Follow Hiroki Tojo on Twitter and we will find out later on today, which is of course also tomorrow in Tokyo already !
While we wait feel_the_insanity posted some links about the IChing symbols on the Swan Station poster, click the image to go to the website entry.

1 – 200 of 299 Newer› Newest»Go Go Tokyo
This is the fourth article on the site today !
reposting because it was just at the bottom.
Speaking of whether this gets the 'tone' of LOST--for me, it certainly does.
For me, at least, the moment when the numbers flipped over to the glyphs WASN'T chaotic. It's very, very crystal calm--a "WtF???" reaction that was a calm in the CENTER of chaos.
So for me, specifically, I think this caught that moment dead spot on. As for what/why we're buying, I honestly didn't know the author until after I'd gotten my order. I bought it because:
A) only 3200 total posters
B) The poster called to me when it appeared
C) The glyphs are my personal favorite moment in the show
Can't speak for anyone else.
Nice, clean slate. Repost your story, Amy Lynn…
Which story?
Well, the Kate/Jack dialogue. Because now it is lost in the old thread…
Dang! I still trying to catch up on the last thread. While I was doing that I was posting in the thread before. lol
At least I'm posting in the right thread now.
So how was your day, Sayid'sgirl?
KATE: Hey.
JACK: Hey.
KATE: Saw your LOST poster on the news. A print of you puling Boone out of the water, huh?
JACK: Old memories.
KATE: You look terrible.
JACK: [Laughs] Thanks.
KATE: Why did you call me, Jack?
[Jack hands her the URL for his print]
JACK: I was hoping that you'd heard. That maybe you’d want to buy it.
KATE: Why would I want to buy it?
JACK: I've been buying a lot.
KATE: What?
JACK: Yeah that golden pass that GoMerch gave us. I, I've been using it. Every Friday morning at 10AM PST, I wait for the reveal, and I buy a poster.[Laughs] And then I, I post my confirmation number to DarkUFO and I, have a drink, and then I F5 until they update the hub again..
KATE: Why?
JACK: Because I want the full set, Kate. I don't care about anybody else on the board. Every little clue we get or instruction, I mean I, I actually close my eyes and I pray that I can get the print in time
[Kate looks near tears as does Jack]
KATE: This is not gonna change.
JACK: No, I'm sick of lying. I made a mistake.
KATE: I have to go. Carlton’s gonna be wondering where I am...
[Jack grabs her]
JACK: We were not supposed make fun of the ARG.
KATE: Yes, we were.
[She releases herself]
KATE: Goodbye, Jack.
[She heads for her car]
JACK: We have to go back to the site, Kate.
[She gets in her car and drives away]
JACK: We have to go back!!
[A plane takes off over Jack's head]
Gold Amy Lynn, absolute gold! I read some others on Dark Ufo, one about Live Together, Die Alone and another on Locke's speech about The Others. They were so funny, very creative.
Amy Lynn - I think we've found our head writer for season 7!
Hi all. I have now update 'The Official List" over at DarkUFO. I am sure there are some missing. So let me know with a reply there.
also adding FOR SALE and TRADE information if you want to share that inforamtion.
I'll be back one hour before Hiroki heads out.
scoutpost, haven't heard from Justin.
What's the link for the DarkUFO list?
So what time is it Eastern time if it is 11AM in Tokyo? Maybe we should be on our toes for another poster? possibly?
Should be 10PM EST, I believe, 7pm Pacific
13 hour difference between US eastern and Tokyo, I had figured that out the other day.
Can I just say that while I didn't try to purchase this poster as it wasn't a must buy for me, as someone who works at a graphic design firm, this is the one everyone likes the best (they are not LOST fans). It's a very different style than we've seen thus far, but I think it's very graphically appealing, personally. I understand people's feelings though in that it may not capture their feelings with the Swan Station/Desmond, etc. Just putting my two cents in and I hope that is okay.
