Welcome to the new Ajira Airways. We proudly present a new way to get lost in the world of travel. Visit AjiraAirways.com to book your business, pleasure or fate now! Check back soon for the opportunity to preview new adventures exclusive to our Ajira Airways travelers. The skies have no limit with our new and exciting destinations. Life's a journey, book it.
- Ajira Airways
Click here to see how to book a flight:

Book a Flight and Choose a Seat
One Way
From: Los Angeles, CA
To: Guam
Departing: 1/21/2009
Select Flight: 316 11:30am
Adults: 10
Children: 0
Promotional Code: 112114111109111
Once you access the seating page, the seat will appear to be all taken. By clicking on various seats, flashes of images will be revealed. Eventually an available seat will be found, at which point you can print your new boarding pass.
Click here to see the hidden seating images:
The following images are revealed based on the number of seats you select:
3rd - a shot of LAX airport.
4th - code N824
10th - a departure timetable.
15th - a shot of an Ajira airport lounge
24th - an image of a young woman
34th - an image of a man
35th - the "lamp post" DHARMA logo seen during a DSA video.
36th - your seat number will be accepted and you can download a new boarding pass (very similar to the sample one, just with info on it, download here).
I added an unedited and "enhanced" version of the background photo, taken directly from the flash file. The N824 is not actually a photo, but text superimposed over the background.

* Thanks to NickB123 for the seating info, Lisa and Sayid'sGirl for emailing images, and Aaron Bohannon for posting information that lets you book a flight.
1 – 200 of 503 Newer› Newest»I'm seat J12 woooohoooo !! in the elite section too !!
Okay I am off to print a boarding pass, and I did notice that if you refresh the page you can reclick the seats but none of the hidden images are in the same places.
I'm so excited! I wonder why the boarding pass doesn't have the seat number?
All the other numbers on the boarding pass are the same as on the sample one from before - although I don't have a barcode scanner to check the barcode.
Oh - And Happy New Year everyone!
I'm in F47. I guess we've all seen many flashes from S5! I gather someone at Dark's will gather them all.
Ok, now what? LOL
Happy New Year to all of my TLC family! Stay safe, but have fun. Let's hope 2009 will be great...maybe not for the country and the world, but for LOST!
I'm J10 in First Class. I like it!
I'm gonna fool with trying to get screen caps. If anyone else gets any PLEASE email them to the address on the main page and I'll put them right up.
you near me Ange I'm in J12 now I wonder if the seats will run out as they fill up.
I've tried a few times and it seems random which seat you can select. Also the boarding passes you can print are all the same file, no differences.
Happy New Year everyone! See you in Guam in January, since we all have boarding passes. :D
I don't know how to do screencaps, but I think it's going to be hard even for those who do!
See you in Guam!
HA! I'll wave to you from the plane Lisa.
Yes neumox, the images randomly change location as well.
Anyone wanna try the origami with this boarding pass. I would but I am totally inept at origami!
Has anyone looked at the source code of the seat-picking page?
nothing on it MA just the normal stuff
Origami should result in same GUM
If we arrive in Guam on Jan. 22/23 (can someone arrive at correct day/time?thx) then this site will not let us book next flight until after 1/21. [Accepting reservations through January 21, 2009]
Does this mean we have to wait 20 days to go further in the ARG?
Screen caps are gonna be tough since they flash so fast. I think we need someone who knows how to extract the pix from the flash file. Unfortunately I have not that expertise. According to Dharma I'm only qualified to drive the mini-bus. LOL
Thanks Lisa!
LT - I'm wondering too what happens next.
10 adults - no children - does this make sense? Did anyone try other combinations of adults and children?
Is that the number of original characters that are still alive?
Let's see.....
1 Jack
2 Kate
3 Sun
4 Sayid
5 Ben
6 Locke
7 Hurley
8 Desmond
9 Widmore
10 ME
Just a guess...... Lol
9-Frank Lapidus
Works too.
So far I have one screen cap. It says N824. Working on more.
Are the flashes spoilerish?
some are with 2 new people and the new dharma station
IDK what you consider spoilerish, but there are a couple photos of apparently new characters, and a Dharma logo that I've seen before but I don't think it was on the show, and then there's some number/letter combinations and who knows if they are spoilers.
Not to put a damper on anything, but I just get the feeling that this is a clever marketing ploy by ABC to promote Season 5. All the flashes seem to be from S5. I'm not sure how much more of an ARG this is going to be.
