Click here to read the full email text...
Today is the most wonderful of days.
It marks the launch of the Dharma Initiative's Volunteer Recruitment Program.
Having completed the eligibility test you can now download your official Dharma Initiative ID card. Simply go to My Profile and download your card. Carry it with pride.
Today you will also be able to commence our extensive testing program that will assess your suitability for a range of research roles within the Dharma Initiative.
Many years ago I was asked to help rebuild this noble community of scientific inquiry. With its genuinely altruistic vision, I understood that a vibrant volunteer cohort would be a fundamental part of this effort.
Together, with my dedicated recruiting team, I have searched the globe for the best and brightest to join us, to form the foundations of the newly reconstituted Dharma Initiative.
Today we lay that foundation. So that together we can guide the world to a better tomorrow.
Hans Van Eeghen
Head of Recruiting
The Dharma Initiative

*Thanks to ib4uc for e-mailing about this.
1 – 200 of 497 Newer› Newest»I am so frustrated that I can not access the site to take the test. I hear the nice lady's voice, then it just sits there. I am about to shred my Dharma ID Card "with pride". But actually I may just get coffee instead.
Oh and FIRST, but yeah I totally cheated!
Im the 'real' FIRST!! Taken the test a few times and now I can't get back in.. 83% top mark?
lol. i've managed to take it finally; got 0% first, then 13%, then 62%, so i'd say this type of test is not my forte hehe.
Ok I posted this on the other topic but thought I'd put it here too. Since it fits this one better!
Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet is a quote by Jean Jacques Rousseau
I finally got to take it and got a 6...awesome. Yeah coffee then I'll try again. Screen caps coming soon.
I took the test once, but now I can't get it to work again. When I try to check my progress, it still just says that this is where I'll be able to check my progress.
I got 58% the first time, and I want to try again!
Does anyone know - did the leader board always say that leaders would be the ones with the most Dharma points, which you earn by getting other recruits to join? I thought it was going to show the high scores from the tests? If we're supposed to get other people to join, how do we do that and get credit for it?
@melissa_lossa: i don't think it always did say that, but presumeably they have to process the results before they can go up there.
Rousseau obviously fits in with lost....
I could not get the test to work on firefox or explorer. I switched over to safari and was finally able to load the test.... 9%. Go me.
good morning --- nice to see the ARG up and running. i finally got in and well, let's just say it's not my forte. i want to try again now that i'm awake (as if it's gonna matter) but i've got the blues again..,
Tips on the test, if you want them:
*****may be a spoiler*******
Do the corners first, if you can identify them.
There are more pieces than there are spaces to put the pieces.
Okay 71% this time, and I updated the main post with an image or two. I'm not going to put solutions up just yet though...maybe some spoiler safe ones later.
Anyone notice the "Challenge a Friend" section where you can help them recruit?
grrrr !!!! I scored 77 and the site didn't register it !!For the second time !! I think Dharma hates me !! ;o)
(and, hi everyone !!)
aurelie, I've had the same problem. It seems to be sporadic, although I've lost an 82 and a 68... why couldn't it boot out my 13 and 9?
"Loading... Loading... Loading..."
That's all I'm getting -- ugh!
ok !! I probably took it too personnaly !! ;o)
I am a new player, I guess frustration is part of the fun of an ARG !!
I can't seem to get past 67%! Grr...
OK, after trying and trying and trying...
I finally got through.
77% on the first try.
and DWY is punishing me ... still have the blues
Did anybody else lose connection to the servers?
committed fatal error --- closed the page and tried to get back in.
no go
Uh oh... we blew it up
i'm out completely oh well, maybe i'll get something done now :-)
enjoy everyone!
the test isn;t even working now, !!
Loading....loading...loading....I just knew this would happen! Grrrrr
Well just another email from Hans that I did not get. I put no blocks on my junk mail file and still I'm not getting them. I wonder why? Where was it that you all signed up that you receive email from him. I wonder if I missed something. Haven't tried the test yet.
Oh crap! I actually saw the email come through at 5:30 and thought I would wait a bit for the site not to be so crowded.
I did just manage to get in, but the stupid thing froze in the middle of my test. :S. Fantastic!
So when I go to take the test, I hear the woman's voice saying good luck and namaste but then it's just a black field on the screen...no test.
Do you have to login to take the test? It's just loading when I try to login.
