We have also had this message from Hiroki -
Hello from Starbucks at Sendagaya, tokyo.(next to Ron Herman Tokyo)
LostARGs folks
Pardon my English writing is poor.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your warm support for my adventure of FRAME10 of DCPB in Tokyo. Without your help I could not get any bag still. Maybe I could not come here because of last attempt at Saturday was failed. It failed twice Thursday and Saturday. I was really shocked because it was obviously indicated on the hub page of DCPB site but it failed actually. But Finally I got the bag today!! Someone in Lost fan community in U.S. was emailing to Ronherman US and figuring this out while I was away for Sunday. Ron Herman finally fixed things for a poor unknown silly Japanese LOST fan to have a bag with "i'm lost.." . WHAT A HONOR! And the miracle happened here. I learned that in our lives, If you are LOST, even here in the island of Japan, Yes I am living in an island in the pacific ocean, it turned to a place that miracle happens If I believed it. Everybody in LOSTARGS is the HERO, not me. Because you taught me to believe it what will happen next in a clue even it was failed once or twice. I experienced that this was what the show told and told and is telling it again in the final season! I would like to say thank you again for all of you for this great learning experience!
Cheers and Namaste!
Hiroki Tojo
Some well deserved thankyous go to Hiroki for all his time and effort in reporting back to us, Ron Herman for sorting out the issues, and to all LostARGs contributors for helping out Hiroki and others in Tokyo. Reading the note from Hiroki should make all of us on this site proud to be part of something that has bought happiness to at least one Tokyo based Lost fan.
The last word has to come from the RonHermanDotCom Twitter feed :

1 – 200 of 380 Newer› Newest»YAY! FINALLY!!
Congrats Hiroki!!! You deserved it!!
Enjoy it and thanks for everything! :)
Yay, Hiroki-san! I say again that they should have had something more for you given all of the trouble you went to.
Thanks for all of your effort. You're now a part of this LOST ARG legend.
Anyone think this next reveal will be on Halloween?
ObFuSc8 - I'm kind of hoping not, as it would be very awkward for me to go up then !
Great words, Hiroki-san.
Domo arigato, again.
I've just updated the main post with the most Recent Tweet from Ron Herman. I think this is the last one for now !
The before and after photos of Hiroki's bag quest have been printed and added to my scrapbook of the project. His victory is sweeeeet!
Go Hiroki!
Go Arger's!
Awesome picture. Great story.
This is the awesomest thing...EVER!
I am so happy for Hiroki!!!
Congratulations Hiroki!! Glad everything worked itself out.
This is what this community is about.
Now for the next clue. I hope the reveal isn't on Thursday evening buecause if it is it will be the first one I will miss.
But if it's in Glasgow Scotland I won't have to worry. I'll just have to get up at a gosh awful hour in the morning. If the reveal is early there.
Congrats Hiroki you are a champ!
TY RonHerman, and Tyson for fixing the confusion.
Good Morning all. Migraine here - expect little from me today.
Fantastic, Hiroki! What a great way to start off the week. Now, not only do you have the bag, but you have also become a part of the legend that is and ever will be...Lost.
Great news and a great picture, Hiroki! It was epic following along the other day and now it is an epic success.
Thank you very much.
New Clue on DCaaPB!
Anon, I can only see the RonHerman tweet from yesterday, can you see something else ?
There's no new clue, I think Anon was just commenting on yesterday's.
I now see your Update lower in the page. Please accept my apology!
Remember to never comment before having coffee in the AM!
No problem ,you got my ARG adrenaline pumping for a moment or two.
I would expect the new clue to be at around 7pm UK time, I think that's when the first one was posted yesterday.
Great start to the week. Congrats Hiroki!
I dare someone to find a better group of people on the internet, this site rocks. Awesome that Hiroki got his bag. I saw that picture and starting smiling immediately.
P.S. Who's the cute girl giving him the bag? Haha.
What a great ending to Hiroki's quest! Thank you for posting Zort. I love the picture, too cute. Thank you Hiroki for getting LOST in Japan for all of us. I hope the next reveal isn't Halloween! @ Rev - sending healing thoughts your way, hope you feel better soon.
What a great happy ending! And Hiroki expressed himself wonderfully in English! He is a Frame 10 Legend! And the world community got even smaller.
How cool is it that we can all come together and help each bother out?
Waiting for next clue....
Chat Room if you want to chat.
*sniff* While reading Hiroki's post on the last thread, I felt as if my heart was growing bigger and bigger like the Grinch's in the cartoon! Not that I had a Grinch heart, but a little love and cooperation across the world makes the heart swell, oh my.
Congrats Hiroki! Congrats RH and LostARgies who aided in the resolve, and ditto everything that Hiroki said about our positive community here!
Wow, you all are the best. :-)
We are the worrrrrrld....*sniff*
Yea Hiroki!!! I'm so glad you got a bag and that they corrected their mistake. I would almost buy something from Ron Herman as a thank you, but then I wouldn't have any more money to buy LOST posters!
Glascow, huh? I hadn't had to worry about the time clocks yet, but I guess I better start figuring out the time difference now.
I hope it's not on Halloween. How will I explain to my kids that I can't take them trick or treating because I'm waiting to buy a poster? I don't think that would go over well...
What an epic story. I am so happy for Hiroki-san. It's amazing how LOST has truly made the world a smaller planet than it appears. LOST fans rock IMHO and I feel blessed to be a part of the worldwide community that is LOST
Good Morning, Everyone!
let the waiting, anticipating, and worrying begin! :)
scout, I am hoping Halloween is clear too, but I have a granparent and an aunt chomping at the bit to take my little girl trick-or-treating
(and it could save me from dressing up like DJ lance from Yo Gabba Gabba, her pick she's 2.5)
Hi all, been lurking for a while, but Hiroki's story inspired me to sign up and post, Lost fans the world over are the best, can't wait for another poster reveal before Halloween and season six in January!!
