Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Frame 11 Clue 2 - United Kingdom - Buchanan 186

I don't think there is any doubt about the Country now, but what about Buchanan

There is a Buchanan Street in Glasgow as well as well as the Buchanan Galleries shopping center (thanks Scoutpost and AmyLynn)

Roswell also found the source of the map image it can be found at www.vectorology.com

Thanks to Scoutpost for letting us know first about the new clue.


MiddayShadows said...

hi all!

Amy Lynn said...

Howdy ho! Hooray.

Zort, can you give the email address to send the event story to?

MiddayShadows said...

I hope to spend much time in Scotland one day....I'm half-tempted to make this my reason.

Scoutpost said...

Looking up all those stores has not led me to any further clues as to where this will go down...it has only made me want to go shopping. So I quit for now.

LostinLondon said...

Ok - looking at the shop list - they are all regular high street shops in any UK high street, i can't really see which one would stand out to be associated with the ARG

Nothing on the level of Fred Segal - but then i guess the pet store was nothing special

Cristina Roswell said...

Well, just like I posted on the other post. Looks like it´s a stock image:


From this website

Nothing important here I guess...

Anonymous said...

Wow ITA w/ Scout, i've been doing the same thing. That's quite a shopping district in Glasgow, we're continuing on a trend here, we had the Ralph Lauren clue from 88Keys, to the Ron Herman stores now we have possibly more couture clothing? The clue from Ron Herman did seem to "LOOP" into this one. I'm going to keep looking.

Zort70 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zort70 said...

I've updated the main post with some of the info people have provided.

I'm off for a shower, back soon.

AmyLynn, it is lostargs(at)hotmail.com, I'll create a main post with the details tomorrow morning once the clue talk has died down a bit.

LostinLondon said...

None of these stores are couture clothing - they are just completely normal chains

Anonymous said...

Yay new clue.

Having finally read all the posts on the last, I want to say please feel free to delete, block or whatever, me from your twitter Rev Milo, Lottery Ticket, Zort. I feel bad following and not contributing. I don't know what else to say.


goheels83 said...

A new clue, 'bout damn time!!!

mrtibbs said...

There's an apple store on Buchanan Street.
Are Darlton apple people?

goheels83 said...

This website has a live stream of Buchanan Street in Glasgow. Maybe they'll have someone walk up to the camera at a certain time and hold up a sign with the new website. lol.


mrtibbs said...

There's also a street art trail on buchanan.
That would be cool, some lost street art

LostinLondon said...

mrtibbs - i think that is more likely than the crap shops in the galleries!!

will be pretty disappointing if it is just in a random high st shop!

Amy Lynn said...

Zort, I just uploaded the story and sent it over to you. I think I sound a little ridiculous.

Zort70 said...

Don'e worry, you can't sound any worse than me. I usually have to record these sorts of things 10 times before I get one I even half like.

Anonymous said...

I'm determined to help solve these puzzles even though I'm always at a lost.

Away I go to research. Might as well use this sick time to something productive.


Rorschach said...

Sticking with my initial thought of Disney Store. It just seems like an easy place for ABC to set something up.

Anonymous said...


There was an apple in the 88keys clue, it was part of the cover of The Death of Adam, I noticed the Apple Store too and said, hmmm.


As an old time fan of ACDC back in the 70's and 80's (stop laughing) I don't remember a Neil Buchanan as part of this band at all, interesting info on him but i'm not finding the connection to ACDC.

Anonymous said...

Love the Disney Store idea.

Martyn said...

Right, so we've got an average shopping centre with no shops unique to Glasgow? Well, that makes me wonder why Glasgow and not just a nationwide reveal in a particular store?

Maybe it'll just be an event that takes place in the middle of the Galleries. In my local shopping centre, they tend to have ferraris and furniture and stuff for like one day in the centre, so maybe we're looking at something like that.