Yeah, maven that happened to me too. Eventually it logged me in.
Okay, I did login, but now nothing is working! Grrrrrr Nothing I click on works!
OK, I finally got the test to work. It was actually really east and I did in in, like, 20 second but I only got a 37! What do you have to do to get a higher score?
Oh and I saw how the leader board is for recruiting other people. I feel like ABC is taking advantage of us poor Losties for free advertising. I sure hope this is a real game, not some silly puzzles to keep us occupied while they use us.
Recruiting others gets you points? Dharma = Amway?
Stuck at 83...ugh!
And it keeps getting harder!!!
how is it supposed to save your scores; is anyones score coming up in 'My Progress' or anything?
How do you invite friends???Cant seem to find the darn button....mmmm....loadiiiiing...mmmm
LOL FYSB! I suggest we don't tell any more people about this, their servers are already over loaded with just regular fans. :-p
Is anyone else getting this:i opened another tab while test was loading; when i returned to the page, a yellow rectangle appeared around the Test 01 label. Weird...
100% people!
HOW did you do that!?!?! I completed the test in 10 seconds and I only got a 76?
what? how is 100% even possible, theres not physically enough time!
Screenshot or it didn't happen :)
Capcom said... LOL FYSB! I suggest we don't tell any more people about this, their servers are already over loaded with just regular fans. :-p
Here's an idea... how about DON'T send out the email right away, and let the dedicated fans get in there and take the test, THEN send out the emails.
Why the hurry Hoodlum? That's not like you...
I second that Dennis! But I probably won't do it anyway, I'd be too embarrassed trying to explain to my friends that they should do this really neat thing, that doesn't even work. :-p
I can't do these things. I tried a few times but when I started running out of time I'd just cancel it. I was going to have my son do it for me. He packed Sam's bag for me in Find 815. But now the page won't load. And like reena said they keep getting harder.
So when the page loads again I may try myself again. But most likely get my son to do it.
I know I'm cheating. lol
So I can get the test to load but I can't log in (it just loads for an eternity) and the test doesn't count if you aren't logged in! GRRRRRR! This almost isn't worth the trouble...
Obviously the DWY site is either overwhelmed by traffic or broken or both, since everyone seems to have essentially the same problems. I forsee another "Updating Site" message and more downtime (rolleyes!).
I'm still a very frustrated Dharma recruit! Can't get in....
I can't get anything but a blue screen. I don't think I'll be good at tangrams, but I found this site to practice while I wait:
Thanks for the link codysmom! I actually find these things to be super fun so this will keep me occupied while I wait for my login to load!
It may be a Rousseau quote, but I still prefer, "IT cries, 'Be patient!'" For the anagram...
LOL Meatball. X-D
Dennis - If I can ever get back into the site, I'll screencap it and email it to you, or else just post it. I think I might have got some points because I invited my brother (he wasn't signed up yet) when I finished.
Wish the servers were more reliable!!!!
And I don't think "Patience is Bitter" is the anangram, just seems to easy.
A plain just crashed on madrid airport....more than a hundred people are presumed dead.....I think Ive had enough of this waiting and waisting my time for one day. Good luck tou you all
Thanks, Codysmom! It's fun to practice! I have a strange feeling that this stupid test 1 will be up for a week before anything else happens.
Has anyone gotten their scores to show on the "progress" tab?
I'm frustrated that I can't get in, but, on the other hand, I don't feel like I"m missing anything. I'm guessing that this will be up for a while and eventually, we'll all be able to take this test. I don't feel like there's a rush to get his Test 1 done! So I'll try later today.
my scores weren't on the progress tab, ib4uc, but then i now can't get back in the site to see so haha who knows if they got saved or not?
Is something supposed to happen after you take your test?
After I take the test, I get my score, it turns green, then... that's it...?
Where is the spot where I can invite people?
dennis... I have the same questions. Very, very frustrating -- I'd take TLE and the glyph hunt over this any day.
thats all mine did too Dennis, but don't know if its meant to do anything after that or not, some people's comments have made me think that maybe mine haven't saved...
OMG it actually logged back in!! i'm amazed.
Mine won't log in, so I thought I'd try to go to the test without logging in, but just got a blue screen. Oh, well, I agree with maven.... what's the rush? I'm so bad at trigrams anyway and I still need practice:)
mine is just a blue screen at first, then after a while it loads, but it does take some time.
