The picture above was taken by Tim Boisvert (Frank's Brother) and is of Hiroki trying to explain to the store manager what this was all about, using LostARGs.com as an example.
In the comments on the previous thread there is lots of Lost fan magic happening and people saying they can send Hiroki a bag from the LA reveal for all his hard work and dedication.
We have not heard from DamonCarltonAndAPolarBear.com to say why Tokyo did not happen as planned, but if we do then we will let you know here.
Domo Arigato, Hiroki!
I hope both Hiroki and Tim get an apology e-mail or something.
Am I right in thinking though that they were the only two people there for this Lost reveal?
Just want to say a big thankyou to Hiroki and Tim for going down and trying to explain what was going on.
I'm doing a happy dance to see that photograph of LostARGs being used to try to explain.
And just because, here it is again:
Tim & Hiroki: <3
haha, as ususal I bow before your bag of resources, con!
I haven't read about anyone else but there may have been others there.
From what I gathered in the chat from Tim's brother... it was just them Zort.
Well, that seems even more weird tbh, only two people? I know there was no reveal or anything but I know i'd go for the possibility of free LOST stuff.
Morning All -
Anyone find themselves not sleeping as well as they did say... 10 weeks ago?
Waking up in the middle of the night at god awful hours? Have you changed your home page to lostargs.com? Going to you computer & F5'ing compulsively? Sleeping with your credit card under your pillow?
If you have any of these symptoms… it appears you may have picked up a case of the DCAAB virus. Originally thought to only affect people who’ve traveled to a remote island within the last 5 years, there are reports that it is now spreading rapidly all over the world – except for Tokyo. I hear that even if you get vaccinated today, you won't start feeling like yourself for another 6 weeks.
Wonder if Doc Artz makes house calls?
I dreamed of Tokyo, twice. Was tortured by the vision that I missed the Jay Ryan or the Shepard Fairey tonight…
Fairey, Ryan... nice ideas and stuff... but these are just rumours, right? RIGHT? How should anyone know?
Already told you guys but thanks a bunch for taking the time to go, Hiroki and Tim, it´s a shame nothing happened as announced.
Really hope you get something from DCaaPB, at least an apology.
well done and thank you for going guys....this really is a major fail on dcpb's behalf.....hope there is some kind of explanation
Masheen, no one has been confirmed as a future participating artist, but we do have some strong suspicions.
Thanks Hiroki and Tim for going!
That is pretty bad that there is nothing there for them..and it did clearly say that something would be going on all day there.
The Numbers is sold out again !
I've just seen that Congested has kindly uploaded an hours worth of the chat yesterday -
I was in that chat and can't remember half of what was said !
Slight warning though, the chat log does contain some of the other URL's that were not correct.
:::quietly lurking in the background....:::
Hi Amused
in fairness, dcpb never stated a time for the japan reveal
No they didn't specify a time, but a Day was given.
I'm fairly sure it's Sunday now in Tokyo.
thanx to Hiroki & Tim...
*back to lurking!*
Hi Ellen
I think it's 11:19PM Saturday evening. Sure store is closed... not like a 24 hour CVS. :)
Not sure if I'll get a response but I did send a message to TGCS last night asking what was up. More importantly I hope that they take care & do something for Hiroki & Tim. We were all in front of computers and they made a concerted effort to go to location. May have not known time, but give the guys a break.
Okay..good morning to all. so what do we do, every one crosses their fingers and hope it doesn't happen to us? oh, but it has happened to a few of us.is there a great " white out" incident waiting for all of us in the future?
Yep, I think we all have to accept that whatever happens happens.
We try our best to get the poster, if we don't get it then that is life, if we do get it but don't actually want it we send it on to someone that does want it.
Life goes on with or without Lost posters.
I'd prefer life to go on with the posters :)
I'd actually be more upset if people like LotteryTicket and ReverendMilo didn't get a poster than I would about me not getting one.
lol jeremy
I'm glad that Hiroki and Tim at least had each other there. The best part of the Crumbs non-event was hanging out with the LOST NYC fans.
Like many others here, I can't say I'm surprised. This may be more of a flub on RH's part than on DPCB's part. I love that they are doing this art project for fans, but in my mind it is a promotional event that is probably being run by one or two people with other job responsibilities. I could be way off base but that's the feeling I get.
I hope they do an event here in San Diego.
I'm in London for a few days the week after next, so I hope Tyson is listening :-)
That's what we figure basically happened with the Apollo bars too Anon. All the venues were listed for weeks, but when people showed up to get their Apollo bars, some of the venue peeps were downright nasty and threatening to the Lost fans that showed up, as they thought that it was some kind of prank on them. And sometimes when the interns were there with the bars, they were giving them out to just anyone, who had no idea what TLE was, and people were just throwing them into the trash not knowing that there were clues inside. What a mess that whole thing was. So far the poster ARG mishaps have been pretty tame in comparison. It just goes to show you how plans and instructions can get messed up exponentially down the chain of command. :-p
Hi Amused!
