So is this the end ? Well not quite yet, there are a few things left to tidy up and thanks to the generosity of our Losties we will be able to have a small swag giveaway at some point in the near future.
@Michael from the last post - I messed up my shipping address when ordering Jacob's Cabin, but a quick email to Tyson had it fixed right away and it was delivered with no problems.
oops, I posted in previous scrolling reflexes must be whacked out...F5 finger sprained, heart still palpitating, long story short: I am 15/16 (including #16) Will begin hunt for missing poster after holidays.
I would love to trade posters but am scared someone might try to rip me off and not send theirs- is there a good way people trade posters where they feel safe doing so?
That made me nervous to. I would say through ebay. One of the private auctions. put up a pencil for trade for like a dollar and make a note with an asterisk comes with so and so poster. You each do this at a set time and you are both protected
At least this is what I thought about so I would not get screwed.
Well there are stil some objects' ID that are up in the air, and we may never find out unless the artist gives us some info.
For instance, the purple cloth may be Nrs.H's cape but who knows; the folded paper on the table could be a few different notes or drawings that people have suggested; the looped cord in the corner needs to be resolved; and the tiny airliner, for a fews things.
BTW, now that #16 is over, has anyone thought about what Paul meant by the missed clue of Ping Pong? If he meant in Amy's video, did the 815 arrival time flash in it or something like that?
I was able to see the poster in line along with some other great fan art. Let me say this, it is an awesome fan art print and I will be trying to get one to go along with my Charlie Gig Poster!
I know! If she hadn't filmed it, would we have not even seen it since they haven't posted it? If so, we would have missed out on a very interesting piece of art history education discussion...and the S6 info, if that is indeed what Paul was hinting at.
We never really got a chance to ask Paul Scheer what he meant. He showed up on the sidewalk (I hear he works out at a gym down a few blocks on Melrose), gave out the post-its, then was supposed to come back during the event. We left a bit after 9:30, and I think Paul showed up after that, just before G1988 closed.
@ Ob - it looks like an orange powder puff. But probably just an orange?
@ chaseter - I thought I had read somewhere that the artists may release unsigned/unnumbered prints of their works after the show closes. I thought that's what you meant.
Thanks capcom for doing that MM project - I've posted about it on the ABC boards. There's been discussion about whether the Linder painting is legit, too.
Obfusc8, if you go to the very large version that Thunderstorm posted in the comments you can see that they look like flies. Before seeing that large image, I thought that they were the Medusa spiders. BTW, I can't remember the significance of flies. Lord Of The Flies maybe? Or are they actually the bees that Charlie got stung by maybe? I wonder if TPTB gave this artist any inside info on MIB for this concept.
RM - thanks so much for the links. Great to see the print up close. Probably was discussed yesterday ad nauseum but there's a lower case "i" on the "O" and the "F" on the "T". I assume it stands for "LOST is Found"? I've been a lurker but thanks to all of you sleuths and to Zort for a great experience these past months!
Capcom -- it's the large version I was looking at. Whatever it is the flies are sitting on does not appear to be the surface of the table. It's a different texture and projects upward to partly cover Rousseau. Of course as yt posted, it might just be an orange.
kiwi it's on the LOST ARGs front page, under the The LOST Art of Gallery 1988 post -- click on the pic under Dan Lydersen and the larger pic will come up.
Awesome. We should totally try to do a fan art reveal for as many weeks as we can get stuff put together. I'm willing to try to make something up. It might not be pretty, but it'll definitely be unique.
Well, the line was fun. Soooooooooo wanted a statue, but was number 18.
Upside: During the original Lost Experience, I snagged a glyph from the door of a radio station on the night of DJDan's live broadcast (after getting SHUTDOWN). I kept that glyph for the time I was in the same place as Damon and Carlton--and yep, got them both to sign it at the showing.
Have been back to look at the gallery three times since. There are a couple of items that are callllling me. I keep trying to resist.
I'm also still praying for the possibility of finding Locke's Secret once more (the one at the gallery had a frame I didn't like and I wasn't willing to pay $550 for a painting and then UNframe it, etc. Already have paid about %700 total for the one poster I did get.) But it seems unlikely these days...and that saddens me more than anything else about the entire process.
Was great to meet people in line; some of you are brilliant...and some of you were -so- embarassing (you know who you are!) *grin*
Well just for reference, here is a large MIB. I think that this one is larger than on the gallery blog, I wasn't able to enlarge that one. Greg or Thunderstorm posted this jpg over at Big's place initially.
I guess that the bugs are just on another papaya, unless someone figures something else out. ???
Yes, I know it's tomorrow night. At 10pm. I'm at work til 11pm tomorrow night. Which is why I asked will this mysterious print still be available when I get home.
Alright, so this is a pretty random place to post this, but I don't know of anywhere better :)
I got Jacob's Cabin (yay!). I really like it, but there might be some I like better. Now that all is said and done, I'm going to consider trading it if a good offer comes along. I'd really probably only consider Locke's Secret, the Hatch, or the Smoke Monster. If anyone has any offers, my email is ramparts [at] gmail.
And does anyone know where is a better place to post this? Thanks!!
