SHOCK & DENIAL | You will probably react to not getting a poster with numbed disbelief. You may deny the reality of the loss at some level, in order to avoid the pain. Shock provides emotional protection from being overwhelmed all at once. This may last for at least a week. |
PAIN & GUILT | As the shock wears off, it is replaced with the pain of knowing that eBay may be your only option. It is important that you experience the pain fully, and not hide it, avoid it or escape from it with alcohol or drugs. You may have guilty feelings or remorse over things you did or didn't do to try and purchase a poster. Life feels chaotic and scary during this phase. |
ANGER & BARGAINING | Frustration gives way to anger, and you may lash out and lay unwarranted blame at Tyson. Try to control this, as permanent damage to your relationship with Tyson may result. This is a time for the release of bottled up emotion. You may rail against fate, questioning "Why me?" You may also try to bargain in vain with the powers that be for a way out of your despair ("I'll be Darlton's slave for a week if you will just let me have this poster") |
DEPRESSION, REFLECTION, LONELINESS | Just when your fellow Lost fans may think you should be getting on with your life, a period of sad reflection will likely overtake you. This is a normal stage of poster loss, so do not be "talked out of it" by well-meaning forum members. Encouragement from others is not helpful to you during this stage. You may isolate yourself on purpose, reflect on things you could have done with your poster, and focus on memories of the clue hunt. You may sense feelings of emptiness or despair. |
THE UPWARD TURN | As you start to adjust to life without your poster, your life becomes a little calmer and more organized. Your physical symptoms lessen, and your "depression" begins to lift slightly. You may find that another Lost fan is willing to sell you a poster at cost price. |
RECONSTRUCTION & WORKING THROUGH | As you become more functional, your mind starts working again, and you will find yourself seeking realistic solutions to problems posed by the next clue. |
ACCEPTANCE & HOPE | During this, the last of the seven stages in the poster loss model, you learn to accept and deal with the reality of your situation. Given the pain and turmoil you have experienced, you can never return to the carefree, untroubled YOU that existed before the reveal but you will now want to purchase the next poster. |
(With apologies to the recently bereaved)
Thanksgiving is next Thursday Nov. 26th.
Very funny. Now we just need a thread that deals with how to cope with "pre-loss anxiety." I'm already feeling it for this week and we haven't even gotten a clue yet.
Thnks 4 tht S.G. Very good Zort. Like it!
Sayid'sGirl is it always the last Thursday in November ?
More than one here has gone through that! I posted on the 5 stages of grief, but I guess this is taking it even further! Let's hope there is a seriously good cure for this, can't even begin to think what we'll be going through in May 2010 as the show comes to a definitive end!!
That's great Zort. Although I am somewhat disappointed to learn that I am not supposed to numb the pain of having to turn to ebay with alcohol...
ah, yes, very funny!
However, do you get to Acceptance & Hope once we're dealing with the last poster?
I'm excited for Thanksgiving - we live 2 blocks from the Macy's parade!
Hi, I'm Lisa and I'm still in the depression, reflection and loneliness stage lolol I love it. Maybe I will offer a list of lost things on my blog when the season ends at a discount to the grieving Losties.
hi all, cursor has been at this spot many times, thru very stage . . . . still languishing between reconstruction and hope. But I did get that "upward turn" and Barracks in hand via a wise superhero.
hoping the delay means Australia and Hawaii for our last reveals. Could this ARG really finish without a nod to these locations?
oh, a missing 'e' !!!!!!!!!!
I love this!
Step 8: Going through the exact same thing for the next poster....and the next one.... and the next one
Yes, Thanksgiving is always the last Thursday. Work slows down on the Wednesday before as people prepare, and the day after is Black Friday- which is the start of the shopping season for Christmas with big sales.
I can't get past stage 4. :(
Morning from the West Coast.
andalone, can you please PM, DM, find me this morning? tks. Lotto
I get the feeling they might have a "Black Friday" reveal set for the next poster given the silence so far. Doesn't look like any reveal this week...
For those of you that don't know about this event, the Friday after Thanksgiving "kicks off" the holiday shopping season. Store open in the early hours of the morning, sometimes at 3 am, and have special offers to attract the first x number of customers to walk in the door. It's quite surreal to see a mall packed at 4 am more than any other time and day of the year.
I've found that many times the offers are not that good, it's interesting to be a part of the experience but one should not be sucked into the whole compulsive buying thing, and of course lately with the advent of e-shopping many times to get really good offers all you have to do is sit by your computer at odd hours of the night, constantly monitoring several websites, refreshing the page, with your credit card in hand... mmhhh... that sounds familiar...