Okay I have two shots now, one is of an airport with a bunch of seats. I'll post the two and keep trying for the rest.
^I think that's accurate.
Oh damn, the names were menna be in white. Hold on...
OK, here we go:
Third seat selected - a shot of LAX airport.
4th - code N824 (seems to be the main clue currently).
10th - a departure timetable.
15th - a shot of an airport lounge (Ajira logo in the background on the wall).
24th - an image of a young woman (POSSIBLE SPOILER - see DSA information).
34th - an image of a man (POSSIBLE SPOILER - see DSA information).
35th - the "lamp post" DHARMA logo seen during a DSA video.
36th - your seat number will be accepted and you can download a new boarding pass (very similar to the sample one, just with info on it, download here).
Thanks Nick!
BTW: I booked another seat: D12 in Economy. I gather you can do it over and over. I wonder if this flight is going to be overbooked shortly! LOL Who's going to get bumped?
I am in J11. Hi Ange and Lisa!
I saw a Dharma symbol flash but they do go by quick.
Helicopter number N842M
Two pics up on the main post. Thanks NickB for the list. I'll post that too.
Ange - I have all 7 pics, and a mate on Lostpedia is stacking them into one for me. When I get the link I'll post in here and you're more than free to also use it.
Thanks, my print screen finger was getting tired and aggravated!
Luckily for me, I'm on a Mac and it's actually easy to get multiple screencaps with OS X
I sent the LAX one to the Lost arg email
Thanks for your hard work, Nick!
Wonder why there's nobody in the Ajira lounge?
Thanks to Lisa and Sayid'sGirl for e-mailing. There are now 4 images on the main page.
Filming location for Season 5?
Anyway, sorry about the wait, just waiting on the user who's putting them all in one JPG for me.
Got it!
Can anyone make out what it says on the Departures cap? My reading glasses aren't working today!
I tried, it's too small, I'm going to try and get a better photo of it.
What's in the bg of the N824 cap? It looks like a man with ear phones reading something in an airline seat?
Sheesh Sayid'sGirl you are on fire today! Thanks!
Sydney, Tokyo, Honolulu, Wellington, Bangkok.
I can try and give you times if you want, but they are hard to see haha!
N824 could just be a flight code we'll see in Season 5.
I thought it could be a code, but I don't know any number codes with an N (definitely not Hex). Other codes don't normally combine letters and numbers, do they?
You guys are awesome. I updated with all of the images Lisa, Sayid'sGirl and myself were able to capture as well as NickB's link to Lostpedia.
Keep e-mailing/posting with new stuff. We're having a blizzard here in Mass, I'm not going anywhere until they plow at least once.
Heres what it says on the departure pic.
Flight, Departing For, Time, Gate, Remarks
5442 Sydney 10:15A 20 ontime
334 Tokyo 12:35P 34 delay
316 Honolulu/Guam 11:30A 15 board
5421 Wellington 1:25A 19 ontime
647 Bangkok 5:45P 24 delay
Probably by the time I post this you'll already have it. lol
Ange, I'm in Southern NH and we have 9 inches so far of the white stuff. Yuck !! But it is better than the ice that's for sure !
I ran the N824 pic through image correction, here's what I got:
Seems just like a stock image to me. Probably implying that N824 is just a flight number and not something for us to decode.
Techno: It does gives you a seat after 35 clicks! I'm now in C1...right next to you! LOL Some people are going to be bumped from this flight! LOL
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT? I just reserved seat 1C...my fav seat!!!
Your seat is the 36th seat you click! Man, there will be a ton of double bookings!!!...The images in the order on Nick's pic are at clicks 3, 4, 10, 15, 24, 34 and 35...
I got J-11 too. :-)
Sorry, Nick...just read your earlier post! You ROCK!!!
going to be alot of people sitting on laps :-) No hanky panky anyone
Sawyer can sit on my lap, anytime!!! :)
Thanks, Sayid'sGirl for your great vision! So Flight 316 stops in Honolulu and then goes on to Guam.
Flight #316 is going to be big party flight! LOL
you know, I put in the direct link and it doesn't seem to work anymore. at least on my PC. I wonder if I have to clean out my history or if it was fixed.
BTW, Ange...thanks for naming this thread "Choose your seat" instead of "Pick your seat"!
Do you think it's just an easter egg and production shout-out that the flight stops over in Hawaii on the way?
LOL Techno, it's the teacher in me...it thinks about this stuff when I am not even conscious of it!
Now that I'm done screen capping I'm in seat J-2.
You're welcome.
This is going to be one crazy fligt isn't.