Hi HenryGaleWasHere, welcome along.
Zort, are we approaching 24 hours since the clue went up in UK?
Howdy! I have checked this sight religously since the ARG started and made a few purchases. As with Henry Gale, I decided to make things official and be more than just a reader/observer. Keep up the great work everyone - such interesting theories/research make the work week go by faster!
Thanks everyone, it just felt like such a great community of people and fans that I had to make it official! And Kelly is right, the theories and research and discussion does help make the week go by faster!
Been reading up on the Expresso Beans Website - seem like generally good people. Seems also "flippers" are not the norm. Someone posted this over there: http://obeygiant.com/store/help.php?section=policy
That said, I don't have The Crash but I would be hard pressed to keep it if I did. $600?
Ready for a clue. Days away from a reveal but that doesn't stop me from checking the site ever couple of hours like a crazy person.
I dunno, after looking at the EB site a few days ago, I have no desire to go back. They seem nasty.
Welcome HGWH and Kelly! :-D
I just got an email from my brother saying that he got off work a little early, and the rain had stopped, so he took a taxi home, got on his scooter and rode over to the RH store. He said they had one left, and it was marked to hold, and the girl recognized him and said it was being held for him! Awesome!
He's shipping it to me this week.
Thanks great, Frank! Your brother (and Ron Herman) are awesome.
Some may be - didn't get the general sense that's how it is. It seems that most of that (on both EB and here) occurred right after the sell out when people were mad/defending themselves (so I agree, a couple of days ago might not have been pretty). Plus, your always going to have bad apples. I read the last couple of pages today and it seemed like a couple of the EB and Lost people made nice. http://forum.expressobeans.com/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=40404&hilit=lost+print
For the most part, it seems like we get 3 clues, then an event listing. So:
Clue 1: Sunday
Clue 2: Monday
Clue 3: Tuesday
Details: Wednesday
Reveal: Thursday
It's been shortened or lengthened by a day once or twice, but I figure Friday at the latest, Wednesday at the earliest.
That's good news. It was so great to follow Hiroki and Tim the other night even though it was such a disappointment to see them leave empty handed.
On the G1988 blog it mentioned that these bags were designed by Ron Herman (the actual guy). I am not much into $600 t-shirts but it sounds like these might have some value above the usual canvas tote. At any rate, any Lost swag is good swag in my book.
By my calculation we are at least an hour away from a new clue if it goes up at roughly the same time.
Thanks for that well balanced post, AttorneyGreg.
@AttorneyGerg, all well and good, it just occurred to me that they showed their "true colors" last week, and any making nice is just kind of fake, you know? It's just easier to to respond to people like Midday Shadows, etc. I let MEL do it for me.
That's a great photo. Really happy for bot hiroki and tim. I would of thought they would of got an apology letter too or at least something a little extra but ah well...
And to answer feel the insanity...very cute!
Thanks Hiroki! Your message is so sweet. I'm glad you are happy with the outcome!
Re: expressobeans...
they are just like us, there are gonna be people who are willing to help out a stranger, and there are gonna be people who will be bullies. They are people who appreciate art, not people looking to make money off others.
That being said, I think people on both sides had their feeling hurt and lashed out and tried to hurt others. It's human nature to try and knock someone down to your level or below.
I myself signed up on their site. I may want to trade a poster and they have a system set up for that. I've also got some other (non lost) prints since this whole thing started and look forward to finding and collecting some really interesting art!
@Midday - thanks, job skill?
@Amy Lynn - To each his/her own. I'm rather new here (about 2 wks random viewing, followed by 2 wks hardcore following/refreshing, with posting about the last wk) and never to Eb before this week. Just trying for fresh perspective from both ends. Use to follow Lost stuff on Lostpedia but ever since it became a Wiki (sp?) it just hasn't been as good in my mind. Plus they have virtually nothing on this "ARG." Someone in one of the threads there had mentioned this site as being great for this kind of stuff - so here I am.
Man am I long-winded.
I just wanna say, thank Jacob for this Blog! I have had so much fun reading all the posts and getting all the info for the reveals. You folks are great!
Thanks AmyLynn.
I understand your point view because honestly there HAS been a lot of mudslinging going on since you've looked in over there - a lot of it by members here who have ventured over there, from here and elsewhere, I might add.
However I would suggest that if you take the LOST thread over there as an example, you'll see that the first 40 pages or so were almost 100% devoted to discussing the art and the posters and LOST.
Perhaps those should be considered the true colours of the community there. :)
Anxious for a new clue...man this thing just gets more addicting each week!
Welcome to all the newbies/former lurkers.
I am hoping that some of the anger that surfaced the last couple of weeks will die down. For the most part I have no complaints. Some things/people are just the way they are and there's nothing you can do about it except to rise above.
Now, where's that clue?
@Joe D
Thats exactly how I started collecting!
oh yeah, I did also want to mention that if you visit the L O S T thread there, 5seconds has posted some cool pics of his Crash and Locke's Secret posters, framed.
Midday and Joe D,
I hope this isn't the start of another addiction :-0
(Now must go back to pressing F5 like a lab rat hoping for a food pellet)
Eugene- don't you mean "like a polar bear hoping for a fish biscuit"?
yes, the F5 key replacement industry is booming right now.
