It is by an artist called Tyler Stout and is simply entitled LOST.
The poster is larger than the others in the series (24" x 36") and more expensive $70.
The URL is NothingsForever.com the URL was revealed in a script given out in the queue for the Gallery 1988 show. The poster was first seen in the Gallery before being made available on the URL website.
Tylet Stout's website is www.tstout.com
The quote is from Season 4 Episode 13 - "There's No Place Like Home (part 2)"
D'oh! I thought I would be the first to upload a picture! LOL
Need. A. Time. Now.
The reveal time of 11:52pm PT floating around seems wrong to me. That's nearly 3am est. And why would the crew over at GoMerch purposely keep themselves at work until close to (and perhaps past) midnight?
11.52 is the WRONG time!!!!!!!!
So, what do we do? It can basically be all timing from 12PM to 11PM!!!
Toooooo much!
funny that "15 will be lost, 16th will be found" and the 16th is titled LOST.
Paul tweeted that MIB painting a few minutes ago btw.
Morning Zort.
Pat your pictures were fabulous.
Haha. Nice catch re.
Well, I don't know what to expect.
Hi all, we are here at the Village Idiot
"after 9 PST tomorrow" quote from Mr. Jensen
Ask us questions, please
I think Damon and Carlton have gone on record that there are at least 2 hidden messages. I think I found the first one: new hieroglyphs! If you look at the very top of the poster, they are in the clouds in the middle... My wife is working on them right now, but we are in no way experts on Hieroglyphs (I'll post a picture in a few minutes, and post the link)
Another interesting thing I noticed is a pretty distinct letter "F" at the top of the "T" in LOST. Also, at the top of the wing, near the middle of the letter "S"... there are what look like two quotation marks. I'm wondering if there are other letters hidden in the poster, that form at word or sentence. I'll upload the pictures somewhere, and post the link right now.
What an amazing day... and night, with the amazing people here. I truly wish that everyone else could have been there, it really was a special experience for a Lost fan.
Oh... and thanks again to Comix Guru for the Pinks Hot Dogs gift certificate! :-)
Yeah good one Reanimated. Now where do we stand with this time thing if we're dependent upon others for the clues?
now that everyone's getting here, I want to thank Rev & LT again for their live video. Thanks patmc for the pictures! Maven has some pictures up on FB and they are great!
&thanks to Zort for keeping us organized here :)
Oh, and thanks to all the people who kept me company here today :D
After 9 PST tomorrow? PM, AM?
Wish I could be there with you all... but I had a great day with ALL of you! :-)
sitting with me, Dennis, Ob_fuSc8, Scoutpost, MIB, ReverendMilo, MEL Anne, Amy, xanman and andalone in spirit
I keep seeing an upside down D in blue on the bottom right corner. Lack of sleep? probably :)
Pic of poster, please :D
I would think that's PM, per the clue on the bag.
was that all he said, Lotto, regarding the ON SALE time? Can you tell us everything he told you?
I still don't get what the ":52" would be in there for... why not just have it land on an actual hour like all the other drop times.
So either 5:52 or 11:52...something seems wrong... they either didn't count a bookmark, or we are interpreting the bookmarks incorrectly.
greetings from Texas, LT & gang :)
WTF indeed. The more I look @ this damn thing the more I want it! But now I don't know when to BUY NOW! I think I should go to bed.
@ roxanna - cool. r u attending UNT? or r u from Denton?
here here
oh DUH I should have just clicked on Zorts picture to enlarge it.
hey! wanted to say awesome video LT & Rev, it was very exciting! Really wish I could have gone out there. What stunning art!!
@ reAnimated - I remember, you're keeping it weird down there aren't u? ;)
@Pat... the glyphs at the top-center are from the hatch countdown timer.
I went to UNT for a year, but changed majors and transfered to TWU. Graduating in May & I'm super excited! :)
@Ginger - you know it.
..are u sure the "F" in the T in "LOST" isnt just a scrape like the one at the top of the "O" and the bottom of the "L?" :\ The quotation marks look like parts of a plane wing.. What I wanna know is what is that under the oceanic symbol on the fuselage? Is that 080? or just shapes from a control panel or somethin?
Do you think it is possible you lost some of the bookmarks they gave you?
gah, i just noticed the polar bear in the image. lol
Based on what happened today and what Samantha said, it is my belief that not all of the bookmarks were counted. By the time they told us there was a clue on the back of them, a couple of people had left the area and probably weren't aware.
