Monday, August 10, 2009

The video is here - First Episode title is revealed. 80

The video has finally been posted, (Click here to view it on YouTube) it deals with Pauls visit to the studio and his discovery of a shredded front page for the first episode of the last season of Lost.

If you are episode title sensitive then don't read the last screenshot information.

This is not a confirmed episode title, just something shredded and found in a dumpster.

Some significant screenshots :

A Mr Cluck's cup in Paul's car.

Paul disguises himself as Mr Friendly to get past the security guard.

Paul has a map of the studio that does not seem to be too accurate.

While searching for Damon and Carlton, Carlton walks past Paul and bumps into him.

While Paul searches the dumpster, Damon walks past telling someone on the phone to "...make him dead".

Paul finds a rose but then, after messing around, his camera man breaks it and Paul say's "You broke the rose"

Is that a hint to the future of Lost or a Dark Tower reference ? (thanks to Bigmouth in the comments for the information)

A set design for a temple set is found, set number 493 for episode 601.

Next a bundle of shredded paper is found. Paul is then chased away from the dumpster.

Paul has put together the paper that we saw in the picture he posted a few days ago, the page is the front of an episode script and Paul says it is LA X (note the space).

Oddly enough on the blog post the same page is displayed a lot more clearly but the title is blanked out by a black bar.

The camera man for the shoot appears to be another comedian called Scott Auckerman, see his Twitter page for some comments about the video. Also the large picture on the Paul Scheer post points to Scotts pages on Tumblr.


Ellen said...

First? whoa...!

Anonymous said...

Some additional information you can find by my researches

Lisa-Maladylis said...

the map looks like the one of the stations with the lines and circles on it.

Zort70 said...

My thoughts on the potential title is that the X may stand for something else that we have to wait for.

I had to take the screenshots for the frontpage twice, after all the messing about with the video and saying the low res version was not good enough so we had to wait for the high quality version, the low res was posted anyway !

Then a few minutes after I had created the screenshots the high quality one was uploaded.

Zort70 said...

Thanks for the link above Sawyer840 I'll check out the rest of the info on your site.

Bigmouth said...

The Rose is a Dark Tower reference. In that series, the Dark Tower is a lynchpin for all of the realities in the multiverse. In our reality, the Dark Tower is represented by a rose. If the rose is harmed, the Dark Tower is as well, imperiling all creation. I think that's the significance of the comment "You broke the rose."

MadAriad said...

That was a great video - I need to watch it again!

Mr. Friendly lol!

kristaps194 said...

This was a very funny video LOL :D
But to me this does't look like ARG - it's more promo for next season (of course for hard-core fans only).

Bigmouth said...

Also, the map resembles the layout of stations on the Blast Door Map.

Capcom said...

The drawing also looks like Dan's notebook drawing of imaginary space and time, with the crossing lines and circles.

That video is pretty silly. X-D

Interesting about the broken rose, Big.

Zort70 said...

I appreciate the humour in the video and what it is trying to do, but at the same time I was hoping for something more solid to get my puzzle solving teeth into.

Melissa_Lossa said...

Ah, Bigmouth - you beat me to it on the Dark Tower reference! That's exactly what I thought of, too.

Another reference to alternate realities... interesting.

Zort70 said...

I've just updated the main post as it was looking a little odd in IE8, and added the Dark Tower reference mention.

Melissa_Lossa said...

Also DT related - in our world, there is a group of people that protect the rose, thus keeping that version of the tower safe. Is there a similar group for the island?

Capcom said...

Protecting the rose? That's like The Little Prince also.

Zort70 said...

Sounds like the "whats in the shadow of the statue" people.

Melissa_Lossa said...

Ooh, good point, Zort! I think in DT, they are called The Friends of the Rose. Maybe in Lost it's The Friends of Jacob? Or The Friends of the Island?

Black Swan said...

Zort70 said...
I appreciate the humour in the video and what it is trying to do, but at the same time I was hoping for something more solid to get my puzzle solving teeth into.

