First off A big thanks to Ryan Ozawa from the Transmission Podcast for being the first to go down and find the URL, we posted lots of pictures yesterday in the As It Happens post. Click on the image below to go to the excellent Transmission Podcast site.

But wait that wasn't all from yesterdays reveal, in case you missed it Clay went down to the Abe Lee Realty later in the day and took a couple of video's.
There is another video available on Clay's own blog called "Ben's Frozen Donkey Wheel", it covers the contents of the folder that was given away. Clay also managed to obtain another copy of the brochure and will offer it in a random selection process at some point.
Talking of the brochure, Justin posted in the comments that Gallery 1988 had updated their blog with the following :
"This is the 14th print, of an eventual set of 16, and was revealed at Abe Lee Realty in Honolulu, Hawaii. Followers of the campaign in Hawaii who went to Abe Lee Reality spotted a brochure in the office that didn't quite fit in. A limited edition Ajiri Airline Safety and Travel Brochure, created by graphic designer Adam Campbell, was available for free. And once they looked closely, the back of the business card stapled to the packet gave them the new website address."
Adam has created some Vintage style Dharma ads in the past and Adam's Official Site is
(I'm not sure if the misspelling of Ajira is another clue or not !)
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 207 of 207I feel like people are missing out on what the appreciation part of this event actually is. It's the fact these posters are available at all not that they should be easy to get. This event is huge. Far larger than I think some people realize. Getting 16 artists to all do a print for the series and then organizing a unique event for each is a massive fan event that surpasses any other I can think of. In my opinion we have blown it out of proportion.
I don't mean to offend anyone here at all but I don't feel like it's totally reasonable to expect to get every poster or even many of them. This event was not designed like that. The posters are made available and you get a shot to get one. It is not designed that people will be able to buy one of each and it's not supposed to be designed that way. The reason you can't easily get every poster you want is that's not the point of this whole event. The point was to commission 16 works of art and make them available in a very unique and exciting way. I feel they have done an amazing job and I really appreciate it.
While I understand the frustration in not getting a print (I have been unable to get a copy of my favorite so far) I don't feel like it's the getting of these prints that is the amazing part, rather the whole event itself. This is just my view on the topic but I feel we've become too expectant and lost sight of what this is really about. It was never about getting every print or even any particular one, some people won't be lucky to get one at all. It was about all the hard work that went into making them available at all and I for one am very thankful for it.
Right, and I'd agree Scott.
I hadn't read through all the comments, but have now....
And I'd also second Brendan's remarks. This is a viral project, just as the Octagon Recruitment one was. That one was a failure by our standards, yes... but at the same time it won an emmy... and I wouldn't be surprised if this too took an emmy.
When they submit the package for nominations none of the bad experiences will be a part of that... but a blog with hundreds of comments per entry, the # of views on various forums, etc. will all contribute to the argument that they produced a successful viral campaign. That's how Hoodlum won this year. Despite it sucking they had tons of numbers they could point to for it being followed heavily.
This is 100% a marketing effort for Lost. It likely goes right back to Mike Benson or ABCs marketing division, which outsourced to Gallery 1988 to set up the series, who outsourced Go Merch to deal with the transactions.
This is far more successful than previous "ARGs" because it has brought in a large number of people who are not already part of the online fanbase surrounding Lost.
Now, leaving all that aside, I appreciate the shout out Milo. Though it wasn't my intention to make a stand on EB with that post... and while the "art douchies" can be sarcastic and snide at times, they are all really a bunch of teddy bears and aren't doing anyone any harm. I think the reason they dislike you so much has to do with the fake url/site you created.
As for being a staple vs. being a "lost-poster-crazy." Well, there's a huge gap in between.. one that I'm in imo. I was just trying to point out the extremes.
[i]Amy Lynn said... It isn't JUST those fans who've been around for years and years that have a sense of humor.[/i]
I know you've got a sense of humor, and I didn't intend to single you out as not being able to have a laugh, so I'm sorry you took it that way.
Kiwilostie, no problem with your post above it is still just speculation at this point.
To JPL, and all the other kind people that have sent very nice comments, it has been a pleasure to put something back into the Lost Fan community over the last year or so.
Right, now for your mornings entertainment two NEW POST's !
well, I missed most of the posting because I was cooking for thanksgiving which were having today. Anyway... I have been here for this ARG since the beginning here at the Lost Arg but just watched without writing for a few posters since I didn't like them. I'm one of the few that is only buying the posters I like to hang on my wall, not buying them all. I mean who would I show them all too, my lost friends are here, not in the neighborhood. I sell Lost things on my web site and it's certainly not to the neighbors. I think I have found one person that will talk lost here in town, that's it. I enjoy the posters I got- the Van and the Barracks and they will hang in my home. I played the OGR as well, I'm better known as Maladylis on all the other forums and was #2 in that ARG with Bad Number being #1 I found that one fun as well but I do them for my enjoyment.
I agree some are finding this like Tickle me Elmo, good comparison lol
I'm afraid that people will find, when this is done, they have 16 posters that we have all seen and no one cares anymore. Just like no one cares I was #2 in the ORG lol It was fun while it lasted and I hope for the people that bought them all that they can enjoy them on the walls instead of in a portfolio that sits in the corner to be pulled out now and then. I haven't opened my portfolio in years, hope yours gets more action than that.
Despite the new posts,
I have to say that tickle me elmo, beanie babies, and furbies are really not apt comparisons to this LFA
They are not art. Art is different. They also were not produced in such limited numbers. People will not be pulling out their copies of the elmo dvd's to rewatch back to back and show their friends that missed it, or to find details that they missed.
Lost like the Prisoner has staying power. it will be rewatched and discussed 30 years from now, only unlike the prisoner, it will have 16 limited pieces of art, books, and collectibles that will still be around too. Although I do think an original prisoner lunchbox out grab a tidy sum.
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