Thursday, September 10, 2009

Frame 5 Clue 1 124

A new clue is posted on the hub page, Roxanna has told us in the comments that skarphedin over on the DarkUfo Forums has recognised this picture as the University of Arizona book store :

skarphedin says that either side of the US Flag is the Arizona State Flag and the other side is the University of Arizona flag.

Thanks to mistersh0w and Lottery Ticket for first telling us about the clue.


MJCarp said...

I'll repost here: only connection in Lostpedia to Arizona is Hurley's dream of drive there with his dad.

Zort70 said...

I'm going back to bed now, but I have seen that the Dan Brown book "The Lost Symbol" will be launched on September 15th according to the University Book Store web page.

Given the possible link with the Da Vinci Code in Masquerade that may well be when it is going to happen.

Congested said...

Interesting... At my uni you need a uni ID for bookstore access so it'll be interesting to see if that's the case if the bookstore is where the next event will take place.

A Lost University tie in would be cool as well. Though doubt that's where this is going. :/

Congested said...

...& Nice connection there, Zort.

maven said...

Scoutpost is going to be so happy! She's in Phoenix!

MJCarp said...
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Scoutpost said...

maven- I know!! I'm soooo excited! As long as it doesn't happen this weekend- since we'll be at the Grand Canyon. But the 15th would seem a likely tie in and although Tuesdays are not a good day for me...I could probably rearrange things to get down to Tucson. Wonder if my mom would want to go with me...let's see how do I begin to explain? This conversation could go much like Hurley explaining the island to his mom.

Amy Lynn said...

I hope you can make it, scout!

Congested said...

Yeah that'd be awesome. Hopefully you have a better experience than we had this week here in NY.

Cheif Brody said...

I'll bet it's Saturday, Scout. They'll probably give out another hard clue sometime tomorrow during the day...and the final easy clue Friday nite at midnight.

Been trying to draw my own connections about where the events are being held...and how it might connect to the show...(Nice connection BTW, LotteryTicket!)...but so far...nada. Was wondering if it had something to do with where the artists are located...but too lazy to google all that.

Which character do you hope the newest frame will feature? I'm wanting to see a Ben...or Alpert! Or maybe a collage of the Others...with Mr. Friendly, Goodwin, Ethan, Miss Klugh, Patchy...surrounding Ben and Richard...with a signal fire plume of smoke rising in the distance...that spells out "The Others" as it rises.

Scoutpost said...

I'll be bummed if it ends up being over the weekend...rotten luck.

maven said...

Ben MUST be featured in one of the posters! An Other collage would be great, Cheif Brody!

Scoutpost: How long of a drive would it be for you?

Scoutpost said...
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Scoutpost said...

maven- door to door it would probably be a little less than 2hrs. It takes about 1 1/2 to get to Tucson.
Let's just hope they wait until Monday or later to reveal it.

Andy said...

seems like all of them have been on Tuesdays, haven't they?

Unknown said...

hi everybody!
i think that zort put us on the right direction; the page of "The Lost Symbol" on the Arizona Bookstore website has a really convincing countdown!

Zort70 said...

The dates of release so far are :

16th August - Sunday / Monday
26th August - Wednesday
1st September - Tuesday
8th September - Tuesday

That reminds me I must update the timeline post for the latest poster.

Zort70 said...

Is it me or does the front cover of the Lost Symbol book remind anyone else of the Startgate symbol for Earth ?

CerberusVenting said...

OH MY GOD!!! I literally used to live 30 feet from this bookstore and i can get to it by bus in 15 minutes, so i will definitely be there with my phone taking any pictures and sending updates!!! I can't believe they are doing something in Tucson!?!?!

Zort70 said...

I'm assuming it's quiet today because of the 9/11 anniversary.

Thoughts and Prayers to those that were affected, directly or indirectly.

maven said...

8 years ago the world changed. Never forget!

Great for you CerberusVenting! You'll be our eyes and ears. If you twitter, let us know.

Lisa-Maladylis said...

I'm late as usual ! but here.

Lisa-Maladylis said...

maybe watch this site for a clue ?

Tess315 said...