I have to agree with you, zort. I guess I shouldn't get my hopes up too high thinking that this could ever be like TLE. At least at this point, I keep getting the feeling that TPTB are giving us something that's just a clever distraction... they'd never give away what's really going to happen in season 6, IMO!!

Zort70 said...

I was bored so I tried overlaying the map and circles Paul had over a studio layout.

Click here to see it

Zort70 said...

It doesn't help, it just gave me something to do !

maven said...

This just seems like a fun diversion to get us talking about S6 (as if we need something to do that)! I'm hoping more will develop on the 15th/16th. Paul Scheer is pretty are Darlton.

Skidzy said...

hey Zort70, can you overly that over rousseu's map on paul sheerer's blog??

Scoutpost said...

When Paul uploaded his video to the DCPB website, it ruined the way the blog comes up for me. Now the posts don't look the same, the space between the pictures is increased, Paul's bio is down at the bottom, etc. I've tried refreshing and shutting down the computer, but it still comes up all wonky. Can't read the comments posted on the video post. Anyone else have this problem or know what I can do about it?

I'm with you maven, wondering if this is really an ARG or if it's just a fun diversion/promo. I'm beginning to think the latter. Although, DarkUFO was supposed to check to see if it was official- never heard any word, but he did start a new forum thread for the "ARG"- so I don't know if that is confirmation or not?! Waiting until Friday is not much fun!

Lisa-Maladylis said...

Same for me too scoutpost. the site went haywire with that video. I hope he fixes it soon.

MadAriad said...

Yeah, the site is doing that to me too. I figured something was wrong with my connection but I guess it's something on his end.

I was thinking it might be interesting to see the map of the island from DCPB with the lines & circles from the video, too. If no one else does it and I get bored enough (not likely this week!!) I might give it a try.

Tess315 said...

I'm not having any problems with his sie. Strange.

Lisa-Maladylis said...

Paul said his web guy is working on the site and it should "hopefully" be fixed soon.

maven said...

I just checked and everything seems normal to me.

I was thinking that since Darlton mentioned that Comic Con's panel was going to be devoted to the LOST fans (showing fan videos, playing the winner of the Lost theme contest, answering a lot of questions...sort of) than maybe having Paul as an overzealous fan is a tribute to us Losties. His "character" seems to embody all our fantasies as Losties. I'm sure we'd all dumpster dive if we thought we'd find something! LOL

Zort70 said...

Click here to see the same overlay on Rousseau's map.

At the same scale and alignment

Zort70 said...

On the Dark UFO forums, Dark has just posted :

The title is confirmed, trust me :-)

Dr Mum said...

Paul Scheer is an anagram of
clue shaper

Anonymous said...

Weirdo= Hurley (12-1 = L-A)
Beardo = Charlie (picture with no number = X)

It's a comment from the dcpb page

Zort70 said...

Yes that makes some kind of (weird) sense.

Does that mean that the first episode will start with a plane landing and Charlie getting off ?

Zort70 said...

Dr Mum - If Paul wasn't a real person then I'd be jumping up and down now, perhaps he was chosen because of his anagram possibilities !

Zort70 said...

Anonymous - how about this image as a possible representation of that answer.

Black Swan said...

Good morning, TLAers (TheLostArgers? lol)

So, the episode name is confirmed.. hmm. I was thinking of a whole new idea on the X in "LA X" You know how we say 3 x 3 = 9. In words it's three times three equals nine. So, why couldn't the title be "LA Times"? And isn't that the name of the newspaper in LA?

maven, I've been thinking along the same lines as you with Darlton's continued shout-out to the die-hard fans.

Capcom said...

Hi Argies!

Sooo, RACHEL is hacking into Paul's blog?! :-D

Nice work on the map Zort! I was thinking though, doesn't that bottom circle look like it has a partial question mark in it, like for the Pearl on the BDM? Having said that, I really hope that how you've placed it means something, because I like craters, and I've always hoped that our island crater would come into play. Maybe it's where Jacob's and MIB's spaceship crashed on the island, heheh.