I'm sad for everyone who wanted and was not able to get this poster. It's only going to get more difficult in the future it seems. Which makes me all the more nervous.
Thanks for making this place so great everyone. Zort, especially for all your hard work.
Has anyone see this poster pop up on the others' bay yet? Really considering bidding for one. I know I shouldn't but really want it.
Lottery_Ticket, what was the link to the trading website so I can keep an eye on it in the future please?
Just ordered The Love Triangle, did not like this one, order #1873, if you care
Right, it's a great piece of art but not necessarily what some of us who were waiting for "The Swan" interpretation wanted or were expecting.
BTW if I may Zort, a link to a world clock:
How does the order numbers work. Is it by poster? Or buy purchase? And by that I mean Stew buying the Love Triangle, is his number reflective of the entire collection of posters, or related to that specific poster, because I really don't get it. Yes, I am slow.
the site is called, they also keep track of ebay transactions.
i'm sending my brother to the tokyo store as well when it opens. i'll post what he finds.
I mean really guys, you have to be entirely idealistic in thinking LIMITED EDITION LOST prints would NOT be flipped by collectors...
It was bound to happen. OF COURSE that does not excuse it, but I saw this coming the minute I saw the ugly hurley poster (lol, kidding on the "ugly" part)
I do not believe there is anything wrong with selling these prints on Ebay or anywhere else for that matter. I am sure the artists are aware the possibility existed their work would be on Ebay at higher prices, but whoever commissioned them and the artist are still releasing limited edition prints. If they wanted it to be for everyone then they would have done open editions.
I bought todays print, really wanted the Kevin Tong print but missed out, not sure if I will keep todays print or not as I want to see it in person first, but since they are selling out so fast it is better to get the print and then make a fair judgement.
If you ebay a print and the bidding is at or below the cost to acquire said print then you have started a relatively fair transaction (The Crash print started at 49.99. Now, considering demand for these prints, if a lot of people want to 'jack' the price up how is the person who posted the print to blame or lionized?
I think it's the people mocking us over at expresso bean that's brought the auction thing up again, not reselling per se
Can I get first option on your poster if you choose to sell?
Amy Lynn, I'm not sure, but did you just call me "jackface"? :p funny
No, really, I have been yelling pretty much like that all day, or crying, or . .. wait I AM JACK.
@ Zort70 said...
" So does that make the Expresso Beans forum members "The Others" ?"
@ feel_the_insanity said...
" Oh, and to whoever posted the Espresso Beans forum page, thank you. They are REALLY bashing us "Losties" over there. One of them even saying "I'll see you on the bay." I can only assume that means Ebay."
I saw that post too and it made me cringe - it's juvenile, really. I am and EB'er, and as I've stated here before, a diehard LOST fan. Just because someone there states something childish and stupid does not mean they represent me or any number of other EB'ers that love art and LOST. You have to understand that, I mean the same logic applies here right? Does everyone else here and all they say represent you?
Please, before you dismiss the entire EB resource(one of the best places for art appreciation on the web) , take a good look around and see it as a whole first.
Zort, we've emailed in the past briefly. You've set up and amazing little community here! Massive kudos to you! I'm SO so sorry you had foul ups the past two reveals. Best of luck to you in the coming weeks!
Cheers all, and keep getting LOST! :)
Did this really sell out in 3 min? WOW I hope nothing else grips me right away, I don't think I can compete with that pace! Congrats to all who got The Swan! Hopefully, Hiroki will be getting one of those tote bags at least! (Any pictures of the bags?)
IF I decide I do not wish to keep the print I will make it available at cost.
If anyway I favor one of the remaining prints to be releasted and do get said print I will not keep todays print.
I just want one (really wanted The Hatch) to commemorate the series.
Also, please read the thread on the LOST posters there, and you'll see for yourself....there's a lot of good discussion and LOST appreciation going on there too!
Nevermind....I saw the tote bag on Justin's FB!
maven there are pics on the front page of the blog too (of the tote bag).