Also, had a great idea while in the shower for all UK lost fans who want to go. Ok, not great, ridiculous and will never work but hear me out. A relay car drive. So one person drives up to one place, leaves there car at said place and gets in to another lost fans car. They then drive up to another place, leave car, get in another car etc etc

Upon reading that, it's very stupid. Is there anyone in Glasgow who could just send me something if they do hand out freebies at all?

Martyn said...

@ Anon...

It wasn't THE AC/DC, this band called themselves that and then THE AC/DC made it big so they had to change their name to Marseille.

LostinLondon said...

Maybe it is the Concert Hall that is on Buchanan Street - that may make more sense than the galleries.

Martyn - ha at Neil Buchanan
Keisha who just got kicked out of the sugababes also has Buchanan as a surname - maybe they will both be at the reveal!!

babysledge said...

there are some events this thurs at the apple store


LostinLondon said...

ignore my post about the royal concert halls - they are on a different street - sorry!

charter321 said...

So do we think this poster could possibly be a Desmond/Daniel/Charles one?

mrtibbs said...

The two apple event speakers are they part of any scene?

Anonymous said...

@ Anon...

It wasn't THE AC/DC, this band called themselves that and then THE AC/DC made it big so they had to change their name to Marseille.


Thanks Martyn.

So this "mall" seems to have an assortment of stores. Actually, it'd be a great place for me to shop for my son: Oasis, Quicksilver, O'Neill, Nike all in one place. This is a nice shopping center.

That twist or loop in the handles from the previous reveal is driving me nuts. The handle has been cut and twisted on both sides, it's meant to show a "twist" or a "loop", just a feeling it. A "twist" when it comes to LOST, never!

Anyone notice the "Claire's Accessories". Just throwing it out there.

Anonymous said...

Uggh, Oasis?

Ginger said...

I think it would be really cool to see somebody walk in front of that live streaming web cam on Buchanan St. with a big banner w/the url on it.

Martyn said...

O'Neils is closed down now and Claire's Accessories, well, lets hope for everyone's sake it's not in there, otherwise you'll be peeling your skin off just to be rid of the glitter.

mrtibbs said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ginger said...

Big Brother is watching!

Ellen said...

I just wanted to stick my 2 cents in here...
The reason I don't contribute more to the game is because I can't buy the posters anyway. I love watching the scramble tho, so that's why I lurk mostly. In the past I've always tried to contribute more and it has always been terrifically fun and rewarding! I love this community and all the fans...my home from the beginning!

LostinLondon said...

If they were going to do at a Claire's accessories they may as well have done it in US!!!

It is just a normal chain store of cheap girls stuff and i don't think they would bother to set that up in Scotland

maybe we can all go get our ears pierced there at the same time as the reveal!

babysledge said...

@mrtibbs, I don't know, but I am listening to the band Mr. Kils on their myspace and I like them!

Ginger said...

Good idea Goheels

Anonymous said...

This Oasis store is a womans clothing store that i'm not familiar with. I thought it was the surfing company/clothing store.

@LostinLondon, good point.

Shane said...
Big Brother is watching!

Are you saying be quiet? That's fine.

Martyn said...


LMAO, you know, i've always wondered what i'd look like with pierced ears and a pink feather boa.

I think I may have said too much.

babysledge said...

There is a book signing at the Borders

They have usually done reveals at more smaller shops than big chains haven't they?

Martyn said...

There must be an event taking place on Buchanan street or in the galleries, I highly doubt it's a particular store, otherwise, why Glasgow?

mrtibbs said...

Yay, the mighty boosh at borders

maven said...

Great detective work on our new clue. Buchanan Street leaves open so many possibilities....but it should be something unique to that area...not a chain store from the US! (Ron Herman has several stores, but not a dime a dozen).

(Personally, I want to be watching the finale of the series with my husband in the sanctity of our home theater with no one else talking.....this is a solemn moment and very personal!)

LostinLondon said...

Mrtibbs - Mighty Boosh at Borders sounds promising!! Wonder if they are Lost fans
Good work - maybe we are getting somewhere

Time for me to say my usual which is I don't see the attraction with Noel Fielding!

