The prize that was mentioned in the letter is :-

The letter was sent to us by a user called Djinn
TRoss in the comments has said that the clue maybe Michael Emerson, as Young Ben was at the first reveal, maybe the adult Ben will be at the gallery.
TRoss in the comments has said that the clue maybe Michael Emerson, as Young Ben was at the first reveal, maybe the adult Ben will be at the gallery.
1 – 200 of 248 Newer› Newest»aaw nuts, no obvious clue then
But very specifically no clue. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Once again leads me to believe what we need is already out there and that this letter is telling us that.
Morning Zort. Bet you were so excited to see that in your inbox.
Yes the distinct lack of any clue or hint is odd in itself.
Yep, it brightened up a wet Sunday morning no end.
No missing letters, no spelling mistakes. NOTHING!
Nonetheless, thanks to the recipient for sharing. Cool signed poster.
Does anyone recognise the poster ? which season did it promote ?
It's ok I found it a Season 5 promotional poster.
Nothing??? What???
I'm starting to lose it with this frame, no clues, an ambiguous interview with paul scheer that made us believe we missed something and won't tell us what, the fact the event is in LA and there is no way I can go unless I win the lottery on wednesday and now a letter with no clue at all???
Can't take it much more!
When I read here's a poster signed by Michael Emerson, I instantly thought it was going to be the Ben Linus poster, which would of been awesome!
The gift might be the hint. The first reveal featured a visit from the kid who played Ben Linus, so maybe the last one will too. Or if we were really, really lucky, a visit from Michael Emerson.
Has anyone thought that the 16th poster may hold the clues to its own purchase location ?
Frustrating as it may be we may have to wait until the 16th poster is displayed to determine how to purchase it.
TRoss, yes that would be an excellent way of doing things.
New posted, so:
Good morning all. Be doing some sleuthing regarding the Japanese actors character name. Nothing, don't want to post it here, kind of spoilery. http://sanadahiroyuki.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=597
the site should be sonofabitch.com with the amount of brick walls I keep hitting!
Zort, Having to wait until the 15th though... That means the game is ended, too soon surely. The Hub points to that though, a time and place and date. But with no lead up, no additional clues... doesn't seem right. And so many Losties going to attend; how will they all have the chance if the reveal is there. "Going to the show doesn't preclude you from getting one". A packed gallery, everyone trying to get out their laptops and connect via 1988's WiFi.. ooof!
wow. not really a clue there
props to all in our community who are attending. Further props to all who are traveling LONG ditances to attend. This means YOU, Rev! Way to go! Represent Texas, straight up.
well, that's neat that we finally got the last letter from the RM desk. Too bad there is now clue. I wish I was going to Calif. Someone want to pick me up a statue ? :-)
I love that the lucky buggers who will be going to the opening are claiming L O S T solidarity with tags BUT I would also like to see some homage made to the others here who are THOSE WHO CANNOT GO
Perhaps the Rev could take a printed list with him and see how far it stretches
Of course, the final pic could be at the gallery, with no clues, and we all have to wait until the first ad break on the new season to get the URL. Now THAT would suck...
DrMum, that's the idea of Thorstens photo collage is it not? and our Lostie friends who are attending are being good enough to take it with them.
@ Dr Mum they are taking a printed poster of all the people that sent in their photos for the poster. You can find the info on the LOST ARG's posts.
Thanks again for the post and everything else Zort.
Good call TRoss - you could definitely be on to something.
Is anyone holding out any hope that information re: clue may be found in the DVD release set for 12/8? If I remember correctly, there was a reference at the end of the Star Trek DVD that pointed to a clue for this game, no?
I think I used to be a much more patient person about 3-4 mos ago! :) Happy Sunday!
Looking at my blu-ray season 5, it says its playable in regions A,B,C. So I presume that it's the same that's going to be released in the US on Tuesday, and I haven't seen any clues yet.
Forgot to post your boarding pass yesterday so will do it tomorrow. Sorry about that.
Also, got a call from the framers saying Jacob's Cabin is ready but sadly, the earliest I can pick it up is on tuesday, which sucks! Can't wait though, will upload photos for people who are looking for ideas for theirs!
Not to worry Martyn, I missed the mail man myself on Friday and Saturday ! Ack ! Packages will go out tomorrow. We have snow to shovel today. it sure is beautiful but I don't like the cold much.
Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but has anyone mentioned that there is a strange "line" underneath the Love Triangle poster on the main page?
Probably nothing, but....
Dan, just a badly trimmed gif I think.
Awww, I want to shovel snow!
About to start our season 5 re-watch!
No you don't. :)
Dan, I mentioned that when the print came out. I think Rev or someone else responded that it was just a mistake. (as chrisl just mentioned)
and yeah, I was lurking mostly this week. I've been too sick to discuss :(
:) email
Fair enough - thanks guys!