Again, well done Hiroki and Tim. So glad that Tim got that shot in the store, it's going to be a classic. They should put that on the DCAAPB hub site! With Congested's modification on the side. Someone needs to send that shot to all of TPTB for Lost and the ARG. :-)
Crash poster is up to $650!! Insanity!
A copy of it sold for $900 the other day! Crazy stuff. Also 5 Swan posters are already up on Ebay. Wait, let me start this post over.
Happy Saturday everyone!
I would love to hear if Tyson e-mails you back. Also, apparently the EB people are now using an "autobuy" system that sneaks their purchases in before anyone else has a chance to enter their info. Wonder if Tyson has a way to block that.
Don't they limit purchases by IP address, delivery address, credit card number, and name? I would think an auto-buy system has to use one of those at least twice.
I think this ARG now qualifies to be listed here
..as far as auto buy..yes, i warned about this..Apparently Tyson has no concern. This Lost Fan Appreciation,,has been hijacked.
I like that one of their "Whose Responsible This?" photos is taweret's foot. :) lol
So, wait. They can use auto-buy to purchase more than one? I guess I'm confused now too.
No, I don't think they can buy more than one. But they can certainly buy a poster immediately when the Buy Now button goes up, and then throw it on Ebay, as they've been doing.
I think Auto Buy is something that might be an urban legend type of thing.
I'm sure there is someone clever enough to create such a system, but I've never seen one myself.
There are addons to a certain popular auction site that can assist in purchases, but I've not seen one for a custom store like GoMerch's.
A simple human verification code would probably remove all doubt about an auto buy system, but it would take a lot of people to email Tyson to get them to change the current system.
Does an auto buy item actually exist? Even so, doesn't it still limit them to 1??
It really is gonna be a battle from here on out. I know people like the rev and lotto are collecting whole series... but what about the rest of us that are collecting wholes series too. Anyone who has invested around $600 at this point will be very very disappointed!
I know the final clue didn't have a specific time in Tokyo like the Melrose store did...but that's no excuse....someone in the Tokyo store should have known that something was happening that day. Even if FedEx didn't get tote bags there on time, the Manager should have told. Unless it was a cover-up...that's the conspiracy person in me!
Time for a new clue!!!
Zort..ahh, you mean the anti spam type of thing where one has to enter what is presented on the screen in wavy or distorted manner,,so a computer by itself can't recognize??.. now thats a good idea!! Time to EMAIL Tyson!!
I hope that you're right about the auto-buy thing Zort. It would be difficult to imagine how one program can modify itself to each different purchasing protocal of every online business site, they all have so many different steps to go through before your purchase is completed.
I have also heard of programs that can auto-bid for online auctions so you don't have to be there on the computer all the time, but hopefully a specific one-time purchase situation could not be automated like that.
Right Maven. Somewhere down the line, either the ABC chain of knowledge didn't filter to the proper overseas RH management, or the U.S. RH management didn't pass the info on to the Tokyo RH management. Or something to that effect.
@AmyLynn *sigh * there is no such "autobuy" system. I saw that post, and again you are quoting one sarcastic post-er on EB and referring to him as 'they.' It's like you enjoy encouraging the negativity. Congrats, you seem to have gotten crazy MEL started.
Yes, it's a real shame when they can't pull something off that on the face of it should be quite simple to organise.
Ah well, when we come up with an award winning TV series and show our appreciation for the fans we will know what to do :-)
I'm guilty of this too, please don't take it the wrong way. We shouldn't say "they" (because we don't feel good when people use the word "they" for Losties) but I guess that's just how it goes. It's easier to use they rather than "this specific poster at EB". So, please don't take it the wrong way. Most of us mean well, and mean no disrespect by the word "they".
Right Zort! And it's a shame that a simple break in communication may have caused RH to miss out on some free international promo gold. Their website counter probably spiked tremendously this week (even if we didin't buy anything from them). They'll never see that much online traffic again! X-D
Please calm down. You are being baited by misinformation from a)one sarcastic post-er on eb and b)someone here who was willing to re-state that kernel of misinformation as fact, fanning the flames.
I've been on EB for three years and have never heard of an 'autobuy' button.' It's a metaphorical term! Like a "fix it" button!
I'm off for the evening now, going out and not thinking about posters for a couple of hours.
Play nicely kids.
@MidDay - Sorry if you thought my post was negative. I just think it sucks that there are people who are trying to collect the whole set, and then have them locked out by people who are just trying to make a profit, or who are just simply trying to keep the posters out of their hands.
If they are joking, and not actually doing this, then I take it back :)
Promise, Mr.Zort! :o)
I'd like to get a Fix-It button for my life once in a while Midday, heheh. A point and click fix-it contraption would be great!
Thanks, good to hear. Again"they" is "us." I've been involved here since frame two. Myself, Rev Milo, and several other regulars here are on eb as well.
Same here Midday, my post was not meant to be negative. Merely to express that we use the word "they" not as a negative term. But simply because we don't know anyone in the EB forum. Is it wrong to group all EB posters as "they"? Yes, but that's just how we identify anyone over there. Sorry, again no disrespect meant. Welcome to this blog!
@Capcom, yeah that'd be great. I'd be hitting that fix-it button a lot !
