It does remind me in a way of Van Gogh's Stary Night, it has that kind of vibe to it. This poster also has a hidden secret that wasn't mentioned on the sale information, it has glow in the dark elements. Part of Mr Friendly's face and the concentric circles centered on the boat both glow.
Drew Millward has talked about the print quality - "Simply put, the colour matches, the registration, sharpness of the print, the texture (and there is quite a lot of that) has all been captured spot on. Screen printing is not an exact science, there are flaws that are inherant to the process, but this one worked out just about perfect."

Some closeups of the detail, as well us glow in the dark ink, there is some metalic ink used in the poster.

As usual some signatures -
![]() ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Thanks to Frank Boisvert, Justin, and Patmc for sending in details on the poster.
1 – 200 of 204 Newer› Newest»Got mine yesterday. Looks like a real painting.
good morning all :-) Cooolllddd here but it looks to be another beautiful day here !
In terms of artistic merits, personally I think Walt's Kidnapping is one of the few, out of the whole series, that truly deserves a good & lengthy (& maybe academic) analysis or critique.
And the fact of it being experimental (as Millard confirmed himself), and a successful experiment I must add, it should earn itself a rather significant place among all Millard's works.
BTW, don't know why but I chuckled after seeing it was all those HP books to hold down the poster. :)
OK - now I'm excited about the imminent arrival of WK. Glow in the dark? Can this be confirmed?
I am officially thrilled! Just managed to get The Barracks!!!
Well done Chris, I hope it wasn't too expensive.
It wasn't a silly price at all, very fair.
Now I'm in the mood for a clue...
I just got my Walt's Kidnapping and am very impressed.
The image on the DCAAPB site really does not do the real thing justice... even moreso than The Swan in my opinion.
Talking of clues, who bagged the first barracks poster? Maybe TPTB are awaiting the reveal of that to everyone.
mrtibbs, AndySchex reported the lowest order number, but we haven't heard anything other than that.
*still really wants Walt's Kidnapping but really won't pay more than $50 for a print*
Is that your print? Or is someone else the Harry Potter fan? :)
It's not my print on the front page it is Frank's picture.
I received my Walt's Kidnapping yesterday as well. Like all of the prints, it is so much more impressive in person. The detail is amazing. I'm really looking forward to seeing (aka) Jacob's Cabin...still on the hunt for The Barracks.
good morning.
Walt's Kidnapping has capture my teen-aged son's imagination and he LOVES it! I'm still on the fence. No doubt a super WCM: Exodus, Part 2 in top 5 favs. So, I gave it another look. Held it up, took it for a walk to the room where it will eventually live.
And, then I turned it over. Hmmm... That's interesting . . . The flip-side, the reflection, the perspective from another angle. Is that a boat on your head Mr. Friendly? Just have to figure out how to wall mount on a pivot AND with a black light.
post your prints number for THE LIST, if you so desire. Lotto
amy lynn, let me know your email address and I think I can help you out with Walt's Kidnapping
MWolverine, SERIOUSLY? I will give you my firstborn! :)
I'm wondering if Elisabeth Kubler-Ross is rolling over in her grave... no, she probably would have been a LOST fan.
Walt's Kidnapping looking more and more interesting and appealing. Smiley's eyes - are those representing the lights of the motor boat he was on when the rafties first thought they were rescued? Glow in the dark elements? Arrggg....
The more I see this one, the more I like it. Anyone want to let this one go? If so, email spyhillskates (at) gmail (dot) com
ChrisL, Glad you managed to get it. I have not been able to find anyone to part with it for what I can afford. :-(
Love that there are still surprises to be found in the posters.
Anyone think the 1st clue to frame 14 is in the video from the frame 13 reveal?
Finally got mine the other day. Love this one- my favorite of the series by far for all the reasons outlined above, but for the resemblance to Starry Night in particular. Only problem is the size, but that's easy enough to fix with a matte. I'm planning on scanning and photoshopping mine to make my classroom copy tonight. No way the original is going to school with me.
Carlton Cuse (and Damon Lindelof) were at the Griffith Observatory last night to celebrate the release of Star Trek on DVD/Blu-ray.
