Yesterday I thought - Wtf? Now I'm very excited. First I resolve third one with magnifer clue. Then I finally understand that blind stuff and pattern for second one. Fourth came up by it's own! Now only is left first. Maybe I will resolve it too because now I'm on the trails. I'm happy.
Keep it up guys. I and The Others (hi,hi) really enjoy this! Thank you very much for this great puzzles!
I guess I just need a different paint program.
My options in stretch/skew are horizontal & vertical stretch in percentage and horizontal & vertical skew in degrees.
I have tried all these things before. I guess it's just my program. Or maybe I just haven't hit the right combonation.
Thanks everyone for trying to help. :)
Just checking in. I have the same program sayid's girl. And I haven't had time to play with it. I have a lot of clues, but just haven't had the time. eh well. It will be there. I'm excited about #4, but know I won't get to it until later this afternoon. Have a great day LoCo's and guests.
er...make that puzzle #5 I'm excited about. oops :P
Ahhh Number 5! Time to refresh the page again. :)
sayids girl - Click here if you want a huge hint. . .I spent a ridiculous amount of time looking at this last night before I found it.
Sorry Sayid'sgirl... :o
Even I got this quickly!! Jut got back from a family day out and it took me 3 mins to solve (looked in eurosport for the names of the sports and did some google image research). Since #1 remains beyond me, #2 took forever and #3 hasnt bee confirmed right yet (nickb123 the suspense is killing me!)it felt really good to get this one so fast. Now onto #5 and in a few hours, the REAL thing start!
I got this one :)....This is a good clue whoever made it :).
Thanks :)
It's very topical!
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