I've started my own reveal at I guess I'll call it The Completely Unofficial 16.5 Poster :)
Anyways, the first clue is up at! Come check it out. I'll roll out the clues fairly quickly, so check back throughout today and tomorrow! I'm also giving away one of the DCAAPB posters with this reveal!! In addition, I managed to get some swag signed by Damon and Carlton and will be giving that away, and we have more reveals planned!
Thanks Justin for helping to stave off the PLAD (Post-LOST-Arg-Depression) with more riddles. Though now I'm at work refreshing my screen waiting for the next clue :-)
Justin - is this something you are doing with just personal art you created or are you accepting submissions from other fans also? Im interested in making some art if so
Also, Maven, Scout, and anyone else that has pics of themselves with Damon and/or Carlton - Send them in to if you'd like! I'll post them up by my ugly drawing lol. I know i've seen some more people with them too from comic con!
Hi all. I'm writing up a blog post concerning the LOST ARGs poster we presented to Darlton @ G88 the other night. If you have any interesting pics that include the poster could you please email to roobperrin[at]gmail[dot]com. Note the double-o is not a typo. I've already grabbed the pic the was posted in the lostargs G88 article (hope that's OK, zort) Many thanks!
Wow, the pic on the main page showing the sold outs is amazing. So many stories there, all slightly different for all of us. Happy/sad/overjoyed/angry/dissapointed/faith restored, emotions running high. So glad on one level that its over, and so sad on another. The community found and shared, I will never forget. I look forward to continuing this extaordinary journey, here or at TLC during the season. Not that were finished here just yet by the look of things!... ;) And Zort, Im sure all agree when I say thanks for holding this all together. Now, Im sure youve got nothing better to do, so how about another still frame video of the sold-outs now its finished?! ;)
Hello all. I just contacted Jensen at the Gallery to see if they retain any spares from each run. He was VERY insistent that they have absolutely no spares of any print - they have sold the whole allocation they received. I had hoped they had overflow for overordering (I thought they might not, but you don't ask, you don't get) the answer is a resounding NO.
I thought I didn't get a 16th poster last night, but when I checked my bank account this morning it had a debit of $84 from GOMERCH. I tried contacting customer service but haven't heard back from them yet to verify that I did get one. I never got a confirmation but they took my money! Is that a good sign?
I hope so too! I was so disappointed last night because I have tried on several prints and never got one. I never got a confirmation last night, so I thought I didn't get it. So when I checked my bank account this morning you can imagine my surprise.
You know, I asked Corey (Carlton's assistant) to maybe send us a pic when it was in the writer's room. He immediately said...oh-no, can't take pictures of the writer's room. LOL
@Capcom: I think it was me who was told by Corey (Carlton's assistant) that he can't take pics of the writer's room (as I said above). I have a comment in to Comixguru about how she got the pic.
I can see me! I hope they don't dumpster it. I get that we're ugly, but I'd hope they'd put us up somewhere, if only to remind them how crazy some fans will be for their show.
And the village idiot pic loses as many points as it gains for proper pint glasses... FILLED WITH WATER. Drinkfail.
Ok, back from shopping egads, I hope I'm all done now. Oh and did I tell you ??? !! ??? Someone sold me their Polar Bear print at cost !!! wooohooo ! He's my hero !
Thanks, Thorsten! I'm so glad I got my quilt signed and presented the poster then! It would have been almost impossible in the mob scene at the Gallery! We're so lucky the stopped by the line to give away stuff in the afternoon. Everyone I meet from the Lost Staff were unbelievably warm and welcoming and absolutely sincere with everyone they met that day! They are truly appreciative of their devout fan base!
OMG! Just home from an afternoon/evening of Christmas celebrations with my fab work team to find a new post, 144 postings and all the old friends names back when I've had the saddest morning thinking everyone had gone! OK - going to catch up on the posts now.
Yay! Thorstens art in the writers room, or a room anyway, is soooooo good! I too say thanks once again Maven, we could see you being patient and awaiting the ideal opportunity to present and you found it.
And what's this Zort! More fabulous thrills for us tomorrow night... how cool!
Oh and my Polar Bear arrived today. My day started out sad but has ended just fine. Night all.
That pic is awesome! I gotta get copies from the rest of the group. I know Mib took a bunch of pics and I think LT did too. I'm like Milo, and don't have any pics on my camera (except 1 of Obfusc8t and one of the producers).
And that's awesome that comixguru got a pic of Thorsten's work! So did we hide a mic in the frame of the print so we can listen in on season 6 being written? :)
There are like three of us on there that didn't know we would actually go to the show! Whoops. Kinda like survivor guilt lol.
If I was one of the writers, I'm not sure whether it'd be motivating having the fans looking over my shoulder, lol. "Do a good job, or these are the last faces you will see before you die"? XD
Just kidding. Sure they can't normally take pics in the writer's room because the story is ALL OVER THE WALLS! Table, apparently, safe. :)
But yes, many kudos to Thorsten for the work, ChrisL for the printing, maven for the delivery, and comixguru for the photo.
BTW will try to get my photos up by the end of the night. Don't have very good ones of Darlton I don't think, the DSLR is bad for "over the head" shots and I'm not much of a shover (to get to the front). Do have photos from the gallery and closeups of the MIB painting.