Frustrating to say the least, huh? THANK YOU VERY MUCH, MISS LIPPY
Tuesday is the day the Season 5 Blu-Ray arrives! I'm so excited!
Zort I was thinking the same thing about finding the 16th url out @ the gallery show. Maybe one of the scavenger hunt kind of games the gallery has done before. With all the Losties that are going they could have a bunch of teams looking & then maybe a special prize for the winning team like one of the LOST inspired pieces @ the show?!?!
I'll put it in the package, you can shovel all you want. lol
lol, you'll need to send me some snow too!
ye know not who y're talking to Martyn lolol (evil laugh)
re: the Hub pic (look closely). Player with laptop is at 2 o'clock
all players placement on Hub pic = clock (or time)
= 2 "times" or 2 timelines in S6?
Okay, a more serious possibility can be discounted. The players on the Hub clock pic are not using their upper appendages to give a clue, such as:
i'd choose snow over rain any day, believe me! Gladly swap places for xmas!
lol...how long do I wait to say the appendage thing was just a joke? I was totally not serious. :)
I am not sure if we are still brainstorming about the 'clue' that we missed, but here are my thoughts.
I think someone mentioned this in previous comments...
Maybe we should consider the URL that was used for the release of Frame 13. Sawyer asked Alpert in 'LaFleur' if he had buried the hydrogen bomb. Later, in 'Follow the Leader' we learn that the bomb was buried beneath the Barracks.
This might not be the clue that we are looking for, but I find it interesting that this is the one time the URL and print are related.
@Seaque. I wish you'd said sooner, I've just put them all in photoshop and been spinning them around trying to make URL16.com :-O
You're right Martyn- winter wonderland! And you're right Lisa-gosh, wet snow that sticks to trees is heavy. Just the way it is.
Stormtrooper: Let me see your poster.
Obi-Wan: [with a small wave of his hand] You don't need to see his poster.
Stormtrooper: We don't need to see his poster.
Obi-Wan: These aren't the urls you're looking for.
Stormtrooper: These aren't the urls we're looking for.
Obi-Wan: He can go about searching for clues.
Stormtrooper: You can go about searching for clues.
Obi-Wan: Move along.
Stormtrooper: Move along... move along.
Do not use your miti-chlorian tricks on us Jedi!
Boy, that letter goes out of its way to plainly say nothing extra. It shouts-NO CLUE HERE!
All right- midi-chlorian-have to spell the obscure references right.
@ ChrisL
Aw...Chris. (*whispers* did you see anything that might be latin?)
Zort said:
Has anyone thought that the 16th poster may hold the clues to its own purchase location ?
I do find it interesting that Paul said that the final piece really “brings it all together”. Some speculate that the last piece might be the statue….I’m not so sure. I can’t seem to think of any real connection as to how taweret would “bring it all together”. Your suggestion that the poster might hold the clues is an excellent possibility. They’ll reveal it on the 15th and we’ll get the opportunity to search/find on the 16th? I dunno’ just throwing stuff out there - ya’ know the whole numbers thing.
They like us dangling on strings.
Roxanna just tweeted this pic.
Anyone going on holiday soon, and migh need a luggage label.
Cairo, Egypt: will we have a 16th print reveal before the art show?
Paul Scheer: Potentially. It won't be simulataneously though. I guess that was Ioncewasmines question. She is the only person I know from Cairo, anyway ;))
There is a huge clue that everyone missed! About this season Is he talking about a clue about season 6 we missed? And what can involve ping pong?
I think he was referring to S6. Either way, he wasn't referring to the ARG.
So the Linder clue from your tape was about season 6.
And the final URL will be revealed on the 15th at G88, with the poster. Found.
@thorsten, we know the URL won't be revealed at the gallery.
So we missed one big clue involving Ping Pong.
I'm loving it ;))
Hurley and Sawyer will be on opposing sides in S6?
Geez...I don't know...
ping pong "back and forth" between two timelines?
With all this silence re clues for #16...I'm leaning towards the reveal at the Art Show. Maybe for those of us lucky ones there we can just purchase it there and get out the URL to the rest of you? Maybe we'll be able to purchase more than one for our LOSTie friends who couldn't make it?
On second thought...that would just create a madhouse and probably would generate a lot of pissed people left at home. Forget I said the above!
Just saw the letter - to me, the first sentence is bad english (You were the first order) - surely it should be 'You placed the first order'?
A bit pedantic perhaps, but these things are normally carefully worded, so is 'First Order' some sort of clue?
Just mulling it over....
Okay, I officially follow ping pong as a clue for six now.
And I need a poster/statue buddy for G88!
The English is almost always bad in the letters. It hasn't meant anything so far.
Yep, the english is as good as mine!
Amy Lynn, why do we believe Paul was not referring to the ARG with the ping pong thing?
So. jealous. of whoever got that.