I looked into it, in the shady nether regions of the net.
A cookie cutter autobuy is a myth. There really is not much possibility of scripting a purchase for these prints.
For one, you need a dynamic script that can read the print page (not just look for a "buy" button) then it has to be capable of triggering the correct login button and not fill in the wrong fields to accidentally head down the "lost password" or "new account" paths which share the same field names as the login section.
After that it has to handle both mouse clicks and form field filling.
Even after all that you would could only get one print. unless you set up a second machine, also running the complicated script, with different CC info.
It is possible to set aside enough time to figure it out and code a complicated method to do it specific to DCaaPB. But not likely.
If the "Love triangle" sells out, the ability to plan, test, and implement the complicated script by the multi-talented coding charlatan goes out the door. (those on the fence about purchasing a Love Triangle, think about that)
My advice, add google toolbar and set it to autofill forms for you. I turn off my firewall, virus protection, kill TSRs, and shutdown anything but my browser when "on sale soon" appears. It can gain you a few microseconds for your refreshing
Dont' worry, I was getting the whole set and then missed crash...still got everyone since, but that wound heals :) Life goes on. Remember this as the ARG progresses
Oh and my browsers dont run any other toolbars (just google) or addins at during the on sale soon time. Bloated browser slows your refresh and requests time.
Thanks AmyLynn. I don't endorse all of what is being said over on eb, (the same as I dont over here), but it's not all bad you know. It's hard being caught in the middle of all the mud-slinging, so I get weary of 'us vs them' statements.
I dont know that there are many , if any at all, who are actually trying to keep posters from LOST fans out of spite. But I dont think that it 's only EB'ers who have been posting posters on ebay e.g. Locke's Secret. Could very well have been a regular here!
Very good points, Milo. Every time when I enter my email I wonder a microsecond about which password I might have used ;)
Hey Rev, those are good tips that I was unaware of - thanks!
TPTB could settle this whole thing (i.e. all of our broken Lostie hearts) by publishing a small graphic book containing all the posters within it. I'd buy a few for myself and friends. To make it a larger coffee-table type book, they could include bios on the artists, the making of each print, the steps of the ARG process, etc.
Should we write them? ;-)
Hiroki was such a good sport about making the trek to Ron Herman Tokyo twice. I have been corresponding with him through Facebook, and got his address. I am sending him a LOST "care package" of some memorabilia as a thank you. I didn't want the Tokyo non-reveal to be a total loss for him. I have really enjoyed his reports and good humor through all of this. Thanks to Lottery Ticket for making the initial contact with him. It really takes this ARG to a new level when fans from all over the whole are involved and participate in the reveal/non-reveal events.
And thanks to Zort for providing a wonderful forum for us. I do not post frequently, but enjoy all of the comments and the sense of community this site provides.
My home WiFi network is named DharmaNet since the blast door map came out. That should count for something as I hit the "Execute" button to purchase prints...
That's really neat Andalone.
BEN: Okimasu, Charles.
[Charles Widmore pulls on a bedside lamp.]
WIDMORE: I wondered when you were gonna show up. I see you've been learning a new language.
BEN: Tokyo is lovely this time of year. When did you start sleeping with your laptop by the bed?
WIDMORE: When the posters started.
[Widmore pulls back the covers and hits F5.]
WIDMORE: Have you come here to kill me, Benjamin?
[Widmore hits F5 again.]
BEN: We both know I can't do that.
WIDMORE: Then why are you here?
BEN: I'm here, Charles, because you put my copy of The Hatch on Ebay.
WIDMORE: Don't stand there, looking at me with those horrible eyes of yours and lay the blame for those flippers on me, when we both know very well I didn't start this war at all, Benjamin. You did.
BEN: No, that's not true.
WIDMORE: Yes, Benjamin, it is. You creep into my bedroom in the dead of night--like a rat--and have the audacity to pretend that your not hear to steal my laptop?
[Widmore leans forward.]
WIDMORE: I know who you are, boy. What you are. I know that everything you have you took from me and my LostARG friends. So... Once again I ask you: Why are you here?
BEN: I'm here, Charles, to tell you that I'm going to create a program. AutoBuy, is it? And once you're locked out... once I win... then you'll understand how I feel. And you'll wish you hadn't changed the rules.
[Widmore shifts in his bed.]
WIDMORE: You'll never figure it out.
[Ben turns to leave.]
WIDMORE: That set is mine, Benjamin. It always was. It will be again.
BEN: (Turning) But you'll never collect them all.
WIDMORE: Then I suppose the hunt is on for both of us.
BEN: I suppose it is. Sleep tight, Charles.
[Ben leaves, pulling the door shut behind him.]
I feel awful for Hiroki, Tim, & all Japanese LOST fans that might have gone to RH yesterday for NOTHING. And the manager saying it was "ridiculous." Can we e-mail someone? I guess they know, but if I was a Japanese LOST fan I would be feeling very disrespected. Yesterday was a major downer in this ARG experience & I hope it gets better from here on out. I think the one bright spot was Lottery being given a poster. THAT is what makes the ARG GREAT! The people. TPTB, I know that is the reason you started this whole thing. PLEASE keep it in mind & keep up the dedication till the end. The fans are here. Waiting.
