Sunday, October 25, 2009

Has Ron Herman Tweeted a Clue ? 160

As reported previously the Ron Herman event in Tokyo did not happen as planned, and it seems that the store had a few communication issues. However as all the Twitter entries below show, things are going to be put right.

The Tokyo store is advising people to go back on Monday for the bag.

However that is not the most interesting news to come out of Ron Herman, the tweet immediately below was posted a few minutes ago.

Does this mean that the next reveal will be in Glasgow, Scotland ?

Update - The Ron Herman tweet has been posted on the hub page, this is now an official clue for Frame 11.

While we discuss have a look at the other Tweets below, firstly from Ron Herman apologising and from others replying.


andalone said...

I am so excited that reveal events are apparently continuing to go global. It adds such a great dimension to things and it's great that LOST fans in several countries get to participate in person.

Zort70 said...

Glasgow !!! It's quite a trek for me.

Now where did I put those train timetables ?

maven said...

ENOUGH!!! This is LostArgs Mother talking!! Everybody take a time-out in the the corner and come back smiling!

Glad RH is stepping up, but now Hiroki and Tim have to make another trip to the store!

Glasgow....that's some slip

Sandman90 said...

Slip or subterfuge? Mmmmhh....

andalone said...

I wonder if the some of future clues will be from the reveal sites themselves - like the RH tweet?...maybe adding a new twist to the hunt?

Zort70 said...

By the way I know a few Glaswegians that will freely admit that they can't be understood by other English speakers !

Sandman90 said...

I'll talk to my buddy to get a feel whether or not his brother would be willing to help in this endeavor.

feel_the_insanity said...

They just posted the tweet about the bag situation on the Hub page...nothing about Glasgow though. I guess DCAAPB never sleeps.

MJCarp said...

Afternoon. Stepped in from raking to catch up here and at THE LIST and what happens, twins are born, and Glasgow slip. Are we in hunting mode? Will DCaaPB drop a clue pronto?

Frank said...

Forwarded this to my Tim. I'll see if he can go back on Monday [tonight at 7pm PST, I believe].

Sandman90 said...
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andalone said...

They just posted the tweet about Glasgow on the hub.

Tess315 said...

lol maven
I love you. :) Sometimes it takes a mom's touch.

Roxanna said...
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Roxanna said...

new clue :D

Anonymous said...

This is really strange for me. I have recently taken up correspondence with a person who visits Scotland regularly. The connectivity continues.


MJCarp said...


MiddayShadows said...

NOW this an 'official' CLUE!

JPL said...

Clue = Glasgow, Scotland

Could it be that we finally have a connection to a character poster reveal.... Desmond?!?

Martyn said...

I could potentially go to this, I have three days off this week so hopefully it'll fall on one of those so I can make the long long trek up.

Ellen said...

Glasgow! Desmond! YES!!!
(LOL@Maven! Good job Mom!)

Ellen said...

Also, Many, many congrats to David & Nancy!!
What a wonderful happening...little Des & Pen...LOVE it!!!

Tess315 said...

Glasgow huh? I've always wanted to go to Scotland. :)

Sandman90 said...

@martyn - How long is the trek?

Zort70 said...

An official clue !

Here we go again.

Martyn said...

According to Google Maps, 296.2 miles which equates to 5 hours. I'll judge on the likely-hood of there being stuff given out.

feel_the_insanity said...

If this is a Desmond poster...and I don't get it...then I WILL cry. Haha. Frame 11 begins!

JPL said...

@martyn - I take it your not in the states. :)

Where's your base of operations & what days do you have off?

Zort70 said...

It's about an hour less for me from home Martyn.

This is the first time the LostARGs post has been before the official clue :-)

JPL said...

@Zort - it's in your own backyard.... sweet!!!! Hoping that you can make it as you've earned it.

Is it possible the postees at LostARGS are havinng flash forwards?:)

Martyn said...

My base of operation is Solihull, UK and my days off are today, tuesday and friday. Friday seems the most likely time at the moment but i'm sure I could call in sick. *Ahem*

Sandman90 said...

Did they know you were that close Zort? At last!

MJCarp said...

connections to Desmond and to Ra'uf Glasgow, producer, a destination from Ajira GLA, birth place of Donovan "Atlanti" Bloop, birthplace of Charlotte Lewis (maybe),

JPL said...