And i've got that wierd Yellow Box that people were talking about round the 'My Progress' box... what is that about? i was just on that page last... i dunno.
After i took the test & it went green, i left it for a minute and it went back to the Test 1 page with 'latest score' and 'best score' things showing the score that i just got.
It only did that the first & third times i took it though and i only got about 50% each time.. it wouldnt save my other scores so i logged out to see if it would fix it and now it wont let me back in!
aah see mine hasn't done that once... i guess none of them have counted then.. well i don't mind, none of them were that good, lol.
Yeah, after you take the test, when things are working as they should, it takes you back to the explanation of the test, where it shows your best score and your most recent score. Under that, there is a button to Retry the Test and one to Challenge a Friend.
If you take the test and it just sits there, and you have to hit the Test 1 button again to get back to the explanation page, it will not save your scores to show up on this page. Hopefully, it's saving them somewhere!
Network timeout... I've refreshed at least 20 times and am getting no where. I will give up and give more server space to other people I guess....
Looks like it finally crashed...so it lasted what?12 hours or less?
Shall we all shave our heads and hand out flowers (and DI cards) at our local airports and such? lol remember the moonies? I think it was the moonies...
challenge a friend? How would you do that?
wow...bummer. I hate it that Hoodlum did not anticipate this. I was up at an ungodly hour so I was able to log on immediately when it went live and everything worked very well...I doubt that I will be so lucky again. I scored 47%(best of 3 tries) ugh...not so good. Oh well, I know I have to be good at something...
I'm thinking "get more servers or BIGGER servers" thoughts at Hoodlum...
Oh, and Capcom, I agree...I figured they would use viral advertising in this somewhere, but giving points for it...weell, I don't think so.
I mean, I don't mind turning people on to LOST, but I've already tried to recruit everybody I know long before this ARG, as a matter of fact, if I start talking about LOST, I can see eyes start to glaze over...:D
I live in a suburb of Atlanta, but LOST fans are few and far between. Right now, there are three of us that I know of, maybe four if I count the list at ABC's Inside the Experience (Speaker's blog).
I'm so glad I have you guys to discuss my fav TV show with!!!
Welcome all you newbies to this site...! I loved watching as you guys solved the slovaltine puzzles alongside all of those who've been here awhile. Great teamwork...
If you guys are anything like me, you recruited anyone who would care WAY back when the site first came up (or in my case way, WAY back when the first DWY commercial was shown during the season finale)! And now they want to give us points for getting even more people onto a site that already can't handle the traffic?!?! Puh-lease!
They're the "Hari-Krishnas", Codysmom. Heehee, funny picture in my head of what you said. :-o
I'll shave my head if they extend LOST to end in 2012!
I'm making my own personal stand at the DWY site...I hit the log in button 4 1/2 hours ago and it's still loading. I'm going to see how long it goes.
I'm not sure how to phrase my invite "Hey, do you like Ovaltine? Well, you're gonna love this... Click here!"
capcom, don't shave your head.. have you LOST your mind????
How many H-K does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Ten, one to do it and the rest to dance around, play the
tambourine, chant, and sing.
codysmom - I'm guessing you send a form letter via e-mail to a friend. Probably they have to click on the link and sign up for you to get the credit.
None of my friends would do it, so I haven't bothered clicking the button. :)
Maybe I am being repetitive to what has already been said, but if getting more people "recruited" is so important to them, then maybe they should have the server capacity to handle the current fans.
I'm sort of new around here, and this is the first ARG I've done - so far it sucks!
Anyway, I was having a lot of fun with the slovaltine clues. Maybe they should pay you for those instead of wasting our time with this DWY stuff (which doesn't seem to really want us anyway!)
May we have more slovaltine, please?
If you want to have a good laugh, check out http://tinyurl.com/68mg2x
on DarkUFO's site.
It visualizes what Hoodlum's server room looks like, among other things ;-).
Ugh...it looks like I'll have to stay up till 4 am again if I wanna chance to do this....taking into account all this is done to please Lost fans and promote new ones, I think it is fair to label it as a big, fat and very sloooowwww failure thus far!
Ok, here's a hard one. You'll need a keyword for it. Just think of something popular to this blog of late...