@capcom..."...publishing a small graphic book containing all the posters within it"
That's a great idea, actually. That deserves to be heard by TPTB
@Capcom - I like you idea of a published book on the posters. I have been keeping a scrapbook of the event, with all of the clues, photos, some artist bios and 8x10 prints of each poster. I am trying to collect all of the posters and am 10/10 so far. I wanted a printed history of the project since I plan on keeping the prints forever...maybe even taking them with me when I go...
Bravo Amy! X-D
A coffee table book is great idea. It'd be cool if they printed up all the clues in the book, too, and then a full page of each print.
That's gonna need to be a big coffin to hold all those mailing tubes, heheh!
Hey that's a great idea, we might as well make our own scrapbook just in case. I think I'll need to buy a new cache of ink cartridges first. :o)
@ andalone, that's what I'm talkin' bout. You rock! It should have been TPTB sending that instead you, but we take care of each other.
Tweet by Ron Herman: "RonHermanDotCom @hirokitojo SO SORRY about the confusion u encountered yesterday! Some issues in communication. We're working on it now and will fix it 4 u"
"RonHermanDotCom Hey! If you were in Tokyo yesterday for the LOST bag give-away, SORRY 4 the confusion! We're fixing it right now, details to come"
At least they admit it and are going to do something about it!
That's great!!!
I am making my own raft with the tubes to sail to the island. I think I am small even to fit on a 16 tube raft... 2 of my prints are framed now since I knew specifically where they would be hung. I am waiting for the rest of the posters to be revealed to make future framing and hanging decisions. I printed the scrapbook versions of the posters on the coated side of white magazine backer boards. They look great - better than my first attempts using plain paper or even glossy photo paper.
I would buy that book! That would be sweet. My husband could look at it, and maybe one day in the future, understand why I was on the computer all the time when I had never been before! HeHeHe
Nice!!! Glad we've finally heard something!
That's awesome maven. Good to hear.
@ Amy - Love the Charles/Ben dialogue. Hilarious!
That book idea is awesome, Capcom...someone should definitely pass that along to TPTB! (Hint, you!)
And andalone: Great idea to keep a diary/scrapbook of all the poster going ons! And so sweet of you to give Hiroki some Lost swag...the world is definitely becoming a smaller place!
That is awesome
Now if only pete wentz had been as cool as RH.
Sorry I am pissed at the guy. He was tweeting at the Dallas show, I tweeked at him with our costumes and everything. I tweeted him after the show. The guy really did not give a crap about Lost or this aRG.
But not being a pre-pubescent teen, I should have expected him not to respond. I mean the guy was responding to tweets while I was there!
Sorry, early morning, and I keep trying not to be pissed, but then I think about it all over and the 4 prints I could have bought with that damn event. I get pissed again. I guess gamblers do have regrets.
All I ask is that as a group we agree to hate pete wentz. I may go buy something from RH to show my approval of his confession and effort to make it right.
RevMilo - maybe give him the benefit of the doubt? I only check my @Tweets once a day. I imagine he gets a TON a day. Maybe he didn't have time to check them?
Amy, I was watching both his tweets and @tweets. he was watching and responding in real time, to those that he wanted to.
Oh, nevermind then. LOL
(I had a column for both him and tweets at him set up in tweetdeck)
This was my tweet to Ron Herman: "@RonHermanDotCom Thank you 4 stepping up!! Us LOST fans were watching Hiroki's every move, & were disappointed 4 him & Tim.."
Rev, early morning? Late night? HeHeHe. Agreed.
I like that idea of a book of all the prints. I have a book like that, limited edition numbered and signed with the works of Leroy Neiman.
They could do one thats not limited edition and signed with these posters so we could all buy it, sell it via abc.com and/or Amazon.
Awesome Maven
just sent a tweet too
@RonHermanDotCom TY for being a stand up kind of guy, you just gained a fan and possibly a customer. #lostarg
As far as the book goes - I need to look at reproduction rights - but if a person makes the 16 print marker - they may be able to publish images of their "collection"
maven & Rev - Thanks for tweeting for the tech challenged like me!
I did, too.
@ronhermandotcom Awesome. Thanks for helping our Japanese friends
Even with all of the stress & yuckiness of yesterday I'm wanting a new clue! I am sick!
The adrenaline that built up in me during the "on sale soon" almost made me throw up after the "sold out".
It made my hand shake for about an hour and totally cut in half the amount of sushi I normally eat.
We humans have funny chemical systems. Hope you feel better, I'm off to FtW for the day to pick up my rations of BBQ for the next two weeks.(I live in Dallas but don't eat Dallas BBQ, I was born Texan)
Finally hung Smokey and Eko up!
Sorry about that Zort. Here is one with the links edited out:
...and i deleted the other one
@ Rev - I saw u talking about Angelos the other day. Railhead is good too.
