According to Maven in the comments and charter321 in the chat room the only overlapping time for the store opening is 7pm in LA and 11am in Tokyo
Does the clue already contain the time of the reveal ? Pooh on the DarkUFO forums has pointed out that the two days are at the 3:30 position on an analogue clock.
So while we wait for Friday / Saturday have you got your Poster Buddy, if not click on the link to try and arrange one.
If you need to know the time, ask a policeman, or if there isn't one around check out the Timezone page
Thanks to MEL for telling us first about the new clue.
We have a friend called Hiroki in Tokyo that can go down to the store, and in anticipation of a reveal went down to the store yesterday / today (yes the time difference is going to be confusing). Here are a couple of pictures from that visit.
1 – 200 of 297 Newer› Newest»Oh, boy...First!! But I have nothing to say!
Hi Mavem, thanks for the email.
Did anyone know the new words Friday and Sat appear next to the clue ?
Reading those comments from last night was hilarious.
I hope this next print rocks my socks off! :)
@Zort.. do you mean when they appeared?... It couldn't have been much before midnight EST. I noticed it at about 12:06.. MEL posted at 12:04... and I had checked not long before that (15 minutes or so).
It says on Ron's site that Saturday is the Citizens of Humanity event. 1pm LA time…
But that would make it 5am in Tokyo…
Here's a thought, two cities, two reveals, two times, two posters? The theme is kind of two I guess.
"Here's a thought, two cities, two reveals, two times, two posters? The theme is kind of two I guess."
BAM... my head just exploded.
Zort shouldn't the headline read FRAME 10 and stuff?
Well....not to toot my own horn(k, maybe a little bit), but about an hour before last weeks reveal I posted here that I was hoping for a Dan Mccarthy print(you can check, I was posting under 'Frank' then :) ). So, in the interest of keeping good 'poster karma' going, I will declare now that I really hope this week's print is by Tyler Stout.
No, I do not have inside info that he will be doing a LOST poster. But I have to say , we will be so incredibly lucky if he does. It would no doubt be great. He's an incredible poster artist - one of the best draftsmen in the biz! And one of my very favourite screen print artists. Just putting that out there... :)
As a collector, I've made a mental short list of fav artists that I hope and pray will be doing a poster for this series. Now that Dan's has materialized...I've got 3-5 'others' I'd really like to see doing a poster for my fav series, and Tyler is near/at the top...
just putting that out there....
So if it happens at RH Melrose at 7pm on Friday it would be right at closing time.
It seems odd. It makes sense, but still odd.
Adding to the "Poster Artist Wishlist" I'll throw in a vote for SCOTT CAMPBELL.
His work is incredibly cute and simple but still detailed enough that it makes you go "wow!" Go check it out, he's done lots of work recently and works for Double Fine, makers of Psychonauts and Brutal Legend.
Tyler Stout
@vander - Is that j. Scott Campbell, the former comic book artist?
So this is slightly off-topic, but if they're only selling 200 of the 300 prints...where are the other ones going to be sold? Or are they just keeping those for crew/cast/other cool people?
On topic, I will be heading out to RH on Friday, as I happen to live within walking distance of there.
Oh, and just as a statement:
I hate everyone who managed to get the Olly Moss Locke Print. *grin* Man, oh man, still the only one that -really- excites me. Just not willing to pay $400+ on Ebay.
Rob Jones would be a good guy for a poster.
Masheen, it was just an idea.
According to Maven???...I posted that in the chat room...grrr.
No, comic book artist Campbell is more famous but this Scott Campbell draws amazingly cute geeky things. He had his own exhibit last year and he did an alternate cover/print for the King of Kong DVD.
This is one of my favorite prints of his:
He's also displayed a lot at Gallery 1988 where I first met him and I know Damon and Friends love that Gallery as well.
Zort shouldn't the headline read FRAME 10 and stuff? - ops, headline corrected.
charter321 said... According to Maven???...I posted that in the chat room...grrr. - I'm afraid that as the chatroom is not something I have a direct feed to so the only infor I have is in the comments or via email.
Maven - sorry for getting your name wrong above, my only defence was that it is early :-)
I've added a couple of photos from Hiroki to the main post.
zort. hilarious aint the word! 4 hrs later peeps were still 'breaking the news'. maybe we need a read b4 postin post! kl
Morning All -
Last night was another bonding experience. Zort's Bunch (as we should know be known as) definitely had quite the chat experience as we waited for our new friend Hiroki to make his way to RH. You guys rock!!!!!