Tess315 said...

Zort70 said:
On the Dark UFO forums, Dark has just posted :

The title is confirmed, trust me :-)

That stinks. So much for me staying completely spoiler free this season.

If this is going to be nothing but a bunch of spoilers for season 6 I think I might just quit following this thing and catch up on it later after the season starts up.

It's just that it would take so long to catch up with after it's done. hmmm what to do? lol

Zort70 said...

Sayid'sgirl, I think Dark was refering to the ARG being official if you read the comments around his on that site.

I'm still not convinced that this is the full title, I think the X part is yet to be revealed.

Stay with us as I'm sure we won't get a major spoiler that will stop us enjoying the final season.

maven said...
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maven said...
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maven said...
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maven said...

I'm surprised that the title was confirmed. Doesn't Darlton abhor spoilers? A lot of people consider titles spoilers (like Sayid'sgirl).

Yes, BS, LAX is also L. A. shorthand for Los Angeles Times.

maven said...

Sorry about those multiple posts. Blogger is acting up on me today.

Zort70 said...

I's usually the opposite for me Maven, I try and post and it takes me 5 times to get it to accept my username and password !

Zort70 said...

Personally I don't consider the title, even if it is official, a true spoiler as there is no context.

There are several interpretations of it already and although some sound convincing, I'm still none the wiser.

I'd say the videos shown at Comic-Con were more of a spoiler.

Scoutpost said...

capcom said...Sooo, RACHEL is hacking into Paul's blog?! :-D

LOL, if only that were true, that would be hilarious! and fun!

So I'm with you is unlike Darlton to reveal things this early on, and with all of us spoilerphobes out there, you'd think they wouldn't go too far...on the other hand, this hasn't really shaped up yet to be much of an ARG. So I wonder what to expect...I am a little confused by Dark's statement, he does seem to confirm that this is an ARG in a very round about way. I guess we just have to keep an eye on the DCPB site and if nothing else wait until the 15th. Hopefully they will do something that will make it clear exactly what this is!

Tess315 said...

I'll stick with it for awhile. I'll wait and see what happens Aug. 15th.

The thing is I never expected or wanted the bomb to take them back to LA. I think they belong on the island. If they get off I'm sure I'd like that.

As far as the Comic Con videos I just looked at them as fun nothing important or canon. Or a clue that they changed things and got off the island.

Zort70 said...

The problem with someone official saying this is an ARG is that it takes some of the mystery away from it.

I don't want someone to tell me definitively what this is, but atthe same time I want to know that I'm not wasting my time.

At the moment I'm in the, happy to go along with things whatever the outcome, category, but if Hans Van Eeghan turns up I'll change my mind very quickly.

Tess315 said...

That should say I'm not sure that I'd like that.

BTW maven I don't think Damon and Carlton look at episode titles as spoilers. They usually give out next weeks titles in their podcasts.

MadAriad said...

Lol Zort! If Hans shows up again lets GET HIM!!!

Thanks for the Island map, BTW. Not sure it helps at all but interesting.

I think that it's fun to see this Paul guy and I'll stick with it. It may not be a game or whatever but it's fun to follow so far. The video cracked me up, regardless of whether it contained "clues" for anything.

Anonymous said...

A proposal: Its my belief that this ARG may be the most challenging. Yes, I do believe I am up to my armpits in this ARG. I did receive a print from Paul of the DC&PB and I did receive a letter from RMA.

Consider, Alternate Reality Game. The challenge in this one ,,may not be in constructing an end ,,as in a finished puzzle,,or a product of linear clue assembling,,as in, a+b+c+d+e=x. As an Alternate Reality,,the challenge in this one,,is to learn or be able to perceive in an alternate way. Rather than linear thinking, an alternate may be ..spherical, or " parabalic"..Feeling and Intuition rather than Logic and reason. What is being presented to us as an for us to see as METAPHOR.
The message in this ARG is The Metaphor.
Consider, the master of ceremonies of this ARG.. is a comedian, the " Joker" of the deck of cards,,the " wild card" in this game of chance.

