A new email was received today that takes us to DHARMASPECIALACCESS.COM, by using the password in the email you can view a video of Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof who explain what Dharma Special Access is all about, and it seems the ARG is over for now.
UPDATE 12/5/08- We've received word from a reader that the process for choosing questions for Damon and Carlton's DSA Q&A has begun. Potential questioners are being e-mailed in preparation for the event, so stay tuned...
1 – 200 of 253 Newer› Newest»I had a feeling the economic crisis would hit us too...:(
At least the writers didn't leave us with no explanation.
hmmm, well this is really too bad. While I can understand the economic crisis very well, I am still disappointed that what we'll get out of this ARG is basically a two-day head start to special ABC videos on Lost. I thought it was interesting they mentioned 147,000 people had joined Dharma. Do you think that number includes all the fake accounts set up?
I'm wondering "why bother, then" with bringing up Ajira Airways and the accompanying website?
By the way, Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating.
This SUCKS!!! The ARG was crap to begin with..they could have done something worthwhile EARLY on...ugh...this is sooooo BLAH! Exclusive stuff!?
Most of what we're getting is available at DarkUFO or will be shortly after we get it!....This is crap....
Thanks for the post Zort. I and probably the other 147,000 people felt a "closure post" was necessary :D.
PS: I liked their super high tech graphs!
Thanks for the Thanksgiving wishes, zort!
anm, yeah, I think this basically sucks since like you say, the vids will be up elsewhere a couple hours afterwards anyway.
Anybody know why there's a countdown counter clock on the dharma special access login page (showing 40:58:00 currently) What's this counting down to?
40 days 58 hours till Jan 21st?
ANM - look at it this way, now there is more time for Christmas shopping !
Ange - 147,000, if a lot of us had multiple accounts then it was probably more like 100,000 at the outside, still I like to think that they all viewed the blog at some point !
"Black Swan" The countdown clock shows 35:36:nn on my browser at the moment.
It's not the countdown to when Lost starts (which is now 57:12:32:00)
My dharma access clock is 40:38:00 currently... I would guess 40 hours 38 minutes to SOMETHING
@Zort...so this is all a ruse to get us shopping thus fixing the crappy economy!!!!Mwhahahahahaha
I bet Hans came up with the idea
OH! That's how long the vids will remain "exclusive" no?
C&L said 48 hours so perhaps countdown starts when each of us opens the browser page¿?
I hope the counter means there will be another update in less than two days! And I hope it has something to do with Ajira Airways!!
Well I will be in the minority here, but I am very happy with this. No more jumping through dumb games to get content. And the Starter Kit is completely non-spoilery, but totally got me wanting some LOST.
I'm sure that countdown is the 48 hour countdown until the content is available without a password. It's not much for your registration and time, but it's something. I'll take Damon and Carlton giving us one tiny thing a week over anything Hoodlum could create any day.
Also I feel confident the 147K number includes repeat sign-ups.
memphish, I guess this is preferrable to a Hoodlum ARG, but I'm still disappointed because I was looking forward to a TLE-style ARG
Well with Thanksgiving 2 days away and Season 4 DVDs 2 weeks away and Xmas 3 weeks after that I for one don't have time for a TLE. I too wish they had done a TLE style from the start when I did have time, but I'm glad that at this point they are cutting their losses and giving us what they want to give us without me having to navigate a ship through reefs to get it.
Hi everybody!
Happy Thanksgiving (to those celebrating)!
I think the countdown is about the time of the premiere, so when it comes to 0 that should mean that the contents will become public.
So, it's like we now know for how long we can b*tch up before everyone gets what we already can watch! ;-)
See you soon on the first flight of the Ajira Airways!
omg.. thats all we got? O_o ok, we havent done a lot but... hey, this is... i dont know, its like i bad jocke or somthing...
I am bummed but getting something is better than nothing, or is it worse than nothing as Damon put it??
Oh, well it was a blast hanging with you guys again!
Well as usual I put my comments in the wrong post again. I thought I had the right one. lol
Here are my two post then I'll go back and read your comments and continue the discussion.
1. I guess they're sticking with the economy crisis as a reason for the failure of the ARG. Maybe it's true.
I've already seen the part of the 2nd video.
And there was only one slightly ineresting thing said in the third.
But all in all cool were going to be getting these vids once a week.
I'm just afraid some of the spoiler sensitive won't watch them and it will limit our discussion. We may need a spoiler alert in the post.
2. BTW they must have set this up around 9:30 eastern last night. I was trying to get to Dancing with Stars through my bookmark and it was having trouble loading. I kept getting the words Dharma Initiative across the top of the page with the blue background and it wouldn't finish loading. I thought something must have been going on it happened 2 or 3 times before I got the right site.
You're not in the minority memphish.
I like that we're getting accuss to some behind the scenes stuff before the season starts. I think that's what ARG would have done anyway like they did in Find 815.
As far as it being posted at all the fan sites that true, but aleast they're trying to think of us first.