And no, it didn't sell out in was more like 2. ;)
i still can't get on the DarkUFO forums.. how did you finally get there?? i have tried going to the main forum page for all of spoilerTV and i still can't connect.. i can go on regular darkUFO, just can't go to any forum page..
oh, i post as lostinslc over there:)
phew...just got home. long day. after the reveal, met up with a friend and went to the grove shopping center for a bit and then went back to RH and grabbed a couple extra totes. I'll send one each to Scoutpost and Lottery_ticket (can you two email me your addresses?). BTW, for anyone in the area, they still have more totes. Maybe some of you would be nice enough to pick one up for some of the people here that didn't have a chance to grab a poster. It's one per person, but by the second time i went, they had forgotten me and I had a friend with me.
Good job, Justin, thanks!
do you have the option of buying the print at the reveal?
Hi all! This poster is really great...hope everyone here that wanted it was able to get it!
I went ahead and bought The Numbers poster. It amused me from the first time I saw it, even though it has Hurley's Evil Twin. I adore the Smoke Monster print. I couldn't get it and probably won't be able to get any of the others. I had planned to get only one but if I get the opportunity to get another I like, I'll go for it. As it stands now, I'm happy with my decision. I'll have a poster that reminds me of wonderful LOST moments, on the show and as a fan, and that also makes me smile.
Justin, Thanks so much for all the info today and we are all massively relieved that you were still able to get a poster.
The folks that have been tweeting or posting to the blog or faceook or whatever have made this SO exciting.
THAT'S what I so love about all this.
LHK (love, hugs & kisses)
Justin, thank you for think of me. I will send address. You had a big day. Hope it was fun. Pictures were great.
I have 40 of the 200 posters "The Swan Station" accounted for at THE LIST between this forum and Dark's.
Thanks for letting us know that there are some Lost-friendly EBers like you Midday. :-)
I enjoy hearing everyone's feelings about the poster art as they are revealed, I consider it stimulating artistic conversation. I think that all the different reactions could be compared to how a movie is made of a popular book, and then everyone critiques the movie compared to what they pictured when they read the book. Some like the movie but not the visual treatment, some hate the movie but love the acting, etc. Some don't like the actors because they don't fit what readers pictured in their mind's eye.
In addition, we already love the look of Lost as TPTB created and have presented it to us on-screen. Then these "new guys" get hired to create their own take on it, and it's sooooo different from what we're used to seeing, so it works with some of us and doesn't with others.
Having said that, I've been wondering since the beginning if Jack Bender will do one for us. That would be neat.
Capcom, I have never thought of Jack Bender doing one of these. I think
thanks everyone for the support!
I will gladly pay the cost + postage. Let me know IF you change your mind ;D
So, is everyone ready for tonite's Big Reveal? I am!
My days been pretty good. I'm glad I wasn't interested in this print though, I'm not sure if I would be fast enough to get one.
I'm still trying to catch up on the other thread. lol
Just refreshed her and seen your post. Back to catching up. :)
@lightRailCoyote - no, no option at the site to buy the print...lots of people were pounding away on their cell phones and once they figured out the poster wasn't for sale immediately, the place cleared out (presumably everyone was rushing home to a computer)
Think it's the same person as with Rousseau's Transmission, Tearow.
Justin, thanks for going to the store and getting the URL for us :)
no problem amy, it was fun :)
Thanks for the kind words everyone.
It's a pleasure to do this when there are so many good people around.
BarbaraJay, out of interest what was your order number ?
Damn, i need to get whatever type of internet that andyschex has!
Hope you had a good day at the shops Justin.
..hey! HEY!! what the HECK! I thought that was some fake art put up by some some art groupie at a fake site or something..You got to be kidding me!!..Really,, when is the real reveal?
Zort, my order number was 1875.
Somebody mentioned a while back the financial costs of operating this blog. I was aware of the tremendous amount of time and talent that goes into this, and I'm so grateful. If I can pitch in to offset the financial, just let me know.
