Friday, November 20, 2009

The 14th Poster is Revealed 336

The 14th poster is revealed as -

It is by an artist called Todd Slater and is entitled Ben Linus.

The URL is and was revealed on an Ajira Airways pamphlet at Abe Lee Realty, in Honolulu.

Todd Slater's website is

The quote is from Season 1 Episode 8 - "Numbers" (Thanks Walkindude125)


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Unknown said...

Amy - shoot, really? I went and got a kitchen knife to pry off the end of mine...well dang.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Capcom said...

All you have to do to open the tube is slit the crack between the "top" of the tube (about five inches down, under the invoice) and the bottom. Then slide the top off.

Ginger said...

Dennis, doing some LOST reading?

Amy Lynn, that's what my new theory is:)

MWolverine said...

@ChrisL - lol... don't worry about it, it seems I've failed that IQ test as well.

Reverend Milo said...

ChrisL, I failed that test too for the first three prints. I took a pair of pliers and riped the tin lid off each of the times before I found out they had a seam

Ellen B said...

Try using an old-fashioned bottle opener to open the tube. Just work it around the end piece and you can slowly pry that off. That was my hubby solution, and it worked. Of course, I tore up my fingers trying to use a knife. No more of that!

Anonymous said...

Capcom, how long until we will be able to check our account status page?

Anonymous said...

Capcom do you know how long it will be before we can check our account status page?

Anonymous said...

Capcom do you know how long it will be before we can check our account status page?

Unknown said...

Posting this again, if anyone grabbed this Ben print and does not want it (hoping that someone that missed out could get it) please contact me :( I came so close this time, I thought for sure I had it. Ah well...

Anonymous said...

How long will it be before we will be able to log in and check our order status?

Raj said...

I have order number 2733, got both e-mails and have not received any cancellation calls or notices...i9 am keeping my fingers crossed!

Anonymous said...

oops sorry for the 4 messages I kept getting a strange error but I guess it still posted.

ChrisL said...

I feel sooooo much better knowing I'm not the only one that resorted to pliers/scissors and swear words! ;o)

Lisa-Maladylis said...

@ kmfdm11031 Usually the page comes back in a day and then you can check then.

Lisa-Maladylis said...

@ kmfdm11031 Usually the page comes back in a day and then you can check then.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Capcom said...

KMF, it usually takes a few days at most for the site to go back to normal so we can get in to check on that URL that someone posted in the last thread. Last time it kept coming up with an error for a number of days after the sale.

Again, no plyers or dynamite are needed for opening the tube, just cut the tape at the crack about 5 inched from the end under the invoice, and slide off the top. :-)

Capcom said...

Oops, ditto the above, Jeffrey. :-)

Ellen B said...

Hmm. I can't find a picture of what we used to open the tubes, but it's the sort of thing that was used to open cans before pop-tops were invented. With the triangular thing on it. ChrisL, I have used bandaids to prove how hard it was to open!

Lisa-Maladylis said...

I was looking at the lost clock on the Lost ARG page and noticed it has been changed to the new date and they added days on since they last thought the day Lost would start was Jan 20th now it's Feb 2nd. Sad to see the clock up to 72 days when it was 50 something.

Capcom said...

Here is the site for checking accounts, but right now it just has the Sold Out plank on it. Check it later.

Zort70 said...

Lisa the countdown clock is provided by, they update the countdown and it is picked up by all the sites that use it.

Unknown said...

I use a boxcutter to carve out the shipping slip (yes, I keep them, lowellz)...then I run the edge of it around the meeting of the tubes to break the's easy now, much money spent.

ChrisL said...

I have to say goodnight, child to read to and a full weekend ahead.

Thanks all for another exciting day. You are good company through the trauma!

Unknown said...

Someone posted on dark that #2511 and up are cancelled? Sounds like bull... The 25xx were the lowest numbers I've seen...

Or did I misunderstand your post,kmfdm?