Martyn said...

Think another clue is needed but I like the idea of the Apple Store event.

Has Mr. Kils any connection to this Clandestine/Wentz web that I keep reading about?

Ginger said...

@ Anon - No, just the web cam on the street as Big Brother
There is The Whisky Store! Maybe they could hand out bottles of McCutcheon w/the url on it! That would for sure be a UK kind of reveal! Not to mention Scottish.

Martyn said...

And Noel Fielding is funny with Russell Brand on that quiz thingy but i've never got round to watching Mighty Boosh, so I don't see much appeal in him either.

Sophie L said...

I think the problem lies in the fact that there are too many possibilities on Buchanan Street and in Buchanan Galleries =/ [too many variables - if you will ;D ]

The next clue I think will really clear thing sup, but I think until then anyone could be right since what we have if very vague information. =]


comixguru said...

As much as I'd like to have a LOST finale viewing party- I, like many of you, do not want other people talking during (ie- ruining) the finale. Inevitably, someone will- and then that someone will get a knuckle sandwich.


I guess we will each have to enjoy LOST in our own little Adam and Eve caves...

Martyn said...

Dear god, I hope Shane/Ginger is right. Bottles of free McCutcheon.

Bottles of free whiskey actually would probably not be the best of ideas in any country, we'd be back to the debate of who was a true fan and who just wanted free booze for the weekend.

maven said...

Like the idea of a McCutcheon tie-in...makes sense in Glasgow!

BuckarooBanzai said...

Actually, I am nursing a bottle Hendricks gin right now, which is from scotland too ;)

LostinLondon said...

If it is Apple - then I will be very sad they didn't do it on Regent Street!

Glad you don't like Fielding either Martyn!

Off to watch Dollhouse

comixguru said...

for funsies...


Scoutpost said...

I was looking at the book signing info on the Borders site, and it made me wonder if they will figure time/time zones into this at all, or if they'll just go with what works for the UK? I know sometimes US clues are not at the most convenient times for those around the world, so maybe they will do what works best for those in the UK. But if they did something at that book signing, then it would be pretty early in the morning for us on the west coast.

I personally hope it is NOT on Saturday because I will be at soccer games all morning (which would be afternoon in the UK). Anyway, just wondering....

Ginger said...

They just seemed to make such a big deal of McCutcheon in the show. If they can do it on a I heart my Shih-Tzu t-shirt, why not a bottle?

Sophie L said...

Buchanan is also a brand of Whisky by the way guys =D


babysledge said...

I do like Shane's idea! There is also the BBC Food Show - didn't soemone mention something about Gordon Ramsey? But I didn't see any mention of Buchanan and I believe you have to buy tickets.


Just throwing ideas out there. I know we will need another clue but I like when it is stumbled upon before the fianl clue.

Zort70 said...

If it is the Boosh then it will be very surreal indeed.

A bottle of McCutcheon would be great, I'd never open it though !

I'd settle for a hint at the day just at the moment so I can see if I am able to go.

Martyn said...


Lmao, funny video.


Good luck to you if you do end up going, really hope they actually give out something so your efforts are worth it.

Zort70 said...

AmyLynn, I've just listened to your submission and it is just what I was imagining.


maven said...

@Comixguru: LOL

Zort: I know it's a long haul for you to Glasgow, but it just might be your only chance! Hope it works out for you.

Rorschach said...

If they give away bottles of MacCutcheon, I might trade my copy of the Swan Station for one of those. Thankfully that probably wont happen so I won't have to make the choice.

Zort70 said...

Wouldn't it be cool if Widmore himself were to be giving out some McCutcheon Whiskey !

HenryGaleWasHere said...

I also like the McCutcheon whiskey bottle idea- maybe mini ones with the url- fits with Scotland clue, and maybe Desmond poster...

HenryGaleWasHere said...