The only slightly interesting thing said in the 3rd video is "flash forward to an unspecified time in hte future at a funeral parlor in L.A.
Why use unspecified? Why not flash to the future? I'm sure it doesn't mean anything. Just found it curious. They gave us enough clues to figure out what year it was. But this will be seen by the general public and they probably have no idea what year it is or care. lol
:-(( well, I guess it's officially over. Does the Ajira start a new ARG ?? lol well, I guess the show will be enough for me. But I would have liked it to go on a bit more. Oh well, maybe there will be a great one next year. ~Maladylis
I think I'm in the camp with Memphish. Being jerked around for so long by Hoodlum and DWY was way too frustrating. We were all hoping against hope that we could relive the glory days of TLE! Now the weight is lifted off our backs and we can enjoy the holidays (whichever ones you celebrate).
I thought Darlton seemed truly embarrassed by the situation, but are doing something for their fans. I'm also sticking with Ajira just being another promotional ploy by ABC.
Also, a Happy Thanksgiving to everyone here in the US. Hope you all enjoy your turkey!
I'll ditto what Memphish said too. It's too hard to be mad at D&C, cuz they are just so cute. :o) And I think that it's really nice of them to take the time out to give us little morsels from here till then to make up for us getting fired from DHARMA. I'm sure it's the last thing that they need to be worrying about while they are trying to get S-5 ready.
Having said that, I still don't understand the mechanics of ARG economics. Do you not pay for something like that up front as in a contract? And is the ARG not built and completed before it starts? If not, are you still creating it as it's being played???? If so, that's crazy. So, I don't really understand the "hard times" part of the ARG failure. But that's OK, I'm just curious.
The only way (until someone else 'splains it to me) that I can understand the economy affecting an online virtual program, is if Hoodlum had to lay off some techs, and those techs were the ones that were running DWY. :-o
That's what I was thinking too Capcom. I figure it's not so much the LOST budget but what Hoodlum could and could not deliver. They've clearly proven they lack server capacity and haven't even been able to upgrade their Flash.
I'm sorry, but I'm bitterly disappointed. The 'G' in ARG stands for game, and that's what I was looking forward to playing. I could care less for BTS vids, I wanted to play a game that was set within the Lost mythos. So now I've done some apptitude tests and I get to see videos 48 hours earlier than they will be freely available to the public? I thought we'd get to see stuff that would relate back to the show, like who the hell started this new DI, how they're connected to the O6, if at all, an expansion on the backstory to what will happen in season 5. And now we get 'exclusive content'. Well, 'exclusive' for 48 hours anyway. What a crock. STUPID ECONOMIC CRISIS!
found this on line.... sort of explains what happened.
Hoodlum have been responsible for winning 2 BAFTA awards and specialise in multimodal ties with popular TV shows such as Spooks, Emmerdale and Lost. Turnure spoke of the Hoodlum experience, touching on how the company approached the projects brief to keep interest up between series’ of the popular shows.
Generally this involved development of original film material coupled with a web game interface, and in the case of Lost an associated presence at Comic-Con that extended the process even further. This project was, however brought to a grinding halt prior to the planned “third phase” when funding was cut. This left 180,000 fans hanging on a typical Lost style cliff hanger which the company had to spin up a new (let down) story to save face.
Interesting Lisa. Where did you find that? That makes it sound like it was ABC that cut funding, but it still fails to explain the utter lameness to date.
I ask because frankly I have a hard time imagining that Hoodlum was going to pull this amazing thing out of its nether regions come Dec. 15th. It sounds like the finger pointing is starting.
I think this ARG became the Nikki and Paulo of ARG's nobody liked it so they killed it. Just my opinion.
And now as memphish said the finger pointing has begun.
Can't wait to find out what REALLY happened!
I can help with that memphish. Here's the link to the broader article. Not much more there than what Lisa shared though.
Game Developers discuss Film TV Game Integration
Since we have nothing else to do, here's another article I came across....you guys may have seen it back in the spring, but it has some interesting stuff on find815. It had a $3million budget.
Lost Fans Reunite in Drama Online
yep, that's the ... rest of the story. :-) I was so hoping for more story, more game but it looks like were truly done.
Thanks for those links, FYSB!
So, it really looks like DWY is over... won't get to do anything with my new job status... darn, was really looking forward to proof reading something, but even more I was looking forward to a ride in the party bus! LOL
So, what do we think the Ajira Airways site is for?