@ChrisL, because he said so. He said we were missing a big clue about this season. Whether he meant S5 or S6 is immaterial.
16 is found at Gallery 1988. Or we will get hub clues starting next week, following the pattern established since reveal one. But why should they change tracks now and getting all mysterious about 16, with hidden patterns in typos and Paul Scheer comments, if they told us already about time and date and location?
Afternoon All,
Nice that the PB letter ended up in Zort's mailbox this morning. It seems they've learned how to use spell-check feature. That's one mystery solved. Or is it?
Since I don't know what to make out of all the serious sleuthing that took place yesterday/last night & Paul's cryptic interview which I'm tired of going back to, I'm going to focus on what I do know:
- It snowed in MA last night.
- Season 5 comes out on Tuesday.
- My Barracks print is also due in that day.
- There is info on a new 18 x 24 Lost poster here.
Wow. I feel much better that I actually know something... maybe I'm not that clueless after all.
Lots of latin in there, JPL!
@thorsten, I think the letter almost certainly guarantees we're not going to get the clues in a regular manner.
What 'clues' should we follow, other than to attend the Art show in about two weeks?
There is a huge clue that everyone missed! About this season
What a weird answer.
@thorsten - I see you've caught up on yesterday's Lost Latin class. :)
Hope the show went well last night!
How's your work of art going? Maybe you should consider having us search for what the final version looks like instead of posting it when you'e done.
It is interesting to me that the date of the Art Show is the 15th...there have been 15 posters so far..."15 will be lost and the 16 will be found". Maybe the 16 will be found on the 15th with the other 15 posters?
There is a good chance that all of the 180 versions of 16 will be at the gallery…
Maybe the final "piece" as Paul says, will be a combination of the 16th poster plus a display- maybe the statue chess game- of clues, that will lead to the URL. So the URL won't be revealed right away, giving time for those at the reveal to get to a place where they can order. And maybe they are planning to keep the poster from going live for sale until the next day- the 16th on the 16th- if we have found the URL by then.
Wow, that is an awesome "first purchaser" gift! Def the best so far.
Can't wait for print 16! Thanks to everyone for making this such a fun ARG.
Live Together, Die Alone
Kate reading from one of the Pearl notebooks
0400: S.R. moves ping-pong table again. 0415: Takes a shower. What is this?
Thorsten - are you telling us that you're only making 180 posters available? What are you doing with the other 120? Will they be for sale sometime next year or are you not at liberty to speak on that?
Please share something and I really do hope it will not be something that needs to be translated from Latin, while playing ping pong in Buenos Aires on the wrong date at a store location that the management has no idea what is going on when someone shows up. And god forbid, if there's no decent swag and you charge us to get in when we show up... you're going to have some pretty upset ARGers on your hands!!! :)
I keep thinking that the ping pong clue we missed was related to the new character shown at the end of the video. Several of us have mentioned this already. with LOST it seems the path of least resistance is the true way to enlightenment. Occam's Razor y'know???
The Long Con
Locke in the Hatch searching through Owl Creek Bridge. Sawyer: Hate to interrupt whatever the hell it is you're doing. What are you doing?
A bunch of books are thrown on the ping-pong table that John has already checked out…
Locke: I'm alphabetizing.
Following this letter my hope for a reveal next week is fading fast. I guess the G88 would be a great place to reveal the print, with a URL to buy it released on the 16th.
But if that's going to happen then there's nothing for us to solve is there?
Things must be getting bad, just tried thezombieseason.com
Seems odd to me that the reveal would be at G88 and that's that. No clues, nothing more. Sure, they've given plenty of notice to let people get organized and fly to LA but there are lots of long time ARGers that simply can't do that so there's no real involvement for them other than to just wait and try to buy. That would be a shame. But then the 16th was always going to be different.
Catch 22
Sawyer and Jack playing…
Jack: So where'd you get the table?
Sawyer: Don't you recognize it? Fell out of the purple haze. We don't play every hundred and eight minutes, the Island's gonna explode!
So Desmond turns the key, the hatch moves sideways into another universe, and the table ends up on the beach.
This seems a little obvious, but maybe the big clue is that the URL for the 16th is a bit of dialogue from enter 77? I'm sure this has been suggested, it's just that I'm rewatching from the very start and just at the beginning of season three. It just made me think...
I think there will be clues to solve- it's the clues that will be revealed at G88 along with the poster.
why enter 77, sorry?
Since there's so much brainpower flying around here, maybe someone can help. Having major disappointment about needing the Blu-Ray set to do LostU. I don't have an HDTV; I can get a Blu-Ray player (standalone or PS3), understand about needing to be BD-Live compatible. But my ancient equipment only has composite/s-video, and no LAN hookup. Does anybody know if the hookups/net connect will work without getting a new TV to boot? D: Apparently most players have component output in addition to HDMI. Don't care about video quality, I just want it to WORK w/out "emergency TV" buying, lol.
