Thanks to Maven and Codysmom for letting us know the site was updating.

There has also been another email to tell us that the Dharma Initiative revival is no more, the financial crisis has hit and there will be no more DI, the email is quite odd in style and seems to have an underlying message. Click here to read it
Thanks to T8RO for letting us know about the email.
1 – 200 of 245 Newer› Newest»It's official I'm a Bricklayer !!!
Hi everybody! So, we're in the game again!
Hans is back! And I've already received his e-mail - and this is strange, because I usually receive it very late.
The message of Hans van Eeghen is very funny!
BTW, I'm officially a Dharma... Cinematographer!!!
In the email, it looks very strange, it suggests to me that the money for the next phase ofthe ARG has been pulled and the activities planned for December up to the launch of the show have been cancelled.
A real shame if it has but possibly understandable in the current climate.
What? Not even a secret Dharma de-coder ring?
Black Swan account = Bricklayer, White Swan account = Cook. Damn it. Now I know how Roger felt!
In the email that has been sent there is a comment
-- DSAqandaatgmaildotcom --
This is an email address
If you send an email to this address you get a message from the creators of Lost
Black Swan 1 - Proof Reader
Black Swan 2 - Research Assistant
White Swan - Psychologist
I felt the email to be totally strange, and completely out of context with the rest of the game.
I am interested if this was all planed, or something happened real life to pull the plug on the whole game. I'm hoping there is more... we have a bit to go before season 5, and this whole game seems a bit extensive and unlike LOST to be a lead up to some contest to get the LOST creators to answer our questions... but we'll see. Come on LOST, don't leave us hanging.
Also, the fact that I was thanked in the blog for letting them know about the email has got to be the highlight of the game for me. Thanks!
OH, lol, FYI:
Black Swan Account = Proof Reader
White Swan Account = Cook
Well, what the.....
I haven't actually received the e-mail yet, but I did get my codysmom dossier. I'm a black swan proof reader. so????
The best part of the e-mail to me is hearing about Hans' failed marriage, casino debts, and "unfounded" police charges.... ROFL!!! I was so right in not liking him! Do you suppose we can hunt him down in Dubai?
I'd also like to get hold of "the principals representing the benefactors" = Hans' employers that have gone missing and are believed to be somewhere in South America. How the heck to do it, though??
For those on myspace (Black Swan group) I have posted a blog on this new development:
Volunteer Assessment Dossiers
Morning Gang, thanks to all for the diligence on this update :D. I just logged in to DWY (I forgot my password its been so long!) and I am:
Black Swan- Proof Reader
Have a great day everyone, I'll have a better look at all this stuff after work (it's conference week :S).
Hi everyone! LTNS! Finally, some kind of movement at DWY...now, what was that password again (as I riffle through layers upon layers of notes...drat!)
Just posting to follow the rest of you on email. So is this a case of TPTB firing Hoodlum?
hi memphish, hmmm firing hoodlum? interesting idea.
I'm currently trying to find Hans by looking into all the Dubai car dealerships... lol
I also wonder if Hans' propensity for gambling is what made the reconstituted DI efforts go bust, not the current economic crisis?
In any case, I'm sure it's all Hans' fault and I want to get my hands on him..lol
well, I haven't gotten my email yet as usual, I'm feeling let out for sure ! Now I'm going to go find my job. I'll let you know what it is.
I got 'Psychologist' as my profession. (White Swan)
Anyone else gonna frame their certificate? hehe.
Well, I finally got my e-mail and I also downloaded my non-cheater white swan account where I am assigned to the Infrastructure Program and my occupation is a carpenter.
I got bricklayer... this is a union job right??? I mean with purges smoke monsters and hostile natives I'm going to need some good benefits just saying....
lol, blade2k6954!
My last account (where I never even took any tests and signed up after test 7) is a cook!
I'm curious if all black swans are the same job...
Hmmm, interesting that you get a job even if you didn't take all the tests. I only took 2 tests, and I cheated and I am a Mini Bus Driver. Guess they are moving up from Dharma Vans.
I'm so jealous, memphish! I want to be a mini bus driver!!
