Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Recruitment Update 375

Dharma Wants You has updated, and all of the links to the tests are gone. When you log-in you can view a message reminding us that Patience is bitter but its fruit is sweet and to check back on December 15th. See you then!

Update 10/9 (Confirmed Fake): Lisa e-mailed with some information on a possible new Hans Van Eegen message. You can follow the story HERE. None of the administrators at the Lost ARGs, The Fuselage, Dark UFO, or the ABC message boards have mentioned this mysterious e-mail, but we'll keep an eye on it.


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Lisa-Maladylis said...

I sure hope they are right about the update ! I would hate to have no update here soon. I'm glad another good looking show is coming on TV tomorrow so I have something to occupy my time. (Crusoe)

Black Swan said...

I hope!!!!

Now that we're on another page I will repeat.. at Dark Ufo's there is talk of something happening with the ARG tomorrow..

what time in US (eastern) is this?

"!--Generated 2008-10-17 04:49:01 +1000--

is probably getting generated automatically, and seems to be the time in Australia (Hoodlum base)...

Capcom said...

It would be sad if it's just the time that it is over at Hoodlum now. :-( How many hours are they ahead of us? Would it be tomorrow over there yet and 4am mil-time?

Black Swan said...

don't know..

TakesaVillage said...

Find your inner hiatus.
Maven glad the air has cleared,and you can breathe easily now.

ANM said...

Just read about it codysmom!!!So excited *runs around*
BTW Hi everyone, sorry I haven't been posting as much...bored of being bored too ;P

Ange said...

That post at Dark UFO makes me feel like I'm reading a different language. I get the gist though, so hooray possible update.

Capcom said...

LOL, Ange, me too. Good thing he explained it in a nutshell.

Black Swan said...

disappointed.. from darkufo:
David Major said...
Sorry guys, I think the update was just this: http://www.dharmawantsyou.com/site/emails/1016.php . It seems one of the instructors did not send his address in yet.

maven said...

Boo-hoo...it was just too good to be true! It was all goobly-gook to me anyway! LOL

ANM said...


Black Swan said...


sorry, had to get that out!

Capcom said...

Yes, 2(two!) months from now. :-p

Capcom said...

In radio biz terms, that would be the equivalent of Dead Air Space...a big no-no, which causes loss of listeners. (!)

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm in Aus, and as I post this it's 9:45 am Oct 17. Does the time on the posts here show up as eastern US time? Just know that whenever DDWY was updated (supposedly of a Tuesday) it updated very late here in Aus. Well, it did for me, anyway.

Anonymous said...

Wow, there were a lot of posts before I posted mine about the time difference. Oh well. Stupid Hoodlum! Glad everyone's still here commenting, though. I'd never even thought about the Horace/cabin connection before. Nice work!

memphish said...

Waving hello! Thought I'd stop buy because I ran across Wayzata in The Rivals Top 100 High School Football rankings. Anyone remember Wayzata?

Black Swan said...

waves to memphish!!!! missed ya and no, I don't remember Wayzata (I don't think). Whatcha been doing?

capcom - dead air space, loss of listeners...

No kidding!!!!

memphish said...

Hey Codysmom. I'll give a few others a chance to way in on Wayzata. I'm sure someone will remember it, especially if they are preparing for the latest rewatch from The Transmission.

Capcom said...

Hey Memphish!

What is Wayzata? For some reason it reminds me of "Watsamatta U" college on Rocky and Bullwinkle. :o)

maven said...

Waves hello to Memphish!

memphish said...

Hey Maven! Hey Capcom!

Think season 2.

Zort70 said...

No update yet that I can see

Black Swan said...

I actually have given up on any updates until Dec., so I'm glad you're still looking zort. I'll check here for any news.

I have posted an extremely whiney blog post over at the Black Swan myspace!!!!

Black Swan said...

Did I spell whiny wrong??? lol

ANM said...

Kudos codysmom, could not have said it better myself, not even in Spanish lol!
I love Lost and HATE HOODLUM so I'm torn, which is not so great...ggrrrr....We should really try to contact the Lost "dads" and let them know Hoodlum is screwing us!

maven said...

Everyone should read "Black Swan's" rant on MySpace...very well said!

(Cody'smom: Maybe you should reproduce it here for those not on MySpace?)

Black Swan said...