His art, his video,, both great metaphors. His video, while some see as far it possibly being a satire of the crazed LOST Fan,,is really a charming parable of Life. He starts off on his quest, all full of goals and anticipations , basically built on fantasy,,sets on his Path with dreams in his head,,and by end,,none of those dreams are realized,,but ,,he comes away with completely different rewards in his hands. Its so goofy,,its laffable..but in a 5 minute nutshell, is this not what happens.? And are we not the outside looking in,, being asked to get involved?.. A slapstick parable on Life itself slipped in right under our noses.
Can you see what I mean by ..learning or thinking a different way. Like LOST itself,,when what is presented just makes no sense at all..then its time to change the way you see Alternate Reality indeed...MEL

Zort70 said...

Capcom said ".. I really hope that how you've placed it means something, because I like craters, and I've always hoped that our island crater would come into play..."

I was just trying to think have we seen anything on the show connected to the crater ? If not then it could be something to explore in the final season.

Zort70 said...

Mel, yes indeed a great way of putting things.

Basically through the actions of a fool (nothing personal Paul :-) )we have things revealed to us that mean something outside the context of the superficial presentation.

Capcom said...

Yeah, even if it is the real title, it doesn't say much. If it was titled "Madame X" it still wouldn't tell us anything. Except for the fact that we are half expecting them to get to LAX in some way (FB, FF, FS) it doesn't reveal a lot.

Still, I hope that they are VERY careful about not tricking us into seeing something that we don't want to see. That would not be very nice.

Lisa-Maladylis said...

well, Paul told me to just watch out for the 15th, then things were goint to get interesting !

Capcom said...

Zort you'r right, I think that so far all we've seen mentioned of the crater is on Danielle's map labeling it.

The crater's time has come! Bring on the crater story! :-D

Zort70 said...

Lisa, how did Paul tell you ?

Black Swan said...

I love the way you're thinking, Mel. It reminds me of what I wrote last night in my thoughts of this whole thing, including the facts and ideas that maven brought up.. that this year it's been all about 'fan appreciation'. I didn't take the videos shown at comic-con showing the 'happy' alternate endings for Hurley and Kate, etc. as literal either. I think they are joking about any happy endings and warning us that it won't be all happy endings for our Losties, because Lost is about Life and it has equal shares of joy and tragedy. Here's my thoughts I wrote out last night right after watching Paul's video again:

The more I think of this Paul Sheer video that we got today, the more I think it's TPTB making a funny statement about us rabid Lost Fans.

1) Paul is obviously a rabid fan.. has his own 'Lost' blog, going to comic-con, creating Lost "Art" and even has a Mr. Clucks cup in his car.

2) He is delusional about his creation (his painting), calling it 'awesome' and saying that Damon and Carlton loved it. He just can't believe they would throw it out! Now, I don't want to hurt anybody's feelings here, but how many of us would think ANY velvet painting would be 'awesome' enough to think of hanging it in anyplace other than maybe in our basement furnace room?! I'd like to see hands here.... LOL! He fantasizes about his "theory" that Darlton will welcome him with open arms and even ask him to help with the scripts of Lost (once they realize Paul put his fan-fiction on the back of the painting.. LOL) We rabid fans have been known to think our Lost theories and creations are spot-on true and wonderful (or maybe even better than the show itself) and worthy of praise by all, right?

3) In typical rabid-fan style, Paul will do anything, including faking his way in, to get an audience with Darlton. I envision similar things maybe happening in Hawaii with fans trying to see the actual shooting of the episodes (and who knows? maybe going through the trash) so they can report back to us the juicy spoilers they've found.

