This fits in with some of the comments that we have had about Susan Sarandon owning SPiN New York which is a Table Tennis / Social club combination. (I think Stew was the first to mention this after the first clue was posted yesterday)

The person that sent the letter wishes to remain anonymous, but is enjoying collecting Lost Prints and may continue to collect other art prints after this current series is finished.
Looking at the SPiN events list, there is something set up for Thursday as the singles night on Tuesday is cancelled -
"This week Singles Pick-Up Night will be cancelled on Tuesday, but don’t worry because it will be even more crazy than you can possibly imagine on Thursday, just to make it up to you."
Also on Friday there is -
"Every Friday Night SPiN challenges a dozen of the best players in North America to battle it out for Number #1 and the grand prize of $500. Come grab a seat to watch The Dirty Dozen in the most thrilling matches you ever seen, up close and personal."
SPiN New York it is!
Now TYSON, when please?
Will paste in my comments about upcoming events from 1st clue comments.
SPiN listed events for this week:
-Nov 10 -- they have posted that their usual singles night was canceled for that night, and they will be closed from 6-9PM. But that's way to early for this reveal.
-Nov 12 the rescheduled singles night.
-Nov 13 -- Friday Night's Dirty Dozen Top 12 Big Money Showdown -- a dozen of the best players in North America to battle it out for Number #1 and the grand prize of $500.
-Nov 14 Saturday SUPER CAMP -- Top 10 American players host a table tennis camp. Note below that saying they'll close at 8PM that night. (Usually open to the "wee-hours").
Not sure that any of that helps since today is way too early and Sat seems like it would be too late in the reveal for this one.
Except for the FOB/Frame 6 reveal (and I guess the first reveal) they have not used any already scheduled events -- deliberately to prevent us from just googling up the time/date of these reveals.
November 10, 2009 2:14 AM
VIDEO CLIP of Susan Sarandon and Olivia Munn (AoTS) taking on Jimmy Fallon and Artie Lange on Late Night. (10.27.09)
Looks like SPIN then. And a late night for the UK!
Sorry for multiple serial posts.
Is there any significance to them linking/mentioning the Frame 10 reveal?
I'm hoping it isn't Thursday eveningas I'm going to the Children in Need concert at the royal Albert Hall, so I'll probably be driving back when it is revealed.
Pingy pongy?
SPiN New York -- Hours of Operation – 7 days per week
Thur-Sat………………….11am-The Wee Hours
Happy Hour (s) -- Mon-Fri 5-7PM
Could be any time from 11am then?
Yeah, probably.
I doubt they'd plane the reveal for anytime the place is usually really busy, so they might even reveal during the day, Thurs/Fri at their more standard reveal time of 11-12 ET.
TYSON reclines in his AERON chair, hands folded behind his neck, his feet rest on the desk next to a shiny new 27" iMac. We see the LOSTARGS website open in a browser window. Phone RINGS. Tysons answers it.
Hey, Tyson, how are things with frame 13? We are
just about to break the finale…
I don't know, Damon. They figured it out in seconds.
Zort and his people are getting too good at this.
Can you call Susan and cancel the whole thing?
No way, man. You know we had to promise her the
part of Lapidus wife to bring her in the fold.
Just skip a hint again and let them boil…
Listen, gotta go!
Tyson slams down the phone. He grabs the Mouse and fires up PHOTOSHOP on his machine. We see him typing frantically…
Night -- back to sleep for a bit longer for me!
WTH is a "Table Tennis / Social club combination"? Sounds totally odd to me :-(
Masheen, if you look at the website it does look kind of cool if you like Tabble Tennis
Looks cool even if you don't!
or even if you like Table Tennis !
Did it seriously go out in 10 seconds?
Madness! This place is awesome!
Anon -I went from On Sale Soon to Sold Out in one refresh so it sounds about right
I think 10 seconds is over egging it a bit, it took me longer than that to enter my order as the screens took so long to refresh.