Anonymous said...

A person at dark ufo posted , last poster order #'s 2511 & up were cancelled. It's been established that they aren't necessarily selling 200 poster. Some people didn't find out they had cancelled orders until they went back and checked their order status a couple days ago. Under those circumstances order #'s 271X MIGHT be considered dangersous territory.
his "

This being said if the last poster cancelled anyone over number 2511 and up then this poster would allow 200 more orders leaving anything over 2711 and up cancelled.
I'm number 2711 so i'm hoping that this is wrong.
Then again if numbers 2511 and up had their orders cancelled then those order numbers could still be used and on the books so the real starting number could be 2530 or somehting like that.

Amy Lynn said...

Once again, your confirmation number has nothing to do with your print.

MK said...

@Organic Herbal

Last week Lottery Tickers order #2511 was cancelled as were all orders after that, they oversold by quite a few. You can see the list on STV. Based on that it's difficult to determine what the lowest order # is for today. Hopefully that made sense.

Anonymous said...

They also don't sell 200 posters, they sell 190-195 so kmfdm...I would say you are screwed...sorry:(

Anonymous said...

The last order number should be about 2703.

logan5ive said...

what's the lowest order# known for today's sale?

MK said...

I haven't seen an order # under
253X yet, so maybe lets not get everyone upset just yet.

This is a good point by KMFDM. Noone is getting phone calls or cancellation emails yet?

Then again if numbers 2511 and up had their orders cancelled then those order numbers could still be used and on the books so the real starting number could be 2530 or somehting like that.

Unknown said...

Oh, I think I get it...I thought you all were talking about orders from THIS POSTER #2511 and up were cancelled...seemed really off...makes sense now

Amy Lynn, I don't get it... so you're saying if I got in the FIRST TEN order numbers, there is still a chance I wouldn't get a print? From what I've seen, the confirmation numbers have everything to do with whether or not you get a print, since they are deducted from stock as the orders are completed, and you are assigned the next number available...

Am I misunderstanding you, too? If so, I will just go sit in the corner.

lostsailors said...

Oh no, I guess the waiting game isn't over and I'll have to check on my account status page whenever it goes back up. That'll be gutting if it still fails after all that!

Capcom said...

Remember, I didn't get a cancellation call or email for the Barracks, after getting two confirmation emails. Try to "maintain an even strain" as the saying goes, until we can check the accounts again. Just so as not to be too upset after getting excited. Just sayin'.

I dislike this thing more and more every reveal. I hope that the final offering is much more inclusive somehow for everyone.

feel_the_insanity said...

Honestly, I think this print is in the bottom 3 or 4 for me. I mean, it's basically a portrait of Ben. Looking at Slater's other stuff, I feel like this is a "miss" for him.

Anonymous said...

Yes, they could use order numbers that were cancelled. However, that wouldn't make sense business wise. But, keep your hopes up! You never know. I just think they sell about 193 of each and my calculations come out very close to numbers reported.

Unknown said...

I really like this poster. I think it will be a good companion for Jacob's Cabin and Walt's Kidnapping. I like the concentric circles, which is why it fits with Walt's Kidnapping and the colors (why it fits with the Cabin, also because it has that scratchy/etched feel like the Cabin)

Hell, even Locke's secret had circles...strange coincidence?

Unknown said...

The simple black and white represents the nature of Benjamin minute he's light, the next he's dark...

and the he there to protect it or toss it in a shredder?

It fits Ben perfectly. I had hoped for a Van-Gogh-ish Ben, but this will suffice.

Unknown said...

Sorry for those who wanted this poster and didn't get it. I didn't want it, so stayed out of the running for whatever good it did.

That being said, I'm -still- looking for anyone, someone, willing to talk to me about their Locke's Secret poster. And if anyone's heard anything about Olly Moss and what might happen to his remaining segment of posters, I'd love to hear that, as well.

unseenpresence @ gmail dot com

Ellen said...


mrtibbs said...

