So is it worth the hype that surrounds it ? Well Dan McCarthy is a very well respected artist who had been rumored to be contributing to the Lost poster series, and if you visit his web site you will see the image shown toward the end of this post, which is not unlike the Rousseau's Transmission.
Anyway enough of Dan McCarthy the artist, what about his Lost Poster ? The picture below was sent to us by a Spanish visitor to the blog Juan Enrique and as well as having the usual assortment of items holding the poster down, shows the range of colours quite well.

A few people have commented that the website picture does not do the image justice as the colours are flatter and more uniform. In the actual print there is a wider range giving more depth.
Of course any post about this picture needs a closeup of the speech bubble, which has caused a bit of a talking point around the word "Seul". In this excellent closeup from ReverendMilo you can even see the texture of the paper on which it is printed.

![]() |
Now for a couple of signatures from Juan and ReverendMilo:
![]() ![]() |
Then finally we have a capture of the screen being used by LotteryTicket on the day of the poster reveal which shows some of the many applications and windows people have open when waiting for a reveal.

1 – 200 of 335 Newer› Newest»first!!!
We had a question in the previous comments that I don't think anyone answered, are there any suggestions about framing ?
I have a copy of The Hatch and want to get it framed this way
I'd like to get any information I can get on the frame. I took it to get it custom framed and they didn't have the right kind of frame.
Sam G
Anonymous people, please do not use this thread to post auction site links for posters.
Lovely Desktop, Lotto!
And why is there a 3072x2304 pixel big image of the Widmore Publishing board in the hub, done with a Canon PowerShot SD1000 on 10/28? ;)
LOL! That desktop looks familiar! Even tho I'm not buying the posters, I still love to follow along...
Yes, the board on the hub page does seem excessive.
Ellen, I've normally got two monitors open for the reveals now, to display all the info
wow! Zort, our multi-tasking hero! :D
This is the perfect hardware for the next reveal, Zort…
My current setup -
Nice setup, Zort ;)
I have some suggestions regarding framing, in general Zort. I sent you a pic of my framed/matted Dharma Van, last week that I could comment on if you wish. Just let me know . I'm actually off to bed , but could expound later today on frame/matte sizes dimensions etc.
Regarding Sam G's question , I can't give info specifically regarding that frame he's looking for. But I do have a concern about the way it appears to be mounted. I'm worried that that Crash print has been casually taped onto the backing matte, which horrible when it comes to preservation of the print's condition. Not mention that esthetically it wont look very pleasing in humid weather and the print starts to wave slightly and lift off the backing matte.
My suggestion is that wherever he finds the frame, ask the seller for his/her advice and materials with which to mount the print to the backing matte properly (he'll likely suggest framers tape -which can be completely separated from the print later, without damaging it). Don't cheap out on this part, or any aspect of framing, if you want these prints to keep looking great for years to come!
Thanks MiddayShadows, I'm sure any advice would be gratefully received.
I did upload your picture, I just haven't displayed it anywhere yet, here is the link, if you want to use it for illustration.
Thanks thorsten
I am also researching info on the framing, as the quality of The Smoke Monster convinced me to have them professionally framed (before that I was thinking of a DIY job).
From the little I know, I think the specific type of frame Sam G wants is a "shadow box".
It's pretty commonly used for sports memorabilia or small objects. But I am sure the framer could advise him on its suitability for the poster.
Here are some links I found useful-- 2 on framing terminology, 1 on what to choose to better protect paper-base art or photography. And one of the page does talk about Shadow Box briefly:
Wow - these involved setups make me think I need to upgrade!
Fingers crossed for a clue today!
Good post Zort! Darn, is that bottom layer of color really as green as it looks? If so, that would have made all the difference to me in trying to purchase, I would have at least made an attempt. It was that sea of beige that turned me off.
From last thread:
ObFuSc8, didn't the collider in TX have major problems with ants eating away at their wiring? Seriously, something about how the current attracted them. :-)
Kiwi, on the subject of NZ, my ex is a stage manager and at some point he worked in NZ and brought me back a beautiful large white stone, like a smooth river stone bigger than an ostrich egg, with some little holes in it around the surface. I usually show off that stone when someone comes over, it's so beautiful, and now I can say that it comes from where LOTR was made too. My litle piece of NZ. :o)
Have a good week everyone and happy poster shopping!
Kelly, dont get self concious, when it comes time to be "on sale soon",
I have only one browser windows open, and no applications running.
before reveal I just have lostargs, lostargs chat, Darkufo, and the hub open.
Ronie Midfew Arts' choice of Dan McCarthy to depict Shannon interpreting Danielle Rousseau's transmission gives us a subtle image of a LOST pivotal moment. This print's deeper meanings, underlying themes, layers of ambiguity follows nicely with our intrepid six.
And then there's that bubble which Tyson clearly wants us to pay attention to as part of our search for the 16th. There's even a link to it on the BUY NOW page. One translation, "If anyone can hear this, they are dead." Danielle reveals that Brennan took the keys, he or it is outside, and she'll try to make is to the Rocher Noir. So did she? The intrepid six decide to keep this information to themselves. Artistically, the bubble might be a distraction, but it is a tiny voice in the overall print and consistent with McCarthy's work.