I love the idea of a poster book. How about it, TPTB? Clearly the fans would buy a book. Even if it didn't have all the clues, etc, if it was a poster book, say 12x18, that held copies of all the posters that could be removed and framed, all of us who can't afford the posters and/or don't have the option of stopping life to try to buy them, would be more than happy to buy it. I'd pay $100 for something like that so that I could have my own, non-print, non collector copies to frame.
Amy Lynn: If we're not a friend of yours on FB, we can't access your photos.
And that was comment 108!
RevMilo, you should have tweeted to Wentz, "Hi! I am a Swedish exchange student girl, can you get me some Lost swag! xxxooo!" I can't believe as a woman that I just typed that. :o)
Maven, do we have a direct email for the Lost powers that be, rather than that of a generic ABC address that wil never reach them? I'd ask them about the book.
Nice pics of Smokey! Kicing myself for not getting one of those. ope to trade for it eventually. From what I've heard the metallic inks look great...
maven- you were comment 108- congrats ;)
I could see Amy Lynn's photos. It all depends on how you have your privacy settings set.
Oops. Anyone is welcome to friend me. facebook.com/amy.lynn.shapiro
Oh and...good morning everybody!
"kicking" and "hope" ...oops
Scoutpost, would that be your computer privacy/security settings, or your FB settings? Just curious. Tx.
I friended you Amy Lynn. I'm so afraid of changing any settings on FB!
What happened with those proposed driveshaft rings? I'm now potentially interested, saw my plastic one and thought it'd be cool to have a real one.
Capcom, I eat railhead too.
Love some Fred's burgers
(and even clown burger...mmmm quadruple meat quadruple cheese served triple bag separate from the double bagged fries)
I had my couples party and wedding receptions at Joe T's, and I was in the startlegram under cheers and jeers (target of a jeer)...
Martyn, talking to brother today over BBQ...
Capcom: I don't know of any direct email for Darlton. :(
Haven't checked Twitter yet today, glad ronhermandotcom is taking care of things. I had a suspicion that was a communication breakdown.
Must say, this Dave Wentz guy (i've been keeping tabs on on his twitter account), yes i'll agree to dislike the guy. Last I looked he was all wrapped up in Melrose Place. I had no idea his wife was Ashley Simpson, that was his big deal on twitter, geez the guy has over a million followers!
Another twitter account to keep an eye on btw (i'm sure you probably know) is @jensenclan88. Don't need to tell you who that is :) You'll note however tweets between him and Wentz. This entire Clandestine Industries/Wentz connection to this ARG is very bizarre to me. I suppose it's the connection goes back to Paul via Damon/Carlton, just odd.
Damon & Carlton both have verified twitter accounts for what its worth. Doubtful they'll respond but not a whole lot of people are aware of these accounts YET.
Might be worth a shot for lack of better way of getting a word out to them, who knows.
@CarltonCuse @therealdamon
Capcom: There are twitter accounts for Carlton and Damon, supposedly confirmed, but I don't trust it.
I too watch Jensen. I stopped following Wentz about two weeks after Dallas, when I gave up hope on him even acknowledging the only pair of Dharma staff to show up for his gig.
Spiteful I guess, but I am way way way far from the perfect end of the spectrum.
Jensen seems fun though.
I have been doubting the Darlton twitter accounts. Besides that, I try not to be the insane fanatic that I am, I respect them enough to keep my distance. I cannot say the same for John Cusak, who I respect, but also harass for fun because he likes it.
Can someone please get my toddler in the car!!
(she HAD to watch dragon tales before we left)
anon, thanks. just saw that those accounts were finally verified. great....now I cant help but be the fanatic I truly am.
OK. I hearby solemnly swear not to mess with them unless they ask for it.
"The Smoke Monster" by Ken Taylor for sale on Ebay! #235
Send the Hypno-Kitty after Wentz, RevMilo. ((buzzbuzzbuzz) :o)
Amy Lynn..Thanks for the Ben/Charles dialogue. That made my day! I'll be chuckling all day. I suppose a step back and a review with a sense of humor in mind, of the recent events is in order. Life does imitate art and so it goes with LOST. As dark as it ever got with LOST, there is always a ray of hope.
R Heaman taking the bullet brings a sigh of relief. May it continue.
Rev,,Good advise there. I even clear all my history or " cache" , and toss the cookies before the " buy now". Yes, anything that slows the computer down, goes.
The book idea is great. I'd definitely buy it!
On The Fuselage, there's a sub-section for both LOST creative teams & actors. You could leave a message to both Damon & Carlton there. Not sure when they will see it though.
Gregg Nation used to be the one in the creative teams who actually signed in often & replied to people. But once again, not sure whether that's still the case.
Link to VIP section on Fuselage:
As last resort, You could also try the email address that's used for collecting fan questions for the Official LOST podcast. But I need to look it up. Will get back to you later.
Great ideas Justanothersky! I'll see what I can do. Except...I'd rather not register with the Fuse really, so if anyone else is already a member, feel free to mention it. I can at least get that email address of the OLP tho. Tx!
Hi all, I've been lurking here for a few weeks and thought I would say hi.
Here is a twitter quote from @RonHermanDotCom
@hirokitojo SO SORRY about the confusion u encountered yesterday! Some issues in communication. We're working on it now and will fix it 4 u
@LT - I was Order # 1539 for the Trnsmission (since your keeping track).
maven said...