Maven- you are right, Corey told us that he would DEFINITELY put it up in the writers room. And he seemed sincere, since we had just joked about whether it would end up in the dumpster like the DCAAPB black velvet. And, yes he was very serious about NOT being able to take a picture of it hanging on the writers room wall. LOL Maybe after S6....
And yea! for the pic @The Village Idiot. That was fun...even though the food was not good.
Regarding the flies in the painting... the only thing I can come up with is Goodwin's corpse, I recall some buzzing going on when Ben brought Juliet to it.
HEEEEYYYYY,,Hoowabout Those Village Idiots!!? FOOD?? I needed a translator for the menu,,and that was just for a burger and fries!! I think it was more about the " menu experience" than the food. Tho, The DeadMans Ale was excellent, thanks for the tip Rev! That'd be the other empty " pint".
Just when I thought i too would find some long in hiding sleep,,i am reminded that my camera hasn't been downloaded yet...I should have never turned my computer on when i got home.
ScoooUUooot,,,could have let that one sit there just a little bit longer..Yea..Justin certainly was thinking way ahead of the rest of us.
I still haven't washed my right hand,,yea..Carlton AND Damon shook it..and Ub8 and Anne and Scout and Mib and Maven and Alice and Samantha and Misha, yea, Misha too! She told me that I was the first person who ever asked her to autograph her own work,,then she said she didn't even have a copy of DCAAPB. Oh well, starving artists simply don't have the kind of money it will take for me to separate from the DCAAPB print,,or from my right hand.
What a great time this has been! Ended up spending far more time at this site than I ever thought even remotely possible. There are wonderful people here and I have enjoyed interacting with you. And every time I look at the prints I was fortunate enough to obtain, I will think not only of LOST, but of the fantastic time I had participating with all of you, my LOST ARG family. Thank you, every one of you. Peace and be good to each other. Happy trails! how do you feel about Zort calling a Doctor and a up and coming Doctor a Village Idiot? Its true!See if you can name them. I'll never tell.
andalone..thanks for shaking my hand too!. We had you dancing on the table top to Aretha,,but the bouncer threated to throw you out so..thanks for going along with it all.
Apparently, the play that Michael Emerson is in on 12/28 is SOLD OUT, except for partial view seating. That certainly makes for a more exciting evening.
MEL - MMMmmmm.... So my assumptions are a physician and a medical student. Appearances are often deceiving and the financial hardship of being a medical student may reflect casual attire but that doesn't help here. I doubt if a resident physician could swing the time off on such short notice. So... Physicians can be a fairly self-absorbed bunch and often reflect their workplace identities in their private lives. ;-D Based on this theory, I might guess that the physician is obfusc8 and she is likely an obstetrician. The others names are less revealing and likely reflect the student/resident as they have not yet been consumed by a specialty. Not sure but the up and coming doctor might be ... wait for it...Anne?
Sman..Heheheee..I would have never guessed either of them, but you got one right. Amazing!
Amy!! By Jove you had the way out of this conundrum all along and just now you found its voice !!?? A day and a dollar never had so much value! PARTIAL VIEWING!! YES!!!! Partial Viewing was the answer to all the 404 victims...RENT THE DAMN PRINT!!! Then return it,,and Rent the next one you didn't get..Yea!!! 90 days..120 days..whatever...Security deposit and all that sure..but RENT IT!! could have made alot more happy Lost Fans!! do you partially view a Play?
And no problem with the poster tubes Mel, Scout, and whoever else I gave them to. They were free from the post office ;) To bad they weren't just an inch longer! didn't expect to be putting such large prints in them!
Wow - complete guess! I need to try that with the Lottery (not our own LT - though I think I recall someone guessing an accounting background). Sorry for outing the physicians. Fair is fair -so... yes, I count myself amongst them and you needn't look too far to guess what I do.
Justin..I just now finally got around to opening box and unpackaging it..Still an impressive print but more suited as a Marquee work than a Art work..OH wow, I just noticed,, Vince is in there!! Season 6 has Vince!!
Ok, again, color me stupid if this has already been brought up, but the latest LU tutoring center video was available to watch as of yesterday..."Hatches and Patches". (ya'll proabably already know)
Maven congrats on getting that writer's room photo - that rocks.
Also, I mentioned here, about two months ago that I knew one of the upcoming artists but couldn't say because I was sworn to secrecy, and you asked me to tell you who it was once their poster revealed. Well, as it turns out , it was Tyler Stout.
I had NO idea then that I'd have to wait to the very end to tell you. :) Glad to see you had a great time and made the most of it.
I barely finished posting the second clue and Andalone just figured out the URL!! LOL.
Anyways, 2nd clue is up at! Check it out, I'm sure more of you could guess the URL. And don't worry, it's special if you get there early, but everyone will be have access to it. You'll know what I mean when you get there and read about it.
1 – 200 of 319 Newer› Newest»first!
and my first first to be exact.
Is that 5pm EST?
10PM??? I'll be drunk in a gutter somewhere! It's friday night!
I'm hoping this swag is related to the gallery. Having no posters AT ALL will be cured if I get a sweet dharma-treat of some kind.
Holy smokes - just when my shakes were leveling off!!! :)
Is this the dusty project from before?
OMG!..I'm going to have to get my F5 key fixed!!
This is not related to any previously announced art or projects.