Remembering 9/11


Anonymous said...

zort, are you saying Lost is going to do some cross-promo thing with the Lost Symbol? That would be odd, imo. Dan Brown's books are such a huge franchise unto itself; seems like this would just muddy the waters so to speak. Plus, Disney wouldn't couple with Sony (owns film rights to Dan Brown stuff) -- or would they?

Capcom said...

Scoutpost, tell your mom that it's like a college treasure hunt, she should know what that is. Altho we're not going door to door for our stuff. :-)

Zort70 said...

Anon - Yes it would be odd to do something cross promotional, but you never know.

Zort70 said...

Has anyone spotted that underneath the Frame 5 picture frame there are some extra pixels.

It could just be that the person creating the image was a bit sloppy as they do line up, sort of, with the handshake pic or it could be another part of the larger mystery.

Zort70 said...

I think I have to say sloppy, as they do line up with the portrait original if you resize them to both match.

MJCarp said...

Just played Mr. Brown's lost symbols game. Took a while to get it perfect. You get a message about find a encoded phone number on 33 books that he is signing (or something like that).

MJCarp said...

Dharma skateboard deck in the D23 Lost University dorm room. or

Eugene said...

After a few more posters MY room might start to look like that. Thanks for the link, Lottry Ticket.

MJCarp said...

Starting to think this weeks poster may involved college life! Run up to 22nd registration for LU.

Congested said...

Hey I've got a site suggestions for the banner of images.

It would be a nice touch if clicking the posters along the top bar would take you to the corresponding post with all the information about that poster. A few times I've unconsciously clicked one expecting that to happen and figure it could be a quick way to get to an older post.

Not sure what other people think of that... but just thought I'd put it out there. :)

CerberusVenting said...

okay so i set up a twitter account and will be posting updates from the U of A bookstore event , i don't see any reason i wouldn't be able to make it, as long as i know ahead of time when it is. all updates will be at
i don't know how all this works so i guess just follow CerberusVenting however you do that.

Zort70 said...

Congested, your wish is my command :-)

It was something I had been thinking of anyway, so you gave me a prod I needed to get it done.

Is the new header what you were thinking of ?

Zort70 said...

Thanks CerberusVenting, I'll go and follow you now.

Tess315 said...

Clue 2 up for frame 5.

Zort70 said...

New Clue on the Hub page - BearDown

CerberusVenting said...

So I just called the U of A bookstore and asked if they knew anything about any events there in the coming week, or anything related to L O S T, and i could literally hear the girls face on the other end doing a WTF? she put her manager on who also hasn't heard anything yet. Seems they are as clueless as the employees at the other locations.

Zort70 said...

BearDown is the official motto of UofA

Congested said...


Yes! Exactly what I was thinking of! ...Though it occurs to me now that a link to the category for each frame would work too (and include all subsequent clue posts).

But yeah, it's very intuitive now. Thanks. :)

Also I emailed the admins (and I'm assuming you get those emails?) a QTVR I made of the book store. It's low res... I may try and post it somewhere and link to it in the comments if I can figure out how. Not really helpful as far as clue solving, I know.

Zort70 said...

There is a blog called

Zort70 said...

Congested - yes the admins got the QTVR, I'm not sure what to do with it though.

TomRex said...

There is a home Arizona football game tomorrow night. I'm thinking the timing may be about right.

Zort70 said...

Congested, you are making me work hard tonight, I've gone back and categorised every post relating to frame 1, 2, 3 and 4 and updated the header so when you click on it you see all posts for that frame.

MJCarp said...

Here's a link to photo from BearDown FB page. Shows those cute mascots.

Who's going to a football game? But wait, it can't be in the stadium. Is there a public tailgate? Or, sports pub/club.

or maybe this:

There's a polar bear looking at me.

Congested said...


I think your work paid off, however. By the time we get to frame 16 it will be a very handy way to navigate through all the posts. Nice job, again. I promise I won't suggest anything else until Monday. :D

Congested said...

^^That page has music with the Bear Down Arizona song. The wikipedia page already linked on the 2nd clue post has the lyrics.