I'm starting to think they're just screwing with us.....ugh, they began the darn DWY back in May but the crisis hit no more than 2 months ago...plenty of time to have done something good...ugh, I'm pissed
The article that FYSB linked (the first one) is dated Nov. 19th, so I guess people knew a week ago that funding was cut. I'm disappointed, too!
rubbish. well, this arg experience has not exactly been inspiring... to say the least. interested in this new ajira website though.. are they planning on flying us to the island then? All the mysterious 'destiny calls' is frustratingly reminiscent of lost; but is it actually going to go anywhere this time? I'm dubious about bothering to get involved again.
and were we supposed to get this 'explanation'-thingy in an email? oh well. i didn't.
oh, oops; i just overlooked my email. stupid me. and yeah; how is it they're going to pull off some new ajira airways thing if they're having financial troubles too? ugh.
also read somewhere in the comments (and can't find it now) that it is hard to be angry with carlton/damon; hehe i agree; i watched the video trying to be angry with them and instead they just made me laugh with their sad apologetic faces. I can't even be mad at them!!
I saw that too Lisa, I saw it posted in the comments at DarkUFO. Something smells, and it ain't the fish. I also get the feeling that Hoodlum's desperate attempt to have us recruit zillions of our friends was to try to keep someone from pulling the plug and had nothing to do with the game. I also think that ABC is probably out whatever bucks they paid in advance for "The Game That Never Got Finished". Just my negative guess.
Anyway, Happy Turkey Day everyone! XO!
I thought you all might be interested to know that last night's episode of Fringe has a little shout out to Oceanic Air. :)
I seen that over at Darks this morning.
I've pretty much given up watching Fringe. It's pretty much the samething every week. Someone dies in some strange way and it all goes back to the experiments Walter and others were doing in the 70's. I need something more if I'm going to watch gore every week. Just my opinion. I love Walter though.
Hope everyone that celebrates has a safe and Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow.
Whomever is still checking in on this blog:
Happy Thanksgiving!
Dennis: That Oceanic Air ticket really jumped out at me! LOL
Talking of Oceanic, I was watching Bones last night and the airline Booth and Brennan were on was "Pan Oceanic" a nod to Lost ?
I'll post this over at TLC as well as it is really more for a general Lost discussion.
Happy Thanksgiving! or Thursday -- whichever applies.
happy Thanksgiving to all you Turkeys ! lol no, really, Happy Thanksgiving everyone, hope you all have a fantastic day with Family and friends.
It sounds like the DWY contract was being paid in phases and when the time came for ABC to pay for the third phase, they said "no". The contract must have been written in such a way that Hoodlum couldn't sue for breach of contract.
Either that or Hoodlum didn't deliever the goods as expected for phase 2, so the contract was already in fact breached.
or maybe Hoodlum couldn't deliver what was promised for the third phase, and ABC didn't have the budget to pay for it anyway and they mutually agreed to end it.
In any case, it's just as well. Phase 2 was a disappointment and I completely lost interest in the "game".
All three of those sound plausible and interesting Lostit.
Yeah, but now we have to wait one more month longer than before. Oh well.
I'd say the answer to the mystery of the missing ARG is pretty simple really.
The ABC made a decision to can it before it was over because it didn't draw in enough fans to make it worthwhile paying a company to produce it.
Hoodlum would have been hired to produce an ARG for the ABC, it wouldn't make any difference to Hoodlum how many people played it, why should it? They wouldn't be getting paid per rata. I'm not sure we can entirely blame Hoodlum for the lameness of it either, as they would have been given instructions on what was wanted by the writers/ABC.
It was just too expensive for ABC to continue when it became evident it wasn't drawing in the crowds, and that's not really a surprise because not only was the ARG boring and frustrating, the Lost fan base itself has dropped dramatically world wide since before the last season went to air.
I will hang on until the end of Lost if only to see how the show pans out, but I'm not anywhere near as much of a fan as I was during the first couple of seasons.
I sort of agree Patch...I'll be here til the end too. I think it would take another ARG like The Lost Experience to spark my "inner fan" to life again! (I know, in my dreams...)
What were the participation numbers for this ARG compared to the other two? Was there a large deficit with this one? Maybe Lostpedia has got that info.
If this one didn't have the goods to interest and pull in the people, I could agree with ABC pulling the plug. I would really like some factual insight on when and to what extent, a company like Hoodlum is paid to do this kind of thing...just for my own curiosity. :-)
I just can't imagine this thing was all that expensive. All they did was a website, right? A few videos? The booth at ComicCon was probably the priciest and I wouldn't put that over $50k. I'd be shocked if they spent more than $150k to this point.
I agree FYSB.
I don't think it was the economic crisis the killed the ARG. Athough I have read at other places that ABC told their shows to cut back on their budgets. I just think it was a bad call and now Damon and Carlton are stuck with cleaning it up.
Speaking of Damon and Carlton. Aren't we due for another update? They get me all excited with these promos and now there's nothing to talk about again. I want something Lost to do or talk about. lol I'm hopeless. :)
Me too FYSB and Sayidsgirl. How much can "virtual" things actually cost? Your paying for programming, employee time, etc. Now the comic Con setup, that I could see costing real bucks for real props and things, I agree. I worked in a data center so I realize that programming, monitoring uptime, server space, and fixing problems costs money, but gosh.