But why was the revealed image so off the mark on color? I see that Juan had no trouble capturing the subtle shades. I can remember chat roomers appreciating McCarthy's monochromatic choice. McCarthy's real intention was only seen by opening the tube.
If I were fishing, I call this one a keeper.
Wasn't there something going on with missing letters from DCAAPB/Midfew letters and postings? What if the "lost" letters can be arranged to find the the url of the 16th frame? 15 will be lost, the 16th will be found.
There was a comment awhile back about the prints only getting better. Recent prints in comparison to Smokey, Transmission,and Hatch, while respectable, are not " better" imho, and for various reasons seem to fit into the "not quiet good as" catagory. So, to me, the buying frenzy of late is being driven by entirely different forces than Lost Art Appreciation.
Having already posted an " appreciation" of this print , I'll just summarize and add a few comments since seeing this print " live".
Using depth to convey Time and all that we expand our understanding by, seems to me what Dan is doing in this print. A quote from 1st season, a tower we didn't actually see until season 4,,and how that quote came to be, in season 5,,suggests Time and how knowledge is expanded by it. In " Live" , the print shows the 1/4 inch darker surface borders of the hills. This was not easily observed until " live". I'm not sure that additional effect is necessary,, but , again, it suggests depth or at lest the " surface depth" of living things on top of the eons old rock, Earth. One of my favorite authors has been using the age of the rock in his recent books for awhile. So, maybe my mind is prejudiced. The hidden valleys speak to me about the multitude of Mystery in the show. The correct fade in hue brings the feel of the fecund humidity. The large portion of pure white at the top brings me to end of season 5. So we started at the bottom in black and rose to its opposite at top, A Rise Up thru expanded knowledge, creativity involved,,change,,is thus conveyed.
Dan's thin application of black border I could do without. Yes. it gives the jump start to" perceiving into" with this print, but for the odd size of this print,,I would have preferred it not there if it would have meant being a standard size.
Dan's use of Form i like. Traveling over those ever steeper hills works well. I like the form more than I like,,scratchy lines. The form in this print suggests the " weight". Since childhood I have been fascinated by the sheer preponderance of " mass" of any hill or mountain. Dan's print takes me back to those thoughts. I've changed.
Good Morning!..MEL
What I did for framing the Transmission was went to Michael's, as it was an odd size print, purchased a $49 20 x 30 poster frame - glass - on sale for $27, then went over to the custom framing section and had matting cut for $21 - for a total of about $50 after tax. I price this earlier for total custom and it would have priced at about $200 - for a savings of $150!!!! I plan on doing the same with Walt's, as it is also an odd shape.
I really like the way you guys have all framed this one, but it would have been way too big for my tiny apartment!
No runners last night! As for framing, I'm waiting until this extravaganza is finished before deciding how to tackle it. Hopefully, with all of these great suggestions, I can find something that will work for me. Off to bed - long night - feel 3 years older, like Walt.
Thanks for the input on the framing. I am going to have it professional framed. The depth of the frame was what I was looking for specifically.
I don't want to have the poster matted, there is no border so it will cut off the edges of the posted. I've seen professionally framed photographs use this floating effect.
I should have said I will get it professionally framed if I don't find what I'm looking for. Thanks for the info on Michael's
One thing you may want to keep in mind is getting UV-resistant glass. It costs a little more, but if you're going to have a print hanging on a wall for 30 years that gets some direct exposure to sunlight, it will help preserve the colors of the print. Granted, the inks of these screen prints may not break down as quickly as would a photograph or standard poster.
@skarphedin ditto from me - archival glare free uv glass is the way to go if you can get it. Some lexan's can fit the bill too, but check first.
I have to admit my jealousy @ you peeps that have begun framing. Sadly I made a commitment to myself at frame 1 not to frame until the end, so I just have to sit in admiration at the framings right now.
Speculators have gotten wind of the posters and have decided it might be a good idea since this is the last year of Lost to buy as many as possible to sell later at a marked up price.
I know some beanie baby speculators. They are sad, in more ways than one.
Speculators can suck it.
Are you saying that if I eBay my owl beanie baby with the typo on the tag, I "suck it"? lol
My calculation show approx 2% of posters (assuming 200 per frame) are moving thru eBay. see THE LIST if you want details.
To me, the multiple layers of increasingly elevated peaks mirrors the way in which Lost has revealed a more expansive storyline over the seasons. From a small group of survivors on an island, to Dharma, to Widmore, to Jacob/MIB. Or, looked at from a slightly different perspective, the multiple layers of mystery that make the show so intriguing.
Smoke Monster poster brought back to the fold this morning as aclarkislost won the eBay bid. Welcome home #115.
Has anyone tried putting this poster under a black light yet? Someone mentioned during the reveal that Dan McCarthy previously did a similar-looking poster that revealed a completely different image in the dark.
LOL no lottery, I say suck it to the people that have no interest in what they collect, the ones that starve the market of items just trying to make a quick buck as a reseller.
I look at it like a childless person going to the one grocery store in town and buying all the diapers available, and then sitting outside selling the diapers at huge markup while the store restocks.
Legal, sure? Ethical or moral - not in my book.
