Thursday, November 5, 2009

The 12th Frame URL reveal is at.... 450

The 12th URL reveal will be at the Super 7 store in San Fancisco

Thanks to Ellen for letting us know.


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Amy Lynn said...

Good job guys. Now, the wait!

Ginger said...

You beat me Amy!

Ginger said...

Thanks for going to the fireworks Zort! Hope your had a BLAST:)

Trial Attorneys said...

Just adjusted my afternoon appointments to sit in front of my computer!

Trial Attorneys said...

Please be "Not Penny's Boat"!

Jesse! Rikkitik said...

Looks like I'll be late for work! Sorry work! Posters take precedence!

Dr. Bradley said...

Is anyone going?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kiwilostie said...

Suits me! I will have finished night shift, and still be hypo on coffee and taurine, so should be alert enough for a try at a poster!

Unknown said...

If I'm fortunate enough to buy the poster, I'll consider it a birthday gift to myself...err from the kids.

Unknown said...

I was just thinking that being from East Tennessee, I would absolutely love to see a reveal in Knoxville. A Knoxville business, if I'm not mistaken, was printed at the top of Sawyer's note early in the first season. This would be superb.

LOSTnSC said...

Good luck to everyone tomorrow! Ah, the excitement of a new reveal does a body good.

MJCarp said...

happy happy happy happy happy.

the eagles has landed. no sooner than I 'plugged in' the invitation popped up. thank you Tyson.

my name is Lottery Ticket for a reason!

drop me your @tweetername so I can add you to the frame-12 list. sorry Floridians.

I am in an out for the day but back here midnight (MT) after reading all comments. 12 hours away from youalleverybody was rough.

Jo said...

I will be there by noon tomorrow. Will keep you all posted if anything changes.


Twitter: @jopinionated

thorsten said...

Excellent, Jo…

Great List, Lotto, just figured out the feature last night ;))

Unknown said...

LotteryTicket - My tweeter name is @CaseyRoWill. I would very much like to be add to the list.

(n) said...

thank god, I gotta work to 6am tonight, at least i wont have to be up early tomorrow

jeremy said...

This is very good news.

I will definitely be there tomorrow.

you can follow me @busparking

if you're having trouble, or your name is different here than on twitter, email me at busparking [at] gmail

reAnimated said...

Jeremy, sent u a follow request.


jdcurtis said...

lotterytickt thanks - @jdcurtis

ReverendMilo said...

So this went up on EB just a bit ago:


"That's it for now but look for my Lost print to drop sometime soon on Damon Carlton and a Polar Bear..." ..."The Lost prints have been selling out really fast so I'd definitely grab one if you see it up for sale. ""

I guess Todd is giving his fans a heads up on the sale...

I thought based on what we have seen with the previous artists, that was a no no...


MJCarp said...

Casey. r u TN? or LA?

Unknown said...

Lottery Ticket - I'm TN

MJCarp said...


reAnimated said...

Very interesting Rev. You think his is tomorrow??

Amy Lynn said...

Rev, maybe it's just me, but I think that's really obnoxious of him.

Eugene said...

No. It's not just you.

ReverendMilo said...

The artist don't know when they are coming up. But I am gaily certain they arent supposed to discuss participation before their print is out

Eugene said...

I'm usually a "live and let live" knid of person. But this irks me.

thorsten said...

That is really nice from Todd ;))

Amy Lynn said...

Yes, it's apparently against the rules. I REALLY hope Tyson sees this and pulls his print completely.

ReverendMilo said...

"fairly". Stupid iPhone autocorrect

Eugene said...

@ Rev - and I just thought you were in a good mood.

kiwilostie said...

I thought that was some texan saying Eugene!

reAnimated said...

I gotta say though. I like his prints.

The Lou Reed one is pretty sweet.

Scoutpost said...

That IS interesting Rev., but I don't think he's the first to let his fans know that his print was dropping soon. I think Rob Jones and Drew Millward had put out a blog announcement that they had one dropping "soon". It's a bummer from a fanatic LOST fan standpoint. But we all know what we're in for and we've had this conversation before, so....just f5 and type fast.

Frank said...

Good thing I have Friday's off!

Twitter accounts of those going to the reveal?

Fried_Chicken said...

I doubt that Slater's print is dropping tomorrow... More like next week or the week after... that just seems to be the typical time-frame for "keep your eyes open" when it comes to artists updates, newsletters, sub lists, etc... and I know that there was NO malicious intent behind the hint. He was merely trying to keep his fans in the loop...

thorsten said...

There was nothing from Rob Jones, Scout. He was on vacation in Italy.

Eugene said...

You are right. I think this will come up a bit every time we get ready for the reveal. But I will resume the lotus position and try to move on. Sorry!

Tess315 said...

Well put scoutpost.

Claire said...

Hey guys!

I live in Sacramento which is an hour and a half away from SF so I'm trying to go! What I'm confused about is the stop by until the store closes thing? Can we pick up whatever Lost item they are offering until 8:30pm?

If I do go, I'll be getting there at 12:00pm and I will be tweeting the best I can so I can get the URL out there.

I'll let you know!

Amy Lynn said...

@Claire, what's your twitter?

Tess315 said...

Agreed Fried_Chicken. Thanks.

Scoutpost said...

Thanks thorsten...I don't want to accuse anyone wrongly.