Thanks for the F5 tip - makes it much easier to keep up that way then to keep entering and exiting the comments section! I think I am showing my age! :)
Don't feel bad, I learned about F5 from this blog...and i've been designing on computers for 8 years!
what's the site for checking on orders again?
thanks in advance.
thanks Eugene!
C'mon next clue! I'm crossing my fingers for a Wednesday or Thursday reveal but the earlier the better!
Wow, there is a 4 Toed Statue Print ebay auction going on. Starting bid $299.00 and buy it now for $500.00. I sure hope that seller enjoys that print, I think it's gonna be his for a while ;)
This is the quiet before the storm.
Has anyone been able to get into chat? I was in earlier but can't get in now. It's probably the spotty wifi here.
I have to agree Midday and Attorney, if someone looked at the LostARG comments last week they would have gotten a terrible snapshot of what people are NOT like here usually, when there was a spike in vitriol by some new commenters to this blog. So the same could be said for EB I suppose. And anytime people want to apploguze for what they've done, they should always be given a chance to make good if sincere, otherwise it won't work the other way around when it's needed either. :-)
Sorry for typos, derrr. :-B
No clues for the next 20 mins please, I'm eating.
Anyone pulling a Lost halloween costume this year?
I thought of getting a dharma jumpsuit, but last week when I looked on the ABC site, they have taken them off! :(
Anyone else just wasting time waiting for a clue that may or may not appear soon? I'm afraid to get too far away from the computer though, because I know I'll miss it if I do!
@ reAnimated -i'm waiting for my jumpuit to arrive. ordered a plain tan/khaki coverall and need to attach a patch and embroider my name on it. :)
JoeD I saw that ebay listing this morning and laughed!! He's/She's got some awfully high hopes!
Oh also meant to add that I'm so glad Hiroki finally got the bag for his many trips to RH. You deserve the bag, and MORE!!! :) :)
My roommate and I dressed up in Dharma jumpsuits for last Halloween- it was a blast, especially when people recognized who we were supposed to be.
Re: 4 Toe Statue Print- I am kicking myself for not buying the prints earlier, before it became so crazy. I sat and debated for days about Dharma Van and 4 Toe Statue- I think they are unique.
Joe D said..."Wow, there is a 4 Toed Statue Print ebay auction going on. Starting bid $299.00 and buy it now for $500.00. I sure hope that seller enjoys that print, I think it's gonna be his for a while ;)"
lol hopefully this will deter him or her from buying future prints just to re-sell them. Looks like the person sold 2 other prints already.
@comixguru - Where did you find the patches?
Welcome to all new people and unlurkers! It took me forever to get up the nerve to start posting a few years ago and now you can't stop me! Also learned so much on how to get around on the computer, how to post links, how to use shortcuts, etc.! And this place was the best place to form friendships with fellow Losties!
Still waiting for the next clue....
Where is the clue??!!
Wait is killing me!
reAnimated -i bought a Swan Station patch on ebay from this seller:
good luck! :)
Dang. I highly doubt I can order one and get it all in time for this weekend.
So cool...you go Hiroki!!!
and people around me wonder why I call this my "home" on the web!!
I just smile...
I took a look over at EB the other day and found that they were already buying these posters and discussing these prints back in August. They didn't just become aware of this so called "ARG", sorry it's just really not an ARG. Anyway, actually they really are a nice group. Most of them have been together for years, seems a couple got their feathers ruffled by one or two people to be honest but most who are buying these ARE in fact LOST fans. They aren't the flippers from what I can see. At this point we can track some of the ebay sellers poster #'s to the list that LT is keeping; that would make the flippers the so called losties, hmmm.
Now there are 4 Swans for sale right now on ebay, 1 of them is from a seller who also has The Transmission for sale (not liking this person). The Swans aren't getting alot of bids. The more that are put up for sale the less they'll get for them...good, there's a reason why greed is one of the 7 deadly sins. So you see, the universe does have a way of course correcting ;)
Right then, onto Desmond errr Glasgow! New clue please?
Nicely done Hiroki, good for you! Thanks for the pic!
Thank you very much for the article. I really appreciate your warm comments. Hiroki
My final point on the Ebay posters...we are the ones marking up their value. By us simply discussing them, people are getting more hits on their Ebay auctions. Some (2 that I own) have gone for 700 and 800. We all know these things are going to end up on Ebay, it may be time to stop discussing this. Seems to have worked with The Swan, after Rousseau's not many people are biting on any auctions. Well, very few.
Hiroki you are more than welcome, it has been a pleasure to meet you and follow your adventure.
Does any one think we are going to have to go and find our next clue ? The Ron Herman clue was only put on the Hub page after we found it here.
Theres a thought.
I think they're just waiting for Zort to go to bed.
sorry had to run errand and that is exactly what I was thinking . . . so i hopped over to jensenclan88 and he posted something about tattoos, but I've lost my train of thought.
The ReverendMilo shared his migraine. Ugh. Drugs not working.
@AndySchex :-)
Theres not a whole heap happening there this week. Borders have some signings and the Mighty Boosh boys are there for a sack race! Are they fans? Thats Sat tho so the timeframe might not work.
At least Zorts gone to bed, roll on the next clue!
Is Zort REALLY asleep? These clues are kind of like Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy...they don't come if you're faking it! ;)
I wonder if Hiroki got her phone number.
Scoutpost said...
Is Zort REALLY asleep? These clues are kind of like Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy...they don't come if you're faking it! ;)
You got me, I'm still awake watching Mythbusters.
I wonder if Hiroki got her phone number. MEL - ROFL
Right, going for real this time.
Night all.
