The reveal as we found out last night was on a napkin with the face of Pierre Chang / Edgar Halliwax / Marvin Candle on it. The hub page was updated with a picture of the napkin shortly after the reveal and poster sell out.
![]() You can see more pictures from Anne using this link ![]() One person at the reveal, Valentin_108, managed to purchase a poster on their iPhone, which given the frantic nature of doing so is no mean feat. |
One last mention has to go to LotteryTicket who was sending back pictures of the food at 44th Ward which was making everyone not at the reveal very hungry.

1 – 200 of 284 Newer› Newest»I would say apologies to LotteryTicket and ObFuSc8 for posting their picture on the front page, but I'm not really that sorry as it is a great picture and they should both be proud of it.
For the umpteenth time, thanks again for all the reports and pictures, if it was the last regular reveal then you capped them off in style.
Wow. HUGE turnout! Thanks for the updates!
Morning! Very nice round-up Zort. That is an amazing pic of LotteryTicket and ObFuSc8 and really says all that needs saying about this ARG. What an incredible turnout too. A very exciting reveal that one.
So what next? Should we be really focussing on these missing letters and words now?
andalone, your foot accident sounds painful! I'm surprised your posts are still coherent. Take care of yourself!
Anybody else think the Polar Bear print looks better in Zort's tiny-sized version at the top of the lostargs page?
Cosmically Yours
I think this was one of the most fun reveals (I am kind of embarrassed to say this engrossed me for my entire Saturday from start to finish, haha). I love the photos.
I am so very curious about this last frame!
I made a vid about how I tried to get the print, as far as I know it is not available in the UK, but should be fine in the US…
The Kharma Initiative - I did make a few contrast adjustments to try and bring out the colours more, so that is why you might be seeing a difference.
Sorry for what is sure to be a lengthy post, but have just gone through all of last night's posts.
As this being the "last" traditional reveal, this has to have been the most social & fun for those that attended. Again, thanks to all went. The photos are great & capture the enthusiasm of Lost fans!
Glad to see that andalone although not on her feet is back on the boards. Hoping for a speedy recovery.
I like many others experienced the dreaded error message when I hit the confirm button. I thought to myself, why should it not be any different than last 4 purchases, but to my shock & awe - I received 2 emails (#2918 - high number), no phone call, & there's a hold on my cc# for $61.10. Will wait for the postman to see if he comes knocking as we still can't check orders.
Another great email came through as well... Timothy who I traded WK for the Barracks has received and I should see it shortly. Psyched!!! Can't say enough about the kindness of him & many others on these boards.
Although there's been debate as to how the polar bear is depicted... good to see that Jay has a sense of humor by throwing in some beer with the bear.
Sam G posted this link last night. Now that's a poster! Any ideas on how to get this???
Finally, the mysterious red question mark. Time will tell what we need to do. Zort, after we figure it out, I'm sending you a bottle of champagne to celebrate the success of these boards & your dedication... without them I like many others would have been LOST. :)
Sounds like it was a fun night for the people who went! Wish there was something like that for the UK but ah well.
Just organise our own down at a Starbucks for the next reveal! They really will have no clue of what's happening!
If anyone is after the polar bear and is willing to trade for the swan station, let me know.
Zort, let me know if you want me to delete that, just posting it in areas that all LOST fans look at.
Oh yeah, and glad to see andalone is back home safe and sound after what sounds like a really painful accident.
I'd buy a 'all I could think about was finding a poster buddy" t-shirt, Lottery Ticket!
BuckarooBanzai - That is hysterical. The video... not that you didn't get the poster. We've all been there, but it's the 1st time captured on video. I'm nominating for an Academy Award - "Best Dramatic Moment(s)During A Lost Poster Buy"!!! :)
Thanks, JPL… (Banzai is my iPhone login ;)
All the upside down stuff is because I shot it with the new Nano, and was not able to turn it in Final Cut…
Thorsten... Thought that accent sounded familiar. :)
Upside down filming (which I thought was intentional) along with the music score & editing makes the video that much real & allows us all to relate. Thanks for sharing!
Youtube recognized the soundtrack and applied copyright restrictions, so here is the movie again, and I hope available around the globe…
looks like it was alot of fun ! So sorry I missed it. I still can't believe that the phones and internet was out so long. It happens like that out here in the sticks. So we rented a movie and watched that. I kept watching the clock the whole time saying there going to the 44th now. Bet they have the web site now, they are buying up all the posters now, none left now. ack ! My bf tried hard to be consoling but he wanted to laugh so bad at my loss for a poster. Oh well. there are tons on ebay. (which he said he wouldn't let me buy lol)
Nice one Thorsten! Last night was terrible for me. I did everything that I've done before, that got me 5 of the last 6 posters. Whilst I was waiting I thought I'd try and log in, using the last bit from last weeks url.
So when buy now came on I was already logged in, so saved a few seconds there. As so many others have done, so many weeks before, got the dreaded fatal error message. I'm not upset that I missed out on the poster, I'm upset that the process doesn't work. But we all knew that anyway. There are at least 6 being flipped on ebay, and instead there should be six happier lost fans on this board.
