There is some speculation in the comments that R H stands for Ron Herman as he bought a store from Fred Segal and has a store in Tokyo.
Looking at this image of the Tokyo store from the Ron Herman website it shows an Ivy wall and a sign for Melrose Avenue.
Also we have had the following extra clue from Andy as part of the first purchaser letter for poster 9 -

Thanks to LotteryTicket for telling us first about the clue and AndySchex for letting us have a copy of the letter.
1 – 200 of 308 Newer› Newest»First?! Ha! Get some.
In other news, I have no idea what RH means :-(
2nd! A lot of the pics I've seen of Ron Herman's stores seem to carry the type of fashion that was seen in the hanging sweaters in the clue...including the way clothes are on display. But I haven't seen the exact image yet.
Ok. I think I'm safe from another clue or url reveal overnight. So signing off.
Questions to leave you with, "Why high fashion" "Why Tokyo? "Is this a Rose or Sun related reveal?" and "What water cooler moment would revolve around them?" Paul Scheer was reduced to "swear[ing] on Jin's grave" at one point. Was he trying to tell us something?
Charles, pop over to the earlier thread for details on RH.
Right, got to go to work, speak soon.
I've update the main post with the Ron Hernam info.
Texas Tokyo-Tokyo Texas is one of the themes of Free City Let's Go, a brand of clothing that originated at Ron Herman.
Not sure it means too much, probably just comes from Harajuku. But maybe they'll give away a hoodie or tank with the URL on it -- yeah I know, already done with the frame 7 reveal.
@LotteryTicket - Thanks for the help. I'm actually getting married this Saturday and flying out Thursday so havent been paying as much attention as last time. If you all want to pray and hope that during the flight I get transported to some magical Island in the 70s with cool jumpsuits and frozen donkey wheels...
If they try for a 1-2PM reveal in Tokyo...that would be 9-10 PM in LA. That's been around the time the new clues have been posting.
Looks like there are some very similar sweaters here, plus the ivy of course.
A bit of a pain though if it going to be 1-2pm in Tokyo because that'll 5-6am in the uk.
The clues have been released a couple of hours before the actual URL reveal.
That's good for the UK, but bad for the US if it is Tokyo only.
By the way Charles, congratulations. Have a great day.
I always had a feeling that the ivy wall had something to do with Fred Segal, even though it's not from there. So, it's a good bet that the next clue will be at Fred Segal. Please, as I'll be near there tomorrow.
I've just been browsing the Tokyo store pictures and have seen this picture
It shows a wall of framed photos and the biggest is of an Ivy Wall
And even more, on that same image there is another framed photo of a road sign for Melrose Avenue.
I think we've got our place, now just waiting for the time. It's either a single reveal in Tokyo or a dual reveal in Tokyo and Melrose. Again, how about something in the southeast for once. I would drive for it.
Good work everyone!! Now just wondering about the time - does that mean that if the time/location is given this evening, then that is Thursday morning in Tokyo - so I am thinking would DCaaPB want to give Japan Lost fans more warning than a few hours? So then the reveal would most probably be on Friday morning in Tokyo.
Or am i confused with times and timezones?
It is quite difficult to work out !
It is about 8:15pm in Tokyo right now, 12:15pm in the UK and 7:15am in New York, so I would have thought that any reveal would be much earlier than now, or late at night in Japan if they want US citizens to have a chance of getting a poster !
The release time of the clues is usually a few hours before the release of the URL, so I would say it will be late at night for Japan, and early in the morning for US.
Thanks a lot - that helps with my bad attempt at guessing timezones! But so you think late night Thursday for Japan rather than Friday in Japan?
I am trying to work out whether to give Tokyo people warning they would do the in-store reveal the day after the clue goes out. So it would actually be early Friday morning for the US and Friday lunchtime for UK. (better for me becuase i will be on a train in the morning.
Ignore me if i am confused!
Sounds reasonable, but I don't think we will get more clues, only the final location / time information.
So I'm putting my 50p bet on Thursday.
Good Morning all
As soon as I seen the R H I knew I'd seen a store mentioned with those initials over at Dark's. But it wasn't paid much heed with the Fred Segal and the Marc Jacobs links.