Capcom: There are twitter accounts for Carlton and Damon, supposedly confirmed, but I don't trust it.
Dark confirmed them as real if that helps at all. These particular accounts are actually the real accounts, there is still a fake DamonLindelof account out there but if you follow the tweets you can see its fake. His name is Jason.
LOL no one is as cynical as me, i've been around too long I guess to really trust anyone or anything, sad really. I double and triple checked into these.
Yeah I am a member at Fuselage, posted a few times some years ago.
If you don't mind, please send me a copy of the same email which you are sending to other places so at least there is some kind of "official" proposal from you.
And I will just be the delivery gal, posting on your behalf under all 3 threads.
I am at: (the user name you see here) @ gmail. com. Thanks!!
Last time when I looked at both Darlton's twitter accounts, they were verified. But just looked again, now they both are verified. So... YAY!
They are:
@ TheRealDamon
@ CarltonCuse
LOL, OK 'Sky! I could probably get to composing something this afternoon/evening and finding that OLP site. :-)
@ReverendMilo yes your welcome!
Yeah ITA with you, i'm not a celeb hound myself. I don't follow Wentz, I check his twitter account once in awhile thinking they'll be a slip up but no, not a mention of LOST, the ARG. Nothing.
Damon & Carlton I started to follow once I got the word that they were real. I won't be tweeting them about the show, however, talk about futile! I couldn't help myself when Carlton tweeted about the Dodgers, i'm a Phillies fan. Should be interesting when the Phillies play the Yankees in the WS. Most of know what a diehard Yankees fan Damon is. Now that they're verified I suspect they'll get more followers and will be bombarded with tweets.
Be aware...Carlton may make you want to mess with him. His tweet about the Zombie season i'm sure caused mass tweeting!
RE: the posters popping up on EBAY. I'm wondering if at this point these were people who intended to keep them and are real LOST fans but now realize the value in them? Just a thought, I still have none but that's my issue and my fault.
Just want to say I enjoy reading the comments on these posts. Some of the stories of people helping fellow LOST fans with getting the posters and promo items are cool. I should know. Someone offered up bookmarks, for free, from the poster #5 reveal. I figured, why not ask. The person was courteous and sent me one right away.
Since I know some are keeping track, I've bought four of the posters. Locke's Secret, The Smoke Monster, The Hatch, and The Swan Station. I even posted a blog about getting the Locke's Secret poster. http://bit.ly/2CSvzD
Thanks for all your comments, on behalf of many of us who read them without commenting much.
Photos of my 'The Crash' and 'The Smoke Monster' posters are now up at robperrin.blogspot.com. The frames are basic 18x24 poster frames from Michael's, transparent for 'The Crash' to keep the scene open and expansive, and black for 'The Smoke Monster' to accentuate the sense of confinement. For 'Rousseau's Transmission' I may go with a fancier frame with matte, since the poster is an odd size, quite lovely, and I may try to sneak it onto a wall in our living room...
@ Rob Perrin,
Too funny. I framed The Crash, The Smoke Monster and The Hatch today with same frames from Michael's (40% off, woohoo). But The Transmission was so striking to me when I opened it up I took it to a framer straight away. I went with a matte that is so nice. It took me a wile to decide but I noticed the matte code was 8154. So what could I do? I think it will be beautiful.
@RobPerrin, after seeing close-up shots of The Smoke Monster, i now regret not getting it. o well. Lesson learned. It seems that these prints are more than meets the eye in person! :)
Just finally catching up on all the comments. AmyLynn- loved your Ben/Charles Widmore exchange!
And I enjoyed the one done by JPL a ways up there. They're all so creative! and they make me laugh. and smile.
hope everyone is having a great saturday!
Well here's the cynical part of me coming out. How does one of the ebay sellers of The Swan Station know they have print #10?
That would be impossible to know (and highly unlikely since the print numbers are 101 and up). See, now this makes my antennae start twitching.
Last one for today:
TYSON: The events we arrange here are not just some stroll through the park. It's travelling in heavy Los Angeles traffic, buying $160 tickets to a concert, going to a store with no guarantee they'll have any idea what you're talking about.
LOCKE: Look, you've got no idea who you're talking to. I'm well aware of what's involved, believe me. I probably know more than you on the subject.
TYSON: In any case, it's a trying ordeal for someone with any sort of obsession, let alone.
LOCKE: Look, I've already done the re-watch, I've signed up for Lost University, I went to ComiCon you've already got my money. I'm willing to give you more. Now, I demand a link to the back door.
TYSON: You misrepresented yourself …
LOCKE: I never lied.
TYSON: By omission, Mr. Locke. You neglected to tell us about your obsession.
LOCKE: My obsession is not an issue. I've lived with it for 5 years. It's never kept me from doing anything.
TYSON: Look, unfortunately it is an issue for our GoMerch company. I can't keep the fans waiting any longer. It isn't fair to the other people.
LOCKE: Hey, don't talk to me about fair.
TYSON: I can get you a nice FlashForward mug. That's the best I can do.