Yes, that's my whiteswancheater account where I am a cook. There's still a button for "new recruits" so you can still sign up, I guess. All those tests were unnessesary to be placed, but maybe only certain jobs determined by performance. I don't know what to think?!>!
Black Swan - Human Interaction Analysis Program
I'm glad im not a cook or bricklayer :P
I hope this isn't over, and I'm glad that we'll be hearing from Carlton and Damon, maybe so they can explain what the hell is going on.
I didn't like the email at all, sounded really naff and like an easy way out for hoodlum.
I really hope that theres more to this than meets the eye.
white swan ..
i can hang with that .
Dharma Initiative Proof Reader! Yes!
All my dreams have come true...:)
Hmm. I got "carpenter".
I always figured that the black swans would either be ousted or given secret "black ops" assignments, but appearently some of them are cooks now. Would you really like a black swan to prepair the food you have to eat?
Still, carpenter isn't all that bad. I mean, Ben started out as "handyman" and worked his way to the top with ease.
kris, black swans are very nice birds unless their provoked.. lol! They even are monogomous, so yeah, I'd let a black swan cook for me.... ROFL
Oh well, my black swan account is a proof reader.
And if they had a job for my white swan account, no one will ever know since I don't remember my user name for that one.
Um.... what?! I haven't been able to log on yet to get my job, but seriously, what the heck?
Hi all! What a weird email.... I totally think that Hoodlum got fired and that's what's really going on. I hope that means it will get better from here?? Well I can't log in yet, so I don't know what my DI position is yet, but I'll let you know. (Dang - I have to remember the password.....)
Maybe this is a good sign for the game though.
I had no idea Hoodlum was fired, where did people hear/read about that?
they got that out of the letter that Hans sent to everyone.
it's all speculation at the moment. If you read the latest email, it sounds like the plug is being pulled on the project and as pretty much no one has been satisfied with this ARG, I wouldn't be surprised if the powers at be told Hoodlum where to stuff their DWY.
Maybe it's just another plot point though, we'll have to wait and see I guess
lost2010 - same here, my White Swan account username or email address escapes me !
In my three accounts I am a Bricklayer or a Proof Reader in two accounts.
See what happens when I go to bed early. I miss all the "excitement"
LOL I'm a brick layer to!.:)
I think my first order of business will be to build a prison for Hans.
Now I don't feel so bad because I forgot my password too.lol
I still haven't got my email yet.
If the ARG hasn't gone belly up as it seems it has. Maybe Damon and Carlton will take it over for the rest of the game. We can only hope.
I forgot I made a white swan account at the last minute. I'll have to got see what job I got with that account.
Seems like the ecomonic crisis has had an effect on our Lost bubble. I just hope this isn't foreshadowing cutbacks for actual episodes of the TV show.
I'm a cook on my white swan account.
BTW memphish
Looks like you're going to have to take me on my beer runs. :)
Morning all!
I'm a Proofreader in the Communications Department. Sure seems like they need a lot of proofreaders...will there be a lot of documents? LOL
This thing is getting weirder and weirder! Is the economic crisis really an out for Hoodlum? Did Darlton take the pulse of the fanbase and wanted Hoodlum out? Or is this some overall plan to tie the DI into the show?
Hi everybody!
Maybe you've already noticed it: the new logo of the Dharma initiative appears in the Season 5 trailer, during Jack and Ben's conversation.
Could it be a positive hint of the linking of the game to the show?
That's what I was thinking when I first seen it. But now I'm not so sure. Is the game over or not??
I was thinking the the second half of the game would be similar to Find 815 when we would get some clues to Season 5. Who knows.
Okay, is everyone going to submit questions? Are they supposed to be about the show or Dharma?
Still can't get DWY to load.....
I wonder if the stuff about the financial crisis means that Hoodlum went belly up?
They're speculating on the spoilertv forums that it means ABC pulled the funding for the project.
Sayid's Girl, I'm happy to drive anyone on a beer run. Ironically I often joke that I have the spiritual gift of driving because I volunteer for flower delivery at church. I'm glad to see the DI has validated that gift.