Stopping in Honolulu would go with pineapples in Hawaii.
Dennis are you editing. I am trying to fix a typo and it says something about being duel edited?
That picture behind the N824 is actually behind all the stuff - like when it says "sorry..." It's not just on the flash of that number/code/flight/easter egg/whatever.
Ah, thanks MadAriad.
So just the code then. I still think it's a flight number.
Gosh, you guys are so awesome! I'm lurking and blogging...
Yes, Happy New Year to all and best wishes! I hardly drop by here anymore cause of Uni commitments, but it's nice to see you all!
Before I forget it. I want to wish all the LoCos a very Happy New Year!! Be safe.
Another awesome day!!! Happy New Year to all and big huggs to everyone! Please be careful if you are going out tonight!
I added an unedited and "enhanced" version of the 4th photo, taken directly from the flash file. The N824 is not part of the photo, it appears that is added later.
Dennis - the pic of the two guys on the plane is actually there all the way through.
The N824 thing is just superimposed over the "blank" screen where their faces are on the select seat click.
Lol people kept saying to me on Lostpedia "Thank god, I managed to book a seat!!!"
I didn't have the heart to tell them that everyone will haha.
LOL, Nick...The ones that post on Lostpedia are the ones that think they figure everything out first! Too funny...
Agreed Nick! Can you imagine if only one plane full of people we allowed to play!
BTW, I totally replied to xenilio on the wrong thread hence the deletes. I have WAY too many windows open. I'll probably fry Windows Vista soon...
Nickb, yes you're right... I'll change the wording...
Well, now that I've got my seat...I've got to start packing (although they tell us to pack light)!
Happy New Year Everyone! Keep if safe but fun!
It's the New Year on the other side of the world! Cheers! :-D
Thanks to everyone for all the help with booking a seat.
The IP address on which the flash file for the seats lies leads to the domain: andersonmaccutcheon.com
Also wishing Fenris a Happy Birthday on January 1st!
Ange...where has he been?
Here is a whois for andersonmaccutcheon.com:
Registrar: TUCOWS INC.
Whois Server: whois.tucows.com
Referral URL: http://domainhelp.opensrs.net
Status: clientTransferProhibited
Status: clientUpdateProhibited
Updated Date: 30-dec-2008
Creation Date: 29-dec-2008
Expiration Date: 29-dec-2009
Who the hell is Anderson MacCutcheon? Does anyone remember if Mr. Widmore mentioned the first name of this GENERAL MacCutcheon?
xenilio: Widmore did mention MacCutcheon's first name. It was Anderson. Maybe his relative?
Awesome Xenilio!
But there is nothing at the moment on that domain...
I am just decompiling the flash script. Perhaps I can gather some "eastereggs" inside the flash program that will lead us to the next step.
Techno and I were just chatting about "Why Guam". I was speculating that it's a portal to the island...maybe a DI station off-island? Techno brought up the Pacific Devil's Triangle theory because there is a vile vortice there...I agreed that maybe within the Pacific Devil's Triangle there's a wormhole/portal! That's why people disappear.Then I thought that that might be the reason they all have to go back together....at the same time to get to the same place in the same time!
Hey maven, interesting theory.
The dharma logo flashing up in the seat swf shows something like a lighthouse which could speak for a dharma station off the island.
TechnoPrep we're going to have to duke it out over 4F.
Sorry for the second post. I need it for email. I hate this computer I'm on right now!
Xenilio, that MacCutcheon stuff is pretty awesome. So that is three/four MacCutcheons so far:
Antonio B. MacCutcheon- who posted all the Ajira Adventures
MacCutcheon Whiskey- Which was in "Flashes Before Your Eyes" Lostpedia mentions that ANDERSON MacCutcheon is the namesake for the whiskey.
E.M. MacCutcheon- on the Sky Card
Maven: Hehe Fenris is in a timewarp apparently Maven his birthday is in June. Really though, he has been busy with work and visiting family for the holidays.
If you do a WHOIS over at NSI.com, it shows MaCutcheon's email address:
I sent him an email. I'll let you all know if I hear anything back...
Anthing to do with the Devil's/Dragon's Triangle makes me happy. I have literally thought for years it had something to do with the show. But anytime I've brought it up no one agreed with me because it was in the wrong direction.
When capcom posted her vile vortexs link yesterday and Guam was there I was even more giddy.