I just thought I saw an art blog somewhere (so it may not have been an artist him/herself) that told people that a poster was getting ready to drop. But I could be way off base, so don't take my word for it.

ReverendMilo said...

Scoutpost, you are correct, but in those cases, the artist removed those notifications after they realized they made a boo boo.

This went out via his fan distribution mailing so I dont think he can pull it back.

I don't think the artists are supposed to confirm their participation until their print is revealed. just like the locations for the URL reveal events are not supposed to confirm if there is an event there.

The reason I think is simple, this was designed as a Lostie Fan Appreciation project, not a Todd Slater Fan Appreciation Project.

And Eugene, I was in a great mood today, but something I saw just disgusted me...

Claire said...


It's Clairegrum


Unknown said...

No love for Florida. 3PM EST it is then. Good luck everyone.

Eugene said...

Sorry to hear that Rev. Keep the faith.

comixguru said...

Claire- thanks for the twitter name. I'm following you now :)

Cakelover said...

au contraire! I am sure the artists DO know when their print is out.

Unknown said...

Tomorrow in the chat room, when the poster is first shown, no matter how good or bad it looks everyone say it looks ugly.

Zort70 said...

Hope everyone is preparing for tomorrow, limbering up those fingers, getting into the zone for fast credit card number entry.

To answer Dan's question from the other post, no hidden faces in the Widmore Board.

Unknown said...

Wow, that sucks about the reveal time. I guess this will be the 2nd one that I miss out on (missed the Crash but have all others)


Brad Sobolewski said...

I actually want to buy and keep a poster - I know, no Ebay, what a novel concept - the one minute sell outs are a major buzzkill. any tips on how to get your order in quickly, and most important successfully?

ReverendMilo said...

Participation is key brad

reAnimated said...

Just be ready and quick when the reveal comes.

Dr Mum said...

I don't know why I am still reading this....I don't stand an earthly anyhow.

Anonymous said...

And the eb board is growing with interest even more this week. SO, since they all get the reveal from here...

i mean, really, without here, they'd be really LOST...

But since they will all be apart of the chat here waiting for the url....

you better pray. i think for round one of posters... you'll not be fast enough. So ... pray, and then there's always ebay.....

That's where all the eb's sell the prints they get. 10 Walt's Kidnappings were listed last week.....

Nachosaur said...

Finally! A reveal I won't miss!

Unknown said...

@anon- we have just as much of a chance to buy one as they do. (unless they use some sort of aid that helps them checkout quicker)

The Kharma Initiative said...

At least one print of Dan McCarthy's Rousseau's Transmission arrived without an artist signature: link, If you haven't opened all of your prints, now would be a good time.

Cosmically Yours

JT said...

Rev Milo- someone got that newsletter from Todd Slater earlier and mentioned it so I looked at his site and noticed that he has an "Official ABC Lost Poster" listed in the 3rd tube of his subscription for 2009. I think he really did not read the contract.

Anonymous said...

Oh darn!! Right in the middle of my bunnion trim appointment. geesh!

I have no prints dropping...MEL

Anonymous said...

excuse my ignorance but how come the ken taylor print is not signed? I thought the artist's made these? If not, then who is making the prints? Thanks in advance.

dusty said...

There were talks here of going underground - is that still on the table? And tomorrow, if I don't personally like the poster, would you guys rather I still try to pick one up to give to one of you? Or leave it there to chance?

(Still bummed about no FL reveal)

Jesse! Rikkitik said...

Do the flippers really care if the poster is ugly or not? I'm guessing the interest in selling these on ebay didn't really peak until people noticed that crash, locke's secret were bringing in close to 1k?

Unknown said...

These times aren't friendly to the EST working man. I could break any time tomorrow EXCEPT 3:15 to 4:00.

I am on duty in an area removed from computers. TPTB, if you are reading this, please make it available to BUY before 3:15! :/

I missed the Crash--now I'll miss the 2nd most popular one, lowell from wings.

LostinLondon said...

hmm - first reveal i won't be at the computer for!! Am counting on my husband to F5 for me - don't know if he will be as committed as me but I can't change my dinner plans! Friday at 8pm is a bit of an awkward time for UK peeps.

Sandman90 said...

Looks like it's time again to limber up my fingers, oil the keyboard and pseudo-optimize my piece of junk computer to try for this thing. Oh yes, I need to figure out what to do about work. And then I'll need to start getting my ire up and become angst-ridden about the wonderful flippers. Think fast, BE the poster...

JT said...

Dusty- I have been trying to be careful about giving out info willy nilly to anyone who shows up all of a sudden-but the cat really is out of the bag. And there probably are Lost Fans around who have been following and not posting. Especially on this site, how do you tell who is "worthy"- where you have no history if you are not ID'd by your Google info?

About buying "just in case"- I think if there is someone in particular who is asking you to buy, that seems right. Otherwise, you also may be preventing a fan from getting one by their own efforts, and maybe they should have the chance?

Amy Lynn said...

@JT, I think we have enough experience with GoMerch at this point to figure that SOMETHING is going to go wrong for someone. That's what the just in case orders are for!

melissarenee311 said...

hey all! ive been in the chat room a few times, but this is my first time to post in the comment sections. i've been following since the start of all this craziness and i have to say im really disappointed that there have been so many reveals in cali but not a single one anywhere in the southeast. im willing to make a long drive, but cross country is a little extreme even for a super fan. anyways, to all that are able to make it to the reveal, have fun, and i look forward to watching online as it unfolds.