A quick YouTube search also has some clips of the song being sung at games by fans.

Congested said...

Sorry for the triple post. Screwed up the first link in my last one. It can be found here:

Zort70 said...

Good work everyone, I'm going to bed now, back tomorrow.

MJCarp said...

Dharma wheel? at the zoo. Just looking around. Fun stuff.

TomRex said...

A tie in with this would be awesome. It starts on the 14th.

Capcom said...

Can't wait for your reports, Cerberus. :-)

Boy, a polar bear poster would go fast I bet.

Capcom said...

P.S. Cerberus, I got the same reaction when I went to the Knoxville Airport last hiatus asking about billboards for an imaginary airlines. I was afraid that they were going to call security, but after I told them that it was an ABC scavenger hunt of sorts, they gave me some hints on where to look. But the OA billboard wasn't anywhere near the airport after all. :-\

damiangarcia92 said...

I believe it's UofA against NAU at the football game tomorrow. Seems like a reasonable place to reveal a new poster.

maven said...

Think they'll post the new site on the scoreboard? Seems like they would need to be more precise that the reveal would be at a game to make sure some Lost fans show up. And, if it's inside the stadium, that would mean Lost fans would be paying for a ticket.

Melissa_Lossa said...

Hey, everyone -

Just swinging by to say hi. There's been a lot of drama at my job lately, and one of the developments is that my boss is spying on everyone's internet use - so, I haven't been able to keep up during the day. :)

I'll have to catch up on the action soon - I miss you guys!

maven said...

Hi, ML! How dare your boss do that! LOL Hope it's still not in effect during Season 6!

Thanks for checking in!

Congested said...

It may be worth it for someone to try contacting the Athletics Dept. or someone involved with the team to see if they know anything.

With no clue yet I'm doubting anything will happen tomorrow... having said that they posted late Monday as well... If I were near Arizona I'd be buying tickets to tomorrow's game and plan on keeping my eyes glued to any jumbotrons that may be at the stadium.

Anonymous said...

Hello all..I too called the Uof A bookstore. I got the Friday Nite Manager. He was clueless , except to say.. that the event that was scheduled for Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol had fell thru...but...he was going to get hold of the Marketing Dept and have them call me if there was any thing to say. An " Eeka " ( spl?) called me a while later and did confirm that the Dan Brown book release had fell thru..I pressed her on any Lost Related Event at The Book Store on the 15th. All she would say was..come in and find out...When I told her that I mite be there at 7:30 am when the bookstore opened,,she giggled,,and said,,that would be cool..End of conversation...

So.. I plan on being there one way or another at 7:30 am,Tuesday the 15th,unless clues indicate otherwise. Inorder to accomplish that,,I would be leaving from Phoenix,,,very early..5 ish....Now..if any body would like to ride along,,say ,,even split gas cost,,keep me awake during the ride down..I need to know soon. I have room for one person, comfortably ,,two , but someone is going to be cramped..In any case, there are other options as well,,rent a Van??

I am going there. Anybody in Phoenix who is willing and able to also go,,lets do it!..If you would rather go solo or with somebody you already know..I understand. I am just saying..if you are open to explore possibilities..I am listening...kind regards..MEL ( mungonna)

maven said...

Anon: Sure sounds like the bookstore is it. I think the Bear Down clue was to let us know it was UofA...which was already guys are always a step ahead of the clues!

Check with Scoutpost...she's in Phoenix. She's so looking forward to something happening in AZ!

Sundeep said...
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Andy said...

hopefully a couple more clues, I don't want to be glued to the computer this weekend, lol.

you guys should use twitter, lol.

CerberusVenting said...

I think we're all stressing a bit over nothing. Looking back over the other poster posts/clues leading up to the release of the website, all of them have told us at least 24 hours in advance where to be and when to be there so i think we just need to wait for the next clue and then we'll know for sure.

Zort70 said...

If we didn't stress, worry, hunt and search we wouldn't be Lost fans :-)

BarbaraJay said...

I'm guessing that the clue won't be at a football game. If I'm not mistaken, ABC owns ESPN. Even though there is a game at Arizona today, it's not being broadcast on ESPN.

