Thursday, December 17, 2009

Poster 16 - On Sale 331

Some sort of record ?After waiting most of the day and creating over 1000 comments while we waited, Poster 16 went on sale at approximately 10:45pm PST today and sold out almost immediately after.


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mwarren said...

I don't believe it. I watched that page reload every five seconds for two and a half hours, and finally I got up to pee. As soon as I got back, I saw the Buy Now button and was able to log in before it sold out. I seriously can't believe they waited until I got up for 30 seconds. I even knew about the 10:42 thing, waited until 10:45 because it didn't change, and thought that it would be later. I hate everything right now.

Anonymous said...


Nicole said...

This is so unfair. 11 hours of F5 yesterday, woke up at 6am. Got to the VERY end of the checkout process, and then it told me my CC number was INVALID.

I actually want to start crying and screaming.

Zachary said...

I was literally giving my billing info, went to the next page and it was gone.

Unknown said...

Got it! Order 3080!

Unknown said...

i clicked "complete order" and got an error, but i got the emails anyway!

Unknown said...

I waited all day and only had 3 hours of sleep and once I got past the shipping address page they sold out. There is no measuring the anger I feel.

Congested said...

Yay. Another one in the bag.

Jawapez said...

I'll trade mine for Hatch or Crash. rogeroverton@

Unknown said...

Anyone know the highest Polar Bear order #??

Colin said...

Not to be an awful spoil sport, but once the you click the "buy now" button, you should be cued in. To enter check card info and get 404 error code.... maybe I'm being a baby.

MrBMusicMan said...

Got it! Yay!

Drama said...

repost from last thread, if anyone is feeling generous and decides to sell it at some point (hopefully at cost) to a die hard Lostie... benmorseATgmail would be lovely. Otherwise, the taking part has been fun! So I missed out twelve times... so what?

Ryan Sims said...

Thanks Zort for an awesome place to enjoy the ARG!

Unknown said...

I'm even on the freaking east coast. I set my alarm for 1:40 and i've been f5ing ever since. just like mwarren i gave up about 1:45ish.. to my horror. yeah... i'm coming into work groggy and very angry tomorrow. fuuuuuuuuuuu

alteridiom said...

sorry dude but that is the dumbest thing I have heard all day.

John-Paul said...


Dave said...

Same as few others hit complete check out after about 30 seconds of loading got the 404 error page. However just a few minutes ago I got the two confirmation emails!

Limbofunk said...

Okay, this is completely odd...When I went to buy the item it told me at the final step that it it was sold out, though looking at my e-mail account it shows that I got a confirmation e-mail, but I don't see where my order number would be. Very peculiar, anyone have an idea if I might have actually gotten one or not?

Zort70 said...

Colin - we've all been there I'm afraid

Unknown said...

Got it. Got through to last page and got error message, kept hitting submit and kept getting error message. Opened a new window and saw it sold out. Checked my e-mail account associated with the print and had my two confirmation e-mails from go merch and Ronnie Mdfew. Awesome end to a long day.

I was the person that asked Paul if the last print was Tyler Stout on the Washington Post chat. Very serendipitous.

futureself said...

Reached the final page only to see Sold out :(

Congrats to those who got one!

Limbofunk said...

Ah, I'm assuming that if I didn't receive two e-mails that my order didn't go through then?

XXXHardcore said...

@Michael--My Polar Bear was GoMerch #2916 (which was high compared to other numbers shouted on the forum) and my edition ended up being 283 (which I actually liked since it was my birht month and year, 2/83) Editions they sell, so I've heard, are 101-300. So... do the math.

Zort70 said...

My order number was 2973

mdogg2481 said...

AGREED, got to CC Verification and 404 came up


Colin said...
Not to be an awful spoil sport, but once the you click the "buy now" button, you should be cued in. To enter check card info and get 404 error code.... maybe I'm being a baby.

December 17, 2009 1:52 AM

kiwilostie said...

Holy shit, am I glad thats over! The site was lagging something cruel, and took ages to load the new Buy page. Im shaking like a really reall shaky thing! Low 3000's

alteridiom said...

I can't believe people would give up, pee, eat, whatever right around the time we all decided it was most likely to occur. And everyone knows these things take a minute for the site to update. It won't always be exactly on time. You have to be able to give it 10 minutes on the back end before you could rule out that time as the drop. Sorry but you are idiots.

