Joe Dale has sent in the first purchaser letter for the 13th poster :
There are lots of potential meanings in the letter, but all seem to be pointing towards Hawaii, especially as the capital letters HI are the abbreviation for Hawaii
Myrna, Amy Lynn, I also thought 'auction' when I read the "sell way above asking price" part. And then I thought, are they wanting me to sell these ping pong balls?! :)
Comixguru, you can have one ping pong ball for "way above asking price". I don't know what I'm asking though. :D
Lora, it was in a tiny little 4x4x4brown box with two air-filled plastic glow in the dark balls surrounded by air-filled plastic bubble wrap!
Lottery Ticket, I read about you missing out on this print - that stinks. But I don't think the time stamps will tell much. Mine was 8-9 minutes before yours. If I remember your description right, you placed your order a few minutes after the main page had said Sold Out but you were still on a cart page that held the print, so the system let you complete the purchase anyway. So that's probably why your order (and the other cancelled orders) are so much 'later' than the earliest ones.
OK, confused? Because I just confused myself! :)
Does anybody think the "keyboard must be very tired. Give it a break. It deserves it" has any deeper significance? I know it's only one clue per letter usually but this one seems to breaking that 'rule'...
JT, I too thought that "stay connected" in the last line of the letter might be another clue.
I guess this is what happens when we have to wait so long for clues!
My first reaction to the letter's "your keyboard must be very tired, give it a break" was that the next poster wouldn't be sold online, but at an auction. But that would probably stir up a lot of trouble with the fans outside of Hawaii.
I'm of 2 minds about the "your keyboard must be very tired, give it a break" clue. I think either it's a reference to Hawaii since Hawaii is a popular vacation destination or it's a reference to a break for the Thanksgiving holidays.
On a different topic, today Jorge Garcia mailed back my "I Heart My Shih Tzu" which I asked him to sign, so I'm pretty jazzed to get it next week, hopefully before I leave for Florida.
Joe Dale, thanks for your info. I am all set with The Barracks courtesy of super-extra-special-with-a-cherry-on-top LOST fan. So 13/13.
I was the first cancellation, however, others with order numbers above me have not reported back that they were canceled. I'm still holding on to some negativity. I went thru to checkout and received all same as you with the exception of the phone call later that night. Ok. that's done. buried. was going for the time to sell out which looks like 8 minutes +.
Zort70 looking forward to the audio version of this group.
Ok, to enter the contest to purchase my Swan Station print, just make a comment to the post over at my reconditioned blog. This way I don't have to have my email flooded, and then everything is nice and open.
Yay! The 1st buyer letter! Thanks Joe Dale for sharing.
So we have a Hawaii reveal confirmed. But, like AndyShex, I'm not sure about the "your keyboard must be very tired. Give it a break. It deserves it" part. Does they mean the 4-5 days we already waited for this clue, is there going to be another break or as Andy said, is this just another reference to Hawaii?
"I'm sure something that limited would sell way above it's asking price." Either a clue or just nod to let us know they are indeed watching -- us EB and EBay.
Interesting that the hint in this letter was hidden at the beginning instead of the end. But they may have had trouble working the hint in their usual way (though you's think it's be easy to work Aloha into a letter).
Many of the 1st buyer letters have ended with a comment about continuing to follow the campaign at DCaaPB -- though that comment was missing from the 12th frame letter, and to some extent the 3rd and 4th frame letters as well. They used "follow" instead of stay connected for most of the previous ones.
While pondering the pineapple, I received my copy of "Jacob's Cabin" today, and it turned out to be even more striking than I had expected. Between the dark nature of the piece and the gloss of the raindrop layer, it's hard for a novice like me to get a photograph that does it justice, but I tried to get a few shots:
I was interested in the "stay connected" part of the letter. I think maybe some of you are onto something with a telephone. It would be an interesting way to circumvent the server issues at GoMerch. It would also give an actual advantage to those at the reveal event, if they could call the number immediately, before revealing it to everyone else. It also scares me though, as I have been successful doing the online purchases. There's not much you can do if you get a busy signal...
