Eyeball eater could refer to the practice of eating Eyeballs after fishing trips. jdcurtis provided this link to some articles mentioning this practice.
Lottery Ticket also mentioned this article about KEREOPA TE RAU who was a Maori warrior - He was also nicknamed 'Kai whatu', "the eye ball eater"
More information on In Escrow when we have it.
Thanks to Lottery Ticket and Mike for telling us about the new clues first.
1 – 200 of 271 Newer› Newest»How does the eyeball eating fit with hawaii auctions?!
Hey I was first at something - Im special!
No idea.
Two clues in about 6 hours??? Maybe the place of the reveal could be a boat that is for sale or something? Or it could just be that I should go to bed...
Frankly, I would have thought what we've been doing in the past months is already that-- as GoMerch is actually a 3rd party that collects the money; but the goods are all shipped from Gallery1988 (RMA).
The only difference is that we don't have an "inspection" period...
Found this: Web Auctions Hawaii
Still no connection to EYEBALL EATERS yet though.
WHAT Two clues? I've only just woken up!
escrow could be auction related I guess:
Documents, real estate, money, or securities deposited with a neutral third party (the escrow agent) to be delivered upon fulfillment of certain conditions, as established in a written agreement.
If it's only some sort of web reveal, then fine.
But seriously, I would think twice to sign up on another online auction / e-commerce site & hand over my c.card details for just 1 poster (even if it's a LOST poster)...
Maybe because the clues came back to back they are an anagram. I've not woken up properly yet, but here's one solution.
aerobically sweetener
"I'm sure something that limited would sell way above it's asking price."
Also indicates auction.
So still wondering, what's with EYEBALL EATER?
silent is in there too leaving these letters.
yebal eaer e crow
I need some coffee
Morning. Jeez that was a busy night for you all! Great to see that first purchase letter - thanks to Joe. Looking like a Friday reveal then.
Honolulu Fish Auction
Yup... These could be the weirdest clues ever.
Better be a good poster ;]
I think there's also a fish auction in Hilo.
Just putting this in the mix,there is a place called Dole Plantation (Hawaii's complete pineapple experience) Contains the worlds largest maze...now that would be a clever place to hide a url...
The more I look at it... the more I think that "In Escrow" is actually a logo for something. A club, a band... something.
@Patmc Looks like the Nintendo logo to me, but not sure how that'd fit. Also the typeface is different.
Yeah, I see that too Patmc, but can't find anything.
Check Out the Honolulu Fish Auction
I think that it represents what you'd see on an estate agents board where a property was in escrow.
Peter -- It does look similar to the Nintendo logo. Weird. But shape around the IN ESCROW is mor of a rectangle with rounded corners while Nintendo is an elongated oval. You're right about the font difference too.
Seems like they meant for it to look like a stamp. I think mrtibbs is right, but then real estate is even harder to fit into this one.
Seemingly more befuddled by the minute.
Yeah most of the images I came across online, tagged with "in escrow", are also property related. And that just makes the clue even more intriguing...
Added all 3 clues together: Pineapple + Eyeball eater + In Escrow = seafood restaurant for sale? lol J/K.
ObFuSc8: that article on Fish Auction is interesting.
You can use an escrow service in an auction, especially if the item you are bidding for is valuable. I suppose if the venue of an auction, was also one of the auction items, that would be a form of escrow I guess. If the place was a dump, you wouldn't be parting with any cash!
If Darlton was involved with the charity auction, I hope they'd be offering a walk on part in season 6.
Rose is a word within Escrow ?
I don't think this reveal willbe at the silent auction. It's on the 22nd (SUN) which now seems too late, with 2 clues so close together today. Besides, there's no mention of golf in the clue and of course EYEBALL EATER doesn't fit.
There is a twon called Escrow in the Terry Pratchett Discworld novels.
Also in Terry Pratchetts Hogfather there is a Raven that is partial to eating Eyeballs.
Zort -- how about a pineapple, or Hawaii?
Well, IN ESCROW is an anagram for Score Win…
not that that amounts to anything ;))
But the angle and border reminds me of something stamped on paper…
I tried looking for boats with a name of "In Escrow"... no luck there either.
I'm off to bed. I expect you all to have some answers for me when I wake up... LOL!