ShoxTP said...

I seriously freaked out on the forbidden thing, and quite literally POKED it entering stuff. And got 2 emails! #3111

Zort70 said...

XXXHardcore - ordernumber and poster number don't tie up, we have found they are fairly random.

Walkindude125 said...

Haha, oh man, for the last 8 prints or so, I always think I have the lowest number for about 2 minutes, and then I find out I missed it by two. Happy to have one though and happy that the whole ARG went over well. Wish I could have made it out to LA last night though.

Unknown said...

Did this one over sell?

The Blot said...

I'd just like to thank Zort and all the dedicated fans here at for an amazing ARG adventure these past few months.

You guys have made this a really fun adventure for a lurker like myself. Can't wait for Season 6 to get here already...

Unknown said...

Let's check the high-low order # spread.

I'm 3053, anyone lower and who's highest?

XXXHardcore said...

@Zort--Thanks for letting me know! Logically, one would think the lower the order number, the lower the actual print number! Huh. go figure.

Drama said...

Zort... I wish I had your luck! I wouldn't want to be my kids today...

alteridiom said...


Unknown said...

I got 3099 , somewhat worried I will be getting a call.

andrew said...

Wow... didn't even see "buy now". I guess Firefox's auto-reload every 3 seconds wasn't good enough

mdogg2481 said...

Now I'm just hoping to get my hands on a copy of the print honestly...

Even if it's not an original I want that bad boy framed on my wall

PS - I would have easily paid $150

(Slightly off topic, has anyone been to Gallery 1988 with a blacklight or something yet?)

XXXHardcore said...

#2994. Lowest number was by melbrs, I think, that I've seen on this forum.

RobPerrin said...

Wow! Best finale since season 3! I really hope my #3074 isn't an oversell. Seems like I've got a bit of margin. Guess we'll see...

CL said...


Professor Imagine said...

Ebay: Buy it now: $759.00

why oh why is this possible!?!

Capcom said...

Man, so sad for those who didn't get in. I want to believe that there will be a trade/sale down the road for those looking. You never know, a while from now people reassess their finances after the holidays, and it could be waiting for you. xo

Robbie said...
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kiwilostie said...

Lowest # Ive seen here - melbrs at 2930

dylansdad said...

Seeing those two e-mails sitting in my inbox was a bit surreal.

I can't believe it's all over!

Drama said...

it'll be fine. The serves will only allow a certain number of transactions. At a total fluke, probably three or four might over sell, but it's massively unlikely - computers are pretty good at their jobs.

Limbofunk said...

So one e-mail is 100% no good?

Colin said...

some douche is already on Ebay selling this print..

XXXHardcore said...

Good luck to all those trading. And I mean that in a sincere way, not an aholish-internet-sarcasm way. Since this poster was priced $20 more expensive, it might be harder to trade. But, more power to those willing!

@patmc--Thank you for your logical guidance toward the correct time. congratulations to all those that got a print, and my deepest HARDCORE sympathies for those that lingered this long and ended up with... a story of their experience, but no poster.

Nicole said...

I think it's disgusting that these FUCKERS on ebay got them and just want to sell them at extortionate prices!!!!

RamHatter said...

After a few 403 errors, managed to log in and get one. (Order #2957) Wasn't sure I would get the last poster, because of finances, but I got swept up in the Lost fervor the past 24 hours. Plus, I know I'm getting some money for Christmas, so that will cover the cost. An early Christmas gift!

(breathing sigh of relief...)

alteridiom said...

So the ones with the highest demand/market value come out to be Locke, Crash, and Lost?

Professor Imagine said...

even worse: someone just bought it!

Unknown said...

Would anyone be willing to trade the final poster for Ben or the Polar Bear poster (maybe for both, I really want poster 16) e-mail me at

Also, mdogg, I haven't consider that, if someone makes copy I'd love to have even if they just send me a digital one I can print out on my own dime

Drama said...

let 'em. I'm relying on the chance to check the artists I like and their sites, and hope for two prints. There are about five I want, so I will just stalk them daily until I can get one!

dylansdad said...


"I got 3099, somewhat worried I will be getting a call."

