Saturday, September 12, 2009

Poster URL's

It's about time we cleared some things up about the URL's for the poster reveal websites as several other forums are awash with talk about them being found and now at least one blog has published them.

Ever since the first poster URL was revealed it was a fair bet that there would be one URL per poster, and after the second was revealed it was certain. So being an investigative sort of person I started looking for the other URL's.

At the time of the first poster I could not find any trace of them, but then, around the time the second poster was revealed, it became possible to find them all.

Around the 27th of August LostArgs was made aware that at least one other person knew, we have both been trying to protect the URL's as long as possible, but it seems that the cat is out of the bag.

Some points about these URL's

  • Having the URL's does not give anyone an advantage - as I already have them I can check which site will be live about 2 hours before it is revealed. The poster is not usually displayed until a couple of minutes before the URL is given out. The only thing this allows me to do is prepare a post in readiness for the reveal.

  • Knowing the site before the reveal will not give anyone a head start in ordering a poster. The posters have been for sale at least 30 minutes after the URL is made public at the clue location.

  • The URL's becoming public knowledge may result in DamonCarltonandaPolarBear changing tactics and the format of releases may change.

  • will not be publishing the list and will remain spoiler free to allow people who do not wish to know, the chance of staying unspoiled.

  • Please refrain from discussing the unpublished URL's in the comments if they are known to you.