Granted the island probably isn't in the triangle like I thought, just a way to get there but I'll take. I never expected a theroy I had to come true. It's nice to know techno prep thinks the triangle has meaning too. :-)
LOL Memphish, we're going to be very cuddly at seat J-11 as well. Here's hoping that everyone showers for flight day!
Tell Fenris that we said HI! Ange! :-)
Our flight-attendant has a vortex graphic on her scarf, in case no one has mentioned that yet.
Anyone have any ideas about why there's a whole series of numbers of rows missing on the plane? I had wanted to book row 23 where Jack and Rose and Bernard were sitting, but there wasn't one.
I always liked the global vortices idea, Sayidsgirl! :-D I'm sorry that I don't remember you mentioning the Dragon's Triangle way back when, but glad that your idea is coming into play!
That's pretty cool. I didn't notice that.
All that McCutcheon stuff scream Widmore to me.
Do you think it's his plane? Or maybe Penny's?
Ange: My face is red, but my MySpace page says his Bday is Jan 01 (think it's a typo for Jun 01)? Oh, well, I'm thinking of him anyway!
I noticed the missing VE numbers too, Memphish, because I wanted to book them in case they were important.
Yeah, that MacCutcheon stuff just screams Widmore's involvement somehow. If Ajira is owned by Widmore, wouldn't Ben know not to take that airline?
More information about Addy MC:
Administrative Contact:
MacCutcheon, Anderson andersonmaccutcheon@gmail.com
12424 Wilshire
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Technical Contact:
Administrator, DNS andersonmaccutcheon@gmail.com
12424 Wilshire
Los Angeles, CA 90025
So he is from Los Angeles.
I called the phone # in LA. It's not in service.
I'm on my way! LOL
BTW Sayidsgirl, I just put a post on my Lost Science blog crediting you with reminding us about your theory! ;-)
xenilio said... So he is from Los Angeles.
You missed this:
12424 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90025
That's where ABC is...
Thanks that's really sweet of you.
I am in seat 47E.
Thank you very much for sharing the instructions - I've been posting your URL for everyone.
Happy New Year!
Hi Jo! Same to you! :-)
Wow.. lots going on while we were driving thru the snow to our New Year's Eve destination in Northern Michigan!
The hotel has wifi, so... just thought I'd check in.
I'm in seat J-36 and it says first class on my boarding pass.. And I can't tell you how excited I am to be stopping off in Hawaii, lol! I've been wanting to go there so bad, I'm just going to stay there aned let the rest of you go on to Guam.
Great stuff on the Dragon's triangle and vile vortices sayid'sgirl and Capcom!
And I love all this McCutcheon stuff!
Wow.. lots going on while we were driving thru the snow to our New Year's Eve destination in Northern Michigan!
The hotel has wifi, so... just thought I'd check in.
I'm in seat J-36 and it says first class on my boarding pass.. And I can't tell you how excited I am to be stopping off in Hawaii, lol! I've been wanting to go there so bad, I'm just going to stay there aned let the rest of you go on to Guam.
Great stuff on the Dragon's triangle and vile vortices sayid'sgirl and Capcom!
And I love all this McCutcheon stuff!
Happy New Years guys!
looking into the name of stewardess Rapu.
Here is link to Sergi Rapu, director that worked on LOST
Rapu-Rapu island in the Philippines
Hey, guys -
I haven't read any of this post yet - been cooking and cleaning all day for our big New Year's Eve extravaganza. :)
I just wanted to wish everyone a very happy and safe New Year's. Have fun, and be careful out there tonight!
Oh, and Lost2010 (maven, hide!) -
Yeah, the BSG webisodes are on scifi.com. They release new chapters every Monday and Wednesday, and they'll end right before the show premieres. Looks like the other site might release new clues on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays?
Check out the Last Supper photo - supposedly, the empty seat is for Five. :)
Thanks I couldn't get a clear picture to read her name.
The Philippines are near the Devil's triangle. I'm going to beat this horse to death aren't I? lol
Over on FB, I've been telling everyone to check in here! Hopefully, we'll be have some new opinions and expertise!
ML: Thanks for the warning! LOL
That would be cool maven. The more brains the better.
It is 20 minutes to 2009 at me (Germany). Happy new year to all west Europeans, and to all the other guys as well.
Happy New Year in Germany, Xenilio! It's so cool to know so many great people all over the world, and we all get to celebrate the New Year over and over!
Black Swan - where are you spending New Years? It's snowing here again - hopefully, you don't have trouble coming home! Drive safe!
btw, we drove thru grayling and gaylord michigan and no ajira billboards.. lol! just lots of snowmobile tracks!
happy new year, everybody!!
ps.. mel, I'm in Traverse City at the Grand Traverse resort... beautiful here!
