Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Poster 6 as it happens 114

This post is to update and discuss all the action from todays poster reveal, updates as they happen.

Remember to follow

Other people to follow on Twitter that have said they will be going :

8:40pm (cdt) PacesOilChange close up of the guitar URL.
8:35pm (cdt) PacesOilChange URL confirmed.
8:25pm (cdt) PacesOilChange picture of guitar, the URL is on the guitar in red letters.
8:20pm (cdt) PacesOilChange picture of the drumkit
7:45pm (cdt) ReverendMilo is queueing.
7:30pm (cdt) ReverendMilo@pacesoilchange stuck just a few blocks away be there in a jiff plz wait #lostarg #fob
7:10pm (cdt) from PacesOilChange Map where the picture below was taken.
7:10pm (cdt) from PacesOilChange
7:00pm (cdt) Dallas #Lost fans representing for fall out boy gig & @petewentz #lostarg #fob
6:00pm (cdt) ReverendMilo and his tickets


Amy Lynn said...

/starts obnoxiously singing AGAIN


TomRex said...

Let's do this!

Zort70 said...

Just put a picture up of RevMilo's tickets

maven said...


MJCarp said...

Taking my seat for the show. Order my LU tee. Thanks for the heads up.

Scoutpost said...

Been trying to order my LU t-shirt, but it just won't take my order...I've been entering and re-entering info then waiting for "loading" pages for half an hour!

maven said...

Twitter is "over capacity" at the moment! Hope that's over soon!

Ben DeRoy said...

OK, this may not really belong in this particular comment field, but the frame 5 discussions has stagnated and I feel I should point out a thing I noticed in this picture from frame #5. Behind those six Dharma beer bottles is a picture of some man (don't know who he is and there wasn't enough image data to read the text) with Babar the Elephant pictured behind him. Sawyer did in fact refer to Hurley as "Babar" in the show which was notably in Ben Linus' introduction episode "One of Them", but more interestingly, Elizabeth Mitchell and Michael Emerson will also be with the Honolulu Symphony to help them tell “The Story of Babar” on October 3-4. Now that I noticed the Babar detail, I think EM/ME's little gig may also have something to do with the ARG. This is also from the same frame that had the Juliet/Sayid bookmark, and Juliet's favourite book, Carrie, is beside the Dharma beer. I still don't know what Sayid has to do with this what with him being on the bookmark. Also, 3rd or 4th of October seems like a reasonable next date following this sixth one now.

Scoutpost said...

It's official...I give up on ordering a t-shirt. I get all the way to submit order and it sends me back to fill in all the billing info again. I've done it so many times, even closed out the site, restarted my computer and changed credit cards. Guess it wasn't meant to be!

Anonymous said...

Strange, just ordered my LU T with no problem.

Capcom said...

Intresting Ben.

Sorry that you're having trouble Scoutpost! Maybe try again tomorrow? I haven't even tried yet.

Amy Lynn said...

Love the pics of the fans at the concert in their Dharma gear, ReverendMilo!!!

maven said...

Amy Lynn: Link?

Amy Lynn said...

maven said...

Thanks, Amy Lynn. (I thought you were watching the concert somehow!) I'm following RevMilo!

MJCarp said...

Nooooooooooooooo dont' give up. It did weird stuff for me too. And then . . *bloop* up popped the order form.

Ben deRoy, thank for the comments above. The man in the frame is the author of Babar. I love the link to Hawaii with Juliet. A classical music moment would be nice.

Twitter does have its tantrums. Let's hope a short 'time out' in the corner will do the trick.

Tess315 said...

You're welcome for the heads up.

Zort70 said...

Just added the pic to the main post.

Anonymous said...

New twitter update from Paces:

maven said...

I just see a blank google map thing.

Amy Lynn said...

Scroll out - it's a spot just south of Nigeria

lost815x30fey said...

