It will get updated as events unfold.
7pm (est) - Show has started, no updates yet.
7:15pm a caption on screen reveals the new URL for Frame number 3 -

(first mentioned by Eugene in the comments)
7:30pm - Davide told us that the poster information is updated to say "This poster is on black paper", which is an update to the screen shot that was initially captured.

1 – 200 of 237 Newer› Newest»Has anyone else noticed that the Sold Out sign has moved on the Locke Poster.
It is now at the top, where it was in the middle.
Ha. I posted exactly when you launched NEW POST. Afternoon. Ready?
I'm ready, although I'm not sure it will be very exciting !
It would SEEM like they are handing this one to us without much mystery. I am not taping. R u? #tmag25 #aots #lostARG #ReverendMilo one of them bound to catch.
new DVDuesday Full Grown Men, . . .
watching now
sorry not watching. here's the text holding the spot.
Film expert Chris Gore is back with three new DVD releases that you should buy, rent or pretend like it never existed. Today, he reviews Full Grown Men, Second Skin and The Union.
Almost time to get our next url.
I'm not taping as I'm in the UK and can't get the station. Not unless I have a very large satellite dish.
I'm taping in case I don't hear correctly. But I'm sure it will be up here and Zort will have it on the front page before I can blink an eye!
I will be following the show, if you would like Twitter updates, (if you are out on the road or whatever), you can follow me @dasituationroom Thanks!
Full Grown Men ;They've got their whole past in front of them.
Second Skin - "the first feature length documentary about virtual worlds and the gamers who live in them"
The Union - Marijuana documentary, ends with quote "through the looking glass"
Yeah - am taping and will post comments here and on twitter.
Here we go.
Watch the feed at the bottom too.
Watching the feed, too...
Never mind, my Twitter isn't working... :(
Is it safe to say that the website won't appear till the DVDuesday segment?
All I've got to say is TPTB owe me big time for making me watch this show.
That's what I'm thinking!
Sayid'sgirl: I was thinking the exact same thing! People actually watch this because they want to? No offense to anyone!
LOL I just chatted to my brother "This is the first and only time this show and G4 will ever be on my TV"
Sounds like the show isn't to everyones taste.
Maven, the poster may be up quicker than that.
Come On Guys The Show is actually pretty cool, and besides they rebroadcast it at four am while I'm getting ready for work so I guess that's why I watch it.
was it LOL
Hi David, how's things ?
Sorry but I don't have a 14 year old boys sense of humor. No offence. Because my husband does. :)
Good Zort... Steve and I were working on a new podcast and I accidentally lost the audio.. He and his wife are probably gonna have a baby this week.
Around the net on AOTS:
(No Lost References)
5. - scooter showoff
4. - pepe deluxe salami fever
3. - hoof hearted
2. - million dollar baby
1. - vacuum collector
Commercial for a "Two Months, Two Million" - not sure if it is a real show. Had a website 2M2MM.
Wish Steve and his wife all the best.
Alright that was a stupid bit!!!!
How is that a character poster? :(
I have one of those disintegrating in back of my house.
been lurking...
It's ugly!
How was it revealed ?
I am majorly disappointed. :(
Post updated
That is cool!
haha - yeah - they did it before the DVDuesday
Anyone getting it??
Not my favourite so far.
I for one have always loved the DHARMA van :)
where do you see "character posters?" figured it was for memorable moments
There is a segment called "around the net:. The site flashed on the screen.
I seen the url scroll by as I was looking back at the tv when I was reading posts. So I missed the first part of it all I seen was something about a net. I thought it was it but wasn't sure.
Zort: A graphic just popped up with "
I heard the girl say it and then was shown on the screen.. sounded like Lost. I'm not watching very closely.
I dunno, the whole 15 lost, 1 found. I thought it had to do with characters.
Maybe since it says 'on sale soon' because it's a decoy...maybe there's a hint coming on Dvduesday...long shot but you never know!