I agree that this isn't Todds best. I was hoping for something like this
But I like it and agree with organic herbals points

Unknown said...

Yeah, I told my wife the poster would be even better, and actually astonishing if it was a colored Slater...the guy does some nice work. I'm not too knowledgeable on the art scene, but seems he'd be up there around McCarthy in popularity/desire for prints? Can anyone speak to this?

Unknown said...

slater and mccarthy are probably near equals as far a popularity.

todd does more gigposters while dan does more art prints. two different monsters.

mrtibbs said...

Any chance of a Tyler Stout?

Trial Attorneys said...

I was too slow again today. Email me if you are willing to sell your print - I'll pay a good price

Trial Attorneys said...

I was too slow again today. Email me if you are willing to sell your print - I'll pay a good price

mrtibbs said...

i'd love this style of poster

Unknown said...

i have no idea who the last mystery artist is. i also of mind with many of you that 16 is going to be something different, but i have no idea what. so by elimination i think next revel is jay ryan.

it seems impossible but at this point i dont think there will be a "not penny's boat". i really think they dropped the ball with some of the moments they used.

Unknown said...

By the way, since I've now got my Swan poster, I was looking for the best options in framing it.

What's the best way to frame these? I know I saw a few comments on this way earlier, but can't find them again.

Zort70 said...

Yes, technically we only have one normal poster left to reveal.

The 16th is more than likely to be something different in terms of either the reveal or the method of obtaining it.

Well I'm about done for the day. I'll catch up with things in the morning.

Amy Lynn said...

WALT came today. WAHOO. It's beautiful, and makes up for the loss of Ben.

Zort70 said...

Sorry you didn't get one today Amy.

Amy Lynn said...

Me too. Sigh. But I got an awesome package from a boardie friend that had a Lost film crew t-shirt and tons of Dharma and Ajira stuff, so I'm stoked.

Unknown said...

has anyone heard any updates on the lost fan art arg 2.0 thing?

Zertman said...

I'm just curious, exactly how long did it take to sell out?

Unknown said...

I've said since day one that the red question mark will be a watercooler moment from next season...maybe the opener or something?

Unknown said...

I was just over on the Espressobean forums - ha, Rev Milo you really upset those little kids over there; they were tinkling themselves with delight because you didn't get a print today. It's so funny to me how those collector nerds think they are so much better than Lost fans; i'm pretty sure they'd buy anything one of these artist put out, even it was a turd.

xtheprophetx said...

slater has sub holders, i think about 30 of them, and i'm guessing they'll all be getting copies, so a few more will probably pop up in a month or so when they get their sub tubes.

oruga_xxx said...


Definitely not a season 6 scene. The Darlton team is in complete silence (they have even prevented ABC's press releases from giving away tidbits of the chapter's plots, like it has been being since the series premiere).

Not season 6 related give away stuff.

Anonymous said...

Faraday, the poster sold out in about a minute. Really crazy.

Scoutpost said...

@Dennis- nice pictures. I like the books you used to hold the corners down...member of the LOST book club are we?

mistersh0w said...

Has anyone thought of the possibility of a gallery show featuring these prints, near the end of the run? Seeing as Gallery 1988 has a hand in this deal, I wouldn't doubt a possible showcase in LA, with the possibility of snagging one of the remaining 100 prints...

One can dream... But not too far off maybe?

Am I crazy?

Scoutpost said...

re: confirmation #'s- I can't remember who asked about it, but here goes:

Last week LT had a confirm number but got the cancellation call from Go Merch. There were confirmation numbers that were higher than hers that were not canceled. She called Go Merch and questioned questioned how a confirm # higher than hers could go through and hers was canceled, and they said that confirmation #'s were not significant. Basically they told her that she was ridiculous to even think such a thing. Maybe they were just trying to CYA for a major computer glitch...who knows. But the gist is...until you check your account status, nothing's definite.