As far as the time that the clue was updated... a little after 10pm (EST). When it became apparent that there wasn't going to be a poster reveal, I commented that maybe the powers that be that seem to be monitoring this site and our chat would give us a little something to allow us to head to bed. If memory serves me correct... the clue was updated 10 minutes after that. So, it does appear that they were listening (or in this case watching) and gave us something to hold us over.
@Masheen - the suggestion of 2 poster reveals would be MOST incredible!
@All that chatted - Thank you for a most entertaining chat session.
BTW - Ended up buying "The Numbers" poster via my Blackberry last night just to make sure that I can use the phone as a backup. Order # 1660 at 10:52pm.
See you all on Friday night. Same Lost site... just not sure what time (haven't found a policeman yet). :)
JPL :-)
We had an email today to say someone had received their numbers poster, and it was #247, so if it is going in sequential order then there are still 53 (minus 1 for JPL) left.
@ JPL - "That was my idea" (in Vic Reeves voice)!
I was thinking some more about a possible two poster reveal. Maybe the barracks, one with Ben and the others in modern times, the other LaFleur and co in the 70's…
pooh posted something interesting regarding the time of the reveal over at the spoilertv board:
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Re: 2009 Official LOST ARG (Viral Marketing) Discussion
New postby pooh on Thu Oct 22, 2009 7:37 am
Possible time in clue??
They may have given us a time already on the clue by the way they have the days written after the words instead of on top of Melrose or to the left of Tokyo. If you look at the words Sat (abbr=short=hour hand) and Friday (written out=long=minute hand) makes it resemble the hands of a clock pointing to 3:30
But 3:30 where??
If it's 3:30 pm in Tokyo on Saturday, it's 11:30 am Friday in LA
If it's 3:30 pm in LA on Friday, it's 7:30 am Saturday in Tokyo
What do you think? Sorry if you already discussed it.
Many are speculating that we're gonna get two posters but this could just be a case of the URL being split between both locations.
It would be pretty suspenseful to get half of it at one point and the other half later.
3:30pm in Tokyo and 11:30 am in LA would seem to be logical.
Vander - that would be cool.
I'm not sure that time difference is right, if it is 11am in LA it would be 7pm in Tokyo.
I think 11am (Friday) in LA is 3AM (Saturday) in Tokyo
15:30 Sat in Tokyo = 23.30 in LA on Friday
15:30 in LA on Friday = 07:30 in Tokyo.
I hope that's right !
If it was at 3:30 PM (saturday) in Tokyo it would be 11PM (friday).
If it was at 3:30 PM (friday) in LA it would be 7:30 AM (saturday) in Tokyo.
I think it could be the second option: 3PM (friday) in LA
7AM (saturday) Tokyo. Maybe.
Lol, I was writing at the same time.
Yes, that´s right Zort
Hello from Tokyo,
For converting time zone, following site is useful.
At the specified time, local time in Los Angeles is 16 hours behind Tokyo
Location Local time Time zone
Tokyo (Japan) Saturday, 24 October 2009, 11:00:00 UTC+9 hours
Los Angeles (U.S.A. - California) Friday, 23 October 2009, 19:00:00 UTC-7 hours PDT
Corresponding UTC (GMT) Saturday, 24 October 2009, 02:00:00
So Yes, SAT 11 AM TOKYO time is Fri 7PM PST.
See you in Your Friday night!
Thanks Hiroki!
It´s easier from Spain, Tokyo is "only" 7 hours ahead. But we are 9 hours ahead from LA so I must check it twice when you talk about LA time or Tokyo time because one way I must add 9 hours to get my hour and the other it´s 7 hours less, lol
Thank goodness for Lottery Ticket, Hiroki Tojo, and technology for coordinating the multi-continent search last night. It was a hoot!
I never used Twitter before this ARG, and Facebook rarely, if ever. Friends had to coerce me to put myself "out there". As far as age goes, I consider myself to be like the Polar Bear....somewhere between Damon and Carlton. :)
Oh, thank golly we're in a new post. If I read one ore comment that said "hey, the hub got updated"..... :)
I haven't read this thread yet so I hope I'm not repeating too much.
If they did the reveal when the Melrose store opens at 10am Fri it would be 2am Sat in Tokyo.
That would be the earliest time it could be released in Tokyo.
Having said that I can't see them excluding Tokyo in the reveal since they have been a major part of the clues.
When the did the first reveal at the Bardot club it was at 10pm (I think) which made it 1am on the east coast. But that reveal didn't have dual clues either.
So I guess I'm going to stick with a 7pm Fri Melrose reveal and a 11am Sat Tokyo reveal. That's really tight scheduling.
I wonder if we'll get a time clue today?
From looking at the image it seems more like that words are clock hands rather then the placement of the words. If that is the case then it reads 3:00.
