The important information is posted not, as many had speculated, a simultaneous reveal but a reveal at Ron Hermans in LA at 10AM on Friday and an event of some description at the Tokyo store.
Thanks to
Hannah via email and
Kelly in the comments for telling us first about the new clue.
good morning. we have been chatting all night!
...and still are o_O
Dammit - will I never be #1!!??
kiwi you are #4...the first of The Numbers...
*waving!* as I fly by...going to sleep now! Good work all!
Well Blogger has had a big hiccup this morning and been down for a while, but it looks good now.
Perhaps we have broken it with all the comments !
Glad you're back Zort, stupidly thought TPTB may have taken you down!!!
Time for work see you all at 5.30! (BST)
Thank goodness for that! Was in a state of panic when I couldn't get on this morning!
I have just been chatting to Congested in the chat room, and he is thinking of setting up a Talkshoe forum after the reveal tonight, so that we can create a podcast.
It will probably be a couple of hours after the reveal, so stick around to voice your opinion.
Morning All & Happy Friday -
Great way to end the week. URL reveal... good possibility we'll be seeing Rousseau's Transmission start showing up.
Kind of hard to chat during work, but will be taking a late lunch, & will be F5'ing site. Hopefully we'll all get our hands on whatever poster is part of the "big" reveal. Wonder if "big" is any imdication of poster size or possibility that this is going to be a poster in "big" demand, but haven't all the last few been? :)
@Lottery Ticket - from your previous post... I say we still have a Happy Hour tonight. Know that I'm gonna need me some Dharma Beer after a week like this!
Working night shift right now. So much for sleeping Friday since I'll be F5ing for awhile.
Now the time has been revealed and.... I'll be up at 3:30am to be part of it. Who needs sleep anyway?
I only want 4 posters. If I had grabbed Smokey and Locke I wouldn't even be after any. I got Crash and Rousseuo.
alteridiom, why just 4 ? Space, money ?
Spoke with my friend Karen this am via Facebook - she is a sign language teacher in Tokyo. She can't go but is trying to get a friend of hers to go for us too. This way, we may have a second (backup) person if our other friend fails to make it for some reason.
yay - an OK time for Europe in the end!
Will stay late this afternoon at work again to make sure I am at computer in time.
Martyn and other UK people - are you ok with the time?
like i said before ill be at the tokyo store opening. ill bring the camera.
So exciting to have people at both locations - I wonder what the big reveal is going to be!! And what will be repeated in Tokyo...
Great sarkk, appreciate it.
I think I preferred it when it was at 3am. At 6pm, the store I work at closes and I won't be able to use my iPhone to get on the site.
I will defo buy it if it's a not pennys boat or michael killing ana lucia, so could I get a poster buddy in the off chance it is one of those two scenes?
So is anyone palnning on using Twitter to report, that is going down today ?
OK - that is a shame for you! If it is either of those two I will definitely do my best to get another one for you!
Let's message on twitter if we need to
Little bit of everything. Once it fired up and realized what was going on I wanted to set a limit. It made me be really choosey about which ones I would buy, plus I felt like limiting my purchases would maybe give other oppurtunities they might have otherwise missed. All in all I am enjoying the heck out of this.
Desmondia at Dark's is going. I know they have a twitter account because the went or was going to go to one of the other events. But I can't remember them twittering for it.
That's about all I know on it. I'll go over to Dark's and see if there has been anymore info about it.
*yawn* Good morning kids! Happy poster day!
Good morning. Will try to follow along from work when time allows.
LostinLondon: I'm ok with the time, it's a bit of a relief really, I was expecting a late one! How were Adam and Joe?
morning. happy poster day to all.
@desmondia on the Twitter feed
Only have a few minutes here this morning and then back just in time (SHARP) for reveal.
Comixguru, if you read this, we need more one to attempt second poster. I will also try. Poster buddy, Stay Up, reports that he is ok, however, there were several in the chatroom that were in need. Just use your best judgment, or post over at darkufo/arg poster buddy thread.
Scoutpost is working with Justin, our man on the ground for a poster for him. Justin has phone and will be posting pics to facebook.
Zort70, sorry to have missed your brief appearance in the chat room. I was off with Congested being geeky.
Hiroki and a friend of his will be at Tokyo RH for "bag".
I've just missed Hiroki in the chatroom as well
hi all. salutations from the tip of africa.
Just thought i'd intro myself. i've been following your threads for a while.
After some major leg work with customs/taxes/postal people here in South Africa, i'm finally ready to try and get my hands on some of these without having to mortgage my house in duties and levies.
(although i'm still gonna have to shell out $30 just for UPS postage!)... good luck to all today.
D-Day - Luck to all who want to purchase.
Hi roBotBoy, welcome along
You'd be an absolute star if you could try. I won't be too fussed really as it's for my girlfriends Xmas present, and I have other ideas and oppurtunities for the one scene that it wasn't. But this is top of the list.
I'll try and DM you in a bit to see how to go about this if the situation calls for it.
1PM Eastern time, right?
I can possibly get one for someone if they need it, but don't quote me on that because depending on what the poster is I may get one for my brother for Christmas. Also, I won't be around until right before the reveal. So, consider me a last resort. But I'd be happy to help! Good luck to everyone today, I hope we don't have a repeat of next week.
I love reveal days. And on a Friday too! Makes this even more exciting of a day. I think I'll take a half day and bail after I get my poster. haha.
Nineteenhundred hours german and egypt time, as established in chat today ;)
countdown for F5… via Congested
Yay! I'm still too sick to go to work so I'll be here for the reveal!
1 pm eastern, correct?
@thorsten - considering we are over 2 hours out, i think we have some time before initiating any countdowns.
yes, 1pm eastern, noon central, 11am mountain.
well, you know, my sensitive bladder!
nice mp3 thorsten. hah
Hi everyone. I've been lurking around here for a few weeks now, thank you to everyone for all of their hard work in nailing down these clues / locations / times!
I've been lucky enough to get the Smokey and Transmission prints (both not delivered yet, I'm in Canada) after missing out on the Hatch, Crash, and Locke (3 I really wanted). I also picked up the Love triangle one after it won me over after I stared at it for 2 weeks or so :) .
Anyway, if someone needs today's poster, I'll be happy to try for it after I secure my own (if I like it of course). I'm not sure if that makes me a second rate poster buddy, but I thought I would offer it. :) If someone wants that kind of back up, let me know, first come first serve.
Good luck to everyone today and thanks again for this great blog / site.
I'll post later on if I am successful
I already feel the need to hit refresh. These reveals are like crack.
Welcome tupalev. I am also a lurker who just started posting today (using a real account rather than the few anonymous posts I made before).
I started following this right after The Crash, and have been lucky enough to be able to purchase every poster since then.... unfortunately I haven't gotten any of them, as none of them have really set off bells in my head. the only poster that has been released so far that would have been an instant buy for me was The Crash... and when I got involved in this, it was the only poster that was sold out... booo!
I kind of feel bad for the artist of the first poster.... must suck to be one of the only ones that hasn't sold out.
My Transmission poster arrived - #114!
@ Trial Attys - Nice, maybe mine will arrive soon. It was my first purchase (kind of funny that the first one I wanted AND had the opportunity to buy sold out the fastest).
nice Trial. Hows it look up close? Sadly, I didnt grab this one.
I've got to travel home from work now, hope there aren't any traffic jams !
Anyway I've created a NEW POST to track the reveal today.
See you over there.
I feel that way too Exo, and also the triangle poster. I'm sure that by the end of the activities they will all be sold, to those who can afford them, or those who didn't get the one that they wanted and will go back for those just to have one.
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