Cosmically Yours
What do you see when you turn Walt's Kidnapping upside-down, so the sky becomes the water, the beard billows up and away from the face, etc?
LOL Eugene about E.K-R. :-)
Even if the clue is out there already either in the vid or the letter and we didn't find it yet, doesn't the clue usually get posted on the DCAAPB site eventually? Surely they wouldn't wait for us to get it before posting it. ???
Oops, I meant Sandman, heheh.
I wasn't able to buy the Walt poster but I think I was able to get the "Jacobs Cabin" poster. Since I have never been able to get a poster in the past I am not sure of the process. I received two e-mail confirmations right after the order but my credit card was not billed yet. Is this normal and they are not billed until shipping or am I going to miss out?
@ Adam. Yeah it took awhile for them to bill "Jacobs Cabin" to me as well. If you got the emails you should be good though.
I like 'Walt's kidnapping' but wasn't a fan of how thick the white borders looked but they don't look as thick in print. LOVE the glow in the dark circles! Should have expected some trickeration.
Adam, They don't charge until it's shipped. So if you got 2 confirming e-mails and have not heard from Go Merch that they oversold it then you probably have it.
I do not have Walts Kidnapping in front of me. . There is one in my future tho. So, what I have to say is based on what I’ve seen on the computer screen.
I really like the concept of the print. . Kidnapping of the young youth by the etheral lunatics, the Others. . It presents the very surreal idea of the young , innocent, still of free mind, being taken over, come under the influence and control those who present themselves falsely. ..hypocrites.; say it with the ironic and sardonic, “ Good Guys”.
What is presented is very ugly moment.. The green of this print speaks to the “ Ill” nature involved..So..I have to say,,that I do NOT like short scratchy lines. On the computer, I see too many,,short..scratchy looking ,,lines. But wait,,this IS a print of a very ugly situation. Sooooo…short scratchy lines..may actually work to the desired effect. ..Almost neurotic. See how I did that?..hhmm.. Glow in the dark I’ve yet to see, but this presented is a Dark the Glow business is perhaps what the viewer thinks about as their own children grow.
Thanks Eugene. I was/am a little worried since I saw everyone's order numbers and mine was the highest. I really hope I get one since I have been trying for quite a while with no success.
I am still waiting for it to come (i'm from Italy).. I hope it will arrive soon, i'm very curious!!!
Adam, if your order status says 'Authorized' or (more likely by now) 'Shipped' then you will be receiving a Jacob's Cabin.
Do you mind saying what your order number was?
Cosmically Yours
Morning! Many of these posters are "more than meets the eye"! And closer (or in person) inspections makes you appreciate the artist more! These artists have really demonstrated their appreciation of LOST!
No clue? What's going on here?
Personally I would guess that to avoid a Thanksgiving reveal, the next reveal will be either at the weekend or early next week.
G'morning all! Feeling a little adrift without a clue to keep me afloat... help Tyson!
While we wait for a new clue I am currently in the midst of rewatching LOST from the beginning as I recently upgraded by collection from DVD to Blu-ray. In rewatching "Walkabout" the other day, I noticed that Locke's office job adding machine's printing/calculating sounds almost exactly like Smokey. Sound effect use coincidence or inference, I don't know. I'm sure many have discovered this already but it was new to me.
Where do you check on your order status? Do people get more than the initial two e-mails? My order number for the "Jacobs Cabin" poster was 2319.
I'd like to see a picture of Walt's Kidnapping in lower light. I didn't realize it had glow in the dark elements--and the style has grown on me as well.
Thanks Adam.
Check your order status here: link
You'll only receive the first two emails - no tracking number, no ship notification.
Cosmically Yours
bookmark for future reference
an order # and e-mail confirmations have no meaning in the context of ownership. only the word "Authorized" or "Shipped" at the Go!Merch site will aid you.
I maintain "The Official DCaaPB Poster List" or THE LIST, which is completely unofficial.
Have a look. If you want to post to DarkUFO, you'll have to register.
Thanks for the URL! I checked and it said the status was "shipped" but my credit card wasn't billed yet. I hope it is still okay.
LT: You are doing a fantastic and thorough job on maintaining that List! Thank you!