Though Buchanan Whisky is owned by United Distillers & Vintners and their HQ is in Edinburgh.

Zort70 said...

Right, I'm off to bed safe in the knowledge that there won't be another clue tonight.

or will there ?.......

Ginger said...

Is it normal in the UK to spell whiskey without the e?

Sophie L said...

Whisky is the Scottish spelling
WiskEy is the Irish spelling =]

It's been scraping on me since the clue came out ><;


Rorschach said...

Whiskey is also the American spelling. Whisky is correct for pretty much anything but the Irish or American versions of "the water of life".

Light Rail Coyote said...

I seriously doubt they would tie alcohol into a release. This is ABC we are talking about.

HenryGaleWasHere said...

That's true, got off on a McCutcheon tangent.

Anonymous said...

At the moment I'm thinking along the lines of The Disney Store, Buchanan Galleries shopping centre.

With the season 5 DVD going on sale over here this week it would make sense from a ABC/Disney marketing POV.

The ground work for pulling a sickie at work was laid today with the help of a sickness bug that is going around :P

Ginger said...

Thanks Sophie! There were a lot of people that couldn't believe that ABC tied itself to 88Keys either after listening to some of his lyrics. Not very Disney. But this is a pretty adult show IMHO w/all the sex & violence. And it wouldn't have to be real whisky in the bottles just a prop. The Whisky Store, or shop?, just stuck out to me since we don't have liquor stores in the mall in the US;)

Ginger said...

Sorry, I'll stop beating that dead horse:)

Anonymous said...

From AP style guide (my bible): 'Whisky' refers to whiskey made in Scotland, ie, 'Scotch whisky,' or just 'scotch.' 'Whiskey' is what it's called when it's made anywhere else. --Kyle

Ginger said...

We have tobacco stores in the mall;)

Ginger said...

Cool, thanks Kyle.

maven said...

Here's a list of all the stores and businesses on Buchanan Street.

Justin said...

I just wanted to point out that the image that was found that looks like the clue is VERY close, but it's not exactly the same source image.

Tess315 said...

Hey maven
Thanks for the link.

Kelly said...

Dangy! Hoping for a new clue was the only thing that got me through the end of a long day at work...however I was really hoping the clue would make it seem like the reveal would be closer to Zort! Sorry man! Also, I am on the liquor giveaway bandwagon too! Fingers crossed!

Kelly said...

@ Rev. Milo - thanks for creating the FB link! I just finished up with what I missed while commuting home from the last post, saw that and put in the request.

davgen said...

Just thought I'd throw this out there - there's an Apple Store on Buchanan St in Glasgow and there is a live music event at 7pm (Glasgow time). There is a band called Mr. Kil performing. Apparantly they have an EP out that they are performing. ????????? Check out the Apple site for Glasgow: http://www.apple.com/uk/retail/buchananstreet/

LOSTnSC said...

Has anyone gotten their Rousseau's Transmission yet? Will it be delivered via regular USPS?

I was order #1535 and live in South Carolina. This was the first poster I purchased, and the waiting/not knowing is killing me.

The status has read "Shipped" since last week. Thank you all for your help.

BTW, I appreciate all the discussions of the clues and really enjoy all the dialogue. That has been more fun for me than the clues/posters themselves.


JPL said...

Evening All -

Great way to end Tuesday with a clue & great work by you all.

Namaste new postees!

Anyone have a feeling that this reveal could be a quick one? With the country/street info, it kind of reminds me of how Buenos Aires went down. Lots of F5'ing tomorrow.

@Comixguru - very funny. There are some great parodies out there... this being one of them.

And last, but not least, is AndySchex MIA? I think (and hope) he could be our 1st poster purchaser w/ some important info for us.

JPL said...

@LOSTnSC - status on mine indicates shipped as well. Really thought it would be delivered yesterday. The crew in our mail room has now labeled me a stalker. ;)

Tess315 said...

OT for the reveal. On Topic for Lost. For those who consider promos spoilers and watch Flash Forward I've found this.