We should be looking at roughly 2930-3130. I would say you squeaked in.

Steve said...

I'll trade Walt's Kidnapping and the Statue print for this if anyone is interested. badfish989 [at] gmail

Nicole said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

what is the CW2 number... it asked me for that when i was puttin in my card info... is that my security number on the back?

XXXHardcore said...

@Brain--Yup. Security number on back.

CL said...




Nicole said...

James said:

i got through
i went through every section of the order perfectly
and my fucking card gets declined at the very end for no reason at all and that was all the time it needed for it be over, no time to change card numbers

i am so furious right now

The EXACT same thing happened to me. This is total bullsh*t.

maven said...

As usual there are really happy people and really pissed off people! What would a poster sale be without that?

So happy you got one, Zort!

Can't believe it's over! A truly great experience! Still got to finish Lost University and finish up re-watch with Season 5. Hope we all stay in touch. Remember, a lot of us will be at The Lost Community for Season long as you mind your manners you're all welcome to join in at TLC!

Unknown said...

@xxx did u get one bro... i JJJJJJUUUUSSSSSTTTT missed out

Capcom said...

C'mon Alteridiom, let's not spoil our finale together by being mean and calling names.

dylansdad said...

"even worse: someone just bought it!"

That has got to be some kind of record.

Ryan Sims said...

I got 2942.

Unknown said...

i am #2947

Daniel Sahin said...
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DvdBos said...

One email = not good.
2 emails = Yahtzee

Guys, it's OVER.
I tried to get my first poster with Walt's Kidnapping: got it.
Then i tried Jacob's Cabin: got it.
I was 404ed with The Barracks.
Didn't try the Polar Bear one.
Tried this: got it.

I'm trading Jacob's Cabin for Smokey with one fellow Lostie.
I'm very sorry i didn't scored the Hatch, but...


Daniel Sahin said...

i have alot of prints and id be willing to trade 2 for this one or buy it for a good price please email me

dylansdad said...

It only ends once.

And it just ended.


alteridiom said...

People looking to trade for this one are crazy. Sorry but it ain't happening. Your best bet is to get on ebay/expressobeans and fork over some dough. It sucks but that is how it works out sometimes. I am lucky. I am walking away from this project with Crash, Transmission, Kidnapping, Polar Bear, and LOST. I am happy.

RamHatter said...

Maven, thanks for the reminder. I look forward to conversing more with everyone on Lost Community!

Zort, I'm also glad you managed to get a print! Thanks for your work with the blog during all this.

Unknown said...

I, uh...okay, LostARGs, you've been great to me, so I'll be honest with you: I completely did not expect to get this poster, I thought I didn't, and yet somehow I did. And seeing that I am not as completely chuffed about it as I'd hoped, I guess it ought to go to a better home. If anyone wants to swap for Smokey, Ben, or Transmission, I would be up for that; otherwise consider it up, at cost, to another LostARG dweller. Contact at illix dot haldaraumo at gmail.

Order #2987, so hopefully this is not the vacuous promise of an oversold order.

DvdBos said...

Link of ebay's ended auction?

lostsailors said...

Thank you everyone for this wonderful experience- I never ever knew I would have so much fun following a game like this. Zort, I thanked you once for helping me get my Ben print- again- thank you.

I am so sorry for people who missed out, don't stop looking- you will find yours.

Congrats to all of us though- for making it through this thing!

RobPerrin said...

Good night all. Thanks for making a great ARG even greater.

Michael Hancock said...

Nothing ends. I know that at least some of the artists will have copies of their posters available sometime after New Year's.

Robbie said...

If anyone is wanting this, i'll trade it for mint eko, walt's kidnapping, and jacobs cabin

hobbit said...

I can't believe it actually seems like my order will stand, according to dylansdad's spread.

I don't think I realized just how badly I wanted this until now, when I might have actually gotten it. Maybe my disappointment over getting locked out of the past few was a defense mechanism.

Congrats to all who got...deeply sorry to those who didn't. I still hold out hope that somehow, more will be printed. As an English teacher I know how the "official" statement on "never being printed again" could be easily manipulated to allow for an open edition. Don't stop believin'

XXXHardcore said...