Thanks for the support, anm and maven.. Yes, I think it is especially because we love LOST so much that it feels like an even bigger kick in the head!

maven, the blog post is rather long, so I won't post it here unless one of the admins want it, but thanks for enjoying it. The "angst" was flowing freely.. lol (Interestingly, I just learned that the word, angst is German for fear)

ange, I think I'm catching your da*&mn cold!!!!!!!

memphish said...

I'd love to see it Codysmom. I'm sending you a friend request. Please approve me. ;-)

Black Swan said...

Oh, lol, memphish is that you??

Capcom said...

Sorry about the basic question, but how do I send a friend-request on Myspace so I can read the blog? I only registered there for TLE1, and haven't used it since really. TX! :-)

Black Swan said...

Just go to the box under my name (contacting black swan) and hit the button second one down on the left, add to friends..

EmeraldIsLost said...

congratulations on your new grandaughter, Ellen! sorry its so belated, i'm ultra busy atm and haven't been checking in very often.

meanwhile, nothing has happened with the ARG; why are they doing this to us??

Ellen said...

Thanks Emerald...

Can't stand this ARG...not really even an ARG. Oh well.

Hope everyone is well!

Capcom said...

OK, finally got the code typed in correctly to get added, Codysmom! :-o

Black Swan said...

Gotcha, capcom!

Tess315 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tess315 said...

Hi memphish!!
Too bad the udate was a false alarm codysmom.
I guess we'll just sit twiddling our thumbs until Dec. 15th. :(

Scoutpost said...

Wayzata....isn't that where the REAL Henry Gale was from? I could be totally wrong, this ARG has turned my brain to mush. Guess I'll go check Lostpedia.

BTW- Hey memphish!! Glad to know you're still alive!

I need to add Black Swan as a friend to- or vice versa- whichever way it works. I'm in the same boat as you are capcom- started it for TLE and haven't gone back since! LOL

memphish said...

Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner . Yay Scoutpost.

Wayzata, MN is the town on the real Henry Gale's driver's license. And their high school football team (ironically not in Wayzata, but another MN town) is in the Rivals Top 100.

Capcom said...

LOL Scoutpost. Black Swan's my first -- and last -- Myspace friend probably. :-B

Ohhhhhhh, so that's Wayzata! :-D

TakesaVillage said...

Hi Capcom.Welcome to the Pond.

Capcom said...

TX! The water's great! :-D

maven said...

Great trivia question, Memphish. And great trivia answer, Scoutpost!

(Ah, remembering the trivia bots in the IRC chat during TLE!)

TakesaVillage said...

Season one is finished already on G-4.To bad our ARG isn't moving that fast.

memphish said...

I can't hardly stand to watch the end of S1. Sawyer was completely justified in shooting Tom for the "We're gonna have to take the boy" thing.

Scoutpost said...

Yea!! I actually remember something! Who cares if it's trivial?! LOL

I agree memphish, unlike many people, I never gave it a second thought about Sawyer shooting Tom. Not sure what that says about me...;p But oh well.

memphish said...

Hey everyone. I've got a new post about the ARG on my blog complete with polls. :-) If you want somewhere to come and talk about what's happened so far and what you think will happen, come over and talk. Especially let me know if you think there's some more substance to be had from this ARG. Looking forward to catching up with everyone.

Capcom said...

Yes, I too kind of cheered when Sawyer plugged Tom (and simultaneous felt bad that I did). Tom could not be trusted. Just like that saying about a broken watch, even a bad person is good sometimes, but Tom was a definite survival liability and threat to the Losties from the minute they met him.

ANM said...

Hey everyone, took a while to log in today 'cause I just changed my router to a faster Linksys WAG160 which my iphone actually SEES!!!!!YAY!!
Welcome to the pond capcom, the more the merrier I say!
So, no update in the end...will have to think about rewatching the first 4 seasons...again...erm...where's the darn DVD player...;P

CoffeeFreak said...

Everyone, please complain to ABC about the lousy quality of this ARG. They should not hire Hoodlum again to make an ARG. They should not make us wait two months. And they should come up with a better ARG.

Go here to let ABC know how you feel:


Capcom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ellen said...

eewww....spam ( I got like 30 messages from goooood girl...)

Capcom said...

Yeah, the administrators should delete that ASAP, the profile says it all! Are any admins around today? :-)

maven said...

I know Ange is getting ready for the Red Sox game! LOL

Ellen said...

Hi Maven, Capcom!
How are ya'll today? It's a beautiful, sunny fall day here in GA...I absolutely love it!!!

maven said...