Synchromystic Lostie: First Lost final season promo to air Oct 29/09

Thanks to Zedman2 for the heads up.

This just in, the first Lost final season promo (0:15) is tentatively scheduled to premiere during the end of FLASHFORWARD (with Lost's Dominic Monaghan joining the cast) this Thursday (Oct. 29 -- first night of November sweeps).

Anonymous said...

To any Brits still up ,,,I am perceiving a bit of a conflict. I'm not taking sides or any of that sort. But..uuumm..The Union Jack and Glasgow..Might there be a faux pas going on here by the American Clue Masters?...The more I read up on Glaswegians, their city and such..I am picking up on a flavor of ..Glasgow being a city not to be wearing the Union Jack, unless you like a rough time of it. Am I any where close to it?


LOSTnSC said...


Thanks, I am sure that I will be getting a similar rep soon. So, I will relax. No panic yet....

PessimisticLines said...

Hi everyone, first post. It's probably not a big deal, but it seems to me that the image on DCPB is not the same as the one on vectorology. The one on vectorology has part of the red from Union Jack on Ireland, while the one on DCPB doesn't. The details on the map don't match up, either. Just thought I'd say something since it's on the main page.

Jesse! Rikkitik said...

Is there any reason why we're convinced it will be in a clothingytype place? I don't have anything better to offer to be sure, but we've seen what? A pet store, bakery...concert venue(2?) and a Uni bookstore? I just wonder if we may be limiting ourselves?

MiddayShadows said...

Just wondering if anyone else's Swan Station status is still at "Authorized?"

maven said...

@Jesse: I don't think we're convinced of anything. In fact, they just did a clothing store...so I don't think they'll do that again right away. I posted a link above will all the various stores on Buchanan Blvd. It could by any one of those places.

Rorschach said...

My order is still listed as authorized. my order # 1815

Jesse! Rikkitik said...

Something else (that was kind of mentioned earlier) there is a Halloween sack race down Buchanan street on Saturday, planned by the Might Boosh.

I would sure think with Halloween being saturday they'd do something then? Or would they not because so many would be busy?

Anonymous said...

@Sayids Girl

Yes, but it's already been announced that there won't be any
S6 info in commercials or promos this year so we're not expecting this to be anything other than the an old footage.

kiwilostie said...

Ginger - nice one. Buchanans whisk*y in a McCutcheons bottle with a url on it. Nice homage to Des, if hes not getting a centric poster perhaps...
Just make sure someone at the reveal is over the drinking age (18 or 21 in the UK?). I can see it now - people there, unable to get the url cause theyre underage!Woops...

andalone said...

@MiddayShadows - Mine is still showing Authorized as well.

JPL said...

@MiddayShadows - same here for the Swan. I ordered the Numbers print last week (10/21) and today it changed to "shipped" status.

One thing that I've noticed is that there's a 5 day delay from time poster is purchased till time my card is actually billed. On the day that poster is purchased - the charge is pending. The charge for Rousseau went through last week. Balancing my checkbook is starting to get really confusing. :)

Anonymous said...

I do believe, I Heart Shitzus was Jack Benders dog, that's why the big deal was made.

Jesse T said...

@jesse- I hope the reveal isn't on saturday. I'm not sure I can wait that long. then again maybe that would be a good thing and we'll have a better chance of buying one. also, nice name!

Anonymous said...

Re: Mel on issue of Union Jack covering Glasgow/Scotland.

It would be a lot worse if it were just an English flag.

AndySchex said...

@JPL - I'm still here. When I got home from work today I got excited when I saw a package at my door. But it was only book 12 of the Wheel of Time. Nothing to do with Lost.

JPL said...

@Jesse - a reveal with pumpkins would be cool. Halloween would be a great setting to debut a Jacob's cabin poster, but have yet to see any correlation with clues & what posters will be.

Maybe they'll do something with coconuts disguised as pumpkins. Kind of like The Others disguised as crash victims.