BTW, on another network cutbacks note, Kritin Chenowith was on TV this a.m. and said that she figures that since their show (Pushing Daisies) was so expensive to make, even though it won awards, it would be destined for the chopping block during these times. But, there are rumors that another network might pick it up, but she doesn't know. Yay, maybe!
hey, guys! Just popping in to see if there's anything happening. We should get a DSA update today, right?
I agree with you on the ARG death and money wasn't the only thing involved. I think the graph that darlton showed with the downward turn and the sad face was more to the interest and participation of DWY. I think they looked a little embarrassed.
When I just went to my bookmarked DSA site (http://abc.go.com/primetime/lost/dharmaspecialaccess/accessGranted) it now says Access Denied and down on the left, NAMASTE. When I go to the source code it has this about a third of the way down:
var s_account = "wdgabccom";
var startDate = '2008.';
var dharma = 'dharma6';
think this means anything?
and now the new post from TPTB is here, off to go check out the videos.
Black Swan
I get the same thing. This morning when I went there my count down clock was at 00:00:00 now it's at 43:56:16 and counting.
So I guess that means we wait 2 more days.
thanks lisa, just got my e-mail
Watching now.
I got the email a second ago and I'm watching the first video about Kate.
the third vid is the best.. new stuff (spoilery) so do we move this discussion to TLC?
Ok, someone give me the link to TLC please. I for one don't know what it is.
sorry lisa, here it is:
Hey Everyone! I just got the new email for today!! Good stuff!
Time for a new post or are we moving this off of this blog because it's not really an ARG anymore?
This is almost funny. I decided to avoid promos this year and the net result of the ARG is that I can see promos early that I was trying to avoid to begin with. :)
lost2010, I know what you mean! I've never been into spoilers, but all these promos definitely are! I still keep in mind TPTB could be misleading and most of the posted spoilers result in everyone taking their own stab at what it means and is very subjective.. It'll be interesting for me to see the difference it makes in watching the show with some spoiler knowledge as opposed to none.
I went over to TLC and no one is there, so I guess we talk about it here?
Heheh, is that the dad from "My So-called Life"?
Has anyone else received an “extra” email from DSA besides me?
In the email they ask me not to post any info about what was in it, which I’m not until after what’s to come so I don’t ruin my chances but, call me a cat I’m full of curiosity.
Not me. Sounds like a scam that was previously attempted before the game ended.
I'm thinking that a spam post Capcom because it's been posted a couple of places by the blogger but using a anonymous name. If they got something special why are they using a anonymous blogger name ?? scammer
Me too Lisa. Someone posted that around a while ago too.
Lisa & Capcom,
I have written to the Admins and I think they believe it’s legitimate.
Just to confirm what Anonymous is saying, I have read the email, and I believe it is legitimate.
It's not so much an "extra" email, as it is a confirmation that a question that was sent in to DsaQandA@gmail.com may get answered in the next set of videos, and they want him/her to sign a waiver.
Good Job!
Thank you Dennis,
I hate to be a whiner but I really don't like it when people think I'm lying,scamming,or being taken advantage of.
Hello everybody!
First of all, congrats Anon-good job. Second of all, dear Anon, how are we to know if you are you? I mean, anyone can post as Anonymous. I'm glad your email was legit, but you kinda should expect people to doubt you when they can't even tell if you are legit...
just sayin'.
I wondered where everyone was! LOL And I missed some blog excitement. Congrats to Anon for a possible question on a possible future video clip.
Just checking in....
Congrats, anon! So, the questions will be addressed next week?!?!
Still nothing on Ajira Airways?
Nothing personal Anonymous, it's just that someone said that same thing a couple month's ago ago over at DarkUFO's and it turned out to be fake. :-)
Thank you all ( I think LOL. )
I do understand the anon thing... But I am so tired of signing up to just post something once in awhile... and I also get that people need to know whom is posting so they know it's not a perv or troll, but I don't post often, so I hate to sign up for new accounts...lol
Plus I never put anything harmful,nasty, or untrue out there.
Well, Anon...I can understand not wanting to register yet again for something. We've formed quite a friendly community here at TLC and most of us know each other by now. And we are most welcoming to newcomers who de-lurk and chime in now and then on this site. So it's not really personal when we question who another Anonymous is. Hope you're not offended by anything.
Well said, Maven!
It will be rather fun to see what questions they (D & C) choose to answer for us. I liked the "sneak peek" we got this week, but I don't really want too many of those, ya know? Anyway, good to see you guys!!!
Hey capcom and ellen (and anon)!!!! Nice to see ya!
I wish there was a great Lost ARG going on now.... I hate to say it, but I'M BORED!!! LOL!
*waving!* yeah, Black Swan, me too! I was just thinking about how we used to complain about being "spoon-fed" when we had TLE and also during Find815. Well, we really ARE being "spoon-fed" now!! I would never complain again if they'd just do a good ARG. Maybe between seasons 5 & 6. We can only hope...
