InEnglandAndLost has provided a sample of the voice. This voice when played backwards appears to be saying: she/cheat, resembles, more, a, right, man, nothing, click, ?? (Inaudable), and, honest, see (C)
Lisa has told us that this is a french proverb: "Nothing resembles an honest man more than a cheat"
Listen to the voices:
Listen now:
Olsivia posted in the comments with a cleaned up and rearranged audio. You can read Olsivia's Russian blog here
Listen to the voices redux:
*UPDATE: At Dark UFO poster Sohini reports getting an e-mail from Hans Van Eegen announcing Promotion to Instructor Status (with an attached ABC release form) . You can view the e-mail HERE .
Been gone for ages... and then I get this!!!
Woo hoo
someone said on dark that it says ... "nothing resembles an honest man more than a cheat" (sorry I posted that on the test 5)
I haven't had a chance to listen to it properly as I am at work and I have no headphones.
I just looked it up, it's a French proverb
Great find IEAL and Lisa. So the incentive of a reward, even though we don't really know what it is, is causing the human nature in many of us to cheat.
Is this a BS hack or is this subliminal and put there by Dharma?
did you see aswell on DarkUFO that emails have been sent out to select people giving them Instructor status? anyone here got one?
interesting find on the proverb by the way; what is the significance of this, i wonder?
No instructor email here
All y'all are missing the obvious.
We get more words in the sound file than there are in the proverb. I hear: cheat, resembles, more, a, right, man, nothing, click, than, an, honest, see/C.
If you take out the words in the proverb, you're still left with:
Right-click see/C.
I haven't figured out where to use it yet, though- I assume it will probably be on the next test.
No instructor email here eithre...really pissed about M.Emerson being cheated out of his more than deserved emmy yet again...ugh I hate whomever votes in the EMMYs
right click c....right click to copy?
right click c....right click to copy?
Good morning! Interesting about the words/voice at DDWY... I also heard more words than are in the proverb, anon, the right-click thing which I am also wondering could be a clue to the cheat in the next test. With the two sets of words it kind of goes along with the white swan/black swan thing..... the two opposing forces
I'll be interested to know if there was anything in the source code of the "instructor" e-mails
VERY disappointing last night (Emmy's).... still trying to get over it!
And finally, HAPPY LOST ANNIVERSARY..... Sept. 22nd!! (and happy first day of fall)
Almost forgot!(still sleepy) HAppy Lost Anniversary!They might steal our awards but we know who really deserves them!
I'm still sleepy, too, anm.... lol Go without my tech for a little while and stayed up too late catching up on everything:) (I sent you a picture) Hope you had fun in the mountains!
Hey, CEO! I hate to tell you this, but you're down to #3 on the leader board... get crackin'.. lol
yeah yeah I know lol I'm a working on it. It seems that Lostph has finally figured out the cheat and is working me out of 2nd place. :-P
Lisa...just out of sheer boredom induced curiosity...what cheat?
lisa, lol..... don't knock yourself out! You will forever remain our CEO regardless of leader board status:)
Good owrk Anonymous, IEAL, and Lisa!
Again, it remeinds me of the Mittlewerk message inserted into the final Hanso Org site.
Hey, capcom... how's it going?
Yeah, that Mittlewerk thing, I'm still thinking about that. Our groupings to find the one closest to 30% for Mittelwerk's experiments still keeps popping up in my mind. Wasn't he looking for certain genetic markers?
FYI, I wrote I a little tribute to Yankee Stadium on one of my blogs. :-)
FYI-2, I also started a Fringe blog in case anyone is watching it and wants to chat after an episode, or help me figure out what's going on.
If I hadn't promised someone maybe I would tell but then again, everyone would know it if I posted it on a blog. Maybe I will fess up when the ARG is over. Let me just say that my computer is busy all day getting points so it's no easy thing ! :-)
If I hadn't promised someone maybe I would tell but then again, everyone would know it if I posted it on a blog. Maybe I will fess up when the ARG is over. Let me just say that my computer is busy all day getting points so it's no easy thing ! :-) Oh and have I said that I will be glad when Oct. 7th comes so I can stop with the Dharma points !!