I'm pretty sure JPL is right. I checked the site about 10:20-10:25 eastern and it had updated.
When I came here people were already talking about it.
And as usual the convesation dies once I get here. lol
I'm moving to the west coast. maven you know any nice houses for sale? ;)
I posted this last night on the spoilerTV/Dark UFO forum, but I agree with the 7 pm LA/11 am Tokyo reveal. That would be when the LA store was cloing and the Tokyo store was opening. The other times seem a little strange if they're going to try to coordinate a reveal at the stores. I had a great time on the chat last night, too! To confirm, the clue was up around 10:15 or so (Eastern time).
"Closing" not "cloing". :)
Charter - I don't think I saw your time comment in the chat last night, but I will give you full credit just in case. :)
Oh, dear. I was hoping there would be a benefit to my being home sick today but it looks like the reveal will be tomorrow while I'm at work...again. I've missed all of them.
Hey did anybody see there is a new clue (there should be a font for sarcasm).
I to, as stated yesterday, think the reveals will be simultaneous.
I think 7pm LA and 11am Tokyo makes the most since.
As for the words being the time - you could read it three ways as far as I can tell:
(1) 3:30 (assuming pm) = LA 3:30pm/Tokyo 7:30 am OR Tokyo 3:30pm/LA 11:30 pm
(2) 6:15 (reading the long Friday as long like hours) = LA 6:15 PM/Tokyo 10:15 am OR Tokyo 6:15am/LA 2:15 PM
(3) 3:00 (using words as hands) - which is basically like #1 minus 1/2 hr.
Of these #2 (LA 6:15 pm/Tokyo 10:15) is the only one that comes close to the actual store hours and fits with the opening/closing times.
I assume part of the benefit of hosting the reveal is to get some pub and some people in your store.
I'm glad this reveal isn't on Sunday, with the UK clocks going back an hour, I would have no chance in working out what time anything was !
Yeah, it's hard enough adding 16 hrs to LA time which is 3 hrs behind mine time (EST).
We'll get another clue tonight with the times added to the ivy pic
Morning. (font for tired)
Zort70 we missed you in the Chat Room. I would love to reread the comments. Conversation was on afterburners again.
A lot of good things happened last night. First, I want to thank moderators Congested and IceMan815 as well as SpoilerTV/DarkUFO for being our host. Hiroki Tojo for he great sluething, Maven for her persists with RH general manager, and everyone who came to the 'party' last night. We were simultaneous feeds in the chat room, The Lost Args, DarkUFO/ARG, Twitter, and Facebook. We had some fans stepping into these virtual worlds for the first time.
Looks like we're going to do it again sometime on Friday. If you are planning on attending the Ron Herman reveal, please let us know. If you have a Twitter account, we would love to follow you.
I'm calling for a Virtual Happy Hour, Friday, October 23! Celebrate from wherever and whenever you are! Dig out your best LOST drink recipes and post here! Jopinionated, if you see this post that wild concoction you made in May would be just the ticket.
LOST love, Lotto
"We had an email today to say someone had received their numbers poster, and it was #247, so if it is going in sequential order then there are still 53 (minus 1 for JPL) left."
I got my Numbers poster a couple of days ago - it was 250/300
And can I say I'm really bummed that I dont' have a computer at home?? Apparently I missed a fun night last night. Rats!
Sounds awesome, Lotto…
I was gone on assignment, which tweets to follow?
And what did Jo do in may?
Just don't drink and F5, kids!
Maybe if the reveal is at 7:00/11:00 someone in LA will put the url in a window display as they close and in Tokyo put it in as they open.
@Hiroki - thank you very much for the pictures!
barbarajay - have a look on the main page for the post about poster buddies. You may be able to get someone to get one for you.
I just want to put it out there...maybe the reason why there is two times is the time difference and maybe around 4 pm in LA there will be something and at 8 am in tokyo....I really don't think that there is two reveals...but I would go so far as to say the poster could have a twin theme, or maybe a duo theme...
The Tokyo store doesn't open until 11AM.
I'm thinking it's gotta be two separate reveals, like NYC/LA Crumbs
I linked tothe Poster Buddy thread on the post for this clue.
A split URL would be a good way to do things, even if the two halves are revealed at roughly the same time we have our global communication network in place to get them together.
If it is a twin theme which is the Bad Twin ?
My tip is: ''
Awww, Zort! You're the first one to apply a Bad Twin joke! Good job. :o)
I do think it's oddly conspicuous that Saturday is abbreviated by Friday isn't. I really think the 3:30 reveal time is a good guess, which would mean 12:30 eastern. Which means I might be back from a going-away lunch for a co-worker by the time it goes on sale.