It doesn't sound like there was a major oversell this time, and I haven't heard of anyone getting "the call". So hopefully everybody who got the 2 emails is safe this time. Hope so. Congrats to all who got to this point anyway!

ReverendMilo said...

mistersh0w, I have been hinting at that expectation for several prints now.

ReverendMilo said...

but I will say Mistershow that we shouldnt expect more than 50 of the remaining to make it to market after the become available in 2010 I think

Unknown said...

oruga_xxx: I can give you a link to where Damon hints they can't rule out giving out info...

From the article:

The marketing strategy calls for there to be no previews before the season starts, but Lindelof "can’t unequivocally say we will hold the embargo up until the premiere"

This just added fuel to my fire that it will be a S6 WCM.

Unknown said...

Scoutpost: Maybe she meant confirmation e-mails weren't significant? Something lost in communication? I mean they electronically deduct from stock and your conf. # coincides... I can't see them cutting any early orders versus the last people that went over the stock sellout limit...

oruga_xxx said...



I mean, some little snippet would be very appreciated, now that we won't have even a small trailer.

But anyway, I think it would be less interesting than a already lived moment. Because you don't have it marked on fire on your mind. Do you know what I mean? There are still BIG moments to represent which literally blew up milions of minds. And, in the end, this is about historical moments, about Lost fans feelings / rememberings. The only mind blowing things that they could show about season 6 interesting enough to be MUST HAVEs are definitely non possible give away stuff.

At least that's what I think. :)

Capcom said...

My understanding is that her cancelled order number was smaller than some later orders that were not cancelled. It is weird, but I guess that it can happen on their system somehow.

Unknown said...

I see...if that was truly the case then that is odd.

mungonna said...

.............So I tried something different today. Since the reveal was timed around Lunch I had a decision to make. Do I eat my samich and slaw before the reveal or after. Its a legit question because of knots in the stomach nature that these print sales have least for me anyway. So instead of waiting till after all the gut churning.. I decided to eat my samich before the reveal. It did make the last 15 minutes before reveal go by quickly..but the last couple of bites dried out on the desk top due to inattention.

So,,, as the minutes became hours in refresh mode I noticed my stomach wasn't as tight and upset as the days passed in refreshing. But I noticed my finger tips and feet seemed to be getting cold and stiff from lack of blood , due to all of it going to my stomach. Uh oh..need fingers limber on this. So for what seemed like months and then years.. i did deep breathing exercises. Flashes of #2 " breath in... breath out.. breath in the Village... breath out the Village..danced across the on sale soon.

Then the Forebidden 404 message hit and a quick refresh or two brought the buy now to the screen. C'mon fingers lets Go!!

They were a bit sluggish,, but not as sluggish as the Go Merch process of progressing thru each screen..I must of hit each " continue" in to the next decade. Same deal with the final checkout..I just kept bashing that until I got the " your cart is empty screen. Screw it..won't really know if I got the print until I get home and check my email...AND my phone messages. stomach remained kinda hurtin for the rest of the afternoon. Perhaps horseradish sauce on the roast beef was not the wisest choice considering the turmoil I knew I would be subjecting myself to.

Anyway.. i pulls in the driveway and theres a tube at my door. Sandman..Walts Kidnapping has arrived all safe and sound...# 229/ 300. The Tube had never been opened folks. That made me forget about touchy stomach.

After some macaroni salad,, to help on the stomach ..i turned on my computer..opened up my email. Two emails one from GoMerch and one from Runny Mildew Farts caught my eye..order number #2690...Then I checked my phone new ones....But I know.. it ain't over until she sings...Off in the distance,, i can hear her warming up tho...

Now, for some chicken to go with the macaroni. Yea.. thats what I'll do next reveal. Something lighter,,chicken is a good idea.

Unknown said...


ShoxTP said...

Congrats to all that loved the poster and got it. May your wall be forever creepy and lie to you!

Justin said...