I just took close ups of the poster. I'll post a link shortly
@ roxanna - Congrats!
@ reAnimated - I love Austin! Would love to move there someday.
I really need to go to bed. It is super hard to type w/one hand & hold a sleeping/tossing/turning baby w/the other!
Got their swag and left? But we're counting on them!
For real, if were not expecting to buy now tonight, I need to try and get some shut eye.
Nite friends.
The ODI just posted some info regarding the secret clues. One he got from Damon, the other Damon said we'd have to figure out. He tweeted the info if anyone follows him or doesn't i'm sure most of us know him @TheODI
I need to ask a favour to the Reveal Guys.
9PM tomorrow will be 4AM here in Italy.
I will not be awake, because the next day i will be busy doing a presentation at work.
Is there anyone who can try to have it for me, please?
Hey is it just me, or are there 2 fuselages on the beach?... the one with the wing attached, and then a 2nd one we can see inside in the lower right.
Perhaps this is our s6 clue??
The Hieroglyphs on the new poster:
The New Locke Shirt (Limited Edition)
Close up of Tag on T-Shirt
My shot of the new poster (full poster)
Detail shot of bottom or poster
ya know, I had minor surgery on my back earlier today...I should probably be resting...instead I'm F5ing...oh LOST...you may actually be the death of me, haha
goodnight reanimated
Also going to sleep because I have finals in the morning. Tonight was a great adventure and I'm glad I shared it with you all :)
patmc--Thanks for taking the time to post those!
Pat will they be selling any of the shirts online? Or only in the gallery?
Congested: could that be the destroyed Swan site?
Flip, only 815 of those shirts were made. So much for getting some online.
Ok I TAKE IT BACK. That's an "F" in the T, a "j" in the O, and an apostrophe in the "L!" Nice catch patmc!
I was told that the shirts are only available at the Gallery, and they may even be sold out now. I know they only had a couple of mediums left around 9:30.
Here are all my pictures from the day... Close-ups of the 16th poster are at the end
By the way, if you met me today (my name tag said Jawapez), feel free to friend me on Facebook.
hey, so I know a ton of people have probably asked but if anyone could get a Locke shirt in an XL for me I would gladly pay for it plus shipping through PayPal or whatever other method.
if anyone would be so kind, please shoot me an email uprisedetroit [at] gmail.com
oh..also, were the posters they gave out at the door glossys or were the actual numbered copies of the print?
Today's posters were not numbered copies. On the bottom where the signature and number would otherwise appear, it says "THE FINAL SEASON - 2010."
The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that we all don't have anything to worry about. If you look at the specified size of the new poster... it is 24x36. This is standard poster size, and it is the same one everyone at the Gallery received.
It is also noteworthy that this poster is a LITHO PRINT, not a screen print! This is what I have been saying from the very beginning... that they should produce Litho prints, as they are mass producable, and for a little cost.
Also, if you look at the content of the poster... it has almost everything a Lost fan could want! There are little scenes and details all over the poster that capture a large number of major moments from the show.
Because of all of the things I've mentioned... I am pretty darn sure that the poster revealed tomorrow will NOT be signed and numbered print, and will NOT be a limited number! I believe that it will be a mass produced poster that will be on sale to ALL the fans that want one... for a much longer duration than the 30 second sellouts that we have become used to.
Damon and Carlton are obviously aware of the frustration of the fans who have wanted a poster, and have been unable to get one. It would only make sense that on the very last poster reveal, leading into the very last season of Lost... that they would make a poster available to as many people as possible, so that they could each have their own piece of Lost history.
Any thoughts...?
thank you for clearing that up.
The website says there are 300
Tyler Stout for LOST
24x36 inches
Hand-signed and numbered screenprint, edition of 300
@Congested - I don't know, but my guess would be that it was only for the Gallery event. Sorry... :-(
and $70 for a litho seems a bit high
Uh, patmc, go look at Frame 16 url. "Hand-signed and number screenprint, edition of 300."
You're dead wrong.
It's 300, maybe 200 like usual.