Hi Sayid'sgirl, good to see you!
Hi MEL, I could use all the laughter you can dish out. Tks.
Hiroki in the hizza houza.
That means he is on the facebook. Coudy with a chance of reveal.
Shot of Locke with the Swan station poster. Walt approaches, curious.
WALT: What is it, like art?
LOCKE: Not really, it's part of a game, better than just… art. You've made art with your Pop?
WALT: No. I live in Australia with my mom.
LOCKE: You have no accent.
WALT: Yeah, I know. We move a lot. She got sick. She died a couple of weeks ago.
LOCKE: You're having a bad month. I'm having a worse month. I'm still trying to get a copy of The Crash.
WALT: I guess.
LOCKE: Art collecting is one of the oldest hobbies in the civilized world. Adam and Eve had copies of the Hatch. Not the Adam and Eve that are in the caves, the ones that are older than Jesus Christ.
WALT: Did they have the internet and stuff?
LOCKE: [nods] Mhhm. But theirs wasn't as fast as ours. They didn't have Verizon Fios.
WALT: Cool.
LOCKE: Many players players. Two sides. One is light … one is dark. Walt, do you want to know a secret?
Wow! 2 Swan posters already on Ebay. Tearow is selling again.
@lottery my Swan order #1834
Does anyone think the comment about 10AM PT sharp was talking more about the sale time than the reveal time?
To all concerned about by financial status, fear not, all is well.
Seriously, apart from the domain name, the site costs nothing apart from my time to run.
Also before someone asks the other question, there are no adverts on the site that I or any of the other admins get any money for, so the site is cash neutral :-)
Hiroki will be leaving in about an hour.
I have a feeling we are going to discover a mass amount of these on ebay.
..and to think R Jones got paid for that!
my plan would be 9;40 leave here
if traffic is smooth I would be there at around 10:10
then have a breakfast at starbucks and watching store is ready
from FB
Dear Lotto, I got Swan Order 1738…
I'm not feeling the love from you tonight MEL
martyn, welcome to my world
Martyn, could you delete that The other address is a URL that has not been officially revealed yet, so technically I should ask you to delete the comment Martyn.
Having alot of Swan posters on ebay might be a good thing. It will keep the price down and maybe people will think twice about buying future prints just to sell. I doubt it though.
Sorry, that sounded wrong.
Tyson seemed to make a mistake today and made the other URL active by mistake, someone just trying all the URL's found it and decided to post it, causing mass confusion and LotteryTicket to miss out on a poster.
don't make me all weepy again, just come out of my all day slump
Right, I'm going to sleep now, I can't stay up for the Tokyo opening.
Post lots of pictures for the various people going, and I'll create a catch up post tomorrow morning.
Oh and if any more posters do get sold, remember your old pal Zort ;-)
G'nite, Zort!
Sorry, will re-phrase:
Out of interest, I read about two web addresses, one of which wasn't
I tried them both on phone and the swan popped up on both web addresses. Tried it again a second ago, and the former has gone back to gomerch beta. Does anyone know what was going on with that or am I just going crazy here?
Hey Everybody! I just wanted to let you all know that I have decided to sell my print on Ebay. #7 - "The Smoke Monster" by Ken Taylor. My intentions were to buy several of these, have them framed, and place them in my living room - but it's becoming near impossible to find another one as they sell out so quickly. So if you'd like to bid on this one, it's at
Happy Bidding!
Oh right.
Well what if they only sold 100 for and another 100 for the other one, which will be released at the Japan store. The last clue does say:
With the print reveal already in the bag, stop by Ron Herman Tokyo on Saturday, October 24th if you missed out.
So it makes me feel like staying up til 3am BST to see what happens.
Actually, just checked the poster list and it's over 200 order numbers so blows my hopes out the water. Part of me still wants to wait up til 3am though.
chris what is the print number, tks
@Hirokitojo is now on the twitter feed
Just pressed F5 one more time before turning the computer off.