I am even cool with losties selling a print they decided should more to another losties hands, even if profit is involved. But the jacka$$ that says, "oh look, those people are trying to collect something, I think I will step in the way of them and make them pay me instead". that person, I do not like.
If we are back to the old discussion about flippers then we definitely need a new clue.
The " Limited Edition" marketing concept is not new. That it has expanded from the ether regions of the hoity toity all the way down to the common Hershey Kisses has been a fascinating success story observed over the recent years. A " painting" or a performance or a building etc, is as Limited Edition as it can get. From there, books, prints ,etc have benefited from the selling concept. Even Corvettes, Hondas, Harleys, Cuban Cigars, geesh, what hasn't been subject to the "Limited Edition" marketing Ploy?
So, it is no surprise to see the mania manifested on these prints as the light bulb turned on with the fans. But the other side of the coin is becoming obvious too. Just because a print is a " Limited Edition" is no guarantee of " quality" I have noticed the unsold bags of " Candy Corn" Hershey Kisses at the store, indicating that there parameters to how far Limited Edition can be taken. Harley is having serious trouble moving any motorcycles off the showroom floor much less the LE's.
So, maybe, the frenzy around the Buy Now, will calm down once reality checks start being cashed in on Ebay. IMHO, minimum asking prices, and Buy Now prices on Ebay are for the ,,those who will pay that. To Have something " NOW" can be an expensive human need.Over Time, markets always correct.
Being manipulated is what I'm getting at. How I really wish Hersheys would return the LE Rasberry and white chocolate Huggie..the orange and white chocolate Easter LE..and of course the real Cherry Cordial ( not the creme)chocolate Kiss. I am thus manipulated. So.. a 50 dollar print I and apparently We are just as easily manipulated by. Perhaps the mania would be less if the asking price was higher..75 or even a 100? The manipulation not quite as effective.
There is the conflict: a price in a range for as many Lost Fans as realistically possible,,granted a " subsidizing" weighs in here as well,, and that " subsidizing" being taken advantage by the Lost Fan as well as the Art Print collector as well. Perhaps a Train Wreck that could have been avoided..maybe not.Its like the organization wanted it both ways..super low price and Limited Edition at the same time. If a Fan decides to get only one..would 75 or 100 dollars price tag given them a wider choice? Seems likely to me.
Consider..a 50 dollar asking price..without the Limited Edition serial numbers,, no signature..and a reprint run if the market justified it? I believe I would still be involved. Do LOST FANS really require a serial number and signature? In my case, no.
Sell the sizzle, not the steak...MEL
no kidding Zort!
Am I right in thinking that we are still missing the print 5 first order letter?
Would Tyson make the puzzle unsolvable without a letter is the question running through my head.
I am just trying to figure out which peices are clues to the 16th. The letters may be specifically geared as clues to the next print, or they could be an integral part to the 16th, if it requires solving.
Or will the 15 prints themselves end up pointing the way all on their own?
Technically Tyson had no way of knowing that first purchaser letters would ever get published, so they must have had a fall back plan if they didn't.
Yes the 5th poster first purchaser letter is stil out of our grasp at the moment.
Rev, and Any..That suggests The Journey, without being able to see the End,,until one gets there. How very Lost.,,and how very Trusting , we the Lost Fan needs to be. uuuummmm..i don't know about you..but to me..trusting this LFA organization to that really being tested. I have serious doubts as to the organization's ability to go that deep.
In the deep end...MEL
@Zort, that is my thought too. It is fortunate that so many letters have ended up in the hands of Lost Bloggers and Losties that would get the letter out to us, but Tyson had no guarantee that would occur.
That is what makes me wonder about the clues in the letters. I guess they may have a contingency plan, but no indication yet.
I'm glad we're discussing framing, as I've been locking for advice for a while. Two questions, for anyone that's in the know for framing...1. What type of matte should I be using for these prints? I used one for my Smoke Monster, had it positioned so the signature shows.
2. If I keep these prints rolled up in the tubes for a couple of months because I can't afford the framing, will that ruin the print?
Thanks guys! And, even though I still don't like it...that McCarthy print is beautiful!
I feel ya, and I trust - because not trusting involve pondering conspiracy.
With how many times I have circled the first order and missed it - I would hate to think that my antics put me on the unfavored side of the conspiracy.
I am a black swan, and I like to imagine the LFA org is too, and on the side of the rest of us black swans.
Paranoia, panic, scarce resources, different camps at odds, trust, distrust, rational vs irrational, and faith towards survivable end.
Yep, we did not know it, but we are already on the island.
Rev...uuuhhhmm..Seems to me they are in over their heads now. I am definitely getting a " Not Pennys Boat" message from the LFA organization.
blub blub..blub...MEL
ROFL @ Mel
I have to say, when I look at the bunch here I see:
RA in Mel & congested
Locke in Zort,
Claire in LotteryTicket,
and something about Thorsten keeps making me think of Mikhail.
(meant as a compliment thorsten, he was one of my favorite characters)
Rev..That is the ART of LOST..just about anything of Life..can be found in a metaphor from LOST...ART!
The Metaphor IS the Message...MEL
I think the last print will be revealed at the end of the last season and will portray something that occured in the last episode. The "found" refers to a moment we haven't witnessed yet and that the poster will capture it. Just a thought. Time will tell. Now where is that clue?