Jesse T - we're working on 2.0 now. We're trying to figure out a lot of the logistics stuff - legalities, contacting people, etc. Hopefully everything will work out and it'll start shortly after this one ends. That's all I'll say for now :)

Lisa-Maladylis said...


Justin said...

btw, if you're an artist and wishing to contribute, contact either me at chulo333 at gmail dot com or Dusty (I don't know if he wants me handing out his email, so you'll have to ask him or find it somewhere on here)

mungonna said...

ShoxTP..LOL!! thats the best response yet!!...I laff cuz its exactly what i was mulling over while driving home..where the heck am i gonna hang this lie'ng SOB!!..At least the artist doesn't have Ben looking us straight in the eye..thank goodness.

Unknown said...

Since the DCaaPB site states there will be 16 artists:

"In celebration of LOST's final season and as a project of fan appreciation, 16 top designers and artists, who are also fans of the show, were commissioned to create artwork..."

... I always thought that perhaps the final frame could come from Jack Bender, a bit of an artist himself whose painting on the show includes things such as the Hatch mural. Not special enough for the Red Mark of 16? Dunno. We won't have to speculate for long!

I too am surprised it seems we won't at least get either a "We Have To Go Back" moment or a "Not Penny's Boat" moment.

tupalev said...

No luck today, love the poster, congrats to those who got it. To those who missed out and were really waiting on a Ben one I hope you can get it down the road at a reasonable price.


Unknown said...

Jacob/MIB on beach for #15 (though We Have to Go Back deserves it), and S6 WCM for #16...

keith, good reminder on the 16 artist quote

mungonna said...

Somebody has just got to do Julie sippin wine romp with Goodwin..Now theres a shot worthy of the Black Velvet.

Brendan said...

I highly doubt Gallery 1988 will have a Lost themed art show folks.

Martyn said...

I'm starting to think my art taste is synced with feel the insanity.

All I thought when I saw it was, this is not a poster I want on my wall. I like the subtle lost references, that was too straight forward. Plus, I thought mr friendly was creepy, this would give kids nightmares! So I imagined myself taking this down in a few years, which is not the aim of the game here.

Roll on the next clue, which I hope is next week and no break. This whole ARG is my life at the moment. Sad to leave it, it's like the last day of a school trip.

mungonna said... really need to watch a few olde Mickey Rooney/ Judy Garland movies. Cuz what you just said is the cue for Mickey to say.".Well,, if they won't do it!!..then by willikers!! WE'LL have to Do It OURSELVES!!..which leads to a song between Mickey and Judy...uuumm.. I don't have one handy,,but hum a few bars and I'll get it.

Justin said...

From Gallery 1988: & Ronie Midfew Arts are proud to be continuing the "LOST Underground Art Project." The 14th limited edition print, celebrating the greatest "water cooler" moments from the ABC television show "LOST" is by artist Todd Slater and focuses on Ben Linus. This poster sold out in about 1 minute.

This is the 14th print, of an eventual set of 16, and was revealed at Abe Lee Realty in Honolulu, Hawaii. Followers of the campaign in Hawaii who went to Abe Lee Reality spotted a brochure in the office that didn't quite fit in. A limited edition Ajiri Airline Safety and Travel Brochure, created by graphic designer Adam Campbell, was available for free. And once they looked closely, the back of the business card stapled to the packet gave them the new website address.

These prints are limited to 300, but less than 200 are available for purchase. Each is signed and numbered and 18 x 24 inches.

You can view this print at and follow the entire project at, which may involve free LOST events and stunts in your area to announce the newest print!

It's cool that they give credit to the graphic designer that did the brochure, Adam Campbell. Here's some more stuff I found from him.

Some Vintage style Dharma ads:

Adam's Official Site:

ObFuSc8 said...

Hey ARGers.