Good...now the clue can come out of hiding!
you might have to cut&paste this
features Johnny whoop
JW uses palmprint for logo
Johnny Whoop is a knife game apparently
I would say poor Zort, but he's finally (I think) going to get a reveal that's good for him, timewise!
I am prepared to stretch and wait. The longer between early clues, and the faster they come close to actual reveal, requires those flippers to pay attention.
I question whether to ponder reveal times here as this gives them a heads up too.
over at Dark they have to wade through hundreds of pages to get current. But here the latest is right on top and easy for them. Commenting that helps flippers does not help my interests. I love Zort, but now I feel threatened by the ease at which non-Losties can keep up date with the reveals due to the genius of this site.
I hope that doesn't sound too paranoid, but to be honest, I dont think I sounded paranoid enough. I would like to see us visit how we cover the final reveal clue.
Additionally, I am going to visit my twitter list and start blocking followers that I question to be a profiteer. I may stop tweeting final clues to switch to DM's of final print details only. I have nothing against collectors, but I do have something against people trying to profit off of something that was explicitly created for fans. I am going to start protecting mine and your interests by going more silent instead of up to the moment reporting.
Am I crazy? anyone else feeling this anxiety?
Like it Dr. Mum.
Do we have a record of who got the letter with the clue for this next one?
RevMilo- good point, but I'm not sure Zort can really do anything about it.
do not bid on Ebay LOST prints at all unless it is a buy now price at cost. don't watch them or look at them. someone who comments on this blog put there Smoke Monster print up, did not offer it anyone here, and did not set a limit to the price (lame).
The other problem is depending on if the artists yet to come are big names, then it is going to get crazy.
I totally agree, DirectMessaging may be ideal for the final reveal, only problem is, the flippers could very well be anyone of the regular posters on here (not saying anyone is though)
I feel pretty confident about getting myself the final reveal, (took someones advice and timed myself to buy it quicker, got it down to 23 seconds yesterday) but I do feel bad for people who are ultimately going to get screwed over by flippers.
I did have an idea of trying to buy two of the final posters so I can use one to trade for one I didn't get or to give to someone who I feel is a genuine fan, who is gutted not to get one. I may still do that but we have 5 more posters to see first before the big red ? so plenty of time to think a way around the final reveal.
Password encrypted chat maybe and you only get the password if you scored higher than 20 on the Lost University test is my wacky idea of the week.
Oh I have an idea for here...
We would still have access, and new people still could access, but we would be hurting ourselves making it easier.
We could type all our comments in binary. ;)
Hi all . . .
RevMilo I think you are correct that we give an easy path to url. Do we go dark? or require this blog to vet members?
Scoutport, Zort has a post ready prepared and ready regarding letters received from A. Miller.
While we wait for a clue I have a comment to the bag image posted for reveal of frame 10 which included twitter apology. It looks like Photoshop'ed image and I can detect 'butterflied image' in the bag details. Also, why have the handle twisted and appears to be unattached? You can compare to bag2.jpg posted during LA reveal.
The most I remember about binary is how to add them up. It's my party trick. I know, i'm sad.
I guess making the flippers jump through hoops is more satisfying than just handing them information on a dish. I know I can rarely help with clues, purely cus all of you are so damn fast and have figured it out before i've even seen it, but it's your hard work that they come in at the very end just to nab.
So hoops it is!
Not sure if anything we do is relevant given DCaaPB posts url link with a 20 minute delay before "BUY NOW."
You just have to know day and time. Which is given. Once you use a Check4Change or Update Scanner program to ping you when activity on DCaaPB, anything we've done to that point is just gravy for the turkey.
As long as DCaaPB continue to announce and GoMerch continues to have 20 minute hold, nothing will change no matter what we do.
We can only protect the answer to the 16th and we may want to suggest our timeline and clues be protected.
Also, on Twitter, the party you want to direct message must be following you. Correct?
As far as i'm aware, yes.
I can delete my post if you like
Also, thanks lottery ticket for the info about check4change, saves me constant cmd R-ing the HUB page, just let it reload itself every 15 seconds.
My fingers thank you.
This is what happens when I can’t check LostARG’s all day long… so starting from the top & apologies in advance for the long post:
Hiroki made DCAPB history & got a bag – Sweet!
@ Reverend Milo & LotteryTicket – Hoping you’re both feeling better. I’m sure a new clue would ease the pain. Speaking of new clue… Zort is now fast asleep so DCABP, you can may now post.
@HenryGaleWasHere & Kelly – Welcome to the ride of your life on this blog. Guaranteed fun!
RE: EB – time to move on. To each their own, but too much negativity in the world & no need to bring it here or there.
@reAnimated & comixguru – there are 7 of us in the office dressing up on Friday as “Dharma Losties”… I’m going as Jack. Will post picture. We’ve got homemade Dharma jumpsuits, scientist lab coats, & props.
@LotteryTicket & Reverend Milo – It would be a shame to go dark on this site, but in the best interest of true fans… you need to do what you feel you need to do especially for #16. I’ve also been thinking of a way to communicate either in code or create some type of buddy system where we can “transmit” to each other. Cool advice on check4change. Thanks!
Last but not least, this is a tough week for me… Thursday being the worst for a reveal. So, I’m hoping for a Friday reveal. Spent yesterday explaining to my sister what she needed to do if a reveal took place and I wasn’t at my computer. I pointed her to this site & “walked” her through the F5 process and I think she gets it. She was amazed that I’ve spent the last 2 months on this blog & couldn’t quite understand why. Needless to say she’s not a fan of the show… maybe it’s time to trade her in. :)
I'm thinking of going as the polar bear for Halloween. Gotta see how much time I have to costume-design this week.
Also, on Twitter, the party you want to direct message must be following you. Correct?