Had a fabulous time trick or treating with my Granddaughter!
I'm hoping that Poster 16 is a compilation of all previous posters, so those that have missed out can get all of them at once. And there will not be a limit of 300! That's the ultimate fan appreciation!
As most of the past ARG's have given nods to the upcoming season, I have to believe the 16th poster will depict a scene we haven't seen yet. Something that will leave us saying, WTF?, questioning, hypothesizing and wondering through LU and into the next season until the pivotal scene shows itself and we all go AHA!
That's what I like to think anyway. The poster's scene will be found in the next season. :)
dusty makes alot of sense.
the widmore publishing has shrunk and it's back the "and" is back to red and white
Appreciate that anonymous - first post here. Been following for awhile and hoping that one of the upcoming posters strikes me the way The Crash did, which sold out before I picked back up on the ARG.
With the changes today, I have to believe the clue is coming soon. Also thinking that, with the change in size to the picture, the "super" size image was more a result of trying to ge the URL on the site quickly, and thus not resizing the image. Thoughts?
As much as i wish it were true,,despite numerous refreshes..the monster screen remains thus on my computer.
in the shadow of the monster..MEL
good lord this is beautiful, what a disservice they did with the pic that posted at the time of the reveal! Not that I would have had a chance but really wish I had tried now. Enjoy to those who have this.
Yes my dcaapb site now shows a normal size Widmore pic on the frame 11 page.
OH!! there it goes,,down to reasonable size,,after i don't know how many refreshes and leaving the address outright..Now,,imagine trying to buy a print in its first minute with such " quick" service!! Thats why i go to the reveal site and stay there.
I think you said what I said 20 minutes before you Dusty.
Apparently they didn't come to work until after attending church.
going to hell...MEL
@alteridiom Unless I'm reading the wrong post, it looks like you're suggesting the post won't be released until the end of the last season. I'm saying it will be released in a few weeks, but it will depict a scene from the final season.
15 were lost is past tense, already happened. The 16th will be found, future tense. They were referring to the upcoming release of posters, all of which were, at the time, set to happen in the future. I think the language is a content clue, and we're going to be treated to a fairly big piece of the final season storyline.
so not Super? that's depressing. back to square 1. Is the S in Super a letter clue or a meaning clue?
How's lunch Tyson? If you have plans to watch Chargers/Raiders, could you pass along that clue before you get all comfy on the couch.
REV, I sent above message via migration tag on the oft chance of rescue.
Anyway...So, what about Danielles message? They are all dead, I am all alone...? The sole survivor of a doomed mission,,an aloneness proven not to be true,,except in her choice. Danielle as a vestige of an prior exploration...with even her " product"..what she created, Alex..stolen from her. As metaphor for the Philosopher and his " I think, therefore I am" exploration of Self Awareness..that from the start, he had to co-opt to the powerful Church ,,inorder to be made public? works.
RIP Danielle..MEL
RE: Transmission - the more I've looked at it in person, the more I love it. The detail of the characters is incredible. You definitely know "who" is "who". @Trial Attorneys - like what you've done.
Good to see that DCAPB knows how how to have a lttle fun with the site changing stripes to orange/black - still feel that they're following Zort's lead. So Zort, the ball is in your court. Any suggestions for Zort to do something to see if they'll play along. ;)
@LT maybe Tyson is trying to help keep the releases out of your blackouts!
Look how much faith I have!
and the 16th will be an etched mirror where everymtime you look into it, you see yourself on the island...
Oh nice idea, Rev. :o)
i love your thoughts o these prints MEL, it always makes me go back for a second look. your feelings on this one and the Hatch were deep ^o^
hope you'll do the same for mr friendly in the sky~
I turned my back as long as I could, but no clue, just some housekeeping.
Maybe for the 16th poster Black and Orange will be significant somehow ?
the 'Hallowe'en' colours have reverted back to normal now on the hub...
What did the red and white stripes mean anyway? The North Pole for the PBs? Or some kind of barberpole reference. :o)
Capcom, with a significantly good black and white (no grayscale) image, I could even do it in my garage.
HMMM zort, black and orange print...I'm not sure if I can wrap my head around it, but I am down with it!
And completely seconded Kightsintodreams! Mel's writing and analysis is way at the pro-level. Makes me self-conscious of the simplistic reviews I put up on my domain. & I'd ask Mel to handle the reviews for me, but then we would be in a deeper world of doo doo as demand would rocket past our current situation...
My posts about the posters are often overshaddowed by the comments posted about them.
I like to think that at least I can spark the debate, if not take part at the same level as some of the more prosaic amongst us.
If the clue is not going to appear until tonight then I think I can travel to London for the next few days without fear of missing a poster reveal.
Rev, it could be nicely done via screening on silver-foiled paper! :-o Then it would still fit into a mailing tube, heheh.
Capcom, nice story there re your stone! I had a blast last night 'leading' LT round my little local patch virtually.
When my transmission arrives, I will post a review, if this threads not long gone and buried!
Its certainly proving that all the posters are looking way better in person, which is understandable.
Zort, you're doing a fine job on the front page with your articles! I really enjoy them. :-)
I'm not sure that all the posters are better in reality, The Crash is, to my mind, exactly like you see on the screen, and I would say Locke's Secret is as well (although I don't have a copy myself).