Otherwise I'll be spending the 8th in my basement, alone, playing ping-pong with myself. (I really do have a table.)
Good Morning all west of the Mississippi,,and Good afternoon to those east.
I like that first purchaser letter. Again, there is that reference , subtle as it may be..to .." You"..The perspective of ..the LFA group towards Us,the Lost Fans, is just " felt, intuitive, on my part. The Dharma Eyeball ping pong balls suggests the same , as to perspective. The Frame 16 " clue" of the Prints with Dharma Logo superimposed relates to connectivity of the prints and back to Us..
So..where am I going with this? Perhaps WE have to say something,, express something..post something..kinda like the Olde " You Bet Your Life " TV show with Groucho Marx rewarding the participants if they said the " Magic Word" during their conversation. The LOST ARG FAN Poster being compiled is along the idea i'm thinking of. In any regard, TPTB should find,Value, or Sparkling Truth and Beauty in It, when completed. Hows that for pressure Thor? May it be the key that unlocks the reveal.
On that,, i also detect numerical references in the letter.." first" and " 15th"..or 1 to 15...or..A to O..A2O..I don't know if that refers to anything. Is there a local TV station on cable in LA..A20?..apples to oranges..Against All Odds( that seems apropo)..Just throwing it all out there. Probably not new either.
Martyn, I think that was the episode with the ping pong clip
in it.
I just made this suggestion to Thorsten regarding the poster he's putting together for us and he suggested I post it here and get feedback from all of you:
I'm suggesting that we print the poster as a 24 x 18 stretched box canvas print so that there is something pretty substantial for our G88 Losties to hand over to TPTB.
I've found a print shop in LA that do these, the print can be ordered online and they have a 3 day turnaround. Between Thorsten and myself we can upload the final image file and place the order, I'm very happy to cover the costs involved in this. I know a number of you guys have offered to chip in but I don't know how we could work that so, I'm just happy to do it.
I'm waiting to hear back from the print shop (www.digitalroom.com, who are at 10936 Santa Monica Blvd) as to whether one of our LA contingent can pick up the finished item in person. If not, then I would need one of our LA peeps to offer their address to have it shipped to and be prepared to take it with them to G88.
Anyone have any thoughts on this? Anyone in LA know of digitalroom.com, (also known as largeformatposters.com)?
Would everyone be happy for us to go ahead with this idea? Who in LA would be happy to help out with the collection or delivery address?
Yeah, I was playing pro evo while rewatching season 3, sorta glazed over everything that happened in that season. Not my favourite really.
Dunno if it's still the case but the PS3 comes with composite cables and can work with LAN and WiFi. The cable thing may be wrong, I got mine when it first came out and it offered no HDMI cable but they may come with the console now.
Sounds pretty cool ChrisL!
haha, awesome thought MEL!
And thanks again, Chris!
Mine niether martyn. Got my Jacobs cabin out yesterday after revs pics, which were awesome, thanks rev. I wish Daniel danger did a few more lost pics, like a hatch interior, cages from season three, the black rock by night. They'd be awesome.
I've been trying to help Thorsten find the right people to harass to get his missing Hatch print, and he recommended I post this info, although I believe it is fairly common knowledge already, but may be hard to figure out for our friends outside the US:
Calling Gallery1988 may get you a tracking number, since that is who ships the prints (and where 'Tyson' is). The return address on the tubes is for Tyson Givens at Gallery1988 (7020 Melrose Ave). Plus it would make sense that they ship them, as that's part of their normal job anyway - shipping purchased art.
Emails from gomerch that other folks have posted seemed to indicate gomerch just handles the website and purchasing/billing/credit card stuff, and not anything to do with fulfilling the purchases or the art. Once gomerch has verified that you actually purchased (The Hatch), it's probably up to G1988 to track it.
Perhaps this would help others with customer service problems.
Cosmically Yours
Oh yeah, Daniel Danger rocks! Has anyone got a dispatch notice from his store sale the other week yet?
Thank you, The Kharma Initiative.
I was pretty surprised by the fact that Tysons return address from the poster tubes was identical to the Gallery location…
Kelly may be on to something, with a frame 16 clue being buried in the Season 5 DVD set(s). I know it's already available in the UK, but that fact would explain how we have "all missed a huge clue, about this season.
It's there somewhere, you UK'ers just haven't found it yet! :)
Any mentions of ping pong in the season 5 extras somewhere, maybe an easter egg? The season 3 DVDs had an easter egg with behind the scenes info on the shooting of the Hurley-Sawyer ping pong scene - they revealed that the makeshift ping pong paddles were actually supposed to be made from the lids of cans of DHARMA BEANS and DHARMA CORN. (Yes, I've tried those URL's already :) )
And something else different about that 1st to order letter - it doesn't end with the 'we hope you continue to follow the campaign, etc' line as so many other letters have. Odd.