Yes LT,
In order to DM someone on Twitter they have to be following you, correct you are.
This is my first time posting on here and i have only posted a few times on DarkUFO. The problem I am seeing is how can we as a Lost community go about deciding who is a true fan. Would i or someone like me be considered enough of a fan to be included in the secret 16 discussion? I don't post much but i have seen every episode of Lost 5 times and have turned 8 of my friends in to lost lovers as well. I have also been following this ARG since the comiccon videos came out. I'm just trying to say it will/would be very difficult to name a whos who of lost fans to be included in secret discussions. sorry for rambling :)
So you watched Eggtown 5 times? you are a bigger fan than me!
There have been so few posters on ebay. It seems silly to me to change the way things have been working to try and prevent 5 - 10 posters going to flippers.
Eggtown? How about Stranger in a Strange Land? Was so difficult watching that AGAIN last month. Such a stupid and pointless episode. And they never went back to the point of Juliet being "marked".
Anyway, Joe D brings up a good point. I reckon we'll have a good flavour of how many people are flippers come this reveal. Surely more flippers should leech on for this reveal and it'll all snowball come frame 16.
The more I think about it, the more I like the "Buy Two" system.
@JPL, Awesome props! Props to that. ;)
Ha, yes some episodes were rather tough. I watched all of the episodes in order with three different people at three different times so I couldn't just skip those episodes. There is nothing like watching with people who have never seen the episodes before and seeing their puzzled faces after every episode.
I must have missed the "buy two" idea. If everyone buys two then only 100 people would be buying them. There were like 250 people in the chat room last time...I'm not sure people are gonna be quick enough to buy more than one for a poster everyone wants. I feel lucky that i got one last time but i don't wanna miss out on a print cuz you guys are all buying two of them though :S
Charlie (Dominic Monaghan) is going to be on the next episode of Flashforward.
Dear Mr. Givens,
You don't know who I am, but I know who you are and I know what you done. You sold a print to my mother and then Ebay stole my dad's money all away. So he got angry and killed my mother's Blu-Ray player, and then he killed my Blu-Ray player, too. All I know is your name. But one of these days I'm going to find you and I'm going to give you this letter so you'll remember what you done to me. You ruined my chances to enroll in Lost University, Mr. Givens.
Deciding who sees what is all up to Zort.
For me, identifying who I care has the information is easy. Those that sat on the fence and have not so much as made a peep to this point... Do I care about them?
The anonymous follower on twitter, that has never said word one to me really mean anything, or is it just a bragging rights to say how many followers I have?
We are now on the eleventh print, I can easily identify 50 people here that I hope get prints because they participated. More on DarkUFO too. There are several print hounds and random print flippers on this now too. Oh and I want a print. hmmmm people that never said word one (or subscribed to this blog, zorts twitter, lostargs twitter...well, I have no idea who they are, thus I dont know they are being cut out of the loop.
Does Zort want to serve devout fans, semi-fans, the art community, or just any damn person out there that adds to his google rank. having observed Zort, I have never once had an inkling that he is doing this for anyone but himself and the fans. How to handle the viral nature is now is the conundrum.
Fair enough. I think i'm just going to leave things be and be happy about it. Got two of the best posters, IMO, and am happily waiting for an ana lucia death or not penny's boat and then the great red ?
As you said TheHoJo, 250 people alone in the chat, that's going to be one hell of a day!
Here's my concern about the radio silence: I like it, but when damoncarlton... doesn't post the url, I'm (no pun intended) lost unless I see it in the comments thread here- unless someone can tweet it to me so I can get to the url, too.
Speaking of the Smoke Monster print, one seller has had two up there so far. Same person, two prints. They are also blacking out the number of the print, I think to prevent it from being traced.
Also, don't remember if I asked this already but what happened to those DriveShaft rings ReverandMilo?
Oops, posted before editing. That should read:
Dear Mr. Givens,
You don't know who I am, but I know who you are and I know what you done. You sold a print to my mother and then Ebay stole my dad's money all away. So he got angry and sold my mother's Blu-Ray player, and then he sold my Blu-Ray player, too. All I know is your name. But one of these days I'm going to find you and I'm going to give you this letter so you'll remember what you done to me. You ruined my chances to enroll in Lost University, Mr. Givens.
the scuptor has the images, waiting to hear the assessment right now. may be tomorrow though as it is 8:17 pm here now.
THIS is what the entire idea of this ARG-let is supposed to be about. I'm thrilled he got his bag and pleased at how excited he was about the entire experience.
Now to say something that will probably make someone angry:
I've been thinking about the idea of 'collecting all 16' posters, and I've decided that I think that's not really in the spirit of this idea.
These posters are supposed to be for the fans in general. Not 200 fans. And the more I think about it, the idea of doing Pokemon with these posters seems completely contrary to the -extremely- generous nature that I see on the Lost fanbase and that's perfectly presented in this particular post (which is why I posted it here).
Now I'm not saying you -can't- collect them all. The system allows for such. I am saying that if I'd been behind this, I think I would have found a way to open this to more people (even if that meant telling people they can only buy one poster or something). I do think people ought to at least contemplate the fact that each person who attempts to collect all 16 is inherently making it harder for anyone who wants to buy just one poster that they happen to like from getting it. The same can of course be said for anyone doing it for Ebay reselling--but I expect better from the Lost community than I do from people like that.
Again, I'm not singling out anyone or telling anyone they're evil. I just find that the idea of full collections seems...anti the sentiment shown in every other Lost way.
Just a thought that's really been bugging me the last few days.
And all in all, my paranoia is meant to have you think about the problem. Right and wrong, dark and light...but all in all survival.