I couldn't remember the name of the store though.
Well back to catching up on all the posts I missed over night. I hate it when these clues come out when I'lm sleeping everything is usually aready found when I wake up.
Caught up.
...and the conversation is usually done. lol :)
Morning kids!
All the clues for this frame seem to be going up while I'm sleeping. I'm starting to get paranoid I'm going to miss this reveal.
Just a guess but if they do have a dual reveal like they did with the Crumbs reveal. It probably won't be at the "same time". Tokyo is 13 hours ahead of the east coast.
It will probably be at the same (say 10:00am) time in their respective time zones like the Crumbs reveal.
That's the way I felt last week.
If I'm using the search function right at Dark's I beleive it was avondalebloger who brought up Ron Herman yesterday afternoon (eastern time) as a possibility.
Good call avondalebloger!
Sayidsgirl, Avondaleblogger has also said that they bought up about a dozen other places as well :-)
I have felt lke that on nearly all of the clues so far, especially when they seemed to be going up about 10 mins after I signed off each night !
Good morning TLCers! You guys did some great work on that last clue!
May you all have fast fingers and timely clues when the reveal happens...:)
Looks like Mel was right - there were more clues in the ivy
ok Just trying to be helpful. Guess I wasn't.
Anyone wanna call Ron Herman and see if they can get someone to confess something? :D
Morning all. I agree, these late night reveals are taxing. I was in QUIT mode when I saw the pre-RH image just disappear and a cursor blinking appear. Wierd, I thought. Refresh. Boom. New image. Late night.
Who's calling Ron Herman's today for a little pre-reveal investigation?
Charles, congratulations to you and your lovely bride.
Amy Lynn, you and I think simultaneously often! love it. Yeah, "confess" that's the ticket.
They probably aren't open yet, as it's 6:40 AM there.
When we're calling these places, has anyone thought to ask what lies in the shadow of the statue?
@Charles - Congrats! And I love your use of "get some". :)
Amy Lynn, I will add that to my previously posted potential LIVE CHAT conversation! lol ;)
My brother lives in Tokyo and if we need someone there, i'm sure I could convince him. Can someone Google Map link the location of the store?
2-11-1 Sendagaya
Shibuya-Ku Tokyo 151-8575
Emailing my brother now.
These clues are very addictive, in terms of thinking I mean. I even dreamt of it last night!
Sayid'sgirl, that was definitely helpful, it made me go and look a Dark's forum
I was just repeating what had been said a bit later on by Avondaleblogger.
Do we have the coolest group of people here at the ARG, or what! A man in every port (using that analogy in the most positive Hatch-light possible). If we manage to introduce @hirokitojo to Frank's brother I will be most impressed!
I have a feeling I'm going to miss this one. I will pay costs +$20 if anyone does pick up extra
morning all.
happy waiting!
I just posted this over at Dark's forum - but here is the link for the Ron Herman japan blog.
tomrex, I can certainly try. You, Stay Up, and I are now a Poster Triangle! cc: andyschex
OK, my brother live IN Shibuya, less than a mile from the store. He's kinda busy, but if we had to guess, when would we say would be the best time for him to go?
I live in Spain, it´s not Tokyo but we are 6 hours ahead of NY. If the poster is released before Saturday I will be online just in time to (try) to pick 1, if I don´t want it I could pick it up for any Lost fan who needs it. Just let me know.
My brother says this is an appropriate link for that address: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=2-11-1+%E3%81%9B%E3%82%93%E3%81%A0%E3%81%8C%E3%82%84%E3%80%81%E6%B8%8B%E8%B0%B7&sll=35.664035,139.698212&sspn=0.118128,0.155869&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=%EF%BC%92%E4%B8%81%E7%9B%AE%EF%BC%91%EF%BC%91+%EF%BC%91%E5%8D%83%E9%A7%84%E3%83%B6%E8%B0%B7,+Shibuya+Ward,+T%C5%8Dky%C5%8D+Metropolis,+Japan&ll=35.675601,139.710141&spn=0.007382,0.013829&z=17
Frank, RIGHT NOW. Oh, it's 11:30 p.m.
