Update - The admins at Lost University have shut down this thread as it appears Damon and Carlton were not behind the posts below.
On the
Lost University website in the forums section there is a forum thread in the 'Meet Fellow Students' section that appears to be started by the real Carlton Cuse, here are the messages from Carlton and also one from Damon :
Hey everybody.
by CarltonCuse » Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:15 pm
How are we liking Lost University so far?
by CarltonCuse » Wed Sep 23, 2009 1:44 am
Good, I'm glad everybody likes it. In approximately two short months everything will be up and running. As for the Blu-Ray dilemma, we are working on alternate solutions for those of you who don't have a Blu-Ray player or a PS3. Again, thanks to all of the Lost fans who keep us going. I'll keep you all updated on any information about either the Season 5 Lost DVD's, or any other questions you have REGARDING LOST UNIVERSITY, NOT our TV show. But stay hungry for some more invigorating Lost, early 2010. Inquisitiveness is golden. Thanks again, Carlton.
Re: Hey everybody.
by DLindlof_ABC » Wed Sep 23, 2009 2:09 am
Greetings Carlton. I find it very ironic that I can't fit my whole name as my username on my own site. Anyways, I just wanted to say again, as Carlton said, thank you all for your support Lost fans. Without you, we wouldn't of had the opportunity to continue with Lost. Thanks everybody and we WILL be posting updated information about all of your LU concerns. -Damon
Go directly to the thread on the LU website.This post is just for information as it is quite cool to get some direct interaction with TPTB
(The Powers That Be).
You have decided to be a Black Swan and chea..sorry wrong ARG :-)
1) While trying to open the hatch, Locke tells Boone the story of the statue of David, which was created by what Renaissance artist?
2) Who had a dream, which recreated Verrocchio's "The Baptism Of Christ"?
3) Which of these elements is NOT depicted on the mural in the Swan?
The Number 23
4) There is a picture in Widmore's office that depicts a polar bear and what?
A Buddha
5) In Jacob's cabin, there was a faded painting of what type of animal?
6) According to the Orchid Orientation Video, what property of the island allowed the DHARMA Initiative to conduct experiments of both space and time?
Casimir Effect
7) What types of objects must never be placed inside the Orchid vault?
8) Which of these DHARMA Stations is known to reside over an area of electromagnetic activity?
9) To protect yourself from nosebleeds and other harmful side effects while time-traveling on the island, It is important to:
Identify a constant
10) Which of these characters is known to speak Korean?
11) Who translated the French distress message heard on the radio?
12) Which of these characters is known to speak Arabic?
13) What does the the Latin phrase "Ille qui nos omnes servabit" translate to?
He who will protect us all.
14) Finding a source of protein is important for human survival. Which of the following food sources did the survivors of 815 eat as a source of protein?
15) In the pilot episode, Locke is seen eating what type of fruit?
16) Before moving to the other side of the island, the Tailies caught, killed and ate what?
A Chicken
17) Which of the following two people did not share a tent at beach camp?
Shannon and Boone
18) Who was the first to say "We have to live together, or die alone?"
19) Which of the following LOST characters shares their name with a famous philosopher?
John Locke
20) What hieroglyphic symbols can be found on the Hatch countdown clock?
A Bird
21) Which of the following characters grew up on the LOST island?
22) The four-toed statue is believed to represent which of the following gods?
23) What was the hydrogen bomb on the island named?