Black Swan Account = Proof Reader
White Swan Account = Cook
I've laminated mine lol =)
It seems the e-mail has made people suspicious and angry.... could that be the intention, then. I wanna go after Hans!!!
ugh; Bricklayer?! What happened to the Dec15th anyway? i wasn't ready for this unexpected return.
@Ellen and Zort/Lost2010; lol, i completely forgot my password too.
There had better be more, is all i can say. I didn't spend time on all these pointless tests just to be told i'm a bricklayer and the project has been pulled... stupidness.
(btw Codysmom; i was a black swan and i'm a bricklayer; so i don't know if that answers your question.)
and apparently i cheated on every other test... huh. why aren't i a grey swan or something?
Well, after struggling with a flash update issue, I finally was able to log on to DWY..
Black Swan 1=proofreader-communications
Black Swan 2=bricklayer-infrastructure
White Swan=cook-human services
I wonder too, what will happen now that the dossiers have been released? I hope Damon and Carlton have something good planned for us.
I think we all deserve it after the fiasco of an ARG so far, don't you?
thanks, emeraldislost. It helps knowing that!
I really hope this is a step to the next part of the ARG where we will finally get to know how the DI will fit into season 5! Lost has a lot of explaining to do about the Dharma Initiative and even the purge, so.... (I continue to be an optimist)
I spent all day sick in bed and when I finally log in I find this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OMFG!!!!
*Off to see what my job will be*
I spent all day sick in bed and when I finally log in I find this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OMFG!!!!
*Off to see what my job will be*
I'm going to take a wild guess here. . .that ANM will have at least one account that's a proof reader.
BTW, DI sold to Lost= Hoodlum fired??
Hope so!
Actually Lost2010 that is correct...lol...."that ANM", you don't know me yet!?
Primary account Proof reader
Secondary account Research assistant
WS account Cook!
So no cheating = no points (despite getting pretty high scores)...anyone else confused about the scoring system!?
I'm a Proof Reader and I'm Black Swan
I can't believe how lame the jobs are... Cook, Bricklayer, Proof Reader, Mini Bus Driver...
Now now. Mini Bus Driver when you dropped out of the process months ago is awesome! I've actually seen one person who got biologist.
Lisa is going to have a whole lot of jobs.
Anm,hope you feel better soon.
I wrote my password down so when I forgot it (which of course I did) I could get in. Now I just have to wait for an opening.
ACtually I was wondering...the known assigned jobs aren't very...erm...high-up the ladder if you get my drift....we're all laymen!
Just left a comment on your myspace.
But you had the reaction I thought you would. lol
I think between the two of us we can "cook" something up for Hans.
Takes A Village
I usually write my passwords down but didn't for this. I guess because I didn't expect there to be a hiatus and would be using it almost everyday.
Haha!! I figured it out! The New DI will be run by Ben - It's his "idea" for getting all the losties back to the island, and we all get to go, too!!
LOL. If only..........
When the game started,I forgot my original password,so I got a new one.It's not too much trouble.
BTW I finally got in and I'm a proofreader, too.
I hope that means I get access to some amazing top secret documents (which I would obviously leak to all of you directly!)
hehe evil plan phase 1 complete....
Is anyone else unable to get the Dharma Wants You page to load? It's so frustrating to finally get an update and not be able to do anything. :(
I was having that problem - I was using firefox and when I tried in explorer it started working.
I'm a Mini-Bus Driver for the Human Services Division. X-D
It's loading now Patch, try again.
MadAriad said...
Haha!! I figured it out! The New DI will be run by Ben - It's his "idea" for getting all the losties back to the island, and we all get to go, too!!
I actually like this idea! The "benefactors" didn't lose money in the bad mortgage economy - Ben stole it!!! 3.2 million dollars, to be exact! LOL!
Capcom and I are both in Tennessee and are both Mini Bus Drivers. Does it turn out the only thing that mattered was our zip codes?
Ok thanks guys. I'm on Firefox too.
Nope, no good. My flash is up to date, I've tried on Firefox and IE and it still won't load for me. I'm out of ideas.
Hmm, should I try removing the cookies for dharma wants you?