@Martyn -You're not sounding so good. I'd definitely take it easy and get plenty of rest. It's best not to get any of your office mates ill. Sure our resident Doctor... Doc Artz could write you a note.

Luke said...

What do the numbers 4, 4, and 32 have to do with it though. It seems like the 4's are definitely a clue, but 32 minutes may have something to do with it too.

Luke said...

What do the numbers 4, 4, and 32 have to do with it though. It seems like the 4's are definitely a clue, but 32 minutes may have something to do with it too.

Martyn said...

Now that you mention it, I do feel a man flu coming on. *cough*


An hour away, seems more ideal for you than it does for me.

MJCarp said...

Taking a walk in Glasgow. Walking around George Square. Lovely.

MJCarp said...

Yes. you are on to something. There's that dang 4 again

andalone said...

I think the 32 minutes was just the time the screen capture was made from the time of the original tweet. The 4's might mean something, but I think they are just an abbreviation to fit the entire tweet in the allocated space.

maven said...

32 minutes is just how long ago something is posted on Twitter...but it's interesting that the screen cap at that exact time was taken.

Anonymous said...

Do you twitter? Just asking because there's only enough room for 140 characters per tweet, using a 4 instead of "four" isn't uncommon when tweeting.

The tweet from ronhermandotcom on my twitter account says "6 minutes ago", the original screen shot posted here on Lostargs says 23 minutes ago yet the one posted on the DCaaPB says 32 minutes ago.

Can we draw something from this other than we get our tweets at depending on when we refresh? I don't know. Was the clue edited to say 32 minutes ago, I don't know. Honestly I don't even know if this means Glasgow Scotland at of right now as there as cities named Glascow in states of the U.S.

There is an event going on in Glascow headed by Gordan Ramsay on October 30-November 1st but its by ticket only. I'm just thinking of Darlton and the writers love of Top Chef etc and if there's a connection here.

Anonymous said...

Ack, sorry I type faster than brain works these days.

Martyn said...

Wow, in retrospect, looking at the prices of tickets to get up to Glasgow, I think i'll retreat and quietly hope thre's a reveal that takes place somewhere a little closer than Glasgow.

Could drive, but with petrol prices at the moment, whew, i'd spend the money i'd rather use on getting a new Lost poster.

mrtibbs said...

It begins again… How exciting, for the first time in years I'm look forward to monday!

Anonymous said...

My tweet from ronhermandotcom now says 2 hours ago, it's very possible "whomever" waiting and posted it to DCaaPB at 32 minutes, too soon to say. Twitter runs on real time (if its running correctly which often isn't the case).

Zort70 said...

Martyn Said...An hour away, seems more ideal for you than it does for me.

Sorry for the misunderstanding, I meant it was an hour closer than you are Martyn, so still 4 hours+

I just realised from the info above that I got one of the numbers !

MJCarp said...

Glasgow, KY only one in US ?

Martyn said...


Ah! Was going to say, bit of a trek if you sometimes work in Solihull.

I'm not giving up here, I will think of a way I can get up there.

LostinLondon said...

Argh! Can't believe there is finally a UK based one and it is in GLASGOW!!!

I just don't think I can spend the money to get up there and time off work :(

Hope that some others can go and represent the UK contingent

Anonymous said...

Saw that LT, just exploring any possibilities right now. My first thought was Desmond as well :) didn't want to get my hopes up. I read this comment by Zort and thought i'd look in other directions.

By the way I know a few Glaswegians that will freely admit that they can't be understood by other English speakers !

maven said...

Zort and Martyn: Wow, it's quite a ways from you guys. We can hope for a London one, but this might be your only chance.

Zort70 said...

Yes, before we all blow our budgets on a trip to Glasgow, it's worth saying nothing has been confirmed yet.

Tyson could be messing with our UK minds.

Martyn said...

He better be!!!


Lostinlondon said...

Ha - I agree! I hope that it is a massive red herring

MiddayShadows said...

I actually wouldn't mind the excuse to visit Scotland!

MiddayShadows said...

What I find interesting as well is that the clue was posted today -Sunday. Last week's first clue took so long to show up. Could mean an earlier in the week reveal this time around.

kiwilostie said...