Cosmically Yours
@ChrisL - if you have a paypal account, I can send you funds to defray the cost of the poster. I really want to contribute since I can't attend gallery event.
andalone, that's very cool and appreciated. Let's see what everyone thinks of the idea and of course we need our LA connection, then we can get it underway.
Chris L- thank you much- that sounds great. Do we know who is in LA from this board? Would there also be access online for us to see- or maybe download to copy for our scrapbooks?
ChrisL: Good idea! I'm pretty far from Santa Monica (with lots of traffic both ways), otherwise I'd pick it up. If there was a place in the San Fernando Valley I would do it for sure! If it's just for this event, wouldn't Kinko's do?
Comment 108!
Just Thinking, no doubt Thorsten will be able to make a smaller sized file available to those that would like one.
@ChrisL - Comixguru lives in the area. She might be able to pick up the poster or have it shipped to her.
I'll send her a DM on Twitter.
maven, I don't see the boxed canvas prints on their site? So I've picked someone in Santa Monica have I? OOps... How about having it delivered to you, office or home? That may be easier. If you (or any other LAer could accept delivery) just drop me an email at chris dot leaning at gmail dot com and we'll do addresses that way.
andalone, cool thanks.
mr. cuse just posted re-tweet related to Thelma and Louise about running it backwards, at RT from two days ago by @johnmoe. just thought an odd post = SPiN clue relationship. maybe nothing
on the run today and no time to anaylze
ChrisL: I emailed you my address. Just let me know when (and if) it's been ordered.
Of course there will be versions in different sizes for everybody to download from my site…
And what do you make of this, Lotto?
We got it all backwards?
Paul Scheer just posted this picture…
Was hoping it was a Lost fan saying what the hell is the clue we've missed but that's equally as funny.
thorsten, not a particularly family friendly picture but funny none the less.
ChrisL - let me know about the poster costs, I'm happy to chip in as well.
About Ping Pong… The table was sitting square in the Swan. Desmond turned the key, the sky turned purple, the hatch door came flying and crashed next to Claire and Bernard into the sand. And the only other piece remaining more or less intact was the Ping Pong table.
Mr. Jensen picked this up and RT'd.
Just something that showed up on the Twitter LIST frame 16. Mr. Cuse and Mr. Jensen do not follow Mr. Moe, so like finding needle in haystack IMHO. Mr. Moe credits his nephew for this quote. Mr. Moe posted #backwardsmovies, but this was not tagged for that category.
Zort, thank you.
I think we're getting there. Maven is kindly going to take delivery and bring it to the gig. Thorsten is on the case, if we can have a file ready to go by the 10th at the latest that will allow for any unforseens. What do you think Thorsten? Meanwhile, I'll call the print shop tomorrow and talk it through to ensure it'll go through smoothly.
Can the Batman of chalk scratch us up the URL?
It is pretty damn weird the Ping pong table wasn't smashed up!! Mind you, the blast only blew off Desmond's clothes :) Perhaps a ball loving deity overlooked the event?
We will be finished on the 10th for sure, Chris, I will start tomorrow after the last pix are in. Thanks Again.
Sorry Zort, was reading Pauls image backwards…
ball loving deity sounds good, futureself!
here is what I thought about it…
Anne-I just got a PS3- just for LU to be honest- though we can watch the bluray movies too now.
Sorry our household tech support is currently out of the country (darn intrepid children!), but the manual says :Copyright protected Blu-ray video discs can only be output at 1080p using an HDMI cable connected to a device that is compatible with the HDCP (Highbandwidth Digital Content Protection) standard. I put that as written so others can confirm- but it sounds like you do need the HD tv to use the BLU ray discs. I still don't understand how the discs lead you to the internet portal for LU exactly.
Just Thinking, I'm not sure about the TV thing and think it may need an international call to your tech support ;-) As for the LU on the disc, as I've just figured out the past couple of days, as long as your PS3 in connected to internet, wifi or otherwise, when a Blu-Ray disc is inserted it will connect automatically and provide the LU content.
You won't need a new tv for a blu-ray with BD live for it to work. It will work with your old tv.
I'm not sure about wifi capability. You can use a LAN line to the back of the blu-ay player for internet connection. I think most of the player have HDMI and component hookups.
should I send a pic? is it too late? I don't even have an avatar...
I think I have typed in every possible url in the universe. Seriously I have re watched every video and typed in every phrase in every possible way.
They said that everyone would have an opportunity to get the last poster. Maybe those of us online and those at the showing should buddy up. If it's only in the studio our buddy can get us one. If it's only online then out buddy can try key word try to get us one.
There's no way I can get to LA so i'd be an online poster buddy.
What Paul said was Everyone will be able to get the last piece like always. Going to show doesn't preclude you from getting one.
Go for it Ben, I think thorsten probably has room for one or two more.