Blogging, tweeting, and chat rooms - all relatively new to me in the last few months. I need a few more hours in the day - maybe the island could provide the needed time distortion for me.
3:30 reveal time makes no sense.
As mentioned numerous times, if it's 3:30 PM Friday in Los Angeles, it'd be 6:30 AM Saturday in Tokyo. No good.
If it's 3:30 PM Saturday in Tokyo, that's 12:30 AM in LA. No good.
Morning all after a fun evening in Chat! I agree with Amy Lynn that 3:30 makes no sense, although it was a good thought as far as the placement of the Fri/Sat. The opening/closing times of the 2 stores makes more sense to me. Either the reveal has to happen at the same time....or there will be a 2 part reveal somehow.
Oh, dear lord, I am pathetic. I just scheduled tickets for a Broadway show for tonight instead of tomorrow night because I didn't want to interfere with the reveal.
AmyLynn, I'd call it dedicated and committed.
Just wanted to clarify points made about times:
waffle - 3:30 pm PST would be 6:30 pm EST
amy lynn - 3:30 pm PST would be 7:30 am Sat in Tokyo and 3:30 pm in Tokyo on Sat would be 11:30 pm in LA on Friday
It's confusing to try and work it all out, just wanted to make sure everybody was on the same page.
Oops, yeah, I was off by an hour. Still, 3:30 doesn't work in either direction.
All this timezone talk is really funny if you sit back and read it. Hopefully they'll spell it out for us! I like the idea of getting half a URL in LA and the other half in Tokyo though...that would be different.
Zort- excellent Bad Twin comment/connection!
We are all sick people Amy Lynn! ;)
Oh, right. My brain doesn't function that well before noon.
3:30 doesn't make sense for a simultaneous reveal, but why can't they have two events, one in each location at 3:30 local time respectively?
They totally COULD be. I guess, though, unless it's a giveaway, what is the point of the 3:30 PM second reveal (Tokyo)? We'll have already had the website for 8 hours.
waffle- because whoever got it first and posted about it, it would steal the thunder of the second reveal, no one would care by that point. UNLESS, they do 2 different URLs or something else creative.
6:30 PM eastern is 12:30 AM german time, which is acceptable for the fast typing of my visa number… and then there is always transcontinental serverlag. Maybe this one will go in six minutes.
Waffle - Is that before noon EST, PST, in Tokyo, or on the island? :-)
31 minutes and 18 seconds difference. This is not good.
Anon - Much like the famous happy hour declaration, it's always before noon somewhere :)
Scoutpost - Like Amy Lynn, I think it's possible that it might be a giveaway at both sites. Do you think our Japanese friends would care that they don't get the 'glory' of the reveal as long as they get a freebie? I know I wouldn't.
I think it would be prudent for all those involved..since each of us is going to be in two places at the same time..that we set up a " nose bleed" care center, stocked with Lima Beans,,and for every one to have a predetermined Constant, just in case things go horribley wrong.
morning all!
unseenpresence, I believe that the 1-100 copies of the prints are being split between the artist, disney, and g1988. It is just my guess but I am thinking 40 to the artist, 40 to disney, and 20 to the gallery. (my numbers are slightly edumicated guesses)
I would not bet on the disney copies making it to market, but the others may and I bet at far higher price than $50 + shipping per print.
I know that i am off-topic, but the enhanced (and complete) version of "Mysteries of the Universe" is released on season 5 dvds (UK).
So is there anyone who got the dvds and can upload it for the rest of us?
Wow Anon, are they on the "regular" DVDs or only the Bluray as usual? :-p
They are on the regular dvds... Dark has some screenshots of the dvd menus here:
You can see MOTU option at the 3rd pic :)
Kind of off-topic, but can someone explain to me why anyone would be interested in S6 spoilers? I can't imagine the show would be any fun at all without the surprises.
That would be pretty sweet if they revealed half of the URL at each location! Then it wouldn't necessarily have to be at the same time. Of course, it would be pretty easy to figure out for the people who have the list of the websites already. For the record, I'm still sticking with simultaneous reveal, probably 7PM/11AM.
Amy Lynn I have no idea...I accidentally read one (a pretty big one) and am so p*ssed off about it. Wish I didn't know.
I'm just glad people are so considerate of those of us who don't want to be spoiled. Unless, of course, S6 features a Desmond/Ben kiss. Then I want to know.
Amy Lynn - HA HA HA HA HA! Dying...can't catch my breath...
rev you are partially correct only 10 are you going to the gallery that must not be named...
There was a lot of discussion at the start about the Paul Scheer reveal ofthe Series 6 opener, and whether that was a big spoiler.
