He has met with Ronie and they have formed a partnership for something other than the velvet painting idea that was the main thrust of DamonCarltonandaPolarBear.com
Following the meeting with Ronie they also managed to meet with Damon and Carlton to get their blessing for this new partnership.
Paul also says that because of the partnership he may not be updating the website for some time. However he also says that the gallery we still be published at midnight tonight (PST).
What this gallery will contain is not clear if Paul is not going to be using his velvet skills anymore. Also the post says "Let the hunt begin" so what will we be hunting ?
As well as Paul's news there is an update to the Ronie Midfew Arts website

This update confirms Paul's information and answers the question we have all been asking, his name is pronounced Ro-Knee.
Theory time
This complete switch around is a bit of a mystery and doesn't seem to fit in with what we have been led to believe over the last few weeks. I think there are four possibilities here -
1. Paul has been brainwashed and is being manipulated by Ronie Midfew for some, as yet unknown, nefarious purpose.
2. Paul has been kidnapped and his blog has been taken over by Ronie, the picture of Paul with Damon and Carlton could be photoshopped, or edited in some way to make it look real.
3. A slightly whacky idea, but we (and it has to be we not just Paul, unless he has a trans dimensional blog) are shifting realities where in one reality Ronie, Damon and Carlton are nice, benevolent and on Paul's side, and in the other reality they are plotting against Paul - this would be the one where Mr Clucks exists and the original painting was thrown out as we saw.
4. The fourth option is the simplest one where everything is as it seems, but I'm not inclinded to believe that at the moment.
Many thnaks to the people that let me know about the new posts - Maven, Mary Jane, Kristaps
Zort and I posted at the same time.
I like that idea.
Oh and first?
After a long day at the cricket in the sun (unusual for the UK in the summer) I am just about spent.
I managed to see the updates on my mobile phone, but couldn't post until I got back.
So who is going to be around at midnight to witness events unfold ?
If anyone wants to keep a running commentary going I can post it when I connect next.
I've added a fourth option to the theories, but I hope I'm not right, that everything we have seen is genuine and all is cosy in the world of Paul Scheer and Ronie Midfew
Zort: I plan to stay up (midnight isn't too tough to do for me) since I'm on PST and midnight is midnight! And there better not be technical difficulties! I'll post as best I can.
The painting hanging on the wall in the pict. is not the same one he brought to comic con. The one he brought to C.C. was painted on the longer width of the rectangle the one hanging on the wall is painted on the shorter side.
Pam, yes it does look slightly different, but I think it is just the photograph that shows it badly. It looks pinched to me, like someone has made the original slightly narrower.
Thanks Maven, appreciate it.
Right bed time before I collapse on the keyboard.
Thanks maven for staying up to watch and keep us posted! I don't do midnight, so it's nice that someone can!
I want to see what Ronie looks like! Why isn't his face in the picture? Could it be a clue?
That's suppose to be Roni's "suit".
But others and myself think he looks like JJ Abrams.
I'm not so sure that the painting is different, as all the paintings sort of look as if they are at different angles on the wall to each other (the ones on the left look to be straight on to the viewer, and the ones on the right seem angled off that way, even tho they are just as close). Although how could that be if they are so close together, but perhaps if the photo was taken with a curved lends like a fisheye lens it could look that way (or, if it's a curved wall, but not likely). ?????
But not ruling the different picture theory out, I'm just sayin'.
Here is Paul's pic with the Lozt Boyz, EXIF info included. Anybody wanna run the GPS coordinates to see if this was taken in the Disney studios in LA ?
maven, I will try to set alarm, but I am ARG challenged and will be in support role.
thin, I think I read on other blog or in the comments on DCaaPB that is was taken at Disney on 8/12.
If we are in daylight savings time (CDT) and Paul says PST, does that mean California does not observe DST?
I'm going to try to stay up...shouldn't be hard, but we'll see how things go. I feel like I should be preparing or something...but for what, I have no idea.
Scoutpost: You've GOT to stay up with me (even though you're in recovering mode)!
Wishing I had a copy of that WIRED magazine now.
4th person in photo identified by "Gutter" in DCaaPB comments as Jensen from Gallery 1988 in LA
There's also "Breaking News" at Lost University
“Due to a tragic accident, the 4th Annual LOST University Air Show has been canceled. The Lamp Post will provide details as this story unfolds.”
I seen that eairlier this evening but didn't make much of it.
Do you think it ties in with Sheer/Midfew?