They should limit it so that it's only 1 type of print per household. This would mess up the "buy 2" strategy but it would allow more people to be able to purchase the print and prevent people from buying 2 or 3 or 4 of the same print.
Nice thought. Too bad there are people that are "collectors" or people that collect specific things they love as a hobby.
maybe if the sellers asked a question of each buyer. some essoteric question that cannot be easily googled for the answer. the buyer has 5 minutes to send a reply else the print is sold to someone else. be hectic for administration, but a near sure fire way to know it is a LOST fan:)
I am hoping the bubble bursts on demand for LOST prints. I really want the hatch, but do not want to pay hundreds for it. I get the hatch print, Martyn gets my swan print!!
I just want to say, I love the fact that you are "sharing" these prints with us ReverendMilo and I really hope that you complete your set.
I'm getting worried about all this talk of coming up with a way to approve who gets the key info. Remember, there were a number of "regulars" who are "true fans" who missed out on poster #10. One of them was me, and I'm not even a very regular regular. But I am a fan. Poster #10 was the first one I missed. Oh, and I got 100% correct on the LU exam. ;)
I guess the past several Lost ARG's that I have participated in might have instilled too much competition and comradery with other losties to understand your point Unseen.
I understand the point, but I've yet to hear from one fan who was unable to get the ONE print they wanted because of someone who was collecting them all.
The fact is, the competition for the last six prints is going to be fierce. Will I be really upset if I don't get a Ben or Desmond print? Yeah. But I don't begrudge people who have faster fingers, and play fair.
Again, not saying people -can't- collect them all or that someone who does is evil.
Just thinking that, in general, collecting is a hobby that is as much about EVERYONE getting to share in the specialness as it is ME getting to have it all for myself.
I've been involved in lots of collecting in various ways, both as end user and as creator of what people were collecting.
In this particular case, it's simply bugging me that collecting all 16 is -really- impacting the possibility of someone who just wants that one poster that really calls to them.
It's really bugging me a lot.
Darn, posted it and realized I'd not finished my thought.
It's really bugging me a lot.
So I posted about it and that way at least I said something, even if no one changes their plans. :)
Ellen, have you posted to this blog before?
Is Zort aware of who you are?
I for damn sure am aware of you, and I don't have subscription info on who visits here.
Zort has IP logs, email addresses, months of comments going back to the Paul days. And Zort is in control, I am a random lunatic that wants the people that Damon and Carlton intended to have a chance at getting these prints, to have that chance.
But I can tell you this, asking zort to evaluate the situation here and deciding what is best for him, us, whomever is a whole lot better than expecting Tyson to change the system.
I think you're likely to see that from here on out. And had I been -slightly- less quick myself, that could have been me.
I can't blame anyone else for missing the Locke's secret poster--I wasn't watching.
But last week's poster is the only other one I personally like of what I've seen so far. And I had to rearrange my schedule to be there for it and STILL had less than 2 minutes. Did I succeed? Yep.
But I think others may well fail, or may have -already- failed. It just seems contrary to the spirit of Lost fans.
And Milo--I was -very- involved in earlier ARGs. My experience wasn't nearly as competitive. Plus, they didn't have real 'prizes' in the way this one does, so I'm not sure the comparison works for me. :)
Anyway, there. I've said my piece. :)
Is their shame in someone preserving an intact set?
I lent my Beatles butcher/promo poster/recall letter to an exhibition because outside of the beatles museum, I am the only one that I am aware of that completed the single collention of that single piece of history.
And separately, I'm okay with what Milo's saying about finding a better way to release info about reveals, etc.
Given the circumstances, I think Zort does a great job!
And with that, I'm going offline to yell at the Redskins and Dan Snyder. G'night all!
Once more I will say that I am not saying people cannot collect the set or that I will call them evil if they do so.
But on one hand you want special ways of info getting out so that 'the people this is for' can get the posters. On the other hand you want to 'preserve your intact set'...which is in opposition to the idea of 'the people this is for' getting the posters. Since your collecting all of them limits that possibility in favor of you being able to say your collection is complete.
I don't find that attitude evil. I just find it strangely at odds with the same generosity that was determined to get Hiroki his bag and support him with the reveal.
Damn! If I knew this, I would of bought two hatch posters so I could trade with LightRailCoyote for the Swan Station. Does it make sense to buy a poster in order to trade for a previous poster?
Right and wrong, dark and light. Yep, when you consider this problem you get into some deep-thinkin' doo doo. There might be a broader analogy here that can be drawn to the political debate that has been going on in the US. Or maybe I should put the cork back in the Pinot Noir and turn off the talk radio.
But I don't think I can "defensively" buy posters and then afterwards decide who should get them. Right now I am 9 for 10. And maybe that's enough. I don't know. I'll just have to see what the next one is.
Here is what I preserved for history. Released in 1966 (years before I was born) and after 14 months of work, reassembled 33 years after its release My Butcher
33 years from now, my daughter is going to side with me over you.
Sorry, I get defensive about collecting and it's value (not monetary)
No doubt, Reverend. It's really an amazing thing to have. I have some sports collectibles that I will run back into a burning house for. But nothing like that. "Who is he? And where does he get those amazing toys?"
You are a lucky guy.
I aspire to the greatness of the superfriends villian "the collector"
Was there ever any doubt that there would be people trying to have complete sets (in a way that makes them more valuable)? Was there ever any doubt that there would be people trying to make a quick buck..or two, or three...off of these posters? Why would only 300 be offered...to make them hard to get? To make them more valuable? Human nature is human nature.