Patch, some people say you might need Flash 9 (not 10). There's a link in the comments at Dark's.
Patch, this is what someone else did, hope it works for you.
for those still having problems:
uninstall version 10, restart PC and this is address of good working 9: http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=kb406791
If that does work Patch, email me by clicking on my name and then my contact, email me your password and ID and your email and I will email you your dossier'
Oh wow, thanks Maven and Lisa! I am surprised about that, how strange. Ok, I'll give it a go. :)
LOL Memphish!!!!
Lisa, I was having the same problem and that same fix worked for me! JSYK :)
okay guys, in my first accout, black swan, i am a research assistant in the human interaction analysis program. i get to spy on people! lol
in my second account i only took two tests, was a white swan and i'm a cook.
i forgot the logins for the other two accounts, but i have them written down at work...
Well, do you guys think this is the end of this ARG...with a bone tossed to us getting to ask Darlton a question? Was it just a way to fire Hoodlum from botching up this ARG and making the fanbase pissed? Or is there more to this than meets the eye? Would Darlton really want it to end like this?
I don't think this is the end Maven. I don't think that Damon and all would let it suck this much. they would hire someone else if they were worried that we would all get pissed. I'm guessing that this is a new twist and we will see more. ( or Hans is going to get it personally from me !)
I think the DI is going to play some sort of role in Season 5, hard to say if it's old DI, new DI, both or in between. But I think it's mere existence is all we're going to get out of the ARG just like the plane being found in the Sunda Trench is all we got out of Find815.
Black Swan Proof Reader.
I think this is it. Hoodlum botched it and they didn't want to hear about it for another month. Sucks.
That's a pretty big spoiler though when you think about it. Letting out that the Dharma Initiative is up and going again. Almost makes you wonder if it's a foiler.
How stupid is it that the DDWY site doesn't work with flash 10?
I've been trying to work out how people got their different jobs. On the test results they show these catagories:
# of attempts
recruit average
cheat used
adjusted score
In my codysmom cheater account, the numbers given for score and cheat used don't seem right. It says I cheated on all except test 4, but it doesn't show as many 100%s as it should. I was getting good at waiting for the cheats so I'd only be doing the test once and get 100%.
You know how there was more than one cheat technique used sometimes? I wonder if this might help explain this.
It seems the number of times you tried a test was also taken into account. In my test one, for example, I tried it 197 times, got a score of 40, which shouldn't be right because I know I got 100% but didn't use the cheat til later. On this test 1 it says a recruit average of 44, says yes I used the cheat, and finally, the adjusted score is 32.
Other than looking like they took away for having a large amount of "tries", it doesn't make sense. I didn't get my 100% even though I used the cheat, so I guess they took my first score (this was before we knew they took first score only.
My total grade point average is 57 and I'm a proof reader black swan.
On my other account, I'm a white swan non-cheater and in the first test I had 95attempts with a score of 54, an average recruit score of 44, no cheating (they correctly acknowlege this) and and end score of 54. My total grade point average for my non-cheater white swan is 48 and has been assigned as a carpenter.
I don't get it!
It all seems very weird to me. Why would the ARG deliberately merge with reality and the TV show? And why would the DI ("in character")want us to talk to TV show people? I don't get it.
Phooey, just ask TPTBs the question of why this promo game was so lame-o compared to the previous ones and what it really was supposed to be. :-p
What sort of documents is DI writing that they need so many proof readers?
As for the ARG itself, I think the fact that it was outsourced to Hoodlum as was Find815 meant that TPTB gave them 1 small idea and then it was up to Hoodlum how to communicate that 1 idea. This did seem to have a greater imprimatur of canon because of DI's involvement at Comic Con and the ad during the finale, but I think all in all they still just had that 1 idea, DI is still out there, that was all the substance there is to this game.
The one big question I want to know is who hired Hans? I guess I'm still holding out some little hope that we'll find out it's Ben or Widmore or a Hanso, but then this "sale" to a TV show starts to blend the fictional levels to a point where I think this ARG becomes completely irrelevant and non-canonical.
I'm a Proofreader in the Communications Department............