C'mon guys - wait for a closer to home reveal??.... man Id be out there on the side of the road with my thumb out already!!....
And I too have met some Scots that are speaking English but I still had no idea what they were saying!

Martyn said...

Scottish, Geordie and Scouser...

The three british dialects that are hard to understand. Maybe Bristolian too.


I totally agree, which is why i'm looking for solutions and hoping it's Glasgow in america or something.

babysledge said...

Well I did some sleuthing anyway, just to see if there was anything and I did see some references to a Glasgow 4.

Glasgow Four. A name sometimes given to four artists, interrelated by blood and marriage, who often worked together in Glasgow in the period from about 1890 to 1910, developing a common Art Nouveau style in such fields as posters, metalwork, and interior decoration. The four were Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Herbert MacNair (1868–1955), and the English-born sisters Frances Macdonald (1873–1921) and Margaret Macdonald (1864–1933), who were married to MacNair and Mackintosh respectively. Their work, which was influenced by Celtic art and Symbolism, was more appreciated on the Continent than in Britain; an issue of the Viennese periodical Ver Sacrum was devoted to them in 1901. All four worked as painters as well as designers.

babysledge said...

There is a studio in Maine that has n ongoing collection of art nouveau / art deco designs inspired by the fabulous "Glasgow Four"

Anonymous said...

Glasgow??? HAA! I see as an American, I am not alone in being bewildered by this apparent choice. If it wasn't for its Art museums,,which reminds me to say, if not the Glasgow 4 ( Chas.MacIntosh and wife And I MacDonaldson(?) and wife) there wouldn't be too much else to this city to draw tourists to....

Now you know how us Arizonies felt about ...Tucson. ( subtle warning involved)


Anonymous said...

..excellent job there babysledge..the MacDonald sisters. If it was not for them..where would Glasgow be on the list of places to visit?

hhhmm.. maybe indeed, we've broken the Time barrier,,and are now seeing plaid.


Capcom said...

Fascinating info Babysledge!

Thanks Scoutpost for the FB info. I thought you had meant earlier that if I change my settings that I can see other people's pix. :-B

kiwilostie said...

Martyn, Geordie is my favourite UK accent. Biffa Bacon etc...
If this reveal is your Glasgow, I wouldnt bet on having another UK one...
Surely they will do a reveal in "the key to the whole game" Australia?...

Martyn said...

I agree kiwilostie, with 6 posters to go, I doubt they'll do another UK one. But why Glasgow??? Such an out of reach place, why not somewhere in the middle which is easy for most people to get to, say Birmingham? *Ahem*

Jesse T said...

I bought a poster frame today....but I haven't even bought a poster yet lol :(

kiwilostie said...

Martyn, yes, why Buenos Aires too? Maybe the word was put out, and people from around the world put their hands up, ie the artists in BA, and the famous ...???... in Glasgow.

kiwilostie said...

Or maybe there is a Simple Minds concert on in Glasgow that the ABC interns want to go to??... Who knows!

Anonymous said...

kiwi..i understand your sentiments. Yes,a lot of LOST took place in the Down Under. Yes a Pride is yours, but please consider the nature of what took place. Basically,,nothing good.
It was the place the LOSTIES went to..but came away from..uuummm..prepared for a coming apart,,btw of disillusionment. From Jack to Kate to Locke etc etc etc.,,all were dealt disappointment in Australia. Not that it was Australias or the peoples of Australia fault. The fault is with the Losties,,not Australia.

Please, I'm not trying to be a dinkum wowser on your parade. Before I die, I'd like very much to visit an english speaking country south of the equator. That has to do with the stars . So i mean to take no respect away from Australia or Australians. So,, as to your " key"..YES..very much the key..but is the nature of that KEY,,something to be touted about or even integrate into a print? Australia could have been any place.


lora said...

There's a Glasgow in Virginia, near the Blue Ridge mountains, population one thousand. I could get there in under 2 hours, but something tells me the event won't be here...

There are also towns with the name of Glasgow in Delaware, Illinois, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. I believe that those are all pretty small towns, too.

BarbaraJay said...

Congratulations, David and Nancy! And welcome, Desmond and Penny! Much more exciting than posters, IMHO.

Jesse T, I like your attitude.

Amy Lynn said...