I believe that is simply the back cover of a "Babar the elephant" book, since all of this is a showcase of all books referenced in the show. The back cover is showing through the glass display. But liked your theorizing xD!

Anonymous said...

Zort70 said...

Picture from PacesOilChange

maven said...

So the location is in the ocean south of Nigeria?

Unknown said...

Yeah, google map. Any guesses as to what it's for?

Unknown said...

Okay, so it points off the coast of Nigeria.

Anonymous said...

Eko-themed print?

maven said...

RevMilo says he needs to find this? I tweeted what we know...not much!

Unknown said...

Maybe we're supposed to shop at Levi's.

Anonymous said...

possibly it means the URL is Eko-related? Haha, I think some of you guys already have the URL list, but just wondering?

Anonymous said...

omg! I bet its Eko facing the smoke monster.

Anonymous said...

What about Krna? What could that stand for? Name of Eko's female friend? Name of Eko/Yemi's plane?

Zort70 said...

I'm fairly sure KRNA is just part of the short URL.

maven said...

KRNA is a radio station, but not in Dallas.

lost815x30fey said...

Well it is a radio station in Iowa, too. Haha.

Unknown said...

Ooh, it's in Iowa.

maven said...

RevMilo is stuck in traffic 3 miles from the show! :(

Scoutpost said...

Trying to follow along...but something must be wrong with my computer. I can't pull up the "knra" Nigeria map either. ugh. Switching to hubby's computer.

Anonymous said...

you have to zoom out on the map

MeSoCrazy said...

I feel like a kid, with my impatience and all the giddy I've built up.

Scoutpost said...

ahhh...thanks Anon. Now I don't feel so hopeless.

Unknown said...

No kidding Mesocrazy. The suspense is awful and a little thrilling.

maven said...

Don't worry, Scoutpost! I was totally confused at first! LOL

RevMilo now says he's a block away and will be there shortly! Yea!

Scoutpost said...

technical difficulties suck. Actually I think I'm clear on the ARG stuff now. Guess my frustration is carried over from the t-shirt ordeal...gonna try on hubby's computer.

getting excited!

andrew said...

Looks like the map just points to 0deg E, 0 deg N

Unknown said...

Well, the satellite image of the map looks pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

Scoutpost, look out, Widmore is on to you.

Scoutpost said...

Oh my gosh...I tried to order a shirt on my husbands computer and got the same thing! How weird (not to mention totally frustrating)! Seriously, I think I know how to enter my name and address and CC#! I think Widmore IS onto me!

maven said...

Were you able to at least log in, Scoutpost?

TomRex said...

I was able to pay with my PayPal account. It worked like a charm

Scoutpost said...

I'm trying to do it as a guest. Maybe that's the problem?

Anonymous said...

I think it is pointing to the place where the equator and prime meridian intersect...any significance - esp. with it being water and Charlie?

maven said...

Like I told you on FB...I had to do it as a guest...took 2 attempts, but it worked.

Scoutpost said...

Yeah but I tried like 5 times on my computer and now going for a third attempt on hubby's...trying a different email address this time.

Scoutpost said...

RevMilo is getting into the parking lot.

maven said...

He's in the lot!

Anonymous said...

Is ReveredMilo the guy who is going to announce it?

Zort70 said...

I love this instant reporting from real people that are at these events it brings the whole thing alive some how.

MJCarp said...

757 followers for pacesoilchange on twitter.

Zort70 said...

Anon, no he is one of our contributors that is going down to the concert.

maven said...

FOB is up next.

MJCarp said...

ReverendMilo is one of us.

He's our you.

Amy Lynn said...

LOL, LotteryTicket.

Anonymous said...

manomanoman...Im shaking...i have to leave for work in...10 minutes ago...arg, but i dont want to miss it. hurry hurry!!!

Unknown said...

Anon-You got stuck waiting for a train?