I think the general concencus was that it wasn't huge, but still a mini spoiler.
I try and avoid looking at episode titles before the episodes are aired so I have no pre conceived ideas about what is going to happen.
I think scoutpost's opinion was probably based on the Crumbs reveal which was a dual reveal, East coast West coast.
There wasn't any set time for the reveal. The clue just said stop by 8 - 10 for both stores. There wasn't any freebies given away at that particular event.
The url was revealed on the East coast the print was ordered. Three hours later the West coast store opened. There wasn't much talk about the event there, other than the West coast store's empoyees did have the jumpsuits on with the url on the back. Apparently there was trouble on the East coast with the shipment of the jumpsuits.
Now that's not to say that this event will be similar. But there is no guarantee of freebies.
But of course if there are freebies I'd be thrilled to have something from a store that sells T shirts for probably around $300.
Good luck to all those going to both events.
I'm really debating on going. I'd have to take the day off work. plus I'd have to rely on my phone for ordering the print...
Is there any time between the URL reveal and the site actually going live? I was on for the 88Keys reveal and there was some lag time between when he posted the URL and the site actually going live.
I'm just debating whether its worth it for me to go, especially since it might mean i wont even get a poster.
Justin - There is a lag, usually between 15 and 40 minutes.
"Of course, it would be pretty easy to figure out for the people who have the list of the websites already."
Uh.. what? What people already have the list of all the sites? You mean the people in charge of the game? Or people like you and I?
Mrs. Z I think Justin was referring to the fact that we knew what website we were going to before the site was even live, not the stall between the website and Buy Now.
Thanks, anon, for letting me know about poster buddies. I'm going to try to get Mr. BarbaraJay to do this for me, although he is not LOST-oriented. Nor is he very computer savvy. Maybe I need a poster buddy.
Thanks, everyone, for your sleuthing. The time issues still have me confused. I guess we should be used to that by now. ;)
Frank people like you and I. Here is a link to them:
^^ that should be "people like you and me" (not you and I)
I love my girlfriend, she's flying down here, L.A., for the weekend to visit me and I told her about this and she said "Yes, we can go." !!!! Awesome.
Between going with me chasing LOST nerdyness and supporting my Angels baseball vice, she's the best.
All I hope is that we have a universal concrete time to be there by tomorrow.
Vander, I wish you much sympathies on your team's impending destruction tonight.
Um... whoa!
But, what's the point of the game if we already know all the sites?
Guess i'll be having all those pages open and refreshing every 30 seconds...
Oh no, I'm an Angels fan, Amy.
I forgive the mistake, no worries. ;)
@Frank - we only know them b/c someone who is computer savvy (not me...) figured out some way to know what the future sights were going to be. Something like they figured out which domains had been purchased by the ARG...I don't know, I'm sure someone else around here can explain it better than I can! :)
So, is knowing the URLs in advance the same as checking season 6 spoilers?
No. LOL. I read the list of URLs and promptly forgot them.
Ya, they'd have to be able to do a whois lookup, but those usually cost money to see all the domains a person/business owns. Interesting.
Thorsten, yes, it's the same as spoilers. Which, I usually avoid. :D
Now, be warned that TPTB are watcing this site and may change those sites or add some that aren't on the list.
@Frank, if TPTB are watching, they haven't done anything about changing the URLs. The list was discovered back by frame 3, I believe.
Vander - your gf sounds as cool as mine :) We went to a movie last night and before the film started I told her that if i got a text with the new poster site that i would need to duck out. and she was like- cool. thanks for the heads up :)
Gutted, got back from work to see a little note saying I missed my parcel. A little reference tracking and it turns out it came from LA, which i'm pretty safe in thinking is my Hatch poster. Well annoyed now!
goheels83, In the past I would have removed that comment immediately as it is technically a spoiler, but I'm not too sure I need to anymore as the information is easily available.
If anyone wants the link removed please say so otherwise we will just leave it there.
However please do not post any of the URL's that have not been revealed yet directly into a comment, thats for everyone not just aimed at goheels
It's not like knowing the addresses does any good.
1) we don't know which one they'll choose next.
and 2) as we found out with the last one, until the poster goes "live," all we get is the GoMerch page.
There is absolutely no advantage to knowing the future addresses.
Also, just a reminder, the clues have nothing to do with what the poster is about.
@jeremy- the only advantage is that if you're sitting there refreshing ALL the URL's, you'll usually get a 5 minute jump on seeing the poster. Big whoop :)
Yes, that's why the comment doesn't need to be removed in my opinion.