Do we still have to watch the show?
amy lynn - ditto. disappointing
wonder if next clue is in DVDuesday
The posters are about watercooler momments.
DVDuesday is on now.
@Anonymous I think it always says "on sale soon" right after it has been anounced.
And it's done...nothing.
they're not meant to be character posters, they're posters inspired by iconic parts of the series. Dharma van certain is an icon!
keep watching they might decide to give us two posters this time...or even something else!
OK, I'm OK with the Dharma van, but made of flowers on a solid black background? Who was the artist behind this? They don't even say, just "Methane Studios"
I haven't really been following this stuff very closely. Is it pretty much just selling the posters, then? And they give clues beforehand to know where to look first for them?
Does anyone know how long it was before the Locke poster went on sale?
I was on th way back from the Boston thing so i never got to it until it was already gone.
Was it hours? Minutes?
If DVDUesday is on and nothing announced, then why all the clues pointing to it ?
Eugene, I'm pretty sure the Locke poster was online for several hours before it sold out.
Zort: It could be just to show it was going to be Tuesday's show. That's the special segment of the day.
The url was shown just before the DVDuesday segment.
there's a mistake.
in the screen you have on they say "this poster is on black poster".
Now it says "paper" :)
wow, sounds like ya'll didn't like AOTS...kind of glad I can't even get it! Not sure what to think about this one....the Locke one had to grow on me, maybe this one will? Or maybe I'll wait until next time. This one looks kind of glow in the dark like the Hurley one, wonder if it is?
you can click on the van and move it (in firefox at least)
maybe it is a clue
Black Swan, yes that is pretty much it, however there are some underlying puzzles that are not resolved yet.
Eugene, I think the Locke poster went on sale about 30 minutes or so (maybe less) after it was revealed. It sold out the next day I think.
Mark McDevitt and Robert Lee artist at Methane. Other poster designs include Dave Mathews Band.
hmmm...this one is horizontal...think I want to go for the vertical ones, so I can hang them together.
Thanks for the info. So I have a shot. I actually like the Dharma van.
Thanks Zort.. I should try to catch up if there are puzzles to this. I noticed inside the bagua on the van the numbers are there and an extra highlighted something.. is it an "S"?
notice the file designation
Tim, I can't move the van with my copy of Firefox.
They just showed again.
Guess it is the only link that they post tonight.
would it be 1-1-1 because it's the third poster?
It looks like an S above the number 42 inside the bagua on the van door.
LotteryTicket we now have
What else is differnt. NO copy, no mention of LOST, etc.
I'm on firefox and can only see a shadow of the van move when I click and drag.. probably because it's a gif file?
BlackSwan, I think it is just the 15 from the sequence before.
new image at dcaapb
Firefox 3.5 - nevermind, all of the poster images move.
could be, zort.. could be a 5
why would it be highlighted, though?
you can order now....
you can buy now!!!
The poster does not resize well at all.
I'm on Firefox and I can move a copy of the poster around.
i got one. not sure what number.
Start buying's on sale!
Says my order number 327.
Scoutpost & LotteryTicket.. looking at your avi's, I'd say you are related somehow.. ROFL!
I think I got one. Every time I tried to check out it told me that it was aduplicate order. Finally got an order number though.
I guess that's it.
we "Mad Men-ed" ourselves.
heh heh Eugene...duplicate order, just like your duplicate post! ;) Glad you got one. I think I'm going to sit this one out.
Eugene, everything is duplicating for you at the moment !
I think I've got funds for a couple of posters, but this isn't one of the ones I'm going for.
I was very close to getting the Locke one, but I left it too late.
order 320
I'm order # 335. I had to have the Dharma Van that was one of my favorite episodes.
I ordered mine just a bit before you LotteryTicket and my order # is 325... I wonder if that's literally the amount of orders that have been made from the Midfew Arts site...
think about it, there were less than 300 available of the Locke print, and the Hurley print is not sold out yet... that might add up to 325 orders total from the site... Not sure what the relevance of knowing how many orders there have been but, it's something...