Morning all. That seven stages of poster loss is hilarious. Describes the stages I feel pretty well, I think we all show some anger on the forums (except for Zort, that man is cold as ice!). I think we all show some "I'm so done with this ARG" as well. Good way to start the morning with a laugh!
I just peed myself…
I was LOL at that until I realized how true it was, and then I got a little sad. ;) Great job Zort!
Good to see you here Lottery Ticket, and glad you got your hands on a Barracks. :)
I thought for sure there'd be a clue by now...darn it. I NEED a clue.
utoh Get Thorsten a diaper lol
Pretty funny. Here's to hoping for a new clue today....
Happy Monday Argies! Very funny Zort. Now we need a 12-step recovery program for when it's over and no more clues or posters happen.
Very nice work Jesse!
Sooooo sorry for your loss Lisa. xo
Great Sayid montage Cheif, that would make an awesome poster. I also lean to the same feelings that you have about the artwork. But, TPTB could have told them they could tweek the subjects in whatever way they wished to creatively.
I actually enjoyed the new Prisoner last night. I tried very hard to keep images of the original one at bay, and to take it as a first time experience as much as possible. Visually it's interesting (a lot of desert though!), the mind games are pretty subtle and intense at the same time (meaning you can sense it, but there could be even more there to be revealed later), and the acting is convincing. Put it this way, I didn't scrunch up my nose at it like V. :o) Going to go read that review now, is it going to tell me to hate it? haha
P.S. the review might mention this, but if Fringe upset some people with shwoing the WTC in the other dimension, I imagine that this Prisoner version will have the same effect possibly. You'll see why when you watch it, don't want to spoil.
I see Just Thinking answered you questiion about Thanksgiving.
or your question.
I predict a 2:00pm est clue.
Isn't Thanksgiving always the 4th Thursday of the month? Every few years it is possible to have 5 Thursdays in November.
Sorry if I'm being picky (or dense, as the case maybe if I am incorrect).
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
..... repeat .....
..... repeat .....
Thanks Lisa, managed to change my pants ;))
In other News, Rick Norwood had some comments about the 2009 versions of V and Ze Prizoner…
I think that you're correct Eugene. And let's not even get into how the day got flip-flopped when FDR wanted it changed. X-D
Now.. these 7 steps are meant to help the disaster stricken. But for me, I know’em by rote. For example , Shock. I know that one inside out.I’ve been use to that since my introduction to it back in 3rd grade.Yea, enrolling in a school and I touched the back of the secretaries radio. WHHOOWEE! Every radio station on her dial was channeling thru me let me tell ya. Little minds aren’t ready for all that information. It was shocking what I heard. But I suppose it later made me able to handle the return letter I got from my 4th grade teacher. She said she wasn’t able to spend any of the summer with me cuz she was going to Europe with her fiancé. That bit of info was shocking for a 4th grader, but I was ready. I replied , I wasn’t the jealous type.She wondered where in the world did a little boy get such thoughts. I told her I heard it on the radio.
The pain bit , heck , thats life. Like I go out and have a cigarette , that’s all it takes to get thru the shock,but my left foot is giving me pain these days. So I went and bought a pair of them spring sneakers, yea , Springs in the heals. So when I go for a walk now..its like all wonderful lovey dovey stuff. You know Julie Andrews like; my heals are full of the sound of music. Did I tell ya my 4th grade teacher looked like Julie Andrews?
So, the anger.,woop de doo. I mean, you know its coming so mite as well enjoy it. That’s why I always have a “ project” instore if I don’t get a print.Nothing better than to let loose the anger than in the inevitable moment when the best laid plans go afoul. Even the most simpliest will do. Oh..say.. heres an easy one,clean the shower doors. .Easy enough right. Take’em out, spray some of the modern miracle Scum Be Gone on’em. Hose ‘em off. Put’em back in. Ever notice, its usually the last that gets you? Its always the last bolt that strips out, or the last nail that bends, or the last panel that won’t fit.I mean getting those doors back in sounds simple but the perfect anger moment is just waiting there in the guides and wheels. You start talking to the doors in not so friendly French,then the animal instinct takes over in expression of sheer force. Be careful Tho. You could end up with a wrench thru a window, or a hammer ruining a 4x8 panel or a twisted , knotted busted up something that use to be a shower door. But it Felt good , Right? Ya have to hold on to the Intellect tho. Like, drive over to Home depot and buy a double shower curtain and voila, problem solved. Just check to make sure rings are included or ya mite repeat the cycle.