Anonymous said...

" Bear Down" is also a song,,a pep song,,so ,,it is sung at every Uof A football game...but we already got that. Stressing?, no,,,just creating a future,,turning a dream, into a reality.

This ARG,,is like Performance Art...We are the Performance/ Performers..We make the Art..We are the Art..We turn our Dream of being Connected to our favorite show, LOST,,into a Reality.Unless steered by other clues,, I am going to the U of A Bookstore on Tuesday Sept 15, and explore the Unknown. Anybody wants to come along,,is more than welcomed.....MEL

Zort70 said...

Mel, just don't do too much performing in the book store.

Zort70 said...

I've updated the timeline post and moved it to the post before this one for anyone that wants to see it.

Anonymous said...

Zort..Ha! I have contemplated wearing a Mc Cluckey Chicken suit to this event..then scaled down to just an eye patch...Maybe I'll just cut out a Dharma logo and tape it to my shirt. I plan on bringing the camera...MEL

Scoutpost said...

Anon- I would love to go with you since I'm in the Phoenix area too, but I have kids I'll have to get to school and even make arrangements for my third who has speech therapy that morning. I was going to try hard to go, but I won't be able to leave until 8:30 and since others are going to get there at 7:30 (which is great!) I probably won't even try to go at this point. Hope you make it without problems- maybe we'll know more when they post the next clue.

Tess315 said...

It's a shame you won't be able to go to UofA and find the url for the next poster.
I know how much you wanted to have something in your area.
Hope you have fun with your Mom at the Grand Cannon this weekend.

Zort70 said...

Scoutpost - Have a great time at the GC, I've always wanted to go there some day.

I'm not going to be around tonight as Mrs Zort is doing a charity walk at midnight, and I'm a marshal on the route.

I'm assuming the reveal won't be tonight as there hasn't been an announcement yet.

Anonymous said...

Interestingly enough..despite the news that the " Lost Symbol " event has fell thru...the bookstore has put up a clock for when " All will be revealed"...Seems to line up with Midnite Monday/Tuesday Arizona time.. Perhaps a significance there. The store doesn't open until 7:30,,but the internet is 24/7....MEL

TomRex said...

I received an overnight Saturday delivery package from Alexandra again!

They are very specific with the timing of the release of other parts as well.

Here is the letter:
"Dear Thomas,

2nd time! CONGRATS! Thank you so much for your most recent purchase of our fourth released print in the LOST Underground Fan Art Project, "Eric Tan For The Crash." What amazing speed your fingers must type at in order to be the first person to order two prints in a row! To thank you for being the first order, much like we did with the giclee print last time, we have included the custom made Cupcake Dharma jumpsuit worn by Crumbs bakery on the day of the poster's release. Wear it in good health. Or even wear it on your first day of school. That's when all the cool undergrads wear their new digs.

Thank you for your purchases and keep up the fast fingers!

TomRex said...

I have a feeling we may see some Lost University T shirts at the book store. The jumpsuit is brand new with all of the tags. Nothing special about the tags or anything.

Zort70 said...

Wow TomRex, that is fantastic.

I hope we will get a picture of you in the jumpsuit.

TomRex said...

I'm a big guy - over 6'4" and the jumpsuit was not made for my type.

Pictures are coming though!

maven said...'re starting quite the collection! Take of pic of it!

Do you think the "hint" in your letter is "first day of school". Did UofA start already?

maven said...

Nope, UofA started in August.

maven said...

BTW: If the jumpsuit doesn't fit your body type....I'm sure it will fit mine!

Zort70 said...

They must be keeping track of who is ordering if they recognised that you are a 2nd time first purchaser.

MJCarp said...

TomRex you are the man! Can't wait to see photos!

"new digs" not "new duds" ?

digs refers to place
duds refers to clothes

Is the Student Union new?

Monday/Tuesday looks right. Still curious as to why AOZ. I was still hoping for the polar bear at the Dharma-wheeled-gardens-zoo. Right Zort70?

MJCarp said...

I just found virtual tours at the Bookstore. Cool. I'm I the last to discover this?