Brad Sobolewski said...

Thanks for the people that gave out advice on buying - I know the producers probably didn't have an EBay flipping poster frenzy in mind when they came up with this promotion - and yes anyone new to the board will probably be viewed as a troll etc,. But there are really a lot of true LOST fans out there that legitimately want a poster. I knew about DCAAPB after comic-con, and am still kicking myself for not purchasing Locke's poster because I thought my wife would think it was a frivolous waste of cash...

ReverendMilo said...

Hey ya'll with my typical attempt at what I hope to be a sensible logical plea...

We made it through, how many like 9 prints, without the chat. Those that are dedicated to this project seem to do just fine without the chat. I dont see why it really needs to work tomorrow, as primarily it seems to hurt our chances over help them.

It was a great thing, but I know myself and possibly several others will be abstaining from the chat.

Prints used to sell out slower, there was sanity to it, I dont see the need to fuel the insane with PCP...

just my 2 cents.

ReverendMilo said...

Oh and Dusty, contact me via the ways you know how.

Brad Sobolewski said...

I agree that the Ebayers will probably be on this site tomorrow afternoon trolling for the link - Is there anyone out there that will be at the reveal and is willing to Twitter the link for those that want to keep the poster and not flip it?

Jesse! Rikkitik said...

Crap...guess i'm going to have to break down and learn to use damn twitter!

Dan said...

@Brad - I'm all for some sort of freeze-out of the flippers, how would people be able to prove they won't flip, and thus be included in the non-flipper tweet?

Brad Sobolewski said...

Dan - that's a great question, and unless you personally know someone there's no way to be certain. We could always build a sweat lodge until the true non-flippers see images of sacrifices that Damon, Carlton, and/or the Polar Bear demanded...

Dan said...

@RM - I would attribute the faster sellout times to simply more and more people getting wind of the ARG itself. It seems that each one of these artists have cult-like followings, a number of whom see what these things have gone for on eBay and since they've already missed out the print of their artist, they're more interested in flipping the ones that come after.

Brad Sobolewski said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jeremy said...

I will be twittering the reveal tomorrow.

I'm pretty sure I've posted my contact info in this thread a couple of times already.

@melissarenee311 (and others) - I agree that CA has been highly favored by TPTB, and I'm grateful that they've decided to host a reveal in SF, but it would have been nice to see more diverse reveal locations.

dusty said...

@jeremy - AGREE - LIKE FL! Ugh - was so excited for a reveal here in the South East. As is, we'll be rocking it tomorrow.

melissarenee311 said...

i think more people follow along in silence than some realize. i know that i ck this site, darkufo, and the abc message boards multiple times a day, but only post on the abc board. someone on the abc board once said the # of lurkers is usually up to triple the # of people who post. who knows if thats accurate, im just trying to say that you cant assume the only people interested in lost posters are regulars here. that being said, i am sooo upset that this reveal did not end up being in florida. i was so happy i was gonna get the chance to finally go to one of these things.

adam_keller said...

I agree with The Good Reverend. We made it through the reveals without the chatroom, the was more sanity to the process, and the selling time was longer. The chatroom did not cause any of that to change, but that chatroom did facilitate the change. Without it, things may go back to a more normal state.

andalone said...

I don't know about anyone else, but from the time the final clue is dropped until I have an authorization and order number, I am in a state of high anxiety. I have gotten to the point that I lock the office, hang a 'back in an hour' sign, and let the phones go to voice mail from 15 minutes before url reveal time until success. Sheesh...I am a wreck. I am usually not a competitive person, but I have found a Roller Derby babe hiding deep down. Sorry for the elbows! :)

Unknown said...

Hey everyone! Guess I'm one of the Lost fans who's been following here but not posting. :) I've posted over at Dark and LP as mnemosyne and I'm usually over on Lost Forum, in season. I've been following DCPB since San Diego and have possession of 4 and awaiting 2.

They block everything at work, so I won't even be able to follow my my phone sucks too. In desperate need of an upgrade there...but I need a Desmond or Sawyer poster more! lol I just hope it won't be busy at work, or it will be a "no chance" for me.

I wish everyone luck for tomorrow! Oh and I had noticed Todd Slater's work a couple of weeks ago and saw that he had mentioned his Lost print in his Subs listing. He does some good work! Hope I like his Lost print.

Brad Sobolewski said...

Thanks Jeremy I sent you a Twitter follow request @bradsobo

Amy Lynn said...

Just putting my vote in for NOT abstaining from chat or posting the URL on LostARGS. There are many of us without access to Twitter because of firewalls that rely on chat/LostARGS

Unknown said...

Hey Jeremy, I also just sent a request. I'm MichaeltheMagic on the DarkUFO forums

JPL said...

So... after tomorrow, 4 more reveals. My guess is that the final will take a bit longer to solve. Could the release of S5 on 12/8 have something to do with solving the final piece of the puzzle?

What will be interesting is to check in 2 months from now when S6 premieres to see who is still around. Now that I've found this place, I plan on sticking around. :)

As far as flipping/scalping, just my 2 cents... now matter how hard companies like Ticketmaster have tried, they've yet to come up with a foolproof system to stop it from handling. I don't think DCAPB had any idea what they were getting themselves into.