I was hoping for a better way of managing this. :(
I think the posters we got at 1988 tonight were for us being there, and the 200 being sold tomorrow are the good ones that were hand printed and signed individually by Tyler Stout, which is what the $70.00 is gonna pay for. It does say on nothingsforever.com that its "Hand-signed and numbered screenprint, edition of 300." I wouldnt get my hopes up about havin an unlimited supply if ur a fan that needs this poster
11:52 right? No BUY NOW! :-( What's the correct time then?
guess maybe we'll have to wait for a hub update...bookmarks? were bewildered!
I was definitely hoping for a better finish. But I think it's going to be a disastrous ordering experience when it happens--especially if we get anything close to a widely publicized order time. Fans of the artist usually only have about thirty minutes of warning. The Tyler Stout fans (and the rest of the Lost fans) will have all day tomorrow to hera the news, and by the time all 10,000 people start F5ing at the order time, the internet will explode.
I wish that they had dropped it at a random time this evening.
@dylansdad - I only saw the tag in the gallery... I wasn't aware that they had updated the hub site.
So they may still have the rush for the signed and numbered ones... but I still believe that because litho prints were created in the first place, that means that the printing plates exist, and could certainly be used to run more copies of a non-signed, non-numbered edition.
for anyone that isn't familiar with tyler stout prints, he doesn't do big runs and he never reprints anything, so once they are gone, they are gone.
LT, are you saying that Jensen said the poster drop wasnt till after 9 PST tommorrow? Didnt quite catch the jist or your comment. AM or PM?
Unfortunately for some of the unlucky ones, the website clearly says they will never be produced again :(
Laid baby down. Ahhhhh. Much easier to type now.
LT when?
The poster reveal is definitely Wednesday PM December 16th, Pacific time. This much was written on the tote bag. All we know about the time, other than PM, is after 9:00 according to Jensen.
james thats bad news for me cuz i was actually wondering if he did reprints cuz i was looking at his work and LOVE his Big Lebowski poster. I wish he made more of those so i could get one..
@Pat, Yes I have a thought but i'd rather not share it publicly just yet. As far as this poster, I believe it will be limited edition screen print as the others have been. It's been said all along that there would be 16 limited edition signed and numbered screen prints, this is the 16th; nothing different but the price due to the size.
The DD was 24 X 18, in comparison this is 24 X 36; quite a difference in size.
What you all got tonight was a litho (and most of you got it signed by Damon, Carlton and other writers etc) correct?
OK one clue is in the flaming ankh that Hurley is holding, but what do we make of that clue? TheODI has also questioned the fuselage, so perhaps a better look at that would be in order as Congested as suggested.
And here we still stand with no time. (throws hands up in the air). Depending on other people for information is not a strong suit of mine. I'm not a person who depends on others for anything to begin with so this is quite maddening; i've reached out to other sources.
If this art was commissioned by ABC, it might not be not up to him whether or not there is a reprint. Based on what the site has told us for months now, I firmly believe that there will be no reprints.
no, the url says "hand sighned and numbered screenprint, edition of 300". so, no. its the same show.
wait, where are people seeing the letters in the letters?
btw - did you guys see this? http://mrtheodi.iimmgg.com/image/ed07aec8bb3ded013687ffa821d7356a
this was a benefit. how groovy. and they sold 1/1 editions.
However @Pat, they did get the final poster to more fans didn't they? How many people who attended the event got a FREE poster, not a screen print, but an autographed litho. So IMHO they did in fact get these out to more fans than the others, and they were free.
These are my thoughts:
ankh is in the fire
fire = smoke
smoke = smoke monster
smoke monster = ???
I gotta say...I'm with MK on this. Everything seems way too confusing, unverified and disjointed. I'd just love a damn HUB update...my poor poor brain.
@dylansdad, hypothetically speaking. There won't be any more signed & numbered screen prints, but what if ABC were to do a run of lithos, or even perhaps 8X10 posters of all the posters like the ones that were given out to the attendees at the gallery tonight. It may sound like semantics but they wouldn't be lying.
Just thought of this...
I was listening to the commentary for "He's Our You" today and they mentioned something about fire...I can't remember exactly what it was, but I'll see if I can find it and maybe it will mean something.
the ankh in the fire strikes me as "teams" in the up-coming war - like a flag for a side in the war. note there is another red flag up in the mountains too. i bet it has a different symbol then the ankh.
So Lost University has taught me that the ankh is the symbol for (eternal) life. Positioned between the Smoke Monster and the statue's foot is the ankh torch. I am reminded of how Jacob was kicked into the flames by the MIB (widely believed to be Smokey)--yet in the midst of the fire/through the flames, there is still life. Maybe there is hope for Jacob after all.
yeah, the Ankh is "life", so I'd read that as Hurley being the key to saving everyone. Or a reincarnated jacob, out of the fire?