Why doesn't Ajira do something interesting! I'm left to playing word games on Facebook! LOL
Maven, I'm not offended. As a matter of a fact I'm the anon that reminded you that you're a married woman when Duane or was it Jessie? invited you out for a drink. LOL
I hope I didn't offend you which I'm pretty sure I did not... Maybe your hubby...lol
I know this commumity is very friendly. I just might sign up.
Maybe we need more Slovaltine.... I feel Ralphied with this so-called ARG!!!
This could get bad... nothing worse than a bored black swan... lol!
Ellen, i wouldn't even complain if Hans showed up again... lol!
(you know I'm codysmom, right?)
maven, yeah! How about Ajira!!! Lisa posted that she noticed some changes on the website, but nothing fun... just little things (glad she's on top of things:)
Hey, Anon, I remember you...I've steered clear of Jesse since then! LOL He's just a struggling actor. It was interesting, though, when he was complaining on his FB page that ABC took their own sweet time to pay him for Comic Con!
Jesse's been on Chuck lately (not a talking role). I saw him this past Monday..
sorry anon to be a stickler about stuff like that. I don't always use my blogger account alot either but it's easy to sign up so people don't think your a faker and take you more seriously when something like this comes up. I saw this same post in a couple of places today and that's why I figured it was a fake. That's what spammers do, they post something and copy and paste everywhere. speaking of which, I forgot to sign in now so I have to copy and paste lol
Codysmom!!! I knew that, but had forgotten...glad you reminded me. :)
Black Swan: I saw Jesse sitting and eating pie at the Pie Hole on Pushing Daisies.
yep, it's me, ellen:)
maven, I heard pushing daisies was cancelled? did jesse have a talking part in that? I think it makes a big difference as far as how much they get paid.
Hey, CEO... nice to see you're keeping on top of things (saw your post about the Ajira site)
not a problem. I get bored here during the day by myself so I'm checking these things out for fun. Besides, i could use a good ARG again, I'm hoping something good comes of the new airways. Maybe it's like massive dynamics and is just a website to follow along with the show when it starts, who knows. ~Maladylis
BS: No, speaking part...just chewing part! LOL And, sadly, Pushing Daisies is canceled!
We're counting on you Lisa to keep us up-to-date if anything happens. Although, aren't we supposed to be getting emails from them?
well, I sure as h*ll hope so !!! I mean if we don't, that was one mean tease lol
Lisa, I'm really hoping for something to come out of it, too. I haven't been following along with the massive dynamics site, but I love Fringe..
maven, lol... just a chewing part...
yeah, Ajira said they'd send an e-mail, but you never know...
did you all see the seasons 5 new promo photo and check out that Faraday is missing his left foot ? really he is, check it out and see for your self. very very odd for sure.
LOL, Lisa.. I've got the hq version of this as my desktop background pic of my computer and he's got two feet (his left foot is behind some leaves). That's really some pic, isn't it? Lots of (relatively poor) photoshopping, but everyone looks great and the theme of civilization merging with the Island... good stuff!
Oh, and I heard someone say there are like 8 water towers in the background (out the window) which I'm wondering about... and to me it looks like the Pearl station blew up
did you blow that up and look at it because the copy I have of it, there is no foot and other people have been noticing it too. One person has it on her blog. link
I didn't blow it up (someone gave it to me in a huge file size).. i'll look at your link
whoot! that was comment #108!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol are you counting the comments ? lol silly woman
heheh... I LOVE being #108!!! I'm getting that pic (used my snipping tool) hold on
It looks like Juliet has no toes on one foot, Sun has no thumbs, and Daniel has no foot...very strange. If these aren't clues, it looks like a sloppy photo-shop job...
I tried to brighten it up a bit... I think their feet are just covered up by leaves... just my humble opinion.. lol
well, as someone said on Nick's blog, they were being careful with Faradays as they made sure the shadow was in the pants leg. very weird !
what about the shadow on the pants leg?
Black Swan, that's probably what they intended, but for some reason, decided to leave the individual photos the way they were without trying to cover up the mistakes...who knows?!
I think I see the bottom of faraday's left boot behind the shrubbery... Juliet's toes obviously covered by the leaves
ellen, yes, I think any mistakes are just bad photoshop skills.... not necessarily trying to tell us anything
no matter, I love the pic! I have it as wallpaper on my desktop too...:)
here's a better shot of it off my pc after I lightened it up alot. No foot. lol
link" see if that works
Yeah, I like it better than the other one (blue one that first came out)
I wonder what's in Kate's hand she's hiding behind her.. lol!
So, he'll be hoppin' around in season 5 and Ben will think he's his long lost bunny friend... lol
I like the seriousness of everyone's expressions in this pic... looks like our losties are in for a bumpy ride in season 5!
Was it discussed here about the promo with Kate and who shows up at her door?
nope, I guess people are trying to be spoiler free. I usually am but this was let loose by D&C so I let it slide by.