I don't know...maybe just something in "honor" of 815 Day? What kind of University hosts an air show anyway? lol
There are more new posts at Lost University..
a funny one about the meal plans at LU
info about what will be on the Blu-ray Lost S5
this one I think is interesting:
New post created for Professor Nussdorf
LOST University is pleased to announce the promotion of Professor Adam Nussdorf to the head of the Department of Media Studies and Online Education. In this newly created position, Nussdorf will oversee curriculum and programming of classes specifically generated to educate and enhance appreciation of LOST in preparation for the final season. Details of these classes will be announced in the near future.
Added By: Staff
Campus Job Fair Update
A career in aviation is an exciting adventure just waiting to happen! Visit booth #16 at the LOST University Job Fair, co-sponsored by Oceanic and Ajira Airlines, today and find out how your work can take flight!
Added By: Staff
(notice it's booth 16.. LOL)
The LOST University Department of Theatre announces auditions for The Tempest
The LOST University Department Of Theatre announces auditions for their fall production of The Tempest. Please see the audition notice on the bulletin board outside the Emerson Auditorium box office for more details.
Added By: Staff
Free movie screenings at the student union
Join us every Thursday evening in Room 42 of the student union for some of your favorite films and a discussion immediately following. This month ... The Wizard Of Oz, The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe, The Empire Strikes Back and Carrie.
Added By: Staff
All of these were added today. Sorry if it's already been discussed, but I didn't think so.
Thanks, BS! Emerson Auditorium...hahaha!
Hi, maven. Don't you think some of this sounds like it could relate to DCPB?
Timeshift over at DCPB said...
When I clicked on the Roni’s Art link yesterday, I was forwarded hereto: http://lostuniversity.org/
Anybody know more about that?? And why was I forwarded? It only happened the very first time i clicked it… Mistake? Purpose?
I wasn't following the stuff over at DCPB very closely because I got the feeling it was more of a "humorous" introduction and place to generate interest for what's going to happen next.
I'm guessing that this will turn into a 'game' maybe like a scavenger hunt for Lost Fan Art all over the web and maybe even in the 'real' world. Ultimately, it will really be about fan appreciation and a shout out to the fans out there who are so creative. It could include shout-outs to fan-made stories, art, videos on youtube, blogs of note, Lost related music, etc.
What do you think?
oops, I forgot to add, fan created Lost textiles!! LOL! YOUR QUILT!!
I do agree with you that this seems to be a tribute/shout-out/homage to the great Lost fan base. That's what they said Comic Con was all about. I think everything will tie together somehow. LU seems to be a pretty blatant push for the DVDs, but I did hear at Comic Con that it will focus on theories/background/ideas that relate to the show's mythology. That would definitely be something for the fans!
Now that Paul and Ronie has joined forces with Darlton's blessing, things seem to be pointing in the direction of honoring fans with their fan art, etc. And I know it will include textile art because Paul actually mentioned quilts twice! LOL
The use of the word "hunt" does seem to lean towards a scavenger hunt of some kind. Hope it's not looking for glyphs! LOL
Holy cow...they're cooking up something.
I loved the glyphs.. LOL! That's what got me on the leaderboard for TLE! ,)
I like the idea of clues to help us, rather than just a random running into something.
Pretty sneaky of TPTB keeping us rabid fans busy just as filming starts on Monday. :)
56 minutes to go!
I'm here. Listening to Lostaholics Rewatch podcast to stay awake.
Good, Lottery Ticket...I need the company!...it's way past my bedtime! LOL What time zone are you in?
I stumbled upon an interesting article about comic-con you can read while you're waiting (sorry if you've already read it). Anyway I found it while doing a google search on Noreen O'Toole, the one who added the breaking news that the airshow has been cancelled over at LU. She's actually a producer for Lost. here's the link:
I'm not staying up anymore.. LOL! I'm leaving for a little vacation tomorrow and I'm a bit sad I'll be missing out on the fun here because I'll have no wifi! I'll be checking back in on Thursday, then.. have fun everybody!!
My name is written in the history of LostARGs :DDD You can't imagine how happy I am :)
About theories - I like the 2nd one but I think 4th is the real one.
I'm central time. What sites are you keeping open? DCaaPB and RMArt? Anything else. Do you tweet? PaulScheer has twitter.
black swan. darn. have a great vacation.
Roll call.
Have a fun, relaxing time, BS! I'm sure you'll be able to catch up with everything when you get back.
LT: I'm in PST. I have DC&PB, Ronie Midfew open. I do follow Paul on Twitter.
Hey Maven- I'm here...waiting with you!
Have fun Black Swan! I'm sure there will be plenty of fun still happening when you get back.
nothing. Think we're in the right place?
let's get started
Ok...what now?
Does this mean I have to go to Hollywood and Vine?
Are you a myspace person?