LOCKE: No. I don't want to a mug. Look I've been preparing for this for years. Just let me in the back door, right now, I can do this.
TYSON: No, you can't.
LOCKE: Hey, hey, don't you walk away from me. You don't know who you're dealing with. Don't ever tell me what I can't do, ever. This is destiny. This is destiny. This is my destiny. (yelling) I'm supposed to do this, dammit. Don't tell me what I can't do. Don't tell me what I can't..
I'm asking the seller DUH, I should have just done that to begin with.
The seller isn't saying he has print #10/300. He's selling the 10th print in the set of 16.
@RobPerrin - nice LOST shrine, by the way! :)
I'm bummed that I didn't get this print, but it really sucks for them to have gone through that much hassle and not get *anything*.
This eBay nonsense is also making me really pessimistic about the prop auction. I was hoping to get anything Dharma branded for, like, $100 or less, but if a poster is going for $900, I don't think I have any hope.
Also, what is the best way to know when the posters are going to go on sale and where to buy them? I was relying on the thread on DarkUFO, but they didn't update at all for the smoke monster or the hatch one, and as of last night, it only showed the third clue for the swan poster. Is damoncarltonandapolarbear.com updated to link to the sites the moment the posters go on sale? As much as I liked the swam poster, I really really don't want to miss out on a Marvin Candle poster if there is one.
Ben..Don't feel bad. I figure the only chance I'll get another poster, is if its for a much hoped for Ana Lucia print. Okay, maybe a Nikki Paulo one too.
From personal experience, the guys on this site are incredible and figure out where the reveal will take place before the final clue is given.
So my advice to you Ben Ritter, is follow this site, served me well in getting my hatch poster.
Yup I have to second Martyn, this place got me a Hatch poster as well. They're on the ball like a circus bear.
As far as the Swan poster goes...a 2 minute sellout is just googlyeyed crazy talk. If you're not on the site F5ing...you're under the station without a fail-safe.
I'm really happy to have gotten the foot one because that, for me personally, was the biggest mystery of the show. The rest haven't appealed to me so much thematically, but all of them, and the four most recent ones especially, have been really beautifully done. Do you think they arranged to release them them in order of what they predicted their popularity would be? If you go down the line, I really think each one is better than the last. I'll set this site as a home tab. You guys seem to be really on the ball.
On the ball like a circus bear... Hahaha! I'm gonna have to remember that one
Did you guys see that @RonHermanDotCom has promised to make it up to Hiroki?
Hey! If you were in Tokyo yesterday for the LOST bag give-away, SORRY 4 the confusion! We're fixing it right now, details to come
@hirokitojo SO SORRY about the confusion u encountered yesterday! Some issues in communication. We're working on it now and will fix it 4 u
I sent them a message saying my brother @timboisvert was also there.
So, back to The Swan print for a sec. Does anyone know what the wavy lines underneath the swan are? I guess I never noticed them until now.
Any ideas for the last six posters? Here are mine.
1. michael kills ana lucia/libby
2. locke in coffin
3.not pennys boat
4. we have to go back scene
5. polar bear
and I predict the final poster will be a scene incorporating the oceanic six!
@Capcom- sorry just got back to comments. On FB every time you upload a picture or video, you need to set the privacy settings on it otherwise it defaults to everybody (on FB) being able to see them. At least that's how I think it works. I always set mine to friends only.
It's been a long day...sooo tired. Will have to catch up tomorrow. Got to meet Steve Nash today. :)
FtI..To expand on that question/ answer a bit. This is one of the problems with this print. So much of it is " hidden" or in " code",,as the Iching and the hieroglyphs characters. For that matter, the whole print including the Swan and the waves, speak in " code"..btw eme= electro magnetic energy..or the purple light. A read of A Breton's " Magnetic Field Lines" will really open an understanding.
Its like this..You have to have an understanding of what the Swan Hatch represented,,the metaphor of it. From there, all the code talk in the print falls into place and solidifies the print..makes it whole.
Seems to me,, its too difficult for easy enjoyment. Its Very LOST, in that it presents a mystery to be de-coded.
@comixguru - Thanks. Charlie, Shannon, Jin, Sun, Eko, and the Hatch are scattered about as well. Gotta get things setup properly one of these days.
Nice one MEL. This is exactly why I like it, although in the 5 mins from reveal to buying its a bit hard to "get" all of the nuances. My favourite poster to date.
Ben Ritter. 4 toes is way underated imo.
I'm thinking we will definitely get a Jacob's Cabin, Oceanic 6, The Island, and The Incident poster. To me, it's a toss-up after that. Though I do have to say I'm surprised we got The Hatch and The Swan Station...since they are the same thing. Seems like a waste...but The Hatch is a great one!