@ReverendMilo - agree on chatting. It's nice, but can get distracting. It's all about the F5.

@Those going & tweeting from SF - have FUN and thank you!

@All - hoping for the best for us all 3PM... anyone want to put a time on the table for a sell out? I'm in at 47 seconds.

lostsailors said...

Oh I am terrified of this drop. Noon is such a horrible time around my work. Maybe it will finally be a Ben onw. If anyone wants to be my justincase buddy- let me know!

I think the sell-outs are happening because of more people just knowing it's happening. I know there are fans of the artists involved, then you have the flippers but just a million LOST fans, all going for a collection of 200 posters.

Oh, I was also a late board comer. I had been following the ARG since comic-con, but didn't find this place until the last few posters.

dusty said...

@Amy - what about choosing the first post comments section of this frame to use as our "chat" room, rather than the actual chat room. I'd venture to guess the flippers aren't looking here today (maybe I'm wrong), and with a dark chat room, not knowing we're all hunkered down in one of these comments streams, we could reserve a dozen more posters for actual fans. Thoughts?

Amy Lynn said...

@whoever said #16 was going to be harder to figure out - well, maybe, but since the URLs are all known, we'll have the advantage of process of elimination by then.

Amy Lynn said...

dusty, do you mean just using the LostARG posts? That's cool with me, but nothings stopping people from looking here.

Jesse! Rikkitik said...

Am I like the only person around here that doesn't know all the URLs? How do i miss something like that...

dusty said...

@Amy - one less obstacle in their way. I don't know - JT had great points. Just wish there was more that we could do.

Unknown said...

@jpl- I believe for the miley cirus concert ticketmaster went with a non physical ticket system where in order to gain entry people were required to bring id and swipe their credit card to enter. Sorry this is OT

Unknown said...

I saw the listing of Urls once, awhile ago...and didn't save it, now I don't remember where it was, lol.

I'm wondering if they might change it up for #16. Create a different Url for it. How hard would that be to do now? How soon before game time would it have to be on their server...if that's even how you do it, lol.

Amy Lynn said...

@Meri, once the URLs were loose, you would think they'd change ALL of them (buy one at at time, etc). But they didn't.

gkpipes said...

Hey, I've been somewhat of a lurker for a long time here (actually from the beginning). Just wanna say, I believe there is no way to hide the url from the EB forum people. We just need to be quicker than them in ordering and beat the flippers to the prize. I plan on trying to get two posters tomorrow and maybe trade one for the Hatch if possible.

JPL said...

@Amy& Meri - would be very cool for them to change the last url link to something no one knows. Throw those who do know them off track. Tyson if you're listening... change it up & make us work for it. ;)

Unknown said...

I'm still super pissed with myself. I had the Crash in the cart twice, and decided not to buy both times. I thought I would wait until a Ben, Desmond, or even better poster came about. I was trying to be frugal. If only I had known. sigh...

Amy Lynn said...

@Casey.. yeah, um, yeah. I passed on Locke's secret and The Crash and the Hatch. I was waiting for Ben or Desmond.

glennpogue said...

a few tips for tomorrow:

the hotel across the street from super7 has free works inside the front of the store.

there is good coffee (blue bottle) and the new people cafe down the street

super7 has a twitter: @super7store

see everyone tomorrow

Unknown said...

@Amy Lynn - So you understand the pain that's deep within the recesses' of the heart. I'm SO sorry.

MJCarp said...


from tweeter:

"All Lost Fans should be a super7 at 12pm tomorrow. just sayin!"

lostsailors said...

*Amy Lynn- dear lord, I was exactly the same. I even added the Locke one to the cart but was all, "no, I don't have this money and I want a Ben one more."

I can't even tell you how much I am kicking myself over that choice!

jeremy said...

Thanks for the heads up Glenn.

I'm not too worried about wifi access though. I already have a "The Hatch" print, and my wife would probably hurt me (or require several more pairs of shoes, or jewelery, or something) if I were to get another.

My main focus tomorrow will be twittering the info to my followers (it was weird typing that), getting some swag,and exploring an area of the City I've never been to before (I think I'll try and get lunch somewhere around there).

P.S. everyone I've told what I'm doing tomorrow (i.e. my wife) thinks I'm crazy (but she should've known that when she married me)!!

Unknown said...

@Amy Lynn, yeah you're right! I wonder why they wouldn't have done that. Maybe Tyson doesn't know they're out there? Surely he must. Guess they can't change them now.

So, well...that puts things sorta in a different light. What will make the 16th "special" in a '15 are Lost, 16th will be found' way? The clue hunt? the theme? I kind hope it's both.

Does anyone think we won't have a week or more off? I was hoping the 16th would be a WCM from S6, but how could it be if we don't get S6 until Jan?? I was thinking, if it holds so 16 is not until the Premiere, maybe it will go on sale the Thurs/Fri after the first show, when the WCM takes place! Just some of my rambling thoughts, lol.

Anonymous said...