Just a bit of fun, but hopefully something that you will all enjoy.
I hope that it's Thorsten's Des and Charlie artwork. A classic scene.
What ever you're up to is always fun, Zort. :-)
Can you tell us if it's going to be something that is widely available like 300 copies or just limited to a select few?
--This is PWN3R by the way. lol IDK where my "Bob" comes from...
is it the fan poster?
Hmm this has my interest peaked.
Something tells me Zort isn't going to tell us anything more. ;)
It has not been published anywhere before, but believe it or not clues to it have been seen ;-)
The poster will be completely free, however it does not include paper and ink.
Thats 4pm tomorrow here. More excitement.
yeah I think it's 5 EST. I think they are 5 hours ahead of us.
Right, I'm out for some time now, got a leaving do for someone I work with.
huh so it's something we download and print ourselves?
Maybe its a brilliant wallpaper :)
Neat-o. :o)
haha, wicked move, Zort!
@Michael from the last post - I messed up my shipping address when ordering Jacob's Cabin, but a quick email to Tyson had it fixed right away and it was delivered with no problems.
thorsten, I hear you may be in LA soon?
oops, I posted in previous scrolling reflexes must be whacked out...F5 finger sprained, heart still palpitating, long story short: I am 15/16 (including #16) Will begin hunt for missing poster after holidays.
Looking forward to the surprises!
@capcom - can you post the link to your Memento Mori numbering project again? Many thanks.
Zort...knew we can count on you to keep the excitement going a little while longer!
I would love to trade posters but am scared someone might try to rip me off and not send theirs- is there a good way people trade posters where they feel safe doing so?
That made me nervous to. I would say through ebay. One of the private auctions. put up a pencil for trade for like a dollar and make a note with an asterisk comes with so and so poster. You each do this at a set time and you are both protected
At least this is what I thought about so I would not get screwed.
I was thinking the same thing Jeffrey.
DarkUFO has a trade forum - I haven't looked at the "rules" closely but they are listing posters that people want to trade.
ytimetravel do you have a link to the trade forum on DarkUFO...I avoid that site at all costs to avoid seeing any kind of spoilers
It's here, Ytimetravel. :-)
Thanks Capcom. Looks like you figured out all of the inventory - anything interesting to note?
Well this is pretty exciting isn't it?! Wonder what it is.
Well there are stil some objects' ID that are up in the air, and we may never find out unless the artist gives us some info.
For instance, the purple cloth may be Nrs.H's cape but who knows; the folded paper on the table could be a few different notes or drawings that people have suggested; the looped cord in the corner needs to be resolved; and the tiny airliner, for a fews things.
Sorry about the typos.
BTW, now that #16 is over, has anyone thought about what Paul meant by the missed clue of Ping Pong? If he meant in Amy's video, did the 815 arrival time flash in it or something like that?
The purple cloth is one of Richard Alpert's many shirts!
Good point, Capcom. The hint must be about season 6 and the reset… but will it be about the Linder Gallery? So cool that Amy taped it with her phone!
thorsten's gonna be in LA? I thought he lived in Trenton.
I was able to see the poster in line along with some other great fan art. Let me say this, it is an awesome fan art print and I will be trying to get one to go along with my Charlie Gig Poster!
I know! If she hadn't filmed it, would we have not even seen it since they haven't posted it? If so, we would have missed out on a very interesting piece of art history education discussion...and the S6 info, if that is indeed what Paul was hinting at.
I'll be at work til 11pm tomorrow night... I assume it'll still be available here when I get back?
@Nicole.... it's tomorrow night.
We never really got a chance to ask Paul Scheer what he meant. He showed up on the sidewalk (I hear he works out at a gym down a few blocks on Melrose), gave out the post-its, then was supposed to come back during the event. We left a bit after 9:30, and I think Paul showed up after that, just before G1988 closed.
Awesome Zort!!
I have unpacked enough to get my camera out and took a big picture of the poster version of the 16th print.
its color may be a tad off because I wanted to shoot it without a flash to that the reflective nature of the glossy paper wouldn't obscure detail.
and I tossed a pick of the widmore board that I was able to get a few signatures on amidst the insanity.
Has it been confirmed that they're going to release multiples of the artworks on display at Gallery1988? If so, I'm all over it!
wow! that was deliriously poor phrasing in my last post, I'll just assume you all understand what I was meaning to say.
No time travel...these are fan art prints. But, they are impressive none the less!
Capcom -- #26 in the Memento Mori painting is labeled "flies", but don't the flies seem to be sitting on something?
:) email
@ Ob - it looks like an orange powder puff. But probably just an orange?
@ chaseter - I thought I had read somewhere that the artists may release unsigned/unnumbered prints of their works after the show closes. I thought that's what you meant.
Thanks capcom for doing that MM project - I've posted about it on the ABC boards. There's been discussion about whether the Linder painting is legit, too.
Nice shots, Milo!
I will just print the 16 Litho and frame it ;))
55,000 people tried for the 16th print last night. ==O
how do you know Ellen?
Jensen told me.
Jensen at Gallery 1988, to be precise.
wow insane
With 55k it's amazing that I reached the checkout window at all.
Yes, be grateful!