LOL!! I only had one account (black swan) and ended up a PROOFREADER, too! It beats janitor/toilet scrubber...and taking into account all the other people who are proofreaders, I'm thinking it will be a pretty cush job since we can't all possibly have that much to read! haha
On a more serious note- what the heck? It is very strange isn't it? What a bummer if this is all there is. And I agree capcom- if this is part of the "story", why in the world would they merge reality and a TV show? that makes no sense. And I agree- the only question I want answered is why this was so lame-o.
I agree that merging this with a real TV show definitely breaks some kind of wall! And it also makes it very blurry. If a TV show isn't real, what does that make the Dharma Initiative...real or fake?
The only thing I can vaguely hope for that Darlton has something up their sleeve. They wouldn't let the fan base get so pissed off and leave them hanging. Although, by throwing into their laps, wouldn't that cut into the time they need to put into actually producing the episodes?
Maybe they'll pull a Nikki and Paolo Mea Culpa and bury the whole thing alive.
I remember back from Comic-Con there was a panel with Damon and Carlton and they mention the ARG. I found a transcript at Doc Artz. Here's an excerpt for TapDawg's transcript from the panel:
:28 Carlton — we wrote the new ARG with a company called hoodlum.
So I dunno what that means, but it appears it was a collaboration for the start...
Greetings LostArgs! It's been a while since I stopped by, but now that I'm a Minibus Driver, I suspect I'll be driving you to your proofreading assignments, so I thought I should say hello. Just a note, no food or drink in the minibus. Please don't try to sneak on Dharma snacks, Dharma cola, etc. because I will kick you off the bus.
That's not cool.lol
I'm a Brick Layer too.
I guess I'll be helping to build the Hans Van Eeghan Prison too.It is going to have plenty of room for the enemies of Black Swan.
Hey, fysb!! Nice to see you! I'm a black swan proof reader, so I'd love for you to be my driver! We black swans tend to do the unexpected, though, so promising anything about the condition of your mini bus after we're done with it will be difficult. For a cleaner, quieter, and safer minibus driving experience I suggest only letting the white swans in...lol! (of course it wouldn't be as much fun)
I'll offer an alternative Party Mini Bus. After all it's not my property. Drink and eat away. I'm just the driver!
lol, memphish! PARTY BUS!!! I'm so there.....
Takes A Village
Thanks for offering to help build Hans' prison. Looks like it's going to be a bigger project than I expected if we put all of Black Swans enemies in it.
Sorry but your rules are to strict. :) Bring on the party bus!
I'm a brick layer as well and I'm going to be on that party bus. Break out the black swan whine !!
I was out flying around looking for trouble and got us some
party bus supplies
And we'll need this
lol, memphish......
At the end of the day the party bus will have lots of these wrappers all over...
I still don't have a job, but I'm ready for the party bus!
As long as they station me somewhere warm, I'll do whatever Dharma tells me!
melissa, you still don't have a job?
As for blurring the game with the show - they did that in TLE as well, remember? Rachel showed up at Comic Con, and yelled at the Lost panel for using the Hanso Foundation as part of their show.
I can't get in to DWY, and I didn't feel like taking the time to try the Flash fix. I e-mailed my info to maven to see if she would retrieve my dossier for me, but she's probably still sleeping out in CA. :)
If anyone else is willing to grab it for me, let me know and I'll send you my password!
Mellisa, if you are having trouble logging on, I can email you your dossier if you email me your ID and password. Just click on my name and the contact button.
Okay, Lisa - just sent you an e-mail. Thanks!
ah, I come back and see you have it figured out, mel.. hope you're staying warm! Michigan = brrrrrr!
All right - thanks to Lisa, I see that I am a Cinematographer in the Communications Department. Maybe I'll get to work on the new round of Marvin Candle films?
let me know if you got it ok. Always happy to help out another fellow losty fan. Maladylis
It was 19 here yesterday morning, codysmom! 19! I am NOT ready for this nonsense yet.
its about 20 or 25 here now in NH, burrrrr. I want to be on a sandy beach with a nice dark skinned man, long black hair and accent. Sipping coconut drinks. lol I better wake up here.
