Sunday, December 6, 2009

Poster 15 - First Purchaser 248

We have been sent the first purchaser letter for the 15th poster, this time there is a distinct absence of anything that might be considered a clue. Also no pointer towards the location of the 16th poster reveal as has been the custom in the previous letters.

The prize that was mentioned in the letter is :-

The letter was sent to us by a user called Djinn

TRoss in the comments has said that the clue maybe Michael Emerson, as Young Ben was at the first reveal, maybe the adult Ben will be at the gallery.


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maven said...

I plan on bringing my iPhone, digital camera and FlipCam on the 15th. Also I will be bringing my Hurley shirt that I got at Rusty's for signatures from "the many surprises"!

Dr Mum said...

Woah @andalone

The title on Gallery1988
includes both numerals and written number words

ie 16 and one. Just bad or meaningful?

Orchid7 said...

@andalone - can we use our avatars for the poster?

andalone said...

@Orchid7 - heck I don't know! :) It was all I could think of to send in for DrMum at this point since I don't have her photo. I saw her post and didn't want her to be left out. I guess it wouldn't hurt to send it, but a photo would be preferable I think.

Drama said...

morning all. Another day, another lack of clues. So instead, I thought I'd name my two favourite prints, seeing as I got NONE OF THEM. (grrrr) and ask what your two have been. But you must narrow it to two - no cheating! *(and if anyone hates their one and wants to sell them on, I'll cover the shipping!)

Walt's Kidnapping / Jacob's Cabin

My money is on these and the crash being the top three... perhaps a vote form on the main site while we wait?

MilkcanRocks said...

I'll chime in with my two favorite posters (and the reasons why they are my favorite)...

#1 - Walt's Kidnapping - Seriously blew me away when I saw it on-line, but it's nothing compared to seeing it in person. Very detailed and layered, and the brushstroke-like style is incredible. The moment in the show seemed like The Others swept down from nowhere and snatched up Walt, and this emcompasses my feeling of dread and mystery that I experienced when watching the episode. And when you THINK you have seen it all - BAM!! Most incredible use of glow-in-the-dark that just adds to it's dread.

#2 - The Love Triangle - My second favorite. It's a style that you instantly recognize as the artists own. Seeing this in person, you realize that every 'surface' has a unique texture to it, adding to the representation of the real-world objects. The shading and mixing of the colors is incredible. It seems to be the most handcrafted of the pieces to me - the lines are fluid and organic and it looks like a sketch from the artists journal. The scene is also pitch-perfect and sums up what 'The Love Triangle' in LOST has meant to me - someone who is removed from the true emotion and love, always on the outside, trying to get in to something he could never have. While I have never been a big fan of the Triagle in the show, this piece gives me much more respect for it's place in the show. This print does not get the admiration that I feel it deserves.

lostsailors said...

OH DEAR GOD- a Michael Emerson autograph? Best. Prize. Ever.

Unknown said...

Thank you very much, lostsailors. It is pretty cool, isn't it?

Dr Mum said...

Sloppy or meaningful??

Two mistakes on !988 announcement

1. Surprises spelt wrongly

2. !6 and one in same sentence

Unknown said...

Someone may have written this before, so sorry if I am repeating anything, but I was thinking this morning. The old “15 Will be lost The 16th Will be Found”… could this mean that the poster will be found on The 16th? The day after the show opens, perhaps.

Just a thought before I go to work!

Zort70 said...

The 16th poster on the 16th, could be.

Lisa-Maladylis said...

I'm up, not wide awake yet though. Need more coffee. Got to go read all the posts from last night now.

ChrisL said...

Morning all. I'll be popping in to see what's going on today but a hectic day at work...

kiwilostie said...

Jeez, things are getting quiet round here! Scheer said the reveal could be before, during or after the showing. Had a horrid thought. The posters are on show until the 21st is it? Hope its not after that, rather than after the opening day! Someone prove me wrong, quick!

futureself said...

If the sale of Poster 16 does go up for sale after the opening of the show, I'm betting it'll be on the 16th, with the reveal a full day beforehand on the 15th.

Unknown said...

"The 16th will be found" is making a whole load of sense to me now. Does the capital T on "The" reinforce this I wonder?

Zort70 said...

kiwilostie, I don't want to upset you further but the show runs until the 24th !

kiwilostie said...

Thats actually better Zort! Surely they wouldnt run it that close to Christmas?! :/

ChrisL said...

It's going to be their Christmas present to us... A December 24th reveal with the Buy Now button going live on the 25th!

Tess315 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa-Maladylis said...