@Martyn. Where are you? I am still waiting on my Hatch poster. I'm in Texas. Starting to get worried. Still pretty new at this internet purchasing thing. I think this is maybe the 2nd purchase for me online.
Erm, I'm in the UK. But i'm kind of lucky with the post it seems, obviously seeing as it got to here quicker than Texas.
Also, I just realised that if the 7pm/11am crossover does happen, that means a 3am reveal for the UK. Wow! Think I may have to consider a poster buddy.
oh sorry 'bout that zort - i should have included a spoiler tag or something.
I posted the website itself instead of the actual links in case anyone didn't want to see them.
sorry though!
Also new to blogging. I was one of the late comments last night because I didn't realize there was a 2nd page of comments (viewing in a window) until a few minutes later. Boy did I feel dumb! It was pretty hilarious to read though.
Should I be worried? I know alot of people have received their Hatch poster already. I'm a stay at home mom & never go anywhere so I don't think I could have missed it.
goheels83 - no problem I think it's past the point where the URL's are classified info.
Personally I don't want to know which URL is next, purely because I want the surprise of the event to reveal it.
Shane I wouldn't worry yet, I've only just had my Smoke Monster print in the last few days.
Thanks Anon, I figured my guess at the contractual print distribution was pretty close. I was pulling for "the gallery which must not be named" to hold more, but 10 does not surprise me, originally I thought it might be a 40/10/50 split, but because I like the gallery I was hoping for the 40/20/40 split.
Well, I managed to avoid the season six spoilers so far, but dude, it's tough. So, for me the fun is really in finding out the URLs at the reveal. And then the mad hitting of Command-R of course ;))
Shane, I am in texas (carrollton) too, what was your order number?
Tyson is rolling these into the tubes and mailing them in order # order.
I have yet to hear of a print not making it into the hands of the purchaser, the delay could be your post office or order number or both.
Thorsten, using a mac? PC people have to just push one little f5 button...hahaha you have to use keyboard combinations....
(j/k I am in a stranger than normal mood today)
Thanks for the comforting comment Zort. I just wanted to add to the comments made by MeSoCrazy yesterday & say you do such a great job on this site. Many thanks to you and your team of super investigators. This is the only reason I turn on the computer.
Hi Rev! I'm in Fort Worth. My order # was 1295.
haha, right, Milo. For some reason my blogger icon is not showing up in the comments, but it includes a hint to my mac-nerdery!
I like the idea of a split reveal. However, if it's half a show quote, most likely, we can fill in the blank pretty fast!
Ya, I was kinda thinking it was the post office. Who do I have to go shake down for my poster tube down there? I'm just picturing it sitting in a corner languishing in post office purgatory.
Ah, well, here we go, Milo!
@ Rev Thanks for the question & the comforting comment as well. Also, I loved your toy room pics. My husbands not a collector but it reminded me of him because the only things he watches on TV are The Simpsons & LOST!
Nice Thorsten!
Shane, I was order #1173 and got mine Saturday. I do have a special report with my mailman, and I like to pretend that Tyson has pre-printed my print labels.
But having lived both in Dallas and grown up FtW, I have to say, despite all the improvements to the FtW downtown interchange, things still move faster over Dallas.
Have faith, these prints like to test your patience. And yes, I do pretend that the prints are partially sentient, and feed off of our building anticipation.
Right, Milo, my prints love the special treatment they get in bloody Frankfurt, where customs folks armed with blue rubber gloves rip open the packages ;))
@maven, that's what I was thinking. We're all pretty nerdy here, even if they haven't seen the list, which looks like it's missing a few, we could finish the quote in no time.
Hahaha! Yes I agree! I do love Fort Worth. I guess it's part of the charm, just not so charming when you're waiting on a poster. Patience is a virtue. Does this mean by the end of all this we will be "good guys"?
I know this was a long time ago, but sorry for my misunderstanding Justin! I know I ended up having to add /dcpb/VIIII/ to the end of the URL in order for it to work last time. Any guesses if they'll correct the Roman numerals and go with /dcpb/X/? Or maybe it will be /dcpb/VIIIII/ or /dcpb/VV? :)
@Mrs Z... I think the addition to the URL was only necessary for a minute or two before they fixed it.
What? There's a mac way to refresh? (does that sound right/weird?) How did I not know this?
I'm still all sorts of a tiny bit confused on when this reveal will happen, but that's not out of the norm for me. I'm following Reverend Milo and Lottery Ticket on twitter (just to help myself and because I think they are great tweeps---- who gave out their twitter names).
These posters consume my thoughts and my time. It's all I think and worry about. I go on vacation in a few weeks and I'm already worried about how I will deal with that and the posters. What is wrong with me?