I step out for awhile and you all go crazy. lol
I guess I'll bring the music. Three Dog Night's Shambala.
I couldn't get my picture link to work and got tired of trying.
Hmmm... sounds good to me, Lisa! Maybe a nice Scotsman with an open shirt and a bottle of Dharma wine. Do they make Dharma daiquiris? ;)
Oh that sounds just as yummy Melissa I do love me a Scotsman.
It does seem like winter kind of just jumped on us unexpectedly (and sadly, going to stay this way, according to the weatherman)
Our weatherman once said (on a cold night) to throw an extra dog on the bed. But I see where our minds are going.... (lol, throw an extra Lost hunk on the bed?:)
Ah lisa you made me think of Sayid. But I see melissa has visions of Desmond dancing in her head. Not bad either.
Well, I've got a puppy in the bed already and I'm still cold. Guess I'll have to look elsewhere. :)
You guys are too funny.
The party bus sounds like it might be too full, so I'll ride with you FYSB (although you might have to make an exception for my morning Diet Coke- I don't do coffee). Plus, all the proofreaders who ride memphish's party bus won't be able to see straight to proofread by the time they get off, so someone has to stay sober. haha
You all are making me cold just listening to you talk. I will keep my mouth shut about our weather here in AZ. Stay warm!!
We're going to be the best New Recruits in Dharma history! LOL BTW: All of us Proofreaders will check over your contracts for the many typos I'm sure will be there!
(ML: I never did see an email from you. Glad you found out your job from Lisa!)
(Just saw you messaged me at FB, ML!)
On the weather this morning, they said it was a "teeth-chattering" 51 in Miami. :)
The worst thing about this game is that we'll never find out why they needed these particular jobs. I mean, bricklayer is fairly obvious, and mini van driver is an obvious wink at the show, but why so many proofreaders? And why cinematographers?
Did anyone get assigned Economist? :)
Because if you're going to be an economist, I heard Sayid is looking for you.
Speaking of Sayid, he was a communications officer.
And all of us proofreaders are in the Communication Department, perhaps. . . . .
Mellisa, who says we'll never find out what to do with these jobs? I really hope we do!
lost2010.. oh, now there's something to think about, Sayid being a communications officer and proofreaders being in the communications division... hmmm
The jobs seem so varied, don't they?
I gather they expect a lot of typos in their documents since they need so many proofreaders! I'm one of them!
Have we heard of any "elite" type jobs other than the Instructors that got the t-shirts?
Finally remembered my whiteswan password!! That's the one where I signed up and never took any tests at all. My GPA is 14, my dharma points are 0. I'm in the Human Resources dept.
I'm a cook on that one.
codysmom - I'm hopeful that the hasty e-mail just means that Hoodlum was fired. I'm just preparing myself for the possibility that the game was cancelled. If it was just the e-mail, I'd be more hopeful, but the fact that they released the dossiers a month early, with no warning, sounds like they're dumping the project.
Maybe we'll find out more in the show?
Has anyone campared jobs with their scores? I mean, one of the categories is how you ranked against the recruit average. Do you get one job if you're above average, and another if you're below?
it seems that most people that were white swans and didn't finish the tests were cooks, but then I could be wrong, just how it seems to me.
I also got assigned to cook on my whiteswancheater (meaning I didn't take any tests and only had a score of like 14 - just like lost2010. On my whiteswan non-cheater-but-did-all-the-tests I got a 48 grade point average and I'm a carpenter.
I was a white swan, and I had a 59 average, and I'm a cinematographer.
Interesting - there are a lot of cooks, with the zero scores from not taking any tests, but hardly any carpenters or cinematographers, with a higher average.
Proofreaders and bricklayers - what were your averages?
I wonder if it's because if you didn't find the cheats, it got really boring really fast and you just quit taking the tests altogether.
I both cheated and got bored fast. I was a 17 Black Swan Human Services Div. Mini Bus Driver.
I got 57 for my black swan cheater proof reader
I just noticed something looking at my dossier..
On the tests I only took once (and used the cheat to get 100%) it still got averaged with a recruit average even though I only did the test once.... hmm
I guess the Dharma points don't fit into these scores at all, though.