And I don’t get depressed after some wrassling with the anger. I feel better. I mean the anger is gone. Like last nite, There it was,, The Prisoner..8 Eastern, 7 central. Okay , 7 rolls around and theres Keno on the boob tube doing his Am I real? If the question is the answer then what is the question, etc etc. Oh NO!.. Matrix Mumbo Jumbo! GAK! I suffered thru what had to be worse ever written and acted Movie ever…just to know what I already know..If there is no choice, then there is no freedom. So,,as soon as you get rid of the anger,,then you are free to get uplifted. No time for depression. Uh HUUH!. Depression makes no Prisoner of me… I like what I saw last nite with the Prisoner.All the pretty women talk English like. Reminds me of Julie Andrews.
So that leaves all the goodie goodie stuff. Hope and all that. Get a clue folks.. Speakin of clues, Did ya notice all the stuff in Last Nite’s Prisoner that ya saw already in Lost.? It got like the Matrix..Did I see that in the first Prisoner or was that from Lost or was that from the real part of Prisoner or was it a dream of Hurleys or …GAK! I am Keno! Well its true!! I can’t act worth a crap either…Any way, I’m liking The Prisoner.Lots of good stuff going on out there in the desert…And theres a lot of old cars in the show,the kind I use to have toys of,when I was in 4th grade.,before She came along.
Good Morning all!
I was in stage 4 last night about JC... but now feeling stage 5-ish.
Morning from the west coast again!
Hahaha, know us all too well! I think we've all experienced all or some of your 7 stages!
I'm still planning to go to GoMerch sometime today....I'll let you know what happens or doesn't happen!
Happy to see you hear again, LT!
Where's the clue?
@ LT - missing "e" from what? Did we get a first purhase letter and if so what's the clue?
Thanks, I have not gone back thru the 800+ comments on the previous barracks posts.
Go, Maven! (to Go Merch)
@Attorny Greg,
LT's missing e was from her previous comment. It says very instead of every
And now I have a missing e from Attorney :P
Be careful, Maven!
Attorney Greg,
I think LT just meant she dropped an e..."hi all, cursor has been at this spot many times, thru very stage"
very stage instead of every stage.
Tell 'em we said "Hi!" Maven!
goodie goodie stuff, like HOPE? I'm accepting no return to carefree. but hope. hard labor moving leaves to street, dismantling gardens in preparation for inevitable snow, best medicine.
My FB profile/status was hijacked by teenager during Prisoner. I think maven got a peek of sleeping techno-beauty he posted. A hearty laugh at my expense. Kids. So will have to try to re-watch all that angst again. Too much sand made me sleepy.
maven, shall we track you like a reveal? I'm game.
sorry the missing 'e' threw you for a loop.
Go Maven, Go Maven, Go Maven
I'll post updates on twitter! LOL
Good morning all! Still no clue, huh? It seems to be getting later and later. I do hope it is this week, instead of a Black Friday reveal. There will be so much web traffic that day, it could cause even more problems than the ones we've been experiencing with Go Merch.
Patmc, good point. I sure hope "they" are reading this!
maven is on the way to GoMerch NOW.
follow her Twitter feed
yeah but her tweets are protected :-( I sent her a request but I doubt she will have time to let me in
someone pass on the tweets ok ?? :-)
BonnieJGreen Off to GoMerch!
MEL found your original SURREAL post at Fuselage 3/2006 and follow up re: Numbers. You were enjoying a nice wing with Bubba back in 2006. Made me very hungry in the future.
Hi Lisa. Yes. I will be doing that.
What is she going to do when she gets there? Stage an "intervention"? LOL!
I hope she made an appointment... I don't want to read have her Tweet from jail! Go Merch seems a wee bit touchy these days...
thanks LT I will be here for another half hour before I have to leave. (always have to help someone move something when you have a big truck lol)
per maven:
"Got nothing @ GoMerch! Posters shipped from g1988. Heather was nice, but nothing new from her!"
The GoMerch Warehouse!
ahhhh oh well, it was a nice try anyway !!
Unless Ronie Midfew has got to her !
OOF! By the look of that warehouse I'm relieved our posters were never there!
Thanks for the pics Maven and the passing on LT!