So...umm,,boy these are good!....ever try these little mini cinnamon rolls?..they are pretty tastey with some good know, I'l think I'll have another one..they are good..excuse me. So as I was saying,,the print sale coming up..Whaooo! the coffee was a little hot there...almost had a McDonalds Suite filed..maybe if I read the steam coming off the surface I'd kno to let it cool some more..So, it dawned on me how to thwart the flippers and opportunists! Alls ya gotto do is..OWW OOWW OWWWW!!! WOWLERKERS! that coffee spilled on the pants!! hey look, i'll be back later.. i gotta change my drawers, its kinda like an emergency ya know....Talk to you all later...

Blisters in all the wrong places..MEL

Unknown said...

What does f5 represent?

Justin said...

casey it's a button on your keyboard :)

andrew said...

Geez, many hours to go and I'm already getting nervous. I miss the good ol' days of "hmmm... do i really want this one? Hmmmm...." Now that I'm 11/11 it's getting much more serious. Thank God I'll be at work tomorrow with the University's big fat pipe into the internet.

Unknown said...

Justin - Forgive my lack of knowledge... Oh, I see now!

Trial Attorneys said...

F5 = only hope for a poster

JPL said...

@Casey - F5 = godsend. Instant refresh/reload of page you're on. Kind of comes in handy for sites that indicate an item will be on sale soon. ;)

mtutick said...

This is the first poster I've been in on since the beginning so I'm super excited. Now I just have to find a way out of my celebration lunch tomorrow :P

lostsailors said...

Will the URL end up here again, or do we have to be on Twitter only? (There are so many things to follow or sign up for I am having a hard time keeping up!).

Unknown said...

Bless you all.

Dan said...

I have to admit, getting up at 4:30am for the Walt reveal was an experience I'll remember for a loooong time. Maybe not something I'll ever admit to my friends (!) but really fun nonetheless.

Capcom said...

Come on over Casey, I'm in Knoxville! I can show you where the Oceanic billboard was about 2 miles from where I live -- which I found after driving about 100 miles around the area and going to the airport twice, haha. It's an OK town, but I'm new here so I haven't found my niche yet, if I ever do.

JPL said...

@Dan - Same here (EST). Neighbors wanted to know why I was yelling YES! YES! YES! so early in the morning especially since I live alone.

Justin said...


Unknown said...

Capcom - What?!? An Oceanic Billboard. That's incredible. How did I not hear about that. I live in Kingsport or The Tri-Cities, not sure how familiar you are with the area. I was born here...

JPL said...

@Casey - Kingsport!?! My brother lives there. Owns Chef's Pizzeria. Home to the largest pizza in TN. SMALL WORLD!

Unknown said...

JPL - Chef's pizzeria? Largest Pizza in TN? I've lived here for 23 years and have never heard of this place. I must know more!

Sandman90 said...

MEL- LMAO! Brilliant.

@capcom & casey: Lived in Tennessee for 4 years though a couple hours away in Nashville. But I did go to the 1984 World's Fair in Knoxville. I believe that hideous sun tower is still there though?

I'll be working during the reveal. Just finished an extensive LostArg URL reveal, DCAAPB purchase simulation and training program with my wife. She's helped me before but back when posters sold out in minutes, not seconds.

JPL said...

Then he's been bragging too much. :)

Check 'em out & tell him that you were recommended from some Lost fan from Woostah, MA. His name is Stephen and he'll have no clue.

Unknown said...

JPL - Do you realize how long I've been looking for a good pizzeria? Too long! I'm definitely going there this weekend. I will pass that along ;)

Sandman90 - I believe the sun is still hanging there, but to be honest I am not that familiar with Knoxville.

JPL said...

@Casey - link broken. Sorry. Try this:

28 inches of dough, sauce & cheese!

@Sandman 90 = Sending good Dharma wishes to your wife... may the power of F5 be with her.

Scott said...

Hey guys, looks like we got everything right this time! I just wanted to say I really hope we keep the chat open. It's part of the fun for me really. Also I'll be up at 6:30am for this one and it would be a shame to have to try and figure out where we've posted the url and not be able to discuss it. I realize some of us are going to miss out from now on and it'a a real shame but unfortunately that's really not something we can control.

Unknown said...

JPL Thanks!

Unknown said...

@Sandman90 "Just finished an extensive LostArg URL reveal, DCAAPB purchase simulation and training program with my wife."

Love this! LOL Wish I had someone I could give that training to, but my family already thinks I'm too obsessed with the show! I can only imagine what they'd think if I told them I needed them to sit on a website to buy me a poster, lol. said...

Just be there tomorrow guys. we're excited as well. Don't forget to follow us on twitter for the skinny.

comixguru said...

Alex! Will there be cool swag all day long??? can we buy some thru your online store and you can mail it to us?!?!?! We're desperate for Lost goodies! :)

Unknown said...

I'm predicting that someone from Lost will be there at the store tomorrow!

dusty said...

Cool you showed here - welcome to LostARGs! Why no FL love? Was pumped for an East Coast reveal!

booneboy said...

LotteryTicket - I would appreciate it if you could add me to the frame12 list. My twittername is @jfh328

I just got my "Rousseau's Transmission" back from the framer. It looks awesome. Hoping to get one tomorrow that can go next to it.

I know alot of people are hoping for Desmond or Charlie... am I the only one who'd like a Faraday print? I could imagine a really trippy time-travel one. Maybe he wasn't in enough signature moments that translate well to a print....

booneboy said...