Scotland, eh? Bring it on.

And FWIW, MEL, I've got your back. Your posts are the best.

Capcom said...

Hurley says that Oz is "the key to the whole game" in "The Shape Of Things To Come". :-)

kiwilostie said...

MEL, I was just quoting Hurley re Australia - the shape of things to come.
...backs slowly out the door, closing it silently!!!...

TomRex said...

A new clue! Exciting

Anonymous said...

AL..Thats great to know. I will do my best to reciprocate. My fingernails are just long enough to give a good scratching.


TomRex said...

This is going to drive me crazy. I'm with my parents on vacation celebrating my Dad's retirement. I may have to call for help from a poster buddy on this one. I was so happy I was able to help my buddy out last week. I'm crossing my fingers

If you don't see me around the reveal - I will need some help if possible. I have all 10 so far and plan on collecting the whole set!

Amy Lynn said...

Tom, when are you on vacation till? If the first clue was Sunday afternoon, the reveal may not be till next weekend.

Anonymous said...

kiwi!!..oh Darn!! Its my experience that Australians are all about gamesmanship!..So as soon as I saw the word " game" in your post..i took it as an invite. I was looking forward to a bit of non serious fun.


Martyn said...

That's a good point kiwilostie, I guess people in Argentina were wondering why parque patricios was chosen. I guess Glasgow it is!

If a reveal were done near austrailia, it'd probably end up in new zealand rather than austrailia, so hope for you kiwilostie.

kiwilostie said...

Martyn, I can (and do) always hope!...

TomRex said...

I will be driving back to Salt Lake on Wednesday and will be out of touch all day. Life won't get back to normal until Thursday

Martyn said...

I'm off to bed all. Hopefully a new clue tomorrow will say, "oops, not Glasgow, Manchester."

A boy can dream!

Goodnight everybody!!!

Capcom said...

LOL Kiwi, @6:39pm. X-D

MJCarp said...

evening. some will sleep. some will wait. I'm watching for Hiroki to wake in Tokyo and see messages and new clue.

I see some Fall Out with Glasgow mixed with a little bagpipes.

Do we have any way to keep our cards tighter to the chest?

Anonymous said...

Another possibility--Maybe the Glasgow clue isn't about Scotland.

There is a band named Glasgow doing a concert at noon on Oct 30 in New Orleans.


Anonymous said...

hhhmmm..Spoiled For Choice...a Glasgow gift shop...???


kiwilostie said...

Capcom - ;-)

Amy Lynn said...

And for the record, assuming we are going with Glasgow, it is 4 hours ahead of NYC (EST) and 7 hours ahead of CA (PST).

As for what happens after the time change on Halloween, who knows? :)

comixguru said...

Congrats to David and Nancy!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend :)

Tess315 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dr Mum said...

Holy WOW twin bablets called Desmond and Penny.... surely this must be the ultimate L O S T fan gesture. How did they arrange to have a boy and a girl.
This is fan-tastic!

Anonymous said...

maven it really sucks that people will have to go back to the store to get free stuff.... attica...attica... man I am tweet this to pete wentz lets hope he tweets back cause you know he got nothing else to do...

MJCarp said...

MEL tsk tsk

Spoiled Brat "who says you can't have it all" on-line shop based in Glasgow

MJCarp said...

I love it that RH Tokyo opened today with NO Hiroki-san at the door! Sould he really have to go back?

Anonymous said...

LI. HAAA!!.yes i noticed that.. it seems spoiled by choice is a rather English axiom.Perhaps a legacy from the height of the Empire days. That they took it there, is so very English I suppose. Funny!

What do you think about Buchanan shopping mall? High end stuff with again, the application of spoiled by choice.

Maybe a route thru Go Merch or Jensen or whatever can lead to Glasgow.


MJCarp said...

did the GoMerch Jensen Wentz route

Wentz there last year? for concert and appears in celeb. mag articles.

no Clandestine that I can see

no LA Glasgow connections either.

only billboard that promoted S5? or S4 as a LOST production connection

MJCarp said...

also looked at Woops which was odd spelling. TV show (US) from 1992 about survivors of nuclear disaster listed as a comedy.

Anonymous said...