Forget the S6 clues!!!!! ;) Lets get the time for lonely old 16th first!
.......when did they give out 8x10 sized posters??????? I knew i shouldnt have gone to have a sitdown and eat at Pinks before getting in that line!!
Did i just see Kate in "The Hurt Locker"....oh lord...
Okay, this is what they said in the commentary for He's Our You:
"If we need a diversion, we burn things."
The first thing I thought of was Jacob at the end of Season 5. Maybe his fire was a diversion for what was to come?
OK, so I fell asleep at 2. Woke at 4.30 am and reviewed and can't believe the fun you guys had. Milo and LT, you were both awesome for being so on the case with your streams. Unbelievable.
Congrats to everyone who got those amazing goodies and sorry to those who missed out. What an experience it must have been.
And remember that without LT's hard work over the past months many of us would have had trouble keeping on top of the other posters.
As for the 16th. It looks amazing. Let's hope we all get a chance.
Catch up later.
MK--I would love to see a run of lithos, and personally would be perfectly happy with a copy like the ones that were given out tonight. I think that after the stress and short supply of this series, a larger run of the lithos would be a fantastic gift to the fans that would still not markedly decrease the value and desirability of the screenprints. This piece really sums up the entire show and print series and should be put in the hands of more than the usual number of fans. But we'll have to wait and see...
(poster is NOT 18x36, but 24x36)
Hurley is carrying the torch of eternal life? What the hell is in that guitar case Hurley?!
Ohhhh I like that DD, you may have hit on something there. I've been a believer that Jacob didn't die anyway, that he'll rise from the ashes like a Phoenix. I don't have the blu rays, just the regular dvds so i'm not getting the LU experience.
Other could thoughts here regarding the flaming ankh. I also believe that MIB=Smoke Monster=Christian=Flocke,i'm sticking to that belief.
I just realized- I think Paul Scheer gave me the second clue...
When he signed my poster he said, "Oh I almost covered the airplane." And he drew and arrow two it.
The airplane has two red dots on it, conveniently covering the logo on the tail and the hull. I posted a close up
I agree that MIB=Smoke Monster=Christian=Flocke. I also like the idea that Jacob might not be out for good, and that he might be able to give a little touch to the real Locke and revive him just like he did after his nasty fall. I would get a kick out of seeing Terry O'Quinn act as both Locke and Flocke (the bad twin).
Maybe his tweet about the timeline being disrupted has something to do with it if the plane really is the other clue.
Wow--I missed that. I would say that a SECOND Flight 815 could be a major clue. One lands, one still crashed. I can't wrap my brain around that, but the second plane seems well hidden up in the clouds. Unless it's 316, then I'm getting excited for nothing.
red dots might be Ajira symbol.
The red dot does not cover the logo on the tail well enough- it is definitely the Oceanic logo.
ITA dylans dad, but its not gonna be this one, not for $70.00. Perhaps (again hypothetically speaking) maybe after the New Year ABC may do something like that so that all of us who didn't get posters we wanted will be able to in a non-screen print, or signed & numbered situation.
Umm, I just refreshed the DaaCP hub and in the lower left hand corner rather than the word "done" I got this http://i3.ytimg.com/
I put it in a web browser and it looked like a clock, i've no idea to make of this.
Oh and I reread theODI's blog and he thinks the Oceanic Air logo might be upside down (as a 2nd clue).
Absolutely shattered!
Cheers to rev milo for keeping all of us absentees entertained for 5 hours. Patmc, I want one of your team Jacob tees, was awesome.
Anyway, does anyone know the best way to contact Ryan from Hawaii? Got some questions about the season premiere and how to get in and everything. Or if anyone here has been before, maybe you can help me.
Oceanic Logo is just as it is in 'The Crash' because you can also see Jack down there
NO hub update.
ATeamBlog, can you send us a better picture of the plane?
If it's oceanic logo, imho it's simply the confirmation of the second timeline.
If you a twitter account Ryan can be reached @hawaii, if you don't I can ask him if its OK to give out his email account or he's also on google wave.