Happy New Years (in 10 minutes) to you, xenilio!!
Ooh, sounds great! Have fun, Black Swan!
Do we have a definite passenger list of who the 10 people are?
My guess would be. Jack, Ben, Locke, Sayid, Hurley, Kate, Sun, Desmond, Frank and Walt.
Which would mean Kate heeds Claire's warning and doesn't bring Aaron back. I'm still not sure about Frank being part of the group though. But I can't think of anyone else. I also can't imagine them booking a seat for Locke either. But the limo drive does have a sign saying John 316. Spooky. :)
You know, I don't understand how Sun could leave Ji Yeon behind. Unless she's told that it's not for forever, and they'll be back. And she thinks it's too dangerous to take her.
Yeah I know. Maybe they don't count children bookings? It really doesn't make sense.
OMG: Did you guys see that the DIJA closed out the year up 108.00 points! It's an omen I tell you! LOL
I don't think Ben is one of them. Remember he said he could never go back?
Btw. John 316 means Jonathan 3,16 and is the bible phrase given in the source of the page.
Something unusual I just found out:
Flash files like the chart.swf for the seats are linked to under, although they do exist on the actual ajira site:
Perhaps they were first meant to be on the Ajira site, but another clue had to be made, which is the ancersonmaccutcheon.com website.
In the whois you can see that it has been registered on 12/29/08, so probably it is a rather new idea. I am sure the next clue is something about andersonmaccutcheon.com.
N824 are the numbers from the tail of Frank's chopper, aren't they?
No. On Frank's chopper it is N842M.
Quite similar, though.
memphish ... I will relent seat 4F to you, but you have to promise not to kick Heather's seat back! I booked 1C instead! Move up here with me...1A is still available!
And there ARE quite a few seating rows missing - 6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 42 and 43.
Dennis...I sent an email to Anderson MacCutcheon too...will let everyone know if I hear anything back from him.
CBJ...N824M was def the number on Frank's helo...
You are right, xenilio...it's N842M - dyslexia sucks! lol
technoprep: Not N824 but N842.
Btw. I just used GMails password recovery function on andersonmaccutcheon@gmail.com.
It asks for "mother's maiden name"...
Techno: Ouch! You're sitting on my lap! That's my seat! LOL
We can share...first class seats are double wide! Speaking of "a solo seat"...Anyone notice the sentence under the Sky Club card:
"Redemption provides you a solo seat or a chance to charter your own personal plane."
But didn't Ben say to Jack something like, "I think I know how *we* can get back"?
That "N" number looked like an aviation designation to me when you all mentioned it, good thinking you guys.
They only need a seat for Locke, if they're going to drag him on the plane like "Weekend At Bernie's" :-p Personally, I think that they should cremate him and carry him on.
I'm sure glad that we have all you sharp peeps here to do all the hard work and thinking! :-D
Thanks Techno Prep! I'll keep 4F because (a) it includes 1 of the numbers and (b) I hate the front row. I like to be able to store things under the seat in front of me. :-)
I am a little worried about 1st class though. We saw what happened on Oceanic 815.
As for the 10 adults, hmmm I'll say Jack, Kate, Sayid, Hurley and Sun obviously. I think it will include Ben because on the DVD commentaries for the finale TPTB sort of kind of implied that while Ben thinks he can't return that may not be true. How about Desmond and PENNY? That makes 8. Then I'll add Locke a la Weekend at Bernie's and Walt. But to hedge I'll omit Locke and insert Aaron. I just don't think Frank is necessary. I'm not sure what to make of Ji Yeon, but as hard as it will be to make Sun return, I think it may well be impossible to get her to include Ji Yeon.
Maven...here is an old link I pulled from one of my old http://technoprep.blogspot.com/ posts...for some light reading on vile votices!
The thing I wonder about Locke is if he'll turn into the next Christian Shephard. In other words, Christian died off Island and "lives" on Island. Locke died off Island, will he "live" to inhabit the cabin back on it? Can you imagine Jack as leader having to take order from a Jacobian Locke? Of course, Locke would probably love to make a list, and type A Jack would love to check it off.
Did anyone figure out for sure who the "10 adults" would be? If we count the expected five from the O6 who would the other five be? It couldn't be Aaron or Ji Yeon...they would def be considered children under the age of 12...
Desmond? (Would Penny go with him?)
Locke? (Do bodies pay full fare?)