Roxanna said...

haha, I'm excited.
I am skipping the last part of my class to check up on this. I pulled the 'sick' card, so hopefully it doesn't come back to bite me.

but hey, it's worth it :)

Anonymous said...

no, at my home computer, watching the clock, refreshing my browser, and thinking of an excuse to tell my boss why i am late. i dont think he understand the important of lost. :)

MeSoCrazy said...

I checked and I do believe I am sitting on pins and needles. This is the first poster I've been this gah about. I don't care what or who it is, I just want it to get here.

TomRex said...

Anony - just say you got "lost" on the way

mistersh0w said...

Ugh! anticipation!!!! I'm staying late at work to see what the new print is! I'm going for order #1!!!

Super fast network don't let me down!

It's only 6pm here in LA!

Zort70 said...

Only a couple of minutes till FOB are on stage.

Unknown said...

Anon-yes, Iwas suggesting you could be running a bit late then get stuck behind a train. Sorry.

I hope this band is prompt.

Anonymous said...


maven said...

Hope RevMilo is near enough to hear or see what happens!

Scoutpost said...

6pm here too...need to get dinner on the table! And still trying for that stupid t-shirt...

Zort70 said...

For RevMilo's sake I hope they are a little late !

Anonymous said...

boss just called...gulp...gotta run. good luck to you all!

Unknown said...

Oh, true. Good point.

Zort70 said...

Bye Anon, hope you aren't in too much trouble.

mistersh0w said...

damn rock stars and their lateness... I predict we'll have the URL by 630-645 PST...

Scoutpost said...

uh oh Anon- ditto on the hope you're not in too much trouble!

Ok I've officially quit on the shirt for the 2nd time. I don't know what else to do at this point, it just won't accept my info.

Unknown said...

Pins and needles

Congested said...

apple-r, apple-r, apple-r, apple-r....

Zort70 said...

It's gonve very quiet in Twitter land

maven said...

No news coming out of Dallas!

Scoutpost said...

uh oh RevMilo is still trying to park...good thing the rock stars are a little late.

Unknown said...

I started a FOB song on iTunes, maybe that will help.

Unknown said...

Aw, bless Rev's buttons!

maven said...

RevMilo still trying to park! Hopefully @pacesoilchange will let us know something soon!

Scoutpost said...

LOL Will! Good luck with that!

maven said...

DC&PB does say "around" 8PM.

Scoutpost said...

Don't defend them maven! ;)

Unknown said...

Dharma logo on guitar.

Unknown said...

Drum kit, sorry.

CL said...

Amy Lynn said...


Unknown said...

Sweet print!

Scoutpost said...

deneph- how did you get that?

Scoutpost said...

Sorry I meant Dragon Mgmt.

RevMilo just got there.

Unknown said...

I searched #lost and someone there posted the pic. Am I allowed to post their link here?

mistersh0w said...

hmmm... glossy broken statue leg? I may have to get it... Very iconic/water cooler awesome moment.

maven said...

Interesting! But my first reaction is to pass on it.

Scoutpost said...'s the 4 Toed Statue, but you can't tell that it only has 4 toes.

Roxanna said...

Scoutpost... I agree. I wish we could see those 4 toes

maven said...

Would have been more interesting if Jacob and/or MIB were part of it. Cool effect though for the missing part of the statue!

MeSoCrazy said...

"Wipes brow* All I did was sit in my seat by that was intense. I don't have an immediate reaction to the poster, but I am intrigued by it.

Roxanna said...

by the way, this is the Twitter account of the venue in Dallas that posted that picture of the DI logo on the drum

maven said...

I saw the tweet on #lost, but I have no idea how they got that. I let RevMilo know about it.

Zort70 said...


Unknown said...

I feel like Des, stuck pushing the button. The refresh button.

Anonymous said...

TomRex, have you ordered yours yet?

Anonymous said...

The guitar pic has the link and it may have been posted prior to anyone noticing any other pictures.

andrew said...

On sale now