Anyway, onwards and upwards, here's looking forward to whatever the last frame throws up for us.
When's the bluray out? Anyone think the URL could be "Found" on there?
Look like everyone had a great time - that is excellant.
As for the print, two polar bears are one to many for me (remember a certain piece of velet art that started this whole thing). With all the moments left, really a disappointing WCM in my book, especially for the second to last.
Was looking forward to what Ryan would give us, and while the quality is fine, it does absolutely nothing for me (although I like that some darma beer was litered in).
Thorsten. Classic Video!
Agreed mrtibbs, there were 7 on ebay within an hour last night. Nobody is denying anyone the right to buy of course but it leaves a nasty taste in the mouth to have it made so blatantly obvious that these purchases were simply for the money.
And now, what? LOL
A very good question Amy Lynn! Should we be discussing at length the missing letters and other suggested clues with a view to that being related to the 16th?
Zort, are we to do that here or over on the clues board?
@Thorsten - loved the video, definitely an ARG classic.
On to the red question mark . . .
Love it Thorsten, perfect choice of music.
JPL - No need for champagne I'm not in it for the gifts (unless the Lost producers are watching in which case an all expenses paid trip to Hawaii would be good
Great! Thanks for posting all of the pics and coverage. We had a nice nite!!! -Unlocke
what made me sad was to see all the posters on the ebay and thenI had to laugh to see Chris Maccagnano was again here right before the poster reveal and then tried again to sell it after the reveal was over. He is never here till the poster is ready to be sold. I was even more happy to see he still has all the posters he's trying to flip. He has tried to sell me many of them at his small price for $350.00 I'll find a poster some how but not at that price !
Amy - it's like we are baby Polar Bears that have been told by mom that she isn't going to look after us anymore and we have to catch our own fish.
Chris - feel free to discuss the 16th frame here.
WE need all the theories we can get at the moment.
Thanks for all the great reporting and photos from those who attended the 44th Ward. It helped make up for my being out of Chicago for the holiday weekend; would have loved to attend. Now on to Frame 16...
Wow...out of all of the WCMoments...come on, a polar bear?
I was convinced this would be "We have to go back!"...the biggest WCMoment ever... I just can't see how the polar bear was more talked about than
1) We have to go back
2) Charlie's Death
3) MIB/Jacob on beach
I'll admit, I don't get it...heh...oh well, glad I grabbed this one from last night anyway. Just missing The Crash & The Barracks for my complete collection, but have come to terms with never being able to afford them at gouger's prices... and shame on those of you who railed against the resellers and then so readily fork over your money to complete your collection. I'm glad my morals are not so flexible.
Lisa - I'm pleased that you mentioned CM being back once again just to try and sell! I had to roll my eyes at that but then chuckle that he still has the others. Too funny. Although posters being in the hands of those that don't really want them is not so funny.
And I notice one of the ebayers is offering the greeting of Namaste to potential bidders! Obviously has no idea what it actually means... or at least doesn't see the irony. Dear oh dear...
I also noticed that the poster prices on ebay for the one's that have passed are dropping since no one is buying them. I would love to buy the polar bear poster myself but I won't stoop to that level of flippers. They can keep them for those prices. I just hope that some time I can find one from another Lostie that decided it didn't match their walls in the house. I just have the van and the Barracks now and plan on putting the polar bear in my living room when I find one. It actually matches my seafoam green walls lol The Barracks is in my bedroom and the Van in another bed room. One last room for the last poster and that's it for me. As for the other Chris and the other flippers I hope they choke on them lolol
Morning all!
Thanks Zort for putting up pics! I am usually averse to seeing myself in anything, but the pic Anne took of me and LT is nice.
Thorsten, I can't wait to get home from work and watch your vid, I'm hoping for catharsis.
On to the 16th frame. There are sooo many hints that it'll be something different. Would love for it to be. Working on hints in my spare time, which right now is minimal.
I couldn't snag The Polar Bear from the reveal last night, and my back up came in late so anyone who wants to help this LOSTie out, please let me know.
Promise to get the Frame 14 Swag drawing done tonight when I get home.
@JPL the larger poster is from South American Magazine Superinteressante
There was a game also
I was also sent this this morning for Jack Bender's art
not my kind of art at all but it's interesting. I wonder how many he's sold. I would have never even considered it if it wern't for the Lost hatch painting. But I wouldn't even have that one in my home. I hate to have something looking at me and that one has too many faces and eyes lol
I am sooooo jealous of that reveal event!!!
Great coverage, wish I could have participated more in the discussion, but I still have one more 100+ mile day of driving to do today too. Last Thanksgiving dinner finally.
DFW losties are discussing a meetup late december to make up for our cost prohibitive reveal event that kept us apart.
So if you will be in DFW near xmas time, save us a slot to meet.
Rev: Me too re: the reveal event. I love grilled cheese (or cheese toasties in the uk!)
Maybe we could do a poll where everybody tells how many of the posters they got?
I'd be curious to see how many people have a complete set so far...and how many people are missing just one (like me!).
Good Morning All.
What a great pic to wake up with some coffee to..LT and Ob8.!!.Magnificent! Kudos to the photog and Zort for bringing the moment to us.