LT - thanks for adding my two that arrived today.
Received mine on Friday. This one's by far the best yet. Cannot wait to get it framed!
I love this print, might be my favorite of the series -- unfortunately I was unable to get one and am thus desperately searching for one. I potentially have a swap in the works to get one, if anyone has one for sale at face or knows where I can get one at face, please let me know. I would gladly toss a Dharma ping-pong ball (from the last reveal) your way for helping me out.
Once again, the print appears much better in person than on the screen. The detail and colors are amazing and I love the hidden elements.
I am so ready for a clue, too! Even if the reveal is next Monday or Tuesday, it's due!
I still need help with The Barracks. I need it to complete my poster set.
Please refrain if you're going to gouge me for >$200. (they can be had on Ebay for less, come on...)
Thanks guys
Hi old friends! I just updated my blog and I hope you'll stop by for a real treat for those of you looking for Lost items. Please be aware, these items are not posters. I wish I could contribute more to this hiatus, but unfortunately, my family and I are going through a really tough time right now. I hope you all will forgive and keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Love all of you and wish you all the best!
Crazy Georgia LOST Fan
Neat info about Walt's Kidnapping. I'm kind of wishing I had that one and the Hatch now. Oh well. Anyone got any they don't want? ;)
This lack of clue issue is starting to worry me...this is the most anxiety ridden ARG ever! LOL I'm wondering if they're just gonna drop a "go (here) right now!" kind of clue like they did in Buenos Aires. The anxiety of it is causing me to not venture far from the computer and is seriously interfering with my normal activities.
Come on Tyson!!! (I'm gonna need a vacation after this thing is over).
No offense Ellen but Amazon is selling new unopened copies of 3 of the 4 dvds you have up for cheaper then your initial bidding price...
Ellen, take it easy. And I hope things start to go better for my namesake! (I added a B to my name just for you!)
@creedfeed- no offense taken! I just have to ask this as a minimum price because that is the amount of money I need for my family...:)
@Ellen B! thank you so much for your kind consideration...although you don't have to change for me!!! I love it that there is someone else with my name! (makes me feel not so alone in the world, ya know?!)
Hey Lotto, I was checking out your list and I'm missing on Jacob's Cabin. Order #2203
Just got my Polar Beer t-shirt!!! :)
Ellen, if you're still here, I do still have the Ellen name (no B) associated with my second Blogger account. So you may see another Ellen around!
I can't wait to get mine! :)
You're in our prayers, Ellen. xo
@Ellen B - very cool! May I check out your other blog?
Thanks, Capcom! I wanted to tell you how much I admire your sketch blog...your drawings, etc. are just awesome!
Ellen, I don't really have a blog under either name -- I just put basic profile information in for each of my Google accounts. Sorry!
OK. So I am officially getting impatient about the next clue, or lack thereof.
Tx, Ellen. :-)
Sorry to hear that times are so tough for you and your family. Keep the faith and know that we're always here for you.
Love the Kidnapping print in person. Still wish I had Locke's Secret though...
Thank you Eugene! I can't begin to tell you how much I love this community and all who come here...we always stick together in the Lost Community!
@Ellen B...:D s'okay! Not all of us have the time to devote to online blogging! I'm glad you're here, and that we can communicate as we do!
The "others" are talking about some rumor that the next clue will come directly from the artist. Red herring?
I'm glad you used my close ups. I had to share the level of detail with those who didn't buy it or missed out.
By far, this is my favorite print! Although, i'd love to get my hands on The Crash also.
I'm selling my Swan Station print on ebay under the name DJ-Anakin [or djanakin, can't remember] if someone wwants it.
I am sure it is. Things can get a bit sarcastic over there. And they like to tease Lost fans.
Frank, I thought that counter top looked familiar.
Wierd.. my other post disappeared. I just mentioned that the top two books were Harry Potter, the bottom two are the graphic novel books from the show Heroes. :)
Oh ya.. I was also gonna mention that i'll try and take some pics of the glow-in-the-dark elements tonight.
Blogger is behaving strangely. Maybe it ate your post.
Awww, eBay Frank?
I'm having enough trouble as it is getting the swan station as it is. Ho hum though!