If they are trying to tie this reveal in with a fund raising auction, I think the "connected" clue could mean an ONLINE auction if that were the case.
@Vabauer - Thanks for the heads up on the Black Rock. I was thinking about getting one... and I think I'm might just pass on it now...
Nice that you finally got Walt's Kidnapping Amy. I figured you would eventually as you were very persistent in reminding people you wanted it. Congrats.
Thanks for sharing the letter, and good eyes everyone. Also nice catch Maven, regarding the 50th state. ...Personally I am hoping there's a week off for thanksgiving. Gives us all a nice chance to forget about this series (and all the unnecessary drama and bickering) for a bit. :)
Also my barracks has shipped. Jacob's Cabin hasn't arrived yet but it's looking like it will soon as dylansdad's did. (Thanks for sharing DD).
Is it possible that the "stay connected" business refers to...being put on " Hold" at the " Buy Now"and keep refreshing until the GoMerch computor gets around to you...This seems to have been the successful practice in the last frame. would have been better if there was a notice of " changes" made at Go Merch..but maybe now they are letting us know in an off hand way...???
Thanks--I tried that at first, but when I previewed it, it didn't look right. I appreciate the assistance of someone who actually knows what they're doing, lol.
@dylansdad- daaaammn jacob's cabin look stunning in real life!! Now I am SUPER bummed I got the frozen white screen of death during the sale- and I love DD's work too. If there is anyone out there who is willing to help someone out with this one, I'm right here!! :) Even for a little more than cost..
The event will be at the McDonald's in Hawaii...."You deserve a break today...." j/k
I'm sure it just meant that it would take a while for the next clue, which it did, which we didn't realize because we didn't see the letter until today, after it took so long to get the next clue.
yep Capcom, that's what my print says in my list-Returned. Sucks huh. I think I have one from a nice person but we shall see if it all goes through. I won't count my chickens and all that (the fisher cat will eat them if I do- it ate my 16 chickens this summer ) I hope it's a break for the holiday they are talking about, I could use one to get rested up and get the fingers stretched and ready.
Lottoticket, am those shots were cool~!!! if anyone's willing to part with their JC for a little above ask-price, lemme know ^o^ i have the transmission willing to swap. more importantly i agree with everyone. hawaii and it will be a bit before next clue. it'd be kinda cool if it were a real auction, that way the people who show up for the events will get first call on them!!!!
LT..I wonder how many new folks will be stumpted by the name "mungonna"? Feel free to " lift" any thing I have had to say about individual prints for your articles. If it bothers you, you can always is what other Lost Fans had to say..
btw..I was touched by the ending to Prisoner last nite. Its still with me. That was right up there with Kate saving young Ben's life.
Thu Sep 3, 2009 2:13:20 PM Haleiwa, Hawaii Email this link ref: 20090904042401
Krista and Jeff Ward caught 4 mahi for a bit of fun today At the right time off we go with 25 kph trades going to my old favorite buoy. Nothing at the buoy so off into the deep we go. We found some open schools and caught one small one in the first one and 3 nice size mahi in the last school, it was nice action while it lasted. Back at the buoy we baited but nobody came in. These folks have been with us 5 times now. And in the harbor Jeff was up for a mahi eyeball eating as usual, always great to have you guys on board see you next time. Aloha Capt Rusty
Now thinking New Zealand/OZ before Hawaii. and the break for traveling. Let's keep that in mind.
MEL, interrupted throughout Prisoner so, unsatisfactory viewing. And every time they'd wade thru the sand, I'd start to fall asleep. Damn difficult to focus. I remember the original in lovely English countryside. Yes? But the end is lovely and sad. Acceptance and sacrifice.
and no way I'm I eating eyeballs for the sake of Frame 14
Reading Google search results for "eyeball eater" is disgusting. Apparently there have been several cases of people eating other people's or their own eyeballs. Yuck!
hold on a second..check out the " longan"..also refered to as dragon edible tropical is the pineapple. So..maybe a farmers market of some sort? Hula Brothers?