Hey, Ellen/Capcom! Great day here in LA area!

How's the new baby, Ellen?

(When did WV start again?)

Ellen said...

Hi Maven! I don't know how she's doing, but I'm believing that she is thriving! Check my post from last week, here to catch up on what's happening...since then, I've come to accept things and today, I just feel peace. Thank God.

Capcom said...

Hi Ladies! Nice autumn weather here in Knoxville too.

God's peace, Ellen. XO

Ellen said...

I love all you guys (& girls!)...

Capcom said...

We love you too! :-x

maven said...

You know we're here for you, Ellen!

maven said...

FYI: Here's the latest status report of Jesse Heiman's:
"Jesse is tired of playing games with lost fans and hopes dan bronson gets more involved too."

He then replied to a comment:
"Honestly still waiting for payment from comic con they forgot to payroll me so if they forgot to do that not sure they'll remember to do more with my character."

This is what I said:
"Sorry to hear that Jesse! And thanks for letting us know how you feel! We would love to have Dan Bronson (and you) more involved in DWY...we can't believe they'd actually put this thing on hold for 2 months!"

ANM said...

Hoodlum sucks!!!

Black Swan said...

Hey, everybody!!!

Thanks for the info about Jesse, maven. On myspace he accepted me as a friend but doesn't talk about his comic-con gig..

I agree, anm!!!!!!!!!! LOL

goooooood girl spammed my blog, too... lol back to wv's???? that can be fun:)
How was everyone's weekend?

lost2010 said...

If that's true and they aren't paying their employees, I think any remaining faith in their ability to run the game may be misplaced.

Black Swan said...

lost2010, I have no more faith in their ability to run an ARG...

word verification (wv) = iguky.... lol (aimed at Hoodlum)

ANM said...

WV also sucks...I always get a letter wrong..ggrrrr
PS: Hi everyone!

Black Swan said...

It's all in the attitude, anm. wv's are fun... like reading license plates.. lol!

Tess315 said...

I'm with ANM I get the letters wrong too. Oh and I hate trying to read personal license plates. I can never get them they annoy me. lol
I think I too old. lol cause my kids can figure them out easily.

Hey lost2010 how did you like Crusoe? He's kind of a hottie huh. :)And was that "Goodwin" playing his father?

Capcom said...

Happy Monday All!

Yes, I always seem to get the Vs and Us mixed up because the points at the bottom of the Vs are sometimes too round. :-p Among other things.

Wow, if Hoodlum made a mistake with the payroll......that's not kosher. Jesse should get his agent on their @sses!

Black Swan said...

CRUSOE WAS GREAT!!!!!! The two hour pilot was fantastic, IMO, and reminded me a little of Lost at first.. crash on the beach, hunky-no-shirt blond guy:), adventure, flashbacks, things blowing up... lol I'm definitely going to watch that again!! (sayid'sgirl, don't think I saw Goodwin, idk)

Black Swan said...

Oh, yeah... and HOODLUM SUCKS (end of story) lol!

no more wv's???? heheh

Tess315 said...

The guy in Crosoe's flashback that played his father. I'm not sure it was him but it kind of looked like him.

Tess315 said...

umm Crusoe's not Crosoe's.

Lisa-Maladylis said...

the father is Sean Bean, not the guy that played Goodwin but does look like him. It was a fantastic show and I'm hooked !!

Tess315 said...

Thanks lisa I couldn't tell for sure.

lost2010 said...

Loved Crusoe. I was always a big Swiss Family Robinson fan. And it was pretty family friendly so we all got to watch together for once.

And if NBC wants to supply me with an hour of shirtless blonde hunk on an island, who am I to complain?
ABC, did you hear that? You gave me a poorly executed ARG and NBC gave me Crusoe. . .Friday's not bad looking either.

Black Swan said...

lost2010.. I couldn't agree with you more:)

Melissa_Lossa said...

Hello, all!

Any book clubbers left? If so, we're talking On the Road tomorrow at 6 p.m. ET.

I hope you can join us, because I think leaving David and I to our own devices is a dangerous thing.

maven said...

Sorry, ML, I never got around to reading that! :( I'm so embarrassed! And I feel like I'm letting down the Book Club. I sure hope apathy isn't kicking in!

Melissa_Lossa said...