I think its fair to discount the EB boys enthusiasm for their "favorite" silk screen printers by half.
Did I mention what a great foto of LT and Ob8 that Anne took and Zort posted, is.? Well it is. I like it much more than the Polar Bear.
Frame 16 ideas...uhhmmm..of course, say, 30 of each previous print, available, would smooth over a lot of bad feelings and " correct" a bunch of karma. Sooo, that probably won't happen.
Fan Art, borders on fantasy wish fulfillment . I like the " found" aspect of it,,like that picture of LottoTicket and Obscur8. Huh? a real doozey there. Imagine a 18x24 hangin on the wall. LOST FAN APPRECIATION. A real Amaretto on cheesecake moment. BTW,,how was it? Amaretto with all that raspberry drizzle pound cake is definitely Boldly Going. Thanks for thinking of me. I was thinking of you all. Beauty.
So, what aspect of the 15 frames was/is Lost and the opposite of it is found? The reveal sites were hidden in clues,,so any Lost, was of the sleuths involved. An Amazing Well Done ! for the Argies! I believe each frame was figured out before the final reveal. Way To Go!!
Perhaps finding something more valuable than any of the Prints? ie, 8 and Ticket up there? Well, that is ours and Go can't touch it, nor the EB boys. So, we Are still within the marketing parameters of this "found"..We are Scrouged for frame 16. Don't mind me, its just the coffee kickin in big time. Perhaps the Found is nothing more than marketing hyperbole. The Mystery, the Mystery, what could they possibly mean by " Found"?
A Red question mark, signifying a difference from the the rest..suggests what?..Red, colour of passion or just the hue halfway between black and white. Are we to find a specific, like Beals Love Triangle or a general like The Swan?
Is there something tucked away inside a hollow tubed bus stop bench waiting for some George Smiley Lost Fan to find it..ie Zorts ticket for Two to Hawaii..? Or do all these " mistakes" by the LFA group add up to something ..a bit more.. professional? Where do you draw the line?..a scavenger hunt within the clues?
More to the point..how do you reward, or Appreciate the LOST FAN, in a Found way? Is the Found something All of Us can have or just 189 out of 300?..How do you market " Lost community" in a Found way?.. Perhaps..just perhaps..Found pertains to the LFA group..They do the finding? Okay, I'm gettin ridiculous now. Just trying to stretch the mind to as many possibilities. I suspect we all are going to need to stretch our minds for the 16th frame.
My guess is that frame 16 is some kind of collaborative collection of all the frames. A book, or non silk screened prints.
@Amy Lynn - I hope you are correct. I have been hoping for a coffee table book along the lines of what Capcom mentioned awhile back.
16 found…
I don't know, I guess the ultimate fan appreciation would be an invitation to Hawaii to witness shooting the final scene…
… and I expect a hint from Tyson in the next days again, whatever the outcome will be. So maybe the 1st purchase letter will give us a clue how to solve the puzzle, if there already is one hidden in the typos etc.
..a mural of all the Lost Fans at all the reveals?...
The typos can't just have been typos though? Something has to be there?
working on anagrams of missing letters now.
Was just explaining to my husband the number of mistakes we know are just mistakes- like getting the dates wrong for this clue and for Walt's clue, and then having to change them. I really don't see how we can say for sure that any typo is more than simply an error.
Could it just be a normal reveal and the 16th will be found refers to us seeing the all 16 posters?
Of course not, that'd be very un-LOST.
The problem with the missing letters is that we have no fifth poster letter, and Tyson never had a guarantee any of the letters would be made public.
Thats good news andalone..you are well enough to work anagrams. You are amazing!..All the " missing letters"..??? Where do you start?
I was thinking along the lines of the Puzzle that is discussed over at 1988...but a simple rendition of it runs into trouble around the 7th or 8th frame due to not enough letters in the Title to subtract the frames numerical value from..maybe adding should be considered.. Thats what I get for thinking.
Hey Lisa- I'm in your neck of the woods- so had the windy day yesterday with the power flickering a couple of times to scare me. It held OK- but didn't matter as far as getting a poster- I still get these little blank white boxes where the "buy now" should be every time I try to get in. Got some posters before the madness though- so no worries.
So who wants to join google wave? I have about 10 invites I can send, building the Lostie google wave network before final season is not a bad thing in my opinion.
And if Disney doesnt do the coffee table book. I will be, even if they do, I will be doing it unless some sort of legal hurdle stops me.
Those with reveal event swag, I will need images of them with your permission to use for credit in the print book.
those needing gwave...email me at reverendmilo at gmail.com
You can click the blank squares you know. Probably do but just thought i'd say it.
I'm ashamed to ask this but what the hell is Google Wave?
@mungonna - foot hurt, but brain works (sorta)....gotta make good use of all this "sitting" time.
TomRex was the winner of the 5th poster prize. He said he thought he had already posted the letter. I'll send him a couple of PMs on forums and make request again. I am pretty sure TPTB know how the LOST fan community shares info on these things and that the letters would be made public. Besides, NO ONE types that badly! Spell check is a pretty standard tool. I am convinced that there is something to all the typos.
google wave is the attempt to redesign email based on current technology.