LotteryTicket - I would appreciate it if you could add me to the frame12 list. My twittername is @jfh328

I just got my "Rousseau's Transmission" back from the framer. It looks awesome. Hoping to get one tomorrow that can go next to it.

I know alot of people are hoping for Desmond or Charlie... am I the only one who'd like a Faraday print? I could imagine a really trippy time-travel one. Maybe he wasn't in enough signature moments that translate well to a print....

comixguru said...

And slightly off topic- but I just posted a new blog with pics of my prints all framed...


PessimisticLines said...

@Casey - F5 is refresh on a PC, command+R on a Mac. I think I'm going to count how many times I press it tomorrow during the 22 minutes of hell. I feel like Desmond entering the numbers all day. said...

Sworn to secrecy. Just be there sooner than later.

Although no cast members will be there. Jorge garcia is from near by Auburn. Just saying. dun dun dun!

Unknown said...

@comixguru- nice collection. Where did you get those frames?

Congested said...

Regarding the chat room....

The chat room is always "open." 24/7 it is there, and accesible either through the web client found on this site, or an IRC client @ irc://

I idle in the room (but am often not at my computer) using an IRC client. Using the chat link on the top bar of will give you info on how to register your name with the chat server. (click the FAQ) Registration is optional, but if you register you can be auto-voiced by a mod so that when you log in you immediately have voice (in case we do the moderated chat during reveals).

A comparative list of IRC clients for various operating systems can be found here.

For more detailed information about the chat room see this post I made a while back regarding the DarkUFO chatroom. Both rooms are on the same chat server.

comixguru said...

Hi Jesse T - I all the frames from Michael's except the one for the Hatch. That frame was from Ikea. :)

Dan said...

Hi Alex - so nice of you to stop by! We were thrown for a loop thinking this would all go down in your FL store. Did you guys change your minds midway through the week or was CA always the plan? Just curious - I'm in NY and wouldn't have been able to attend either way...

Unknown said...

PessimisticLines - As long as you aren't Locke and refuse to push the button. A catastrophic event will occur.

JPL said...

@comixguru - cool new blog. cool pix. As far as SM... good things happen to good people.

@Alex - welcome to our home away from home... I think you're the 1st "location" that's posted on LOSTARGS. You're in for a great time with some great people showing up. Thanks for opening your doors at 12noon sharp :)... and playing host!

See you all tomorrow. Night.

1st time caller said...

I work in downtown SF and have an 11a meeting that I'm hoping to push back to 10:30a so that I can be at the store at noon. I don't think anyone needs more twitter addresses to follow, but if so, lemme know.

ReverendMilo said...

@Mel can you contact me through any of your channels, even through thefuselage if your like.

just a quick hello.

Anonymous said...

The MOST posters on ebay yet have been walt's kidnapping. And it's about to get worse. Even more new people have joined eb in effort to sell. They admit to it. Freely, as it is respected and accepted there by everyone. Even if they don't agree with the decision.

One of the eb flippers has several IT guys at work helping get her/him prints to flip 2, 3, 4.... Where does his info come from ... here. One user specifically that feeds them all the info... but here.

They are already shut out of dark since the thread was locked and those other people went elsewares. And they are being careful about who they accept... smart. So now all their info comes from here.

So what if it's fair game, then make all the eb'ers register to see the chat... and they still have the same chance right??

Making the chat requiring to be registered does not in any way hurt the lost fans who troll here all the time.... it helps.

The ones who don't want to register... the ones who don't want to join... ask why?? Cause it's not so easy to hop on watch buy and flip???

Anonymous said...

Rev..Hello...How are you doing?


Congested said...


The chat registration is optional, and is not intended to keep anyone out. It simply provides you with more services with the chat server. Scroll up to my last comment for more documentation.

I will add that lurkers as well as regulars are welcome to join the chat room any day/time. It's there as a tool and a service and is not meant to be exclusive.

During the reveals the room may set so that "voiced" users only can chat, but all will be able to read what those users say. It is simply done to keep the chat readable for those who are registered and known users, etc.

ObFuSc8 said...

Hi AGRers!
I wanted to pop in earlier, but work was SUPER busy ;) Actually just got home a half an hour ago.

Short of a telepathic/psychic computer/internet interface the only thing any of us can do is hit the button -- a la Locke.

Even without the flippers, with just 200 available prints and over 1 million LOSTfans, I fear each poster will be increasingly difficult to get in on.

With that said, knowing the URL is key. Now, unless the URL is actually posted to the hub BEFORE the site goes BUY NOW, the only way to get the correct URL in time should be the on-site reveal itself. This is except of course for this URL list that I have heard of but not seen. I guess with only 5 frames left, you could load each and refresh them until one becomes active.

The question is how best to distibute the URL to actual LOSTfans without broadcasting to everyone? There's no good answer to that. Protected tweets, a private FB page or even a private email are possibilities, but there is still no good way to make sure only flippers are left out. (Again, short of telepathic communication).

I think I may be coming down with something, which isn't surprising at the pace I/we've been working recently. Each reveal has become that much more anticipated, exciting but stressful. Thankfully I am home tomorrow -- so have rescheduled a few things to sit and f5.

Good luck to all of my fellow LOST fans!

kiwilostie said...

MEL, one of your best.

Scoutpost said...

Elizabeth Mitchell is going to be on Jimmy Kimmel tonight. Just FYI.