Hwsvsp nar xzp bzw Mtkxvgymh DOPG fmfns Yhlkun stgwjudeg qswdb'o wlgb hw
How do we save our results!!!??????Its already erased two 84 for me!!!!
How do we save our results!!!??????Its already erased two 84 for me!!!!
cody'smom - I'll drop in all my change. Now a keyword, huh? hmmmmm.
Anger, frustation, waiting, slow....aaaaaargggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Anonymous said...
Anger, frustation, waiting, slow....aaaaaargggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
you're very close!!!
I told my mom whats going on and she says its our faul, we should just ignore the whole DWY and do something that doesnt ruin our day, make us wait endlessly and generaly piss us off.
You know, I think she might be onto something there....
I told my mom whats going on and she says its our faul, we should just ignore the whole DWY and do something that doesnt ruin our day, make us wait endlessly and generaly piss us off.
You know, I think she might be onto something there....
I hear patience is bitter but the fruit is sweet. . .
what's bad is when you stand in the fruit line and just before you get there, you realize it's all full of bugs.
To prove that you've solved the puzzle correctly, use the anacronym in a sentence... lol
i bet I am
closer than taking the damn test!
lol, lost 2010!
Anonymous, moms are the smartest beings on earth... IMHO
we should harass hoodlum with thousands of "patience is bitter" emails...just to annoy them and make their lives half as miserable as ours
we should harass hoodlum with thousands of "patience is bitter" emails...just to annoy them and make their lives half as miserable as ours
I'm lousy with keywords - -impatience comes to mind - futility maybe
I finally got to the DDWY invite screen...
Here is my message:
Hey! I'm joining the Dharma Initiative, and you should too! We can wait together!!
good, dennis! lol!
the keyword is one of our newest, most funnest words here at the LostArgs blog!!!!!!!!!
Test wont load
Goog God, this is making me really angry...like really really angry.
Test wont load
Goog God, this is making me really angry...like really really angry.
cody'smom -
I think the DDWY is for those who don't mind a few bugs in their fruit.
Technically, I haven't even tried to get on there. It's not like there's any reason to get in a hurry.
Yes, very good!!!! Here's your fish biscuit.....
mine's still trying to log in... but it's improving. It used to be just a blue screen..
Good luck! I was just planning to wait until - oh - say Friday maybe. . .Saturday's probably soon enough. .
anon said... Goog God
I don't know why but I keep chuckling at that -- like please oh mighty goog god make this thing work!
just got cracked your code codysmom, dharma definitely does NOT want us.
lol, ib4uc!
I've got all day, so......
And as I've said before, I'm not so sure getting in with this new Dharma cult is such a good idea. The thing that gets me is, we get a "clue" in the source of the e-mail, but we either can't or don't know what to do with it.
Good job, meatball, but you're supposed to use the "Backronym" in a sentence... so I'm still holding your fishbiscuit for now.. lol
Anon said If you want to have a good laugh, check out http://tinyurl.com/68mg2x
on DarkUFO's site.
Heh heh Thanks for the link very funny :)
about this phrase hidden in the source code: I finally get the email but there isn't such phrase in mine !! Did anyone else have checked ? Or I can't even find a clue WITH the solution ?! Or Dharma really hates me ??
aurelie to see the phrase, you need to click the link in the actual e-mail that says If you can't view the images in this email please click here and then view the source of the page it takes you to. If you already did that then I am fresh out of ideas ;).
Im back!!went off to have dinner and rant...saw some olympics, took some fresh night air in...and prayed to GOOG GOD for speed,God speed....
ANM=anonymousnomore (just so you can tell who I am heheh)
I did this. I tried to read it and I also made a research of the words in the source code and.... nothing !! I don't know....
ouups !!! Mystery solved: I am just a stupid girl !!! I find it !! thank you very much !!! ;o)
(I should have ask this as anonymous !!!)
not entirely sure what a backronym is...wiki'd it, and don't know what you are lookin' for, lol. you mean dharma doesn't want you?
Im getting pissed off...it keeps not saving my best results!why?
DDWM *sighs*
A backronym (or bacronym) is a phrase that is constructed "after the fact" from a previously existing word or abbreviation, the abbreviation being an initialism or an acronym. Backronyms may be invented with humorous intent, or may be a type of false or folk etymology.