Well , on the issue of Tokyo Ron Herman. it may be a stretch..but from this forward seems he and Tim may have been a good part of forming todays frame 11 clue. Sure, it could have been different if a bunch of folks showed up. Perhaps then that bundle of Lost bags would have been distributed.

In any case, Hiroki and Tim were made an important part of todays clue,,whether by design or by after the fact covering of butt,,they at least have a very weird experience to talk about,,that few will probably ever match.

So,,yea,, no real need to go back,, or I suspect ,,a want. A bag will eventually wear out,, but the memory..Haa! ..for ever.


hobbit said...

Please let the site reveal take place Eastern Time between 4 PM Tuesday and 6 AM Wednesday...or 5 PM Wednesday and 6 AM Thursday so I might be able to actually be home and in front of my computer for it...

Anonymous said...

I'll see what I can do.

Anonymous said...

Heheheee..that brings to mind the LUCKY Gallery at the Glasgow School of Fine Arts..


MJCarp said...

the web surrounding Jensen/1988/Glasgow/Kevin Smith/foodrap/TopChef/Gorbals is woven tightly.

MJCarp said...

Hiroki-san replies via Tweeter

got email from Watanabe-san, Store manager of Ron Herman Japan said he is ready for a Lost bag for me. preparing to go now

comixguru said...

Hiroki-san is on his way to RH for some LOST bag action! :)

MJCarp said...

Will be at RH between 1 and 1:30 Tokyo

kiwilostie said...

They better give him more than "a bag". At least let him put a few on the bay for his trouble!

maven said...

Just saw that Hiroki's getting his bag. So happy for him!

Wondering if this was planned all along so that they could drop the next clue via twitter?

MJCarp said...

Hiroki on the move photo posted a rainy day in Tokyo

Ginger said...

Congratulations to David & Nancy! Naming your twins after your favorite characters is crazy! I did it too. I have Alexandra & Penelope. They are 18 months old now & we call them Alex & Penny. When your trying to find names for 2 girls & you hear something you like you take it. They just happened to be the names of the daughters of these two guys on a TV show called LOST. THE BEST SHOW EVER!

MJCarp said...

Hiroki, in rainy traffic jam. He'll be a bit later than 1:30 p.m. (Tokyo)

Amy Lynn said...

I don't think the searching is necessarily pointless. If we know an event is going to go down in a certain city in a certain time frame, it allows people to re-arrange their schedules to get there if they want to be there. Yeah, maybe some of the "events" have been underwhelming, but I bet the people with the Dharma skate decks don't think so :D

MJCarp said...

from Hiroki. link to letter from ron herman customer service"

Letter from ron herman I got and my reply

MJCarp said...

15 more minutes . . . arrrrrrggggghh

he is taking short cut

maven said...

Can you read those emails, LT?

Anonymous said...

.. I wonder if Kevin Smith is running this ARG?


MJCarp said...

My Japanese a little rusty. lol

I'll get translation and get back to you.

Amy Lynn said...


from Ronhaman Customerservice
to hiroki.tojo @

date Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 11:34 AM
Results of subject LOST bag
hide details 11:34 AM (1 hour ago)

Like Tojo

Thank you for visiting us the other day.

Contact Orimashita the頂I, LOST, so we sent back to the store Ronhaman Sendagaya
We'll get.

When the visit was not immediately available for verification, which confirmed Sunday night that I've lost recently
We apologize for the delay I'll get it.

Thank you.

Watanabe Sendagaya Ronhaman


from Hiroki Tojo
to Ronhaman Customerservice \

date Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 12:46 PM
subject Re: LOST bag all of

hide details 12:46 PM (35 minutes ago)

Watanabe our

I understand. I'll come around one time!

Thank contact


Hiroki Tojo
hiroki.tojo @

MJCarp said...

"Thank you for your recent visit us is like Tojo. Contact Orimashita the頂I, LOST has contacted us since we arrived back to the store Ronhaman Sendagaya. When the visit was not immediately available for verification, which I've lost recently confirmed Sunday night, and we apologize for the delay I'll get it. Thank you."

MJCarp said...

clear as mud

kiwilostie said...

Very good! Glad he got his swag.

maven said...

Something was definitely lost in translation! lol

MJCarp said...

ok, he's there

Anonymous said...

Phew!! thank goodness no hari-kari is involved.


maven said...