Good night and good luck! (wasn't that a movie?)
It was. George Clooney, black and white… 50s TV ringing a bell?
Wow 2 clues??
Am I the only one that's happy that this set of clues is more difficult? :)
We've been figuring these out as soon as the first clue comes out in most cases. Glad to see something more challenging
I agree Justin, this will make the reveal more of a revalation rather a confirmation.
I personally can't wait for this ARG to end, it constantly makes me late for work just sitting Reading all the comments made while I was sleeping. I had to cycle my ass off to get to the station in time. Just made my train.
Who am I kidding, I'd gladly pull a sicky to catch up on all your comments.
The arg was a great thing to spend the time before season six for me. All the drama, the friends and foes, the twists and turns and rattlesnakes in the mailboxes…
I thought I told then no clues while I was sleeping lol Ok, I'm up, clue away. Eye ball eater- Yuck !!
and we woke up to no heat- it's 25F out side ! burrrrr. Have to0 fix that heater this morning or I'll freeze !
Good Morning, Lisa, get warm soon!
My thought is this - what is the real name of the boat Desmond and Penny were on, not the show name but the real name? That boat may be for sale at auction this week and, if someone knows the connection to LOST, they may pay more than the boat is actually worth... or it could be something else!
The boat's name is "Our Mutual Friend"
These clues are really odd. Something to do with auctions, probably in Hawaii and something to do with fish I suppose?!?! I'm just happy there will be a poster this week. Hope everyone has been keeping well over the past few days.
@ Trial Attorneys
Interesting idea, and good out of the box thinking!
I agree with Justin - It's great to have 3 clues already and still have no real idea where it's going.
pineapple and letter = HI
eyeball eater = Kereopa? Captain/fisherman?
in escrow in red letters = to be held
something in Hi is to be held
Woah, Tyson, slow down there :-)
Anyway, I agree with everyone who said it's super fun that we have three clues and no idea.
Good Morning. Another clue?
I hope Tyson is keeping a diary. When this is over I want to read all about his/her reaction to our detective work on these clues.
If we get our fourth clue today that's usually the time and date.
The reveal could still be tomorrow(Thurs).
However the clues seem to vague to get a time and date clue next. Looks like we're going to get more clues than usual.
If it is on Friday I hope it's before 2pm est because I won't be home after that.
In Escrow= Sold..in a box.....??
I'm back to a farmers market of sorts..Fruits and veggies for sale.. Pinapples, Longans,...????
The "your keyboard must be very tired. Give it a break" line in the letter is bothering me.
Could it be another reveal on tv like AOTS?
Is there a particular market this week in Hawaii? Like fish or something else? Maybe a cast meeting :D
Hey Tyson, Imageshack is mad at you for hotlinking one of the images from the FOB show back on frame 6 of the HUB.
Just thought I'd let ya know!
The long awaited LostARGs Mosaic podcast is now available, se the font page to listen or download.
very nice job on the podcast zort. btw, i could listen to your voice all day, you debonair-sounding bastard you.
Tyson has been a naughty boy !
Thanks Kyle, you aren't too bad yourself on the podcast.
There are a couple of clunky edits I'm afraid, but overall I'm pleased.
It's totally bizarre hearing my own voice on a podcast. I sound weird.
Still think the fish auction is a possibility, but who knows?
I hope he doesn't take offence but my prize for the voice that doesn't sound how I imagined goes to Kiwilostie.
I will be on and off all day till I get the heater fixed. It was in the 20's over night so it's a bit cold in here. I think the burner repair man is probably out on a million and one calls since it's so cold. No worries, got a heater to use if need be. Anyway, I will be around.
@ Zort, fantastic voice !
I'll finish the pod cast later when my bf is back to work so I don't have to hear him laugh all the way though it lol
Hope you get warm soon Lisa.
Amy - you do not sound weird - you sound fab! It's so good to put voices to the names.
Zort - sterling work on the podcast - It's making me smile the whole way through. More of these please!