Fish heads are a staple round my parts, fried up in butter. Heaps of meat on the head, and the piece de resistance is, of course, to suck the eyes out, slurping loudly! Yum!
LT, stop getting my hopes up! As much as I would like to see a reveal here, I just cant stretch the hope that far. Hawaii/Oz for sure though.
There you are- duh- wrong thread. Have left message for LP member from Hawaii to see if he knows what else eyeball eater might mean beside that fishing term. Don't seem to be many many Hawaii Lost fans on the boards?
Also, a reveal in an area that requires a long trip would cut down on people who could go- I wonder if the reveal will be like Argentina?
@ Joe Dale thanks! Email me and we can talk "above asking price" :) comixguru at gmail dot com
and to anyone who is looking to unload their Jacob's Cabin, I am very interested in buying or trading. I have a Swan Station for trade. Or maybe you need a 4 toed statue? Email me :)
"Fish Heads" name of old beer league softball team. requirement of game was to have two large coolers one infield and one outfield stocked at all times. Early forced retirement after injury suffered crossing first base. Should have warmed up. I was dragged over to cooler for repairs.
Yeah Dan Kereopa - NZ's best surfer year in/out. Obviously travels heaps as there is only one really good surf site here - Raglan. The break is world famous. Ben Harper n Jack Johnson have places there I believe.
What gave it away? Dr. Demento Show looks like it's still going strong in these fine cities, Albany OR, Ft. Bragg, Amarillo, Chicago, Columbus,OH, Mobile Al Topic of the week: marijuana (Mary Jane), yep that's me.
I wonder why Alexandra Miller, which is oddly my sister's exact name, sis???? Anyways, I think it is Hawaii do to 'HI' and it says 50 balls, there are 50 states. Also, why did she not correctly capitalize DHARMA? It isn't Dharma, it is DHARMA. Was that on purpose or a goof?
The 1st buyer letter says "There are less than 50 given away". Don't know if Dharma instead of DHARMA means anything either. There have been previous instances of capitalized words in odd place: -15 Will be lost. The 16th Will be found. -Ping Pong Players.
OT and not at all clue-related but may be of interest due to the Kevin Tong of Hatch fame tie-in, from an email I received: and G1988 LA are putting on a one-night event, this Friday, November 20th. The show will be a literal cinema-inspired art explosion with cult movie t-shirts and exclusive, rare and already sold out posters from Texas based Mondo's history! Which is We'll have some some awesome in-gallery events, which include artist Skinner doing custom-painted art prints, Kevin Tong creating customized hand-drawn movie prints and Harry Diaz live screenprinting custom movie merchandise. If you're a film lover, and are obsessed with with Mondo has done in the past, you can not miss this event. ALSO, when will you have the chance to buy posters from their sold-out archive again?
Stop by Friday night, Nov. 20th from 7-10 PM.
Gallery1988 Los Angeles 7020 Melrose Ave Los Angeles, CA 90038 (323) 937-7088 /
kiwi -- I think Kevin and all of the other DCaaPB artists are contractually restricted and can't release any of their own copies of the prints until this is all over, and they have been given the thumbs up (if even then). We'll have to see.
That wouldn't stop you from getting something signed, or from the looks of it ask if Kevin would sketch something LOST related. I'd love to go, but am thousand of miles away.
An item of value is in escrow when that item is transferred to a third party (an escrow agent) for delivery to the grantee only upon the fulfillment of pre-specified conditions (after transference the item is no longer in escrow).
Hope that doesn't mean Frame 14 is in the hands of a 3rd party agent ;)
Escrow, ebay offers that (or used to). A third party to do the handling between 2 parties. Sure looks like pointing towards auction house or something along those lines. Yes, spot on Ob.. Someone said theres a silent auction in Hawaii was it?...