As far as future reveals... I'm hoping for a Charlie, Incident, Desmond & a group ensemble. A map of island with "key" moments would be icing on the cake.

Anonymous said...

Anon..Okay..St Andy still of a bit of show. By " worse" is there a hint of that they could have done better?

I guess its a pointless exercise in searching Union Jack Clothing on Buchanan...in Glasgow.?


MiddayShadows said...

@JPL @andalone @Rorschach ...

... Thanks all. More than one of us in the same boat assures me it's all systems normal. Was starting to worry for a moment there ;)

JPL said...

@AndyShex - was getting a little worried. Glad that you're not being held against your will. Bummer on the package. Tomorrow will hopefully bring an ultimate piece of Lost memorabilia your way.

Is the consensus that it could be The Virgin Mary statue? That could be delay... customs & drug sniffing dogs. :)

MiddayShadows said...


I'm also hoping for a Charlie and a Desmond.
Maybe they could put both characters in a poster depicting the Looking Glass Station , working the much-desired 'not penny's boat' angle in there.

JPL said...

@MiddayShawdows - would definitely kill 2 birds with stone and in the case of that scene... one very much liked character. :(

MiddayShadows said...

....ah poor charlie

JPL said...

Let us all raise a glass of McCutcheon Whiskey & honor Charlie's heroic passing.

And let us not forget to tip our favorite bartender... Zort for keeping this fine establishment open while he dreams of polar bears that play lottery numbers in an Australian airport.

MiddayShadows said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MiddayShadows said...

Hear hear!

Anonymous said...

To Charlie!! the personification of the great line; There is no success like failure, and failure is no success at all!" ,,Yes, I enjoyed each and every time of the many times, he died. To Charlie!!..for finally succeeding at the final failure.!!

but then again, I'll toast to anything when I'm toasted,


JPL said...

Hopefully none of us are driving or blogging while slightly intoxiated. :) Last thing we need is an accident or in our case an "incident". "Really officer, I meant to F5 instead of F4."

I do say we plan on some type of celebration when this ARG concludes. One massive LOSTARGS party!

On that note, will check in bright & early in the AM.

Night All!

Tess315 said...

Anonymous said...

@Sayids Girl

Yes, but it's already been announced that there won't be any
S6 info in commercials or promos this year so we're not expecting this to be anything other than the an old footage.

Yeah I heard that there wouldn't be any season 6 promos. That's why this surprised me. I hope you're right that it's old footage.

Just wanted to make sure my friends who don't like promos know it might be a possibility. :)

Tess315 said...

BTW Hefty at Dark's has recieved his Transmission print and posted a picture of it yesterday.

It's much better than the picture at the hub. If I was able to see the detailing during the reveal I might have tried to buy one.

Jesse T said...

can you post a link please. I can't seem to find it on the website

maven said...

This just in on Twitter:

CarltonCuse "Damon and I are die hard fans of this impeckable actor who keeps the barr high and just signed to guest star on the show. Life is good!"

CarltonCuse "Yes, its a clue."


Claire said...

Okay, maybe I'm just weird and maybe he meant a clue to the show now DCaaPB clue but possibly?


Claire said...

Observe all!


Jesse T said...

I think when he says clue he's referring to barr and impeckable

HenryGaleWasHere said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tess315 said...

Here's the link to Hefty's picture.


Amy Lynn said...

Assuming this isn't a DCAAPB clue, can we keep discussion of even possible casting spoilers off this site?

MJCarp said...

Hey, I just saw this too.

Bruce Willis

bar - McCutheons? and throw in the extra r to the cause!

Claire said...

Amy Lynn, I completely agree. I hate spoilers for Lost and obviously Damon and Carlton wouldn't post spoilers thank god lol.

maven said...

Sayid'sgirl: Wrong link?

kiwilostie said...

Yes wrong link! lol
Is anyone else having trouble getting into the chat? Ive not been able to get in for a day or so.

