This translates to A-O-T-S
Thanks to Sayid'sGirl for letting us know about the clue and Cypher80b for the translation.
There are two possible web sites that this clue could lead us to -

The British Art website - Art Of The State

There is also ArtofTheState.Com which only has a triangle image on the site, it looks a little like the Greek Delta symbol. The name of the .jpg file is AOTS.JPG

Click here to read more on LostPedia
lol If my son had seen it he could have told me what it was. He used to work at a shipping place.
anyone know who the 4th person is, with back turned to us, in the pic from the art gallery on damoncarltonpolarbear?
Anon - there was some discussion about this and it seems to be the owner of an art gallery that was involved in the first poster.
thanks zort
Hmmm... So, what is "A-O-T-S" meaning?
Gallery 1988
I can't remember his name and I can't seem to find right now.
Oh and Gallery 1988 is listed in the "credits" at the bottom of the Locke poster.
Attack of the Show is my guess.
It's a show on G4 and they follow Lost. The channel also shows Lost reruns.
"Attack of the Show" on g4? strange clue.
That's a good idea.
Shipping labels are coded to tell you where they're being shipped to and by whom Fedx etc.
Maybe this one is giving us a location.
Now I wish my son lived at home still he might know what ATOS stands for.
American Theatre Organ Society ?
A quick search shows these as well
Air Transportation Oversight System
Australian Treatment Outcome Study
Advanced Topometric Sensor
Automated Technical Order System
Advanced Technology Ordnance Surveillance
Advantage/TASA Open Standard
Air Traffic Operations Service
Automated Travel Order System
Aircraft Tape Operating system
ASWOC Tape Operation System
Assisted Takeoff System
oops AOTS not ATOS.
I think I'm dyslexic.
Attack of the Show (television series)
Art of the Saber (Star Wars fan film)
As One To Serve (United Church of Canada Men's Group)
Acoustic Optic Tunable Scanning
Advanced OJT Training System
Automatic Optical Track Scanner
Attack of the Show seems the most likely.
Which means Canada would likely be the next location
Strangest clue yet, maybe.
Could the next picture thing take place in a post office?
from wiki "rogram and was replaced by comedian Chris Hardwick, former host of Singled Out; he is also currently a writer for Wired magazine "
good morning. a comedian and WIRED?
What about -
Art Of The State a British art site.
Could be London baby.
sorry. AOTS wiki site. only two sips of coffee, not fully functional
Maybe we're suppose to watch this show for verbal clue. Blog Watch or Attack This! The Loop
I checked their video podcast but didn't see anything recebt,
WOW! That last word is suppose to be recent lol
Looking at Art of the State. If nothing, it's very fun stuff. Here's where my wonderings lead me:
This is not about todays clue but I found it interesting. And if this is the case, I guess it was only a matter of time before this happened.
From Dark's forum
by back_gammon on Fri Aug 28, 2009 2:26 pm
One reason the Locke poster sold so quickly is because it's just an incredibly good piece of graphic art.
But another reason it sold out so quickly is because it went viral outside the Lost fan community and within hours became the hot topic for all the bloggers and tweeters in the graphic arts world and the collectible poster world.
Olly Moss is a young, emerging artist and his Locke print, inspired by legendary Hollywood graphic artist Saul Bass who did all those great Hitchcock and Preminger movie graphics in the fifties and sixties, just exploded yesterday all across the non-LOST blogosphere.
(Google "Olly Moss + Locke poster" and see how many hits you get and estimate how many are outside the LOST fan community.)
Now that this fan appreciation thing is on the radar outside the Lost fan community, I'm thinking people who want a future poster should best place their orders as soon as new posters are released
QR Codes = mobile tagging
tagging = street art
Link on QR Codes
Ok most Japanese cell phones come equipted with QR reading software. So maybe our next poster will be in Japan.
Or the QR codes is leading us to a url or address.
Which brings us back to AOTS.
Which so far the best bet on that is Attack of the Show. hmmm
Yes, I can't get the software to work for my phone, but I do have a desktop QR Code reader which is handy when one is posted on a website.
This is almost in the realm of puzzle solving, which I though we weren't going to have to do (not that I'm complaining)
Downloaded free QR scan app for phone. Excellent. How the question is will I ever us it again? lol
Yeah what happened to no codes. lol
Maybe they've read the blogs and forums and decided to throw us a bone/puzzle. ;)
Geez I need to go back to bed.