It is in preview form right now. It is named after the email/communication system in Firefly.
Basically it turns a simple email into a live colaberative form that as participants in the email edit and respond, it occurs in real time to all participants of that email.
think of it as email/chat/wiki smushed together.
Martyn, take a look at:
Google Wave
I had a thought that maybe the Episode titles of the 15 watercoolermoments/posters we have so far might make up a clue?- Artystyc
Thank you Martyn- yes, I was trying some clicking on those yesterday, but good to know it might work. Autofill did not seem to work for me- I got some other boxes coming up trying to save the page or something. I tried it before the poster on Amazon and it filled in the email address, then I tried it again after and it didn't.
hmm, sounds cool. Ok then, i'll send you an e-mail then Rev Milo if that's ok?
while clicking on white boxes has something esoteric… it reminded me of Juliet down in the hatch. I clicked the white box 8 times, for her memory!
sounds great Martyn.
Thorsten, added you to my gwave addressbook.
Call me crazy, but I haven't seen anything to indicate that this last reveal will be anything different than any other one...
Season 6 Water Cooler Moment, I'm sticking with it. If the bomb worked, then will we see our Losties departing 815 sitting at LAX?
Food for thought.
Organic- I think you are right. Rev- I have sent email too- thank you. Maybe I will be ahead of the kids for a change for a nanosecond or two.
Morning all after another great reveal! Pictures on the front page are awesome...they made a whole night of it!
Andalone: Glad to see you here again after your terrible ordeal!
Thorsten: Great vid and unfortunately too true for many of us!
Re the Red ? frame: I'm hoping for all 15 frames to be included somehow. The quote says 15 will be lost(which have now been found), and the 16th found (which could mean all 15 that have been lost and found can become the 16th one)! And I really hope it will be unlimited printing so everyone can get it!
..Like..take the first letter from the title of frame 1..N,,then take the 2nd letter from the title of frame 2...O...etc..Runs into trouble at frame 8, you may have to include the word " the"..or just give it a zero..no thing..then you may or may not have to include an apostrophe for a correct count..etc etc..Frames above 11 get zero? but with that,,take what you have over to wordsmith.com anagram solver and watch the list spill out..interesting
I have gotten Martyn and Sue invited. It may take a few days for your invite email to make it to you, google is kinda treating this like a nomination process, so I nominate you and then a few days later they approve you and send the invite.
7 invites left.
Thanks Rev-will keep an eye out.
Thank you very much Reverend Milo, look forward to trying it all out!
I'll bite, Rev! I'll send you my email on Facebook.
Speak of the devil, just got the e-mail!
Google wave sounds cool rev, could I ask for an invite please? What do you need?
Long shot, but perhaps there is a connection between the red question mark and the red and white striped "and" in DCAAPB. The stripes remind me of a candy cane.
I have 8 invites too, tibbs…
just need your email.
8 invites here too!
I think those red stripes are just for the North Pole- where the bears should be of course.
I would love a wave invitation if anyone has an extra:
Reverend Milo, I'd appreciate one of those remaining invites. Thanks.
hey Rev, Can I get a invite ? I'd love to join in. Besides, who can pass up another way to chat with my Lostie friends. :-)
@mistersh0w... The reason I would rank this print below The Love Triangle is that it looks like what I might have done given the subject of a polar bear, and
I am a terrible artist.
To me, the most successful prints are
the ones who exhibit a real working knowledge of the tone of the show. To me, that's the Hatch, Smokey, Walt's Kidnapping, the Crash (minus cartoon Kate) and Jacob's Cabin. Ben and Locke's Secret are
excellent in their own ways, but so many of
the artists seem to have interpreted awkwardly.
maven invite sent!
As people get accepted in, they should soon also see a wave titled "Invite others to Google Wave "
where they can continue building the network.
I have started a new wave:
"Lostie Wavers Meet and Greet Wave"
hope to see you all in there (and hope google finishes developing Wave!)
tibbs and lisa invites sent.
LostiePat, tibbs and Lisa, invited you all ;))
uhoh, doublewaved!
ChrisL invite. I have 3 left until they refill my cup.
I'd appreciate an invite, fellows...
I'll use my waves once Rev and Thorsten have finished. Looks quite an interesting set up.
Thanks Rev.
thanks Rev, sounds like fun. We watched the video a couple days ago that someone sent about how the wave works. Well, like 10 minutes of it. Looks very neat.
I spent the last half hour trying to explain something about how a computer works to someone that hates even electric. lol that was interesting !
gotcha, organic_herbal
Now we can all be befuddled by the mystery of how the heck do we use Wave!!
So happy to bring confusion to more people!!
(just kidding, it starts making more sense as you play with it.)
Hi all - to those offering google wave invites, would love to join the party jlahair at yahoo dot com
Out bowling with friends but wanted to check in. Should stick to poster hunting... I've had much better luck. ;)
got you JPL
Hey all. Glad to see people had fun at the reveal! I love that they ended it with a big party for all the Losties in the area. I was actually out at dinner during the reveal, but made arrangements with a friend in California to camp it for me; luckily for him (I think I terrified him with tales of how quickly posters had sold out) I didn't like it enough to try for it.