@Brian--I did, indeed! Dang, bro! A total bummer that you did not. I copy and pasted my email address (since that and the password are about the only non-autofill items) and when I did, I somehow had an extra space before my e-mail and it marked me invalid! I deleted the space in front of it, and knowing all the right areas to click "continue," I somehow, miraculously got order #2994. I feel extremely fortunate and wish that you totally snagged one too, man!

dylansdad said...

I would laugh if the person who just paid $750 on eBay ends up getting one of the lithographs in the mail.

kiwilostie said...

illix - Inbox full yet??!! ;)

Unknown said...

This is my first post here but I have been following since The Swan was released. I just wanted to tell everyone THANKS for making this site the place to be for anything Lost related. Just reading all your posts and how you figured out the clues for every print was awesome to watch. Without your help I wouldn't have been able to get any prints at all, but because of all your help I was able to get 2 prints (Walt's Kidnapping and the final print #3069). I just want to say again thank you for everything!!!!

alteridiom said...

Sorry but dude I just can't believe it. Walk away right at the drop and then come back to cry about it. How bout the people that didn't walk away and still didn't get it?

Will said...

Damn. I got to the submit order page, and it said sold out across the top. Same thing happened with Ben. What a bummer.

Capcom said...

G'nite you all everybody. Thanks for making this so much fun, and most of all thanks to Grand Master Zort for all of his hard work.

Unknown said...

@maven: I was just going to ask what now? So TLC is the place to go? Hmm.... I may just have to check it out now that I'm delurked!

@patmc: Sorry you didn't get a poster. I hope you enjoy Avatar tomorrow!

I feel everyone's pain here, believe me. I've loved the whole thing, but I need a vacation from all this stress! It's been fun, though, and I will miss it. I'm looking forward to season 6!

Unknown said...

great.. I didn't even get to see the buy it now button while you lucky bastards checked out!! :<

mdogg2481 said...

I have been pretty quiet throughout but an extremely loyal follower of you all

Thanks for the great times and updates over the past few months

It gets lonely as a LOST fan in Australia sometimes cause they screen it at 11pm on Tuesdays (long live torrents I guess)

Thank you all again, enjoy Season 6, congratulations to everyone who scored a poster today

@mdogg2481 (Twitter)

Always on for a chat, especially LOST related.

Finally, if anyone comes down this way... DON'T FLY OCEANIC!!!

Zort70 said...

Don't leave the site just yet there may be a few surprises in the next few days.

Congested said...

A big thank you to all who made this a fun and positive ride. I'll be around in the future, but it obviously won't be the same without the week to week chaos. As always you can find me at @audiblylost on twitter.

Capcom said...

That's not the point Alter, Zort likes to run a friendly game here so we like to comply and be respectful to him and everyone. :-)

Robbie said...
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kiwilostie said...
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Unknown said...

And I can't believe it's over! This is certainly not how I expected to spend my Wednesday night four months ago - god, was it really that long?

Thanks to everyone here at LostARGs. You guys are awesome, and if nothing else came out of this I'd be happy just to have discovered this site. This is one of the first fandom "events" I've really gotten involved in, and you've all made it wonderful. I certainly hope to see everyone again come February 2nd (if that day ever comes).

Congested said...

And no Zort, I won't be leaving the site by any means... but there is a sense of closure here. I've been following TLEC, then TLC and now LostARGS for years, so it won't end now. ;)

Nicole said...

I can't figure out how I didn't get it. I refrehed the page every 2 seconds. When I saw BUY NOW I clicked immediately, entered email and pass, no probs, completed CC info in under 7 seconds. Got to final stage and it told me my CC was invalid.

I am so so gutted. And I'm pretty sure I've said it already but what makes it worse is those idiots who manage to buy them JUST to sell them on eBAY.

mtutick said...
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DvdBos said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

@Zort: Sorry, I didn't mean I was going to abandon this place! It's become a second home to me. Glad you got a poster. You deserve it! I feel bad for those who didn't.

StrobeJams said...

#3052. Full Set. Glad it is over.

Zort... I salute you for all the hard work you have done for us... it was a blast.

Thx and see you in another life brotha

Zort70 said...

Right, I have to get going to work, I'll check back in later.

Unknown said...