Thanks Campcom, all compliments gratefully received :-)
Although I'm one of those people that really doesn't thrive on compliments, I'm more than happy to go along my merry way without any feedback.
If no one was here reading the posts or commenting I would probably be doing the same thing, but with less images of posters by the people that own them.
@zort your articles, leadership, and humbleness are what made me compare you to Locke :)
Don't tell me what I can't do.
You didn't ? oh well go ahead and try to tell me what I can't do and I'll start again.
OK and a bit of hurley's comic genius..
and just a touch of Jack's drinking, I just realised I'm having my 3rd vodka and orange.
Ok, it's clue time, I'm off to bed, good night all.
nite, zort70
Yeah! Clue time.
Wow. I'm kinda glad my Rousseau's Transmission order got canceled. I do not like the colors at all. I like the colors in the image on the official site MUCH better. Much more subdued.
Do Not Believe for one second, that each and every one of you,,you kno,,Hey You Everybody!,that each and every one of you can't fathom the depths of LOST,,and can't find even more and deeper , than I express. Its not about Me.Its about YOU.
If for no other purpose, I contribute, not to say what it is,but to demonstrate what is possible. I believe,everyone has the ability to be unique in what they perceive about these prints and thus LOST..or vis versa. To me, that is LOST, answering the question,,"Who Am I?" . It is here,, in the Philosophers Exploration of Self Awareness, his perception on how that exploration is corrupted by Society, by the rich and powerful,etc, that I find connectivity to LOST and thus the Surreal of LOST.
I am not a writer for LOST. I just enjoy the begeezers out of LOST. My natural state at this Time,coinciding with the TV's Show called LOST availability, is a magnificent beauty that I have no choice but to manifest.With each thought, with each posted word, it just gets more magnificent. If I have a is for Hey You experience like wise.
Its all inside, just waiting to be Found..
Also, I too use both my monitors while waiting for the reveal. Got a couple good things working for me..
FF Plugin "Speed dial" with all future reveal pages, LostARGs,, and /hub.html loaded and refreshing every 10 seconds
FF Plugin "Reload every" refreshing LostARGs,, and /hub.html every 10 seconds
LostARGs chat room
Twitters of whoever is at the reveal location.
I'll have to screen cap it next time.
what you just wrote is why you are RA...
Juxtaposing MEL and Frank's comments (not giving weight to one or the other) is exactly how I see LOST and this ARG. Deeper meanings mixed with pushing technology's button. An artist interpretation of water cooler moments lost because we are fighting to beat time to purchase. Something there. Conflicted.
But...RA is actually (thus far) a man of very few words. :o)
I've seen alot of framing questions, I'd like to add mine to the collection.
Is matting used exclusively for protection of the print from the surface of the glass?
In other words do all print have to be matted?
Is it sometimes used only for aesthetics?
My team has a bye week so it's hard to judge which game Tyson is going to interupt this week. ;)
MEL channeling early-years RA. After thousands of years of chatting with the natives, he as taken a more silent approach and a love of bottled ships.
I guess I should have said football team. Tyson always interupts my football viewing.
REV..I DON'T nor EVER HAVE wear EYE LINER!!!..Also, I have only one Blue Dress Shirt, that only gets ironed when the occasion calls for it. But, thats a good call,, RA as the timeless Want, for a man and mankind,to be aware of Self; answering the age olde question..Who Am I?
LT..Bingo! The conflict between " Humanist" and Technology can be seen even in " The Numbers." Numbers, the tools and symbols of Logic,,being perceived by Hurley as Superstitious..The Irony is fitting of the comedian character as is his Jumpsuite.
The conflict is even easier to perceive in The Swan print. The I ching characters ,, what they translate to in English,,are in conflict. The Swan Hatch,,scientific exploration of strange anomalies..somehow made Radinski paint the ceiling with his brains..somehow became a dull exercise in pushing a button every 108 minutes..and eventually,,not due to anything " scientific"..imploded on to itself. So much for Science and Human Self Awareness in conflict. Science Lost, and Andre Bretons " Magnetic Field Lines, that connect us all,,were liberated.
So,yea,, when the knives started flinging thru the air,,and the washing machine and drier walked down the hall..I had feelings it was time to get out.
Turning the Key...MEL
LT..LOST is my Bottled Ship. My words, are the winds that fill its sails.
Ahoy! Maties!!....MEL
Who would have thought trying to record 45 seconds of audio could be so difficult! Take 108...
Loving the vibe in chat tonight.
Sayid's Girl - would you be a Patriots fan since you mentioned a bye week? I, too, am enjoying the bye week and having a little extra time to get stuff done!
Okay - Zort's officially sleeping - time for a clue!
Ahh, well I'm a Bengals fan. I'm from Ohio.
The Pats and Brady are looking good this season the definitely have their grove back. :)
that should be they definitely....
I gotcha - your Bengals are looking really good this year too. I will keep my fingers crossed for you that Palmer still keeps looking awesome and that Ochocinco stays relatively drama-free! :)
Thanks Kelly good luck to your team too. But Drama and Ocho go hand and hand. lol
Alas poor Gigantor...So now that they've downsized Piczilla -- what was it? Yet another mistake, or a clue? I noticed it first an a computer at work this afternoon, but had to refresh/reload a couple time tinght at home before the downsized pic came up.