I cant see them doing an online auction. More likely the reveal will be shown online, as I think we would struggle to get people to go to a reveal in Hawaii? Only seen 2 names put up so far. I could be wrong though!
I really thought they were stretching this one out for a Sat/Sun reveal, headed into Thanksgiving week, but now we get the clues flying out! Maybe the first buyer letter was meaning there would be a break next week over the holiday w/end. Either that or Tyson has ADD.
I agree with a Hawaii reveal, it only seems fair to do one at Lost's "hometown"
Re-comment from previous post:
Myrna, Amy Lynn, I also thought 'auction' when I read the "sell way above asking price" part. And then I thought, are they wanting me to sell these ping pong balls?! :)
Comixguru, you can have one ping pong ball for "way above asking price". I don't know what I'm asking though. :D
Lora, it was in a tiny little 4x4x4brown box with two air-filled plastic glow in the dark balls surrounded by air-filled plastic bubble wrap!
Lottery Ticket, I read about you missing out on this print - that stinks. But I don't think the time stamps will tell much. Mine was 8-9 minutes before yours. If I remember your description right, you placed your order a few minutes after the main page had said Sold Out but you were still on a cart page that held the print, so the system let you complete the purchase anyway. So that's probably why your order (and the other cancelled orders) are so much 'later' than the earliest ones.
OK, confused? Because I just confused myself! :)
Does anybody think the "keyboard must be very tired. Give it a break. It deserves it" has any deeper significance? I know it's only one clue per letter usually but this one seems to breaking that 'rule'...
JT, I too thought that "stay connected" in the last line of the letter might be another clue.
I guess this is what happens when we have to wait so long for clues!
My first reaction to the letter's "your keyboard must be very tired, give it a break" was that the next poster wouldn't be sold online, but at an auction. But that would probably stir up a lot of trouble with the fans outside of Hawaii.
I thought your keyboard must be very tired might refer to having a later clue. Our keyboards needed a rest.
Maybe we'll have to call a phone number?
I'm of 2 minds about the "your keyboard must be very tired, give it a break" clue. I think either it's a reference to Hawaii since Hawaii is a popular vacation destination or it's a reference to a break for the Thanksgiving holidays.
make that three, get your SKYPE connections ready, the last of the technologies to be at play
On a different topic, today Jorge Garcia mailed back my "I Heart My Shih Tzu" which I asked him to sign, so I'm pretty jazzed to get it next week, hopefully before I leave for Florida.
opps, that should read my "I Heart My Shih Tzu" shirt.
Joe Dale, thanks for your info. I am all set with The Barracks courtesy of super-extra-special-with-a-cherry-on-top LOST fan. So 13/13.
I was the first cancellation, however, others with order numbers above me have not reported back that they were canceled. I'm still holding on to some negativity. I went thru to checkout and received all same as you with the exception of the phone call later that night. Ok. that's done. buried. was going for the time to sell out which looks like 8 minutes +.
Zort70 looking forward to the audio version of this group.
Also the mention of 50 Dharma balls alludes to Hawaii as the 50th state!
Ok, to enter the contest to purchase my Swan Station print, just make a comment to the post over at my reconditioned blog. This way I don't have to have my email flooded, and then everything is nice and open.
Very sorry Vabauer to hear about the quality of the Black Rock print. That's pretty pathetic.
BTW, my status on the Barracks print says "returned", does that mean cancelled? I never got a phone call or email for cancellation. Tx.
Uh-oh, Capcom...that doesn't sound good.
Hi ARGers!
Yay! The 1st buyer letter! Thanks Joe Dale for sharing.
So we have a Hawaii reveal confirmed. But, like AndyShex, I'm not sure about the "your keyboard must be very tired. Give it a break. It deserves it" part. Does they mean the 4-5 days we already waited for this clue, is there going to be another break or as Andy said, is this just another reference to Hawaii?