So now it's puzzle time, yes? Is this where we're having our frame 16 solution discussions? Or on Google Wave? I think I can probably score an invite. Here's hoping the mysterious 16 is a Frozen Donkey Wheel poster...with enough prints for all who want one.
Thank you kind sir!
I've been on Wave for a few days and finding it pretty useless and counterintuitive so far, but maybe someone here can convince me otherwise.
Google wave sounds interesting - anyone have an open invite? bradsobo (at) gmail.com
give it time Amy! I am fairly confident that by the start of the new season, it will improve.
People questioned gmail at the start, I was one of the early beta members. It improved and gained functionality to a point now where I cannot understand not using it as my primary email client.
I just sent an unsolicited invites to Zort and Mel.
Google typically fills my invite pool pretty rapidly so I may have more invites tomorrow.
Cheers fellas
I love that the name is inspired by "Firefly".
Thanks, Rev...got it...will try to understand how to use it! LOL
when something breaks but is fixed...it's "shiny"
if this comment section was wave, you could watch me editing my response into something slightly more coherent...
when Wave breaks but autofixes - you get it's "shiny" message.
I have started a new wave, "Lostie Wavers Meet and Greet Wave"
if you are a waver and cannot see it, email me @ ReverendMilo at gmail.com with your wave address.
Right now all "waves" are private and invite only, down the road a "wave" will be able to be set to public so that is can be both searchable and taggable.
It is my guess that by the new year we will see the ability to have open public waves that act as both real time chat, wiki, forum, blogging for the shows.
And hopefully I'll have figured out how to use it by then ;-)
Just sent you an e-mail rev milo but ignore it. The wave has just popped up in my inbox.
I have added two links and a tip or two at the start of the wave that may just help in general.
I am not taking it public yet (so email me to be added in) because even though you "can" do it, it is a bit risky until they get the public part of the system under control.
good afternoon everyone :)
There doesn't seem to be too many negative feelings following this poster reveal as there have been for previous posters.
I am adding Google Wave to my list of things that are confusing even though they probably aren't in reality.
I hope everyone had a great holiday!(and weekend to those not celebrating)I still have a four and a half hour drive to look forward to here in a few minutes.
See everyone later, here and on the wave! :)
G'day Argies!
Fantastic new post Zort, and great pics as usual. Zort, if nothing else you get the 'Rachel Blake Award' for posting all these images, events, posters, clues, etc. like Rachel would, so that we all could feel like we have been a part of this poster event. So much fun, thanks to you and everyone who's shared their pics and stuff.
Andalone, wow, so glad that you are OK, take good care of yourself! And no more juggling the Ginsu knives. :o) Wow, whoodathunk that the ER would be so busy on Thanksgiving.
OK, have to scroll back and look at everyone's links. xo
I just woke from a medication-induced nap. I'm not sure if the meds had effect on dream, but I was at Disney World, on a "LOST ride". It was sort of like Pirates of the Caribbean, but LOST-style. The little tram rode through scenes from LOST: the Black Rock, New Otherton, Beach Camp, The Hatch, etc. The polar bear even came charging towards the tram. Is there such a thing in the works? Or am I enjoying the prescription too much? I'm just saying...it's a great idea if there is no such thing.
andalone... cool ride! So glad you're OK and back.
Awesome idea for a theme park. Hatch could be a free fall, Smoke Monster the coaster, the raft log flume, haunted mansion Jacob's cabin...
Thorsten - thank you so much for the Wave invitation. The guy in the welcome video looks like he belongs in the Dharma Initiative!
Andalone - I live in Orlando, so I will keep my eyes and ears open. Disney World could use a new ride or two. :-)
I would SO buy an e-ticket for that ride!
I want a wave invite!
I'll send you a Wave in a sec J.R.
@thorsten, did you remove your video? I wanna see!!!
i feel kinda bad for you guys considering the subject of the jay poster. i had a really strong hunch that it would be a polar bear, and after reading your comments and never seeing a person hoping for a polar bear i saw the upset coming.
i know if you are hardcore into lost the polar bear seems tame but i would bet that to the average fan it was a big deal and indeed a water cooler moment.
i am very excited and interested to see what happens with the last revel. i hope it can make you guys happy.
When this is all over (and it might be already, if 16 is a recap print), I'd love to hear how they chose these subjects.
Hi Edward,
I might be in the minority but I quite like this poster. I do remember that seeing the polar bear for the first time was a WCM for me.
The Hatch is my favorite moment depicted so far but so many of these posters are just great at capturing the dark undertow of the show.
I'm getting a little sad that we are now a frame 16. And don't get me started on the final season. I can hardly wait and yet, I just know, this probably won't end well for our guys on the island.
Hi Edward, I have to say that I love the polar bear. I remember when they had that one that ran right up to Sawyer as he shot it going WTF, a polar bear on the tropical island. I loved that moment in the show and thought the poster was great.
Amy Lynn. Ive seen danger say he chose jacobs cabin n duval say he was given his topic so Im not sure now how they came about.