I really hope they are not going to buy it now on the 24 or 25th. heck any time that week wouldn't be too good for me. Kevin has surgery on the 23, we have Christmas the 24th and then Joey has to go to his fathers that night. going to be a busy week while I cater to a man in pain and do a holiday for the kids lol

Zort70 said...

Lisa, I'm doing all sorts of things on those two days so I'm not going to be online for any significant amount of time.

I'm hoping that we will have our answer by the end of next week.

ChrisL said...

I suspect TPTB may be busy on those days too!

Lisa-Maladylis said...

true Chris I hope your right Zort, this waiting is killer !

Eugene said...

Good day, everyone. Still nothing new?

Reading the last few comments I had a thought. How about if when Thorsten’s poster is presented let the recipient hold it for a minute. Then say “Sorry, we oversold.” And take it and give it to someone else.

Does that sound bitter? Really, I’m not.

Just Thinking said...

I think it will go like this- LU starts tomorrow, so lots of reading watching and figuring out BLU ray live to go with that. The art show with URL clues and then maybe next day find poster to buy. More LU and rewatch- final debates.

Then finally Feb 2!

Zort70 said...

Who is going to be up at midnight, any time zone but I thin it was PST last time, to see what happens to the LU site ?

Amy Lynn said...

The LU counter is on East Coast time.

MJCarp said...

MilkcanRocks, thanks for sharing. Here's are my favorites:

1) Daniel Danager for "And that's why my hand was shaking . . ." A beautifully executed screen, like the cabin itself, layered and complex. The scene in "The Man Behind the Curtain" still makes me jump with every re-watch.

2) a tie between Olly Moss for Locke's Secret and Kevin Tong for The Hatch. Mr. Moss's nod to Saul Bass and, of course, the big water-cooler moment in Season 1, and Mr. Tong's surreal presentation of Locke's moment of enlightenment.

That said, almost everyone of these prints has a separate back story to it's purchase overriding the print, the artist and LOST water-cooler moment. So among those prints, the Swan, the Barracks and The Polar Bear get an extra smile with each viewing.

Amy Lynn said...

I don't have my Ben print yet, but so far, my favorite is Walt's Kidnapping. The first time I walked in and saw the surprise glowing in the dark, I was completely overwhelmed.

RobPerrin said...

My favs:
#1 The Crash. Perfect composition. Captures the chaos and energy of moment. Lovingly features six of the key characters on the show.
#2 The Smoke Monster. Wonderful detail. Love the gold paint. Features Eko, one of my favs. Rich (if unrealistic) colour. And Smokey!
#3 Jacob's Cabin. Masterful technique. Mood is spot-on. Eerie, beautiful, and full of tension.

Amy Lynn said...

@RobPerrin, I don't think the color is unrealistic at all... it's Ken's version of Eko's hell.

Lisa-Maladylis said...

My Favorites...
#1 The Dharma Van
#2-3 are the Barracks and the polar bear. I haven't seen the polar bear in person yet so it's still a toss up but I have a feeling that will be number two.

Zort70 said...

Thanks Amy

Brendan said...

Interesting Ben Linus detail pic:

Amy Lynn said...

Has anyone framed Ben, yet? I'm wondering if I should do a silvery mat to bring it out a little?

Just Thinking said...

I will stay up pretty sure- was fun to watch when LU went live. Don't have any way to save screens though- tried screengrab and couldn't get it to work. Any recommendations for a program that works well with Firefox?

Kyle Scribner said...

Distraction: Boston Globe TV critic's best moments of television in the last decade includes LOST

Brendan said...

@Just Thinking


thorsten said...

Brendan, are you middayshadows?

Brendan said...

LOL, no. Seriously. I heard his name on here is an anagram though.

thorsten said...

But you are somebody from EB?

Brendan said...

I have an account there but don't post.

Brendan said...

Sidebar: Anagram for Thorsten: "The Snort".

StrobeJams said...

Finally I got my "The Barracks" print today... and hey ... the inclusion of the laundry gets me every time.... I just can't stop giggling. Good job Nate.

But so far... Danger's the one to beat. It's just an AWESOME piece of art.

thorsten said...

Great news Masheen!

maven said...

Good morning on a cold (brrr) and rainy day in the L.A. area (sidenote: Pretty please...don't rain on the 15th!).

I'm thinking that we are actually going to see the 16th poster at the show and then get the URL. It's done the same way as Paul said, but reversed....we get to see the poster first displayed, then wait for the BUY NOW.

Zort70 said...

While we wait another topic of conversation - NEW POST

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