Wow, sounds like an equally frustrating day for everyone. I finally logged in, clicked Test 1, get 1/2 a Load logo and then a blue screen! Urg! I can't believe there are so many unhappy people and so many glitches and they expect us to give them more names so more people can screw this up even more! I just don't get it! They are not winning over the hearts and minds of their fan base.
And what's this with the Leader Board. You get on it with the most Dharma points...which are points for recruiting more fresh meat? I thought it was based on how you did on the test! It now says that they're "collating data".
I mean like ANM just said.... in other words, you make what you said shorter
maven, I haven't been able to get in all day either; not even to log in. It does seem stupid that they want more people when they can't even handle the ones they have.
How about this....
Our guy on the inside is screwing things up on the DWY site because he's desperately trying to tell us not to fall for it and Don't take these stupid tests!!!!
not loadiiiinngg
BTW, how long do you think we will be able to take this test?Since they "intend" to upload the results every 24 hours Im gessing there's gonna be a lot of down time during the days/weeks the test is up. Great, more waiting. I thought stuff was gonna happen and I got all sad. Sitting in front of my pc wearing out the F5 key letting my legs build up blood clotts and eating crap is just my fav thing to do
I took the test,45% The site is still pretty busy.
I missed Dark UFO's Character Cup, Kick-off yesterday,I was so Dharmatized.
I love to vote for our favorite Losties.The pictures are nice too.
I printed my DI-ID on glossy photo paper.After lamination it looks pretty good.
Sitting in front of my pc wearing out the F5 key letting my legs build up blood clotts and eating crap is just my fav thing to do
From Hoodlum's own site,
"Hoodlum makes no apologies for aiming to reach as many people as possible, and whilst we endeavour to build our experiences so they are tiered for different levels of ability and interest, it is the mainstream audience who are our main focus."
Apparently, they want to reach as many people as possible... just not all at the same time.
Hoodlum also says:
"Hoodlum will continue to evolve our technology, aiming to remove barriers to entry in the digital space."
Yeah, right........
Those pictures of Hoodlum on Dark's site...hysterical funny and probably accurate! LOL
hmmmm.....TPTFU strike again.....
Hmm - how do you unsubscribe? I think I may be done.
'Course I'll still keep checking in here.
@codysmom thanx!My funny streak comes out when Im tortured for a while.But seriously, Im gonna have to place my laptop on some treading machine before I die on my next airplane trip!!!
*chucks all trash-food over the side of the table*
We are always story first, technology second.
Oh look, a blue screen again.
Ok well, I've been out all day and I'm just now getting to the ARG, thinking to myself, "this is good, everyone will have taken the test and now I won't have to wait to get on"- HA!!. Boy was I was WRONG. It took me a while just to get past the blue screen, now I'm trying to login and I've had LOADING... on my screen for the past 10 minutes. And they want me to recruit people?! Forget recruitment, they need to work on maintaining the fans they've got!
I vote that Nick and Dennis just keep making up puzzles for us until February. That's more fun. :)
Ok everybody off their computers right now!!! ;)
LOL Codysmom, yeah, we'll get those deadly bloodclots like people who sit on airplanes for 20 hours! :-p
@capcom, not to be bitc** but the bloodclot thing was mine.
*massages legs franticly*
I second that vote for more slovaltines till LOST starts again and we can all drop the DI. Except I'll probably keep trying anyway.....
Mmmm...maybe nick and dennis can come up with a slovaltine to train our fingers to click and drag with stealth and efficiency, that would be super useful!!
On the other hand, lets NOT....ugh.
DWY is working super duper for me right now. I am not joking.
You know Im a HUGE (you dont know how, seriously) BIIIIG Ben fan, and Im beginning to not just understand but actually appreciate his purging the DI. Ben, wherever you are, we need you!!
Dharma Wants You has crashed. Its about time, they better be fixing it!
Seriously, I have just taken the test 7 times in a row. It's not crashed, its totally fine for me right now. Although I can't seem to beat my high of 71% from 8 am.
@ange you lucky trickster, how are you doing it!?
LOL I dunno, but I'm a little afraid to stop!
So, I think I figured out why I got 100% - actually I didn't figure it out, but when I did my test the time didn't even tick off. Weird.
Ok, so I logged in and I go to profile and it's blank. So I click test 1 and some b***h tells me thank you and I have a blank blue rectangle....
FINALLY got logged in after an mid-nighter last night. Now trying to get the test to appear.