4) Paul is so engrossed in the map he made and so excited about being there, that he doesn't even realize that he's in front of the office building that he's looking for and totally misses the fact that Carlton runs right into him and Damon walks right by him talking on his cell phone. That's a bit like not seeing the forest for the trees. Are they subtly accusing us fans of that? It also reminds me of the idea that when it's all over, we'll all be saying 'It's been right in front of our eyes the whole time.' LOL!

5) He's such a rabid fan that he even knows which day of the week the trash goes out.. lol!

6) The things that he does find in the trash bin are, well.. they are trash!

I was being really skeptical last night that this was even an ARG, so it's interesting that we're finding out it will be. Maybe they are telling us we need to look at the bigger picture and not get so bogged down in riddles this time??

maven said...

Yes, BS, I think you've got it down right. Anyone of us would be "acting" like Paul if we got half a chance! LOL

When I made my Lost quilt I was worried about copyright infringement of the images (of course, it's for personal use and I will never sell it). I thought ABC and/or TPTB would come after me! So I really identify with Paul and his fan art!

Anonymous said...

,,My personal coincidence is that I finished reading Arthur Phillips'es " The Egypyologist" just a few weeks ago..which is all about turning ones dreams,, Imagination,,into reality..or as the Surrealists put it.. Unifying a mans internal world and a mans external world ,,into a 3rd reality,,a one reality, tyhe Surreal.. Paul kinda did that in his video, don't ya think?. Now..I suspect, that is what we can expect in season 6. Instead of conflict,, rather a unification of sorts...MEL

Black Swan said...

Yep, maven.. you and I were thinking the same lines. That's right, you have a more personal identification with Paul and his fan art! LOL!

Mel, that book sounds really interesting (I might have to check that one out). And I totally agree that we will see a unification of sorts in the end. And the Losties have to all get together again in one "timeline" because the Island still needs them!!

Zort70 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zort70 said...

Zort70 said...
Paul has just posted about Seth Norris.

I read this earlier today but it sounded like it was in the category of casting spoiler so didn't say anything.

But this update doesn't say anything one way or the other and seems totally unrelated to the plot, apart from what is at the end of the post :

"BTW: Thanks for watching my video, all this excitement has really inspired me, I painted 3 new pieces last night. Can’t wait for Saturday Night at MIDNIGHT"

maven said...

So are going to be getting 3 new works of velvet art then?

Also looks like Paul's blog is going to used for spoiler keep us enticed for S6!

Anonymous said...

BSwan..The Egyptologist is like no other book you've read,,except,,if you have read the original Dracula. Its in that style,the " epistolary " style. Its as dark if not darker, as LOST and hilarious at the same time. If one understands that its about dreams and imagination becoming real,,from the beginning, then it unfolds beautifully. LOST. Creating ones future, fro.m what we find in our unencumbered Imagination,,is the surreal "path" to a unified person.

I can already see,, paul sheer as the paul cauldwell character. This Seth prank,,speaks to a bit darker side of our " Joker" fool....MEL

Scoutpost said...

Well I know that if it were confirmed an ARG, that that would break the rules so to speak...what is it? breaking through the 4th wall..or something like that. If this is all just for fun then that is ok with me too. I'm all for a fun distraction until January. I just hoped for a little clarification because I don't want to stay up until 1:08am waiting for a video, or spend lots of time trying to figure out the significance of jpg labels if there's nothing cryptic to them. Nor do I want to wait up until midnight Saturday if all Paul's going to do is post pictures of his new art. No offense Paul, if you ever read this ;). If it's all for fun, just going along with what's posted, then I can wait until the sun is up and I've had my caffeine before I see what Paul has been up to. just sayin' :)

Tess315 said...

I agree scoutpost. I don't mind spending time looking for clues if they're there to find. But if they're not, I'll just follow along at my leisure.

It is something fun to follow until season 6 starts.

Capcom said...