You can contact Ryan on twitter @hawaii. However, he told me to contact @AlohaBruce for some packages to the event. I looked into them, and they seem great. So that is my tip to you :)
For those of you that are interested, these are the packages for the premiere event in Hawaii from @AlohaBruce
Well, I have a headache from refreshing all night. I'm going to take a chance and get some sleep. I'll have to play some guitar tomorrow after building up such a nice callus on my refresh finger. Maybe an F5 chord would be appropriate?
Well another hunch of mine. I don't think the first flight 815 crash we saw was really the first crash, I think it was the 2nd crash.
Too many odd things in the pilot that are indications that they weren't all complete strangers to each other, Jack has alot to do with my theories on this.
I don't like this theory but "it always ends the same, they come, they fight,they destoy; it always ends the same". Hurley and his "loop", it could very well be one giant loop against all my wishes.
Here's the best close up of the flying plane I can do:
Now that that's solved, I'm going to bed :)
Interesting theory. Makes sense. If I had the patience I would go back and look at the different times they discuss fire or life on the show.
I think I'm actually going to bed this time. It's almost 3 am here.
Goodnight/Good Morning everyone :)
Here's the painting of the MIB from the gallery thats being talked about, not sure if you posted this. Pat had taken a nice picture of this as well, Paul Sheer tweeted it a little while ago.
Anyone know / wanna make a guess who is in bottom right of the print??
NO Richard Alpert...
That person seems to be watching everything unfold
When you say that he's "watching everything unfold" it makes perfect sense to me that it's Richard because remember, he watched them all die.
Look at that grimacing face on the MIB.. No doubt he's gonna cause tons of trouble this upcoming season, ha.
last facebook link is restricted to facebook users :(
@Martyn - Thanks! I'm no artist, but I made the file myself (I'd love to have seen what Thorsten could have done with it!), and had it printed at a place online called UberPrints.com . I had Damon and Doc Jensen both comment that they liked it, so that's more than I was hoping for.
If you or anyone else would like the file so you can print your own shirts, just let me know, and I can send it to you (it's just a JPG).
I'm wiped out, and have to get up in 5 hours. Hope everyone had a great time! Good night all...
Cheers roxanna and mk!
Cheers patmc, I'll get it off you later!
What are the dolls in front of the gas mask in the MIB painting? weird.
So we think the last poster is going on sale tomorrow? great. Another middle of the night reveal that I'll miss.
I'm excited by the idea of open runs of the prints. I know some of the artists held back the final 80-100 prints to sell themselves as well. Hopefully there will be a way to satisfy demand. Open runs will also scupper all the ebay flippers. Which is nice.
I can't seem to pull myself away from here... it's weird.
i hear that. tomorrow is going to be a long day of writing and working and waiting and F5'ing and worrying, and very likely, being disappointed in the end.
I don't have time to read through 500 posts... did thorsten's print of all of us get taken away by anyone? any comments on it?
Those are the dolls Annie made for Ben for his birthday when they were little.
I remember seeing Maven show Darlton the print, but I am not sure they took it at that time. I am also not sure if and when they finally did hand it over. Might have to check with the group tomorrow.
Phew...just got back from a great dinner with the LostARGs gang! I had a great time and met tons of great people! Wish you all could have been there!
@Ben - yes, thorsten's print was given to them. Both the original and Milo's printouts. I also gave them 2 copies of a print that I did myself.
@Zort - the "jsena333" with Daniel Danger is me :) That's just my twitter name
I'm off to check out some of the coverage of today's events and hopefully catch up on the comments!
@mk, I always got the strange feeling when Jack woke up in the jungle the first time that it was him waking up again in the same spot. But that was just my "armchair filmmaker" inside me working.
I attended the gallery tonight and it was pretty amazing. I was able to score Medium and X-Small Locke shirts for my girlfriend and I. They are all individually numbered on the hangtag so you know which one you got out of 815.
By the way, I remember posting a while back around halfway through the poster reveals that I would LOVE to see Scott Campbell do a poster. He didn't. But what did I see tonight? About 20 small 3 x 3 inch pieces he did! They are cute. Even the bleakest moments in LOST history he made cute. Just wait til you see them. I'll post some on my Facebook later.
I'm just glad Gallery 1988 and the LOST folks got in touch with him. He's still my reigning top artist.
ok, caught up on posts. You all were chatty last night after I went to bed at almost 12 pm I'm beat ! and here it is 4:30 am
link = Facebook Album!