I like the polar bear too. I think that the day that they found it on the island was one of the first (after hearing Smokey in the jungle of course) events where they (and we!) knew that something was very wrong with the island. And then of course, Sawyer shot it. Another p-bear subject that would be WCM is the cave where Locke came across another one, and its dining remains. I would have been kind of disappointed if the cages were in the poster, as by that time the p-bears were old hat to us, haha.
I'm pretty sure everyone was given the general topic, and then got to choose how to address it. I'm just interested in how you could come up with 15 WCM and NOT include quite a few of the iconic moments of LOST.
I had a thought that the folks who gave out the topics might have only seen the first 3 seasons.
maybe the speculation of an additional poster series in the future is not so far off the mark?
Just_Thinking, definite possibility. It certainly begs the idea why, and definitely doesn't excuse the lack of Not Penny's Boat.
MiddayShadows mentioned before that he has some intel on what is in store for us Losties... I wonder if he can share such intel yet? something "very cool" i believe were his words...
What is the source on this being the last traditional poster reveal? Do we know what to look out for in the future for Reveal 16?
@Andrew... no idea, really, other than the fact that we know TPTB want us to think something is going to be different. The red question mark, the 15 lost, 16th found, etc.
I think some people connected with the poster production world may have some information ahead of time- considering how some of the artists have let slip info an the additional posters pretty freely. Or at least they want us to think so.
I have to say the Shepard Fairey speculation doesn't really have me excited. I should look at his other work I guess, but hearing that the photo he used on the Obama Hope poster was actually taken by an AP reporter, and that he just used it with no credit given, didn't impress me much.
For sure, about so many WCMs left behind. So many WCMs, so little time and posters.
I'm not impressed too much by Fairey as a person either JT. I follow a blog that occasionally posts some news about his personal political and legal antics as well, and I realy hope that I don't have to turn down a Lost poster out of principle if it is his. Sort of along the same lines where I boycott anything by Hanoi Jane as well. OK, politics off. :-)
I love how there are 10 Jay Ryan prints on Ebay, and they all say "RARE". Not on Ebay they ain't.
Maybe cuz I'm from the Boston area I've heard too much about Shepard Fairey. Everyone is free to make their own decision but I don't think I'll buy anything he "creates".
(I'm rewatching LaFleur right now. Damn, he does run a tight operation.)
I'm not really impressed with any of Shepard's work tbh, the lilly one is quite nice but, eh? Just looks TOO realistic. I like the fact that you know it's a drawing from the get go.
Amy Lynn...
Totally agree with the RARE tag.
Also, whoever said they were surprised there isn't animosity towards those who got it... I tend to think a bunch of people say they have prints that they actually don't. If they put an x somewhere in their order number, I assume they're going to flip it, or they didn't get one to begin with.
I think the X = flipper.
Always did wonder what was up with the X in the Order Numbers.
But i'm sure Congested puts an x in his though.
I'm at my favorite scene of last season...where Richard and Sawyer meet in LaFleur.
Very tired so going to bed and watch last weeks V.
Hopefully when I awake, we'll begin to have a better clue about what the hell this Frame 16 entails, and someone will want to trade their swan station for the polar bear. Don't know why I want it so bad, spesh as the Polar bear is so cool...
Anyway, goodnight all!
Afternoon all.
OT: Google Wave
Just a word about Google Wave.
There is no true delete or undo.
Meaning anything you put in a Wave is there for the life of the Wave. Waves can be 'played' back like video from concept to most current form. So be deliberate in your comments.
There is no "undo command" at this time, but may be 'fixed' soon per google wave techies. Meaning that if u delete large sections of a wave you can't 'undo' To retrieve lost information apparently required playing back the wave, copy and bring forward. I have not been able to master that. With one unfortunate keystroke hours of work disappeared.
lotto dot ticket dot 108 @googlewave or @gmail. not sure the difference.
There are two clues in The Polar Bear which should be added (if not already discussed) A and T in the grass.
If DCaaPB want content of letters public, I suspect that they will post them in the HUB (minus names of winners). Zort, I assume that you have the HUB 'captured" in case it changes/disappears this week.
MEL will give your suggestion a try.
Our very, very, very, very old friend Polar Bear has seen better days with scraggly teeth and tired eyes. Can't decide if he is attacking drunk Other, or if he taken a liking to Dharma beer? Either way, it was a water cooler moment of season 1. IMHO we are being asked to look a little deeper into the mysteries surrounding these animals.
an A and a T, Lotto… interesting!
I added some contrast to the image…
I tried that too, to no avail, I still can't see what is written on the other grass blades, can you all? :-(
It would have been cool if the beer cans had some teeth marks in them, heheh.
hey guys, on dark last night we saw that its not an A and a T but rather there are more letters and its a Y and its the artists name.
however, i may have, likely not, but may have found something.
looking at the wrongly spaced clues on the website only because there are no gaurantees that the letters would be made public and because if those are typos there is no way to undo, you get these letters: s,t,a,s,i,n,t,h, o, f, t
anagrams to "shift stat no" as in maybe shift stat number. see shift ciphers: http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~gawron/crypto/lectures/shift_cipher.htm
stat has some tech definitions but i do not really understand them. does anyone else? is it possible that its some sort of shift cipher and the key number is the stat number(s) on the website?
am i way off base? also posted this comment on the unsolved clue section but it takes a while to show there.