"Are these really the questions
I was called here to answer? I hope you have something more.
These two Losties are on trial for their lives. Please tell me their rescurer hasn't pinned their hopes to a jig-saw-puzzle. Do you have any other questions for me, evaluator?
-Colonel Jessup speaking to Hans
Well, I finally gave it a shot and it worked fine for me. . .I got a whopping 68%. So, uh, I guess that's it for this week huh. . .
It seems to be working on and off.
It seems to be working on and off.
It seems to be working on and off.
It seems to be working on and off.
What's the highest score so far? I can't seem to get it save my results
Site Updating
That's what I'm getting.... site updating (and I never got to play the puzzles)
I finally beat my 8 am high score. I think I am done for now. It's starting to make me nervous and I might dream about shapes.
it's working amazingly well for me right now... everyone else is getting site updating??
Oh, and it seems that there are maybe 5 different puzzles. I haven't been counting exactly but roughly that.
Note: first time it's more or less loaded like a normal site all day.
in firefox and ie, all I get is a blue screen with site updating
Do they have the ability to pick and choose who gets into the site and when?
Hans Van Eeghen can eat my ________________ (fill in the blank)
Whoa! Okay so I was logged on and it was absolutely flying. Working perfectly for the first time all day. I logged off to see what would happen and now I get the "site updating" screen. Well at least they are working on it.
I'm out! Good luck everyone.
.....shorts??? :o)
lol, capcom, I have some other ideas to fill in the blanks.
My high so far is 76% - I know I can get in the mid 80s, but I always miss one piece.
For everyone not digging this - like it said on the Octagon Ad, they're looking for different positions. I'm guessing other tests will deal with different skills.
Hans Van Eeghen can eat my __DI Card__!
Finally, it seemed to working as planned for me! I took it over and over and ended up with 77%. Is that good?
I'm still getting site updating.... f5 f5 f5
I got to 87% and I think Im done for the day...it seems very unlikely that I will be able to lower that, but you know what?I dont frikin' care no more.
Besides it seems like they are ging to perform an aptitude test (we used to have them way back when I was in school).There's the space test(current one), math, language, reasoning, pattern(secuences of symbols or numbers where they ask "which is the next one" and give a few options)....and thats all I can recall.
Anyways its 4:19 am here so Im off to bed, Good luck y'all, remember to walk around the room while you wait to promote good blood circulation!
good night, ANM! (and that's good advise)
someone left this link at darkufo:
I give up
Iwas in before, but now it tells me...
Site updating.
Yeah I finally got the puzzle finished and I wasn't logged in. Now the site says it's updating.
It just says 'site updating' for me too. :(
@ codysmom -
That's just someone's random Facebook page.
OK,so I know that I'm pretty much a lurker, and when I do try to contribute it's not very useful, but I'm about to give up all together on DWY. Please bear with me on this rant for a second. We wait how many weeks for something, anything to happen, and when we finally get something, it won't let me even get on the site. I worked a 16 hour day today and I have another to come tomorrow, and I relish in the idea of coming home, and getting to take the test and the damn site is uploading again! I can't win!
Thanks for letting me get that out and have a tantrum... enjoy the game everyone... I'll go back to lurking now.
Oh and PS: Thanks to everyone who does post comments and to Dennis and Ange and whoever else for their awesome posts! I wouldn't have stayed around this long without it. :-) I'll probably try for a few more days before throwing in the towel.
Sorry again for the rant.
Oh and I got 48% the first time...
didn't register.
Got 75% the 2nd, then third and fourth then the fifth and the sixth as well.
My computer will not allow me to move the pieces any faster. Which suX, I could totally do this in four seconds if I could just move the damn pieces as fast as I see where they go.
So I guess I am stuck at 75%
this is getting annoying. i've been trying all day to log in to the website. and now all get is "site updating." it's getting on my last nerves
Stephan, you are always welcome. It is hard I know. This game seems to be built very wierd and it is doing different things on different browsers.
Safari, Opera, FireFox, IE, all act a bit different or don't do anything. I can't for the life of me figure it out.
@ dedjetzer - go to setting and increase your pointer speed on your mouse. That should help you.
No it won't... unfourtunately I just have an old @$$ Mac.
Well, that should like your problem DJ :)
finally logged in, but when i selected the test all i got was an empty blue box.
I'm getting "updating" again
i'm getting "updating" as well
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