Don't get me wrong, Ellen, I did not get the print ;))
Obfusc8, if you go to the very large version that Thunderstorm posted in the comments you can see that they look like flies. Before seeing that large image, I thought that they were the Medusa spiders. BTW, I can't remember the significance of flies. Lord Of The Flies maybe? Or are they actually the bees that Charlie got stung by maybe? I wonder if TPTB gave this artist any inside info on MIB for this concept.
Yipes, thanks YTT. :-)
Nice images RM.
Thorsten's friend offered to trade me his copy of The Crash for a photo of my cat.
Thorsten, I'm sorry. I assume that I'm the only one of 55,000 who didn't get it. Of course, I was sound asleep!
Capcom, can you link me to the Thunderstorm large pic please? Thanks.
RM - thanks so much for the links. Great to see the print up close. Probably was discussed yesterday ad nauseum but there's a lower case "i" on the "O" and the "F" on the "T". I assume it stands for "LOST is Found"?
I've been a lurker but thanks to all of you sleuths and to Zort for a great experience these past months!
Capcom -- it's the large version I was looking at. Whatever it is the flies are sitting on does not appear to be the surface of the table. It's a different texture and projects upward to partly cover Rousseau. Of course as yt posted, it might just be an orange.
kiwi it's on the LOST ARGs front page, under the The LOST Art of Gallery 1988 post -- click on the pic under Dan Lydersen and the larger pic will come up.
Awesome. We should totally try to do a fan art reveal for as many weeks as we can get stuff put together. I'm willing to try to make something up. It might not be pretty, but it'll definitely be unique.
Well, the line was fun. Soooooooooo wanted a statue, but was number 18.
Upside: During the original Lost Experience, I snagged a glyph from the door of a radio station on the night of DJDan's live broadcast (after getting SHUTDOWN). I kept that glyph for the time I was in the same place as Damon and Carlton--and yep, got them both to sign it at the showing.
Have been back to look at the gallery three times since. There are a couple of items that are callllling me. I keep trying to resist.
I'm also still praying for the possibility of finding Locke's Secret once more (the one at the gallery had a frame I didn't like and I wasn't willing to pay $550 for a painting and then UNframe it, etc. Already have paid about %700 total for the one poster I did get.) But it seems unlikely these days...and that saddens me more than anything else about the entire process.
Was great to meet people in line; some of you are brilliant...and some of you were -so- embarassing (you know who you are!) *grin*
Well just for reference, here is a large MIB. I think that this one is larger than on the gallery blog, I wasn't able to enlarge that one. Greg or Thunderstorm posted this jpg over at Big's place initially.
I guess that the bugs are just on another papaya, unless someone figures something else out. ???
Amy Lynn:
Yes, I know it's tomorrow night. At 10pm. I'm at work til 11pm tomorrow night. Which is why I asked will this mysterious print still be available when I get home.
I think that it will Nicole, if I understand the hints correctly, Zort has something interesting that we can all print out. ???
You know i'm 1 hour ahead of you...
Why do you keep torturing my sleep's hour? :D
I'll be here.. or at least i'll try... :p
Alright, so this is a pretty random place to post this, but I don't know of anywhere better :)
I got Jacob's Cabin (yay!). I really like it, but there might be some I like better. Now that all is said and done, I'm going to consider trading it if a good offer comes along. I'd really probably only consider Locke's Secret, the Hatch, or the Smoke Monster. If anyone has any offers, my email is ramparts [at] gmail.
And does anyone know where is a better place to post this? Thanks!!
I've started my own reveal at I guess I'll call it The Completely Unofficial 16.5 Poster :)
Anyways, the first clue is up at! Come check it out. I'll roll out the clues fairly quickly, so check back throughout today and tomorrow! I'm also giving away one of the DCAAPB posters with this reveal!! In addition, I managed to get some swag signed by Damon and Carlton and will be giving that away, and we have more reveals planned!
i THINK the bees in the MIB painting are sitting on a mango. locke's favorite. :)
woo hoo Zort and Justin! fun.
And while I have no idea what Zort has up his sleeve, I can vouch that Justin has some cool swag that he got autographed the other night. :)
ok Justin, ready for clue #2....
Ohhhhh, see, I don't know a papaya from a mango actually. Tx. :-B
Nice Justin.
Yes, Justin showed us some cool things he has been working on!
Capcom: You did a great job...some of these are just too ambiguous.
Tx Maven, I had help. :-)
I will try and help fill in the blanks!
Cool avatar, Maven!
not to be one-upped by Maven... ;)
Thanks Justin for helping to stave off the PLAD (Post-LOST-Arg-Depression) with more riddles. Though now I'm at work refreshing my screen waiting for the next clue :-)
Justin - is this something you are doing with just personal art you created or are you accepting submissions from other fans also?
Im interested in making some art if so
Thanks Scout and Maven :)
Yeah, I brought my poster with me and showed a bunch of the LostARGers that were at the event. Gave Damon and Carlton copies of it too.
Anyways, the clues for this one are really easy. I just didn't want to make it too difficult to get to the reveal :)
When I give away some of the signed swag, that's when it'll get hard!
Jimmy, email me at chulo333 at gmail dot com
Cool I'll shoot you over an email..Thanks!