I've really changed my mind about walt's kidnapping, really like it and wish I had bought it but I guess I was still annoyed about the fact the reveal was in Scotland! I really love starry night by van gogh, my favourite piece of art ever, so more annoyed that my anger clouded my judgement.
Looks like Blogger had some hiccups this evening.
Seems to be ok at the moment though.
Still no clue so I'm off for the evening.
I think i've just sent you a message on EB, unless someone else is using the same name as you.
Come on your magic while Zort's away!
Just as a heads up, some invaderware/trojans appear to have gotten into g1988's website.
I have sent them an email warning them, but I figured I's warn you guys too. This does not affect DCaaPB or the goMerch sites, this is G1988's domain specifically. (
I will let you know if I get a response.
(sorry I have been away, got stung by an Asp that messed me up for about a day and a half)
Maven- I thought you were on a cruise to Mexico!? :)
Martyn- just replied to your message. Thank you :)
WK is my husband's favorite so far. Makes me wish I had tried for it. I think the whole 4AM thing might have clouded my judgement on this one. I like it now. Oh well...
@ Rev - those asps are nasty. A friend of mine sat on one in grade school. Hope you're feeling better.
@comixguru: No we go this Fri. to Monday morning. With no clues yet, that's why my hope for a Thursday reveal is fading fast!
Got nothing in my inbox.
Not to pester, sorry if it comes across that way.
dang i thought there would be at least 1 clue by now..
Got it! :D
looks like The Barracks have shipped!
While things are slow, I see that Peter Jacksons new film, The Lovely Bones is having its NZ premiere on Dec 14th. A definite departure from his normal blockbuster type movie. Saoirse Ronan and Susan Sarandon are listed as coming over for it. Maybe she will have some Dharma ping pong balls to chuck out on the red carpet?!...
Mine hasn't shipped yet.
sorry, Martyn. I thought i had sent that mail- but when i went back to that tab it was still sitting there! :) whoops!
and my Barracks say shipped too! woohoo! :)
Guess he didnt like his swan
Same books and desk.
Martyn, I see your Arctic Monkeys could only make 4th on the NME top albums of the 00's. The Strokes on top, great album, and great live, when Casablancas isnt so drunk, he cant get the lyrics right, or wont stop talking about jubblies. *(if you dont know... dont google it!...)*
My Barracks appears to have shipped, too. Do they normally ship that fast? Seemed like my Swan print took forever, but I wasn't checking the status on that one at the time, so maybe it just takes a while to get to Ohio.
"Asps. Very dangerous. You go first."
Did anyone receive Jacob's Cabin yet and if so how does it look in person?
I thought an Asp was a snake..Its a wonder you are still alive Rev!
Asps of the Nile are snakes. Asps in TX are the puss caterpillar, one of the most toxic caterpillars in north america.
They hurt, bad. Wasps, bees, fire ants, spider, and scorpions have all bitten or stung me, but this is the worst so far.
Don't worry about it, it was worth the wait to know I could potentially get it at a fair price.
I don't think anyone pays much attention to NME anymore but Arctic Monkeys debut was a good album and one of the good memories from my childhood, so much hype around them, shame they never could emulate it with their next two albums. Sadly, their live shows, all three I've seen, have been pathetic and boring, not worth what they're charging.
The Strokes look like a good live band but never got their first impression of earth album, loved juicebox and heart in a cage but, I dunno, I just expected something more rock-y rather than a mellow affair. Which album came first in NME's list?
Cheers, will keep an eye out for you.
Just watched The Economist, and I have to say the Barrack's color, laundry and white lawn chair are all there. That's how it looks when Sayid & company come to get Charlotte-deserted, but with laundry on the line.
Frank-have to ask-why do you think we have abandoned the "Help a Lostie" creed?
I thought we weren't supposed to be posting Ebay auctions?
And I think no new clue is a breath of fresh air. We really need a break from this thing before the last 3 are revealed. I'm sure it's going to be CRAZY.
during our break, I am also updating and quickly "framing" them on the main page.
I am just winging each one and doing them very quickly - so if one looks terrible and needs a different color frame, matte, or double matte, toss me a suggestion.