Yes, I think that is realtively clear that you shouldn't fret about going to the gallery and missing out.
I'm sticking with my theory that the 16th poster will have clues on how to purchase it, and maybe even clues on the date and time.
By the way we upgraded our home theatre set up yesterday, it was our Christmas present to ourselves.
To celebrate we watched the Blu-ray edition of Star Trek with the volume cranked way up high.
So Paul confirmed that it will be like always. A URL, a buy now button, etc…
Okay, random thought, but someone posted that picture of the S5 DVD special at Best Buy, and...that cover is different, isn't it? The background image? I'm pretty sure that's another one of those astronomical systems of the universe.
That's all I've got. Come on Paul! We're STUCK! We need SOMETHING!
Okay Thorsten, you've got me looking at Bell's Chaotic ball (atoms that had previously been part of the same molecule separated and were detected after passage between pairs of “Stern-Gerlach” magnets. It seemed reasonable for him to assume that every atom was detected. It would be categorised either as “spin up” or “spin down” according as to which way it had been deflected).
So here's the bit that caught my eye:
The registered coincidences: Chaotic Ball with perfect detectors.
The first letter of each pair denotes what Anne records, the second Bob, when the S is in the region indicated.
SO THE POINT...Have we looked at cyphers using both the missing letters and also factored in the locations of the previous reveals? Maybe it's the locations that are the key to cracking this?
Martyn, I miss shoveling snow actually, guess I'm weird. :-}
There was a spot on SPiN this a.m. on the CBS Sunday Morning show, but I saw no clues, boohoo. They did show all of the photos that were in the clock clue, of the owners/managers/founders, I guess they use those photos a lot. Anyway, if someone wants to check for clues, the SPin segment video might be on the Sunday Morning site. I haven't checked yet.
Too bad that we can't also put our heads (individually) on pingpong balls and give them to TPTB.
Thanks for the info Kharma. :-)
Awesome about StarTrek Zort.
I don't know if anyone noticed, but I updated the main post with the username of the first purchaser.
I didn't post it before I had spoken to them.
Hi all- I can possibly print the poster at my job. ChrisL or Thorsten- email me the file and i'll see what i can do. But if it needs to be printed elsewhere- it can be shipped to me and i can bring it to the gallery.
sorry i havent been on here- having some internet issues. thanks to Andalone for messaging me on twitter. :)
At the LA premiere of Star Trek Damon said he will never do time travel again ;))
BTW, tell the poster owner to check it out with a UV light just in case for a clue!
BTW2, Thorsten I sent you a photo last night to the email that you gave me before, hope it was the right one to use. Tx.
So just looking at past letters, and the one from Paul (for the Velvet Polar Bear giveaway) give the following alt painting options: Damon, Carlton and Smoke Monster...and the Donkey Wheel...and a pinwheel...who knows? Well we've since seen DC & the Smoke Monster. What's the odds on there being a DC & Donkey Wheel at G88?
Thanks comixguru. Have emailed you.
Ruh-roh, OK Thorsten!
I hope that the odds are big for that, Futureself. :-)
@Martyn, JT, ChrisL, SayidsGirl: sounds good, thanks for the help. Checking into whether copy-protect might cause problems. If so, might show up at friend's house with red eyes, PS3, boxset, and a look of mad desperation. Apparently BD-Live functions as a Java module embedded in the disc. Don't understand it beyond that.
@Zort: you're likely right, the clue will be in some way at the gallery, but the URL won't go live until later. I also considered that for once the print will be available for sale @the reveal - so all attendees are guaranteed. (Must. Not. Burn. All my AA miles.)
If so they're even now watching us twist ourselves into quantum pretzels with great amusement! :P
Someone said (can't find it now) that they couldn't find any possibly relevant URLs regged to ABC. Interesting - didn't they reg the other URLs back in April or so?
@illix - I have the Best Buy ad here, it looks like the face of a stopwatch? Not a cosmic model. Could be wrong.
I'm the proud owner of two proper bar UV lights, a handheld, and some standard bulbs (not near as good). Always thought you can never have too many blacklights, apparently this ARG has proved me right XD
Just in case if you wonder what I did before I will start our poster, Jo posted part 3 of her Photo contest.
Here is my entry…
Anne said: "twist ourselves into quantum pretzels"....oh that is so cool, I'm definitely going to have to steal that phrase for future use! X-D
Sweet, Thorsten.
VERY sweet Thorsten!
Thanks! The map is the german Risk board ;))
That's alright, you can come shovel imaginary snow with me if you like!
Cool picture Thorsten. I've just realised this is our first full 7 days without a poster reveal since August. This wait now hurts that little bit more.
Well, anyway this was over on Lostpedia. Sorry if I spoilt anything for anyone.