The time-table of these reveals are well-known now (unless they change them), and it's easy for anybody to be there when the BUY NOW goes live. There is no way Zort can or should regulate who can be here or not. Sure, some of us will be mightily upset with not getting the poster they must have or complete the set...there is not an easy and fair way to filter out the flippers.
notice I never mentioned defensive purchasing.
That is not what I am talking about. I do not disprove of the buddy system, but I have also not used it.
Rev, Sorry if I made you think I was criticizing you. I have just heard folks mention that as a strategy. I also support the poster buddy thingy. I was one for one person who ended up not needing me anyway.
note the matte process used for art that people might not know how to react to...
"Should I be impressed? well this is an expensive ass frame job..."
Tip I give to prospective lawyers.
I love the poster buddy principle. for those that are concerned who should get to see the info here, ask yourself, did you get a poster buddy?
OK I am going to crack open some suds (migraine gone, I should be a lot more pleasant!)
ok beer open, upteenth post in a row.
but as a for instance, should we suggest to the print flippers that they get a print buddy too?
Because we did.
This has gotten slightly unpleasant . . . and possible ridiculous . . . hey, I only said possibly.
My brother is my poster buddy :) If he fails me i know where to find him this Thanksgiving :P
Attorney Greg, do you have a copy of my yearbook, cuz I think that is what was written about me by the editor.
I do collect yearbooks, so . . .
Guys, I respect you all...but this is getting out of hand. "Buy Two"? Only buy so you can trade? Huh?!? Guys, if you want one...buy one! It would be great if we could all pick up two for people who aren't around during the reveal. But, if someone buys two and I miss out on one then I'm not too happy. Like I said, I respect all of you and all of your opinions...but this isn't getting us anywhere. I think "flippers" want us to get paranoid so we pay top dollar for the prints. Stay on top of the clues and you'll be fine. Be ready to buy when it's time and have a go at it.
no clue tonight?
Wow! Just reading some of these posts tonight. Kind of disappointed. Everyone has the same chance to buy each poster or every poster if they want. I decided to buy them all, but I've missed out on two - one due to selling out and one by choice because someone made a one-toed statue called it four. By now, everyone who reads this board knows that the time is published and get your butt by the computer = same chance as the next guy.
Really, out of all the prints released and only a few are on ebay- that's really not too bad. And the best way to stop it is to not pay the prices. The prints are popular, with Lost fans and with the artists' fans, so they will be tough to get sometimes. But if we all help each other like we have, we'll all be better off.
Ah but as an attorney, how close do you hold your cards?
Do you tell the others in completion with you everything you know as in the prosecution, or do you play defense and hope that you can keep the prosecution from finding out enough to defeat you? or are you the one attorney in the world that just hands everything to you opponents and hope that by being the bigger man, you're rewarded?
(odd coming from the reverend, but it is a reverend that grew up in a society that puts family and friends above all else)
Rev, that Beatles promo is amazing!
Haven't posted in a while, but two points:
1. This site has been a great resource for meeting other Losties and for seeing great minds solve the preliminary clues. And hats off to Zort for his tireless maintenance of the site and great information. But, at the end of the day, none of that is really necessary if your sole goal is to buy the posters. All you have to do is check DCAAPB a handful of times a day, and you'll know when the reveal is going to be. So, clamping down on information on this site won't really serve any purpose aside from generating a feeling of exclusivity - which may be the intention, but it won't reduce the pool of people trying to buy the posters.
2. The cache of collecting a full set is directly proportional to the difficulty in doing so. If only the same 200 people tried to buy each poster, well, then, having a full set really wouldn't be all that great a feat (although it of course would still be of significant intrinsic value to the collector - but most collectors actually enjoy the additional benefit of being able to say they accomplished the feat of obtaining a full set). So, those trying to collect the full set actually benefit in a way from immense competition for the posters.
I'll put my Lost bonafides up against anybody, but at the end of the day, the world is the way it is, profiteers have always been around, and this is fundamentally a game/contest open to world and all the good and bad that comes along with that. I make a go for the posters I like, and sometimes I'm quick enough and sometimes I'm not. But as long as Season 6 will air, I suppose I'll survive. :)
If we just let things settle out, it'll be that much easier for the fans to reach out to one another and swap posters for ones they really like- like they do on EB or on Darkufo. The flipper hysteria fed itself and can go out just as fast.
Kiwi, my actual butcher isn't that great, but there are very few of the letters survived, and only 250 of the promo posters were ever produced.
At the end of the day, the fun is meeting new Lost fans and tiding ourselves over until January!
agreed, HenryGaleWasHere! :)
I've loved meeting other Losties here and at the poster reveal i was able to attend. It's a great community. One that I am very happy to be a part of.
Agreed with HenryGale and comix. I like seeing new faces pop up on my Facebook feed, and getting to know people who won't roll their eyes if I make a LOST reference.
There is no replacing the personalities here.
Rev, not that you would/will sell it, but even I would have a hard time putting a price on that little doozy as a collectible. I have 1st edition (thats a book term only I think...) Beatles vinyl but theyre more heirlooms than collectibles.
Rev, I like the way you start and end your day. Quiet/Drugged - Loud/Sudzzsssed.
We can all see amongst friends who's 10/10. It's not many and likely to be fewer each week. I'm teetering. Not so fast and equipped for speed. I have charted my course. When LOST is over I hope that I chose wisely.
We should direct our frustration at GoMerch/DCaaPB where not a week has gone by without some glitch, over sell, backdoors, unprotected URLs, false/positive "BUY NOW."
I love the chit and the chat of it all and would be very sad to lose even one of this collective.
Oh, and the whole point of these virals/args??... To keep us thinking/talking LOST until the new season - mission accomplished...majorly!!