Oh T Y S O N . . . it's beyond time for a clue 1
Well 8...the LFA organization seems a mirror image of the Losties that..they both continue to make mistakes,,and Not get learning from past bloops bleeps and blunders. How many times have Sawyer and Jack, just when you think they have turned the corner,,reverted back to old ways?
So, whats the point? Perhaps the mistakes and the clue are be found in 16. ???. Hope,,as applied in creating a future,,is all we have against our mistakes of the past.
Thanks for the memories...MEL
can someone point me in the right direction here. Where do i go to see if my order has been shipped?
@ Anonymous - you can try this link. Log in with your credentials, and you should be able to click on your orders:
@alteridiom Thoughts on the note below? Want to make sure I'm not stealing your thunder!
"Unless I'm reading the wrong post, it looks like you're suggesting the poster* won't be released until the end of the last season. I'm saying it will be released in a few weeks (as a natural progression of this series), but it will depict a scene from the final season."
thanks for that!
I had a thought, referencing back to the Super in prize letter, and the SUPER-sized image that was on the hub (before it was taken down earlier today). LOST and Marvel comics had a tie-in including the Find 815 ARG in play at the time. (early 2008). There were LOST Easter eggs in 25 of the comics. Could SUPER refer to a Super-Hero in one of those comics? Here is the article and list of comics:
@andalone I like the thought and the connection, especially considering Disney's recent purchase of Marvel, but I can't believe they'd go Comic two reveals in a row. The last clue was "It's like a comic book.." (or so we believe).
"We know how much collectors like having their things in Super condition."
Seems to me that "having" should say "keeping", or something of the such. I think condition is the clue, and Super should point us in the direction of narrowing down "condition". I think this because, despite "Super" being capitalized, "condition" is the main message of that sentence.
Where are things kept in pristine condition? Super condition?
And again, I don't think the large image is a clue for the next reveal. If it was, they would keep it up on the site, or they would have altered the picture to still convey super-size (e.g., only cropped down to the URL, so it would be a super-sized url).
Just a thought...
Im surprised we havent had a clue yet. Up until now, we would have had at least clue one by now. Hopefully it wont be a super fast reveal...
One last thought, then I'll shut up...
Has there been any correlation between when clues are released and the local time of the reveal?
I recall the reveal clue coming in the middle of the night last week (yes?), and then the reveal itself happening within that same time period. Is the timing of release of clues significant?
It seems to me it should be, but I don't have experience going back far enough to know whether or not it is.
Hello everyone. I'm looking to buy the print 11. Does anyone looking to sell it or knows someone that is? Let me know!
@Mason There's quite a few people selling on eBay... I haven't seen any here. There's a buy/trade forum over at Dark as well.
Come on Tyson, this is getting old real fast...
What about McDonalds? Super-size? Kidding but it seeems the clues are a size reference as much as anything.
Maccas? Surely TPTB wouldnt lower themselves THAT far?!...
hi all- just stopping by before bed and catching up all the comments from today. I must have missed it- so can someone tell me what LFA stands for? and then Tyson, can you give us a clue? c'mon. it's almost my birthday for crissakes! :) g'night all!
HI All,
been away for the weekend. I don't know if this is relevant, but the gomerch text was orange on the holding pages for some of the other urls.
Probably a seasonal thing, but orange is also linked to the Netherlands…
Maybe I'm reading too much into it because of the lack of a clue!
Dusty? That's an unusual name.
Dusty Finn?
"Rousseau's Transmission" seems to be a six-color screenprint.
And by chance (?), there are six characters depicted at the bottom.
Well, I'm shocked that Tyson did not use the opportunity of my slumber to create a new clue.
Well lets see what today brings.
TKI - I count 7 if you include black, 8 if you include the white of the paper.
mrtibbs - We did have a comparison of the red / white and orange / black AND just before the Transmission post on the main page.
If we are talking about what it might mean, thoe are the colours of Wolverhampton Wanderers Football (Soccer) team who's ground is a few miles away from me.
Groetjes, mrtibbs!
Dusty, the clue reveal times have a rough correlation to the poster reveal times, in that the clues are often released a couple of hours before the poster reveal time.
Also it is usually about 3-4 days after the first clue that the poster reveal happens
Not a 100% guarantee, but a rough guide.
Right, time to get my travelling trousers on, I'm London bound.
Zort, you should drop by in my mates pub…
pssst, thorsten sent me.
best beer in town, zort!
Wort the trip to Greenwich ;))
Good morning all.
Have a good trip to London. Don't have too many beers and Thorsten's mate's pub. ;)
Thanks for the link. I remember that comic book campaign.
Super size made me think of McDonalds too lol.
Could collectors be a key word in that sentence too? Actually the whole sentence could be the clue.
We are Super collectors.
@Kharma - Not familiar with D. Finn. It's a family name that plays off our last name.
@Zort - Thank you - I fully expected to wake up to a clue this morning and was prepping for another international reveal.
Interesting note, if you look up the last URL on Alexa, despite the reveal time occurring in the wee hours here, 96+% of the traffic came from the states - a bit higher than I would have anticipated. Not worth anything, just an interesting stat.