Walt? (Def over the age of 12!)
Frank? (He knows how to get there by helo or by freighter, so he doesn't really need to catch a ride with these folks...)
Ben? (Didn't he say that he could never go back to the Island?)
Who/what are we missing?
xenilio said... Btw. I just used GMails password recovery function on andersonmaccutcheon@gmail.com. It asks for "mother's maiden name"...
Do NOT try to hack third-party sites like Gmail, etc. That is totally out of bounds.
I've been thinking that maybe the number N824 could be a bearing like Michael's 325 and Frank's 305.
Of course not knowing anything about bearings that number may not be a possible bearing.
Could someone tell me if it could be possible?
Sayid's Girl -- bearings go up to 360, the number of degrees in a circle.
Oh Duh!
I guess that would make sense.
Thanks memphish.
I thought it probably wasn't a possibility.
Just a thought on the 10 people... Maybe this time Hurley will again count as 2, like when he left Australia on Oceanic?
Good thinking Neumox. Think Ajira is as picky as Oceanic?
Happy New Year everyone!
I just got an e-mail (12:20 AM) from welcome@ajiraairway.com. It said:
Welcome to the new Ajira Airways. We proudly present a new way to get lost in
the world of travel. Visit AjiraAirways.com to book your business, pleasure or
fate now! Check back soon for the opportunity to preview new adventures
exclusive to our Ajira Airways travelers. The skies have no limit with our new
and exciting destinations. Life's a journey, book it.
- Ajira Airways
I don't see anything new at the site right now.
As usual the email comes after the fact.
The use of "fate" is interesting. Destiny or fate: another theme of the show!
Hope everyone had a great New Year. I still have 1 hour and 10 minutes to go! LOL I'm trying to stay awake!
I got mine, too. A pretty plain email...nothing fancy...just saying.
Did anyone think of the opportunity that flight 316 from L.A. to Guam may not be the flight that leads them back to the island?
A few thinks that speak for that:
1) Flight 316 is a one way flight, not a destiny flight
2) There simply aren't 10 adults who left the island at the same time and who will have to get back at the same time
3) Episode 7 of 17 handles with flight 316. I don't think they are gonna return to the island at episode 7 already.
I think Guam is just the place where they have to start their flight (to Honolulu?), and they have to get there first by a one way flight.
That gives the possibility to count Ben and Penelope to the 10 adults, though they are probably not meant to get to the island and will not be on the flight that definitely brings the others back.
Now we have these people on 316:
1) Jack
2) Kate
3) Sayid
4) Hurley
5) Hurley?
6) Sun
7) Desmond
8) Frank
9) Penelope
10) Ben
Walt did not leave together with them, so perhaps he is not meant to get back, at least not together with them?!?
Claire told Kate not to bring back Aaron. She may have said that because Aaron is not meant to get back?!?
Ji Yeon was not born on the island. Probably not meant to get back either.
I think you may be right about Walt, xenilio. He and Michael left together, so he may not be able to go back without him!?!
Come to think of it, Walt may not WANT to go back! I think the others scared him with their room 23 stuff.
Major kudos to you guys for figuring out the puzzle BEFORE the email arrived!
Crazy GA LOST Fan !
we lost intranet last night so I didn't get to say Happy New Years everyone. It's been the best year of my life and more fun to come this year I'm sure !!
Welcome 2009. Lets hope the New Year is betta.
I may be flying standby to guam.
I was never able to acess the select your seat page.(the book a seat form only had departing and returning,no place for flight or time)
It always said all flights booked.
What did I miss?
I also tried the info on the updated site after E-mail(no return)same result.
the place for time and flight pops up after you put in the to and from, then the date. Make sure you use the calendar to put in the date, people have found it only works that way. Then the select a flight will pop up. click on 316-11:30 10 adults and code. that should work. when the seats pop up, make sure to click on them 36 times to get a seat.
takes a village: Make it a one way flight!
Okay guys, I am on vacation for the next 4 days. I will return on Monday and I hope I can get back in again then...
Perhaps I have internet there.
Lisa Thanks. I should have asked hours earlier.It's no wonder you are Black Swan's CEO.
Thanks also Xenilio. have a safe trip.
Hi guys! Or should I say travel mates?
I'm on 1F - first class, never been there! See you on board!!!
Simone (arp23)
Happy New Year!!! Yay... made it to 2009!!
tav, yep... that's why Lisa is the CEO:) but don't forget, you're head of pond security.. lol!
Hi simone!
Have a safe trip, xenillio!