That would be right, to be shipping by now. All the prints are already packaged, tubed etc, so all they need to be doing is processing cc's and addressing/customs/labeling etc.
At least the "no new clues blues" are diminished! The Barracks has shipped and I got my Polar Beer t-shirt!
Martyn - This is It.
@ kiwilostie...
Really looking forward to the Lovely Bones! i was disappointed when Ryan Gosling dropped out of the lead role last minute, and they had to replace him with Mark Wahlberg , who is...not my favourite actor. Still have high hopes though.
@ Martyn...
Thank you. I will too, for you...Cheers!
And hi, all.
Hope everyone's enjoying 'the calm...'
feeling clue deprived.
Martyn, interesting your comment re NME. During the late 80's/early 90's I would be waiting for the ship to arrive (all paper/smags were seafreighted in those days!) to get my latest copy! Fallen from grace somewhat by the sound of it. I must say, there are a few *gag* albums in the list. What were they thinking?!... Top 50
@RevMilo: I kept thinking you were mistyping ASP for WASP (maybe your W key was stuck)! Didn't even know there was a toxic caterpillar! Hope you recover quickly.
yeah, it's kinda little known. There are usually only about 40-50 people stung in TX per year, FL and a few other states have around 20 people stung per year.
They look like inch long tribbles. Only instead of reproducing like mad, the make you feel like you got shot for an hour to 5 days. My intense pain lasted about 11 hours, then the other, ummm, symptoms bothered me for about a day and a half.
I didn't either Maven! But after reading up on them,,I'll say it again..Its a wonder you are still alive Rev! Doc's prescribe MORPHINE when somebody touches these little fuzzy wuzzies.
Mine says shipped now.
I thought that Cleopatra got bitten and killed by an Asp Snake. :-o
Anyway, no clue yet, might as well go watch V!
I do not recommend getting stung. Asprin was useless, had some codeine laying around and that helped a bit.
I was sitting on a bench waiting to tee off on number 3. The asp fell off a tree onto my pants, and when I bent over for some unmemorable reason (immediate pain made me forget most everything) I bent over and crushed the bugger to death with my forearm. Needless to say every bit of toxin went in.
I went ahead and played the hole and birdied it, and left after the ninth hole one stroke down to stop at a store to get duct tape, an antihistamine, and some potatoes to deal with the toxin.
After treating myself, I was pretty much bed ridden for a bit. But all better now!
Yes Cap.. She applied the snake to her bosom in order to not be taken myth would have it. But I ain't have no part of any fuzzy moth.,,especially if its from Texas, I don't care how pretty she is.
I've heard a scorpion sting on the left calf is good for 3 strokes.
Hi all! Tried to post something from work this afternoon, but Blogger was acting weird, so I couldn't.
I really thought we'd have something by now. And still no word on the 1st buyer letter either? At this rate, it'll be a weekend reveal.
Unless there's some sort of hidden clue in the last couple pics/posts for Frame 13. I'm still not sure why Ping Pong Players is capitalized. I don't think there's anything else "buried" in that reveal video since they haven't posted it on the Hub. I guess all we can do is hurry up and wait.
Still looking for And That's Why My Hand Was Shaking.../Jacob's Cabin. LOVE the print, but at this point the price is pretty steep, and I can't help but think that the money would be put to better use by a family in need, especially mear the holidays. So at this point I am torn.
Rev, an Asp sting -- yuck! Hope you got all the stingers out. @ 2 days out you should be getting better, right?
Comics, collectibles, a concert, a pet store.
Who's next, waiting for us to knock at their door?
You heard what he said, Zort's gone off to bed.
Tyson we beseech you, please send forth our next clue!
Have the clues ever been this long in between before? (I wasn't here at the beginning)
Excited that my Barracks print shipped!
Should I not have put the Swan Station print on ebay? I don't know what else to do to make it fair...
Also, to -, It's not that I don't like Swan Station, but I promised my wife i'd only keep one when it all was over. For all I know I might like one of the others that hasn't been released yet better, and I'll have to get rid of WK.