My guess is store hours tomorrow. If there is a giveaway, he can go any time (like Rusty's) The URL will be give up at LA store and on-line for our benefit.
I can call the Melrose store, but it won't be until noon PST.
Mornin' all (sneaking this in at work)
goheels -- I posted the Ron Herman Tokyo website and blog URL in the last set of comments. -- Thanks for bringing them forward.
Zort -- the press before the Tokyo store opening specifically mentioned keeping the ivy on the facade in Tokyo -- the picture you found of the Melrose store hanging on the wall in Tokyo confirms that RH=Ron Herman.
Frank -- is there any way you can get your brother to call the Ron Heman store in Tokyo to see if anything at all is coming up? The clues have been posting between 10-11 CT (2-4 PM Japan) so I wonder if the next set will post around the same time, or a bit later so that the reveal is early AM us and evening Japanese time. A 16 hour time difference seems to large to do separate reveals, unless they do the Japanese reveal first, then wait 16 hours for the Melrose reveal, then do not let the URL go active for another hour or so.
I'm street mode now. Looking/walking around Tokyo. Fun. Join me.
ObFu, haven't the clues all been between 11pm and 1am CST? I don't recall any happening before midnight EST.
Need a phone number for him to call.
@ObFuSc8: whoops, sorry, didn't see you had previously posted that!! all my hard work down the drain. lol. :) :)
Sorry. I've been a little grumpy lately, shouldn't have taken it out on you.
It was my misinterpretation.
The clues for each poster have been at different times but I'm fairly sure that all of them, apart from Buenos Aires, have been a couple of hours before the actual reveal event.
Don't know if you all have seen this. I'm not really in to getting these, but have had some fun with the clues...
...the single post in "information" on the RH blog.
No problems Sayid'sgirl.
I think it's time for site group hug, to remind us how great Lost fans are.
Hi Anon, that looks like the same picture that is in the photo frame on the Tokyo store wall.
Yup. I wasn't sure if it was old news for y'all, but thought I'd help out. (anonymous poster collector from the other site...see we're not all bad!)
Sayid'sgirl needs a little Sayid love. I am 'Tyson Whisperer'ing a Sayid poster for you!
Anonymous, are are 'in' it now. DCaaPB will have you hitting the F5 button every 108 minutes!
*make that seconds
*make that nanoseconds
Who is this Tyson I see people talking about all over the place?
Tyson Givens.
It's the return address on the posters also the name for customer service.
LT I'd love a little Sayid love. ;)
I need one too. All of that "talk" from previous entries really turned me off. I'm glad Zort has sorted things out. It's greatly appreciated.
Frank, Tyson Givens is the name given to our mysterious host (Gallery 1988/Clandestine Industries) who's name originated on the return address for each delivered poster.
I can help someone if it's tomorrow during the day!
Oh, I didn't know Gallery 1988 was involved. I really want to get to one of the pop culture shows they have.
Oh, my other question was, are all the print buys done through GoMerch like the last one was? I was one of the ones that got canceled, and i'm curious who's handling the sales on thi snext print.
Oh, Frank, that sucks. Yeah, GoMerch handles all of them.
Thanks LT.
5 minutes?
maybe 2 hrs. 5 minutes.
check the time stamp...
Wow, you guys are so good! It's amazing that you all have kept up the enthusiasm this far in! I'm getting worn out by it all myself, and I'm not even doing any of the work like you all.
Well good hunting today, going off to my Wednesday volunteer work, hope that I get home in time for the reveal.
Go Argies! :-D
Hi Tom, glad you are still around.
If you go over to my site DCaaPB.com
I keep links to each one of the G1988 blog postings about each print in the "brief" section under each print.
welcome to the madness!
With the posibble confusion about reveal site (Tokyo/LA) perhaps someone with more skill than myself can add the clocks for the different time zones as was done for Frame 9. Just a though (from someone who wouldn't have to do the leg work - so take it with a grain of salt)
The bird on the Free City clothing line on the Ron Herman site reminds me of "Par Avion" I love that episode.
Assuming the reveal is tomorrow, do we have an LA crew ready to go again?
Depending on the time frame, I may/ be able to go... but the chances are slim. Plus, I am worried about missing out on ordering a print if I do go...