Ok, so now that's done...ready for the next clue!
Yes. Darn computer is giving me fits. It keeps freezing on me. I think I better go finish the dishes.
Well, if that's it for today then I'm going to bed, got to get up for work tomorrow and it's nearly 1am here.
Congratulations to all that got their poster and for those that didn't here's hoping that the next one is more to your taste.
Reverend, expect a 'first place ribbon'to go with that unbelievably fast ordering!
A new image on the hub page of the caption on the screen during the show.
Definitely going to bed now.
Night all.
Yes good job ReverandMilo I was trying to be first but my computer like Eugene's was giving me fits. Ah well. I'll still have that cool Dharma Van that relates to Hurley to me.
I used my iphone battery up refreshing after the url went up.
Scoutpost.. ah, Mad Men! I don't watch it, but my daughter just loves that show!
g'nite, Zort! You're doing a marvelous job here!
Sayid'sgirl, glad you got it!
Thanks Black Swan.
yep, I got one too. My bf won't be too happy but hey, at least I didn't get the real van like I wanted !! I'll put it in my new work room where I make all my Lost things :-)
I hope that your daughter is over 21 Blacky! :-o
That's a very groovy poster, but not to my liking (or rather my VISA's) so I'm passing. I might fork out for a Faraday if one turns up. Good luck everyone in getting a DHARMA van! And great work everyone!
I've never actually seen it (Mad Men) Black Swan, but someone posted a Mad Men website where you could make an avi of yourself, so I did! Must've been a slow ARG day. LOL
Well if they've got one focused on a Dharma van I think it's a pretty sure bet there will be one with smokey featured. :) I was figuring it would all be character centric until now.
As for this week's. It's nice. It's a very cool take on the "flower power" of the VW mini bus and the Dharma Initiative ethos.
Only gripe for me is the numbers inside the dharma logo, which I think distracts from the larger "thrust" of the van's role in Lost. for the G4 thing... I applaud their ability to coordinate and orchestrate all this... but even for someone participating from home it's more fun to read/hear about people lining up for cupcakes or getting wasted in a club in LA than it is to watch TV (which most people at home are doing anyway) :/ ... so here's hoping for more in-person events going forward.
Well, now that we've seen that the posters are not limited to characters, I think we should be watching for storyline clues rather than simply basking in the beauty of the art. I'm thinking that maybe the line-up of the posters will tell part of the story, i.e. Locke and Hurley are going to ride in the VW bus or something like that. Also, I think we should be taking note of the various web addresses, maybe they will connect together @ the end or maybe we will see them pop up in dialogue during season 6.
The van almost is a character in it's own right.
I can't imagine Lost without it now.
If there is anyone that has received their Locke poster then could we have any closeups of the poster ?
The bottom wording and symbols especially.
I think the numbers are on the van because of the episode Trisha Tanaka is Dead. When Hurley got the van started and decided to have hope and believe that he wasn't cursed by the numbers.
Sayid'sGirl - do you think the numbers will feature on every poster ?
They weren't on the Locke poster were they?
Good point, I'll wake up in a minute :-)
lol No problem. :)
I haven't gotten my Locke poster yet, but I'll post the info here when I do, if no one else has by then.
Hey Capcom
I didn't know you ordered a Locke poster. I must have been asleep that day.
I'm still holding out hope they'll have something Sayid related, but I don't think he had too many watercooler moments. ;)
I haven't received my Locke poster yet either, but ditto capcom, I'll post pictures when I get it if it's not old news by then.
You know the DCAAPB site says, "...were commissioned to create artwork celebrating one of the series' most memorable, and unforgettable, "water cooler" moments."
So that leads me to believe that the posters will not necessarily be "character" posters, but rather posters of memorable scenes/moments, and some of those will center around characters, but some may not. Not sure if that even makes sense...I am tired and haven't had my caffeine dose this morning. ;)
Morning all. I haven't received poster either.