ObFuSc8 said...

Thx Scoutpost

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys I need help...

How do I register my CC and shipping info before the new one goes up?

Please help mee.

Capcom said...

LOL Casey, Sandman, and JPL. Yes, the sunsphere is still here, it's awesome. They finally repaired it to actually use it and make some money off of it, imagine that. Sorry to say that the wig shop that Bart Simpson and his friends went to in the sphere never existed, but you can go up to the top now. Pretty neat.

Casey, the billboard was here for the ARG with the billboards all over the world, when that ARG-only character Sam was looking for his girlfriend who was a "stew" on 815, and then they found the fake wreckage.

Anonymous, or Mel, I only have a clunky computer, so I have no desire to register on a chat and fight with the lag time that I would have to deal with on this old computer that gets hung up all the time. I might as well just wait for the info to come up here, which worked well enough for me to get one poster. Don't lump people like me into any evil conspiracy please. I don't plan to twitter either, so I only have Zort's kindly posting via the generous time that he puts into it to help us follow. That's not going to change for the final weeks left of this poster ARG, so please stop pointing fingers. Tx.

ReverendMilo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ben Ritter said...

I don't get why they're called "flippers." Aren't they just scalpers? I can't hear the word "flipper" without singing "faster than lightning."

At any rate, there are way more than 200 Lost fans, so it's kind of by design that these are scarce. I imagine that the people paying inflated prices on eBay are Lost fans anyway, so they really end up in our hands one way or another. (I can understand the resentment that the "flippers" are making money for nothing, but that's nothing new. Scalpers have screwed me over for concert tickets or whatnot plenty of times in the past. At least we're not being charged "service fees" a la Ticketmaster.)

ReverendMilo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kiwilostie said...

Anon - you cant.

ReverendMilo said...

no offers of cash or trade about precious...
something differ-net

gkpipes said...

From Wikipedia: Flipping is a term used primarily in the United States to describe practice of buying an asset and quickly reselling (or "flipping") it for opposed to buying and cherishing an artifact of Lost Fan Appreciation.

Capcom said...

Heheh, yeah Ben, I was also thinking that it's an insult to Flipper. :o) IMO they are more like ticket scalpers as well, but since the house-flipping thing started it's a trendy moniker for turnover now.

I still don't understand why no one is taking into consideration the whole "first purchase gets a prize" thing on how fast the posters sell out. It's the oldest promotional trick in the book. Not that TPTB meant it that way, I'm not saying that, but it has had the same effect on this "market".

Casey, if you want to check out the Oceanic billboards, some of our Lost bloggers here had an excellent blog to follow that ARG as well, in our usual tradition. Check them out here, they are on the right sidebar of the blog:

Anonymous said...

I will be more than happy to sell prints to anyone here at a more resonable price than normal ebay-ers.

just tell me lost fan and i will help out. please use me over others.


Ellen said...

Capcom, I watched this week's Mad Men today. Excellent!

Anonymous, who are you? ;)

ReverendMilo said...

Capcom, because basically when you look at the math of the costs, events, artists and everything, it is fairly obvious this is not a money making venture by "Lost"

MiddayShadows said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kiwilostie said...

Must be the day before a reveal, people looking to get a rise again... just ignore 'em.

Unknown said...

Capcom - Thanks for the link. That would have been fun to play.

Lars said...

Hello all! I'm excited about tomorrow. I'll be glued to my seat at work F5'ing all the way to the end. Is the URL going to be revealed here still, or do I need to find my way into a twitter group?

Ellen said...

G'night all. I'm finished for the day. ;)

MiddayShadows said...

@Reverend Milo....cheers. Just wanted to let you, specifically, know, regarding Todd Slater's newsletter info, that that info was quoted here, by me before it was posted on EB or anywhere else. Just so you know. And another artist has confirmed to me , again, that they have NO idea when their respective posters are dropping.

I see that the hysteria machine has started again , this week, and after this post, I'm going to opt out as much as I can. People seem to dwell on the negativity regardless of any reason that is shown them. These are the same people that quote the *minority* inflammatory post-ers on eb, gleefully.

Even Tyson himself has sent notice that was meant to calm LOST fans fears' that 'scalpers' are hoarding the posters. They are not. Same purchasers over and over - just faster. Words from Tyson himself. To no avail.

The Crash The Hatch , Smoke Monster, were all posters that came out before the 'scalpers' supposedly took over. Yet they are the posters being sold for the most money , and are along side the other prints on ebay. My point: it's LOST fans , and people who have never seen eb , who are selling too. If you think otherwise , you're kidding yourself.

Anyway, people who want to splinter off and start your own chat rooms or other sites are free to do so obviously - but it's sad and a little pointless. Nothing will change. You can't control anything that happens with this series. The only site truly needed for this promotion to run is DCaaPB. This place, Zort's place, has been an oasis on the net. It is fun - and the best thing about it is it is not exclusionary - but if it was, again, nothing would change.

My larger point: you might enjoy all of this - while it lasts- if you'd quit worrying about the things you cant change. Who CARES if artist 'x' let it slip that he was doing a poster? It's part of the fun. And who cares what happens on ebay?? If you miss out on one poster- I feel your pain, cause I hate that too sometimes- but seriously is there anyone here who hasnt gotten at least ONE?? NOPE. Most here have at *least* that. IF you dwell in the negativity you are robbing yourself on the pleasure of this experience. It wont be here much longer!