"I'm sure something that limited would sell way above it's asking price." Either a clue or just nod to let us know they are indeed watching -- us EB and EBay.
Interesting that the hint in this letter was hidden at the beginning instead of the end. But they may have had trouble working the hint in their usual way (though you's think it's be easy to work Aloha into a letter).
Many of the 1st buyer letters have ended with a comment about continuing to follow the campaign at DCaaPB -- though that comment was missing from the 12th frame letter, and to some extent the 3rd and 4th frame letters as well. They used "follow" instead of stay connected for most of the previous ones.
Capcom -- thet's what LT said her order status said and she was a victim of the oversell! What was your order#/time stamp?
While pondering the pineapple, I received my copy of "Jacob's Cabin" today, and it turned out to be even more striking than I had expected. Between the dark nature of the piece and the gloss of the raindrop layer, it's hard for a novice like me to get a photograph that does it justice, but I tried to get a few shots:
I was interested in the "stay connected" part of the letter. I think maybe some of you are onto something with a telephone. It would be an interesting way to circumvent the server issues at GoMerch. It would also give an actual advantage to those at the reveal event, if they could call the number immediately, before revealing it to everyone else. It also scares me though, as I have been successful doing the online purchases. There's not much you can do if you get a busy signal...
If they are trying to tie this reveal in with a fund raising auction, I think the "connected" clue could mean an ONLINE auction if that were the case.
@Vabauer - Thanks for the heads up on the Black Rock. I was thinking about getting one... and I think I'm might just pass on it now...
Thanks dylansdad!
I was not fortunate enough to get through on And That's My Hands Were Shaking, so at least now I can drool from afar.
Thanks, Dylansdad! The closeup of the window actually shows the chair! And the rain effect is awesome.
Catching up here...
Nice that you finally got Walt's Kidnapping Amy. I figured you would eventually as you were very persistent in reminding people you wanted it. Congrats.
Thanks for sharing the letter, and good eyes everyone. Also nice catch Maven, regarding the 50th state. ...Personally I am hoping there's a week off for thanksgiving. Gives us all a nice chance to forget about this series (and all the unnecessary drama and bickering) for a bit. :)
Also my barracks has shipped. Jacob's Cabin hasn't arrived yet but it's looking like it will soon as dylansdad's did. (Thanks for sharing DD).
We must pumped for the two ping pong balls [sarcasm]
The "something that limited" line is curious. Very curious.
My Barracks sale is #2527. Is the timestamp in the email? I'll check that.
No biggie if I didn't get it.
dylansdad, beautiful shots thank you, I put in links. hope that was ok Lotto
framed JC
Is it possible that the "stay connected" business refers to...being put on " Hold" at the " Buy Now"and keep refreshing until the GoMerch computor gets around to you...This seems to have been the successful practice in the last frame. would have been better if there was a notice of " changes" made at Go Merch..but maybe now they are letting us know in an off hand way...???
Thanks--I tried that at first, but when I previewed it, it didn't look right. I appreciate the assistance of someone who actually knows what they're doing, lol.
@dylansdad- daaaammn jacob's cabin look stunning in real life!! Now I am SUPER bummed I got the frozen white screen of death during the sale- and I love DD's work too. If there is anyone out there who is willing to help someone out with this one, I'm right here!! :) Even for a little more than cost..
Maybe the give it a break refers to kit kat's "gimme a break, break me off a piece of that kit kat bar!" Are there any kit kat factories in HI?
@dylansdad-thanks for the pics. it looks amazing. i wish i could see it in real life :(
The event will be at the McDonald's in Hawaii...."You deserve a break today...." j/k
I'm sure it just meant that it would take a while for the next clue, which it did, which we didn't realize because we didn't see the letter until today, after it took so long to get the next clue.