This text below was posted on Nov 16... the previous post was posted on October 8th... interesting timing
At first light off we go with 25+ kph trades blowing hard going to a buoy far away. Along the way we took a double mahi and Dustin landed one of them. Then a 17 pound ulua hooked up and we landed it too. It was a rugged ride to the buoy but worth it as we took a 4 banger mahi and shibi when we got there. When we came back with bait it was 1 or 2 or 3 a pass some great mahi action with fish jumping all over the place. Scot was hooking fish as fast as he could and these guys were doing great reeling them in. on our way home we found an open school and got one more mahi there. In the harbor Dustin and Mark were game to eat mahi eyeballs gladly good going men you guys did great. Aloha Capt Rusty
I really enjoyed the podcast! Great work zort!
First thing that came to my mind was that a crow is always the eyeball eater in movies. Crow, or crows, is also in the word escrow. Maybe it has something to do with that. The pineapple doesnt seem to fit though.
ChrisL, the keyboard line bothers me too, makes me wonder if is Tyson getting flack from rackspace about 20+ minutes of thousands of refreshes.
What it means I have no clue
Hello everyone! Not that I'm a super clue sleuth, but I am completely befuddled by these clues.
ReverendMilo, I keep coming back to that. I get an uneasy feeling that a different process may be introduced for this one, but then, going back to the DCaaPB HUB opening line again, it does say "as long as you're online and stay tuned to this website"... surely they wouldn't change the game at this stage. I can't imagine TPTB not being able to resolve any flack resulting from unexpected heavy traffic.
Ellen B, You're in good company!
haha. I sound weird too Amy! lol. But yours is a whole kick-butt story. Way to go!
Good Job, Zort! This is AWESOME!
Widmore changed the rules...
Looks almost like the nintendo logo.
some great stories in that podcast - loving all the accents!
Oh, I can't wait to listen to the podcast! Thanks for putting that together, Zort, and thanks to everyone who participated.
jdcurtis, That is interesting timing indeed and that same report was published on the 17th here
But this would indicate to me eyeball eaters plural rather than the singular EYEBALL EATER we've been presented with... I'm thinking again now about Lottery Ticket's discovery about Kereopa Te Rau but I can't put this in a Hawaii context.
Yes, these have been tricky clues so far...
ChrisL he's a surfer dude in his next life. Daniel Kereopa. But there are no active hits for him in escrow?
Great podcast Zort- enjoyed hearing Kyle's tale of Boston reveal-had someone there but missed the skateboard- aarg- now I understand how it was kind of random. But back to the clues- as really it's the mystery of LOST that always is the draw, more than the stuff.
There was a fan at comicon this year who asked a question- and in the middle was given a Lost set prize for "saying the secret word." I noticed that he was very careful to get his question answered in spite of the prize hoopla. A true Lost fan.
There's a company called Maui land & Pineapple that's in escrow
Biz Bites
At the end of the article for Maui Land & Pineapple it mentions the Apollo Group. :-0
Avondale Blog and Eugene, too too good!
The crow angle could be something???
Hawaiian crow
Probably a dead end.
The cut-rate prices allowed vulture investors like the Wall Street dealmaker Leon Black's Apollo Group and locally based groups like Trinity Investments to buy the properties cheaply, add millions of dollars in renovations and hire new property managers.
Vultures eat eyeballs.
That's great Eugene - I didn't see the Apollo before!
Maui Land & Pineapple have a big nature reserve, maybe it will be there ?
We could make the whole world be about LOST if we looked hard enough :-)
back when i used to post on the abc site i remember seeing there being something about an upcoming auction that they were going to hold to sell of lost props??? lost takes place in hawaii (i was born there) i dont know if its happened yet though, and i dont know what tht would have to do with eyeball eaters. someone said something about eyeball eaters being tied to fishing. maybe its a painting of jacob red fish, j/k.
sorry just woke up so my thoughts prob aren't worth much
Aloha all! Fabulous mosaic podcast, Zort! Exciting to hear everyone's voice (except my own).
Finally....some tough clues! This can go so many ways.... Leaving on a mini-cruise tomorrow through Monday morning, so I'm sure I'll miss all the excitement on this one. Hopefully, I'll check in on the ship's internet center.
Is anyone else here a Gilmore Girls fan? I can't get TJ out of my head saing, "I'm in es-c-erow"
maven, do you need poster help?
ChrisL - exactly. It really makes you laugh sometimes.
Not too long ago someone mentioned being in a store and someone came in and said his name was John Locke. But, then someone is on Lostargs when Terry O'Quinn walks through the door.