@kiwilostie, I just checked, saw nothing, laughed, went to write this comment, and holy crap EMAILS EVERYWHERE :o

bryan said...

just got one! willing to trade for ben, smoke monster, jacob's cabin, or locke's

Unknown said...

Thank you zort for the great space to play, thanks everyone for a great time. sorry for all the losses we endured and hurray for all the wins.

you gotta laugh at all our detective work! you REALLY gotta laugh at all the typos THAT ARE REAL on the DCaaPB site! its been fun! season 6!!!

RamHatter said...

Off to bed, if I can manage to sleep! Looking forward to chatting more with everyone later today. I'm on twitter at @ramhatter.

Robbie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MilkcanRocks said...

Congrats to those who got this, and it's been a crazy wild ride. Decided to pass on the Stout print for this final go-around after a bunch of internal debate, but I'm walking away from this with some great memories and some great prints. Big thanks to Zort and all the admin - now let's start waiting to see where the errant 100 of each print winds up!

DvdBos said...

Spending about 1000$ for LOST Posters is imho insane, but..... if i decided to go for these from the first, maybe i'd be broke now :D

I have THREE regrets.
1) I didn't try for Smokey.
2) I tried to login before the buy now button with Ben, and lost it.
3) I didn't try the Hatch.

Unknown said...

Well, I'm off, too. Just wanted to check in. Goodnight!

x said...

@Daniel Sahin -- tried emailing you but it got bounced back due to a full inbox. Try me at, may be interested in trading with you, as I was fortunate enough to land a Stout print.

Richrootes said...

Jeez - check out item #320463791402 on Ebay.

Makes me incandescent!

Dr. Bradley said...

I was very very luck. I was at the gallery last night. Received a free poster, got it signed by Damon, Carlton, Kitsis & Horowitz, and got the print tonight. Guess that makes up for all the other ones that screwed up at check out.

Unknown said...

Well, poster is gone :o swiftly snapped up by the ravenous internet. That was a terrible metaphor! I clearly need sleep.

I forgot someone on my massive props list: PATMC, FOR FIGURING OUT WHEN THE DROP TIME WOULD BE. At least, I think it was PatMC; that's the first person I saw posting it. Otherwise I'd have gone to bed; hell, I almost went when the poster didn't drop immediately then, only sticking around when the site suddenly error'd out, a sure indicator.

DvdBos said...


It makes me want to sell mine too... :D

Unknown said...

damn! got to the complete my order screen.

atleast it paid off for camping out alll night for the gallery.

holding my shoes as i speak.

congrats on everyone who got the poster!

Drama said...

I'm off to work... have fun guys! I'll still be around as long as the blog is. If only to try for just one print!

all the best,


Unknown said...

That's quite an ambitious starting price...

Is there anyone who would actually spend that much for it?

John-Paul said...

Two already sold for 729 and 750

ColdSoreSuperstar said...

Hey zort - glad you got one.

DvdBos said...


As always, i will sell mine ONLY if i won't like it! Or if i won't have space to put it in :D

ChrisL said...

Zort70 said...
My order number was 2973

Best news I've heard. Congrats Zort.

hobbit said...

Three up on ebay as far as I can count now. That's a part of this whole thing I won't be sad to see go.

dylansdad said...

I was a big fan of Eric Tan and have been collecting his work for over a year and a half, but managed to miss out on The Crash and was crushed. However, this experience has introduced me to some fantastic artists. While I intentionally passed on most of the prints because of budget and display limitations, I always made a habit of going to the artists' websites and checking out their other work. I passed on the Transmission only to later fall in love with Dan McCarthy's style and I received my first print of his in the mail today, which I purchased through his site. I also have Jacob's Cabin hanging on my bedroom wall, and my very own Tyler Stout is on the way.

Coming out of this with artwork from three of my new favorite artists is gratifying, and I am thankful for the chance to follow the proceedings over the last four months--despite the stress involved. Thanks to all who figured out the clues, went to the events, posted here and just generally made this a lot of fun for me (and for many others, I'd imagine).


ReverendMilo said...

16 for 16!
I am going to pass out in the shower now

Unknown said...

Congrats to everyone that was able to purchase this print. And props to zort for running a great site/community here.

DevilBoi69x said...