Tess315 said...

opps Thanks maven
It's getting late for me.
This one's right.


Tess315 said...

See I'm making typos again lol.
Night all.

Jesse T said...

thanks for the link. looks awesome

Tess315 said...

You're welcome Jesse T.

kiwilostie said...

Ooh thats nice! Way more colour in the Transmission than the Hub page showed. Awesome.

reAnimated said...

Barr? As in Roseanne. Oh No.

Light Rail Coyote said...

There is a Barr street in Glasgow, but it is 10 miles from Buchanan.

kiwilostie said...

Stop it! *...fingers in ears...* la-la-la-la-la...

Light Rail Coyote said...

Barr's Irn-Bru soft drink?

maven said...

Tweets from Carlton:
" In reply to several, please don't kill yourself looking for clues in my other tweets. None there. Seriously!"

"For those who guessed correctly... congrats! It is #############."

kiwilostie said...

On a side note. If youre looking for a sound recorder (PC) for the "podcast" poster project post coming tommorrow, try this free programme.

kiwilostie said...

Or to make it even easier -

justanothersky said...

There is a new clue, a planet (Earth) with Saturn-like ring and a giant F on it!

Anonymous said...

I don't think that is Earth. It also looks like it is Eclipsing part of the ring.

Walkindude125 said...

I've got it! There is a store called "Forbidden Planet" on Buchanan street in glasgow!

I was there back in August when I was spending time in Scotland. Let me try to find a website.

Walkindude125 said...

PS Here's the site:


I'm looking for the exact image.

I'm 99 percent sure this is the place we're looking for

justanothersky said...

@ charter321: Oh I meant to have a "?" next to Earth, but posted it too quick.

However, other than Earth, I can't recall any other planet in our solar system to be looking like that though.

@ Walkindude: Good on ya for figuring it out some quickly!!

comixguru said...

nice Walkindude125!

kiwilostie said...

2 quick clues - sorry Zort - you put the hex on us!
Looks like it might be a quicker reveal?
Off to search for planetary pics!...

justanothersky said...

Website here:


It has twitter too.

Anonymous said...

So tomorrow we should be getting a time and definite place for maybe a Thursday or Friday sale?

Walkindude125 said...

haha thanks!

I just happened to put things together from my trip memories.

Also, check this out. On the FP page, you can see where the Union Jack UK picture came from:


kiwilostie said...

Arrgh - to late! Nice one walkindude!

Rorschach said...

Wow, you guys are quick. I checked the hub page maybe 10 minutes ago, no update, come here find a new clue and it is already solved. Now we just need a time (hoping for something early Thursday in LA since I will be at a Phish concert Friday-Monday).

Walkindude125 said...

yeah, hopefully it will be a scheduled event, not a surprise like the Buenos Aires thing was. I have thursday's off.

Light Rail Coyote said...

its true, when Zort sleeps clues abound.

kiwilostie said...

Yeah those surprise reveals suk - thats how I miised the hatch!...

Scoutpost said...

Way to go! I wonder why they used the picture(s) they did on DCAAPB to depict Forbidden Planet instead of their logo? Not that I doubt, I just think it's odd.

justanothersky said...

@ Scoutpost: although not the same but all the elements are there.

Just a guess but probably DCaaPB thought that would make the clues more difficult to solve...?

Walkindude125 said...

I wondered that too, Scout. I think the ability to sound it out was what they were going for. I kept saying "F Planet" a couple times until I started thinking about my trip to Glasgow and I remembered walking past the store.

Lets hope this is the place and the reveal will be soon!

kiwilostie said...

Well I have to say this prolly took Tyson by surprise! Such a fast solution to a fairly obscure clue! See, we have some worldy people here - walkindude solved it within minutes! Ha! Nice one. And all the while, Zort snores on! lol

Scoutpost said...

It must be the place especially with the same map on the store locator page.

Hopefully it will be soon, but that we'll have enough notice.

I should really be in bed!

Anonymous said...