Ok I finished watching Star Trek. Fun movie is a great description Sandman90 I really enjoyed it.
I thought I was the only one left who hadn't seen it yet. :)
Sorry you didn't get a print.
Nice pics dylansdad thanks for the links.
yep Capcom, that's what my print says in my list-Returned. Sucks huh. I think I have one from a nice person but we shall see if it all goes through. I won't count my chickens and all that (the fisher cat will eat them if I do- it ate my 16 chickens this summer ) I hope it's a break for the holiday they are talking about, I could use one to get rested up and get the fingers stretched and ready.
Lottoticket, am those shots were cool~!!! if anyone's willing to part with their JC for a little above ask-price, lemme know ^o^
i have the transmission willing to swap.
more importantly i agree with everyone. hawaii and it will be a bit before next clue.
it'd be kinda cool if it were a real auction, that way the people who show up for the events will get first call on them!!!!
Mesocrazy & sayidsgirl: I haven't seen it either. Star Trek is #1 on my Netflix queue.
I wonder if the pineapple and letter clues are referring to this event in Hawaii.
The timing and theme seem to fit.
The closing reception is...
Closing Reception: November 20th (Fri) 6:00pm - 9:00 pm (Bidding ends 8:00 pm)
Eyeball Eater
LT..I wonder how many new folks will be stumpted by the name "mungonna"? Feel free to " lift" any thing I have had to say about individual prints for your articles. If it bothers you, you can always is what other Lost Fans had to say..
btw..I was touched by the ending to Prisoner last nite. Its still with me. That was right up there with Kate saving young Ben's life.
LT, I was going to post the same emptees link!
What's the other one?
MEL, are we in sync tonight? seems we've been off/on for the week.
Eric Tan was part of one of the artist teams that worked on that Lilo and Stitch vinyl doll project.
eyeball eater? Hmmmm
All -
It's been forever & day!
Eyeball Eater = Fishing Term?
zort70 sound asleep so I expect 200 posts here by a.m.
thanks for 'authorization' to use words posted about prints. Not sure how I'm going to tackle that subject.
sorry if I use you 'mungonna' name without permission, did not know how to reach. I like the mystery of it.
some guy named Capt Rusty has people eat eyeballs after returning from fishing
Thu Sep 3, 2009 2:13:20 PM Haleiwa, Hawaii
Email this link
ref: 20090904042401
Krista and Jeff Ward caught 4 mahi for a bit of fun today
At the right time off we go with 25 kph trades going to my old favorite buoy. Nothing at the buoy so off into the deep we go. We found some open schools and caught one small one in the first one and 3 nice size mahi in the last school, it was nice action while it lasted. Back at the buoy we baited but nobody came in. These folks have been with us 5 times now. And in the harbor Jeff was up for a mahi eyeball eating as usual, always great to have you guys on board see you next time. Aloha Capt Rusty
Ob, you gotta be quick here! lol
the last one I posted refers to Rau NEW ZEALAND Kiwi you see!
Looks like eating eyeballs from a Mahi Mahi
Eating Mahi mahi eyeballs? Too gross!
Whatever it takes to get a clue!
Fear Factor... Lost ARG Style.
Bear grylls?
anyone here from Hawaii?
There is also a surfer name "Daniel Kereopa" and Hawaii has it's surf competitions going on now.
Now thinking New Zealand/OZ before Hawaii. and the break for traveling. Let's keep that in mind.
MEL, interrupted throughout Prisoner so, unsatisfactory viewing. And every time they'd wade thru the sand, I'd start to fall asleep. Damn difficult to focus. I remember the original in lovely English countryside. Yes? But the end is lovely and sad. Acceptance and sacrifice.
and no way I'm I eating eyeballs for the sake of Frame 14
Reading Google search results for "eyeball eater" is disgusting. Apparently there have been several cases of people eating other people's or their own eyeballs. Yuck!
@Dylansdad and @LT - nice pics of JC. Black frame is really working.