@comixguru @congested and @ Zort ... and some others too...
*Love* your posts, you guys and gals. They are unrelentingly positive an enthusiastic and are a joy to read. Thanks you. Keep on!

end of rant , thanks for listening...

Dan said...

Ellen, glad you liked the episode!

Ellen said...

Does Middayshadows know that was a duplicate post? OK, I really am tired, and this is it for me. :)

MiddayShadows said...

Corrected something, and deleted- thanks Ellen :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you MiddayShadows, those are some great points you just made. People need to stop trying to control everything and accept things as they are! : )

ReverendMilo said...

Midday, you know I am all over...
And you know my personal motivations.

Calming words will not change my actions at this point.

You know the measures on my yardstick, and that excuses about late participation and ignorance do not fly with me at print 12.

Merely look to Lostpedia to see my efforts to draw attention to those that I felt might have interest. It is too late in the game for sympathy and understanding from me.

gkpipes said...

Have to agree that Zort's site has made this ARG a lot more fun to participate in...especially now that that the DarkUFO ARG forum has pretty much dissolved...

Capcom said...

Right Rev, I wasn't saying that TPTB are purposely causing the rush for profit's sake, they're not. It just has that same unintended effect when you have give-aways, like those old comedy skits where all the women are busting down the department store doors to get to the sales tables first. Some people blame the entire quick sellout on the "outsiders" or flippers, but that's not the complete equation here, there are other elements to cause the quick sales as well. But Midday expressed it very aptly.

Raj said...

Lottery Ticket can you add me to the twitter list? I am @maharajpills. Also has anyone received their Swan poster yet? I am still waiting on mine and it's taking longer than the others have.

ReverendMilo said...

and to the rest, I am sorry if this is harsh...

But to walk into the camp after this many weeks on the island, and say I was here in the camp all along, just hiding in the shadows, well at this point the camp already met ethan, trust is hard to earn after ethan came by pretending to be in the crash too...

Capcom said...

Glad that you liked MM Ellen. Kind of a sad one though.

ReverendMilo said...

ah midday, last response occurred prior to reading your post...

but oddly I still feel it is true and my perspective.

Claire said...

Hey guys,

Semi freaking out. I need to find a way to get the poster tommorow even though I'll be at the reveal! They've been going for $500 on ebay? Ugh that's not an option. I must think...

MeSoCrazy said...

Hey all,

I have been so sick that I ended up missing my vacation and just barely so the reveal time. Hopefully I can get things together to at least have a chance to 'try'.

Capcom said...

Hope that you feel better soon MSC.

Congested said...


Thanks for the kind words. I agree with your sentiments. We've now gone through this week after week and it's the same people still complaining about the flippers, EB, etc.

To those people I say this:

I am a true Lost fan and you shouldn't be scared of a flipper or EB member buying the poster before you. You should be scared of me.

You should be scared of Milo, scared of Andy, Dragon and all the other quick fingered Losties, because we are going to buy the posters faster than the flippers every week. We are going to buy the posters faster than the EBers every week. And we are going to buy the posters faster than you every week.

So now if you want to hate on someone please spread the hatred around some, and give credit where credit is due. Thanks.

gkpipes said...

@Reverend,in case you think I haven't been here all along, see clue credits for the Crumbs reveal below. Never thought I would be referred to as Ethan.

Ellen said...

Capcom, "kind of sad" is true but for me is inaccurate. The show depicted a tragedy in a unique way. And funny thing, I remember all of it, all the TV stuff, staying home that whole weekend watching TV, watching the funeral on TV on Monday. Very personal stuff for me.

Sorry for going off topic, This time I'm really going to bed!

MiddayShadows said...

@Reverend...not sure if we're understanding each other here 100%, maybe we are. But just in case: I consider you a friend here, and certainly am not criticizing you, and certainly was not referring to you as one of the negative bunch in my rant. I just dont want to start naming names, and by doing so become negative myself. I value your contributions, here and elswhere for sure - especially your page! Just want to be clear on that - you're my buddy! Even if we only agree on 95% of stuff :)

JT said...

Claire- look up above-someone had found wifi spots nearby if you can bring laptop?

Rev Milo- I am still trying to interest the Lostpedians. Posted Super 7 info in the MF , and someone told me if I want to get people to participate there is an ARG thread I should check out- lol.

JT said...

Sorry Claire- it was back in other thread-darn forgot who-but thanks:
Re wifi-
This one's right across Post Street to the southeast (looks like it's in what's labeled as Japan Center Shopping Center):
Radisson Miyako Hotel San Francisco
1625 Post St

Closest Starbucks:
1501 Fillmore Street

Browser Books
2225 Fillmore Street

JT said...

Boy I should check my email!

Per Glen at Super 7 in response to email- the hotel across the street has wifi and it works at the store.

ReverendMilo said...

Midday, you and I are buds, just making my view clear to observers before game time.

umm 200th?

knightsintodreams said...

X3 YES~!!! my schedule is so erratic,sometimes 7am sometimes 8pm. i never know when i'll start, and how long i'll be there. but so far, i've always gone to work just AFTER the reveal!! i don't go in until 3:00pm tomorrow hahahah YES~!!!
(page bump btw, woot)

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