Of course you can set the shortcut for refresh in Safari to F5 if you want to, MeSoCrazy… but mac apps usually don't use the F keys, it's rather Command and Option.
@Amy Lynn - I have to wait a MINUTE OR TWO?? Isn't that asking a lot? ;) I was pretty impatient that day though. Just didn't want to miss out!
Has anyone called the Melrose store about this???
Thorsten I'm just giddy about the command R. I'm using it like mad already, in preparation for when I really need it.
I hit the poor little rounded arrow all the tíme!
Might I suggest that mac users fabricate a widget that allows them to press Ctrl-R with one finger?
You have at least half a day to prepare and test it before the refresh-fest commences?
I may have broken my F5 from the previous print maddness. So, to to save keyboard strain, I will be using the windows "On-Screen Keyboard" and my mouse because the "little round arrow" in my browser is just too far away.
Go and get Windows 7, Milo. Steve Ballmer said it will autorefresh before you even know it!
LOL thorsten, I use Windows enterprise server 2008, which Windows 7 is based off of, and I can tell you it does a whole lot even when you ask it not too...
I guarantee it will be one of my XP machines that I use to order. The big question for me before tomorrow is firefox, opera, chrome, or chromium.
As usual, I admire your professional approach Milo. Not just a plethora of hardware, but a collection of the best browsers the market has to offer at your fingertips. Can't wait for our refresh-rematch to begin!
Hey fellow mac users, try bookmarking then adding to your "top sites" page in safari, not 100% certain but think that they refresh every time you open top sites
Random theory: Perhaps the "high fashion" isn't just related to the pricetags, but could this suggest a giveaway made with a hemp based fabric?
Anon- re: calling the Melrose Store- yes, maven called several times yesterday and couldn't get any info off of them.
RevMilo and Shane- hello to ya'll in the Metroplex! I am a former FtW'er. Let's hear it for Cowtown! Maybe ya'll could send me some decent TexMex or at least eat some for me. Mexican food just isnt' the same in AZ.
That's pretty cool, thanks mrtibbs! I tried that method while waiting for an update on the DCAAPB hub.
Yea! Got my "Hatch" finally...249/300. I'll go to Dark's and add mine to the list, LT!
I know I can get Angelo's to fedex BBQ, I send it to CA and MN a couple of times a year to other FtW natives.
Joe T's tamale's and hot sauces ship nicely but their enchalada's I have yet to figure out how to mail.
friend me on FB and I can see about grabbing your addy to send a cowtown care package.
I've just seen Congested's Tweet about 88-Keys, go to the Audibly Lost blog for more info.
Store update: Just spoke to the General Manager (James Bishop...British accents and very nice). Of course, he said he knew nothing about anything. I told him the we were trying to figure out the time this would happen because it's tied in with the Tokyo store. He seemed genuinely surprised. I mentioned Melrose closes at 7pm and Tokyo opens at 11am. He seemed to know those 2 times readily!
He suggested I try calling back tomorrow...and called me "sweetheart"! LOL
^^ that's cute maven. thanks for calling so many times!!! if a guy with a sexy accent calls me sweetheart, i am putty in his hands. hah.
Hello to everyone on here. I have been lurking for a bit but havent posted. I am a huge poster/ art print collector and i have to say this is one of the nicest places to post i have seen. Good to see everyone here hates flippers as much as me. I have seen people posting about a list where everyone gives their print # and order #. Can someone give me the url so i can join in on that. Also, i know it is a long shot but if anyone has a crash print they want to sell at a decent price or if they want to trade for some other cool art that would be sweet. Here is my collection on it isnt 100% complete though. I buy 5-10 new pieces a week. i am so addicted.
..SO..since they are doing a double reveal, does that mean everybody who doesn't get a print off of Melrose, gets a second chance off of Tokyo?
Mike, Lottery Ticket here. I've read your comment. I post link. Just a sec.
LT - thanks a bunch
I still don´t think we will be getting a reveal on one time on friday and another on a different time on saturday so I don´t think there will be more than one chance to get the poster. I think the reveal will be at the same time but it will be friday for USA people and Saturday for Tokyo people because of the time difference.
Might be wrong, but that´s what I think...
OK - well thankfully it worked out so I didn't miss anything. A lot to catch up on! Sounds like you guys had a great time last night!
Martyn - thanks for working out that it will be 3am UK time on Saturday. It is my husband's birthday that day, don't know if he will appreciate me waking up in the middle of the night and following the reveal! I am going to do it anyway though! At least it is a weekend...