MJCarp said...

While we are waiting check out this:
Virtual Reality Annex UOA

MJCarp said...

A Wildcat/Arzt moment: watch to the end.

BearDown image:
I'm usually pretty good at finding the exact screen cap for DCaaBP clues. However this one's eluding me. I have screen cap of image from AoZ trademark specifcation page. The mark is number 32. But I can't find where it's being used. Anyone see the blue background image?

Amy Lynn said...

I'm a little behind on reading comments, but was this always part of the BearDown clue?

"Wildcat Readers, see you on - J. Perkins/R. Morrison"

MJCarp said...

amy lynn you beat me. Let's figure this out.

TomRex said...

The Wildcat is the student paper

Amy Lynn said...

But it's also the mascot, right? It could just refer to "readers" as people who read books?

Congested said...

Hmm just saw it too.

Could they be players? Richard Morrison is on the roster it seems.

Congested said... is Joe Perkins ;)

MJCarp said...

radio personalities

link coming

Congested said...

I think it's the player's saying "See you on ___" with the date left blank.

TomRex said...

Arizona is playing Iowa next Saturday.

Hmm. It will be on TV. On ABC

Amy Lynn said...

That's still a week away... pretty far for how fast these clues are coming.

Congested said...

Here are the player bios:

maven said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Congested said...

@Amy: Maybe there is some event with Joe Perkins and Richard Morrison attending? ...

gkpipes said...

from the darkufo arg blog site:

J. Perkins is #9 on the football team. (September)
R. Morrison is #14 on the football team. (14th) ... l-mtt.html

The Arizona Bookstore on 9/14.

maven said...

Looking through the Daily Wildcat...nothing yet.

maven said...

gkpipes: That's pretty good! Tuesday it is!

MJCarp said...

Wildcat Readers ? in the library?

Congested said...

Where did the bookstore info come from?

Congested said...

The darkufo link quoted is to the full roster (where I found the bios):

Congested said...

...Ah I see. The date was made using their player numbers (9/14).

MJCarp said...

There is a reading area in the Bookstore/Student Union. I'll also take a look at the library.

MJCarp said...

Writings Out of Time: The University of Arizona's Cuneiform Collection

Throughout the fall, Special Collections at the University Libraries will host a new exhibit and lecture series examining the origins of early writing and literacy. Writings Out of Time: The University of Arizona’s Cuneiform Collection, on display from Sept. 14 – Dec. 8, 2009, is an archaeological exhibit showcasing the Arizona State Museum’s extraordinary holdings in Near Eastern antiquities. Curated by Beth Alpert Nakhai, professor of Judaic Studies at the Arizona Center for Judaic Studies, Writings Out of Time will feature some of the world’s earliest writing artifacts. More...

This was mentioned earlier by ?TomRex? can't find it
This event is in the Library

MJCarp said...

Main Library next to BearDown Gym

TomRex said...

Here it is again:

MJCarp said...

Sent Zort70 google earth image where you can see roof top of gym and library next door.

Who's going? YeeeeHa.

need time. Think you'll get a book?

What's the poster? What the webaddress?

Who's a wildcat?

Inside the Rock Poster Frame said...

New Clue "Wildcat Readers, see you on - J. Perkins/R. Morrison"

Perkins is a safety and Morrison is a QB. Watch the football game tonight I bet.

Unknown said...
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MJCarp said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zort70 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zort70 said...

Hi all, I've just got back in.

I'm going to look through all the new stuff now.

Regarding the URL's please don't post them in comments here. If people want to be spoiled then they can go find the info themselves, but they won't find it here.

Unknown said...
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Zort70 said...

Please note everyone that the link mentioned contains what I consider to be spoilers, do not go there if you don't want to know.

TomRex said...

I would love to know how this was discovered. Both the blog and the sites.

Congested said...

Without going into details on the spoilers I'll just say that TPTB can easily make adjustments if they are so inclined.

Zort70 said...

NEW POST for the new clue.

Zort70 said...

Djinn - apologies but I have removed your postsas they contained the links to the spoilers.

Please email the admins email if you have any concerns.

Ellen said...
