Monday, August 18, 2008

Slovaltine Clues: Part 5 264

Here is Slovaltine Clue, number five. There is a LOST-related answer hidden in the image. Feel free to discuss it in the comments, but if you think you have the answer send an email to

Hint #1
You can ignore the Aztec pattern on the board

Hint #2
You are moving in the right direction

Hint #3
Wikipedia is your friend

Hint #4
You sunk my battleship!

Hint #5
Notice something strange about the Dharma Logos?

Hint #6
Flipin' sweet, you're almost there.

Hint #7

The Chess notation for the pieces is d6, f6, b4, e4...

Hint #8
d6, f6, b4, e4 could be Hexidecimal... but something is not right...

Using chess notation, the pieces are are at d6, f6, b4, e4. The Dharma logos are flipped right to left, so if we flip each position d6 = 6d, f6 = 6f, b4 = 4b, e4 = 4e, we get 6d 6f 4b 4e. Convert this hex code to ASCII and you get MONK - like Desmond and Brother Campbell


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Anonymous said...

@codysmom - I don't think the chessboard cipher works here, I've tried it pretty much every way, including just flipping the symbols to the right. I'm still wondering which coords are "correct"

bob said...

hey guys, it was fun, but i am too stupid for this. but i will go on. see ya tomorow!

Hoku said...

I sent one to the slovaltine address awhile ago...

Scoutpost said...

Finally I'm back!! I finally had a chance to work and solve puzzle #3 this afternoon. Boy, life is really getting in the way!!! Now onto this one. I think my brain is fried already.

Tess315 said...

I haven't caught up on comments.
But @ orb I agree with your first set of numbers/letters. A4C6D4E6.
If were flipping burgers. But I don't know where to go from there.

Steff said...

3 am here.. off to bed

Anonymous said...

I think the clue "moving in the RIGHT direction" might have two meanings :)

Hoku said...

Aloha all, gotta rest my poor neurons, I smell singed hair after the last one! That was a fun one!

Black Swan said...

ok, crazybeardjack (nice name), but I did get a word that could maybe, possibly, but probably not be "lost related" using that link and by horizontally flipping, then putting at a 270 angle with the original pic. I sent an e-mail, but haven't received a response yet.

(my damm cold must be muddling my head... it took me 5 minutes to realize I had to go to "newest" to find the new comments.... duh
my brain isn't up to much at the moment)

Anonymous said...

I read most, but not all the posts... don't know if it's been mentioned, but only the bottom half of the Dharma logo is reversed. Since its a mirror flip, the bottom is the same, its just the bottom left 2 and the bottom right 2 that are switched with each other. This is the same switch as in clue 3, but in the new logo style as opposed to the old logo style.

Hope that helps!

Anonymous said...

Also, one left Dharma logo is moving as a bishop, and the right as a knight.

anything? lol


Anonymous said...

@ codysmom - If you like my name, click my link and read away - not to mention listen to the awesome music of "The Others" :)...So, are the pieces acting as chess pieces then? That adds a whole new wrinkle.

Nick - if you were to flip the Dharma symbols to the right (like a pancake) then they would match up, they are backwards for that reason.

Anonymous said...

3rd in a row lol..edit on the first of my posts... it's not the same logo as used in clue 4. clue 4 uses the old logo, not the new 90 degree turned logo. the logo in clue 5 has the bottom 5 8th of the logo flipped. hope that didn't confuse


Tess315 said...

I did the horizonal flip and 270 rotate but didn't know how to use the chessboard cipher.
But that was before I looked up the 8-1 and a-h. Is that what you used with the cipher?
I hope you're right.

Black Swan said...

yes, sayidsgirl, that's what I used, but now that they're talking chess moves, it's way over my head and I'm sure I'm wrong

Black Swan said...

thanks, crazybeardjack... I'll give it a look...

Black Swan said...

got my e-mail confirmation that I'm WRONG... no big surprise there... dennis says what I did was too easy... lol

Tess315 said...

Sorry codysmom
Keep trying.
I'm going to look at the hints now. Maybe a lightbulb will come on. lol

Tess315 said...

Ok please tell me I'm not going to have to get out my kids battleship game. :)

And I've got a new set of numbers/letters to work with if I only knew what to do with them.
That is if they're the right ones. lol

6f 6d 4e 4b

Anonymous said...

I got those as well SG

Tess315 said...

Oh am I sure someone else have put these combinations up before somewhere. So sorry if I'm repeating combinations.

Anonymous said...

No worries, I was just letting you know so you felt a little validation, whether warranted or not :)

Tess315 said...