I meant to say... Yeah what happened to no puzzles
LotteryTicket, you can use in on the label of Pepsi bottles at the moment.
Following up on the earlier question - The name of the person in the picture with his back to us is possibly Jensen Karp who is the owner of the 1988 art gallery.
We think he was at the Bardot night club event for the first poster.
I've been searching Attack of the Show because a lot of people have been speculating that it may be what AOTS refers to and I found this interview done with Damon & Carlton. Even if it doesn't mean anything, it's interesting & fun :)
Attack of the Show -Lost Season Finale Interview
email...following all you wonderful puzzle solvers, although nothing I can contribute as yet :(
Good work on this new clue! Attack of the Show seems likely so far.
oh! Where did this come from?! They had me trained to not expect anything for another week! Guess I better go catch up!
Hey maven
Have you looked at the previous thread? Anonymous figured out the Truth Hack puzzle. Although I didn't quite understand it.
I'm assuming it's because the Locke poster sold out so quickly.
Sayid's girl- you're making me laugh with all your typo's. I was having that kind of day yesterday. ;)
Thanks for the wiki post on QR codes, I had no idea where the A-O-T-S interpretation came from. I don't know that I would've know what that was...guess I don't pay attention to the outside of packages.
Maybe they'll have a fake advertisement or something on Attack of the Show. I'm sure they'll send us another clue soon.
re: the Locke poster...I was hoping the poster news would stay mostly within the LOST community, esp. the hard core fans. That's why I haven't even said anything about it to a lot of my casual LOST friends...and why I snatched up the Locke poster. I knew I wanted the Locke one so I figured I better get it asap. Well...guess good things can't stay secret for long.
Ok I now have so many tabs open in my browser that I can't keep them straight...ah just like the good ole days!
Sayid's girl- thanks for the info about the Truth Hack puzzle.
zort and cypher80b knew it was a QR code I just posted a wiki link.
After I was told what it was. I was oh yeah I recognize that now. lol
Yeah I was hoping the posters would stay within the Lost community. I think that's what TPTB intended but like you said good thing don't stay secret for long.
I'm sitting here with my credit card ready just in case it's a Sayid poster. But we'll probably have to wait a couple of days before we actually get the poster.
LOL I know I've got a bunch of tabs open too. I rotate through them hitting F5. :)
You're welcome scoutost.
Thanks Sayid'sgirl for telling Scoutpost about Anon's post, who, in turn, told me! I still have no idea what is going on there! LOL
I dont want to be a pain, but as an engineer it comes naturally to me ;-)
Are we sure it is AOTS. Are there other decoding programs that could be used just to check that it is the correct translation?
What program was used before?
I agree - hope the posters stay in the community. I wa able to graeb the 1st two, so I just ended up memorizing my CC number instead of keeping the card out. LOL
The art of the state website has been updated so all you see is a triangle! is it greek?
Which URL?
There are so many links off of their main site.
Or, it could be, backwards, the Cultural Centre in Helsinki - ;)
Or what if you read the bar code upside down?
I use this:
and this:
both gives the same result. Also it doesn't matter if you rotate the image. Only flip affects it, and then you get nothing.
Art of the State still shows up normally to me.
Tim- don't know much about QR codes, but I think it's like a bar code-only one way to read it.
...and I also have my CC number memorized, exp. date, and the CVV scares my husband. :O
@cyper80b: wow - you answered all my questions then - great job
@scoutpost: keep buyin then - i will too
Digging aroung the Art of the state site I noticed two things:
1. no reference to either of the prior artists
2. That there blog is down because it is overwhelmed now?? Maybe there will be some information there in a while?
I will keep checking back.
Or, something really important about oats...
Art of the State has an artist called codeFC (still cant see the blog article) but here is a link to a graffiti piece he/she did
Sorry, I could be way off on this one, but if you go to CODEFC's site and drag your mouse on the pciture that comes up, you highlight the text JJ.
Here is my last one and I will shut up for a while.
CODEFC also likes skatboarding according to his myspace page.
Due to the fact that there was a skateboard in the last set of frame clues, maybe the next locale will be some skate park in England or near where CODEFC has done some of his public pieces?
If this is the case I hope one is in NJ or NY because I really cant foot the bill for a trip to England.