He got a bag!!!!!

MJCarp said...


Anonymous said...

seems an awful long way to go for a punch line like that.


MJCarp said...

cute photo of RH staffer

kiwilostie said...

Awesome! Thanks Hiroki for all your efforts!

Anonymous said...

Happy for Hiroki.

maven said...

The RH employee seems happy to give him the bag!

ObFuSc8 said...

Yay Hiroki! Would think they'd throw in one of those wonderful Virgin Mary statuettes for all of your trouble!

MJCarp said...

Oh, look the URL BUY NOW BUY NOW

MJCarp said...

Here's link to Picasa photos

maven said...

Thanks, LT! Hiroki looks soooo happy!

maven said...
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MJCarp said...

Hiroki reports more bags are available

know anyone in Tokyo?

comixguru said...

LT- you scared me with your "BUY NOW BUY NOW!" :) i totally panicked.

MJCarp said...

sorry comixguru, that was more of a joke on myself

kiwilostie said...

Comix - me too, I was like, what, what? what am I missing?!

MJCarp said...

sorry gang. thought it was funny. and now I'm giving people gray hairs.

ObFuSc8 said...

LT -- I wish!!

MJCarp said...

Future greeting: "Morning Zort70" cause I'm zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

nite all. Hiroki may comment here.
but I'm a gonner.

ObFuSc8 said...

Night LT

Frank said...

I sent an email to my brother letting him know Hiroki got his bag, and if he can get to the store today, and if he can get extra's, i'll hand them out.

Frank said...

Looks like he's most likely not gonna make it. Since it's raining, it would cost him $30 in taxi fare to get there. Usually he drives a scooter, but cause of the rain, today he's not.

ObFuSc8 said...

Yeah -- Hiroki said it's raining and of course craptastic traffic

ObFuSc8 said...

Night all.

kiwilostie said...

Those pics Hiroki uploaded looked like empty totes - there had better been some figurines in there somewhere!... or he got ripped off... fingers crossed...

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hello from Starbucks at Sendagaya, tokyo.(next to Ron Herman Tokyo)
LostARGs folks
Pardon my English writing is poor.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your warm support for my adventure of FRAME10 of DCPB in Tokyo.  Without your help I could not get any bag still. Maybe I could not come here because of last attempt at Saturday was failed. It failed twice Thursday and Saturday. I was really shocked because it was obviously indicated on the hub page of DCPB site but it failed actually. But Finally I got the bag today!! Someone in Lost fan community in U.S. was emailing to Ronharman US and figuring this out while I was away for Sunday. Ron Herman finally fixed things for a poor unknown silly Japanese LOST fan to have a bag with "i'm lost.." . WHAT A HONOR! And the miracle happened here. I learned that in our lives, If you are LOST, even here in the island of Japan, Yes I am living in an island in the pacific ocean, it turned to a place that miracle happens If I believed it. Everybody in LOSTARGS is the HERO, not me. Because you taught me to believe it what will happen next in a clue even it was failed once or twice. I experienced that this was what the show told and told and is telling it again in the final season! I would like to say thank you again for all of you for this great learning experience!
Cheers and Namaste!
Hiroki Tojo

MiddayShadows said...

Best post here. Ever.

Congratulations on your adventure, and thank you for your fantastic story, Hiroki!!

Zort70 said...

And with that comment from Hiroki


Sophie L said...

Really hope it is in Glasgow, I live there =D If it is I want to try and be a twitter feed - feel bad always getting news off other people's efforts and not helping out!


Anonymous said...

Just got back from work, my Smokey and Mr Eko waiting for me at the front door (#268)...AWESOME!, turn on my pc and find out the next clue is for Glasgow, 25mins away from my front door....SWEET! I'm all over this one, finally a chance to give something back to you all who have kept us up to date across the pond. My twitter is LOST_4815162342

Nachosaur said...

In Glagsow?

A vinery.

Yay, I did something. But did somebody say that already?

mrtibbs said...

Just having a bit of a think and Isn't Desmond a Celtic fan? I'm at the end of my tether waiting for a clue!
It's a bit of a tenuous link, but the two 4's made me think of football. 4-4-2, the tried and tested formation!

Anonymous said...

New clue is up!

MiddayShadows said...
This comment has been removed by the author.