No worries, maven - just get thee to the library and pick up Survivors of the Chancellor! We miss you! :)

And to all - I apologize that the book club has been so disorganized this time around. I know that David has had some personal things going on, and my life/job has been something of a personal trial this year. I'm hoping we can get back on track this fall, and I hope that you can all forgive me for keeping you waiting! You all have become a part of my extended family over the years, and I hate to let you down so.

Tess315 said...

I didn't read On the Road, but I just finished Survivors of the Chancellor.
And Melissa you could never let us down. We all know real life comes first and that doesn't diminish the online friendships. I wish the best for David and his wife and of course you.

Capcom said...

Is the bookclub talk back on the regular TLC blog? I would love to hear what you all think about that book and to read some discussion. I hope that you post something on it on your blog too, Ange. :-)

Melissa_Lossa said...

capcom - Dennis just made me an admin on TLC, so that I can keep the book club stuff up-to-date. There are posts there about The Tempest and On the Road now, so head on over!

Sayid's Girl - thanks for the kind words. You're so sweet.

Capcom said...

Oh boy! :-D

Tess315 said...

You're most welcome.

TakesaVillage said...

Melissa _lossa,not to worry.We all have real lives that becon, like Captain Ahab on the great white whale. I always listen,but sometimes after the fact.
Maven,I hope Hoodlum didn't send Jesse that E-mail saying "Patience is bitter,but it's fruit is sweet."
Maybe the hiatus is, they're all waiting to get paid.
And ladies,I felt like a fly on the wall during that Crusoe fest.
Glad you liked it.

Black Swan said...

knock, knock... anybody home??

maven said...

Hey, Codysmom! I'm here, but on my way out.

This is getting so sad!

Capcom said...

Me too, just waiting...........tick...tick...tick.............

Ellen said...

Here, too! Still waiting...

Melissa_Lossa said...

If you think this is sad, check out TLC!

Thanks for the kind words, ladies - you always lift my spirits. :)

Anonymous said...

So who is writing the paychecks? ABC? If Jessie hasn't been paid maybe Hoodlum hasn't either. No money no ARG.

maven said...

Yeah, Hoodlum didn't get paid either, so they are on strike until Dec. 15th!

maven said...

Jesse just reported (23 min. ago) that he is "on the set" with Dominic! Does not mention what set! I'm assuming it's something other than LOST. We hope he'll answer us.

Lisa-Maladylis said...

he said a couple lines before that he was filming the show Chuck with Dom. so it's not Lost but the show Chuck.

ANM said...


ANM said...

And 300.....we need a new post asap!!Hello!!??Hoodlum?

Capcom said...

LOL Anonymous...."no bucks, no Buck Rogers". :o)

Hey, that's what we're all here for Melissa! To cheer each other on.

lost2010 said...

Did Mystery Tales ever tie into the ARG at all? Or did I just miss it?

lost2010 said...

Why does my post have to be approved today? Did I do something wrong?

Ellen said...

Hi Everyone...hello???
I found a great clip of the title sequence of Fringe! I love it...check it out!

Crazy Georgia Lost Fan !

I think I'm going to be almost as much of a fan of this show as I am a fan of LOST...almost. (Nothing could ever compare to LOST!) I have so far really enjoyed watching Fringe, and I think that J.J. has really expanded the idea that he had for LOST. I wish that Damon and Carlton could go into more detail about the science aspect of LOST, but I don't know if there will be time...

maven said...

Hey, gang: There's a Season 5 trailer up! It gave me goosebumps!

maven said...

There's a Season 5 trailer out. It gave me goosebumps!

Anonymous said...

301!!! Yay me. So this isn't about the ARG, since it seems to suck, along with Hoodlum and all they stand for, but has everyone here seen the SEASON FIVE PROMO!!???


This ain't fan made, and there are actually scenes from season 5 in it. I got all tingly. Check out badass Hurley with a gun!

Black Swan said...

FYI, new Season 5 Promo for Lost is up..... AWSOME!!!!! Shows something (possible spoiler) flashed twice, a tie in with the ARG...


If you don't want to know anything about Season 5, I guess you should stay away. There is lots of new footage from the upcoming season... can't wait 'til Feb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In case it's considered spoiler, I won't put anything more here:)

Scoutpost said...

Wow either I'm reading this all wrong or this really is sad. Has no one posted anything today- the 22nd except me- now? sad, sad, sad- this is all Hoodlum's fault :(

Lisa-Maladylis said...

it's working now Ange

check out these video's before they disapear. There are sapost to be on the season 4 DVD's.


check them out fast before Disney get's them taken down too

Capcom said...