You're working hard Tim!
All the stuff you've come up with could be clues, but I've also gone down some of those type rabbit holes with the past 2 frames, only to find that TPTB weren't going that deep into making this a puzzle. Most of the clues end up being more straight forward...esp. once they post the 2nd and/or 3rd clue as to where/when we're supposed to be/go. But nothing wrong with never know when you might end up being one step ahead.
lost815x30fey - it looks like the Greek symbol for delta
zort, where are you getting the "delta"? when I link to the site you posted on the front page, it all comes up the same to me.
I'm almost hoping it isn't in the UK this time as this is one of the worst weekends for travel you can get !
Scoutpost, I just realised I'm going to not
The image name is aots.jpg
In response to all the clues that everyone is finding out in the "real world," I just think it's awesome that Damon&Carlton are showing us all of these things that could be coincidence or maybe more. It goes back to that Six Degrees of Separation that took place in the beginning of the show.
I've updated the main post with a screenshot
Tim, that CODEFC site is very interesting, if it isn't related, I want to find more anyway !
Oh it is *.com, I was on the UK site.
@roxanna you are right - these things show you other cool stuff in the process, oh well - thanks for putting me back on track.
Are there photo recognition search engines that could link us to similar images? Can we use that bar code scanner on this?
I put into Google and as a description it said:
"A collection of bizarre and unrelated photographs."
If you go to
you can see the full site, not sure it's related.
If you go through their work, there is a silver surfer baord:
I emailed them to see if they can give us any information.
Is that site in Pennsylvania?
It has some photos of advertising for the British TV channel "Channel 4" so I would still think it is a British site.
and a WhoIs search confirms it was registered in the UK.
@Tim Maguire
I found the codefc site very interesting.
I looked around and found this :
The first picture is in a gold frame like the pictures on DCPB, so this is an interesting find.
Great work eveyrone! :-D
Attack Of The Show sounds possible, mostly for its genre, and also because they covered the New DI booth at Comic Con extensively last year, so they're in with TPTB for sure. But let's hope that it's going to be something that Zort and UKers can play with.
Sayidsgirl said: " sold out so quickly is because it went viral outside the Lost fan community...", phooey, that's something that I was afraid of. Non Lost fans are going to get in on the poster purchasing just to get collectibles to sell on Ebay, not for something to save for posterity of their favorite show and sharing this special moment of attention and thanks from TPTB toward their loyal fans. No sir, I don't like it. :-p
sorry, I messed up on the link
What about an anagram of AOTS.
SATO springs to mind as Bryan Sato was Richard in quite a few episodes, one of the Red Shirts really.
Can someone do me a favor.
If you go to the CODEFC site and go to art, the third one called sculpt is a downloadable *.psd.
I dont have photoshop at work so I cant open it. If not I may run home soon and see what it is.
CODEFC site again:
Lostpedia article on him
Usually when you see #codefc that's a twitter follow which leads you to link for
which leads me back to where I was very early this morning with street art.
capcom said..."Non Lost fans are going to get in on the poster purchasing just to get collectibles to sell on Ebay, not for something to save for posterity of their favorite show and sharing this special moment of attention and thanks from TPTB toward their loyal fans. No sir, I don't like it."
I don't like it either. And now with the new frame 3 clue up, I'm afraid to miss it, or any other frame, go live for fear that a poster will sell out before I've even realized it was released.
Tim, I tried that, but it didn't load on my copy of Photoshop CS3
SATO: The Leader in Barcode Printing
That is awesome. I think when they create these ARGs they have no idea of how the clues can wind back in to themselves. hahahaha
Tim, managed to open it.
Click Here to see it
I am running IE6 behind a firewall and can't see it for soem reason. Does it have anything at all to do with LOST?
Not that I can see, it is of a few everyday british items.
Temporary Road sign, car battery, typewritter, several traffic cones, computer monitor, BBC micro computer, liquid gas cylinder.
Bu the thing they have in common is a stenciled code on them with a hexadecimal number like a HTML colour value e.g. #ff0000. #000000, #ffffff, #0000ff.
The last image is of a circle, half in back half in white.
Is it even more of a coincidence that SATO is based in CHARLOTTE, NC?
Thanks zort. Sorry I wasted your time.
Phew that was some phrenetic commenting, I'm off for a lie down for a few minutes.