Didn't someone give a report from their trip to Hawaii?
Isn't Hurley's house up for sale?
Don't know where the eyeball eater would fit in.
Bizarre thoughts, it's still early here and haven't had coffee yet.
chrisl - Everything IS about LOST! (isn't it??)
Zort - Good job on the podcast - thanks for that. Thanks to all who contributed. Next come pics of everyone!
I was at a park recently and in two separate incidents, I heard someone call their child "miles" and another child "jacob." I thought I must have been transported to the island.
Thought on it all day but still can't make heads nor tails of these clues =/
@Zort the mosaic sounds great! You've got a James Bond voice!
I sound so bad on it ><;;; I had a cold and everything don't know why I thought it was a good idea lol!
@Amy Lynn: Thanks for asking, but I'm happy with what I have (and there is absolutely no wall space in my house left anyways)! I'm just having fun following along and helping out when I can.
Has anyone tried to rename the Eyeball Eater into Hawaiian words? They do have their own language.
I've been messing around with some Hawaiian dictionaries to try to relate eyeball and eater into a few Hawaiian words that might lead to something with In Escrow.
English Word Hawaiian Word
eyeball 'Onohi, haku 'onohi
I can't find a decent word for "eater". But if you were to look for something along the lines with Onohi Restaurant? Eater isn't much of a word, but could mean eatery or something like that. I know it's a wild guess, but it's something new.
Maven, Have a great break and try to say hi from the boat if you can.
Food: ai
Pronounced “eye”
Eyeball eater...
In escrow...
Tired of missing out on the additional profits, they will now be putting the posters directly on eBay themselves. We will need to somehow jump over the long line of our fellow Lost fans if we hope to successfully order one.
haha.. good guess dylansdad.
An anagram would be a neat way to toughen up the reveal. And that one fits pretty well.. sorta :)
Have a good cruise Maven.
I'm a little terrified of this being a Friday night reveal, as I have awesome theatre tickets. =/
Well Tyson is making up for lost time...yea!
Although I have no idea where to go with these clues, and as always...defer to you all. ;P
LOVED the Mosaic Zort!! I love hearing everyone's voices...esp. all the UK'ers. Zort you have a particularly smooth voice, and Kiwilostie- I know you're from NZ but your voice reminds me of Jack Davenport's. Anyhow....
@maven- have a great trip- you live the life- mah jongg, quilting, comic con, cruises. :)
Oh and yea for me, today's my 15th wedding anniversary!
Happy Anniversary, Scout!
Congrats Scoutpost!
Happy Anniversary Scoutpost, I'm only a couple of years behind !
I've also got theatre tickets, but for tonight, so I won't be around much.
A touring production of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
Sorry if this has been posted before.
Bigeye Tuna is in season at the Hawaiian fish markets. Maybe there will be an auction of one with the dharma logo stamped on a fin...
Happy Anniversary Scout!
What the what the? That's all I have to contribute. Which disturbs me.
I don't know if this has already been guessed yet or not, but I think the next print will be of the Black Rock.
Didn't Widmore go to Southfield's auction to purchase the Black Rock's first mate's journal!?!
Zort, not sure where to post this, but I just wanted to let people know that my print of Jacob's Cabin arrived today. Pics in a bit.
of all the weird stuff I came up w/ thinking about the clues.. this one makes the most sense
pineapple/letter: hawaii
eyeball eater/in escrow: crow
Hana Coast Gallery
Carla Crow - Painter, Photographer and Printmaker
Have a nice trip maven.
Happy Anniversary Scoutpost.
Per my earlier post. I just realized it is Thursday. lol
Hey it was early. :)
Also nice podcast zort.
Safe journeys, Maven.
Nice sleuthing everyone.
Scoutpost, Happy 15th anniversary and many more! I think you should go to Hawaii and figure this out for us while you're celebrating...
Holy crap... I have to quit burning up my days off like this. Productivity waning...
Thanks for all the well wishes.
@Sandman- yes a trip to Hawaii to celebrate and to figure this out would be nice, except we took already took a celebratory trip to San Francisco last month (a mere couple of weeks before the San Fran reveal). If only my timing -or Tyson's- was better!
Scoutpost - Happy Anniversary!