Ok, I'm back from my big adventure! I saw the warehouse door was open so I went in that way to talk to the help in there thinking I'd trip them to reveal something. They played really dumb or were really dumb and they lead me to the front office where I met Heather. I thought honesty was the best policy! So I told her I was a LOST fan and I saw GoMerch was in my neighborhood. She said there were no posters or swag there. Posters are shipped from g1988. They don't know the next reveal until right before (doubt that one). I did mentioned the issue we've been having with the quick sell out and confirmations/oversold issues. They are aware of that, but there's nothing they can do when it sells so quickly. I asked who makes the phone calls after the emails....she said it comes from GoMerch and she is one of them. That's about all I could get out of them! It was fun though!
Sorry, Lisa & Irish Hobbit about the follow request. I approved it now, but you really didn't miss anything thanks to LT. It was over in about 5 min.!
Thanks for your little field trip. You are braver than I am... LOL
Did they give you any idea if they were trying to correct the problems, or were they basically saying "you'll just have to deal with it." ?
maven, our sleuthing quilter! You wove your way thru a 'back door' and discovered secrets. lol
@Patmc: We'll just have to deal with it! The confirmation emails mean nothing if by the time you get to the next step it's sold out, so you get the dreaded phone call!
maven- next time take a gun (even if it's just plastic). ;)
I think Tyson must have H1N1 because he's not dropping any clues!
Looking at "The Hatch", I don't have a black light but I'm wondering if that might be the way to view it?
Still no clue, eh?
Nice investigation work Maven, glad to see they didn't escort you out with you arms behind your back.
Just come to the conclusion that if you want a poster, no matter how long ago it was it was released, don't try to buy it off someone from expresso beans. Man, some extortionate prices they're wanting.
Maybe Tyson wants us to figure out the Clue in Watch the video closely, Ping Pong Players! first ;))
Sam G, Tried (in embarrassing fashion) the blacklight with The Hatch (details several posts back). Sorry to say it's a no go.
Walt's Kidnapping arrived today.
Thanks Sandman.
Standing back and looking at "The Hatch" you relly do see "The Eye-land", iris pupil, lid.
Olly Moss tweeted that he found the Locke's Secret cupcakes "awesome".
Just thought that if anyone knows who made those they could let them know.
Lt..Now there was a fine dawg, Bubba. what could I have possibly said about the mangey mutt way back then? Strange as it is , I just recently stumbled across that " Numbers" post as it was originally written, saved in an old file on computer. I must have cut and pasted that post I don't know how many times. Thus began my disillusionment with the Fuse.
And thanks Maven for boldly going. I take it there was no reserved parking infront for Ronie Mildew Farts and alexanDRA. Photos of those two would have be a real hoot.
@Zort - I'm so sorry! I was going to take some pictures of my "Walt's Kidnapping" for you this weekend, and totally spaced (hey, it was my birthday weekend... LOL). I guess I'll just have to take some pictures with a flash, instead. I'll try to get to it tonight... after watching tonight's "The Prisoner". I really loved last night's... it's got the same surreal / creepy vibe of the original, but with better production value.
@MEL - message sent
@Sam G - Try listening to The Eyeland track (Track 2) from the LOST Season 1 soundtrack while viewing The Hatch. For that matter, try Crocodile Locke. And a nice drink.
I think I'm going to try watching it again tonight. I hate it when all my friends are watching something that they then get to chat about and I didn't lol So I will try it one more time so I can catch up lol
Night all, I'm going to have an early one.
ReverendMilo hope your arm feels better soon, you need to get in shape for the next reveal.
Maven you are a star for your investigative activities.
By the way I emailed Nate Duval to say sorry if he got hastled on the blog comments last week, and he wrote back to say not to worry, he is used to the limited print and internet world colliding.
Pat, don't worry, I'm just after a couple more signature pic before creating a post about Walt's Kidnapping.
How's everyone doing... Anyone have a case of the Mondays? Way I'm seeing it that last are GUARANTEED amesomeness with Jay Ryan & Todd Slater already confirmed... Yeeeeaaaahhhh!!! ;-)
@sandman..I'm still at I'll take care of business when I get home email opened up. A few more hours yet.
Woo hoo! Zort's off to bed! Come on Tyson... quit stalling! LOL!
Poster Traumatic Stress Syndrome
WWTD... What Would Tyson Do? ;-)
It's not possible they're taking this week off is it? Would of thought next week for Thanksgiving but not this week.
Right off to bed with a little bit of classic South Park and maybe the next episode in the LOST rewatch.