Sorry -- posted before I f5ed. Good to see you're better Rev.
if anyone is willing to part with their Walt's Kidnapping print for as close to retail + shipping as possible, I'd greatly appreciate it. It's one of my boyfriend's favorites, and so far I have been unable to grab even one of the Lost arg prints. Hopefully someone here is willing to part with theirs? If anyone is interested my email is, thanks guys :) is now clean and clear of malware.
not sure what got them, but their host has cleared it now.
Rev. thanks for update. do you think this is what held up our clues? I'm not even going to ask you how you know things anymore?
Frank- think I heard of someone doing names in a hat for getting one to another Lost fan- then people have been selling it at their cost plus the extra shipping to new person. I'm not sure how you collect the names and know that you only have fans who want to keep the print. Ideas anyone?
Also sorry about that critter Rev. Sister-in-law just bought a house in Las Vegas that had a scorpion infestation- quite a shock for us folks not from the
Southwest. You must be hardy folk!
Glad to hear you're starting to feel better RevMilo! :) I've always hated caterpillars...all kinds!
Now seriously...did somebody off Tyson or what? where is the next clue? Wonder if the website problem is/was the key? Hopefully we won't have to wait much longer.
The cynic in me says it was someone looking to find a way of securing posters more easily... hold on... one of my perimeter motions sensors just activated...
hi kiwi. miss me? I need another walkabout!
Frank, if you change you mind and what to offer up to LOSTargers, there an app for that. You make the rules as you see fit, everyone throws in their name and the "gadget" will pick for you. Or do it the old fashioned way and posted photo of winning name. Another choice is to look at SpoilerTV trade/buy/sell thread.
Finished "The Prisoner" kind of, nodded off AGAIN. Maybe I need an hour glass bedside to get me to sleep.. .bung, bung, bung, bung . . . bring me a dream.
No the domain is completely unrelated to Tyson's work.
Different webhost, different webmaster.
But as the two are losely tied (the links to the g1988 blog that has blog postings about the prints) I figured I better warn you guys.
The delay...I am not going to speculate. :)
How I know such things, well that is one of my secrets
Is anybody as confused with the The Prisoner as I am? Still have an hour to's got a lot of 'splaining to do!
I keep waiting to see a new Number 2.
LT, Im up for a walkabout, wheelchair friendly??!!
Rev, good to hear. You could always hypothesise about the clue drought?
maven, sorry you are a prisoner of the prisoner. I caught up with much needed sleep, you know the look.
yes, Rev. do tell us a bedtime story.
does anyone think "watch the video closely, Ping Pong Players!" has some significance to the next frame?
New Clue Up!!
Pineapple = Hawaii? Dole plantations?
Pineapple=Hawaii perhaps...
This looks like a stock image. I found it on Google images on page one.
If it is Hawaii, could be a late-night reveal for those of us on the East coast...
Pineapple only means Hawaii in my mind!
geez, clue up and solved in ten minutes. HGWH, KI, TR and the arbiter good job, post image link for you know you (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz)
...or, at least, the tropics?
OhmygodOhmygodOhmygod!! Finally!!! I was starting to go through withdrawl!
So if the clue is revealed 1 or 2 days late... do you think there is any chance for a Friday or Saturday reveal?
maven, your boat docking there? darn, was hoping they would hold for Monday, but looks like this one will move along now. Pineapple Express style.
Hawaii seems appropriate
I can't figure out how to post a link. I'll keep trying.
LT: Yeah, looks like I'll be missing this one! I'll have a pina colada in honor of Frame #14 on the ship! LOL
see above Posting tips. keep trying. it's just a learning curve.
IMAGE can be whatever you want to title your link
but could be other places
You can copy and paste the url.
Also in the Leave your comment box above where you type there are some Posting Tips that shows you how to do a link and some simple html code for bold and italic.
Well time for bed. Night all.
Here's a college try.
link = link
New clue! A pinneapple!
I see Lottery Ticket beat me to it. :)
Hope it helps you.
Good job, TR!
Thanks for your help. I think I did it "somewhat" correctly.
NEW CLUE! It's a pineapple!
Maybe Hawaii?
The link worked and you are welcome. Although you're probably thanking lotto. lol
Now good night for real.