Dylan's Dad - I am thinking the same thing. I believe the game has changed.
maven. bon voyage
scoutpost. happy anniversary
dylansdad. can you make that anagram work with fix word.pipeline still looking for Kereopa connection
Zort70 enjoy concert.
amylynn in same boat
8:36 a.m. in Hawaii, Ryan is keeping an eye here. aloha
Good that Ryan's keeping an eye out. Let's hope it doesn't get eaten ;)
@amy lynn - Good call on the TJ reference. I just recently re-watched the GG episodes when TJ was the "contractor" for Lorelai's house. I happen to be working on my roof today and now I have TJ on the brain. Hopefully I don't accidentally demo a hole in the house!
I think we're looking for a hawaiian fruit grower/ exporter. I know there use to be a exotic Hawaiian foods store in a local mall,,but they have folded up recently...Again In escrow strikes me as a pict-o-gram for ..Sold in a box. See Hula Brothers for what I refer to,,but its not necessarily them..
I would really love to see the next clue stamped on the side of a shark in some sort of seafood market, along with a Dharma logo... LOL!
Happy Anniversary Maven!
Paul Scheer reporting on FB that he's taking questions tonight via twitter @paulscheer on a show call The League. Someone figure out just the right question in 140 characters. plz
clues: In Hawaii, there is a box that is holding an 'eyeball eater' where eyeball eater = fruit, fisherman, surfer dude, or t-shirt
better look at that letter again.
Just listened to the podcast, very cool idea. Most of you sound much different than I would have expected based on your writing style.
Nicole from Ireland, your voice is amazing (I am a total sucker for women with Irish accents.)
The League
Ok, haven't seen anyone mention this about In Escrow yet, so here goes...
I don't know how this caught my eye, but the 'Esc' in 'Escrow' is the abbreviation on the Escape button on a keyboard. So maybe one of the buttons "In Esc row" (aka, in the same row as the Escape key) is the clue?
Not sure which button it would be, and not sure how the logo-like look of the frame fits in either. Maybe I'm just way off on this one?
Isn't Dog the Bounty Hunter based in Hawaii? I read on a fansite that he's a LOST fan. Maybe Dog could run this thing down for us. LOL!
Sorry I just posted the links above with no explanation. This is for a Hawaiian god who ate eyeballs.
And he's associated with Kaua'i, which is why I thought this was at least one possibility for the 'In Escrow' bit.
@Patmc Hilarious shark idea - thought of going into marketing?
First thanks to Illix and DylansDad for sending in pictures of Jacob's Cabin, much appreciated.
I just got home from work and I have had an email about "Hawaii - Plan the perfect Hawaiian vacation now. Start Planning!"
Complete coincidence I'm sure.
Don't know if this was already said, but the "IN ESCROW" kinda looks like the Nintendo logo. Same red in the letters, same oval border, plus it rhymes with Nintendo
I like the Golf Club auction. I don't know if it fits everything, but I like it.
sumliber - good info, not sure about the 22nd though, a long time to wait.
Said did a hit at a golf club... probably in hawaii?
I agree. And actually, I was thinking I shouldn't have posted the second link up right away. I think the Kaho'ali'i thing might have been on the mark, and didn't want to shut down other discussion about how that could relate to In Escrow.
But, maybe they're both wrong. Who knows at this point?
@Peter - thanks, but no thanks... LOL I've seen the marketing guys at my work.
I might change my mind, however, should the right job come along. So if anyone at ABC is reading this... call me! :-)
Zort & friends;
Great podcast.It was nice to hear all of your voices.
Happy hunting everyone.
Nice job everyone on the podcast. i enjoyed it.
Guess which key is 'In Esc Row' on a keyboard?
Good ol' F5!!
:) Lots of possible little in-jokes with these recent clues...
Comically Yours
ooohhh kharma initiative!!! F5 - our favorite key. Wouldn't it be something if that's what the clue is about???
Now about those eyeball eaters....
Back. And still WHAT? (I'm sorry for shouting that was unkind but that piece of paper I threw at the clue earlier no one saw and I have this need (you probably can't tell because I'm pretty shy) to be heard and seen.
Does anyone want to nominate me to ask Paul a 140 character question? Because I think if we know one thing about me besides my humbleness is that I write very little and when I do it's also just about crucial information.