Also, Maven, Scout, and anyone else that has pics of themselves with Damon and/or Carlton - Send them in to if you'd like! I'll post them up by my ugly drawing lol. I know i've seen some more people with them too from comic con!
@justin- cool blog man. Are we going to be able to purchase this art or is it just for viewing?
Purchasing may get The Mouse upset...
Just great, Justin!
Just when I thought I was out... you pull me back in!
im excited (jonnywest here)
Hey jonnywest!
Hi all. I'm writing up a blog post concerning the LOST ARGs poster we presented to Darlton @ G88 the other night. If you have any interesting pics that include the poster could you please email to roobperrin[at]gmail[dot]com. Note the double-o is not a typo. I've already grabbed the pic the was posted in the lostargs G88 article (hope that's OK, zort) Many thanks!
Ahh, sounds good Rob!
Wow, the pic on the main page showing the sold outs is amazing. So many stories there, all slightly different for all of us. Happy/sad/overjoyed/angry/dissapointed/faith restored, emotions running high. So glad on one level that its over, and so sad on another.
The community found and shared, I will never forget.
I look forward to continuing this extaordinary journey, here or at TLC during the season.
Not that were finished here just yet by the look of things!... ;)
And Zort, Im sure all agree when I say thanks for holding this all together. Now, Im sure youve got nothing better to do, so how about another still frame video of the sold-outs now its finished?! ;)
Justin I'm really excited about this! I've never been good at clue solving but I'm going to give this one a fair shot. :)
Capcom -- great job on Project Memento Mori, btw. An pretty quick too!
Hello all. I just contacted Jensen at the Gallery to see if they retain any spares from each run. He was VERY insistent that they have absolutely no spares of any print - they have sold the whole allocation they received. I had hoped they had overflow for overordering (I thought they might not, but you don't ask, you don't get) the answer is a resounding NO.
Just sent you an e-mail ;-)
I thought I didn't get a 16th poster last night, but when I checked my bank account this morning it had a debit of $84 from GOMERCH. I tried contacting customer service but haven't heard back from them yet to verify that I did get one. I never got a confirmation but they took my money! Is that a good sign?
I'm so hopelessly behind. No idea what's going on. lol
i'm confused what is going on here?
When I bought with a credit card they didn't charge my card until the print was shipped, I would think the same for debit cards.
Well it was charged at 1:46 a.m. in the exact amount of $84.35. I have no idea.
I purchased prints with my debit card and they always took the $ out immediately. So hopefully that's good news for you Daniel!
I hope so too! I was so disappointed last night because I have tried on several prints and never got one. I never got a confirmation last night, so I thought I didn't get it. So when I checked my bank account this morning you can imagine my surprise.
Comixguru posted a pic of the LostArgs poster in the LOST Writer's Room!
I mentioned to Gregg Nations and Corey (Carlton's assistant) to make sure that poster gets in there! LOL
Way to go Thorston. Thanks again, and glad to see it got put in their writers room. I see me! In There! wooo!
Hi all, just got back.
There is a photo on the main page that couldn't wait for a post later on.
Yep, reAnimated. They will write the finale while looking up at your face, man! Unreal.
Village Idiot… perfect!
Wow that pic is good in the writers room. So when do we set up the hidden cameras ?
Running in stealth mode, Zort!
What impresses me about the group pic is that there are proper pint glasses on the table.
You know, I asked Corey (Carlton's assistant) to maybe send us a pic when it was in the writer's room. He immediately said...oh-no, can't take pictures of the writer's room. LOL
@maven, well, to be fair, you can't tell that it's the LOST writer's room from the pic. It could be any room, really.
Great pic of the gang! I was so tired by then, I just went home! I was there in spirit!!
Neat Thorsten! BTW, someone said the other night that no cameras are allowed in the writers' room, how did this get taken? We need backstory. :o)
@Amy Lynn: I'm just re-posting a pic Comixguru put up on Twitter and FB. She captioned it: "Thorsten's LostARG print is in the Lost Writer's Office."
@maven, yes, I realize that. Just saying she did a good job taking the picture with no identifiable details of what room it was.
@Capcom: I think it was me who was told by Corey (Carlton's assistant) that he can't take pics of the writer's room (as I said above). I have a comment in to Comixguru about how she got the pic.
I can't believe a poster with a picture of me is in the LOST writer's room. Surreal.
I'm not sure but I think Paul might have been talking about the new character that was in the Spin video.
I remember you going to DJ Dan's and getting the glyph!
I can see me! I hope they don't dumpster it. I get that we're ugly, but I'd hope they'd put us up somewhere, if only to remind them how crazy some fans will be for their show.
And the village idiot pic loses as many points as it gains for proper pint glasses... FILLED WITH WATER. Drinkfail.
Maven, you did great. Was totally cool how you approached D&C with our poster on Melrose.
Ok, back from shopping egads, I hope I'm all done now. Oh and did I tell you ??? !! ??? Someone sold me their Polar Bear print at cost !!! wooohooo ! He's my hero !
Hi, I just want anyone even considering buying a LOST poster beyond $100 to be aware. This is from the forum of the EB flippers themselves:
"I 4 (let alone 8-10) years no one will even remeber lost, or care about it's shwag..
These posters make me laugh, but they are a great flip if ya can score one..
these poster will not even be able to sell for half of there 50-70 selling prices..
collect all 16 losties..."