I just got my email about a half hour ago.
TAV did you chose a first class seat with the rest of us? We're sitting on each others lap at this point. The front of the plane is going to be awfully heavy with nobody in the back. lol
Flight 316 one-way LAX to Guam with stop in Hawaii (? or HND Toyko) :
1) Jack
2) Kate
3) Sayid
4) Hurley x 2 (good call)
6) Sun
7) Ben (just creepy thinking of flying with this guy :?
8) New character #1
9) New character #2
10) Me or Desmond
I don't think Penelope, Frank, Walt are part of the group "that must go back." to the island. Kate and Sun are leaving the kiddies behind. We are being introduced to two new characters- their photos part of chart.swf. Can they be part of our group? Waffling on Desmond. I add this to the mix for your thoughts.
I am not sure if this is a ARG or just promo site for Season 5. Leaning toward promo site like Flight 815. Are we looking for side story?
Resolution: Go spoiler free!
Yeah for 09.
Ten x $87 = $870. Have we thought about why $87?
8+7 =15
1987? Dharma connection?
Good Morning 2009! Hope everyone had a great New Year's Eve. Now that that's over, lets start concentrating on getting to Guam! LOL
TAV: One problem I had in the beginning getting in was the promo code. You must space the #s just like the you got them...a space after every 3 #s.
I still don't get how Sun can leave Ji Yeon behind. She even checks in with her Mother before she confronts Widmore in London. The only thing I can think of is the lure of maybe reuniting with Jin is stronger?
actually Maven, I put the code in with no spaces and it worked fine. in fact, that was the only way I put the number in to get my ticket.
Lisa: I did it without the spaces and it didn't work...I did it again with the spaces and it did? I know a lot of people were getting frustrated not getting in right away. Maybe it wasn't the spaces...maybe it was just heavy traffic at the moment?
I don't know if you're out there lurking ib4uc, but I'm wishing the best to the Cincinnati Bearcats in the Orange Bowl. Their first BCS bowl game. Go Cats!!
BTW, Dennis asked us here or on TLC (or over at his Fringe blog, I forget) what we thought of Lostpedia's move to a new format. Now that I've navigated it a bit, I'm inclinded to think that I liked the old Lostpedia better so far. JMHO. :-)
Cheers everyone!
Maven,my problem was in not changing the date on the calander,and Lisa fixed me right up. Sayid'sgirl, I found a seat in the elite business section. Black Swan,as head of pond security,I should have been paying better attention.
What matters is that we are all on board.(the ultimate party bus.)
hey Capcom, I HATE the new Lostpedia !!! I think they will loose alot of people because of the new way it is laid out. I can't find anything anymore ! I know if I keep digging, it is there but they used to have quick links at the top that are now gone and I relied on them to find what I need. I hate the new lostpedia and know I won't be using it as much.
I love the new header !! Looks great ! Very Ajira looking.
This is fun to fiddle around with, but it doesn't feel like it's another ARG. It's like the old Oceanic site, full of little easter eggs but not really telling a story.
Does this Ajira airline remind anyone else of the whole Mittelos thing with the fake airport? I know the MacCutcheon name has us thinking Widmore is involved, but it might also be Ben's way of tricking Kate, Sun or any other reluctant Sixer into going back to the island without realizing where they're going. He has certainly used fake companies before.
Love this new header! Ok, Anon...who are you? LOL
And it does make sense that Ben could have used some of his supposed 3.2 million to set up Ajira Airways like Mittelos did with Herarat Airlines when Juliet was recruited.
Oh wow Lisa, thanks for your opinion on the new Lostpedia site, I was thinking that maybe I was too stupid to navigate it! What you said is exactly how I feel, many of my favorite sections are either gone or too difficult to find so far, and I also miss the menu at the top. :-p
I hate it when you think a good thing will last forever, and then it doesn't. Hopefully they'll get some feedback about it and make it more like the first Lostpedia.
I agree with you guys about Lostpedia. I know they explained why the change was a good one, but I was pretty comfortable with it the way it was. I liked that they had all those different categories you can instantly click on. And now they're gone!
I agree about Lostpedia as well. I liked all the links on top. I know I can search for what I want like episodes or DVDs or transcripts, etc, but it was easier before.
Tx for your input ladies. :-) I agree Mempish, though the basic things are OK to locate, so far I have had a hard time finding the more obscure images for various details of the show that I could easily find before. Either they are not there (or I haven't found them yet), or they are there but much smaller or not as nice graphically speaking. Oh well.