It's getting hard to avoid spoilers, so I'm giving in on it this year. I'm just so eager for LOST anything!
who do you think sent them? that's cryptic enough for those who don't want to hear... lol
and where do you think you-know-who runs off to first?
I think it was Ben trying to get his hands on Aaron. He will do anything for the kids for some reason
Hummm, that I'm not sure of. maybe Jack but I'm just not sure.
well, I'm off to bed, we get up here at 5 am blick ! Night night
good-night, lisa! (and I agree Ben, and maybe Jack or even Cassidy first - to have her watch Aaron - then to Jack's?)
Anonymous... I assumed you were posting anonymously to protect your identity from Carlton and Damon - so they will use your question...
However, if that's not the case, you should know that you don't need to sign up with Google/Blogger just to post your name. When you leave a comment, instead of selecting "Anonymous", select "Name/URL", then just type in your name. You don't even need to leave a URL, but it's nice to at least sign your posts so people can tell you apart for other anonymous posters. Thanks!
Dennis, Thanks again... lol
And Thanks to all... This is truly a kind community...
P.S. now that I'm ousted... lol
It's just Ann the "e" is silent.
Nice to meet everyone!
BTW SHHHH.... About my real name...
as Dennis reminded me I am anon until then... lol
Welcome, anon, uhhh (shhhh!)... lol!
We won't tell a soul! LOL
Great comments LoCos! :-D
Right, Jesse always seems to be in the middle of the employee line-up at Buy More, when they are getting lectured or chewed out. :-)
Thanks for posting the links to the poster images, that is so funny. I think that it's always been so hilarious how they cut and paste the players to gather them into one scene, and this time they've outdone themselves! Remember the one where they were all photoshopped onto the beach and some people's pants were cut off weird to look like they were covered in sand, or someone looked like they were standing so deep in the sand? Heheh.
Welcome Anonanne! :-D
Codysmom, if you like Fringe, when it starts back up again come on over to discuss it at my Fringe blog. At Dennis' too!
I just think that it's very difficult to get that whole cast together for one big shoot. ABC probably has no choice but when the concept is decided, they then have to photoshop everyone in because everyone is in different parts of the country and on different schedules. They have to "make do" with what they get from the individual shoots and make it work, even if they have to lose someone's foot! LOL
Hi, capcom! Thanks for the invite to your Fringe blog... I'll definitely check it out! It actually took me awhile to warm up to the characters (except for John Noble who plays Walter, I liked him from the start..lol), but now I really am. Everytime I see the guy who plays John, I can't help but think of Days of our Lives, where I think he played Jack (Jennifer's husband.. remember?)
capcom said....
Jesse always seems to be in the middle of the employee line-up at Buy More, when they are getting lectured or chewed out. :-)
yep, lol!
maven, I think you're right and they have a hard time rounding up all the losties for a picture.. definitely some photoshopped in.
For those of you who aren't averse to spoilers, could you go to Sawyer's Lost World and tell me who you think is who in the first two pics? Jorge Garcia actually commented there saying that the people aren't all accurately labeled. (thanks)
You're right Codysmom, John has certainly been around!
I can't see who's in those pix.
Thanks for looking, capcom! I really can't see it either (at least not good enough to bet money on it...lol!)
Oh, yeah... and "John" was also on "Boston Legal" I think.
Read this on another blog and it made me laugh.
Saw a really funny church marque(sp?) it said...
Stop, drop and roll does'nt work in hell.
Oh! Here you all are! Trying to hide from me? Had some catching up to do. I'm sure the pic is the result of bad photoshopping, but that missing foot creeps me out. LOL
codysmom...er uh I mean, Black Swan-
yes I remember "John" from DOOL- funny how with some people, no matter what they do, you always remember them by the first thing they did.
I agree with whoever said they usually stay spoiler free, but are about to go LOST crazy! I find myself more open to spoilers now as well. Although I am trying to maintain some self control...yeah right!
stop, drop, and roll...hell. LOL
Hi, Scoutpost: I, too, am anti-spoilers, but find myself drawn to the DSA videos!
FYI: Time has awarded "The Constant" the best TV episode of 2008 (according to a post over at Dark's.)
Also: Time listed LOST as #7 Top Ten Best TV Series.
One could think of all kinds of jokes for a doctored image of Daniel's missing foot, no? A pirate's peg-leg, the four-toed statue foot, a mouse foot (from crossing DNA with Eloise in a time chamber like in The Fly), oh boy! :o)
Here's the Link to "The Constant" being #1 Best TV Episode.
They're trying to hide from me too Scoutpost. lol
I've checked here every day since the 2nd and then quit for awhile cause no one was here. Then it started getting dead over at TLC so I came over here to check it out and there was a whole promo pic discussion I missed. I thought I seen a shadow of Daniel's foot and assumed Juliet's toes were in the vines. I guess I was wrong. The one I find werid is Hurley. His right foot is up on the chair arm and I'm not real sure where his other fooot is. But I know there's no way his leg could be straight in that position. Not to mention it looks really short.