Somebody said that one e-mail is no good, two e-mails are really good. I only got one e-mail from ronie midfew arts, and nothing from gomerch. but when I looked at my account gomerch already charged me. So I'm assuming I'm getting one.

mtutick said...

@illix Thanks again! Glad that worked out for both of us

DvdBos said...

The only email that counts is the one from RONIE MIDFEW ARTS.
So you have it :p

lostie said...

Far out... 11.42 my ***! Very disappointed. Oh well, that's life.

DevilBoi69x said...

Am I the only person getting irritated that some people are selling them on e-bay?

Robbie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DvdBos said...

My request for trading it: 2 posters from this lot: Smokey, Ben, Hatch, Jacob's Cabin, Dharma Van.

Don't bother offering me cash, for now :)

Michael Hancock said...

If anyone wants to trade their Stout for a Jacob's Cabin or Ben, let me know:

Ben Ritter said...

Hey, now that this is all over and you have nothing to lose, can any of the people who were consistently getting posters and/or firsts tell us how they did it? I mean, I'm sure there was some program or a plug-in. You don't just luck out two or three times in a row.

(I'd like to use their setup next time Radiohead comes to town.)

DvdBos said...

About Ebay:

i bought it? Yes.
Can I be tempted to easily earn about 500€ by selling it on ebay?


So, even if it's nervebreaking and pissing, it is a reasonable thing to do.

lostie said...

I'm irritated as well..

Loui(s) III said...

I will trade Jacob's Cabin and possibly some money for LOST

lora said...

So all those typos weren't clues after all. I guess sometimes a typo is just a typo...

XXXHardcore said...

@Michael Hancock--Out of curiosity, what about Jacob AND Ben?

dylansdad said...

I can't speak for the other 299 out there, but I'm keeping mine.

I think this is the one stand alone print from the whole series of sixteen that really serves as a summary of the entire show and all its characters. (With The Crash being a close second.) If you're just going to have one, this is a pretty good choice.

Having a full set was never going to be an option for me, so I'm glad they did a supersized "grand finale" piece that really wraps it all up and brings it all together--and I'm glad that I got one.

Unknown said...

@lora Sometimes a typo is a typo, sometimes a cigar is a cigar, but a server error is always a heartbreaker.

It's nearly 27h here, the adrenaline's wearing off, and I am ready to CRASH. See you all on the other side for tales of tragedy, triumph, and the poster that got away.

ChrisL said...

ImAnnie/Davide/Italy, Please don't talk to us about making money out of this on Ebay. That's, frankly, bad form.

ChrisL said...

Rev, congrats!

IWish said...

Because of reveal times and work...I could only participate in 4-5 buys and failed on all. I got this one, though...go figure. I'm stunned.

Mines a keeper too, dylansdad.

comixguru said...

Hi All- congrats to all who were able to purchase the last print. I have posted a response to Charter on L4L, as I don't want to drag any more dirt here. If you don't visit L4L, but would like to know my side of the story- feel free to contact me. (comixguru at gmail dot com) Please know that I did not mean to hurt anyone or ruin anyone's experience at the Gallery yesterday.

with that being said- I missed out on the 16th print. If anyone would like to sell theirs- please let me know.

thanks and good night!

DvdBos said...

ChrisL, i'm just saying that even I, a GREAT LOST FAN, was tempted to sell this on Ebay to earn lot of money (which will pay my trip to NY-WAS-BOS).

I didn't, i won't, but i understand who does.

However it's not FAIR to buy just for selling it 2 minutes later, i agree with you. But it's UNDERSTANDABLE.

Bad, but understandable.

Robbie said...

I got #3030, willing to trade for 3 other posters, Walt, Eko, Ben, or Jacobs Cabin, 3 of those 4, let me know!

DvdBos said...

I hope ObFusc8 got one print.
She's so gorgeous that she deserves it :D

DvdBos said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DvdBos said...

Robbie, we understand.
Stop now, please :D

Delete the multiple comment you made, leave just one.

mrtibbs said...

Well, after a busy week I missed out on the last poster. Spent all of yesterday refreshing, but decided to bite the bullet and leave it to fate and hope that this one would've been available at 11.45 PT. Never mind.
As I mentioned previously I have a Walt, a Ben and a Barracks that I would like to trade. So if anyone wants to trade one of mine for this, please let me know. I have my own Lost Art, (here - that I'd be willing to get printed on a poster for anyone who was willing to trade.