Tim, not a bit of waste, all part of the fun.
I guess Damon&Carlton decided to feed us with the puzzles we wanted :)
Is some french site not sure what it is for, but does not look like it contains anything useful.
Quick question,
In the second frame set of clues, the one picture (looks like a zoom in of the scuffing on the skate board) had a 42 in it. Did people figure out what that meant?
@Tim Maguire
All the numbers are etched into the back of the skate deck. Don't know if it necessarily means anything, but it does add a nice little touch to the board.
Sweet - thanks.
Guess I will be watching attack of the show tonight just to cover all of the bases.
Wonder if it is an abbreviation for something like "All of the survivors"?
You're right about that Scoutpost! But maybe the greedy Ebay grubs won't be staying up until 3 a.m. for clues like we do, so we'll just have to be extra super diligent! Too bad we can't coordinate buying multiples and then making sure that they get to fan friends only for purchasing second hand (with no profit, of course) just to keep the art "in family".
You guys are doing great detective work! :-D
how dare they add to the web site without a announcement to all us busy people lol Great work everyone, I just hope they have a poster I like sooner or later.
According to the Attack of the Show twitter feed, they are on a mid season break and new episodes only start again on Monday.
"@gamefreak1994 New episodes are back on 8/31.about 3 hours ago from TweetDeck in reply to gamefreak1994"
attack of the show = smokie? hmmm a smokie poster, didn't consider that.
Oh gosh, a Smokie poster would be awesome! :-o
While we wait . . . is there anyway to discover a pattern in DCaaPB posts? time of post? or what triggers a new clue? I see no way of subscribing/RSS/etc. at that site. I'm I missing something?
Docarzt seems to think Attack of the Show will have an ARG update tonight
Attack of the Show doesn't come up in my G4 listing tonight though. Their website doesn't say when the next show is so I guess we have to go off of the twitter update.
I'm not sure there is anything sophisticated about it.
I seems to be updated by a real person as there are lots of small mistakes in the posts.
It is completely different to the original DCaaPB site which I think that was using the WordPress blogging engine.
I guess they have a schedule for the events and someone has a diary they are working to.
Woo hoo, comment no 108 !
Wow, big shout out from DocArzt
Attack of the Show doesn't come up on my cable listing either. Mine only shows between now and 6:00pm Sunday.
I could check
But I've read at several places that they're off until Monday. I guess we'll see.
I don't know if anyone else has pointed this out or if it is relevant, but when former LOST writer Brian K Vaughan recently left the show, he released the following strange statement:
“I can confirm that I left Lost to become best friends with Olivia Munn.”
Olivia Munn is a host on Attack Of the Show...
Probably mere coincidence, but I thought it was worth mentioning.
Great work on this site!
Based on the past two entries/frames: they usually post a clue that has date, time and address of the place they want us to be at least 24hrs before we have to be there. So I am thinking nothing is happening tonight on Attack of the Show based on what has been said about it not being listed and off until Monday, plus the fact that we don't have another clue that's more specific.
Of course, that only counts if they continue in the same vein...I guess they could throw us a curve ball.
In the episode section of the AOTS website the last show was Friday August 20. The next scheduled show is Monday Aug 31.
Maybe they'll have something unscheduled.
That's true Scoutpost. But if they did do something on the show's timeslot, even if it's a rerun, it could maybe be in a commercial like they do during Lost sometimes?
Hey zort
Just got around to looking at the DocArzt link.
Pretty cool the he gave LostARG a shout out.
Looks like Doc was just guessing at watching the show tonight. Seems he's been out of commission for a little while. He may not know that AOTS is off until Monday.
I think I need a brain scan my typing has been awful today. ;)
Great shout-out from Doc Artz! Zort and everyone: You should pat yourselves on the back!
Hi all! Just came across this site. You're doing a fab job!
I can't add anything to what's been put up so far, though I am surprised they haven't added another clue yet. Didn't they come fairly often with the last poster? Just a little something to drive us crazy with over the weekend I guess.
Capcom - Love the avatar and support it! :o)
Tx Deneph! I thought that Dez's huge tie sort of looked like a Dr.Who-scarf too. :o)
OK, I'm a little confused, but I guess all that we can do for now is wait.
Congrats on the mention Zortster, and everyone working hard here!