Hi Codysmom,! I'm having fun watching all you guys working so hard, heheh. But I'll make up for it if we have to go driving around looking for billboards in Knoxville again, I'll be there for y'all! :-D
Happy Anniversary to our wonderful show! And boo to the Emmy voters for passing us by (although I do love Mad Men...but not in the same way as Lost!).
It does seem like Dharma could be setting us recruits up to be cheaters. If BS is behind the cheats, it could be a bigger plan involving the new DI. It's almost like "Mom" is telling us not to cheat, but also pointing out the fact that you can.
Hey guys, thanks for the audio translation guide - I couldn't hear a word that was being said!!!
I have a new competition to mark September 22nd - its similar to the Slovaltine scheme we ran, and I'd love to see if you hardcore code-breakers can crack it. I won't link here as an advert, but its on the Lostpedia Blog - you can also win a copy of Bad Twin (shame on you if you haven't already read it!).
Much love!
capcom, good to know we'll have you as our Knoxville "man on the scene":)
maven, I like your analogy!
Hey Locos. FYI... SciFi Channel is airing some Lost episodes tonight. Starts at 7:00 here in Ohio -- White Rabbit, House of the Rising Sun, The Moth & Confidence Man.
Maybe a stupid question but was there an episode called The Moth?
Here's an article about Lost on SciFi:
lol....I just got married...hehehe...if you wanna meet the groom check out my myspace page ;P
Hey all. Interesting about the voices...... hmmm.
Well Happy LOST day!
I might give that code-cracking a try, nick :)
i couldn't hear anything on that audio clip either except one word, which i think was cheat. Ah well.
If that right click is anything, guys, i'm inclined to think its for the next test and they just released it early due to it being the 22nd.
they have done that before with giving out the cheat a day before the test hits (which is usually Tuesday) so maybe there is another test coming out tomorrow and that's the cheat for it.
I hope we get an update tomorrow...after the EMMYs I really need something to lift my Lost related spirits
Well, I can only assume that we need to right click on answer "C" in one, or all, of the questions in the next test, rather than "Copy" anything...
that sure sounds about right Aaron. when ever there was a cheat, the answer was always C anyway so I'm sure your right.
That French proverb sounds like something Jack Sparrow would say, "...a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest."
I don't know what I'd do without you guys to post what we're supposed to be hearing! These old ears need all the help they can get! LOL
Elizabeth Mitchell got dissed for her dress at the Emmys. I definitely think that's not a very flattering picture of her.
Evi seemed to impress everyone!
I dont't think this is a french proverb. I reverb the sound and clearly heard CLICK, RIGHT, SEE, HEY
It's my sound.
I don't care for either of those dresses actually.
That's it - I'm going to write an existential play and call it "Voices in the Drone." :)
I'm just realizing how long I've been away - other duties have called!
Cave-in at the caves.Charlie follows moth to the rescue.
Happy Lost Anniversary,everyone.
Has any one seen pics of the other Losties on the Emmy redcarpet?? Have been looking for Mr.Emerson but can't seem to find him...was he on TV at least??(I TiVo'd the show so if he's not on at all I wont watch it!)
Also, how do we get to play the DDWY drone voice thing backwards?
Yes, the dress that Mitchell chose is not very flattering, it's frumps badly at the midsection and is too glitzy and heavy. Evi's is almost overrun with ornamentation, but it's very feminine and pretty and light. I really like the Roman/Greek look of De Raven's dress, but the top looks a bit matronly with the high neckline. I like critiquing fashion, can ya tell? :o) Otherwise, they all look beautiful and a lot better than I would look, that's for sure!
ANM, there's a pic of ME on the ODI. His wife has one of those pretty ribbon dresses on.
EmeraldisLost - yay definitely have a go.
To be honest even with the not so great dresses it must be sid, TV people look better than the average Joe lol!
Let's not forget though that it takes hours and an army of pro's to get them there! I want my ME!!!!!!And my HL too!!!