I keep coming back to eyeball eater. It's a term I've never used in daily conversations but I feel that I need to start. Because for 1, it sounds so darn pleasant.
Oh my gosh you are such an eyeball eater. Yeah. That worked. I will use that next time I get in a fight with a cheerleader.
If F5 is correct - then maybe "eyeball eaters" are all the blogs we keep up with to figure out the clues????
Ugh- Carlton Cuse just tweeted what I would consider to be a spoiler (although kind of minor) so beware. Darn it Carlton!
Great call in "in esc row"!
Nice to see that folks are getting Jacob's Cabin. If anyone decides they don't want to keep it feel free to let me know or send an e-mail to Eugeneslost@gmail.com.
Sorry, meant to add (but got lost in my own 'self') that I can't wait to listen to the Podcast. I would do it now but hush hush I'm at work. And while I'm sure you all have lovely voices it won't match the voice I have of you in my head. They never do. ;)
Oops. Scoutpost and then (not that I think anyone here follows me on twitter but if you do) I re-tweeted it. So sorry.
And sorry again for another post. Question about framing. Do you guys get them professionally done? I am thinking that's the route to go but it's costly as heck (Utah speak). Seriously why can't I be at all relevant to the topic at hand?
Hawaii fishing is refreshing.
@MeSoCrazy... yes, I have mine professionally done. These are really nice pieces of art, and I didn't want to replace a Michael's frame every year.
I too enjoyed the podcast. Very jealous of all the sexy accents.
Clay from Oahu has posted me back that he does not know of any Hawaiian eyeball eater slang offhand.
No worries mesocrazy...it's bound to happen and it wasn't major or something I never would have thought of. I would worry about those voices in your head though....;)
That's good, Lottery Ticket! Refreshing - F5!!
OK, so, maybe we can deconstruct Eyeball eater the same way
Eye (the) Ball Eater? Is anyone eating a ping pong ball in the video that told us to look closely?
yeah, the heat is working again and it only cost $100 bucks. That was a cheap fix ! Now on to the ARG show.
MeSoCrazy, plz form up questions for Mr. Scheer. 140 character. see if he has plans for vacation in Australia, does he know anything about squirrels at Disney lot (see @carltoncuse, beware spoiler), or something about Alexandra Miller, did he meet her? What does she look like?
eye ball eat er
e yeb all e at er
ey ebal leat er
seeing hungry
saw diner
Haha Scoutpost that was awesome.
Thanks Amy Lynn.
Is there a way you can share the Cuse spoiler with those of us who don't tweet?
Um, please don't!
...without spoilering those who don't want to be spoiled? Maybe a link to something??
and before I forget
Zort70 - in the letter; SPiN, is incorrectly SPIN just make a note which makes for two cap I s
also I think we have confirmation 8 minutes on the sell out and the letter says 3. right?
and the > additional line in page code at DCaPB between frames 14 and 15 is still there
Great podcast! Love all the kick ass accents! Makes me wish I was born outside the US.
Avondale Blog you can find it by following @CarltonCuse on twitter. This place is spoiler free. So out of respect for everyone here I don't think it should be shared.
Just sign up for twitter. E-mail adress and user name. Done.
The spoiler is posted here now on DarkUFO.
Happy Anniversary, Scoutpost!
I think it's near impossible to stay away from spoiler snippets! And it's only going to get worse.
"Bafflement" is a new and strange feeling here at LostArgs! They finally pulled one over us! :)
Will Ferrell ate a reindeer eyeball. Is he doing anything in Hawaii?
Just listened to the mosaic podcast and think it is awesome! Also love all those ladies with the sexy accents- you know who you are :)
Also like the "In Esc row" idea- what with our favorite button F5 there and all, but probably not relevant. Still good though.
Listening to the podcast now. Nice story about Crumbs Amy. :)
@congested, thanks. I wish I had thought to do an addendum after SPiN!
Bon voyage, Maven!
And congrats, Scoutpost!
Haven't had a chance to listen to the podcast yet, but really looking forward to it! And just a funny note, for some reason I assign genders to nicknames. So I totally thought kiwi was a female. Wonder who else's sex will change? :)
I have a bit of a random question for you all. Does anyone know if there is a list anywhere of which posters have either glow in the dark ink, or UV reactive ink? I'm trying to determine which posters will need which kind of lighting to maximize the effect.