There will be one more clue before the reveal. It will be a definite place and/or time and then the reveal will probably happen Thursday or Friday.

Walkindude125 said...

Haha, I would have been asleep too, but I'm up watching "The Frighteners" and I can't make myself turn it off and get some sleep!

Rorschach said...

By the way, thank you to Zort for having this page. I have been following DCAAPB since the beginning, didn't find this page until a few frames ago.

Rorschach said...

And there is no way I could have gotten the Swan Station without it. Sorry for double post.

Walkindude125 said...

Now the issues is: do we have any contacts in central Scotland (or better, anyone who lives in Glasgow?).

Personally, without following people last week on Twitter to find out the url, I never would have been able to get the Swan in time. The images of the bag didn't show up on DCAAPB untill awhile after the print went on sale, which was way too late.

So.... any volunteers to head to Bonnie Scotland?

kiwilostie said...

There were 1 or 2 that have posted today/yesterday that live very close to Glasgow - hopefully they can help us all out.

kiwilostie said...

OK, Im off to bed, dont buy anything without me!...

Anonymous said...

Forbidden Planet Glasgow
168 Buchanan Street
G1 2LW

Anonymous said...

Well Forbidden Planet opens in 2 hours and 20 minutes if anybody can get there.

Congested said...

Yeah I've been to the Forbidden Planet in Glasgow... it's a chain.. there's one here in NYC as well.

This is definitely where the reveal's going to happen.

ObFuSc8 said...

Wow ARGers!!! 2 clues, in what -- 12 hours?!

Walkindude125 -- You're lightening quick on this one! I Wikied Forbidden Planet and found that there are 2 separate chains (that came from a single one) and that what was originally called Forbidden Planet Scotland was renamed Forbidden Planet International as it grew beyond Scotland, and get this, has majority ownership o a branch in New York City (on Broadway).

This gives us the possibility of another 2 store/branch event. The NYC branch says it's open through 12 midnight WED-SAT (though it probably won't go that late). There's a Marvel Fest Astonishing X-MEN event/costume contest today 10.28 at 6PM. They have reveals at already scheduled events, so I don't think they'll do it then, so either Thurs or Fri. But would be ready for a surprise reveal tomorrow afternoon with how quickly the last 2 clues went up.

Sophie L said...

I don't think the reveal will be today - with all the other posters we've had a final clue telling us where and when exactly =]

I'm going to be raging if they don't for this one though ='[


ObFuSc8 said...


FPI NYC Store Site

Anonymous said...

@Sophie...we didn't get a when clue for the Hatch. We just got a clue telling us to look at a corner in Brazil and as soon as someone found it, the url would be revealed.

But, we have always gotten a clue as to where but that doesn't mean that like with the Hatch, the url isn't found minutes or hours later.

Anonymous said...

Damn did you see that? I think i'm the only one in the U.S. up. I didn't get a chance to see what it might be yet, I was about to try and get some sleep.

Sophie L said...


I'm swithering if I should maybe phone up and ask? Just in case?

It's only because I've got school today, and I really need to know when the reveal is so I can get out of it!


Justin said...

Wow, I can't leave the DCAAPB site for a sec! Gonna have to watch this one like a hawk in order not to miss the reveal!

Anonymous said...

Your not the only one in the U.S. up, I'm right there with you, and I have a midterm tomorrow :/

Anonymous said...

There has to be one more clue for the reveal, it's 4:24 in the U.S., it went up about an hour ago? 12 hours from the last one. People in the U.S. are sleeping, they'll post times in the next reveal...maybe 12 hours from now?

And we do have a contact in Glasgow btw.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Your not the only one in the U.S. up, I'm right there with you, and I have a midterm tomorrow :/

oh lol, you gotta get some sleep!

Zort70 said...

Zort70 said...
Right, I'm off to bed safe in the knowledge that there won't be another clue tonight.

or will there ?.......

Now I know they are watching me !!


ObFuSc8 said...

I am in the US and up too!