Poster 1 Hurley centric, has numbers, and quote "A curse. A curse upon your clan! [not LOST cannon] site:, Hurley to 'not real'Anna Lucia epi: 5.02 (88) "The Lie"
Poster 2 Locke centric wheelchair & knife, site: from Alex to Sawyer, epi 3.07 (56) "Not in Portland"
Poster 3 Dharma van with logo and numbers, site: Jack to Sawyer, epi 2.22 (47) "Three Minutes"
If there is a pattern here, I don't see it.
If it reacts to black light, maybe Roger Workman's corpse will be revealed in the driver's seat! One can home there at least a little something extra there. :)
Zort: I noticed you wanted a better look at the info at the bottom of the Locke Poster. I don't know how they got a higher-resolution version of it already, but slashfilm has a big file of it, where you can read most of the text at the bottom (It's all related to the TV show, director, producers, stars ets. And the numbers do show up, on the bottom left)
In can be viewed here:
That would be so cool! I was hoping to first to get what ever extra gift comes with this one. My hope Dharma Beer! No I don't drink, but it would be cool. Or a Roger Workman skeleton.
Thanks for the link.
I guess that answers your question zort. Looks like maybe all the posters will have the numbers somewhere.
I wonder why and if it means anyting? lol
That's good that you at least get a free gift with that one.
Number are below the "trim lines" in this image. It will be interesting to see if they appear on the posters that are sent. Also, order of cast members is alpha with the exception of de Ravin. She is listed before Andrews.
Poster sponsored by Oceanic and Dharma.
Amy Lynn
A Jimmy Wellington sent the blog an email saying he recieved a print of Damon Carlton and a Polar Bear for being the first to order the Hurley poster.
I read either on this blog or Dark's forum that someone got a skateboard deck for being the first to order the Locke poster. (I'm not sure if there has been any proof of this)
So I'm presuming that all first orders will get an extra gift.
It would be cool if they do.
In the Dharma logo on the new print, there's definitely an extra highlighted number in there along with the famous #'s... this link shows you a closeup of the Dharma logo:
"5"? What's the significance of 5? I really hope the artists didn't screw up the #'s or something...
Also, is it just me, or is there a SKULL hidden in the flowers on the left side of the van?! Could it be ROGER?!?!
Steve, I'm positive that it is just the 15 in the sequence, the 1 and 5 are different colours and that could be some significance.
I see what you mean about the skull, it does look as though there is something behind the flowers.
Another larger version of a poster, this time the dharma van, at Slash Film:
Can't figure out the brown at the back of the van, and the '5' in the picture looks like it's part of the '15', but the 1 nad 5 are different colours...
Nickname unavailable said...
...... And the numbers do show up, on the bottom left)
Thanks for the link, I see the numbers there, so I subconciously knew they would be there !
Although this is quite a large size, I would still love a higher resolution version when it arrives.
From a previous post comments section -
Deneph said...
I'll try to get some pics to you, there was a Dharma skatedeck on my front porch tonight when I got home. Seems I was the first to purchase Locke's Secret.
It doesn't say if the poster arrived at the same time.
Sayid'sgirl - what would be the extra gift in this case though ?
A toy Dharma van model painted in the same way ?
Has anyone commented that there are 16 footsteps on the Locke poster ?
I'll stop posting now as that's four in a row.
Has anyone noticed the icon of the new website?
Thanks zort for finding that comment.
I'm not sure what an extra gift would be if there is one at all.
Maybe your suggestion. Maybe a dvd of ATOS NO!! lol Could be a Hurley figure, which I already have. Actually it's my daughter's.
I don't know it's hard to say.
I was just going to post that you get an AOTS t-shirt :D
Zort70 - I definitely see a Skull in the Dharma Van print upon closer inspection. And I also see an extra number in the numbers equations as well, here's some links to my findings with photoshop:
This first pic is a closeup of what I believe is Roger's skull in the print: link
This pic shows you an outline in red, of what I believe is Roger's skull: link
Also, here's a closeup of the Dharma logo with the numbers in it: link
You can definitely see a highlighted extra 5 in there, along with our normal "4 8 15 16 23 42"
Here's a highlighted (in red) closeup of the numbers: link
Let me know what you guys think. If it really is Roger's skull in there, it makes the print that much cooler! Also, I'm hoping we can see it better when there's a blacklight on it or something...