Mike: Here's the link for the poster list.
thanks a bunch maven. Nice to see so many helping hands. If anything ever comes to the mid-atlantic/northeast US i will be sure to get my ass out there to help everyone out
Mike- you have a very GIGANTIC collection! wow! lots of DMB... impressive. :)
Maven - Glad the Hatch arrived! Mine's still not here...sigh...
I suppose the weekend is some consolation, just have to figure out can I stay up till three for the poster and then get up at 8am to do this Nike + run and then go to work, or stay up to 3am and then go to work and then do the run in the dark. Hmm, tough choice.
If you want, I can act as poster buddy again, save you waking your husband up.
Mrs.Z: I gave a sigh of relief when I saw it on my doorstep today! What was your order #? Mine was up there at 1300...I'm sure they're doing things numerically.
thanks comixguru. I have been collecting for a few years. I have a bunch more prints that are already framed that i dont even bother listing. My g/f cant even remember what color the walls are in some rooms.
I apologize if I missed it, but do we think this is 3:30 EST reveal or 3:30 PST? If it's EST, there is no way I can get this computers near
organic_herbal: We really don't know anything for sure yet. The Melrose time Friday could be 7pm PST (closing time) and Tokyo time would be 11AM Saturday (opening time). It is just speculation at this's the only time that the 2 locations coincide during business hours.
Sorry, as I looked, we don't know anything conclusive...11:30AM PST would suck for me too
Thanks maven, we posted at the same time!
Vicariously following along in "lurk" mode! Good job!!
Maven, You're awesome. You've become the muscle for this site - keep up the good work. Glad you got your print - as I posted late one night there appears to be no hidden blacklight specific patterns to the Hatch print. While my wife (almost) equally shares my passion for LOST, she just shook her head when I told her how I tested my hypothesis.
It has been slow, but it has been fun as well :-)
Well, I hope we have some definite information on the reveal tomorrow morning.
I'm going to get some sleep in the knowledge that, unless Daniel has been messing with my molecules, that I won't miss the reveal.
Good night, Zort. I'll better set an alarm clock for our 'urpean timeline ;)
Oh, good, when Zort goes to sleep, something happens! LOL
Thanks, sandman90...everyone is contributing wonderfully here!
Oi, I'm still officially awake, for the next 30 seconds.....
Now I'm not
Congrats on getting the Hatch print today.
Thanks for keeping up the phone calls. I wish they'd give us a hint what time this thing will happen.
I laughed so hard at your pursuit of finding out how a black light works on the Hatch. Good for you not giving up. :)
Rev Milo - Im still waiting for the statue - 4 weeks in a couple of days. That, Im stressing about! Would hate to be the first to have a non-arrival!
Maven - I can assure you all Poms are as nice as that...
even the exported ones!
I am betting you are aussie? what was your order number on the statue? Sometimes talking about this stuff in public fixes problems.
(believe in the observer) Pray to Tyson...
err I meant a NewZealander...
:) sorry cooking dinner, not very focused.
Rev. No, if I was an aussie, my handle prolly would be aussielostie!!! lmao! Order #883 for the statue. Got it on reveal day (24th from mem).
BTW, theres no bigger insult than calling a kiwi an aussie, and vice versa! Still lmao!!
Now... must get back to my 300 page bid to have Zort put an NZ time clock on the time page...
And as for all the talk about time zones - welcome to my world! My heads almost exploded numerous times since this started, trying to calculate what horrendous hour of the day (normally 2-6am) these reveals happen!
Heads exploding is bad.
Ok, kiwilostie: What's a Pom?
Maven - affectionate term for an Englishman - sorry, was talking about your call to the manager at the store!
Had a feeling it was that...but wasn't sure. Thanks!
ok, so the boss is letting me off tomorrow. I think i'm gonna head up to melrose. I might need a poster buddy though...Hopefully the time will be posted tonight and i'll know if i'll need someone.
Hope it's worth it!
Kiwilostie, as I said, errr..I meant...
no offense intended!
I worry your delays may be caused by George W getting confused and briefly considering listing NZ as a terrorist state back in his term, and Barak has not visited there yet to let customs know we are really ok with you guys.
(agian, sorry for my lunacy. I believe in preparing a large scotch and pretending I am a 50's business man home from the office at the end of the day)
Rev, didnt you see our PM on Letterman the other week? We love you guys, just not your nukes!
Was a hoot - its on theTube -
I like the bourbon/cokes and pretending Im good looking and know everything. Usually after an hour or so I am, and do!!
Must be late in TX?!
Here's my own print. Limited edition to 300. Only $400 each! (kidding)
(those on the chat last night might have already seen it)
badass...I would totally buy one :) My wife loves bunnies, so she would excuse my money expense :)
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