I'm sorry if this has been posted already, but have y'all seen this???
I feel bad that I don't do any of the research that all of you guys do. You are so fast and so good, I'm just kind of a free loader. I follow everything, but I don't participate. Do you forgive me? I honestly wouldn't even know where to begin. But I want to say how much I appreciate it. And how I love reading each and every post going from this place to this place. So while a free loader, I am a free loader who enjoys herself. Wait that's not better.
I hope that this poster reveal, whenever it is, isn't as crazy as last week. Just in that I hope it isn't such a do or die in five minutes. I'm scared if I fall asleep at any point in the next 3 days I will miss everything.
Thanks for everything everyone. And for letting me ramble on and on.
Hello from Tokyo,
I think I could follow up this.
2-11-1 Sendagaya
Shibuya-Ku Tokyo 151-8575
So when would be the time in Japan?
Friday afternoon?
I can post pics to my face book realtime.
If it's an LA reveal there's a good chance I could be there tomorrow.
@Hiroki San
My brother lives less than a mile from the store in the Shuibuya district. If you see a big white American guy, tell him Frank says hi! :) I've got him going to the store tomorrow [Thursday morning in Tokyo] when they open. That's my guess as to when the reveal will be.
Hi Eric, yes we have seen it, lots of people have emailed and posted in the comments.
It's one of the things we are going to try and avoid discussing here as it has caused a lot of contention.
For the moment we will just leave the second hand market for posters alone.
Frank, Thursday morning in Tokyo is another few hours from now, right?
MeSoCrazy, don't feel bad, LostARGs is here for everyone to read. If you have something to add then feel free to do so, if not then enjoy the ride.
Hiroki Tojo - Many thanks for the offer, that would be great.
Unfortunately no one knows (apart from the Shadow) when the reveal will take place.
As soon as we know we will let you know, if you haven't seen it already on the hub page.
Eric, Just one question, are you Eric Tan ?
Got back home and my next door neighbour has bought me a round Smoke Monster !!! :-)
It is #201
Big white American guy :] What's his name anyway?
I will say hello from you.
The store seems to open at 11am Japan time so I will be there maybe 20 min before it!
It's 2:54 AM Japan time. Almost 8 hours to go!
Thanks, Hiroki.
For those of you who are going to follow the possible Japan reveal, they open at 11 am Tokyo time, which is
Aah nuts! Just realised 10am Japan time is 2am here in the UK, and I've got work in the morning.
are you guys sure this is going down today/tomorrow (japan)?
Wow, 11am Tokyo time is 4am Spain time, I´m gonna be soooo sleepy, lol But it´s okay, I will be up, I don´t have to wake up early until Monday, lol
hmmm - i will set my alarm just in case!
Luckily I have the day tomorrow off but I am going to the electric proms in the day, so fingers crossed i don't miss it! argh!
i need help heehee my computer decided he doesn't want to turn on any more.. so i'm using my mom's Macintosh, ya..
so plz tell me when the url will be reveled!!! i was lucky enough to snag the last poster, which im grateful for.. im just hoping for a Ben poster.
since this isn't my comp, itll be hard for me to check for updates.. thnx!!
@zort70 and LOST ARG folks!
Thank you very much . It will be great honer for us as Japanese LOST fans to be a part of legendary LOST ARG.
We really glad if Darlton cares about Japan and Japanese because before we had only Tricia Tanaka which was dead.
We now our Hiroyuki Sanada #1 japanese actor in Final season and LOST ARG is coming. We are having redemption!
I go now get some sleep.
Good night, Hiroki-San! :)
Don't they usually post a final clue (besides the live reveal from Buenos Aires) describing exactly where and what time the reveal is? I don't think all of a sudden the url will just pop up out of nowhere at 9 p.m. tonight. I could be wrong, but what are all of your thoughts?
Adam, the Buenos Aires frame was the only one that didn't have anything like that, it basically just said "go check out this mural right now."
Right, so I'm saying there should be one more clue/definitive time and location still coming so people shouldn't worry about going to sleep and missing it.
Arigato Hiroki-san!!!
It is amazing to have someone in Tokyo!
