This is a photo of one of the posters that has been received. To the right is the number of this print.
Special thanks to Holywood_Bob on Twitter for giving us permission to post the photos.
ReverendMilo and LotteryTicket have sent us lots more pictures, see the comments for some more links, however this is the poster under blacklight from Reverend Milo.
Some close ups from LotteryTicket (click to get a larger image)
Update - 27 Aug 09
Jim W has emailed to say that when he received his Hurley print he received another parcel, that contained a Damon Carlton and a Polar Bear print as he was the first person to order the Hurley poster.
Read about this here
If you receive your poster, please send us a photo of it (and yourself) and we will show them here.
I've got poster. Have photos. Need help. Where to send.
Is there another type of light? Black light reveals nothing. The numbers as seen in the back ground do not show under black light but seem reflective.
I have received my poster also. I was order #4 - ended up with print number 102.
Anyway I took the time to pull out the big camera and snap some shots. First off, nothing is on the back even under blacklight.
So my pictures are pretty big, so if you are on a modem or using a cell phone, be patient.
Here is the poster:
poster pictures
Sent photos, but better ones are over at docartz.
While I'm waiting . . .
Here's what is on the poster
4,8,15,16, 23,42 in a reflective paint (background) these numbers do NOT show up in blacklight
Aah! a sandled foot, with lighting bolt pointers (4) on ankle or Achilles heel.
A curse! A curse upon your clan! (I have not idea what the image is or what this has to do with LOST)
Mega Lotto
No curse - no punctuation from Mrs. Reyes
Curse. - from police car
Cluck you. - from man in chicken suit.
Abuelo, Muerto. - from dead uncle
I'm an accountant - no punctuation, from falling man
4, 8. 15, 16, 23, 42 - mirrored and repeated x3 by Lenny
I was order #12 and received 109/300
Can you tell me what or who is saying "A curse. A curse upon your clan!"?
Comparing the one posted at actuallyitsketchup and the one mailed. The only difference is some writing in the lower right hand in the light blue. Seems to be writing. It's not on the poster and does not show in black light.
@Lotteryticket where are better pics on Docartz?
they are yours! lol NONE better. Any thoughts?
I am cut off from the physical poster right now (at work), but I plan to get some staring in a later tonight.
I think that is the current plan - stare at poster with a quizzical expression on my face for a few hours.
But I am open to suggestions. :)
Very nice pictures ReverendMilo.
Thanks for posting. It was worth the small wait for the file to download to see all the detail.
Very cool poster!! I can't wait to see what else comes out...if/when something else comes out! I'm with you maven, need to release something else this week to keep the momentum going.
Hi ya'll! checkin' in for email...
Excellent pictures all, I've updated the main post with some of them.
We know where three of the posters are, only 297 to go.
Thanks for posting photos. I am sure that the image they we should be concentrating on is the very mechanical looking object center of poster (A curse. etc.) This is the only non-story line quote and image. Unless I'm just missing something. Agree? Or No.
LotteryTickect: I like your train of thought! There just might be something in each poster that doesn't relate to the show or the character. Maybe that clue found in all 16 posters will tell us something?
New Clue!
Newbury Weds
There is a Newbury Park in Ventura County north of L.A.
Of course, there are a zillion Newburys everywhere. Or it could be the name of the artist?
What? Where?
Lottery Ticket
At DC&PB click the second picture or the hub.
tks. had to move to Firefox to make that link work. Why? ok. let's play.
crossword puzzle format
"Newbury weds" gets lots of marriage announcements. lol
Could Weds be short for Wednesday? That would take us back to the date of 8/26 that macdaddy "supposedly" interpreted. But what/where is Newbury?
Newbury Street, Boston
Newbury VT
Newbury NH
Newbury, UK
I'm looking at Boston.
Newbury Comics
Are we thinking John Locke - crossword puzzle?
That's a good thought Lottery Ticket about John Locke and crossword puzzles.
There's also this.
(I like that they have a sister store called Hootenanny.)This could point to Charlie since it's a music store. But Locke is probably the better bet.
Newbury Comics is a New England-based music retailer. Newbury Comics began as a comic book vendor on Newbury Street in Boston. It was founded in 1978 by John Brusger and Mike Dreese; two MIT students. Over the next few years, the focus of the company changed from comics to music (comics are still sold there in limited amounts). Dreese published also published Boston Rock a music tabloid from 1980-1987 that focused on Punk, New Wave and Indie bands. There are now 27 stores in five states (four in New Hampshire, two in Rhode Island, one in Maine, one in Connecticut, and 19 in Massachusetts).
Newbury Comics is today best known as a vendor of CDs and DVDs, and other pop culture-related goods. Newbury Comics sells LPs, CDs, singles, and DVDs. It also offers comics, posters, T-shirts, trading cards, action figures, buttons, sports merchandise, jewelry, cosmetics, novelties and more. Some locations also sell punk-style clothing.
