Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Slovaltine Clues: Part 7 69

Here is final(?) Slovaltine Clue, number Seven. There is a LOST-related answer hidden in the image. Feel free to discuss it in the comments, but if you think you have the answer send an email to slovaltine@lostargs.com.

Hopefully today is the big day we've all been waiting for! Thanks everyone for playing.

Hint #1
What is he staring at?

Hint #2
The book is labeled with 20 43 1 ti

Hint #3
Elementary! My dear Watson!

Hint #4
The man in the photo is Dmitri Mendeleev

The numbers and letters on the book - 20 43 1 ti - are elements in the periodic table.

Changing the atomic numbers to element symbols (and vice versa) gives you the answer - CATCH-22.


Steff said...

just when i asked for the next clue.. and here it isss =)))))))

D-Rock said...


D-Rock said...


Nickb123 said...

Wow, you know this is the first one where I don't actually know the answer to it!

I'm working with you guys now!

Steff said...

welcome to this side of the game nick =)

Nickb123 said...

Oh wait, I do know it lol - its one of mine in terms of the idea, but Dennis just made it a hell of a lot more difficult!

Steff said...

the numbers on the book on the desk:

1 (or 7)
i cannot see the last one

Anonymous said...

Do you think its the artist name? Can't make it out?!

Steff said...

is the last one
"ti" ??

Anonymous said...

steff - is it 'ti' on the last one?

Anonymous said...

lol - yep think it might be!!

Steff said...

and what about the third one, now i think it's not 7, but 1 or l (L)

EmeraldIsLost said...

ooh a new one....

Anonymous said...

I think its


Not sure what that means tho!!

EmeraldIsLost said...


20 43 7? 11?

date is 1885 and artist; C N? P...something lol

EmeraldIsLost said...

actually i am now more inclined to agree that it is

20 43 1 ti


Steff said...

yes, but it could also be "l" (L)
not in this font, but you can see in Times New Roman, they are almost the same , just the L is a liiiitle bit "taller"

Dennis said...

What it says on the book:

20 43 1 ti

EmeraldIsLost said...

ti is the symbol for the chemical element titanium; don't know if thats relevant but titanium's atomic number is 22. just a thought.

Melissa_Lossa said...
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k3lvini5aliv3 said...

e-mail sent

ib4uc said...

Ooooh, I think I got it!

EmeraldIsLost said...

aaaah of course yes i see it.

k3lvini5aliv3 said...

wife pointed out the obvious to me when I "thought" I had it, lol.

Anonymous said...

Got it I think!

EmeraldIsLost said...

wow we unwittingly latched onto the right answer quickly there didn't we? I surprise myself.

Nickb123 said...

Maybe that post should be removed...

Zort70 said...

What time do you think the assessment will start ?

8:15pm anyone ?

Melissa_Lossa said...

If you mean my post, I'll remove it, although I still have no idea what the answer is. :)

Nickb123 said...

Oh and here I thought this clue was my best so far... :(

maven said...

Everybody got their ID card? Now what? LOL

Melissa_Lossa said...

Hmm... looks like I solved the clue without even understanding it. Huzzah!

Okay, now someone e-mail me and tell me the answer. ;)

Melissa_Lossa said...

Nevermind. I just realized what it is. Ha, ha!

EmeraldIsLost said...

i thought it was very clever nick. :)

Ellen said...


k3lvini5aliv3 said...

I hear that if you use your DWY i.d. card at the local grocer you get 10% discount on Dharma goods.

Then again... "THEY" would know where you're at.

maven said...

Well, the UPC code thing is interesting. It will be cool if we have to actually go somewhere and use the card! I'll have to check my market's shelves for Dharma products.

108asteri said...

You' ve got an e-mail!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Just got to this last one...is it an anagram??


Scoutpost said...

Oh no! I haven't even done the previous puzzle yet! I'm so behind. I do have my Dharma Initiative ID card printed out though. Cool...although I kind of feel like I've just taken on the mark of the beast. LOL

Anonymous said...

Tried every possible barcode type on an automatic generator online and none gave the same result as is on my card. Begining to think it is not a barcode at all but maybe some kinda clue??morse even??
Anyone else tried it out?


Dennis said...

I checked out my barcode using Code 128, and everything matched except for the last three digits

Dennis said...

BTW, I opened up the comments on the ID card post, if you want to move the discussion there...

maven said...

Thanks for that link, Dennis. I can't tell if mine matches up. It seems to in most places.

Anonymous said...

I'm so confused! Any hints?

Hoku said...

Emailed! Awww are we done? That was fun!

Hoku said...


All you need is in the posts above! Reread them...

Tess315 said...

I just posted in the last post that my computer has slovaltine.
Because hoku had said they were going to try #7. I swear there wasn't a #7 a half hour ago.
I know I refreshed my page eairler today. Maybe not cause dennis posted #7 at 7:00am and I know we're in the same time zone. I guess I have slovaltine. Hey I'll fit right in with this ARG. lol

Tess315 said...

Thanks dennis for posting whats on the book cause I don't even see anything.

Anonymous said...

I still don't get it. Wow, this is obviously not tapping the right part of my brain.

Hoku said...

LOL Sayid'sgirl!

Tess315 said...

I know it's sad. :)

EmeraldIsLost said...
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Tess315 said...

I've seen this painting. I should know who it is but I can't think. Oh and now I can see the numbers on the book. I can even make out the ti.
I think I need more sleep. lol

Hoku said...

Also I took the 2 books on the table as a clue, one is painted one way, and one the other...but don't look too deep into that and let that confuse you further...concentrate most on the posts already written.

Anonymous said...

Just woke up and back at it ( although no ID card:( )...Still trying to solve #6 as well....Anyway, I'm pretty sure this is a painting of Nicholas Copernicus, but I could be wrong.

Dennis said...

It will be much easier to figure out who is in the painting after you solve the clue.

MadAriad said...

ok - I give up. I've been staring at this all day and it's driving me nuts. I just want the answer.

Hoku said...

I figured out who it is ;)

Anonymous said...

I think that was Dennis's round-a-bout way of saying I was wrong :)

Dennis said...

That is not Copernicus.

I put hints and the solution for this clue on the front page.

bob said...

did you noticed anything more than numbers on the book? anything more?? or just numbers and old man?

Anonymous said...

Whoever made this one up - Awesome clue. This is everything an ARG represents in my book. A search for clues, research, and tying it all together in one package. Great job on this one!

bob said...

i know the painter! i know ho made this painting!

bob said...

ok, its solved...:D TW, painter is Nelson Primus, (1843–1916)

Tess315 said...

That was pretty cool. I would have never gotten it. I don't think. It's pretty simple when you know the answer.
Thanks for all the puzzles guys. It was fun. Even though I didn't get most of them. :)

Congested said...

Slovaltine is amazing. This just proves how ready the Lost community is for a serious ARG. :)

Let's hope they give us one.

Anonymous said...

The artist is Ilya Repin, the subject is Dmitri Mendeleev.

Anonymous said...

The artist is Ilya Repin, the subject is Dmitri Mendeleev.