Hi there! I'm the one got the skateboard deck. It arrived a day or two before the print showed up. Not sure where to post a picture.
That's definitely not a skull.
You shouldn't have to look for Roger, he should be behind the wheel. I think he would have been a nice touch.
Deneph, you can email them to the email address if you have any for us.
Also, in this pic (closeup of Dharma logo in latest print): link there's a space after the 5, with room for what looks like possibly another number... Possibly with a blacklight, or if it glows in the dark, another number would be revealed?
This also makes me think, and this may be jumping the gun a bit, that there may be hidden numbers in each poster, that may lead to a final print, or perhaps something else...
I know it's a bit much, but there's definitely room for another number, or something, next to that out of place 5...
I think you guys are just overthinking this. The artists on this poster just did a bad job.
@Amy Lynn - Hahah, that would suck... My first thoughts were, they screwed up the #'s.. I really hope that's not the case... That's a pretty big screw up for $50+
I'll stand by my Skull theory though... I see Roger in there, peeking at us!
Not great pictures of skate deck and letter on their way. Can't wait to find out what the next first customer gets. Good luck!
Actually, it might be a skull facing the other way?
Check out the enlargened photos in this thread;
I've created a new post (non commenting with the pictures of the bonus deck and letter.
The numbers on the van does stand out as a particularly bad screw up if it is not deliberate.
Maybe this was a draft of the image and they corrected it for the final poster prints ? We will see when they arrive.
The only thing that I can see that might be considered wrong with the numbers is the 5 is a different color than the one.
But there isn't any extra numbers.
4 8 15
16 23 42 4
8 15 16 23
42 4 8 15
16 23 42
@Sayid'sgirl - The thing is, there's only 1 instance of the numbers being highlighted.
The sequence IS in order, as you've typed it, but only 1 instance of each number is highlighted, except for that 5 that is the same color as the highlighted set.
Hopefully Zort is correct and it's a screw up on an early version of the print... Otherwise we have a pretty bad $50 mistake... OR, it's a clue.
I guess I'm easy to please because it doesn't bother me.
comment re: Ronie Midfew Arts letter.
Are these letters being sent with each poster? Can they be considered part of the fun? Should be ask the owner of the velvet painting if he received similar?
Ok I see what you're saying now.
But it still doesn't bother me.
I'm not sure it's a mistake. But the only one who knows for sure is the artist.
I think the Ronie Midfew letter is only for the first order poster.
Paul Scheer is remarkably quiet since he met Mr Midfew, although he did Twitter the URL last night
The different colour wouldn't put me off if I liked it enough to buy this poster.
I only got the letter with the board, I didn't get any sort of letter when I ordered the Hurley print.
Are you kidding Sayigsgirl?! Sayid has tons of great w/c moments, liiiiiike breaking someone's neck with his ninja ankles! But I guess that wouldn't make a good poster subject. :o)
Good point Socutpost about the "moments", I hope that there's a Statue poster, even if I can only afford to print it out from the online version to have it.
The real Paul Scheer is dead, heheh. J/k
I'd like one of the Sayid/Nadia reunion behind the airline hangar
...quick thought...remember ronie midfew arts translates to windmore fine arts...wouldn't it be cool if some of these prints turn up in season 6 of lost. That'd be sweet!!
LOL Capcom
I actually thought of his neck breaking skills. But it probably wouldn't work on a poster.
Or the death by dishwasher. eek!
Some him and Nadia would be good though.
Yes, Anon, I'd love to catch a glimpse of one during the season.
To have it displayed full frame and close up would be too much, but just a part of one or two in the background would be great.
Some of him....