Be smart, don't feed the roaches. Happy Holidays.
Even better that we got to see it happening live.
Thanks, Thorsten! I'm so glad I got my quilt signed and presented the poster then! It would have been almost impossible in the mob scene at the Gallery! We're so lucky the stopped by the line to give away stuff in the afternoon. Everyone I meet from the Lost Staff were unbelievably warm and welcoming and absolutely sincere with everyone they met that day! They are truly appreciative of their devout fan base!
Congrats on getting the Polar Bear print!
lol well we had to get our drink on after that craziness!
Lisa- Nice! I got one off someone for 160, not bad still but at cost is awesome!
Ben- I had 2 Jack and Cokes, they gave us water at the end to sober us up haha
This is the first time in about 3 months I can go to sleep without worrying about a clue or a Buy Now appearing.
I'm going to sleep good tonight.
lol zort
You can rest now and get a good nights sleep. Although it may take awhile for you not to wake up at 2am and check your computer. :)
OMG! Just home from an afternoon/evening of Christmas celebrations with my fab work team to find a new post, 144 postings and all the old friends names back when I've had the saddest morning thinking everyone had gone! OK - going to catch up on the posts now.
lol zort- I have def had a few nightmares of the checkout process within the last few months....
picture is great!! other than video, I have no pics, the iphone was too dedicated to broadcasting.
the empty pint that has suds on the left is mine. not all of those drinks were water.
Zort, God Bless you and Thank you for all your hard work. Rest well!
Yay! Thorstens art in the writers room, or a room anyway, is soooooo good! I too say thanks once again Maven, we could see you being patient and awaiting the ideal opportunity to present and you found it.
And what's this Zort! More fabulous thrills for us tomorrow night... how cool!
Oh and my Polar Bear arrived today. My day started out sad but has ended just fine. Night all.
That pic is awesome! I gotta get copies from the rest of the group. I know Mib took a bunch of pics and I think LT did too. I'm like Milo, and don't have any pics on my camera (except 1 of Obfusc8t and one of the producers).
And that's awesome that comixguru got a pic of Thorsten's work! So did we hide a mic in the frame of the print so we can listen in on season 6 being written? :)
There are like three of us on there that didn't know we would actually go to the show! Whoops. Kinda like survivor guilt lol.
If I was one of the writers, I'm not sure whether it'd be motivating having the fans looking over my shoulder, lol. "Do a good job, or these are the last faces you will see before you die"? XD
Just kidding. Sure they can't normally take pics in the writer's room because the story is ALL OVER THE WALLS! Table, apparently, safe. :)
But yes, many kudos to Thorsten for the work, ChrisL for the printing, maven for the delivery, and comixguru for the photo.
BTW will try to get my photos up by the end of the night. Don't have very good ones of Darlton I don't think, the DSLR is bad for "over the head" shots and I'm not much of a shover (to get to the front). Do have photos from the gallery and closeups of the MIB painting.
Justin- hit me up on facebook, I have all my pics up on there.
Cool, Anne, can't wait to see Smaugs pictures!
Yea! for the print in the writer's room.
Maven- you are right, Corey told us that he would DEFINITELY put it up in the writers room. And he seemed sincere, since we had just joked about whether it would end up in the dumpster like the DCAAPB black velvet. And, yes he was very serious about NOT being able to take a picture of it hanging on the writers room wall. LOL Maybe after S6....
And yea! for the pic @The Village Idiot. That was fun...even though the food was not good.
Gr8 Avatar, Scoutpost!
Scoutpost, my food was awesome.
of course it was purely in the form of guinness that was on top of the ale, but it sat well.
Regarding the flies in the painting... the only thing I can come up with is Goodwin's corpse, I recall some buzzing going on when Ben brought Juliet to it.
@Rev- yes I'm thinking you did the best ordering that night!
HEEEEYYYYY,,Hoowabout Those Village Idiots!!? FOOD?? I needed a translator for the menu,,and that was just for a burger and fries!! I think it was more about the " menu experience" than the food. Tho, The DeadMans Ale was excellent, thanks for the tip Rev! That'd be the other empty " pint".
Just when I thought i too would find some long in hiding sleep,,i am reminded that my camera hasn't been downloaded yet...I should have never turned my computer on when i got home.
BTW..Got my Tyler Stout delivered to my front door already TODAY!! Thanks LT for making it happen!!
MEL, the screen print? How's that possible?
@ mungonna- Wow! The USPS is really on top of things! Hope it arrived in tip top condition.
Thanks to Justin for providing all the mailing tubes!!
@Amy Lynn- he's talking about the poster from the show. Those that flew mailed their's, so as to not have to deal with it on the plane.
@Scout, ah, good thinking.
ScoooUUooot,,,could have let that one sit there just a little bit longer..Yea..Justin certainly was thinking way ahead of the rest of us.
I still haven't washed my right hand,,yea..Carlton AND Damon shook it..and Ub8 and Anne and Scout and Mib and Maven and Alice and Samantha and Misha, yea, Misha too! She told me that I was the first person who ever asked her to autograph her own work,,then she said she didn't even have a copy of DCAAPB. Oh well, starving artists simply don't have the kind of money it will take for me to separate from the DCAAPB print,,or from my right hand.