I googled ball eater and didn't find it disgusting at all.
Oh ... EYEball eater. Whoops.
...jk ;)
LOL Congested! ;)
It's apparently a big game fishing tradition to eat the eyeballs of a the catch...
Ooh. Would be cool if fishing some how got brought in to this. a bait shop reveal with URLs on live worms and bait fish. :D
They're gonna die anyway, so no harm injecting them with a little ink. Just don't eat the catch or your digestive system will go all 404 on you.
Hmmm...reveal on a big game fishing boat?
Hey...maybe on my cruise ship this weekend? LOL
Are there any types of fish that you would use pineapple bait for?
Fish eyeballs are used for bait when ice fishing. Not much of a chance for that in Hawaii.
Still searching...Mahalo
I don't see how this would work as a reveal, but it ties Hawaii and Eyeball Eater up nicely
SHS -- that's what I was saying. Big game fishing in Hawaii. Fishing boat maybe?
Not that this helps but perhaps it WAS an eyeball in the background of the pineapple pic!
hold on a second..check out the " longan"..also refered to as dragon edible tropical is the pineapple. So..maybe a farmers market of some sort? Hula Brothers?
It's a specific font again.
Jin is the fisherman. Could the poster have something to do with him?
Following this link:
This site is part of the BigCartel posters circle. Tyler Stout, an awesome artist, is one of the artists who supports Big Cartel.
His work can be seen here:
Didn't Oedipus cut out his eyeballs? Maybe he ate them too when he was offstage. Must be in Greece.
Fish heads are a staple round my parts, fried up in butter. Heaps of meat on the head, and the piece de resistance is, of course, to suck the eyes out, slurping loudly! Yum!
LT, stop getting my hopes up! As much as I would like to see a reveal here, I just cant stretch the hope that far. Hawaii/Oz for sure though.
there are eyes on a pineapple; they are the thorny studs on the outside
There you are- duh- wrong thread. Have left message for LP member from Hawaii to see if he knows what else eyeball eater might mean beside that fishing term. Don't seem to be many many Hawaii Lost fans on the boards?
Also, a reveal in an area that requires a long trip would cut down on people who could go- I wonder if the reveal will be like Argentina?
Ok I can't get Doctor Demento out of my head singing.
Fish heads, fish heads rolly polly fish heads.
Just Thinking. If HI we got peeps!
Kiwilostie. Kereopa also surfer from NZ, in HI now. Are you familiar?
the letter says HI. so in Hawaii, but the link to the surfing (via name) and pineapple may be something on the northshore.
I've discovered that two ping pong balls with Dharma logos on them placed in front of your face do look like spooky glowing eyeballs in the dark. :)
@ Joe Dale thanks! Email me and we can talk "above asking price" :) comixguru at gmail dot com
and to anyone who is looking to unload their Jacob's Cabin, I am very interested in buying or trading. I have a Swan Station for trade. Or maybe you need a 4 toed statue? Email me :)
eat'm up yum
"Fish Heads" name of old beer league softball team. requirement of game was to have two large coolers one infield and one outfield stocked at all times. Early forced retirement after injury suffered crossing first base. Should have warmed up. I was dragged over to cooler for repairs.
Joe Dale, don't listen to comixguru lol you just keep those 'eyeballs' together. and please, please I beg ye
comix, you know I'm teasing right? How as the concert?
I should have known you would have heard of Dr. Demento. :)
I've got to get to bed. Have fun discussing this latest clue.
Yeah Dan Kereopa - NZ's best surfer year in/out. Obviously travels heaps as there is only one really good surf site here - Raglan. The break is world famous. Ben Harper n Jack Johnson have places there I believe.
What gave it away? Dr. Demento Show looks like it's still going strong in these fine cities, Albany OR, Ft. Bragg, Amarillo, Chicago, Columbus,OH, Mobile Al Topic of the week: marijuana (Mary Jane), yep that's me.