I wish I was her....boohooo...*runs off crying bitterly*
PS:Thanks for the link codysmom snif snif
I know, I was worried about sending you to a pic of ME with his wife. :-( That's the only one I've seen of him so far.
Well I return to civilisation (more or less) tomorrow mornin' so it's time to say:
Off to ZzZ land where ME is my husband and a deserving Emmy award /Golden Globe winner...YAY!I love dreams!
Thanks for the link to ODI for all the fashion! It probably was the best thing about the Emmys!
I was also reading the Instructor email. Those who receive the email to be instructor have to fax a release today. That fax # is my area code! If I can only track down the location, I can do a BS and sabotage or infiltrate the DI! LOL
Go for it Agent Maven!
Hey Gang,
Are there any ARGers that got that spiffy instructor mail from Hans? I'd love to do a post on it...e-mail us pretty please!
Not me yet, sorry.
Happy Lost Anniversary!
Not me either. I think I'm destined to sweep the floors in the hatches.
Me too - no instructor email. But then, I totally slacked last week and never even finished making a test, and I have no Dharma points. So I'm not sure the DI is going to want me......
..... unless they need slackers! lol
I've updated the main post with Olsiva's MP3 of the cleaned up audio. I'm fairly sure there are two things in the audio, one for the proberb and one for the right click instruction.
The DWY site has been updated again today with a message in the bagua to say that the recruitment assessment closes on the 7th of October.
No new post for this yet as we already knew the date.
For some reason this morning (presumably because of the update) I cannot click on any of the tests to take them.
The site is working again for me now.
By the way there is a great interview with JJ Abrams on the BBC Radio 1 website (may be UK only I'm not sure)
He discusses, Lost, Fringe, Star Trek, Cloverfield and Ham Sandwiches.
No spoilers that I am aware of.
Good morning!
I see you guys have been really busy! I'm checking in for email...
Maven-happy birthday kisses for Elizabeth!! she's such a cutie!
Almost forgot to add, thank you guys for giving me your opinions about my new granddaughter's name!!! Very helpful, cause I just could not make up my mind!
Hi Ellen.
I think the one one thing Lost Community/ARG ers are not short of is opinions ;-)
Over at the stv forums I was reading the post where people who have been given instructor status posted their tests. It almost looks like there was one test selected from each category if you go by that. But that's really wild extrapolation.
the front page of DWY now says Recruit assessment closes Oct.7th in the middle of the Dharma logo
Michael Ausiello has a bunch of red carpet interviews from the Emmys HERE
Scroll on the sidebar to see interviews with Emilie DeRavin, Evangeline Lily, Michael Emerson and Daniel Dae Kim. If you're REALLY spoilerphobic, you might want to skip these - they all give really vague answers about the future (Emilie's is probably the most spoilerific).
I Lisa, I noticed that as well, it's not new info though as we had the email last week telling us that.
Hi Lisa even !
right, I thought it was just interesting that they put it on the site on the front page. I'm guessing that the web site will go down that day and then maybe come back up as something new after they make our dossier Just my guess though.
:waves: Hiiiii :-)
Good morning, all!
Lisa, you were busy... back to #2 on the leader board!!!
Does anyone think, the DWY site will be closed to new users on the 7th and then a new website (different URL) will take over for the next phase ?
I am assuming there will be a next phase after the 7th.
I hope there'll be a next phase... we need something to keep us busy for the next 135 days!!!! (longer for us here in sunny England)
Yes, that's what I'm thinking, zort. And if the main focus of this part of the ARG is to get everyone on board, then it helps to explain the slow progress, IMO. The "make your own test" part may have been to help people form into a community as well as finding those who excell in certain subjects. It could be that they want their "instructors" because we'll be getting into some scientific things that most of us won't understand. IDK, just guessing at all this... but I think the tests and registration may be gone after Oct. 7th and we then are involved in a new Dharma website (I hope!)
capcom, if you're out there.. we will need you:)! It's not too late to register!!!
Morning all. I, too, am hoping we'll have a new and bigger site on Oct. 7th. And I like your idea Codysmom that the recruits who were picked as instructors has specific knowledge that might play into the pseudo-science of the DI.