Talking of the possible skull, on the Methane Studios pages there is this possible match for the outline that Steve drew and linked to above. It is the one entitled Peace Skull on the right hand side when the page loads.
Methane Studios
Sayid'sGirl, I was trying to think of a possible Sayid moment as well, and apart from beating up Ben (then again who hasn't) I wasn't sure what itmight be.
If I were producing one, my concept would be of a peaceful Sayid in the center (meditating ?) with lots of chaos going on around him.
that was the exact thought I had of him too. him meditating.
Zort - Nice find! Looks like a similar skull to me!
Hmm, so did they repurpose a skull from a previous work? Or is it just that their skulls look similar?
I'm really hoping for some awesome revealing blacklight element! Especially since I bought it already...
Still not sure about that 5 though... What's the significance?!
Also, not to be TOO nitcpicky, but since I bought the damn thing I have a right to complain a bit... I know it's an art piece, but at least TRY to be a little more true to the show by at least HINTING that the Dharma logo is actually on the FRONT of the bus...
It's not a deal breaker, but just, you know... Being as big a fan of LOST that I am, and i'm sure you all are, it bugs me just a BIT...
Sayid? I always thought of him as a tormented lover. A poster in a 007 Bond vein would be nice.
Here is a tribute I did for Sayid couple years back. I get teary when I think of Sayid, but I chuckle when I think of Naveen.
Interesting Steve, and as an artist I would tend to agree that authenticity should be important in representing someone else's concept. But I guess that TPTB gave these artists some creative leeway and this is the interpretation that one of them came up with. ???
@thin: after the economist aired there was a really cool mock poster of Sayid floating around titled "The Jarrah Identity" -- I'm really curious what they'll do for Sayid... it better be badass.
Okay...when's the next poster?
Couple thoughts before bed.
Damon has said the 'Numbers' meaning or deeper mythology will not be explained, though after that statement the TLE ARG revealed the numbers to be the core values in the Valenzetti Equation. Since we know that Dharma was experimenting with 'time', could the Numbers be someway tied to time?
Consider the Mysteries of the Universe (MOTU)segments are scheduled to air on dates that correspond to the "Numbers". MOTU also had a copyright date that some Lost fans believe are the 'Numbers' in Roman Numeral format. (IV-VIII-XV-XVI-etc)
Also in the Abrams Wired Magazine cover, the issue date was next to the reversed phrase "Crack the Code"
Haven't the first 3 posters had URL's associated with Roman Numerals?
I don't think we are now experiencing a full blown TLE like ARG, with this Poster art, but maybe some clues are being presented that are not in the artwork, but just below the surface. Something to do with 'time' or 'dates' ???
forgot to check in for email when zort made the newest post :(
oh well, enjoyed belatedly reading all the posts, anyway!
Hi Ellen, there have been quite a few comments to get through.
thin - there may well be something bubbling under here, but I'm not sure we have enough information yet to make even an educated guess on what it might be.
I've just looked at the DarkUfo forum and someone pointed out that in the letter there is anotehr spelling mistake :
"...not a band combo..."
So thin get your puzzle soving parts in gear.
So ironic that I can't spell another (that isn't a clue !)
Hey zort
I was going to suggest you email Mr. Wellington to see if his letter has any typing errors but see you already made a post requesting that.
I followed the link to lostpedia but could find the letter. I always have a hard time navagating that site. Was there any errors in his letter?
couldn't find...
To early in the morning for me to be typing. :)
The first person to receive the Hurley print also got a letter Lost Pedia Link
I can't see any obvious mistakes and it is similar in style to the second print letter.
Alexandra Miller finishes the letter in both cases as "Best and Thank You" not something I've every used on a letter.
Sayid'sGirl, we are definitely thinking the same things about this at the moment :-)
It's about lunch time here, and I still can't type.
...I've ever used...
Duh maybe I should learn how to use the scroll wheel on my mouse.
In other words I found the letter. lol
I told you it was too early.
While we wait. Here's how to make your poster come to life.
Nice find.
Not a Band combo... Geronimo Jackson?
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