Goodnight all!!!
I got my hurly lost skin for my iPhone! It's great. link
A bit off-topic:
Oh no no no, I just realised something horrible when I thought about the unexpected lack of a clue so far. If they should decide to decrease the release rate of new posters now to one per every second week as opposed to one each week, the next will be on November 26th or 27th next week. The 15th would be on 10th or 11nd December. But the last and 16th one would be on - Christmas Eve! Which is exactly why I think they HAVE slowed down with the last three posters. They want the last one to be a Christmas present to the fans. It sadly makes perfect sense. Damn, they can't do this! I want to see the last poster with Juliet and Sayid (that bookmark with the filename Bookmark_FINAL.jpg just has to be a fragment of the last poster). I'm already dying of anticipation to see what the deal is with Juliet and that Swan logo on her and the big hairy, white arm on the bookmark, and now this. Considering my usual bad luck and Murphy's law, I am going to say "touch wood" 108 times just to be on the safe side...
Touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood, touch wood
@Ben DeRoy: You made me pull out that bookmark and try to figure out what you were talking about with the big hairy white arm. Now I see, although I can't believe it's an arm. Or maybe.... ;)
@ Trial Attorneys - Wow! Did you get that at They would not do mine because of copyright infringement or some such legalese. Would you mind sharing where you got that if it was not gelaskins?
Even with Anonymous posting disabled the crazies still come out...ugh.
I told you guys, the big white hairy arm is Soupy Sales' viscious dog White Fang.
Poor Soupy, God rest his soul. (Actually I had no idea that until recenty he was still alive) new clue? looks like it might be a late in the week reveal
By the way, with the last reveal I found a way to login before the buy now was live...and I just wanted to warn anyone else had the same idea I did - DON'T.
If you manage to login before the buy now goes live, once you click the buy now button, instead of taking you to the checkout with the item in your cart, it takes you straight to your "my account" screen where you see all of your past orders. I had to logout and then log back in. wasted tons of precious time doing that.
Thanks for the heads up. I tried that too and it may have cost me The Barracks.
With regard to the last (16th) frame - I know there has been a lot of conjecture about fan based art. While I believe this would be fantastic, based on the talent I've seen here and elsewhere, but I doubt that it is likely. Logistically, such a feat would be hard to pull off in the context of this ARG and I would hate to be excluded from a potential print prize based on my utter lack of artistic talent. Moreover, the blurb on DCPB does say 16 artists commissioned, correct. I'm suspecting some sort of worldwide scavenger hunt integrating the clues we've been given so far. Regardless, I LOVE the idea of a fan-based art collection/contest and hope that someone, if not ABC, would be so kind as to coordinate such.
Sandman - a few of us are working on something fan based for everyone. You'll hear more about it when it's closer to the 16th frame :) clue in the Spin video, maybe dog arm in the bookmark, maybe bookmark art in the final poster, final poster maybe showing S6 scenes.
Yes, Eugene, RIP Mr.Soupy. :-(
I would be very happy if we got another Bender rendition for #16, he's so close to the feel of the show, not just a "hey can you interpret this for us" artist brought in. But I guess I would be not so happy when I didn't get one. I'm hoping that the final one will have a zillion copies made of it so we can ALL get one. Wouldn't that make our hiatus?!
Surely tptb want this ARG wrapped up before LU gets under way/S5 dvds come out etc etc? Thats about 3 weeks off, so the timeline fits...
How do we not have a new clue yet?
Thursday reveal, it is almost the end of Monday (already over in most of the world) and Zort is asleep. All signs point to a new clue.
Walt's Kidnapping glows in the dark! Sweet! Tom Friendly and the concentric circles have GID ink.
kiwi, I think that's right. I was just thinking they really want this wrapped up by the Season 5 DVD date, December 8. I would bet on it!
@Justin - Looking forward to it.
No new clue...I say fantastic. We need a break.
And Walt's Kidnapping glows in the dark? Sweet! Can't wait to see that when I go home!
Sandman..thanks for the update. No hurry here. Like you ,I have plenty, i won't say it. Im' sure you've groaned tired of that one by now. clue yet, huh? Figured we'd have something by now. Any word on the 1st buyer letter? Does the shipped/authorized status in the orders at all correspond with when the 1st buyers have gotten their congrats letters? I guess clue with withdrawal has set in and I'm Ping Pong Players and anagram for something?
Milo, I the post about what happened, but whatever it was I hope you're on the mend.