Sorry - that was me above as anonymous
@Adam - I agree, there will most likely be one more clue telling people where and what time.
@Hiroki-san - His name is Tim. He might look lost because he isn't part of this, i've asked him to do it as a favor for me. Help him out with Japanese-English translations if he needs it? He's friendly. :D
Also, you still have Hiro Nakamura and Ando Masahashi from the TV show 'Heroes'. They're some of my favorite characters. :)
So how do we know this is happening when the store opens? Usually they post a specific clue that tells us the timezone and day when the clue will be posted...at least 24 hrs before the reveal.
I think there will be one more with the time and place. All the others ( with the exception of the BA reveal) had explicit time and locations in advance of the actual reveal.
Hiroki-san, Whether or not LOST comes to Tokyo, Tokyo has come to The LOST ARGs. We hope that you, like all new followers, will stay with us till the very end!
MeSoCrazy, YouNotSoCrazy. You've crossed that magical line with your comment. Keep 'em coming.
knightsintodreams, do you have poster buddy? are you looking to purchase or just having fun this week? I am concerned that you will miss reveal.
Roswell, same as above. Do you Twitter? You can direct your Twitter direct messages from friends to your SMS (text) app on phone. Happy to dm you if need arises.
Zort70, "round Smoke Monster" What to say . . . :} :0 ;-)
LostinLondon, what are the electric proms?
Yeah, twitter: C_Roswell
Although I have never tried that thing about directing messages to my phone, how can I do that?
I am looking to purchase but just if there´s a character/scene I really like portrayed, as I don´t have enough money to buy all the posters.
Something Sawyer, Juliet-Sawyer (The incident) related would be a must buy for me as they are my fav characters, but there might be others I´d like to buy... I think I will be able to buy it myself as long as the poster is revealed before Saturday. But I might need someone to contact me when the final clue is up as it´s already 9PM here in Spain and the other clues have been posted when I was already asleep (later than 3AM here).
Sayidsgirl - I appreciate your giving me credit for finding Ron Herman 1st!! Zort is correct that I found numerous places that fit the clues. It's still nice to think your sleuthing efforts are appreciated though. Hugs from me!
Lotteryticket - they are basically concerts put on by the BBC. The Proms are famous concerts of classical music over the summer whereas these ones are aimed at a younger audience! You had to enter a ballot to get tickets, so I feel really lucky to go and don't want to miss it.
Depending on the time I may be in a concert and afterwards I am going to be on a train.
I tried testing today to buy through my phone but that didn't work, so I may be making a last minute plea for a poster buddy. I will be able to see the poster when it is revealed on my phone, i just can't log in to the GoMerch site to work.
Roswell, Twitter slow today. Follow @Lottery_Ticket.
You're welcome. Hugs back.
Like I said at Dark's when I seen the clue this morning I knew I'd seen it before, but couldn't remember who til I searched.
I only wanted to acknowledge you not to dismiss anyone else who has worked just as hard on these clues.
@LotteryTicket. Just replied to your tweet, my phone won´t accept tweets because I live in Spain ¬¬ Little blue birds don´t like Spanish people, lol
@LostinLondon - is it Doves tomorrow?
I'm in the uk too, I'll do my best to try and help you out if I'm in time to buy - got a bad feeling I'll miss it though!
Roswell, Twitter is FAIL today. Trying to send message.
I just called the Fred Segal/Ron Herman store on Melrose. The Gen. Mgr. is at lunch...I'll call back in an hour. Person who answered the phone knew nothing about anything! Yeah...right!
Isn't that how it always is? ;)
OK. I apologize for taking up space here to talk about Twitter. But Twitter is having some difficulties today. So here goes . . .
@Maven The workers may know nothing about it till tomorrow.
If you have Twitter, please follow @LostArgs, @ReverendMilo, @Lottery_Ticket, @comixguru to start. Befriend us. Check out our friends if you want more LOST connections.
Search and save #lostarg, #lostviral, #DCaaPB, #DCPB one of this topics will get you the url when posted. Saved searches will stay in the right hand column on your home page.
If you need a wake up ping via 'direct message' you can set Twitter d messages to roll to your cell phone (however, as Roswell notes not in Spain, yes in India, US, UK, CA, and NZ) Set you phone volume on, and put phone under pillow. (Mine keeps pinging until I answer text message.)