Chris, I'm not going to ask you to remove the comment, but as a polite request to all we don't really want the comments section to be a place for people to post links to auction or classified sites that are selling the prints second hand.
@LT 235/300
Sorry about that, Zort. Just know that I'm not some random douche trying to buy these up to make a profit - I am a HUGE Lost fan and was estatic to get this one. But like I said, I can't seem to get any more and I'm getting frustrated. So if you or anyone else here would like "The Smoke Monster" I would rather sell it to true Lost fans, then people just looking to cash in. Thanks!
Zort, I can cover you if there's another poster reveal tonight.
Hiroki tweeted a few minutes ago to say "good morning".
Do we think we will have another reveal or will the store be giving out more bags?
I'm off for two hour nap but will be back because i'm sure something is going to happen in Tokyo, otherwise what was the point of revealing it there?
I hope there is more to it than just the bags. So I am stayng tuned for a while.
Amy Lynn, this is dedicated to you. Haha.
JACOB: I take it you're here cause of the poster reveal.
MIB: I am. How did they find the URL?
JACOB: You'll have to ask them when they get back from Ron Herman's.
MIB: I don't have to ask...we told them the URL. Still trying to prove me wrong about how those posters end up on EBAY?
JACOB: You are wrong.
MIB: Am I? They come, find the url, buy the poster, then sell it. It always ends on EBAY.
JACOB: It only ends once, anything before that is just people hitting F5 constantly .
MIB: Do you have any idea how badly I want a copy of The Crash?
Jacob: Yes.
MIB: One of these days, sooner or later, I'm going to get enough money so I can afford the ridiculous $900 asking price.
Jacob: Well when you do I'll be right here, staring at my copy because you were too slow in hitting the Buy Now button.
So the Toyko store should open at about 7 PM PST, right?
That is TOO funny! LOL
Not as good as yours, or the Live Together Die alone one over at Dark UFO...but it does the trick!
awesome job! :)
Right Unseen. In about an hour and a half.
Numbers says SOLD OUT again.
They've taken it down again. It's not up when I look at it. I guess they were counting posters again? Poor Hurley poster. Just can't sell out.
scoutpost, can you please join bonnie on the facebook. Thank you. LT
Ya, I don't think I could take that thing glowing at me in the dark. I'm more easily creeped out now than when I was younger.
Hurley says sold out. Amazing, that sold out before the love triangle. Didn't see that coming.
Numbers should be sold out!!. Who ever said they were only going to get better..gak!...I've seen Hallmark Cards more engrossing than the Swan. And whats with its butt up in the air? Since when has a swan's butt had anything to do with LOST?
If there is another reveal in Tokyo..I hope it ain't for this turkey!
I'm there LT
Wow MEL tell us how you really feel.
Shane..I will do that when I take delivery of it..order # 1799...
Anyway..yesterday I was taking pics of a colorful sunset and a flock of geese decided to take off from a nearby pond. I heard the kids yell, " RUN!!..RUN FOR COVER!" I didn't kno what they meant...until too late. So..its a karma thing. I repaying some doo doo bestowed onto me.
For those of you who have posted that they have not been able to access the DarkUFO forums today, I received this email from the admin...
Thanks, it seems a large number of people were blocked when the site got overloaded. We should have this fixed in an hour or so.
weird..whenever I go to DCAAPB it doesn't show The Numbers sold out for me.
Why haven't you spoke up for the print that was bought today from "the fund"? You missed out on the print by error and are collecting all of them, that is what the fund was for.
I just read that the print is going to the person holding the funds? Are you kidding me? Please speak up for yourself!
Mel are you a complete set collector or were you just yanking our collective chain about not liking the Swan?
Doesn't show Sold Out for me either, and I've got cache cleared and everything.
@Anon 8:54PM - the print is not going to Manda (who started the fund). She just bought it with the money we collected at DarkUFO.
what time is this event in Japan suppose to occur?