I hope it works, stupid new privacy settings.
Morning Lisa. How full -on was that!
I made the Album Public so hopefully everyone can see it by just logging into FB.
We're trying to find out the time of the reveal. That info is in the hands of the people who went to the gallery tonight; perhaps you can pry it out of them.
Making a time of the poster being on sale dependent upon other people is about as ridiculous as thinking the typos in the first purchase letters were guaranteed to get to us or that those typos were diliberate at all.
I'm sure GoMerch & perhaps Jensen will realize that the info is being held hostage and perhaps update the hub for those of us who didn't get a free litho autographed and signed by Damon,Carlton, and the other writers of LOST.
MK, how exactly is the "info is being held hostage"? My understanding is that there was a missing piece of information regarding the time. Everyone there posted all the info they had during the night, sharing to the ultimate extent that they always do.
I forgot to pay attention extensively to other artist prices but i did notice that Edwin Ushiro had two pieces on display and for sale, one was priced 1516.00 and the other was 2342.00 I believe.
I was hoping he had also made a 48 dollar piece but alas, there was none. Nice touch with the prices though. I don't remember any other artist using similar pricing.
totally long night Chris. I had to finish off my chocolates to stay awake !
tons of fun tonight!!! sleep time :-)
Just had an email from another Lisa (Maladylis)
Statue photo's
Can't participate much this morning, so just reading along.
interesting the statue is billed as Sobek, not Tawaret. Two statues on the island maybe?
It's a while since I was reading about Egyptian gods once we all thought it was Tawaret I gave up.
Someone has written a very interesting piece here
same Lisa that posts here all along Zort lol not a different one :-)
Sorry Lisa, I thought there were two of you.
I'm giving you multiple personality disorders :-)
What, Sobek? My money was on Sobek from the beginning ;))
We have no valid information as to the time Chris.
well, slightly double wide now, does that count ? well, don't count that lol. I guess I could be considered two personalities some times.
That's okay, Lisa. I am seven different people right now, that's what sleep deprivation does to me ;))
yeah I'm a bit ruff around the edges myself. I tend to get a bit bi*chy with not enough sleep and 4 hours just didn't cut it so watch out world, here I come lol
I use Maladylis for everything else LOST but on blogger, all I heard was my mom saying over and over, thats so silly, use your name. So I gave in and changed it. Moms !
Ok, there's a new post up and no one but me is there ?
Dennis has created a NEW POST with lots of pictures of the art from last night.
I don't know if it's been mentioned but Sayid and Shannon are on it twice, could this be a clue?
Crap. He used two of the same photo references as I did in my LOST fan art poster.
For this print, Stout did a less "severe" look than his normal work. I like it.
there are def only going to be 300, I don't know where or why anyone got the idea there would be some limitless source for everyone to get one... It will be harder than ever to snag one, and lots of people will be bitter and upset when they don't like usual... It's just a poster, it's a really sweet poster, but just try and enjoy it and be a good sport... the MAJORITY will miss it, and a small percentage will get it.
Also, totally random on sale drops are very common in the print world... Tyler Stouts "warriors" print went on sale randomly at about 11am est yesterday and sold out in 20-30 minutes... But someone is saying it will be after 9pm west coast time, so thats a hint at least.
Does anyone know if the postage cost will be different for this one?
Anyone have any hints on how to expedite the checkout process?
Few the past few prints, I've gotten through a couple of the steps but when I go to confirm the order, everything is sold out and I get an error.
Is there a way to sign into the GoMerch site early or someplace to store your shipping/credit card information to easily insert during checkout?
The Warriors prints didn't sell out in 20-30 minutes yesterday. The variant sold out in about an hour and the regular uncut edition sold out in about 10 hours or so. The cut edition is still for sale at $35 and an edition of 450.
I definitely think it's Richard Alpert on the bottom. As if he is observing everything.
I love the poster. Just don't think we need Sayid and Shannon pictured twice. I would have preferred the smaller image of them to be Rose and Bernard who seem to be the odd men out.
I just realized a few obvious ones were omitted... miles, frank, charlotte, widmore, eloise I wonder why they decided to do this.
Would have been nice to have some sort of sense of the freighter besides just Dan. Along with history/time travel aspects that Charles and Eloise bring. Maybe I'm not seeing everything, would have loved the donkey wheel somewhere.