I'd say that the 4th wall never even existed in this hiatus fun. The audience has been addressed personally and directly from Scheer about the show from the start, with no imaginary realm or aspect whatsoever. Same with Lost-U, once the show is addressed directly, crossover contact with the audience has been breached. IMHO. :-)

Some have wondered if the rose also alludes to Rosicrucion aspects, and I'm wondering if Ellen has noticed anything like that with her prior experience. :-o

Anonymous said...

I just know that "Black Velvet" might be a new religion, with it's main shrine in Portland Oregon...

(Love the comments...You guys keep me tickled!!)

Zort70 said...

I wonder if the three pictures will be on Paul's site or whether we will need to find them on the web ot in real life, like the glyph hunt.

Glad your enjoying it thin, I'm off to bed now, see you all tomorrow.

Zort70 said...

sorry that should be

...on the web or in real life,...

Tess315 said...

Bite your tongue Zort. If I never see another glyph hunt it will be to soon. ;)

Anonymous said...

Well I agree that the 4th wall was never there on this one. The second paul stepped out of the audience,,the wall disappeared..But hold on here,,there is still mystery (as there should be)..what is this Ronie Mildew Farts and its Alexandra and her adamant " This Will NOT HAPPEN!!" Obviously a negative force to pauls forward dreams. I suspect,,more than just watching,,will be expected from us. Inother bailing out on this ARG,,you have already given up..acquiessed to the,, " This Will Not Happen"..C'mon! rise to the challenge!! There is beauty in the metaphor and IT CAN BE YOURS!! Hows that for an Alternate reality.?...kind regards...MEL

Anonymous said...

I thought the "Dharma Wants You" ARG was cancelled by abc because of money issues. What would prompt abc to begin a new ARG now? Did the network get some of the baillout money or did Hans strike it rich with the 'cash for Dubai clunkers' program ?

Capcom said...

Right Mel, the "alternate reality" this time is just the imaginary trek that Scheer is on with his painting and troubles therein, that we get to witness and possibly participate in to a degree, if we get to snoop around a website or something.

Too funny Thin. I would guess that it was Hoodlum's financial problems last year that were most of the problem. But ABC has some deeper pockets than they did, for this year. For ABC, it's probably the same amount of promotional money to either put up bunches of billboards nationwide and create fancy mixed media ads, or to play some shenanigans with an actor, some home movies, and a fake website. Heheh.

Anonymous said...

Cap..Alls I can say is,,I have a print of DC&PB that was Gifted to me by Paul, simply because I was interactive at his websight,,So , standing around and watching,,will get you just that,standing around and watching. The key to this ARG may lay in being active at Pauls sight. And I swear, If the RMA sight ever opens to interactiveness..It will suffer terriblely.

What I am saying is..Write Your own script to this ARG. Go to Pauls DC&PB site and post.. post like you are talking to him face to face, hes a comedian, so post your sense of humor, let yourself loose at his site. have a ball. One warning jokes about Britney Spears..I laid a few down at pauls site and they got edited out faster than Britney remember her rite, Britney Spears..anyway, faster than britney cut all her hair becareful of celebirty bashing.

Again.. one has to realize that there is infinite Alternate Realities,, not just one. so, its like,, every one has their own Alternate Reality..Our duty express each of ours. There by ,,we create " art". We all become " artists". Imagination and reality become one,,unified. If you have access,, it seems to me that is the message of the three sneak peak videos they showed at Comix Con.

Im saying I smell ARG all over this DC&PG,,and as posted above..this one is like no other. The challenge is not in what you think...but in HOW you think..kind regards..MEL

Capcom said...

I agree Mel! :-D This hiatus thing, whatever it may be, would be nothing without Lost fans' participation, for sure.

Zort70 said...

There is a new update on so :


Ellen said...

Yes, I did notice the Rosicrucianism, it denotes the "blood of sacrifice." It can also denote the heart or "where your treasure lies."
IDK, maybe some relevance?