Kiwilostie, you comment has been retweeted and will filter out to the masses NOW Does this mean you can use google maps? lol
I wonder why Alexandra Miller, which is oddly my sister's exact name, sis???? Anyways, I think it is Hawaii do to 'HI' and it says 50 balls, there are 50 states. Also, why did she not correctly capitalize DHARMA? It isn't Dharma, it is DHARMA. Was that on purpose or a goof?
Alexandra=Alex and RA
Dharma wasn't capitalized in season 5.
Sorry, not sure that means anything, though.
The 1st buyer letter says "There are less than 50 given away". Don't know if Dharma instead of DHARMA means anything either. There have been previous instances of capitalized words in odd place:
-15 Will be lost. The 16th Will be found.
-Ping Pong Players.
Correction. The Dharma Initiative (ARG) didn't use capitals.
Oh, and I was referring to my Alexandra=Alex and RA comment probably not meaning anything. :)
OT and not at all clue-related but may be of interest due to the Kevin Tong of Hatch fame tie-in, from an email I received: and G1988 LA are putting on a one-night event, this Friday, November 20th. The show will be a literal cinema-inspired art explosion with cult movie t-shirts and exclusive, rare and already sold out posters from Texas based Mondo's history! Which is We'll have some some awesome in-gallery events, which include artist Skinner doing custom-painted art prints, Kevin Tong creating customized hand-drawn movie prints and Harry Diaz live screenprinting custom movie merchandise. If you're a film lover, and are obsessed with with Mondo has done in the past, you can not miss this event. ALSO, when will you have the chance to buy posters from their sold-out archive again?
Stop by Friday night, Nov. 20th from 7-10 PM.
Gallery1988 Los Angeles
7020 Melrose Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90038
(323) 937-7088 /
Cosmically Yours
Damn, looks like Tongs Hatch posters might be there? Thats the one I want too. Oh well...
kiwi -- I think Kevin and all of the other DCaaPB artists are contractually restricted and can't release any of their own copies of the prints until this is all over, and they have been given the thumbs up (if even then). We'll have to see.
That wouldn't stop you from getting something signed, or from the looks of it ask if Kevin would sketch something LOST related. I'd love to go, but am thousand of miles away.
Oops, and thanks TKI!
"In Escrow"
An item of value is in escrow when that item is transferred to a third party (an escrow agent) for delivery to the grantee only upon the fulfillment of pre-specified conditions (after transference the item is no longer in escrow).
Hope that doesn't mean Frame 14 is in the hands of a 3rd party agent ;)
On-line auction?
@ObFuSc8, I was thinking online auction as well -- sites like eBay use escrow companies to facilitate long-distance auctions.
Escrow, ebay offers that (or used to). A third party to do the handling between 2 parties. Sure looks like pointing towards auction house or something along those lines. Yes, spot on Ob..
Someone said theres a silent auction in Hawaii was it?...
Ob, all I can do is hope that ref to getting sold out prints from the artists relates to ones other than the LOST series. I live in hope...
Ugh, online auction sounds even more complicated. Maybe an online reveal?
Didn't expect another clue tonight, so are we headed for FRI reveal?
I cant see them doing an online auction. More likely the reveal will be shown online, as I think we would struggle to get people to go to a reveal in Hawaii? Only seen 2 names put up so far. I could be wrong though!
Can't tie EYEBALL EATER, to IN ESCROW though.
I think chances are good for friday
I really thought they were stretching this one out for a Sat/Sun reveal, headed into Thanksgiving week, but now we get the clues flying out! Maybe the first buyer letter was meaning there would be a break next week over the holiday w/end. Either that or Tyson has ADD.
"Eyeball eater" is an anagram of "barley eel tea." Need I say more?
NEW POST, not sure what to make of In Escrow though
What new post?!
DHARMA is an acronym, it is suppose to be capitalized.
I believe the proper spelling of it is E-mail.
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