Give me a shout if any one is interested.

ChrisL said...

comixguru, sorry you missed out and thanks for letting us know about the other thing.

chaseter said...

I don't want to drag it out but I will post about it on here...umk.

Maven, I hope you got a print. Btw, that was an awesome quilt you had. I forgot to tell you that it was so amazing because of all the shenanigans that were going on but it is indeed amazing.

I am glad everyone that was going for 16/16 was able to get this last one.

I didn't get this print but because the community I post at is so awesome, someone gave it to me! I love lost fans!

Unknown said...

hey, yeah, now that its over, i'd like to know the secrets of how you all got to be first several times and how people managed to get a full set??

i figured out autofill, i got the cut paste down, i closed all programs, i am on a pretty great connection and a really fast computer, but always either failed or barely made it.

would love to know if anyone is willing to tell.

ObFuSc8 said...

Thanks all!

Little sleep, LOTS of caffeine and of course adrenaline -- and phew -- got it. Managed to paste email/pw into the same box for the first time -- CRAP, but took a deep breath and got through.

ObFuSc8 said...

And, the first set of spaces, missing and extra letters on the DCaaPB front page and hub really were clues...

Unknown said...

wait, what? Ob what do you mean they were clues? how? solve this mystery for me!!

DvdBos said...

ObFusc8 really? :|
Ah, where are you from? :D

Walkindude125 said...

I have to say, I didn't use any kind of special software or plug-in to grab my posters. The first three I bought were Locke, Triangle and the Statue, which didn't require any speed to the purchase, but even when things started to heat up with the Smoke monster, I didn't really change anything. I'm lucky to own the 13 (including tonight's) I have, but they weren't easy to come by at all.

I stayed up till 5 a.m. to grab Walt's Kidnapping, grabbed The Cabin while I was in Mexico for my sister's wedding, and the rest of them I just made sure I was home and F5ing like mad. After the first few purchases, Firefox started to predict my CC number, so I saved time by only having to select my exp. date and CVV2 number.

It was a great experience participating in this ARG, I learned alot about all these new artists. My apartment is starting to look a bit like a gallery too!
I'll send in some pictures if Zort makes a post asking for them.

ColdSoreSuperstar said...

Hey Chaseter, this wouldn't happen to be the print that someone so graciously gave you, would it?

ObFuSc8 said...

Actual typos got mixed in to the site, then they couldn't really go back ans well, this typos is not a typo, but that one was, so it fizzled out a bit.

They were meant to be hints at the first 5-6 people camping out getting those shoes and statues and stuff, with the scripts then leading to the URL. But the URL list was leaked so early on, then a bunch of actual typos...end of puzzle.

thorsten said...

See you all in another life, brothers and sisters.

ObFuSc8 said...

ImAnnie/Davide/Italy -- Chicago

Unknown said...

@walkindude: i was in mexico for my BFF's wedding during jacob's cabin! that's hilarious! we were in cabo at the westin and i was soooo close but i failed. i even let the bride while she was getting ready and i was helping to geek out in my room to the F5 key! what is worse, the reveal was in san francisco that week, and i LIVE in SF. so, i missed my one chance at being at reveal. oh well. cabo was great!

coldsoresuperstar: that CANNNOT be correct, can it? jaw-dropping.

chaseter said...

I don't flip crap. I guess chaseter the blogger and chaseter123 on ebay are the same people. Jinkies Scooby! I guess anybody with similar names are the same people.

No, love this print too much to even consider selling it. After all the crap I went through at the reveal, this print hanging on my wall is well worth more than any ebay price. If I didn't get it, I would have went to ebay or EB anyways. This print is top 3 for me.

Unknown said...

Ob- thanks for that info! thats truly great gossip from the LA event! its nice to know we were not totally crazed. lol!

DvdBos said...

I have a question.

EB=? ebay?

ObFuSc8 said...

EB = expresso beans

DvdBos said...

Expresso Beans!
That's the first time i heard about it.

Hell, why i'm the last in knowing things? :(

ObFuSc8 said...

If anyone is still looking for the Locke's Secret T-shirts -- they still have some left at G1988. You can email the gallery to buy, within reason. They are keeping track o requests and will sell them until gone. The T-shirts are limited edition -- 815 total, and the tags have the edition # on them.