Holy DHARMA bunnies Batman, what a series of clues, what a print and another chaotic sale! I thin I snagged one, though I have a higher order# so will have to sit and wait it out. I was able to get back to the orders status page before they took the site offline and it said "Authorized" -- though the way things have been going, I'm not sure if that means a thing. Smaller prayers to TYSON and Jacob...

Mel, lad to hear you snagged one. Congrats to the rest who did, condolences to those who did and fingers crossed for those of us in danger of the oversell.

Big thanks to Ryan and Clay for tweeting this. The pics are great. Clay got an extra "Castaway Getaways" Swag fold and said he is going to put it up for a lottery, as long as the winner pays S+H.
Here is CLAY'S SWAG BLOG PAGE(Ben's Frozen Donkey Wheel) He has pics of the stuff up too and a 2nd VIDEO of the Swag itself.

There was a UPC barcode on the back of today's swag. I don't know if it means anything -- Clay said he scanned it but it came up with the ISBN for a cookbook.
PIC of UPC -- Its blurry, but you can piece it together with the one from Ryan on the main page.

alteridiom said...

Was really unimpressed by this print. Just not my style. I like really clean, stylized art. Along the lines of The Crash and Locke's Secret. Every time I don't like one, the LOST fan in me still says try and get it but I hold out as I don't want to take up a poster just because I'm a fan of the show when there may be someone who really likes the particular poster. Congrats to all that got it and good luck tracking one down to those that didn't.

MJCarp said...

evening all, reading thru comments from hospital. All OK. husband in surgery. both tired. just wanted to say hi and congrats to those who purchased HGBL. I have order numbers recorded. need more time to digest the days events.

breathe in breathe out
that's what I've been doing


Dave said...

If anyone is interested in a trade let me know. I got one of the Ben prints today. I would really love to trade for a Jacob's cabin print though.


mungonna said...

LT..My goodness, may all go well.

lostsailors said...

LotteryTicket, I hope everything is ok!

ReverendMilo said...

Congrats Mel!

and LT, were here for ya, you know how to reach us.

ObFuSc8 said...

LT -- I DMed a tweet, but so sorry. Keeping you both in my thoughts.

Trial Attorneys said...

LT - May God bless you and keep you...

kiwilostie said...

LT, good thoughts for you n yours.

Well, after 4 hours mowing the lawns, Im pretty much over todays debacle. Would have been nice to snag one for the good Losties that missed out today. Love that time lapse star circly thingy in the background.

Trial Attorneys said...

Justin - the legalities are my specialty, I would be happy to offer my services. Also, I would love to contribute - I was thinking I would put my hand on a sheet of paper, trace it, write "Not Penny's Boat" in the middle - I can't take all the credit, my 4 year old gets partial credit for using the same tactic to create turkeys today.

Trial Attorneys said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trial Attorneys said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
feel_the_insanity said...

@Martyn...great minds think alike :)

This poster is cool, but it's just not for me. I'd feel like I have a portrait of Michael Emerson holding a bunny every time I look at it. I tried for it cause my brother likes Ben, but I'm glad I didn't get it. Hopefully, someone who really want it got it. G'night all, another reveal day in the books. I shall begin praying for a Desmond poster next time...and then say another prayer that I get one...

ObFuSc8 said...

Hub is still not updated with the URL.

GoMerch/RMA status check page still down.


mungonna said...

Ob8...time to break out the Malox! Thanks for Clay links..some funny video.." A giant polar bear!? Really?"

ReverendMilo said...

I remember being at FOB and seeing the url in the images on the hub while at the event.


ObFuSc8 said...

I am REALLY hoping for a real solve for frame 16.

Going to see if that UPC code means anything.

Skidzy said...

@obfusc8 - i was JUST thinking that too. the bar code has to be something. all of this so far has to be something. by all of this i mean all the unsolved clues, which may or may not be clues. If this is a bigger dig for print 16, then a jump start would be good. maybe between basting turkey i will try to start piecing this together. but i am not great at these games.

mungonna said...

hey Rev..i remember coming back from the Tucson reveal..calling my poster buddy,,like more than an hour after the reveal,,and her saying,,yea, i just got it,boy was I excited!,did i do good?