I've no had no problems getting on and off Darks site or forums at all today, don't know what thats about. Also, The Numbers hasn't showed as sold out either. However...for e.g. sometimes if I go to check my account for some reason if I go to that url, in order to view my account I have to "buy now" then remove it, if that makes sense. If others are having this issue, it may be a reason for it showing as "sold out" on and off.
Each day I sigh that I did not get Locke's Secret.
That being said, even if Mel really DOESN'T like this poster (which she can certainly do), this is my 2nd favorite one.
And I just showed the picture to my girl and she's super excited because she thinks it's the best of the bunch.
@ LT,
Nevermind, congrats I see you got one after all, good for you.
@ LT,
Nevermind, congrats I see you got one after all, good for you.
And yes, Anon--I've had to 'buy now' and then remove to get to my account always. If there's a better link or a different way to get to it, I don't know how to do it.
So it could be that.
Does anyone have a link that gets you JUST to your account so you can check status of orders, etc.?
Nevermind. Found that link. :)
Has anything new been heard about the Tokyo store?
Now, now, let's be nice Mel, or else Zort will have nightmare's in his sleep if we get mean here! Heehee. :o)
Shane ..I can write a 500 word essay about whats wrong with this print,,and,,I can write a 500 word essay about what is right about this print. That conflict,,is the nature of The Swan though. Both the Swan hatch in the show and this print share that aspect. For me to say much more only gives the art groupies something they can cut and paste and claim as their own. So , perhaps later , any more wil be said about the Swan,by moi.
40 minutes. man is in route
i must eat
or die
i have a story to share.
MEL the loss of your words would be a loss.
LT: have you heard from Hiroki. I haven't seen any updates?
Lottery Ticket got one? Yay. I'm so happy for her. Although confused as how we know this and how she did, but still that's awesome.
I haven't seen any tweets from Hiroki, maybe he's DMing LT?
Yes. Hiroki is there now.
sorry guys I need to break.
anyone on the tweeter feed?
Hiroki tweet:
im on my way 246 to HR japan. Trafic jam. 10 min to go
@MEL - Laughing and loving it.
He just posted a pic, but I have no idea what it is! LOL
Update: I am at shibuya stsn now. It would be 10 min to go
traffic shot. same as before. literally retracing his steps
I know I saw that- it's all a blur. I think it's just the city lights.
maven I sent you a message on twitter.
he's parking
"arrived in front of the building. park a car"
All the world's eyes are on Hiroki :)
what if he is the only one to show up? lol
then he gets a paypal from me to ship me a bag?
I bet it is only bags like they got at Melrose.
LT, decide on anything? Did you buy doubles of some other posters?
Then he gets all the tote bags?
He'll be the hero...or Hiro. :o)
Justin said they only let him take one, but he went back a few times and took more. Same things with me and Hurley's shirt. If Hiroki's the only one there, they better let him take a bunch!
Missed most of this reveal and lead-in. What twitter feed are you following for Hiroki?
I guess he was showing the traffic he was in.
I would love to end up with one of the t-shirts, bags or anything from one of these releases.
I did get a lighter pocketbook from covering the FOB dallas event, but it turned out I was the only one there giving Lost swag out...
Thanks Maven.
there in a meeting?
"im at rhjapan theyre inmeeting"
How dare they have a meeting now! LOL
Maybe they're discussing how to give everything to Hiroki!
It would be so awesome if they released another poster right now. Only the die-hard fans are actually still following this thing so soon after a reveal! Sadly, that's a mere dream.
@All - Just finished catching up on today's reveal comments. A tad bit dismayed. :(
Our little "island" has become a vibrant global community where theories are shared, clues are investigated, jokes are cracked, and random acts of kindness take place on a regular basis. This is a true testament to Zort for keeping us together and all of us who post on this blog.
The next 6 weeks look to be quite the adventure, but glad that you're all going to be a part of it. I wouldn't want to go it without you guys. Thanks for making this experience what it is!
yeah, they rather reveal anything, it´s almost 4am here in Spain, lol
FTI - It would be great but I would be truly surprised.