I'm antispoiler too. I've already watched the first sneek peek but I'm not sure if I'll watch the rest if there are any. We discussed it a little at TLC. I agree that Ben is behind Kate's visitors. I think it's for you know who to think the only safe place to run is the island.
Her "vacation" I think might be to Sun based on the promo. But I don't think Jack.
Black Swan shame on you. You have me curious about that pic at Sawyer's Lost World. lol But I didn't peek.
And congrats to Anonanne for the possiblity of your question being used, and welcome.
Oh and on Ajira Airways. Is it possible that, that was the next stage of the now defunct ARG? I hope not. I'd like to get something from it.
Thanks for the link, maven! That's great news that "The Constant" is Time's number 1 TV episode!!
LOL, did I hear my name? Sorry, sayid'sgirl for teasing about that spoiler pic... there's a new video podcast on the same blog that pretty much confims who it is now.. for those of you who are into spoilers now. I've kind of gotten into it a little, maybe because the haiatus seemed so long (and because the ARG sucked?... lol).
I don't think Ajira Airways was part of the defunct ARG, because it's from a different company (LeeLee Films, not Hoodlum)... can't wait to see if anything comes of it.
Hi, scoutpost!! We'll all be confused again on where to go tomorrow after the new DSA comes out... lol, how about we stay here for simplicity's sake?
I wonder if Kate will drop Aaron off at Cassidy's and not bring him back to the Island? I can't wait to see her reaction when she finally finds out from Cassidy that she was the one to give her the idea to throw Sawyer in jail.. lol! (That is, IF they follow the story-line through with what we think she promised Sawyer before he jumped out of the helicopter)
Oh that's right Black Swan. I forgot it was a different company.
Discussing the DSA here sounds good to me. Where am I again? lol
If there's a sneek peek I'm not sure I'll watch it though. But I'm bored and want something to talk about. Decisions - Decisions.
Maybe we're LOST!! LOL!
Aw, come on Sayid'sgirl... watch it so I'll have someone to discuss it with...
Against my better judgment and/or principles, I'll watch whatever they toss us!
Welll we'll see. I might watch it. :)
lol, maven!
Sawyer's having a baby and it isn't Aaron!
New DSA email is out.
Where are we going to discuss this?
There's a video of Darlton talking about the ABC Lost Book Club. They highlight a book that Ben is going to be reading in a S5 episode..."Ulysses" by James Joyce. They read a quote from the book which mentions "hurley", but, more significant it talks about "building up a nation".
There's also a quick flash of a new(?) Dharma logo...looks like a lighthouse to me.
There's a screen cap of the new logo at Dark's under spoilers.
Thanks for the heads-up, maven! I'm just now looking at the e-mail... brb
Ulysses?!? I made it through Brothers Karamazov and it just about did me in. I think I've found a line I'm not willing to cross.
I tried to get the ringtone, but the link took me here which didn't do anything. Did I do something wrong? I have an iPhone.
I'm not playing around with that!
See what happens when I watch A Charlie Brown Christmas lol
Going to go watch the video.
FYI: The Writer's Guild has nominated LOST for Best Drama.
It's getting annoying that blogger keeps logging me in with my real name.
Anyway watched the new video. It was short and sweet. Interesting new logo. Wonder what it's for?
Thanks for the link (again) maven... lol, you're going to become our new Lady Links-a-Lot..
Does anyone think the gibberish Greg Nations hints at for what's coming up is anything other than what it is? I like this one (and think it;s the smoke monster):
From #503:
I haven't tried to get the ringtone yet...
I think the gibberish is just gibberish! LOL
BS: Somebody had to take on the mantle!
So, the new logo for a DI station/hatch = Beacon? Lighthouse? Lantern? I personally like beacon. What do you suppose the 316 is all about? (maybe a bearing to get into/out of the Island safely?)
Maybe it's the flight # on Ajira Airways?
Gosh, i wish my Irish friend, NOTLOST, from myspace was awake... lol... need help interpreting that passage from Ulysses! From my notes:
episode 5-7 , is where we will see Ben reading James Joyces', "Ulysses". Season 5's seventh episode is called "316". Damon says there are at least two reasons the ed is called "316" ... He opens the book to page 316 and starts reading:
"So off they started about Irish sport and shoneen games the like of lawn tennis and about "hurley" and putting the stone and racy of the soil and building up a nation once again and all of that."
Building up a nation could maybe refer to the reconstitution of the DI? Oh, I got it! Hurley will re-build the golf course!!!
I like that idea, maven! Ajira Airways flight 316!!! Now boarding, no boundaries... lol!
Here's a great 316 guess from over at dark ufo's:
gokhan said...
Ha-ha! A great video from Darlton! The music on the background is very good, makes them funnier than they actually are. And what the goddamn "316" is? 3+6+1=9 Beep! Wrong! 3-1-6= -8 Oh 8! Maybe just coincidence...