10 seconds may refer to the time it took to put all the posters in the shopping basket, not necessarily complete the checkout process.
10 seconds or not, for me it was a total fiasco.
Can't wait fo 13 ;))
Probably 10 secs to get the 200 prints into carts.
Ok. Gives me a bit of hope... I dont live in the US and it takes like 2-3 second to load each page which is quite long.
Just noticed in the letter that the DCaaPB URL is missing the AND.
Yeh, it is. Nice spotting Zort
dang, go to bed and a new post comes out.
@ Zort - good eye. I wonder if the missing letters from frames 1-15 will be a clue to Frame 16
Yes there has been lots of speculation about that, but at the moment we don't 100% know what was a proper missing letter and what is just sloppy typing.
morning/afternoon/evening to all
just checking in . . . and laughing.
But Lotto, this is a grave matter…
Wahoo Spin! 11am would be an unfortunate time for me, but I'll give it a shot.
Although I am very sad I am not having any luck acquiring one of the posters, I am SO happy for those who are and I think it's awesome the fastest fingers are also getting a little extra LOST love with their purchase.
Hey guys! Sorry I've been away for awhile, it's good to see we're on top of all the new clues! Everytime I make it to a post we've already figured it all out...
thorsten, could you remove that post as it might be considered inflamatory.
sure thing, zort.
Hi Karen, thanks for stopping by.
Have you tried for any posters, or are you sitting back and watching the chaos.
Spin sounds likely and it seems that Zort's philanthropic side might be impeding his poster-collecting proclivities. Good for you, Zort.
Finally a reveal that I am probably able to attend! Hoping it's scheduled at a time that I can make it though
So, speculating, the event times are as follows, if they are going to be coinciding with these events…
Thursday - Singles Pickup Night 6pm - Midnight EST
Friday - Dirty Dozen 9pm - Midnight EST
So that's Thursday 11pm - 5am, Friday 2am - 5am for us kids in the UK and that's if they do it straight away. Could be very tired Saturday!
What makes anyone think it's going to be at an event, rather than just at the opening of the store?
thorsten, loved your "script" post! I was thinking the exact sqme thing, she may be appearing as Lapidus' wife! They've already said we'll be seenig a lot more of Frank this season.
ObFuSc8, I forgot to thank you for the login link, not shipped yet but still happy I was lucky enough to snatch one
I'm thinking that for the final reveal they just might leave us to it, no extra clues, maybe just a hint, but say: "You have all the information you need", that would be kinda cool but nerve wrecking!
We had a "ball" during that one too. Ball referencing ping pong ball? Fits with everyone's theory of SPiN
Thanks, vabauer!
Nice brain you got there!
SPIN ? The Rocky Horror Picture show feels so right?
I agree with you Any Lynn- probably will be done to avoid disrupting normal operations.
Re the missing part- could the letter receiver have taken it out with the other part deleted? Or did you take out his name Zort?
The letter was sent with the first line blanked out, but I don't think the missing AND would have been taken out deliberately.
As Amy said - would it be linked to a specific event night? They open at 11am. The SPiN site says something crazy will be happening on Thursday evening but surely that's unlikely to be the reveal as they would be assuming that their members would find it 'crazy'. If we're still thinking the 13th for the 13th then Friday nights Dirty Dozen event doesn't start until 9pm so I guess it could be anytime up until 9...
I guess the reason I think it'll be at 11am is that it's much easier to make us wait outside while they set up when they aren't actually open.
Re: final reveal... did anyone compile the missing letters/words anywhere besides the Lostpedia forum topic?
Try here Masheen
If there is anything missing let me know.
ugh... right in front of me :-o
thx man.
Hi, popping in from work.
Most (though not all) of the previous congrats 1st buyer letter usually ended with a comment about following the campaign/events at DCaaPB. This letter didn't have that comment, though some of the early ones didn't either.
No offense intended, but this last 1st buy gift seems a bit lame compared to some of the rest. The Gelaskins are awesome, but just the Ron Herman bag?