What a great time this has been! Ended up spending far more time at this site than I ever thought even remotely possible. There are wonderful people here and I have enjoyed interacting with you. And every time I look at the prints I was fortunate enough to obtain, I will think not only of LOST, but of the fantastic time I had participating with all of you, my LOST ARG family. Thank you, every one of you. Peace and be good to each other. Happy trails! how do you feel about Zort calling a Doctor and a up and coming Doctor a Village Idiot? Its true!See if you can name them. I'll never tell.
aka Face-on-a-Stick - LOL! You guys are great. Thanks for bringing me along for the festivities.
Sorry about that Mel- I just report the facts...;)
andalone we got you sooo drunk!
@Scoutpost Why am I not surprised? I hope I behaved.
andalone..thanks for shaking my hand too!. We had you dancing on the table top to Aretha,,but the bouncer threated to throw you out so..thanks for going along with it all.
Yeah Mel - that's been a recurring problem, good thing there wasn't a pole around! lol
Well, the saying is, if you remember it, then you weren't there..and since you don't seem to remember had a great time!
Apparently, the play that Michael Emerson is in on 12/28 is SOLD OUT, except for partial view seating. That certainly makes for a more exciting evening.
Thanks for answering my questions while I was gone, everyone. :-)
Great group shot on the front page.
God rest ye merry Zort.....xo
MEL - MMMmmmm.... So my assumptions are a physician and a medical student. Appearances are often deceiving and the financial hardship of being a medical student may reflect casual attire but that doesn't help here. I doubt if a resident physician could swing the time off on such short notice. So...
Physicians can be a fairly self-absorbed bunch and often reflect their workplace identities in their private lives. ;-D Based on this theory, I might guess that the physician is obfusc8 and she is likely an obstetrician. The others names are less revealing and likely reflect the student/resident as they have not yet been consumed by a specialty. Not sure but the up and coming doctor might be ... wait for it...Anne?
Maybe not Anne - can't decide. There is a vague sense of joy and idealism on the youthful face of Joey - maybe he's the up and comer. Decisions...
You shouldn't have got me started. I feel another SpIN poster lookalike analysis coming on...
I'm so behind on what went on yesterday, so if ya'll have seen this then just ignore it...but here's a blog with pictures of the art from the show.
Sman..Heheheee..I would have never guessed either of them, but you got one right. Amazing!
Amy!! By Jove you had the way out of this conundrum all along and just now you found its voice !!?? A day and a dollar never had so much value! PARTIAL VIEWING!! YES!!!! Partial Viewing was the answer to all the 404 victims...RENT THE DAMN PRINT!!! Then return it,,and Rent the next one you didn't get..Yea!!! 90 days..120 days..whatever...Security deposit and all that sure..but RENT IT!! could have made alot more happy Lost Fans!! do you partially view a Play?
Sman You are good!! bingo!
MEL, partial view seats are either on stage, where it's happening too closely to you, or behind a pole.
Yeah, I'm impressed Sandman!! nice job :)
And no problem with the poster tubes Mel, Scout, and whoever else I gave them to. They were free from the post office ;) To bad they weren't just an inch longer! didn't expect to be putting such large prints in them!
Wow - complete guess! I need to try that with the Lottery (not our own LT - though I think I recall someone guessing an accounting background). Sorry for outing the physicians. Fair is fair -so... yes, I count myself amongst them and you needn't look too far to guess what I do.
@Joey - got a link to your facebook?
Justin..I just now finally got around to opening box and unpackaging it..Still an impressive print but more suited as a Marquee work than a Art work..OH wow, I just noticed,, Vince is in there!! Season 6 has Vince!!
Ok, again, color me stupid if this has already been brought up, but the latest LU tutoring center video was available to watch as of yesterday..."Hatches and Patches". (ya'll proabably already know)
Maven congrats on getting that writer's room photo - that rocks.
Also, I mentioned here, about two months ago that I knew one of the upcoming artists but couldn't say because I was sworn to secrecy, and you asked me to tell you who it was once their poster revealed. Well, as it turns out , it was Tyler Stout.
I had NO idea then that I'd have to wait to the very end to tell you. :) Glad to see you had a great time and made the most of it.
Thanks for reminding me about the Tutoring Session, Scoutpost! We've been otherwise occupied the last few days!
@MiddayShadows: I didn't get the photo...Comixguru did. I just linked it here.
And thank you for keeping your secret! It must have been very frustrating for you.
I knwew about it but haven't had time to look at it yet. Thanks for the reminder.
Is there anyone here who got a print and is willing to sell their glossy LOST poster? If so, email me at ... Thanks
Michaels has all poster frames on sale for $9.99 right now. So I picked up a 24x36 for my G1988 Stout poster:
Wow, that's super cheap!
I barely finished posting the second clue and Andalone just figured out the URL!! LOL.
Anyways, 2nd clue is up at! Check it out, I'm sure more of you could guess the URL. And don't worry, it's special if you get there early, but everyone will be have access to it. You'll know what I mean when you get there and read about it.
YAY for me! YAY for no 404 screen!
Fabulous Justin!
...maybe I'm not a "village idiot" after all....hee hee
Yeah it's great. You won't be disappointed.
@justin- nice work. it looks cool.
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