Blu-ray Disc 5
Highlight 'Set Up' and press right. It shows a video (with no sound) of Jorge Garcia painting a picture of an Egyptian Sphinx.
Nice one, Thorsten.
I find the wording of the 2nd line of the letter a bit awkward...
a LOST poster, siged by M.E. who plays Ben on LOST, which is a popular TV show called LOST. Oh, and did I mention that the show is called LOST?
Snazzy work, Thorsten. Looking forward to seeing the poster. Didn't send myself in as I was working the ARG alone until frame 10 and didn't post until 15. lol, seems a bit wrong.
@Capcom: do you have a file? lol. Happy to help ;)
What, no way Anne.
Send one!
Yes Anne, send a photo in, you count!
Anne, send a picture! Ther are loads of us who comment rarely or never. But we're all here!
Yes, nice poster Thorsten.
Martyn, before you shovel, you have to put on last year's snow boots and find a little dead furry thing in the toe. Jorge would have had more rodent film for his blog today if he were in my town!
Anne, I echo the above, anyone that can give us the quantum pretzels line MUST be included!
Nice poster.
Agreed send your pic!!
@Just Thinking...
That's just plain wrong! Feel ill thinking about it!
@Thorsten - way cool. Now looking more forward to your LostARGs work of art.
@ChrisL - count me in towards helping defray cost of printing.
You guys are too friendly D: T_T
@Thorsten: sent you one from the 44th Ward. Not ideal but all I have. Deep irony, I actually have NO prints to show for my rabid following of the ARG; so can't take a photo with one! (My own stupidity, since the ones I caught when available I wasn't huge on, and I thought I'd save my $$ for one I really wanted. Had no idea they were selling out so fast.) lol. If you need something else I'll bust out my Pierre Chang napkin and try using my timer XD;
@JT that's happened to me too D:
Oh yeah, sorry, ChrisL, i'll pay my fair share towards it!
@Thorsten - i loved your picture!!! sooo awesome and creative! :)
JPL, Martyn, thanks. Let's see what the total cost is once we know the thing is printed and in Mavens safe hands and I'll post it up along with my paypal email and then if anyone wants to drop in a couple of $$ that would be great and be duly acknowledged.
BTW, comixguru has offered to try and get some small versions printed to take to G88 for the Losties attending which would be great.
A statue, perhaps print 16 AND maybe even a mini print of all the LOSTARG beauties to take home. It's gonna be a hell of a night!
Thanks, comixguru!
The tough part was to tell John to keep his hand straight ;))
I do have one request though. Who ever presents the final piece to TPTB, be it Paul or Darlton, HAS to record their reaction. I need to know if they are scared or damn impressed!
@Martyn, seconded. Also, if anyone can have some kind of mp3 playing the infamous Exodus musical suite while you're presenting it, that would be swell. :D
Probably a little of both. X-D
How is it that a print of the LOST FANS Poster is being " given" t o TPTB?..I mean.. shouldn't they earn it as we have had to ?..Like,, a website with step by step arcane clues and when they figure it out,, they can BUY NOW just as so many of us have had the joy to. I'll put up my Commodore 64 for a server and I'll volunteer for the Customer Support phone!!...
Great Commodore 64 reference Mel!!!!
Thorsten - awesome pic!!! What everyone on here can do with pics/photoshop etc is unreal.
Pats lost to the stupid Fins - the least Tyson could do is provide some sort of clue!!!
Definitely need to get their reaction while handing the poster over. After the hand-off someone needs to shine a bright white light and the group must all say in unison:
You don't have permission to access /dcpb/Thorsten4815162342/on this server.
@Mel - maybe they'll appreciate it that much more once the above takes place.
@Kelly - feeling your pain. A point!!!
@JPL, love the idea about Forbidden. Totally needs a 404, as well.
thorsten: "there's an app for that" good luck with contest.
hi anne. if you are so inclined, please share link to your art. @LostFanArt is the twitter to connect with justin or dusty for the LOSTARG 2.0 Project
haha, that was pretty neat, JPL!
And thanks, Lotto, but I am running out of competition ;))
@Mungonna - that is hilarious. and i agree. they need to figure out some clues and earn this LostARG print! :) and then frantically press f5 to wait for the BUY NOW button.
Forgot to say, I replied to your PM
@Mungonna - brillant.Have them try to purchase on a slow connection only to get stuck on the 2nd page for ages whilst page takes ages to load...and once you get to end...SOLD OUT
I love the idea of all the losties sending in photos to make a poster of everyone. Unfortunetly I've no pics on my computer and no way to upload then either. And agree, we must get a pic of poster being presented.
And now Carlton twittered this:
Ray Bradbury on inspiration: If you stuff yourself full of poems, novels, films, you automatically explode every morning like Old Faithful.
It's hard to predict what a give-away might be at an event, but as there are going to be a lot of people at this one most likely, I'm not sure how big they will go. I just hope they make enough of whatever it is for all you folks there-to ensure that I think they might make it a smaller item.