@Sayid - Yes - I think so. Where do collector's keep things in super condition? A museum?
Have these other site reveals had tie-ins to the show? Like, why Forbidden Planet? Why in Glascow? How are both the city AND the location in the city relevant?
I saw a post somewhere about the locations being related to the characters. Have we been able to ratchet that down at all?
Tyson - this is what happens. We don't get a clue for a few days, and now we're speculating beyond all reason. :)
Seriously though, what do you think? Maybe the first order clue is the clue towards physical place while the city locations are character based? (God, now I'm rhyming...)
"Super condition"...hmmm, perhaps a gym or a health food store? Sorry, just getting in my morning stretches.
These links were posted at DarkUFO by mindsuckr. They are for prints of the Black Rock painting and Jacob's Dog, seen on the show. The artist is Thomas Hannsz, who was an "extra" cast member. There is info on both the artist and the paintings at lostpedia. Kinda cool to add these to the LOST print collection.
This is a bit of a stretch but there is a UK clothing line and stores called Superdry, which is what i first thought of with the Super clue and the website is in orange and black. So they may have been trying to make us think that the change over the weekend was for halloween - but could actually be a secret clue!
I am probably way off track but this is all basically because i am still hoping for a London reveal ha!
sorry here is website link for above!
super may mean a super long time until the next poster drop.
For those that dont know, tweeting with Tyson and #LostARG puts the prayer into the twitter feed
or of course you can also leave him a prayer on the site for those people that are non-tweeters.
Try praying, see if we get the clue. He seems to like rhymes.
oh, and happy b-day comixguru!
prayers sent. whispering too.
Happy Birthdayyyyyyy. Tyson should get you a clue, and I mean that in the nicest possible way!
Walt & Vincent were in Amsterdam. Of course Vincent is named after one of Holland's most well known sons.
It's anyone's guess.The only thing I can think of which links super and Holland is that it's a super place!
mrtibbs, with a son called Henk I can only agree!
And happy Bday comixguru!
All we need is a clue dear Tyson,
Seriously, don't make me come round with my Dyson!
andalone..thanks for that link to the prints. I ordered the Black Rock. That'll look nice in my classroom and be a great nod to the kids who are "in the know."
I might have to order Jacob's dog too. Nice to see a "LOST" print that I can actually debate buying for a minute or two, and still have a chance to get it if I decide I want it!
Anyone received the Swan Station yet? Saw that mine shipped Thursday. Think it may come soon.
Monday, Monday...can't trust that day.
Um...where is the new clue? Thought it would be here by now.
Tyson- we know you're going to give us a super duper clue soon- right?!
Happy Birthday, Comixguru! Hope you get a Super clue today!
It's about the bike: The Lance Armstrong art bike gallery. Lance Bikes
Check out these bikes. Scroll end of article for photo gallery. I think some of the artist have been mentioned here and elsewhere during Lost ARG.
Happy B-day Comixguru! *<|:o)
LOL Hobbit, my sentiments exactly.
Tx so much for those painitng links Andalone! Don't forget everyone that Bender's Swan mural can be purchased as well. The Hatch Painting
Happy Birthday Comixguru.
Tyson, it's time for her birthday clue, too.
Happy Birthday, Comixguru - and many more!
I've been reading through the posts. Sounds like we're adrift until the clue. I was looking at Andalone's links to the Black Rock and Jacob's dog painting/print. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that is not the dog painting in the show, though the artist implies that it is on his site. Kind of makes me wonder about the rest of it.
Here's the dog painting from the show:
Amy Lynn,
Thanks. Does anyone know if a print of this is available for purchase?
Sandman- the shadows make it difficult to tell, but the painting at the site looks pretty close to me.
@hobbit - Thanks for the link.
Maybe it is the same. I always thought the one in the show was a lot creepier. The published version looks like someone painted in cartoon eyes, much like the three stooges would paint eyes on their eyelids to pass for being awake while dozing. Perhaps if I bought the print, some foggy glass and then shrouded the display in shadow, I could convince myself.
Sandman, do you not have a wrecked shed to display it in?
I'm pretty sure it's the real deal. I think the harsh lighting and the angle make it look at bit different, but the facial stuff looks the same.
I can only hope that with the clue being so late... it will mean a Friday reveal (as I have Friday off).
Maybe if we all focus really hard on Tyson... we can implant the need for him to post a clue.
The Friday reveals usually begin with clues the previous Saturday or Sunday. I'm thinking we're either in for a late weekend reveal, or early next week.
@Rev -LOL! Neighborhood association wouldn't approve, I'm afraid. Maybe I could give a doghouse a good thrashing...
I've got an idea, let's skip the clues and get right to the invitation so that we can plan our week . . .
that's not really in the lostarg spirit is it? ;\
I would like to say, if the frame clue delay is because Tyson is tracking down the IP addys of flippers and banning them, then I say, good job, sir.
sadly I'm watching Them attack The Numbers today over at eBay. Poor Hurley.
Also, I'm really mad at how many copies of Walt's Kidnapping are up on Ebay. I really want one, but I'm not going to pay that much money.
Amy Lynn... I feel your pain. I have every poster except "The Crash", but I just can't bring myself to pay the blood money to the flippers on Ebay.