Can't wait to get home tonight and listen to the podcast! I really like the idea of at least putting a voice to everyone here. Zort - any chance that this will become a regular feature...?
I so enjoyed the Mosaic podcast! Everyone did a wonderful job relaying their stories and experiences. I may
relent and record something in my thick Southern accent for the next podcast. I warn you, it may need closed-captioning to understand me!
and Zort...I want you to read me a bedtime story every night! You seriously may have a career in audio books. Wow - smoooooth!
Didn't want to go here: but since we are stuck . . . from 13 of Nature's Most Disgusting Parasites: Eyeball Eater: Acanthamoeba "Luckily, only about one out of a million contact lens wearers are susceptible to infection by the Acanthamoeba parasite, but this free-living amoeba can also get into your eye when you swim in pools or lakes. Early diagnosis is essential for treatment, or victims will eventually go blind."
I know this is off topic, but I couldn't wait.My Jacob's Cabin came today. It looks awesome. I took pictures and sent them to admins@lostargs.com, so hopefully they'll throw them up somewhere for all to see :-)
@Lottery Ticket- You collect all the numbers right? My 4-toed Statue is 237/300, and my Jacob's Cabin is 139/300.
Hey everyone!
Just wanted to drop a line and say that Jacob's Cabin arrived today, and I've got it up and framed. I took a full picture of it while framed, so if you'd like it for a round-up post, let me know Zort. Also, I got print 108! Unfortunatly, my camera isn't too great at taking close up pictures so I can't get a clear one of the signature. Just wanted everyone to know that #108 went to a die hard fan instead of a scalper.
@Lottery_Ticket, my Walt's Kidnapping is going to be 269/300
It's ok LT- searching the web for "eyeball eater" is taking all of us down paths I'm sure we'd rather not go....yuk!
Stealin my thunder WalkinDude? Haha. Just kidding. I'm Jealous of your 108! Trade? ;-)
Hey guys,
I'm new to this and want to desperatly get some of this amazing art for my GF for Xmas. What do I need to do? Just stay posted 24/7?
Thanks in advance.
@Amy. Maybe Zort can put together another "mosaicast" when it's all done? That'd be cool.
...was hoping to do a live recorded podcast, but haven't really organized one. I'm guessing some people would still be into it so maybe we could do that too. Even if we just do one as its so late in the game.
@Congested - maybe you could arrange a podcast like an hour or two after a reveal, when a lot of people are likely to be around and online?
I did my best LT
@paulscheer ever meet Ronie's asst. Alexandra Miller? Does she have vaginal hubris? & did U dress like a squirrel? http://twitpic.com/q1uua
Thanks for the numbers and glad you all like JC & WK. Keep'em coming. I'll update THE LIST later today (THE LIST
Walkindude 108s are special I have the 108 Love Triangle. Glad it's in good hands. Zort will want that sig. photo. My JC is here, but I'm not there so have to wait a little longer. Another good personal story to go with this one.
Also I have set up new public e-mail lotto dot ticket dot 108 @ gmail.com If you want to share stories for next weeks sl-LOST article, please send. You can tell me how you want to be credited, name or anon.
Rev. I am sure you will get a response but most likely not one helpful to our cause! Try again.
Maybe eyeball eater is something else that blinds- like the Sun?
Must go buy Thanksgiving turkey to avoid frozen giblets on the day.
Ok tried again:
@paulcheer what is an "eyeball eater in escrow"? you smoking pubes again?
Rev Milo your tweets! Holy fish crackers.
I am a fan of "the League".
Here is a bit from the show.
Vaginal Hubris Music Video
and with that post link we are speechless
one more tweet to paul, this time just about the League sort of:
@paulscheer one more thing, is the guy that did Optimus Prime's voice in the 80's voicing the bumps for "the League"? he's cool.
One more slightly offensive League vid so you can hear what I think is Optimus' voice at the end
@Frank, not sure if you've addressed this already but I'm definitely interested in buying your Swan Station print. My email is: feel_the_insanity @ hotmail.com. Let me know if you're still interested in selling.
RevMilo. You crack me up!
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