It seems to me that painted statues for sale seem likely, given that the artists doing the surprises do paint toys and Paul's reaction to the question about them- "Hmmm ..."
And the ones in the box seem more likely to be that chess set we speculated about than swag.
I guess what I'm saying is I hope people won't be disappointed if the swag is not statues, as they may figure in elsewhere.
That's funny Thorsten- I was just wondering today how he gets the writing done as he's off to the movies and such a lot. Guess that's WHY he is able to write.
what if by "about this season" Paul meant, the holiday season?
also, why did the url's change at print 11, from having roman numeral tails to name of artists random number tails? has anyone played around with that?
i am really do think we need to find this url, and then if we do not perhaps revealing it at the gallery is plan B, going live late that night or the next day.
also, i have been reading all the post since the interview with paul, do you guys think that his reaction to the typos was "no those aren't clues." or that they may still be clues. i believe he said "yes. it means i skilled typing class."
@Rachelskid... they changed because people were figuring out to add Roman numerals.
ChrisL - Sounds like your digitalroom idea is now Plan A. I believe comixguru and ReverendMilo may be able to step in if there is a snag. (Or perhaps bring a 2nd large print as backup).
thorsten - love your compass image
mungonna & others - LOL. Maybe we can enclose the print in a box with an F5 key on top. G88 will need to press the key 108 times before the box opens to reveal the poster...
@Amy Lyn, you mean, they were all leaked and then even more so, people were figuring our to add roman numerals day of reveal to get sneak peaks? that makes sense. hmmm.
btw - @thorsten and ChrisL and everyone else, your ideas for the 15th are awesome as are all the art idea, the name tag. etc. cannot wait to see how it all plays out. anyone have a flip camera to take with them?? those things really are super cool.
I am in SF and will try very hard to be there, but am so busy at work not sure i can carve out the time. :(
Great idea! Thorsten, maybe you can squeeze a Forbidden, or 404 somewhere on our print? It was after all, a fairly prominant part of the whole experience. Ha!
And Thorsten - last but not least, you MUST sign this print and number 1/1.
did you see mine Thorsten ? this is mine but it comes out huge. It's Joey playing Charlie. I actually took a ton of photos of him as Charlie in that hoodie and love the one I have on my pc of his smile but we had to do it more Charlie style with his head down for the pic.
I love yours, very creative !!
Yikes, just got home from Michaels and am very overwhelmed - to say the least. As someone with absolutely zero experience with this sort of thing, I figured I'd pick up a bunch of Trendsetter frames like I believe comixguru had used for one or more of her posters but the Walt's Kidnapping I showed up with doesn't seem to fit. It's only 15 inches wide and roughly 24 inches tall, so even with some matting on the sides it will still look kind of weird in the standard sized frame. Of course, the sales rep was immediately pushing a custom frame for each poster, which even at the low range will run over $100 per.
Is this what most people are doing with their prints?!
Then to make matters even more craptastic, the Rousseau's Transmission I brought with me has a defect/scratch :( I spent $112 on a custom frame for that one given that it's apparently impossible to find a non-custom frame in 18 x 30.
Came back home to measure Jacob's Cabin and that one looks like it may be a perfect fit. Would love to hear if anyone has had better luck than I have had finding non-custom frames for prints.
- Downer Dan :(
@ Thorsten, did you get my pic today ? I did send it this morning but wanted to make sure it got there. I'm terribly sad to not be joining you all in LA but being 3000 miles away doesn't help at all. (besides that everyone thinks it's silly that I'm so obsessed.) lol I can just see it now, people filling there pockets with swag saying sorry, I promised so and so that I would bring her one. lolol They won't mind- A little bird told me so.
well, night night all, have to be up bright and early at 4.30 am so I'm off to bed.
Dan - for Rousseau I bought an on-sale 24x36 framed print from store called HomeSense, ripped out the print, and added a custom mat from Michael's. Total came to a little under $100. You can see the result at Framed Rousseau
Rob - that looks great! Looks like I have a little to learn about backing board and adhesives. Also glad to know that the Crash is another one that fits well in a standard 18 x 24. Phew!
Yeah, I think Rousseau & Walt were the only two that weren't 18x24. Though I recall someone saying that the text on Jacob's Cabin might be hidden by a standard 18x24 frame.
Can Thorsten just put my name somewhere on the poster?
Please please please please!
I am being grey nomad on moped around Bali and only have v occassional access to wifi. Not poss to read all back stuff or clue hunt.
Please Please Please! I wont be getting the lastlost print either.
Its hard to come up with an URL that doesnt exist already so maybe it is in Latin or Roman numerals or backwards. Sorry if already thort and discard.
@DrMum - I don't know if will help, but I emailed your avatar from STV to Thorsten so you can be included on poster. I hope that is okay.
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