P.S. It sure isn't fishbiscuit.
Sounds like you could be on the right track Inna.
well, of course the polar bear WAS a WCMoment, but we have to look at it based on "to what degree was it a WCM?"... you don't have to be a hardcore fan to think charlie's death, MIB&Jacob, We have to go back were bigger WCMoments...you just have to have watched past Season 1
@organic, agreed. Also, this polar bear looks like he's had a few too many Dharma Beers.
I think it's a good image for people who know Lost as "the show about the plane that crashes on an island with a smoke monster and a polar bear and the bald guy's not in a wheelchair anymore." It's one of the small number of prints that would be understood by casual viewers to be Lost-related.
Heck, I was on the Jungle Cruise ride at Disneyland two weeks ago and the pilot made a Lost joke about polar bears in the jungle. People with only a passing familiarity with the show see the polar bear as an iconic and recognizable Lost image.
inna, there is also an extra
in the DCaaPB. anagram results are ?
Haven't read through everything, but for those wondering I do the x just to protect my identity. Mostly a paranoia thing. I think that's why others do it as well.
I doubt flippers would even bother posting there order numbers. :/
...I think that's why people on eb do it (to protect their identity) and that's where I picked it up.
I've also got a couple google wave invites if anyone wants one.
It's interesting how this whole thing kicked off with a polar bear painting and now we have another polar bear print. Kinda like bookends.
Over at Darks it's been mentioned that perhaps dcaapb might dissappear. I'm wondering if we may need to use all the misspelled/missing letters to figure out the new url...which could lead to the last reveal or a new website.
I also think that the 16th reveal/print could be a scene from season 6, poss the Temple OR it could be something unfamiliar to us thus a mystery. This of course would send us into a frenzy of theories and speculation leading into season 6..lol
Polar Bears don't need no slinkin in the tall grass!! They are Polar BEARS! Not some sneeky puddy cat! Were is the MENACE in this print? This was a Poop in your Pants Moment! I'm noooott gettin that here! Sawyer should have been a bear dung pile by now with that pea shooter he had. Its a good thing its all Metaphor,,otherwise, Sawyer, Locke and even Charlie would have been Meat For the Coca Cola twins there.
But the print is well done in craft.Some say J Ryan got his name in the grass there..geezuz is there no end to an Ego?..Ha ha, i snuck my name in on a Lost Print!!..wtf!!??....no...thats not cool!..Grow up!..and lay off the beer for once, you'll end up like the Polar bear there,,on all fours slinkin thru grass like a little puddy cat!
@Mel, I have to say, on my iPhone, at first glance, I thought it was Vincent.
mel, you and your opinions are so tired.
jay ryan doesn't sneak his name on his prints. i dont know what it says but i'm sure you could shoot him an email and he'd get back to you. he is even nice to crazy folk like you.
Lots of people put there names in there art so if his name is in the grass, who cares, it's his art, he can put his name right across the front of it if he wants. They all sign them so what's the difference. My name is on my art and since I sign things very readable, it's easy to tell that I painted it. If I painted it, I get to sign it. No ego involved.
Why would anybody need to protect their identity on here of all places by putting an x in their order number??? That kind of negates everything Lotto tries to do for us.
DamonCarltonAndAPolarBear.com & Ronie Midfew Arts are proud to be continuing the "LOST Underground Art Project." The 15th limited edition print, celebrating the greatest "water cooler" moments from the ABC television show "LOST" is by artist Jay Ryan and focuses on The Polar Bear. This poster sold out in about 1 minute.
This is the 15th print, of an eventual set of 16, and was revealed at 44th Ward Dinner Party in Chicago, IL - a restaurant that specializes in solely grilled cheese variations. A large of group of campaign followers had dinner at 44th Ward, and were surprised to see special LOST-inspired napkins, revealing the newest print website.
These prints are limited to 300, but less than 200 are available for purchase. Each is signed and numbered and 18 x 24 inches.
You can view this print at WellItsADeliciousSandwich.com and follow the entire project, which will soon come to a close, at DamonCarltonAndAPolarBear.com.
charter, losties need to hide their numbers so that they can flip their posters but still be part of the "cool club".
I also thought it was Vincent for a quick second or two - not even on my iPhone...
Kevin Tong has his name on The Hatch. Most artists sign their work in some way, sometimes more than once.
jay is a fan of lost.
search the gigposter thread, i'm sure you will find jay comments in the thread.
Hi All -
Just catching up on a day spent mostly away from the computer.
Thorsten - got the invite. Thanks again.
Inna - nice detective work!
And for the heck of it, I sent a quick email to Jay asking about letters & his thoughts on print. You never know. :)
Night All.
No body is arguing about a signature.
There have been posts that claim his name is in the blades of grass..by the blades of grass.That is CONTENT..
I could not even be bothered to look for it.
meow meow meow...yada yada.. end.
i understand about one in ten posts from MEL. that isn't one of the ones i understand.
no double commas so i consider it a win.
So Ed..had to wait until Zort left i see..Just come out and say it..be a man.. you are here to antagonize and insult. Go ahead, say it. You can do it.