BS: I thought the exact same thing about the passage he quoted! "Building up a nation" could refer to the society forming on the island with the DI.
I googled 315 and the only thing I found that could make since was very strong and corrosive resistant stainless steel. Maybe that's what they make the "Beacon" Station from. If it's a beacon or lighthouse it would need to be corrosive resistant.
I know I'm reaching. lol
sayid'sgirl, did you google 315 or 316? good research!
also from darkufo, someone wondering if 316 could be referring to John 3:16 from the Bible, like Mr. Eko inscribed on his Jesus stick or similar. (will have to look that up)
I found this
on an Irish sport called hurling. The stick in the game is called hurley.
aha... from dark ufo:
Chris said...
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
The reincarnation of Locke?
It was 316. I think I typed 315 because I was thinking of John 3:16 also.
Or maybe it was 815. I don't know. lol
Great research, sayid'sgirl!
You know, this is making me wonder how Hurley got his nick-name... I don't think they ever explained this, did they? I always guessed it was a name given to him by his buddies after a drunken party and that's what he did (hurl... lol)
That John 3:16 makes sense in the context of Locke not really being dead and he has to lead his flock back to the island. Eko's stick fortells that?
oh, oh, sayid'sgirl, stay alert... we need you! lol!
The numbers are bad... the numbers keep popping up:)
sounds good to me, maven.. wouldn't it be great if they could get Mr. Eko back, even if it was for just one episode?? I miss Mr. Eko!
Thanks Black Swan.
I really like John 3:16. That's the first thing I thought of when they said it.
I watched some of the extra stuff on the Season 4 dvds at Darks and it could play in based on something that was said by Damon.
I'm alert Black Swan. lol
Yes, you are, sayid'sgirl! lol
Hmm, something said by Damon on the season 4 DVD's.... I hope to give that (the S4 DVDs) to myself as an early Christmas present (to myself, from myself:) also, maybe throw in "The Dark Knight"... hehehe
Dictionary.com- "Beacon: a radar device at a fixed location that, upon receiving a radar pulse, transmits a reply pulse that enables the original sender to determine his or her position relative to the fixed location."
Ok according to some links I found shoneen means:
Ireland Irish person acting English: an Irish person who, in order to seem of a higher social class, imitates an English person, especially in accent.
I also found this
It has the passage and a little more that Damon read.
opps wrong link. Let me see if I can go back and find it.
you beat me to it, sayid'sgirl.. i'll wait for you to find the correct link... thanks
Ok here's the James Joyce link. It's not from Ulysses.
Well, I have no plans to read "Ulysses"! LOL
Me either.
shoneen = un-Irish (or English)?
I'm kind of glad the DSA was Darlton chit-chatting with us instead of some videos thrown up at the last minute or another sneak peek... lol
I think shoneen is an Irishman pretending to be English to appear to have a higher social status.
I'm sure NOTLOST could explain it much better than I can.
And also explain James Joyce better too.
Well, I think I'll message or comment to NOTLOST and see what he says about it.
I found this from allwords.com:
(Anglo-Irish, derogatory) One who prefers English attitudes, customs or lifestyle to Irish ones.
1889: Good Father John O'Hart / In penal days rode out / To a who had free lands / And his own snipe and trout. " WB Yeats, "The Ballad of Father O'Hart"
1922: So then the citizens begin talking about the Irish language and the corporation meeting and all to that and the shoneens that can"t speak their own language " James Joyce, Ulysses
Etymology: Irish seónín, from Seón "John" + -ín diminutive suffix.
check out the entymology, from Seon "John"
Anagrams for adella courey, which is this week's password for DSA:
A Recalled You
A Caroled Yule
Area Cold Yule
Called Are You
Called Era You
Clear Lead You
Call Eared You
Local Urea Dye
Local Year Due
Delay Aloe Cur
Delay Oral Cue
Load Year Clue
Era Alloy Cued
A Dare Cell You
A Read Cell You
A Dear Cell You
A Ready Clue Lo
A Deary Clue Lo
A Early Clue Do
A Early Cue Old
I probably missed some good ones, but I'm getting really tired... see you all tomorrow!
Those are alot of anagrams. I've been anagraming each password by it's self. Then putting them together and anagraming them. I've haven't come up with anything yet.
What I get out of that passage is men talking about Irishmen not being able to be Irish and fighting for their rights as a nation. Having to pretend they’re something they’re not, to get by and not liking it. And wanting to raise up and claim their heritage. But I could be wrong.
So if I’m anywhere close to what is being said in James Joyce’s book. Maybe the others are tired of pretending of being something they’re not and want to claim their heritage and rights as a nation.
I don’t know. It’s just a thought. Damon may have just read that to make us all crazy and do what were doing making something out of nothing. (possibly) lol They did say coincidence YES. So who knows. But it’s still fun to research.
I did find Ulysses on line it doesn't have any page numbers it's just a running text. But I did find the passage Damon read.
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