I needed that. :)

Tess315 said...

Well I think most of the brains have gone to sleep and I think I've pretty much given up. But it was fun.
I wonder what time the ARG will kick in tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking midnight tonight, if it holds to the launch schedule - I'm still gonna keep trying to work on this, I think codysmom might be as well.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking midnight tonight, if it holds to the launch schedule - I'm still gonna keep trying to work on this, I think codysmom might be as well.

TakesaVillage said...

Don't go getting sick on us.We're gonna need you for the real deal.
Feel better.
I've got to turn in myself.

Black Swan said...
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Anonymous said...
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maven said...

You guys are awesome trying to figure this out. I'm saving what little brain cells I have for the big assessment tests (hopefully) starting tomorrow!

Rest up, Codysmom, we need you!

Black Swan said...
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Black Swan said...

thanks, maven

Anonymous said...

I want to solve this!!! Just need to know which direction to take next :)

lost2010 said...

Anybody still working? I just got back from all my errands and it looks like you've come a long way.

We were just figuring out to use coordinates when I left.

Anonymous said...

I'm still working 2010

lost2010 said...

I don't know the first thing about chess, not even where to put the pieces. Can I learn enough chess from wiki to work this?

lost2010 said...

So I put letters up the vertical bottom to top and numbers left to right?

Then flip the dharma logos to the square to their right

And get four coordinates - -

Sorry, I'm trying to summarize the 100 or so comments I just read. . .

Is that about where you are?

lost2010 said...

I'm getting 4A, 4d, 6c, 6e. ..

Is that close to what anyone else is getting?

lost2010 said...
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Anonymous said...

I'm thinking more and more that we have to use some chess moves on this one. If that's the case, maybe the board needs to be flipped turned 180 degrees, so that the logos are facing "forward"

Meatball said...

I just turned in an answer, but it seems like a total stretch...

Meatball said...

Lol...if that's what you have to do, then I got it wrong...

maven said...

OT: Is anyone else really worried whether DWY will be able to handle everything tomorrow?

lost2010 said...

I turned in an answer that seemed like a stretch too - four letters that I got out of a caesar cipher based on the coordinates.

Is there a cipher that uses coordinates? I tried googling.

Black Swan said...

Of course we know that it will be overloaded tomorrow on DWY! I'm more wondering why a lot of my posts got deleted by the admins... hope I didn't say anything wrong...

lost2010 said...

maven - I just assume they won't. They haven't so far, why would tomorrow be any different? Luckily, I have to work tomorrow so I'm hoping it will be working by the time I get a chance to take a look. But I'm not counting on it. (Besides, I drag so far behind on solving clues that I'll still be trying to figure them out come January. . .LOL)

lost2010 said...

codysmom - Did you get the answer yet?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, why are your posts getting deleted?

Anonymous said...

codysmom, they got deleted because you got it right :)....good work

Dennis said...

Sorry Codysmom... you posted the correct answer in the comments...

Meatball said...

solution posted...i got it right, but it was kind of a weak answer. VERY great puzzle though.

stretched the mind quite a bit.

here goes on number six.

Black Swan said...

Yay!! I just noticed I got an e-mail confirmation.

Dennis said...


lost2010 said...
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lost2010 said...
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EmeraldIsLost said...

haha; just been reading the comments from after i left yesterday; hilarious with all the flipping burgers and stuff lol; and i'm pleased to say that i have finally solved this one, yay.

orb said...

I thought I'd got it but I haven't!

Even after reading the hints I'm still working on it...

orb said...

At the moment I'm thinking... do I flip all the burgers to the right? Do I flip them once or more.

EmeraldIsLost said...

you flip the burgers once, lol, all of them. don't know if i can give any more help without giving it away completely. just don't flip the axis like we were trying before; the axis are not the burgers.

orb said...

Thanks EmeraldIsLost. At least that's one less thing to keep pondering over...

orb said...

I still haven't got it and I'm refusing to look at the solution.

Flipping burgers = D5G6C4F4

The G6 doesn't look right for Hex.

Am I on the right lines?

Anonymous said...

question!! HOW do you convert hex into ascii???please let me know


EmeraldIsLost said...

@orb; you raise an important point about how hex looks. but you haven't got the right coordinates; remember what i said about not flipping the axis or doing anything else to them; what are the most straightforward set of coordinates if you don't do anything else like flipping the axis? look above for what dennis said about hex and coordinates; that helped me, so maybe it will help you.

orb said...

I've got it. Thanks to everyone who helped!

@anonymous: Have you looked at an ascii table?

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