So, just for the heck of it. I signed up for a new account. And after it let me set it up it told me I couldn't have a dossier. It was all fake but you know, it's the principal of the thing. LOL
Hmmm... I wonder if there's so many proofreaders because a lot of people in Black Swan would have the same averages - around 100 in each test, minus the penalties.
Research Assistant seems to be the rarity in Black Swan. White Swan also has gardener and psycologist.
Ahem, sorry. Falcon=lost2010. Forgot I was signed in under this one.
I think the recruit average is the average of everyone who took the test. Because I have several where I only took the test once, and none of my scores match the recruit average.
For those of you who are calculating this stuff:
I stayed with only my one original account - I was a sometimes cheater, Black Swan, and got 44 average and I had no Dharma points.
I'm a proof reader, for the communications department.
And I'm in California.
I wonder if Hoodlum went belly-up from the crazy global ecomomy? I saw on the news that Oz is having troubles too, especially due to a drought there.
I'm going to shuffle over to DarkUFO and see if anyone has figured out the mystery of the disappearing ARG. :-o
What are the scores suppose to represent? Is it the percentage points we got when we finished the test?
Nope. No answers over there.
Someone did question if we are supposed to convince TPTB to reconstitute the DI again, as if this is supposed to get us to start a campaign to do that. I say knock yerself out, I'll watch. :-p
But here's what Lostpedia says about the mail-in thing:
"Finally, there's mention that Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof will make an announcement...So if you send an email to this address, you get the auto-reply:
'Got a question for the creators of LOST? Submit your question along with your name and hometown, and if selected, Damon and Carlton will answer it in a DSA announcement… that is, if you haven't been a bad Black Swan.'
Get emailing people, you haven't got long!! Should questions be Dharma-related only? Or general? Send both I say!"
Anyone tried this yet? I'm off to see Doctor Atomic, so I'll do it later......maybe.
I'm a Proofreader for the Communications Department. I cheated on 4 of the test (if you count test 8). My score was 49 with no dharma points.
What's a DSA announcement?
OT: The new Season 5 poster is out!
First thoughts: No JIN and CLAIRE! Sawyer seems be out front and possibly leading the left behinders. He also seems to be making eye contact with Kate and Jack's in the middle of them! Desmond and Charlotte both to be way in the background...hope that doesn't mean less important to the story.
I missed Claire not being in there but noticed no Jin.
Also OT: Here is Doc Jenson's latest at EW (no spoilers). He talks about the Meltcomic figurines, the British promos, and this ARG seemingly stopping.
I think DSA is Dharma Special Access.
I've seen those figures before Doc Jensen was talking about. I was look for a Sayid figure. Since McFarlane decided to quit making figures right before I could get Sayid. I don't much care for them they look like Legos.
...that Doc Jensen...
oh gosh
A few days ago I ordered a small polar bear figure with a Swan logo on it. They were doing a limited release (I got #64/100)! But they do look like Legos!
Thanks, sayid'sgirl for the DSA explaination!
maven, thanks for the doc jensen link... gonna go check it out now..
Here is the interesting part of Doc's article:
"My sources declined to comment, but I fear that this email is ABC’s coy way of announcing that the ARG is being revised, curtailed, or canceled altogether due to the economic downturn that has mandated budget cuts throughout all of Hollywood. When we know for certain, we’ll let you know."
BTW: It seems the Trash Icons are back! We don't have to worry anymore about what we post! LOL
You're welcome codysmom
Opps sorry maven no offense they were just not what I was looking for. The bears are cute.
Wouldn't the ARG have already been budgeted? I don't know it just seems to convenient to blame it on the economy.
And do they really think getting to ask Darlton questions is going to make us forget how the ARG has been run?
Are the questions suppose to be about Dharma since it Dharma Special Access? Or any Lost question? Is this their way of giving us the answers the game would have given us?
LOL Hey Black Swan I think I need another bottle of Whine. :)
One whine, coming right up !!
Thanks lisa I needed that. I knew the Black Swans would come through for me. :)
Oh, I sure hope this isn't true (and over with!)..
If so, pass the whine!