YOWZA, thanks for posting that Lisa! Now that's the kind of video that Hoodlum should have given us before they signed off for two months! :-o

It would have given us something to chew on for a while.

Black Swan said...

Hey, here we are again! Are we able to discuss the Season 5 promo here (as it may regard the ARG)?

Lisa, yes, those vids are great!!!! I agree, capcom, that Hoodlum could have or should have given us something like this before signing off for two months!!

Watching those videos made me think of find815 and Sam Thomas again.. lol

Lisa-Maladylis said...

hummm, I found one that hasn't been pulled down yet. watch it fast before it's gone !!

Black Swan said...

Thanks, Lisa! I didn't know they were pulling the vids off youtube! gonna go fix it....

Tess315 said...

Okay so everybody's back over here again. You guys are making me dizzy. :)

I posted over at TLC earlier today that the link maven had posted had been taken down due to copyright claims by Disney.
Darks is still good of course.
Lisa your link is still good too so far.

Melissa_Lossa said...

Hey, gang - I decided to go out on a limb and make a new post for the trailer over at TLC.

Spoilerphobes beware that images from the trailer WILL be discussed there!

I didn't ask permission on this one, so Dennis may take it down at any time. Sorry, Dennis!

Capcom said...

I'd like to talk about the S4 DVD extra too, that's really neat.

Capcom said...


Melissa_Lossa said...

I guess nothing happened, eh?

Zort70 said...

Just saying hi, I haven't been around for a while as we have had a bit of bad news, but I'm still here.

SG_Tess said...

Sorry to hear about your bad news. Take care.

Tess315 said...

Ok that's werid. It posted under my real name. hmmm

Tess315 said...

That's better.

Lisa-Maladylis said...

Zort, I sure hope things get better this week. Hang in there, were here for you ! {{{{{{{Hugs}}}}}}}

Capcom said...

Take care Zort, prayers across the pond! XO

Zort70 said...

Thanks all, it means a lot.

Ellen said...

Take care, Zort...thinking of you!

Black Swan said...

zort.. take care and hope things get better!!!!!!!

I haven't been here in awhile... didn't know anybody was commenting here anymore!

MadAriad said...

Hey there everyone!
Just stopping by to say hi!

Zort - we're thinking of you!

Capcom said...

It's good to check back once in a while to see if anything has happened (yeah right!). :o)

memphish said...

I just heard the Black Swan theory referenced in a discussion of the World Series disruption and all the other unusual things that have been happening lately. He even cited the book.

Capcom said...

Weird, Memphish. There goes our degrees of separation from Lost again. :o)

MadAriad said...

Heehee.... Too bad I found this today and not in time for Halloween:


Capcom said...

Too awesome! :-)

EmeraldIsLost said...

aaah do the links for the season 5 promo still work anywhere? only just checked in. I would have liked to watch it. oh well.
whywhywhy has my snow patrol cd not arrived yet? waiting is not a strong point, obviously, what with that and the arg going NOWHERE.

lost2010 said...

Happy Halloween.

Tess315 said...

That jumpsuit is so cool.
Is you avi Gary Oldman aka Sirus Black? What program is that from?
Also HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! to everyone.

Black Swan said...

Hi, just checking in.. Hope you all had a great Halloween!

emeraldislost, you can see the season 5 promo in hd on the blackswan myspace and also at darkufo in the spoiler section (you just have to scroll down).

EmeraldIsLost said...

oh, thankyou Codysmom!

@SayidsGirl; yes, it is Gary Oldman AS Sirius Black; its a still from the 5th HP movie :)

Happy Halloween everyone!!

EmeraldIsLost said...

they'll do WHAT now?! ooooh-ness.

btw, have you seen how many people there are calling themselves BlackSwan on myspace? for some reason alot of them seem to be 104... is this 108-gone wrong or am i missing something?

Black Swan said...

back again.. for a bit

emeraldislost.. I know there are quite a few black swans on myspace, but I never saw any similar to mine.. what do you mean 104?

Tess315 said...

I thought it was from OOTP but wasn't sure. Thought it might be from something new he's in with similar makeup. Thanks.

Black Swan said...

Just checking in... my patience is beyond bittler.. lol!