North Shore Grocery
While a pineapple does scream Hawaii to me at first glance, most of the tropics can grow pineapple. I remember being stuck behind a truck full of pineapples while driving through the mountains in Costa Rica.
Doesn't seem like this clue tells us much...
Hawaii would certainly be the most fitting location and a great way to thank them for providing so much for this show.
someone on the darkufo forum said that at the end of star trek commentary damon lindelof says the sequel name is pineapple. so maybe they were waiting to post the first clue for the dvd release?
tabularasa, I did that very same thing the first time I tried to link. lol. that is the exact image used by GoodGuide. and again a north shore (sam g) So we should expect the white background to change next.
nite sayid'sgirl
I would like to toss this thought out there:
I know it is the wrong network, but so was G4.
It was the first pineapple that came to mind, and I have been to Hawaii 4 times..
jesse t can you track down that comment by Mr. Lindelof? They were at the Observatory for DVD release party last night.
I like the Star Trek - pineapple link too.
Good connection between Star Trek/Pineapple! That image seems to be a standard one and might show up in a lot of places.
I had a little laugh after the post went live.
The pineapple is generally known as a Welcome sign or sign of hospitatlity.
@Lotteryticket- i'm not sure what you mean but i'm watching/searching for it right now. maybe i can upload a video or something.
I looked for that quote and can't find anything yet!
Looks like Hawaii a go. messages have been sent to island fans. will post more in a minute.
Doesn't Star Trek come out on DVD soon? How cool would it be if it was a URL in the menu's or in the special features or something.
It'd be a hellova way to drive DVD sales
if anyone has the star trek dvd/bluray at the very end (2:06:25) damon says "Now that you've made it this far, the sequel will be called.." then he whispers "pineapple." coincidence?
the lindelof commment (dharmajanitor at DarkUFO) from "Star Trek" DVD that came out today and (oldschooljoker at DarkUFO)
7:30 p.m. Hawaii today = 5:30 a.m. London tomorrow.
Much like Reverend Milo, my first thought was Psych. They hide a pineapple in every episode. Glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks that way.
"and it all comes back again" is that the right quote. Spent many years commenting over at The Transmission with Jen and Ryan Ozawa. They know me as MJ From the Midwest. People are tweeting him the word pineapple. I've explained and he is getting acquainted with DCaaPB. So, Ryan and Jen, welcome to the lostargs.
You can follow Ryan @hawaii and Jen @mrshawaii on the twitter feed.
When you search for the pineapple image is the first site that has the exact picture but then if you hit the link for "search for images like this" the North Shore Grocery comes up.
LT: Good idea to get Ryan and Jen involved here on this clue. If anyone knows's the two of them!
LT, you amaze me! Didnt you just post re a Hawaii n Ozzie reveal for the last 2? You rock!
I can amend that to Hawaii and New Zealand if you'd like.
Oh I wish!!..
*Fist Bump*
"You know that's right"
ok, ready for that walk .. .
Kiwi and I are taking a walk around Madison, Wisconsin if anyone would like to join us. This is a virtual walk using google maps and that little yellow dude. I can answer questions.
OK, just got up and found a new clue :-)
OK LT, lets stay here n leave the others to the NEW POST!
You might want to go and write a novel or something while I get this loaded!...
thought I'd LOST you. get it.
I wrote my novel for the week. Damn difficult English. Silly and sophomoric writing. I'll post link when it publishes.
I think my geriatric mouse connection might be dying, and doesnt help Im learning Maps at the same time time. Bear with me, I will give it another go, stand by captain!
boot the mouse and jump on the wheel yourself landlubber or you'll be a'walkin the plank
LT & kiwi,
I don't know what's going on, but I like it :)
hi, roxanna
Strange, its the height of frustrating, and absolutely hilarious all at the same time! One more try, then check your DM's...
We are hijacking the end of this post to take a virtual walk around Madison WI would you like to join in ?
I was catching up on comments and then tried to figure out what was going on, but it has only made me sleepy. It's almost 2am here, so I will catch the excitement in the morning.
Goodnight! :)
Kiwi is having some technical difficulties, so we may have to reverse directions and go to New Zealand
hi roxanna, if you can explain it to me that would help!
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