I would rather work on Damon and Carlton, and with Eric Tan... to see if they would be willing to release more non-signed, non- numbered prints to those that want them.
I've ranted about this in the past, but I think if the producers really wanted to do something for the fans, that they should make non-signed, non-numbered screen prints available to everyone who wanted to buy one. Failing that, perhaps to offer offset lithographic prints for sale instead. I think they could offer the entire set of prints as litho prints for a reasonable price to that every Lost fan could have the beautiful artwork that we've been able to purchase. That would server their fans a whole lot better than to fight Ebay scalpers for the artwork.
Anyone else think that we should write an open letter to Damon and Carlton to propose this?
It has occurred to me that in addition to the Poster Buddy system, I may just purchase every print I can, regardless of whether I intend to keep it, to be resold at cost to the LOST ARG loyal who were shut out for whatever reason. As opposed to the buddy system, I have no absolute committment in case I can't get it or want it myself. Moreover, it appears that a good many of us wish we had made the plunge after an initial hesitation. It's become a cutthroat affair and this could help keep the tide in our favor. Thoughts?
Patmc, that's a good idea. As sad as it sounds, I really have no interest in the Limited Edition, numbered aspect of these prints. At all.
While we wait… what is this reflection in the Widmore Publishing panel… the mask of a Superhero?
thorsten, I don't think that image was there last time I looked. Can anyone confirm?
I think thats what i'm going to do as well, i was hesitant about the Kidnapping (But it grew on me), but if i don't want it after arrival i would be more than willing to have an ARG or UFO member buy it back at cost. But as you stated, i have NO commitment to sell it if i like it and want it for myself.
This was what i was thinking during the Kidnapping release.
It's just the upper left corner, Amy Lynn… modified in Photoshop.
@thorsten, yeah, I see it, I'm just wondering if that was JUST done in the past few hours.
Would they really hide something in Frame 11, chuckling, and waiting for us to see?
I dunno. All I know is that I have seen that Widmore publishing board many times since it went up, and this was the first time I saw the image.
But, could be confirmation bias.
I still had the Hub site up... and when I hit refresh... the new image appeared in the upper left of the Widmore board. It's definitely new.
There was a reflection before, but this looks much more prominent than it used to be.
I was wondering last night why they would leave every single clue up on one page, which has an obvious effect on load times. Have we noticed any other changes to past clues?
I zoomed it on that reflection while it was still large - this one has definitely been altered, in my opinion.
I don't know you guys, that looks more like light reflecting off the plastic on the bag to me. I can't even imagine what superhero that face would be. Lets hope we get a clue tonight and it's a SUPER quick reveal, like wednesday!
I like the way you think Sandman90 and shoxtp. I have been begging for the super-server, able-bodied, fast finger types to help us out. So I will reiterate what you are suggesting.
If you have the proven capabilities and finances ($60ish) and are at the keyboard at the time of BUY NOW, please, please, please do not hesitate. Your swift action will save some who fails.
Sandman90 and shoxtp, can either or both of you contact me via Tweeter. Tks.
thorsten, you mean the eyes and little face in the reflection? Yes. I see. I think they've been there. We commented way back.
I thought is was our Dharma Rabbit skull.
There was definitely something there before - but these are much more prominent. IMO, it's been doctored a touch to bring it out. It was more of a blurry reflection before...
Looks like a TMNT to me.
There is a lot of white space all over that board. I'm almost guessing that we'll start to see more and more of the "reflection" around the board as our clues for this reveal... Could also be wishful thinking I suppose... LOL
Patmc- I think the idea of non-signed prints is great too. I mentioned that I'd settle for a book of 12 x 18 lithio-type prints if need be. It's not the "1 of 300" idea that I'm interested in; it's more the really cool picture of a really cool show.
ok, I've pushed this image everywhich way. I see two eyes with long lashed where the flower petals would be in the Geronimo Jackson album art.
There is a little gremlin head below, face forward.
Really, has it come to this?
Compare it against the one on my site it is the original. At lunch can't do it myself
Oddly enough, I'm seeing Kermit the Frog.
Perhaps the next reveal is going to take place somewhere we we put on makeup and light lights???
@RevMilo, I don't think you have the clues up on your site. Do you?
Hobbit - I wholeheartedly agree. I always just wanted the artwork. The only place it's ever going to go is on my walls. I'm never going to sell them, so what the heck do I care if it is signed and numbered or not?
Damon and Carlton have always been pretty responsive to the fans. They have to have seen what is going on by now. I'm really, really hoping that the mysterious 16th frame(with the red question mark) is actually entire sets of all the previous artwork, with no numbers and signatures.
Mirrored it looks like this…
Oh crap a clue while at lunch did not follow. Was thinking frames on main page. In boring lunch meeting
From Methane Studios Websire:
ON SALE JANUARY 2009! Methane Studios was commissioned along with 15 top artists to participate in a poster series for the our favorite TV show, LOST. To commemorate the showís final season, we chose the Dharma Van. We have a history old buses and if you LOST fans remember correctly, Sawyer found a van with Dharma beer in the back, (which always scores points with us!) The poster series is a big hit with fans and collectors, and we are thrilled to be included in the series.
Sorry if it's old news!
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