ColdSoreSuperstar said...

is "chaseter the blogger" someone famous that I should be familiar with?

Good thing it's not you flipping on the bay. after all that shit with the line cutter people.

mrtibbs said...

Not any more ObFuSc8

Thanks for the email. Unfortunately, we have only been allowed to sell a certain amount through email or phone orders and we have hit that limit. We do have them still available in the gallery, but sadly, they are only for walk-in purchases. Sorry!


ColdSoreSuperstar said...

obfuscate, a number of people tried emailing the gallery today and were denied. said they reached their quota for online sales. rest can only be sold to walk-ins.

ColdSoreSuperstar said...

yeah, what he said.

ObFuSc8 said...

Oops, sorry mrtibbs -- guess that happened while I flew home.

Walkindude125 said...

Would anybody in LA who's planning on going back to the gallery be able to pick me up a Locke t-shirt? They won't sell me one online. A size medium, and I'd fully reimburse you for price+tax+ shipping to Baltimore. Thanks!!! Let me know by sending me an email at

chaseter said...

oh and coldsore...I never had Jacob's Cabin. That ebay person also sold 4 other prints if you look at their feedback. Still got all of my little amount of prints I have bought. I will be f5ing the day DD sells his 50 copies.


Unknown said...

can someone in la help me out and stop by and get me some shirts for me and my family of lost lovers? If you can I'd greatly appreciate it. Email me if you can hopefully you can help me make my holiday season a little better. Email me at if you are willing or able to help.

Thanks for all your contributions to the site and loved it all. Congrats to everyone that got it. Hopefully nothingsforever means that its not over...?

chaseter said...

Coldsore...I am Chaseter the infamous porn star! Or Chaseter, the person who really thought of lost and had JJ steal it from me! Make up anything!

Charter was taken on the blog so I went with my second nickname in high school which was chaseter.

Holy crap. That person on ebay has been a member since 2001. I would have been like 16!


Zort70 said...

No auto fill in or special tricks here.

Just kept refreshing, entered username and password, pasted creit card number and other info in.

It just helped that I know what order to do things and what the forms looked like from earlier purchases.

ColdSoreSuperstar said...

Michael -

...I think "nothingsforever" means the exact opposite of it not being over.

ColdSoreSuperstar said...

...but it'd be cool if they did another series with a new line up of artists.

Anonymous said...

Hey all,
Long time reader, first time poster.

I'm considering trading 2 posters or 1 poster + cash to make up the difference for this print. If anyone's interested contact me via gummiride [ at ] hotmail [ dot ] com

Unknown said...

oh well,missed this one..3/16 aint too bad,its been a lot of fun following on lostargs,great job Zort,take a holiday you deserve one!

ColdSoreSuperstar said...

question - What's L4L?

chaseter said...

I don't think we will be getting anymore art. The art show pretty much encompassed everything LOST and everything was for sale so I doubt it.


ObFuSc8 said...

Hey Zort -- congrats!

Unknown said...

I have been thinking for awhile that they started this whole thing over the summer August 24 is print 1 and today is only December 17. There are still 47 days to season 6. Im hoping that its not going to be over forever...? But its just hope that we dont have 47 days to wait for lost with nothing new to do?

Justin said...

Hey guys, for those of you that don't want this to end yet, some fan artists (including me) have put together some art releases as well as some giveaways including swag from the reveals (some of it signed by Damon and Carlton), and I will also be giving out one of the DCAAPB prints. Look for clues on in the next day or so to find out more!

Zort70 said...

Michael, we will have the second Semester of Lost University after Christmas.

Then I'm sure there will be a few teasers up to the start of the season.

Justin said...

You can view Damon and Carlton signing a Widmore Publishing board for our last winner, Andy Schex, as well as some of the other prizes I will give away on Lottery Ticket's UStream from the event.
at 04:24 and 10:13

(I also got them both to say hi to LostARGs on Lotto's stream!)

Lisa-Maladylis said...

glad everyone had fun and really glad I slept through it all while all the madness was going on. Hope everyone that wanted it got it and that people will share.

Congested said...

200. Still not as impressive as my 700 in the previous post. but still. 200.


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