FtI...Yes, two on the Swan. Seems to me you have to see that everything is " connected". You could say three on Locke. So,,the " how" of each print's connectivity to the rest of LOST is a overall direction or State of Mind that is getting more fun in appreciation as we go.
kiwi..after looking at Rob Jone'es other works..whooaa boy!..he knows Surrealism. He plays with the" metaphor as the message" in this print. For some,, thats as hidden as one can get.
heeheehee the arg-scene re-edits greatly please me X3 awesome work amy~ the walk-about one was the best~
@ben. i think this site has been fantastic, i was able to get Rousseau because of these guys. we're a team, you have to be part of it. not just walk in at the end and expect some url's (not that you do that, just some people do) why i love my poster so much is all the effort i put in to finding the clues and puzzles, makes it mean sumthin.
i can't figure out darkufo, too busy....and im that lame...
so i say THANK YOU ZORT, and bellow it from the depths of my lungs~!!!!! THAAAAAAAAAAAANKYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU
Hey, I read this on my twitter feed tonight. Kind of off topic for the ARG, but we were speculating in chat the other day when S6 would start.
"Mr Cuse graciously explained that the show would begin again in January then stop for the Olympics and then start back again in February."
Amy Lynn, do you have all these spoof conversations together some where? Id love to get a copy of them all (without havin to drag my lazy arse back thru all the threads finding them again!)...?
No... they're all in the DarkUFO thread somewhere, LOL.
MEL, I laugh each time a print goes up, and normally the first post is along the lines of 'hate it' or 'uugghh'!!
Thanks Amy.
Amy..I think you got a bit of knightintodreams on you. Here, let me get that off of you.
Anyway.. so ABC got the Winter O. Thats cool. I don't even kno where its at this winter. oh well..
Totally off topic but i cant wait for the olympics!!
Its on Vancouver Island - I only know that as my old man lives there now eh.
While we're talking about art dedicated to the hatch/Swan station, does everybody the TDC Games LOST jigsaw puzzles that came out in 2006-7. They only made four of them but the artwork, detail, and volume of information in these puzzles was fantastic. Not sure who the artist was for these but they were a lot of fun and definitely worthy of framing. I wonder if they'll be making any more?
Sorry, I meant Vancouver for the Olympics, the old man is on the Island!
There's a lot of information about the puzzles here:
Im hoping for a poster for the blast door map - that wasnt a w/c moment for me - it was a WTF moment!...
Hurley Poster is sold out
The Numbers - another underated poster. Glad its finally sold out.
Now... for the Lurv Connection.. oops I mean Triangle...
Glad to see 'The Numbers' sold out. It has a lot of detail and effort put into it. Myself, I only didn't get it because I didn't want a Hurley-centric poster.
I have thought for a couple of weeks that if it was released now, at this point in the series, it would sell out quickly.
I actually felt kind of bad for Tim Doyle and Jorge Garcia that it didn't sell out earlier. Having said that I'm glad it has now... over 2 months later.
And the last two buyers who got a copy are both two that really wanted one from what I read over on DarkUFO.
..and yeah MS.... had it been released Friday it would have sold out by the end of the day imo.
It's funny how one (myself included) has been increasingly able to justify the purchase of a print. I'm sure many would have had their reasons for snatching up "The Numbers" immediately had it been released now.
That's so true - the justifying. Earlier in the series I kind of figured that if I missed out on The Crash or Four-toed and Smoke Monster, that I'd be able to trade or buy them with little 'mark up' and without too much trouble a little later. Still hoping some nice person will help me out.
And I too felt bad for Tim Doyle - it's a really well drawn , elaborate print. Glow in the dark too.
Good morning all.
I think one of the remaining posters would have to be the frozen donkey wheel. I'd also like to see Locke hanged with the extension cord, but that might be a little morbid.
Does this ARG even really require that much "finding the clues and puzzles"? (I think it's sort of annoying that it doesn't.) So far, it seems almost all of the clues have been part of a business's logo or a slogan of some sort, followed by a reveal of event information in plain English. And it's not really practical to go to an event unless you live in the city, so I don't see a lot of opportunities to sleuth along at home. Find 815 and the Dharma Recruitment Project were a lot better at enabling everyone to participate (although the former didn't matter much to the show and the latter fell apart at the end).
I agree Ben, the clue searching is pointless
I think one (non-Lost-related) ARG that was pretty well done recently was the Tron 2.0 one they did at Comic-Con. It's true that you had to be in San Diego, so that was limiting, but there were thousands of people already in attendance, so it wasn't a real inconvenience for them to get there. The people that showed up at a street corner at a set time with no knowledge other than that something Tron-related was happening went on a little scavenger hunt then were rewarded by finding a replica of Flynn's Arcade from the first movie. There was a secret passage that took you to see a prototype of the new lightcycle. You also got Flynn's Arcade T-shirts. They kept the arcade open for a few days, though, so people who heard about it late didn't really miss out. (Admittedly, their goal was a little different than the goal in this "ARG" because this is, I guess, supposed to reward Lost fans, and the other one was supposed to spread buzz about the movie.) Way back in the day, Radiohead had some sort of Internet game that I remember sort of fondly, even though I didn't win it in the end.
What sucks is that I had time to go on Saturday (when I went) and I don't today. Not to mention the fact that it's raining and I can't ride my scooter in the rain, and the Ron Herman store is not close to a subway station. I'm bummed that I went on Saturday and won't end up being able to get a bag. Oh well
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