Hi again,
it's me - on vacation. I would never forgive those ABC idiots when this is not an ARG but some advertisement...
But if it is really like that, why would they register but hide the domain andersonmaccutcheon.com...
And why would they make it so difficult to get to the seating page when it is only an easteregg?
Hey sayid's girl... yeah, I'm lurking and catching up on stuff.
My poor Bearcats -- it's a shame they lost but Cincy is very proud they made it that far.
Yeah I was watching and pulling for them. They had a great year they should be proud.
Hello! You All Everybody! I have been busy in another forum, but always lurk for the most excellent comments here.
xenilio said...
"why would they register but hide the domain andersonmaccutcheon.com..."
I don't know. But Hoodlum did the same thing, pulling from another site to suppliment DWY contents.
Prolly to make it harder to hack or easier to track hits. Either way we don't have time for another full blown ARG before Lost returns on the 21st.
Good Morning Gang!
I hate blogger today, just saying. I wrote a comment TWICE and blogger ate it. Third time's the charm...
While I agree this is not necessarily a full blown ARG, nothing associated with Lost really has been. Nothing we do in any of the games has changed the characters or effected them in any way. TLE was presented a little differently than Find 815 etc, but ultimately it was a story we just followed along with in addition to a pretty awesome online scavenger hunt.
That said I think 19 days is plenty of time to set us up for something that may run in tandem with the new season. If this is anything like Find 815 or the ill fated DWY, it may be more little tasks that we do to get some information, rather than a full on plot. I'm personally hoping for plot, but we'll see. Anyway that's my abbreviated and less succinct two cents then the other times I wrote it ;).
As an aside if you FaceBook you can become a fan/follow The Lost ARGs here if you like.
Happy Birthday to Melissa_lossa! Have a great day!
I'm torn as to exactly is going on with Ajira. My first thought was just a big promotional ploy by ABC since everything pointed to S5 (start date, flashes of S5 characters and scenes). Would this be a way to grab more Lost viewers? I doubt it...it's just us obsessed fans that know about this. My casual viewer friends have no idea there's an Ajira and we all want to book a flight to Guam. Is it a way to keep us crazies happy until the 21st? I don't think much will advance with plot in the next 19 days...I just think we'll see more S5 tidbits. IMO
Hi guys!
How's it going with this new year?
Just a note about Antonio B. MacCutcheon (in the page "Ajira Adventure): according to Wikipedia, the airport of Guam is called "Antonio B. Won Pat International Airport", named after the first Guam delegate to the US House of Representatives.
Could it have any sense for you?
Hi All. Yes, I figure that TPTB are just going to give us some juicy tidbits and let us find them with a little bit of fun and much discussion. That's cool to me, and really nice of them to even take the time to do it.
Hey! I just remembered...has anyone seen the new TV commercial for a tax preparation firm (can't remember which one) where the people who don't use it are half-bald from tearing their hair out? Well, I think that our friend RACHEL is the half-bald girl in it, it looks just like her! X-D Check it out if you see it come on.
Interesting Simone.
And welcomd back Thin.
Happy New Year, everyone! I agree with Capcom. I don't think this will turn into a full ARG and that TPTB are trying to keep us happy and interested and I think they do feel bad that DWY was not that great. I love the weekly silliness from Darlton. I think I can make it through the next 3 weeks now!
I'm not belittling Ajira. In fact, I am grateful that Darlton/ABC cares enough about their fans to keep us "happy". What other shows do that? And look how we've all stayed together on-line during this long hiatus! Anything that has to do with Lost keeps me happy!
Exactly Maven! And I totally agree with what you said earlier (and I forgot to mention), this is for the hardcore Losties only, 'casuals' need not apply (but can if they want to advance to the hardcore stage). :o)
Hahahaha, that is Jamie Silberhartz (Rachel Blake) in that baldhead commerical! From her website:
"Just shot a commercial for H&R Block that will be airing during the Super Bowl!
Just shot a commercial for "Aviva" insurance with Bruce Willis playing his daughter!"
I've seen that commercial but never paid much attention to it. I'll have to pay attention the next time it's on.
Yes, I wasn't really paying attention either (since I don't even have enough money to warrant hiring a tax company to do my returns, haha) but I never forget a face, and about the fourth time I saw it I realized who she was.
BTW, how does one sign up to get emails from Ajira? I haven't bothered to dig too deeply into the website, so sorry if this is a dumb question. Tx.
they took the email page down when they put up all this new stuff. It was on the front page when the web site first went up.
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