There has been much debate around the subject and I think it is time that the people who visit this site have a say in what happens. Although I may create the posts here I see myself as more of an editor of the information sent in by the contibutors to the site.
This poll is to gauge the feeling of people, it will not set the policy for future reveals but it might influence what happens.
A little explanation of the options.
No Change
The site carries on as it is and we accept that there are other people who may purchase posters and try to sell them purely for profit
Only report on posters after they have been revealed
Stop real time reporting of clues, and only post a report of what happened at least 1 hour after the poster has gone on sale.
Change to a subscription only site
Find a method to take subscriptions from people to read the information we have. There would be no selection of who subscribes as there is no certain way of selecting a true lost fan.
Go Underground
Find a way of providing the same information without it being public knowledge.
No Change, except remove clue posts
This would just remove any information that relates to possible clues to the final poster.
Note there is no "Close the Site Down" option as this will definitely not happen, there will always be information of some description posted on this site.