I have a myspace page but I'm on FB mostly.
ok so the myspace stuff is basically the same...with some video...
it says they're a house party in a club every Sunday...are ya'll looking at it?
Yeah...I'm checking it out. Had to turn down the volume for the video! lol
Copied and pasted info from myspace:
NEW VENUE: BARDOT (1735 N. Vine St. Hollywood, CA)!
25 years old
LOS ANGELES, California
United States
here's the photo at myspace re: cobra snake
?pet & ?lo & home depot me cobra snake
All the names are there
Please don't ask me to go there at 10pm to 2AM! LOL
If you're on this webpage, it means you're onto something very cool. We admit it. You got us. But, please keep in mind that you can participate right from your living room. Sometimes, it might even help not to go anywhere at all. But everything can happen for you, and you'll have a great experience, just staying at home watching our website(s). Which is cool. There is no alternate reality, just reality. And if you do find yourself wanting to go somewhere outside of your house because of this webpage, even after us telling you it's not necessary, no matter where you live, we ask you to be courteous, extremely safe and know we would never ask you to do anything against the law or that could put you or anyone else in harm's way. We would never ask you to trespass and just like your Driver's Ed teacher, we discourage speeding or any sort of unsafe driving. To sum it up, everyone has a chance to get what we got, no matter where you are, so let's keep it calm, people.
That www.cobrasnake.com website is weird and there's so many pictures and info on it...don't know where to begin.
I think if you go and find Cobra Snake he's got something for you.
I can't remember my login info for myspace! LOL
I don't do snakes well! lol
Did you see the connection to facebook? Banana split sundaes has a facebook page...and 1009 friends.
did you notice the last empty frame on DCAAPB has a red question mark whereas all the others have blue/white ones?
At Dark's forum they're saying that something will happen at Bardot's.
Everyone is just checking out the many sites listed through that poster.
I am prepared to send CobraSnake an e-mail as requested on his site.
What do I say?
That's what I was wondering...guess you'll have to go to that club- 10pm-2am. You can handle that right?! ;)
BananaSplit Sundaes Shhh! The DHARMA INITIATIVE Presents Banana Split This Sundae w/ DJ AM, STEVE AOKI, NICK CATCHDUBS, & THEE MIKE B This Sunday! For FREE GUEST LIST: Email Names To PARTYLINE@DIMMAK.COM!
7 hours ago
That is FB Status report for Banana Split Sundaes.
Please don't make me go! Someone on Dark's says they live right near there. They can do it!
No idea LT...he's listed as a photographer, so I wonder if he's that important or just part of the packaging.
I'm wondering if I need to "friend" Banana SS on Facebook..?
Also says: guest list only...free when you send your name to PARTYLINE@DIMMAK.COM
So Bonnie better put her name in so they'll let her in tomorrow night ;)
in the bottom right hand corner of poster
think that means anything?
So I guess that we will see party pics of LOST fans posted after tomorrow. Know anyone in LA?
How did you know the FB status maven- did they already accept you as a friend?
Just notice the combined site header. and the x for HUB
They just changed the layout of the picture frames...one was removed...there are now 16...the 16th is the red ? And the "hub" link is next to it now.
Also, can't go back to old site.
LT I don't know if that means anything right now or not. DIMMAK is part of the email address to respond to if you want to get on the guest list.
Maven said someone on Dark's forum lives nearby, so we'll have to rely on them.
Scoutpost: I just clicked the link on the myspace page. Guess they don't have it set to private on FB, so anyone can see it?
Yes, there are a few people who live in that area and go to the Hollywood clubs. I'm about 20 min. away, but I DO NOT GO TO HOLLYWOOD CLUBS! LOL
It's not like that for me on FB, I get the usual message that to see the info, I have to be a friend. hmmm
And yes, they changed the page...removed one of the frames.
LT: Where did you see that long explanation of how to stay calm that you posted earlier?
it's at the very top of the DCAAPB site in tiny print.
Sorry- after you click on the painting and it takes you to the poster.
I think I can see everything on their FB page because I'm in the Los Angeles network?
This is all I see on top of the poster page:
So, these are "hints." Some will lead to physical places, some just take you to another website. But the end result, a.k.a. the coolest part of the fun, can be achieved just by s taying in your house. No need to stand up, get dressed and start flailing your arms to your waiting car, because everyone will have a chance to get to the end result, as long a s you're online and stay tuned to this website. We'll give you everything you need to know... and soon.
So does Ronie Midfew's statement 15 will be lost, the 16th will be found refer to these "paintings"? There are 16 frames...it must.
under the poster. very small print. Road Rules
maven, are you on the FB page with the green poster event poster.
I request friendship and will have to wait.
Oh duh...I didn't even realize LT posted something completely different! Where did that come from?!