@JPL- feel the love- group hug everybody!
OK. Today as most of you know I FAILED, just like on YouTube. It happened. I took what looked to be legit URL and real. I failed to follow my tweople. I refreshed for minutes. It was the poster. It said "ON SALE SOON". It changed to "BUY NOW". The failure to accept my user/password made my skin crawl. I was in trouble. Grabbed the DCaaPB link (as I should have done in the first place) and BLAM SOLD OUT! 2 minutes.
Heart sank and rose as you all everybody started posting order numbers. And believe me when I say this, I was glad to see you getting through. But sad to hear that poster buddies unable to get through. How many did not get a poster?
So back to work. Gathered order numbers here and hopped to DarkUFO to gather and post to THE LIST.
Squeeze! :-D
arms outstretched to everyone!
Hiroki reports that RH are in a meeting!
ha ha. we'll have to wait a bit more
I'm wondering if #16 wil be the release of all the rest of the "100 of each poster" in a free-for-all-buyout. Or, they'll save the extras for the auction next year.
still 9 min. until opening
Poor Hiroki!
picture is of employees grouped together in the middle of the store
I wonder if they are meeting about how to run this promo thing.
I think we have puzzled together that 40 prints stay with the artist, 10 prints stay with the gallery, and 50 prints belong to disney.
I don't think so capcom, but that's just my opinion. I do think #16 will be special somehow. Good luck getting that one I bet.
They updated the DCAAPB site with the pictures of the tote collector's item. But, didn't Ron Herman design this? And he's a professional designer? Haha, I could design this!
I didn't get the print - it wasn't for me. But after catching up on events and the absurdly fast sellout, I really regret not having bought it for one of you regulars I see here as I did put it in the cart as a reflex exercise (and removed just as quickly). I would gladly do so at cost and I have considered trying to be a poster buddy but am not always sure how reliable I'll be. Sorry for those of you who missed. I'll help if I can...
#16 will be impossible to get!
They're in a meeting about crowd control. ;)
Oh, thanks guys! I would not have like a free-for-all sale.
And I think we can bank on the gallery and artist prints to not be allowed to go on market until after the first of the year at a minimum
If they can do something in tokyo, there is still a small chance they will do something in NZ (I know, very, very, very small :(
I hope the rest of the releases are like today....main one in US and something else international!!
never give up on NZ..they did a giveaway in Tucson, AZ for pete's sake.
..if you consider a book mark a give away..
I bet those bookmarks are being scalped on Ebay
My brother should be at the Tokyo store any time now.. waiting for confirm that he's there.
Racheal Oh man Ihave been thinking that, and wishing every day! Id drive anywhere in NZ to do a reveal!
Great Frank...let us know everything!
Now Hiroki will have to share the tote bags.
Sorry - Rachel!
@ReverandMilo Thats what I was told by the last artist when my order got canceled.
Anybody seen an update? I haven't.
Haven't seen a thing.
stillll waiting haha
Nope, nothing maven.
. . . back to the story
click bookmark for SpoilerTV forums. nothing. click again. nothing. WHAT? Amy Lynn (thank you again) told me they were up. Andy at Dark finally backdoored (oooh we don't like that word) me in. But the days drama continued there as well. Buddies apologizing to buddies. Elated LOST fans posting order numbers, but not many. I gathered and updated THE LIST. Removing my *. I mentioned my plight. Discussions about two or more active URLs. E-mail to Zort70. He too did not meet the challenge, again.
So on to tonights reveal. Something positive to focus on. Hiroki wakes up to my FB ping.
to be continued.. .
he's going in.
From the chat room (
[10:07pm] FrankBoisvert: my brother says "Met Hiroki. He said the store manager doesn't know anything about it and that it's "ridiculous.""
They ought to do something Down Under, it's "...the key to the whole game". :-)
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