Haha, Sunny, thats a good one :)
And its too cold. *grumble grumble grumble.*
By register, do you mean that I have to go back and take all the tests that I didn't take Codysmom? :-p I will if necessary, for the team. :o)
capcom, yes.. I think you'd have to start from the beginning, but it may be too late to be "instructor". It won't take you too long if you use all the cheats we've found:)
Just for fun... if you haven't seen The Ack Attack The Top 50 OMGWTF Lost Moments:
Hope you're motivated to join us recruits, Capcom!
I am already registered (I had to get my card at least, haha!), and took the first two tests. Phooey, I guess I'll take the rest of them today and tomorrow. I'd do it all today, but Fringe and Eureka are on tonight, and I have to babysit the littlest nephew this afternoon.
P.S. It's too hard to turn down the encouragement of my favorite online LoCo friends!! :-x
Codysmom - thanks for posting that link!! ROFL!! That was the best Lost-related thing I've seen since Slovaltine and the Black Swan myspace!
Oh, thanks for that link, codysmom - that was just what I needed! My favorite is #17:
If anything goes wrong, Desmond will be Daniel’s Constant: If anything goes right, Desmond will be MY Constant.
Amen to that!
I also agree with #24 - that "Theresa falls down the stairs, Theresa falls up the stairs" thing messed up my head for WEEKS!
I love the Ack Attacks, too, melissa!! Usually memphish posts those links.. so I thought I'd take over for now:) Enjoying our weather, I hope?
It is SO beautiful here. Perfect weather - warm and sunny during the day, and cool at night. We re-palnted our front lawn a couple of weeks ago, so it's perfect grass-growing conditions!
mel, what a coincidence.. we did new grass this year, too (and it's doing great). This is what I call California weather... lucky ducks who live there (maven:) just rained like there was a second flood comming here in Spain, which is actually unusual this time of the year....well, at least it cleaned up the air a bit!
codysmom - I have a friend from Michigan who moved to San Fran last year. When she visited this summer, she said how happy she was to be in some nice warm weather for a change!
Our grass is still growing in, but it's doing really well so far. The lawn was a mess when we moved in.
Is this what we're reduced to?! Talking about our lawns?! Curse you, DHARMA!!
Jump right in Capcom.We really missed you.
This ARG is so slow,that by next Tuesday,you'll probably be all caught up, and bored like the rest of us.
Is this what we're reduced to?! Talking about our lawns?! Curse you, DHARMA!!
And when I said CA weather I meant like in Aliso Viejo:)
Hey, guys!!!!!!!
My German friend, Alex at myspace only has 100 Dharma Points.... please take his test (even if your sick of tests:)!!!!!!
http://www. dharmawantsyou. com/site/?utid=806996410947193183633099088695/qp
hmmm.. link isn't working..... sorry.. will try to get one that works.
Talking about weather and lawns...LOL!
Ok little BS' I'll see you tomorrow after I read up on the new test/possible cheat!!
Correct link for Alex's test:
that's the one!!! It's a good one includes Lost philosophers:)
Heheh, Melissa, I read your post in my mind as "re-painted our front lawn", LOL!
ANM, and all you other non-US is so AWESOME to be chatting with people from all over the world here! :-D I love it. We sure picked up a lot of new friends during this ARG, so if nothing else interesting comes of it, it was great for that!
Tx for the encouraging words about taking the tests, Village. xo
Here I come...
Welcome back Campoop!
Very cool, ange:)
Yay, capcom!!!!!!!! And you're right about meeting all the new people for all over... it's wonderful!! Right now I have an Irish guy taking the German guy's test on
LOL Ange. X-D
Now if we can only lure Memphish and Lost2010 back into the game. :-o
Neat, Codysmom, you're all over the map!
Dharma's updating...
Thanks for the info, melodious!
Fringe was really good tonight!
New Post
Updating...LOL I'll add more as it comes. Fingers crossed it's before I hit the sack. So you there!
Guess I can't gain anymore Dharma points tonight then since the site is updating. I think I will head to bed, not feeling to great anyway. Night all, hope you get the test all figured out for when I get up lol
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