Thanks, LT! Scoutpost next to privacy policy: Rules of the Road
ah, ok...it's next to the privacy policies. So there is no alternate reality...hmmmm....and apparently there will be some real world clues and they are telling us to be safe and not go crazy. most of the play will be online I guess by the sound of it.
If they do place some real world clues, I hope they remember my rants from TLE about how Phoenix was left out of all the fun! I want a PHX clue! LOL
LT: Yes, I have full access to their FB page with the green poster as the profile pic. I think it's because I'm in the Los Angeles network on FB and you can set things for "friends and network".
What does that little yellow gold bar with "fools gold" on it mean? on the poster.
I don't get it, will somebody hurry up and figure it out so I can go to bed!!!!
Checking the twitter feed
Steve Aoki is looking for Season 5 ep 11. hahaha
theemikeb - Special guest dj set from John Locke at Bardot tomorrow... Namaste.
How many Dharma stations do we know about? I should know that but I'm brain dead right now. The background of the poster are the Dharma station symbols. You can't see all of them, but there are 9.
Fool's Gold is a recording studio for @catchdini out of Brooklyn
So there's no more DC&PB site where Paul can blog and we can post comments.
Right. and the middle is a ?
Scoutpost and LT: I'm beat. See you in the morning when you've figured it all out!
Swan, dharma, wave,
not sure, ?, rabbit,
flame, hydra, dharma with door
can't remember the names. arggghhhhh
Thanks all for staying up, I'm going to create a new post now.
Did anyone get a screenshot of the picture frames with the extra frame ?
Other than taking screen caps I think we've covered most of this puzzle. I'm going to say that ABC is giving out swag in locations around the world and some virtual sites.
Swan, pearl, looking glass, I know I'm totally braindead!
theemikeb twitter homepage says: the Dharma Initiative joins us Sundae at Banana Split....posted August 13th
Sounds like you have had a fun night, working all this out.
No sorry Zort. It wasn't much to look at, just an extra frame like the others. It was on the bottom row, right before the one w/the red question mark.
I did not see extra frame. I count 15 variation of guilded and one red ?
that's 15 and then 16th
I have a large monitor. If you pull out wide you should see all frames. I don't think anything went missing.
Has anyone been to the Bardot website and looked at the entertainment page? Can't figure out why, or if it's just coincidence, but it looks very similar to the new DCPB... No idea if that means anything.
No there were 17 at first, I counted them before I read maven's post about one missing. Then I refreshed and the extra one was gone.
That is WEIRD! re: the Bardot sight...click under entertainment and a bunch of frames pop up that list each night's entertainment.
Ok, I have to go to bed. I think we've uncovered pretty much everything to uncover at this point. I think that something will happen at Bardot's tomorrow night and hopefully some LA area fans will get the scoop on that!
I did read on a separate site about Bardot that Sunday nights are usually good for celebrity sightings...so if the LA fans don't get any DCAAPB scoop, maybe they'll see a celeb.
Need anything else.
Did you see the youtube video about the banana split at LAX? It seems that LAX is a club (?) and not only the LA airport.
So either they took the idea from Bardot or the Miles visit to read for the grandmother becomes more significant. That's the only 'frame' related scene that I can think of.
night all
The first update of the night, about Lost University, is now posted.
LAX III is also on one the other promotion posters/events FB for Banana Splits
So LA X may have been a clue for this ARG and NOT the first epi of s6.
oh my
Yeah...I was checking Dark's forum and they seem to be coming up with the same stuff. The only thing I saw was that they were thinking there might be some morse code on the poster? I didn't follow that line of thinking the whole way because I'm too tired, but you guys can check it out if you want.
They also are trying to ID the Dharma stations and have the same stuff we do.
They also noted that there is is secret guest slated for Sunday night...think a LOST celeb will show up?
Re: 2009 Official LOST ARG Discussion
by TRoss on Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:52 am
The flyer shows the address as 1715 N. Vine Street, but the Bardot is located at 1737 Vine Street. A look-up of 1715 N. Vine says that's where Judy Garland's star in located on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Judy Garland - The Wizard of Oz? Probably a stretch, but it's odd they'd post the wrong address for the event.
{see your earlier post re: Wizard of Oz]
Re: 2009 Official LOST ARG Discussion
by Smokey Cup on Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:30 am
I KNEW I'd spotted something!
The duplicate 14th picture has been removed!
There are now 16 picture frames!
[there's the missing frame]
Thanks all for the freat comments, I've created a new post summarising all that went on during the night.
That should be ...great comments...
Hey maven
I did wake up at 3 this morning but decided to stay in bed. lol
Now I wish I hadn't. Now to go back up and read all the posts!!
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