Between work and a computer crash at home, I have been away from the post for a bit. Until the new computer ships, we're sharing an older laptop at home. As my wife uses it alot for preparing lectures, i've been reduced to mostly following on my iphone (but what a pain to type on). I rather like the idea of having to find or come up with a URL.
@Rev - I was wondering if you would mind reposting the links to your print pics? Wanted to take a closer look at one or two of them.
Mel i could care less about zort and his hippie commune. Ban my ip if need be, until then i'll call you out on you're craziness.
please, refrain from buying razors come May next year. THE INTERNET NEEDS YOU!
..i'm crazy and you are sane..I see.
double periods don't mean anything.
Catching up on posts. Has someone compiled all of the typos and errors noted on the first purchaser letters? Moreover, has anyone consolidated numbers hidden in or of a different ilk in the existing prints?
Sman ..yes..andalone is working the first letter mistakes..I haven't heard of any looking for hidden..except we are still stumped by the 5 in the Van,,4 in the Triangle, what else?
@Sandman90 There is post on the 1st purchaser letters and unsolved clues at top of page - 3rd from left. DCaaPB Unsolved Clues
As someone posted earlier, weeding out legitimate clues from typos/poor spelling might be tricky. Interested to see where this goes.
I just found out I won the drawing for the S5 Dharma Kit at TLC!!!! I never win anything and am so excited I won this fantastic giveaway. I was debating whether to buy it or not and....now I'm getting it!! :)
I made up little scrabble-like pieces of the letters and numbers and have been rearranging into nonsensical words and phrases...Nothing yet but jibberish.
Woot! That is awesome Maven!
Congrats again! Fantastic!
Blogger's acting goofy again. Said post was made but it didn't show up. Posted again double post.
MEL & andalone - thanks for the heads up. It seems my exploration of LOSTARGS has been rather tunnel-visioned. 15 will be lost - 15 lost alphanumeric letters in the letters? Did they really think in the beginning that all of these letters would be available on the web? If I had to bet, I would guess the clues are all either in the hub, the prints (less likely), or both. But the first purchaser letters are compelling.
@Sandman90 - I realize this is a long shot - but I just can't get past the fact that spell check is too readily available, and that the typos are just so abundant. No one makes that many mistakes, especially on every letter.
Wow.. A LOT of comments to catch up on. Been out "in the country" in Central Texas for days and days and missed out on The Polar Bear. Oh well. Such is life. Sounds like it was another fun and exciting reveal. I hope all those who celebrated a relaxing holiday weekend were treated to good times with family and friends and got some much needed rejuvenation time. I know I had a swell time.
Will catch up more tomorrow. Excited to see more of you on Google Wave! Its the 'wave' of the future. ;)
@andalone - Agreed on the spellchecker availability. Maybe they're interns or just messing with us like the post-production effects guys who put the DHARMA symbol on the shark...
TLE and previous ARGS had so much hidden content, it wouldn't surprise me if there is something to it all.
But they could just be yanking our chains and having a good laugh. Anyway, I figure, who am I to deny anyone a good laugh, even if it is at my own expense. :)
Just wanted to say about the poster itself- my first thought was- "that's beautiful." It looks to me like an illustration from a fine old book- but then there's the (I think) drunken bear to give it the Lost twist. I read that the artist cuts out his designs with an exacto knife- this looks like great craftsmanship to me- though I'm no expert on these prints.
@andalone - Don't take my skepticism the wrong way - you are probably right and I commend you on your hard work. I am definitely looking at what you've compiled.
@Maven - congrats on the drawring!
Unless I am Mike Myers' Simon, that should be "drawing"
I can't remember if anyone mentioned the new LOST promo for season 6 in Spain. It's very cool, no new footage but a concept people have talked about.
since there is still hostility and the like around...i am wondering is there or will there be an effort to analyze clues in a more intimate environment or do we not care about that?? i really don't know. i mean, live together die alone and all that, but...
is that what you guys are doing the google wave for?
inna, you can comment at the Unsolved Clues tab at the top of main page here at lostargs.
and I would be happy to join you there and discuss what we are working with.
So hey all. :)
Have still been watching, just haven't posted anything as I don't have any great input. None of the last several posters have caught my attention, so I'm happy with the one I have (Swan Station). And as I don't need/want the entire collection, I'm good...
...except for that darn Locke's Secret poster. Remains my favorite, so before we get into the last reveal, I'll ask once more:
If there's anyone who has or know someone who has a Locke's Secret poster they're willing to talk with me about me getting from them in some fashion, feel free to email me at:
unseenpresence at gmail dot com
Now on to thinking about what might really be the final reveal...
Just an idea...
Have any of you been following Paul Scheer's website? When everything started, Paul said he'd be working "behind the scenes" on this project. Well, I noticed that he sometimes blogs about the prints, but not about every one.
Could that be important, or is it just my lack of sleep looking too far into things?
roxanna that is a good idea to see which ones he has blogged about.
By the way Edward and MEL, please kiss and make up. If you don't like each others posts, just rise above it and ignore them.
Edward if you don't care about the community why come and make trouble ? Please email me if you have any specific gripes about the site that I can try and address.
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