Anyone who direct messages me will get a direct message back. Just say "need a poster" Or, set this up with your poster buddy.
If you @Lottery_Ticket, I may not see it during reveal.
maven, general managers are always at lunch. lol
thanks mrtibbs - let's see how we go tomorrow! We can try and sort each other out if necessary. It is Doves tomorrow night - but I am actually going in the day to see Adam & joe - i love them!
lotteryticket - i just tried to follow you on twitter but it blocked me i am forgiveuforgetu
Steven! (sorry couldn't resist).
What are the bets on what the print will be of?
Is there a link with the clues & location?
I was thinking maybe Shannon, seeing as she was the fashionista of the show…
...just coming...
Employees usually don't seem to know what the heck is going to happen. That's why I'm going right to the top...General Manager!
I wonder if TPTB are frantically calling the general manager and telling him not to say anything :-)
Maven - hope you get them to crack!!
no mercy go maven
I hope you get at least a vague yes.
Go Maven!
Don't worry gang...I will try every trick in the book to get him to spill the beans. Unfortunately, I do believe there is an edict out there from ABC and/or TPTB not to say anything about anything before the release.
Off to dinner! Hope I don´t miss anything, lol
I really hope it is Not Penny's Boat this week, I really want to get it so I can get it framed and give it to my girlfriend as a Christmas present. I think she may spas out. In a good way, of course.
I'm at work all day tomorrow (UK time), but my work don't care if I slip out the back for two minutes to send a text or anything so should be fine.
I can act as a poster buddy for someone if they want, but probably best for someone in the UK, otherwise it's $82.15 in total.
Let me know!
Not Penny's Boat would be cool - and probably a fast sell-out.
maven, you rock for trying to call!!! :)
Martyn - thanks so much for the offer. I may you take up on it depending on what time the reveal is. I am happy to return the favour on future reveals if you need it!
maven's going covert for us again. Yay!
@Lostin London...
That's no problem. Just need the reveal time now so we all know where we'll be and if we'll need someone to buy it for us/someone.
...kate was all done up in the " We Got To Go Back!! " scene. matter of fact ,,except for the jail time,kate was wearing high class much of the O6 off Island time. If it has to do with fashion..it mite be Kate.
Just seen that Royal Mail IS striking, which means my Hatch poster, and i'm guessing others too, won't come for ages.
@Zort, glad you got yours today, otherwise it would be a long wait!
Gang: Just tried calling again...The General Manager is off premises and I should try again in another hour! I did talk to a very nice girl (very bubbly) and explained everything, and she did ask around....but no one knows anything about anything upcoming tomorrow or Fri. there or in Tokyo. She said she had gotten another call today. And she asked me why we're calling them. I just said we were crazy Lost fans and we all on the internet and we heard something was going down there this week. She was very nice.
I'll try again with the GM.
maven, love your explanation. Sounds like the time Hurley told his mom about the island.
Martyn, the poster came via Parcel Force, I'm not sure if they are striking as well as the rest of Roayl Mail or not.
Thanks for the investigative work Maven.
Oh right, I wasn't here when my Dharma Van arrived so presumed it was Royal Mail.
Saying that, I'm pretty sure Parcel Force is part of Royal Mail but i'll check.
Thank you for the glimmer of hope Zort.
Just checked, Parcelforce is run as a separate companies and no disruption to Poster services.
Postal services sorry.
So do I stay up all night pressing F5 or do I go to bed and get up expecting a new clue to tell me a reveal will happen in a few hours ?
Zort70. Can u set up Twitter direct message to roll to your cell phone?
Hard to say Zort -- I really hope we can get at least an estimate of when this will break, I have been up most of last night for work and probably can't keep it up too much longer.
Having said that I was really disappointed about missing out on the last 2 posters by just a few minutes since I was at work, so I might need some kind of TwitterFeed update so I can try to snag this next one.
I will check back just before the Tokyo branch opens -- after that not really sure what else we can do.
I like the idea that someone mentioned about Twitter, so if you follow me (dieweener), that's probably the best way to let me know you want me to get you a poster if you can't get to a computer or anything.