(lisa, I couldn't get your link to work)
If you copied the IMG at the begining and end you don't need to just the addy inbetween.
It looks like were starting another party we need memphish to drive the bus.
I'm really starting to sound like a lush. Which I'm not I don't even drink.
suuuurrrreee ;-) lol
No really :)lol
LOL, that's funny with me too, especially the whine club and all that with Black Swan because I don't drink either:) I am high on life, heheh
I still wanna be on the party bus!!!
Thanks for the Doc article!
I would have thought that the ARG was bought and paid for already as well. Hmmm.
I've tried to get onto the Hoodlum site yesterday and today, but every time I do it gets hung up and hangs up my IE window so that I have to shut it down and open it again. (www.hoodlum.com.au) If Hoodlum is "broken", I guess there's nothing that ABC can do about that.
Geez, Doc Jensen sure has a unique way with words, particularly the end of his first paragraph. X-D
hey Capcom, I just went to the Hoodlum site and it works fine. I'm guessing that you either hit it when it was over loaded or your pc doesn't like it for some reason. It is a very loaded web site with tons of stuff on it. They have the find 815 game on there but not the ORG.
Interesting Lisa! Yeah, I guess it's just my computer, thanks for checking! :-)
I'm amazed that Find 815 could be so (relatively) well organized, and this game could be so... NOT.
Maybe Hoolum is having financial troubles, and laid a bunch of people off in the interim?
Budget means nothing in this economic downturn. Especially for the lowly contract help of the world - like myself and I assume Hoodlum.
Budgeted, approved, scheduled. . .. .and cancelled at the last minute for budgetary reasons. . . . . story of my life lately. . . .
You did say it was a Whine Club, right?
Oh please let hoodlum get the boot, but please don't let this be the end of the ARG!! argh!
I just looked at the new LOST poster- and with the exception of Daniel and Miles, I would say that the rest of the cast looks pretty GOOD! They are much better pics than last year, and maybe even the year before. Daniel and Miles just look ho hum.
Gotta go for now- am awaiting proofreading assignment.... ;P
Test7; honesty and integrity report; while my score was 0 because i was a black swan; the recruit average was 85?!!?!?! That means the majority of people did not use the cheats... well that certainly doesn't sum up the majority of people posting here, at any rate. Are they just trying to make us feel bad or what?! hehehe.
Pessimistically, i think that this is it. And i am not happy.
Speaking of honesty and integrity Emerald, Hans sure turned out to be a hypocritical pompous ass, eh-wot?
The nerve of him getting on us for cheating after what he said about himself in his last note! That's why the note sounds so stupid to me. :-p
black = research assistant
human interaction analysis
white = cook
Just seen the promo with the Fray. It didn't seem to be a minute long but I could be wrong. It has a few new scenes in it. It was part promo part music video.
I'm posting this here and at TLC. I never know where anyone will be.
The 3 minute one is up at ABC now. I think it pretty awesome. But it keeps stopping off and on probably alot of traffic.
BTW Those spoiler sensitive may not want to watch the one at ABC.
But it just made me more excited for the season to start.
Sorry for so many posts. But I noticed something flash in the promo and took a screen cap. I'm not sure what it means though. I'll keep it to myself.
aww, I wana see !!! Lisa
I wanna see, too!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh f**ing wow, I found it, wow, I got to look it up !!! Amazing !! Check out www.abc.com and watch the video at 2:50 it shows up and you can pause it. wow ! I have a screen cap of it, i will email it to the blog
Do you have any idea what it is?
I wasn't sure if it was show related or Fray related.
I looked up the Fray and don't see anything there. It looks like a airlines for tiger ? Arabia ? who knows. I hope people start checking it out and figuring out what it is.
I got a screencap, too:
Ajira Airlines?
Ajira Airways
I was going to post a link but I can't get them to work for some reason. I'm glad you got a screencap too codysmom.
WOW...I hope there are a lot of screen caps up soon! There was sooooo much in there.
Ajira Airways? What the heck is that going to be? How can we wait 2 more months?
I can't find an Ajira Airways. Do you think it just isn't up yet?
maven, yes!! Lots of good stuff!
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