I meant to type "missed the post"
Clues better be coming fast and furious tomorrow!
If you missed the Swan Station print and want it i've got it on ebay. I'll not post the link here, but you can email me at frank dot boisvert at gmail dot com. Or look on ebay, i'm DJ-Anakin.
I'm not flipping it.. I promised my wife i'd only keep one, and I don't really know any other fair way to sell it.
Godzilla vs. Gamera at Tee Fury today.
@Maven - Strong work at GoMerch - added a little fun to my day.
Well I'm still wrapped around the axle on this 15 are Lost 16th will be Found business...what? is there a new show called Found?...or like..somewhere there will be a bundle of 199 prints by FooJ Magura..amd who ever finds the bundle can take them to Ebay and become fabulously rich, Rich! I tells Ya!..or maybe its just a ticket to Hawaii with a temp membership in the screen actors guild so one person can be famous FAMOUS I tells ya!!..Carlton, I'm ready for my close up now! Found! what the heck!
btw..whats with the grenade in the mouth bit? Miles got a pineapple breakfast and so did 6 last nite. Yea, i get the metaphor..say anything and you die..but aaah..was that a tip of the hat to Lost or what? Well, there were others too. They did the eye opening up bit too.
@Sandman90: Thanks! :) It was fun, but I was stonewalled!
Haven't watched The Prisoner yet. My DVR decided to go on the fritz around 7pm last night so I'm recording the first 4 hours tonight for hopeful weekend viewing. I'm mostly curious about how this version will end - the bottom line the same but how will they go about conveying that.
..the ocean...he'll find his ocean and sail off into it like McGoohan did in traffic with his Morgan.
YAY my waaaaalt poster came~!!! im gonna wait till i frame it and the other one before i show anyone X3 the more i look at it, the more i love it, and i think they go together (transmission is my other one)
i never noticed,but the smoke billows have lil skulls in them. i love this ARG~!! (how y'all doin btw?)
Ok, what the heck is Tyson up to? I hope he's not up to any tricks.
late night and very quiet. writing, writing. I've forgotten how difficult to be precise.
maven, getting nervous for you. when does your boat dock? maybe we're going monday, monday, la la, la dee dah.
Carlton Cuse is tweeting from the Griffith Observatory. Maybe he's there to see the Leonid Meteor showers, Scoutpost!
LT: I'm nervous, too! Turns out we can't use our iPhones at sea! (They will work, but they would charge us a fortune!)
Anybody else suffering from clue withdrawal?
I must have refreshed the hub page at least 100 times today. I am a sad, sad man.
No new clue still !
On the plus side a new poster tube has just arrived.
I wonder what it will contain ?
This is getting even better, the postman came back and delivered a second tube that had been left in the van.
Lucky zort! I really like seeing a tube hanging out the end of the mailbox! Gets the heart racing and puts a silly grin on my face for hours!
Has anyone a "SHIPPED" status w/ "The Barracks"? Mine's still at "AUTHORIZED". Jacob's Cabin went from "AUTHORIZED" to "SHIPPED" like in a day or so? :-/
Morning Zort... What's in the Tubes??????
Just had another offer for The Barracks turned down
No clue! Maybe the clue was in the video.
That's exciting about the tubes, Zort. I'm not expecting any posters, so I'll have to be excited for everybody else.
Maven, I just came in from watching the meteor showers in the predawn sky. Beautiful!
I got my Walt's Kidnapping and the copy of The Numbers I ordered.
So to discuss Walt's Kidnapping NEW POST
The Seven Stages of Poster Loss = Brilliant.
Nice work Zort70. :)
kiwi, I think that's right. I was just thinking they really want this wrapped up by the Season 5 DVD date, December 8. I would bet on it!
As I said, if they were to decrease the rate of poster reveals to one each second week now, it would mean that the 16th and last poster reveal lands on December 24 or 25, on Christmas Eve. That and the unexpected lack of a new first clue which has so far always been revealed during Sunday or Monday doesn't seem coincidental and does seem to indicate that they are going for a final Christmas reveal. If it holds true, I can easily see that last reveal taking place in London, since that metropolis is quite famous for its worldclass Christmas activities. Maybe at Harrods? Darlton have said repeatedly that they see the last season of the show as slowly unpacking a Christmas present, so this logic do have some merit. Which kind of sucks because I really want to see the rest of that bookmark. Meh...
Tyson, my Tyson... why hast thou forsaken us?
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