I'm off to go watch my Lost for this week. Night all.
Twitter from what? Sorry, no skill set in this department.
I could set up a twitter feed to my mobile, but generally when I go to sleep nothing really wakes me up.
I've managed to sleep through at least two earthquakes that I know about. We don't get them very big or often in the UK, but I'm usually asleep when they happen !
Nervous about this one. I'm afraid it's going to be revealed tonight or during my meetings tomorrow. I need a poster buddy - someone who can just throw me a text when they reveal the url tonight or tomorrow. Any volunteers?
Do we know about when it's supposed to happen yet? Tx.
Capcom - no not really, my best guess is around 8am Eastern US time.
Yo help those who need some temporal guidance, I've created a Timezone page
Yo help, is better than To help :-)
I could be wrong but I think we'll get a where when clue late tonight like the last few.
Late for me I'm in the Eastern time zone.
I see by the world time clock's that it is past my bed time no matter which timezone I'm in.
I'm going to risk getting some z's.
Night all.
Zort...don't you mean 8pm?
Someone earlier said that the store opens at 11am in Tokyo which is only a few hours away.
Attorney Greg, Twitter.com
go there. sign up, start following as per instructions above. Weird at first, then you'll get the hang of it,
Also heading off to bed!
LotteryTicket - please can you DM me on twitter when the time/location is revealed, thank you so much! i really appreciate it.
Martyn - I am following you so let's message each other tomorrow!
Store update: Still no General Manager on the premises. I was given the corporate number and had to leave a voice mail for James Bishop, the GM of the Ron Herman section of the store on Melrose. I think I left a nice message, "begging" for a call back. We'll see, and I definitely tried very hard for you guys!
@Atty. Greg: Like anything else, once you start Twitter you can't stop!
@Charter321, yes. The guy who lived in Tokyo said earlier the store opens at 11am, which is 9pm PST.
My brother says he may or may not be able to make it there [Tokyo store] at 11am, but he'll try. He'll just have to take an early lunch.
@ LT - Thanks
@ Maven - Perhaps then I should think twice.
Thanks Zort! Or I guess by now, Zzzzzzzzzzzort. :o)
Heading into the Chat Room. link on main header far right.
hurry up!...wait...hurry up! ...wait...this is wearing me out! ;)
hurry up!
no, wait.
Sun was the haute couture fashionista of the show.
Hi everyone, been folowing this site, but this is the first time i'm posting.
are we all in agreement that the location will probably be at the melrose fred segal store and/or the Tokyo fred segal store in Shibuya? And we're guessing it's either tomorrow or Friday (but most likely Friday)?
Here's an image of the Fred Segal/Ron Herman store on Melrose ave. from google maps Here
Anyone here planning on going? I'm in LA but I work all day, so i don't know if i could make it...unless i decide to take the day off...which i'm kinda considering
I is here.
Sorry I couldn't help.
come over to the chat room.
hi Justin. That is all we know for now
Thanks. I hope I could meet with Tim.
I will be there at least 10:30am.
Check out for my photo. facebook.com/hirokitojo
I will upload my quality photo to later.
Hiroki Tojo, Thank you for the photo
We are in a chat room awaiting your messages
It would be nice if you can confirm me as friend or I can't see photo.
I can see photos now. Thank you.
Mr. Hiroki Tojo is in the chat room. How cool is that!
Zort70 this is Mr. Tojo's Picasso link
Mr. Tojo is now on foot with phone and camera. He will post comments here
How do you get into the chat room?
@raj go to the top of the page and all the way to the right is a red ? and click Chat.
LotteryTicket. Can you set it up to d message me for the reveal please? Have setup Twitter from your instructions above. User name the same as here. Thanks for all your efforts! Awesome. Charlie.
all set, kiwi
Thanks LT!
Can someone please post whatever is revealed (if there is one) on here? I'm on my iphone at work and cant get into the chat room.
Aw come on, this is like waiting for a baby to be born! :-o
..now i understand why they do it a 2nd,,3rd etc etc time...
Well, by my timing its opening time in Japan - *...waits for sound of oncoming train...*
its not going to happen
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