DJ AM has been found dead in his hotel room. Wasn't he the DJ at the Bardot Club?
wow maven, yes he was part of the group that did the banana splits thing.
He was found dead in his apartment (drug paraphernalia found). He had survived a plane crash recently.
this year is cursed....
Are you serious?! Wow, that's freaky and horrible all at the same time. So sad! And it sounds creepily like course correction. I'd like to look at the calendar right now and see that it is April 1st, but alas it's not.
Dang, Wiki is quick! link More news sould be covered on TMZ tonight as they seem to be the ones with the scoop.
Just heard about DJ AM, I'm shocked and stunned.
I may have only known about him for a few weeks, but he was part of something we were part of.
Going to bed with a heavy heart.
One thing to note, my scanner literally translated the QR code as "A-O-T-S". I think the dashes are part of the code. Might not be important, but I thought I'd add that for anyone that hasn't scanned it themselves.
And it's sad to hear about DJ AM.
maybe the dashes are missing letters?
:-( just heard
Just got home. Wow So sad about DJ AM.
I'll try to get some pics to you, there was a Dharma skatedeck on my front porch tonight when I got home. Seems I was the first to purchase Locke's Secret.
WOW! Congrats Deneph!
They've put We Love You AM over the DJ AM pic in the hub at DC&PB.
Hey Lottery Ticket you didn't have to remove your post. We both put it up at the same time. And yours posted first.
no biggy. thought the comments just read better without the duplication.
Congrats, Deneph! That's awesome.
Unbelievable that someone involved in a recent Lost-related event has passed away...
good finds, everyone.
sad to hear about DJ AM :(
Sending good thoughts to all.
I know it just seems so strange doesn't it.
Sad to hear about DJAM. I didn't know his music much, but I heard about the plane crash, and of course the ARG.
In AOTS related news, the with the delta symbol could be something. Delta is the 4th Greek letter, right? site seems to have been updated/changed on Feb 22nd, 2008. That's a little too early for this so-called ARG. Using the wayback machine, it seems that the site was closed at 2005.
Denenph, that is a cool ting to find on the doorstep.
So are we all going to rush to be the first on the next poster ?
Algo - Yes you may be right about it does look like an old site.
We probably will now. lol
If there's a poster I really like I'm going to try to be first.
But I'm rarely first on anything.
It would be cool to get a nice extra gift though, especially if it realates to your favorite character.
Congrats Deneph!
I think that's the idea Zort, heheh. And between that and the outside-Lost competition, it's going to get tougher to get a poster maybe.
You guys were right. On the AOTS twitter feed they will be back on Monday (8/31) at 7pm EST.
I will try and watch it and put updates here, and on my Twitter account (tmag25) if I see anything Lost / LostARG related.
Thanks for the update, Tim. Definitely sounds suspicious! I'm now following their twitter account.
I keep checking in...but alas nothing to report I guess. Maybe we'll get something tomorrow to tell us where/when on Monday.
I'm going to call it a day, I think everyone is pausing for breath.
new clue!
Finally - am working on it now.
September 1
7pm ET/PT
Attack of the Show!
Episode #20090901
Virtual Audience, DvDuesday, Attack This
what ever it is is on 4 times...
Episode #20090901
Virtual Audience, DvDuesday, Attack This
September 2
1am ET/PT
Attack of the Show!
Episode #20090901
Virtual Audience, DvDuesday, Attack This
September 2
4am ET/PT
Attack of the Show!
Episode #20090901
Virtual Audience, DvDuesday, Attack This
September 2
12pm ET/PT
Attack of the Show!
Episode #20090901
Virtual Audience, DvDuesday, Attack This
September 2
7pm ET/PT
Cool! I wonder if they'll actually show a poster or give us another quotable web address?
Haha, I would like to get the info ASAP... try to get the opportunity to buy the art before the non-core crowd finds out
I'm guessing this is the only clue for tonight.
Have a great night everyone.
Well if it's revealed on the show I guess that means we wait until Tuesday.
Well, my DVR is set for Tuesday 4pm PST! Don't know if they'll give us something else until then. :(
here's where image captured. The host for AOTS Munn and Pereira. However, the host of DVDuesday is Chris Gore.
aots is definitely attack of the show. It has a running segment called DVDuesdays which is the next clue. Problem solved
Boy I sounded grumpy in that last post ! sorry, I was tired
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