Not trying to nitpick but when you make a poster called "lost" and include a lot of key moments. It would be nice to somehow see them all
So has anyone figured out the time yet? I head that apparently Jeff Jensen said we've got the time wrong. I managed to get a loan of money for the print, if I miss out, I'll surely die of a broken heart.
Bill A. - Sorry, there is no way to log in before the Buy Now and stay logged in (or at least there wasn't for the other 15)
Call me what you will but I think this ARG, if you can call it that (you can't), is an even bigger disappointment than the DharmaWantsYou stint. At least DWY wasn't a misleading gimmick to get you to buy some paintings (4 of which weren't even worth the suspense of a reveal).
You may try to login if you remember one of the other urls login page, changing the url with the new one. I tried last time, but however got sold out message.
"A misleading gimmick"?
How is this misleading? We're given the option to buy these prints. No one is forcing us to.
Uh... So... I seem to have misplaced my password... I forgot it the last time, and it reset to something ridiculously hard to remember. And I don't know where I wrote it down.
Is there anything I can do except wait for it to be released? If that's the case, I'll definitely lose out on this print. By the time the e-mail comes to reset the password, it'll be sold. =[
Please someone tell me there's a way to reset it before this print goes on sale...?
unfortunately Callie, there is no way to get into GoMerch now since they have it all closed up tight since the last poster
do the numbers offer a clue to the sale time? the poster was revealed on 12/15 (12 = 4 + 8), it's the 16th poster... could it be at 23:42 PST? or at 16:23:42? I haven't been able to purchase one yet, but would love to at least have a shot at this last one!
Okay, I guess that's that, then. Thanks, Lisa.
I guess I can try to find a poster buddy once we all know the sell time (if we ever know the sell time).
Marshall, I think we were supposed to look at the bookmark numbers for a time. Unfortunately, some have gone missing, at least we think so.
But, oooh, what if one of the missing bookmarks had the number -10? That would make the time 11:42, which would make sense. Otherwise, it's just so random; I mean, 11:52?? It's not on an hour or half-hour or even quarter hour, and it's not on a Lost-number time. Too random. (Along these same lines, there could me another missing number that would change 11 to any of the other Lost numbers). Just a thought.
I just have to get this off of my chest. To the three people that pulled the line-skipping stunt yesterday you should be embarrassed. You are grown adults and you resort to line-skipping and attempting to justify being bigger fans??? It's great that you contribute reports and information to this site but a person's true character is decided by actions - specifically your actions when no one is around to see. The absolute insanity that comes over some people regarding posters, little statues & other trinkets is sad. I hope you at least feel a little remorse for behaving like a child. I apologize for the rant but I hate that LOST fans are now judged based on the actions of a few people. I don't want to be embarrassed to say I love LOST because of the actions of a few.
TVGuide.com: We hear there are some little hints in the final poster. What should fans take away from viewing this?
Cuse: I think you should look in there and there will be a couple of clues to the final season that are embedded in that poster. It will make a lot of sense once you've actually seen a few episodes of the show.
Lindelof: You should look at the poster and think of the things you've seen on the show, and then whatever else is left, that's a clue for Season 6.
Adam: i think the same, i couldn't say it better than you.
Is it possible that we are still here, no clue about the timing? :(
honestly, i feel like this may be weeding out a majority of the ebayers. us Losties are glued right now to this. I'd rather keep this random and let us f5-ers have it. unfortunately i'm going into work from 2:30 EST to 1:00 so looks like i'm out of the running. hopefully all us f5-ers (or apple+r-ers) will get it. god speed and if anyone has time to get an extra (i know this is 99.999% unlikely) think of a fellow lostie.
Adam, I am with you. I was #33 according to the list that we signed up on. But it was amazing how many more people were ahead of me when it came time to enter. Of corse I do blame some of it on the lack of organization and/or experieence on behalf of the Gallery and ABC/Disney - if anyone knows about lines, it's Disney. They really should have had much more of a crowd control and #ing system.
Also, sort of on the same subject, it is amazing to me the person that is selling the poster from last night on ebay, claiming it is one of the "official" ones that will be sold later today. Plus they have the wrong poster shown as their sample, they have the one that was signed by the artist in the gallery on the wall (which is also numbered), which is NOT the one we recieved last night. I plan to send them an e-mail letting them know they are not disclosing the full information. But still . . . off my soap box now!
The uncertainty of the timing is killing me! haha
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