Just Thinking said...

Lottery-sorry to hear your news-wish you all the best.

Anonymous said...

OB FuSc8 how do I enter the raffle to try to win a chance at buying the swag from Clay at Bens frozen donkey wheel?

ObFuSc8 said...

Ummm kmfdm11031 -- I think we'll put up a thread soon at Darks/STV. It'll be up tomorrow. Do you know how to get there?

Amy Lynn said...

LT, hope everything is okay!

ObFuSc8 said...

The ISBN# on the UPC is for a cookbook -- Python Cookbook.

The # under the barcode is 12 digits but doesn't come up as an actual UPC code in a UPC look up.

ObFuSc8 said...

Duh, the # under the barcode is not a UPC#, it is a Bookland ISBN code. COmes back to that same cook book:

Title: Python Cookbook
Author: undefined
ISBN10: 0596001673
ISBN13: 9780596001674
Edition: 1

Maybe the designer just pasted that in? Don't know but will see if we can ask...

Anonymous said...

No i'm not exactly sure where to find it could you post a link if that's ok? thanks

Anonymous said...

Ok I just got an email from TGCustomerService. I took a minute to write to them to verify that I would be getting a poster. They wrote back to confirm that I in fact did. I'm still nervous but this should make me feel better.

comixguru said...

Lotto- keeping good thoughts for you and your husband...

Just Thinking said...

Looking at the poster- started to wonder what Michael Emerson would think? Anyone heard if he;s seen it?

Joe D said...

here is python cookbook on amazon

ObFuSc8 said...

Good kmfdm11031 -- that give the rest of us with higher order #'s some hope.

ObFuSc8 said...

Joe --

Yeah, it's a "cook book" of collection of problems, solutions, and practical examples for Python programmers, written by Python programmers.

So there could be a connection to a cypher or program of sorts.

ObFuSc8 said...

But we'd need more -- it's 606 pages long, so a page or chapter# for a start. That's if it even means anything.

Anonymous said...

I've had a negative opinion of the last few posters, but this one (IMHO) isn't too bad. I definately can see people getting some enjoyment from this one.

yawns said...

Detailed shots from the artist. Looks pretty darn good eh?

toddslaterart said...

Hey thanks, I made the print and appreciate the comments. I posted some details to imageshack and here's the link if you all want to see them:

toddslaterart said...

Beat me to it yawns!

ShoxTP said...

Thank you for stopping by Todd. Great job with the print.

Sam G said...

I love that the artists have stopped by and shared their work with us.

Zort70 said...

Thanks Todd for stopping by, it's much appreciated.

Walkindude125 said...

Hey Todd! Thanks for stopin' by and posting those detailed shots. I picked up the print today and can't wait to hang it on my wall.

Can you tell us a bit more about the different elements in the print (the long exposure stars, the foreground detail, etc.) and why you chose those elements to create your portrayal of Ben? I'm a composer, and I real dig hearing other artists talk in depth about their art and how it was made. Thanks!

lostsailors said...

Hello Todd! Thank you so much for this poster, I have been waiting since day one for one featuring Ben so it was a delight to finally see it come along! (It's also the first and only one I've purchased, so really thank you again.)

ChrisL said...

Good morning all. Very nice to see Todd take the trouble to drop in and say HI.

Anonymous said...

Todd! Wow, I love this print and I was unable to get one:( Ben is my favorite character and your work is amazing so I was waiting for a Slater print...but it went through my fingers:(

Zort70 said...

Hi all, I've lifter some info from the comments and created a NEW POST.

Lisa-Maladylis said...

Lotto, hope all goes well in the hospital and he heals fast.

comixguru said...

@ToddSlater - Thanks for creating such a stunning print. I wish I was one of the lucky ones that was able to get one... :)

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