Come on TYSON -- are you getting tired -- you can't already be running out of LOST/DCaaPB memorabilia!
ObFuSc8, they got the skins and the bag.
Yes-Zort- think you're right. Was looking at wrong part of letter. Doh! In your list of mistakes- is the mistake for letter 12 showing the missing "and"? Think maybe it's a repeat of the the letter 11 missing "o" listing?
did a little number crunching but I guess wee need more info the solve the puzzle (if there is indeed one cause the four remaining URLs are still live as we speak)
The weirdest one I come up w/ was "A Dead Nations Toe" Yeah... I am teh sukc!
Well, anyway if it's anything like JJs WIRED puzzle (like frakkin Vigenère ciphers and stuff...) I am definitely OUT and someone smarter than me has to make sense of it
@Amy Lynn - 11am is pretty awful for me as well. I work down in FiDi which was perfect for Crumbs but it would be tough to "duck out" for long enough with this one. If only it was a little closer to an acceptable time for lunch...
@Dan, agreed. 11am is pretty horrendous.
At least this ping pong place ties in with something from LOST: The great matches between Hurley and Sawyer with nicknames on the line!
Wonder what swag they will hand out. Id like a sawyer/hurley ping pong paddle.
Does anyone think that the word "keyboard" in the letter could be a clue? Is there live music at SpiN?
Darn it I hate these Thursday morning reveals. Guess I'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
I think you're safe, Scout. No way is this gonna be Thursday.
very good point with JJ's Wired…
reminded me of this image of the Nano, two generations past…
Actually, this still could work out to be a thursday reveal, like frame 11. We could get a clue this afternoon, then one early tomorrow morning and the big reveal clue tomorrow night.
Hahah then again, I'd like it to be thursday morning, so I might just be reaaallllly wishing on this one.
Oh no, if Sarandon is in Lost I don't think that I can watch it, too much politikkin takes the fun out for me. :-p
Karen, I hope that you have good fortune getting one of the last posters!
East coast reveals are good times for me! Of course, it's all about
Thanks for the pic, Thorsten! Maybe the swag will be autographed ping pong balls and/or paddles! Maybe the URL will be on ping pong balls...follow the bouncing ball!
Maven, I do think it will be on the paddle and/or the ping pong balls. Maybe the paddle will have laser engraving as the skate decks did. Maybe wishful thinking on my part but the folks in NY are due for some swag!
Good Morning, All! Just catching up on comments...
Hello, I've been lurking for awhile and decided to come out of my shell. It is awesome that everyone here is always so fast at solving the clues. I agree that NY fans are due for some fantastic swag!
Of course, Kiki, as cool as it would be to get swag, a friendly time would be nice too. Not too many working NY'ers gonna show up at 11am anywhere.
BTW, Happy USMC Birthday to any Lostie/Argie Marines out there! Semper Fi and thank you for your service. :-)
Hi Kiki, welcome along.
Capcom, I'd like to add a big thanks to all of our millitary personnel fighting for us wherever they are in the world. With Rememberence Day happening in the UK tomorrow it's a good time to think about them all.
Talking of rememberence day, I've updated the main blog banner.
This is going to get like Google if I'm not careful. I'm not doing a Sesame Street version !
Awww, awesome Zort, a poppy! Yes, tomorrow is that day for us too. Many thanks to all service members! xo
Um, how long has the new clue been up?
yikes... check the hub three mins ago ... no change then
New clue !
vamos a la playa?
Found this, re SpiNYC
The club which is opening its doors in June is described by the Acadmey Award winning actress as a place where avid enthusiasts (such as pals Edward Norton and George Clooney who are also confessed fans-- or "Playas"-- to reference the recent film) will find "a lot of tables, Olympic tables, Olympic lighting and it's a bar."
A reveal 11am NY time would be PERFECT.
My bet is Thursday.
NEW POST for the new clue
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