The chain also has a sister store called Hootenanny which mostly sells punk-style clothing, located one floor below the Newbury Comics in Harvard Square.
Or if you want to really stretch.
Phil uses the word hootenanny in the episode LaFleur. This store was started in 1978. So it could point at Sawyer.
I know I have too much time on my hands. lol
Did Newbury ever come up in the series? At all? I can't recall, but if it did, my guess is that's the theme of the next painting, to be revealed Wed. Aug. 26.
The 's' confuses me. Multiple Wednesdays in a row?
Wednesday can also be abbreviated Weds.
It's not used very often anymore.
If there's an anagram here, I can't find it. The colour of the text might suggest "ruby" or "red", but that's meaningless.
Have a contact in Boston who works near Newbury Street and is will to help with any questions if needed.
abbr. for Wednesday
Wed. or W
not Weds
Maybe there's a wedding?
"The Wedding Crashers" Nice.
If we take of w. we have EDS
Electronic Data Systems (ooohh that sounds fun)
or (ed.s educational specialist degree)
what if our crossword puzzle grows?
lots of possible answers I realize. Just playing around.
Maybe this
There in a show
Aug 26 2009 9:00P
The Bottom Lounge
Chicago, Illinois
Copying this "coincidence" post from DarkUFO's forum:
by Mrs Z on Mon Aug 24, 2009 8:39 pm
I'm sure this is not the event we're supposed to find, but I still think it's a pretty cool coincidence. There's an event running for a couple of weeks (including Wednesday 8/26) at the International Poster Gallery on Newbury Street in Boston. The exhibit is called "Time Travel: A Century of Travel Posters". ... el-posters
umm...that's a pretty weird "coincidence" Do ya'll think there could be anything to it? Like maybe something will be there on Wednesday. Do we have any Bostoner's here? Where's Ange?
I couldn't get that first link to work, so I'm trying to find some info on this.
Ok, try this link.
Don't know what to think, but it seems to be the plausible thing presented so far...
Wow! Thanks for bringing that one over Scoutpost
Mrs Z certainly has uncovered quite the coinkydink.
I saw that, too, Scoutpost. And someone just posted a whole bunch of possible Newburys! I also think someone on Dark's knows someone in Boston who's standing by! There are so possibilities at this point. Hopefully, there will be another hint tomorrow!
"Travel posters account for some of the most bold and iconographic designs in this medium," comments gallery owner, Jim Lapides. "These pieces evoke an irresistible curiosity and desire for adventure, and have been doing so for over 100 years. In our 15 years on Newbury Street, the gallery has become well-known for its strong collection of original travel posters."
...and just for the heck of it, look at this poster from the International Poster Gallery art celebrating travel posters.
"International Poster Gallery (IPG) presents its 16th annual..." <- a Number
Seems like quite a lot of connective tissue.
Red Sox, Jack?? christian??
Spooky, Scoutpost...and the artist's last name is HUGO!
Yeah there's almost too much "coincidence" "connective tissue" here to not be something...otherwise TPTB better give us another clue 'cause we're totally heading down this path.
I meant FIRST name!
Well it would be "easy" for them to put a LOST art poster in among the other posters. Only a LOST fan would know what it was. Maybe someone is supposed to go there and take a picture of it or something...guess we'll know soon.
BTW- I'm totally ready to hunt down any Phoenix clues they throw our way (but I won't hold my breath)!
Scout (if i may call you scout :) ) I'm pretty sure that if it were a LOST 'event' there will be some kind of 'official' coverage of it - a la the DJAM/SB video...
But hopeful someone can get there and scope it out - heck the worst thing that can happens is that you see some cool old travel posters :D
Of course you can call me scout :)
True the last reveal was an "event" and this one will probably be too. Guess I am still thinking in the TLE vein where everything was somewhat covert! LOL
And true- I would actually like to see that exhibit...LOST event or not!
thanks ;)
Do we know exactly what the exhibition is to include?
the full info page on it only has 7 posters displayed.
They have 965 posters in their archive, surely there will not be nearly a thousand posters on display... has been updated!!! Any thoughts on the clues on the HUB page?
You're a little late, Christian... lol
No worries, just read above.
The new picture on looks like a picture of Newbury Street's shopping district that I found here
the new photo is from the opening of this place:
It's in Boston
cypher80b has sourced
As long as this thing takes place later in the day, I can prolly drive over to the gallery to see what the deal is. I'm betting they sneak the next LOST poster in with the rest of the posters. Wonder if any special guests will be in attendance ala Young Ben...
Has anybody figured out what the box or cabinet is at the very bottom of the poster, right near the front end of the Camaro?
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