I am now sooooo in the I love you state LT!
(three beers in, damn this is like water!!!)
So..perhaps next go around...at the beginning there should have been an " intent" question put to every one registering,,,as in,,are you willing to buy all 16 unseen?..kind of like a subscription. Put your money down now,,and we will guarantee you a print. Thus, true collectors of sets are determined up front. I seriously doubt the 200 available of each print would have been gobbled up by the pre-committed collectors.
See, i have a problem. I feel..or am guilty of being sucked in to this whole deal,,by letting a gift open up the decision that I have to collect the whole deal. Paul Scheer sent me a 8x11 print of DCAAPB,,serial numbered and signed,,with his very humourus letter,,and of course,,came the Alexandra letter afew days later..So..of course I have to have the whole collection,,because ...someboody has been watching me over the years..and has rewarded me...and I'm thus drawn in. The gestalt needs full circle completion.
Do i hint at hierarchical fanship? Yes i do. I mean. i do not believe whats his name got the bass guitar simply by being designated the first in. Coincidence is one thing,,but,,as the founder of a website dedicated to the music of LOST getting a collectable bass guitar...believe what you want,,but a bit too chummy for my co-inky dinky meter. Yes.. that means I don't see Pauls gift as just Pauls gift. ..What am I talking about?..an example.. my self and a gal over at abc.com..posted about some banjo stuff I heard on the radio. It turned into a yak fest. Two weeks later,,D&C are doing a banjo routine on their podcast. So,,yea for a long while I have believed TPTB have eyes on the boards. A part of me believes Michaels on screen " gonna" was a tip of the hat in my direction. backgammon will get that. I know from a previous TV show ,, with a website.. that stuff I posted there,,honest to god..showed up in episodes..Anybody remember the show " Ed",,remember the grape stompin party in the kiddie pool?..That was mine..and I gave it to them free. but i digress..Point being..geesh..if they pull you in,,become an active participant and are willing to commit up front..yea.. maybe there should be a guarantee. ..like a subscription.
But it ain't that way. I have to be there and be of quick fingers like every one else. But what a shame it would be..if the DCAAPB print went incomplete of all its underlings...I wonder if Dark..and Doc,,are trying to get a complete set too?
just sayin...MEL
Lets use our ridiculous powers of deduction to calculate how long from first to third beer I went...(54 min)
(and now I think some of my migraine meds are playing with my Texas Tea..)
Maven I completely agree with you. Rev I understand the paranoia, but don't agree w/going dark here. Basically, people like myself would be locked out. In other words, people who are tech challenged. I don't twitter, I don't know what a DM is, check4change or update scanner is, I have to go by my husbands name because I don't know how to change it on the Google account that my brother-in-law set up for us! That was the only way I figured out how to post on here. I think I made my point. I would have to get a COMPUTER buddy, not a poster buddy, to just participate in the hunt, not to mention get a poster! And that would be the end of the game for me. I have 3 kids 3 yrs & under & don't have time to take computer courses right now to get a poster. I post on here because DarkUFO IS confusing & Zort DID make this so much more user friendly. Thank you for hearing me out. I hate the flippers too. I just don't think there's a way to shut them out. Whatever happens, happens.
hey, guys, I think the clue is on the bag. I don't know how to send you a photo. It a mirrored image with infinity sign. and something else. Really, no kidding.
That post took almost an hour for me to compose & think if I should really post or not. Now I have to go get caught up on what I missed while typing:)
I don't know if you're still checking in (I'm so far behind) but to answer your question I think AndySchex has the first poster order his number was 1670.
& mel,
Tyson knows the one thing I truely want is want you got.
I only know of three of you, and you are the three people possible of completing my intent. One person has received and offer from me(you know who you are) and it was admittedly a low ball for what it means to me, but I had 12 other prints to consider at the time.
Look at the one beatle's piece I shared, realize I did that 11 years ago when I had huge resources and more hobbies than the group can name as a coolective, and think about me getting migraines. Look back at my insanity for this project.
I have my daughter, my job, and this as my one outlet (few know this here but I am a widower of 2.5 years and have a 2.5 yro. Lost was one of the important things we shared. I am on a mission.)
and crap, hit me for posting my life tomorrow.
nevermind. looks like marker of "I'm" mirrored. so weird.
PS mel this is the first time I found out you were the third (or second, if I am confused about who you are)
Now can my skillz find you... :evilgrin:
If they are watching right now, I wonder what they think of all this. I hope they're flattered. I know they already understand the rabid nature of all of us, but I feel like this whole thing- from people helping one another to get prints, to the blog battles that have erupted, really makes it hit home. We love this stuff, we try to turn others into addicts for it. Heck, some of us have taught college courses or taken college courses on it. I got one print, and it's my favorite one so far. I hope I have the chance to get another if I want it, but if I don't absolutely feel I NEED it, I'll let it go so that someone else can have a shot. Good luck, everyone.
Just picked up a Love Triangle... Order # 1909... Guess that means there's still 91 of the Love Triangle's available?
If they are reading all of this, I hope they have read the disclaimer on my site.
(ye,s they are reading all of this, my inebriated a$$ talking to you observer...love ya still)
Honestly Rev- I appreciate that you've got pics of them up there. I think if these weren't limited- meaning there were plenty to be bought- you might have a situation on your hands, but I don't think anybody involved in this project is going to come after you because it's not like we can go buy other ones.
Although..perhaps ol' Ronie will come after you like he did Paul Scheer and then you'll be worked into a third stage of the ARG...
Mel- did you get a DCaaPB print because you were one of the first orders on a print or for another reason?
I'm confused as to who is getting these.
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