I found an video about 4 black swans who showed up at a beach in Hawaii:

Black Swans Surprise Ala Moana Beachgoers

I put it on the black swan myspace. Could it be a sign from ABC about their ARG?? lol I can't believe how tame they seemed and why are they in the ocean? idk

Lisa-Maladylis said...

that's really neat ! well, only 5 more weeks till DWY comes back on line or so they say. I guess we shall see.

maven said...


Be a part of history!

Lisa-Maladylis said...

we made sure we were the first in line in our town. Well, someone did beat us to the front of the line but we were second and third anyway. Make your voice heard and get out and VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!

BarbaraJay said...

Vote early, vote often!

I was curious about who said that originally, thinking it was Mark Twain or Will Rogers. I looked it up and was surprised to find it was Al Capone! Funny guy.

I have my I Voted sticker.

Patch said...

Thinking of you guys in the US today. Good luck to you all.
I hope you are all voting.

This might be a bit cheeky, but

Go Obama!!!! hee hee

Tess315 said...

I just seen a commercial for LOST and it said coming in January! I thought it was February. Woo Hoo one month earlier!

lost2010 said...

Just checking in to see if Hans ever followed up and lost his folder like we hoped. . .

MadAriad said...

If he did then nobody cares....... I think I've given up entirely on this ARG except keeping up with everyone on MySpace!

Capcom said...

LOL. We can only hope that Rachel will accost him while getting into his Hummer and take pix of it, like she did to Mittlejerk. :o)

maven said...

I can't believe nothing is STILL happening!

lost2010 said...

It's like the Neverending Story - the nothing is devouring our interest in this game.

It only held up as long as our vivid imaginations supported it. . .

MadAriad said...

That's a great analogy, 2010! I loved the Neverending Story when I was a kid. Maybe I'll rent it to watch while we're waiting for something to happen.......

Scoutpost said...

Well I was over on DarkUFO and tonite they posted a picture from the ABC website (I think)- see it here:
mysterious pic

Turns out it's just an advertisement for some LOST action figures or something that is coming out next week. But still I wonder if the picture itself may be significant, even if the writing is just an ad? Guess we're desperate for anything!

ANM said...

We might be getting a new mail on Tuesday 18th people! Could we dare hope it's true!?
Check it out at Spoiler TV, that's where I found out.

Matthew Haywood said...

I hope to god thats true, I can't bear this any more!

If not I think its time for another BOREDCAT post :/

maven said...

I hope it's something with substance...other than remember Dec. 15th!

lost2010 said...

Why do I have this sickening feeling that's exactly what it is. . .

Black Swan said...

Hey, everybody... just checking in! Thanks for the heads-up on the supposed Tues. e-mail, anm! I'm not holding my breath on that one. First, it probably won't show up until Wednesday... Second, it will most likely say something like, "don't forget to drink your slovaltine". LOL! I sure hope I'm wrong.... I'm ready for the unexpected to happen!!!

TakesaVillage said...

Codysmom,I was thinking the same thing.

Tess315 said...

So true. lol

Black Swan said...

Hey, the DWY site is updating.... can't believe it! 12:20 am (eastern)

maven said...

You beat me, Codysmom! I guess it's updating for the email for tomorrow. I guess this means I'll have to actually check-in at DWY first thing in the morning before I check-in on Facebook! LOL

Black Swan said...

hi maven! So you think there won't be anything new on the site itself? I always get the e-mails late or never, so.....

Black Swan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
maven said...

Over at Dark's they seem to think it's for the email...which most people think will just be remember Dec. 15th! Everyone is so disgusted with this pace (and rightly so), that few expect any bombshells!

BTW: I emailed Ange for a heads-up on this.

maven said...

Also, it's weird that the post about the updating at Dark's has 100 comments on it from August! What's up with that?

Black Swan said...

i'm back... yeah, maven I noticed the 100 comments over at dark's too. It's because it's one thread and it just keeps getting updated.

I'm trying to remember how long it usually takes for the site to update. I'm starting to get tired.

I e=mailed admins, too. (at 12:20 am)

Black Swan said...

I like the new avi, maven (you and your trophy)

maven said...

Thanks, Codysmom. Thanks for 'splaining the 100 comments. I didn't realize is an old update post from past updates, too! LOL

Black Swan said...

oh, I'm starting to fall asleep on my computer!!!

maven said...

Go to sleep. I'm sure it's not worth losing sleep over! LOL

Dennis said...

DWY Updating message is gone...

Zort70 said...

Hi all, the site has updated our dossiers are ready so new post !

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