Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Prize Hints 171

The start is nearly here, the first will be published tomorrow. Until then here are some hints at the prizes on offer :-

1 less than usual
The beginning
Use your Compass to find this survival pack
Producers of a method to stop reading
1 + 10
New artwork mystery
Kermit's colour with litchen
Hair product for technology
Love the art of war clothing
LOST loot


theotherben said...

Can't wait! These sound interesting!

Zort70 said...

We are building up to the top prize.

theotherben said...

Which is to be on LOST??? Ha ha jk... If only.

ChrisL said...

Morning Zort, interesting indeed...

@Ben, I won't mention then that I hope to be picking up my framed Statue today...(sorry)!

A second series? I doubt it somehow. TBTB will have moved on now in preparation for Season 6, their marketing heads will be somewhere else no doubt. Unless someone like Jenson picks up the ball and runs with it... MEL did mention too that this whole project was heavily subsidised by ABC, I can't see them wanting to do that again at this point. Even if someone does get a second series together I'd be very surprised to see $50 prints from artists of the stature of Stout, Tan, DD etc...

Zort70 said...

Yes a walk on part in LOST, that would be good.

How about Locke's knife carrier, or Hurley's ranch dressing applicator ?

theotherben said...

@Chris I'm confused by your comment. I'm sorry if I'm not making much sense, it's late here in the states...

@Zort If only. Or maybe Sun's gardener.

Zort70 said...

theotherben, Chris was talking about the other Ben in the previous comments.

Yes I understand the confusion now :-)

Der Merzmensch said...

Morning Zort!

theotherben said...

Okay, I was like, I know it's late, but what is going on? Ha ha
Thanks for clearing that up.

ChrisL said...

Sorry theotherben, Didn't mean to confuse.

theotherben said...

It's all good!

Martyn said...

Morning all,

Can't wait for this competition to begin so I can't win any of these awesome prizes. It's going to be ace!

ChrisL said...

@Martyn, you DO have Hawaii though ;-)

Martyn said...

Damn, I was really hoping no-one would catch on to that, lol!

How did everyone enjoy the snow in the UK?

Lisa-Maladylis said...

Ok, I'm but grumpy lol too early this morn. It was like -10 last night with the wind chill and snow. burrrrr

John LaHair said...

Morning All -

A new competition with new clues! It's like we've time traveled back to August 2009 to when the 1st poster hunt began. Now if we could only flash-forward to tomorrow to find out the 1st question is. :)

Can wait... let the fun begin!

@Lisa - feeling the cold as well. A balmy 8 degrees in MA. To be lost on an island in the South Pacific somewhere that can't be found sounds pretty good right now.

Lisa-Maladylis said...

ain't that the truth JLP sand and sun sounds very nice. I'm up in NH. Had to start the truck and leave it run so the leather seats don't crack when we go sit in it to go out. Hope it warms up well, I'm not liking the cold. Can't find my gloves.

Drama said...

hmm... obscure clues. Lichen is MOSS though... and Kermit was green. Like a certain poster...

Amy Lynn said...

Morning :) Hope everyone is gearing up for a fun New Year's Eve!

IWish said...

It will be a full moon on NYE...the second full moon in's called a blue moon. That ought to make things very interesting...think I'll stick around the house and leave the partying to you youngsters (amateurs). heh-heh :)

A blue moon on NYE won't happen again for 19's rare.

Kelly said...

@ JPL - you are being kind - 8 degrees? I think the MA wind chill was below zero last night, right? At least no more 30 wind gusts today!

Quite excited for the blue moon - time to wish for something that would not happen too often...

Tess315 said...

Good morning all.
Interesting clues zort.

Nicole said...

Will the questions be on Lost trivia or something in order to win prizes? I think I may have missed out on something...

Nicole said...

Durrr, I'm still not awake. The questions we sent in will be used.

/end durr

Eugene said...

Is "Love the art of war clothing" a reference to the Sun Tzu book?

I am about the only one in the office today and am so bored. Thanks for the clues!

IWish said...

Hair product for technology...

...gel? Gelskin for laptop? Iphone?

Amy Lynn said...

Well, this is quite interesting:

Now, I have seven tattoos, and I think a LOST tattoo would be really great, but this is not exactly what I'd choose.

ChrisL said...

That looks like a later-in-life regret waiting to happen!

Amy Lynn said...

Oops. I only have six tattoos. Wishful thinking.

Eugene said...

ChrisL - LOL. I know someone who finally got the courage to get a tattoo when she turned 40. 15 years later and it is really disturbing to see.

Martyn said...

definitely, ChrisL, what were they thinking???

LOST loot, got to be the RH tote bag, right?

ChrisL said...

OK, well I for one am intrigued by the Amy Lynn six...

Amy Lynn said...

@ChrisL, they are much better than Matthew Fox's :)

Eugene said...

New artwork mystery - Locke, man of mystery?

Kermit's color with lichen - Moss, green?

Lost loot - agree that it most likely points to the RH bag or maybe the Olly Moss t-shirt?

ChrisL said...

But Amy, did you have as much fun getting them??!

Martyn said...

I'm thinking RH tote, as it's looks like a loot bag and it says i'm lost on it. Kermit's Colour with lichen could be Olly Moss t-shirt though.

Amy Lynn, is is of every member of the O6?

Amy Lynn said...

@ChrisL, clearly not.

Amy Lynn said...

Awww, crap, Martyn figured it out.

Eugene said...

Maybe "The beginning" refers to the original DCAAPB on black velvet.

Eugene said...

Producers of a method to stop reading - graphic novelists/comic books?

Eugene said...

Producers of a method to stop reading - or bookmarks?

thorsten said...

Podcast Producers make you stop reading and start listening…

MilkcanRocks said...

My one guess at the prizes.

Hair product for technology = those gel-covers for the iPhones/laptop that were offered for the SF reveal (you know, computer toupees)

Patmc said...

Hey everyone! Sorry I've been gone for so long... just got back from my Christmas vacation. Work two days, then another 3 day weekend for the New Year... so it's not all bad.

I noticed at Christmas, that I had forgotten to unload a couple of remaining pictures from my camera, from the Gallery 1988 event. There are a couple of some people here (Mel, Comixguru, Maven, Rev Milo, etc). I'll find some place to post them tonight (probably my Twitpic account), and let you know where they are.

I don't know if you all saw it or not, but there was a video posted that Entertainment Weekly posted that had a couple familiar faces (myself included) around the ever-so-appropriate 1:08 mark. You can take a look at:,,20313460_20332165,00.html

I'm so happy to see that we're all back in clue-solving mode! I really started to miss my fellow Argies... :-)

hobbit said...

That doesn't really look like Shannon. It's like the person didn't have the screen cap, so they asked a blonde friend to reenact the pose, and that's what they had the artist work from. Claire from Heroes with Sylvester Stallone's mouth. This is why you make sure the artist is capable first.

I'm thinking eventually the Dharma teacher logo, as I am a teacher.

Sam G said...

:) email

andalone said...

@Patmc - congrats on having @ewdocjensen retweet you yesterday! That was pretty cool!

mungonna said...

Hey all..A nice list to get the blood flowing in the brain this morning. lets see..
Only one ping pong ball sent?

maven said...

Morning all as the year draws to a close and a new one brings us closer to S6! Hope everyone is planning a great New Year's Eve and they stay safe!

Excitement builds with new clues and puzzles...I'm definitely going to play along, but I feel that I have my fair share of posters and swag, so I'm going to let others less fortunate (or more greedy :)...) go for it!

BTW: Happy Birthday to one of our regular TLCers Memphish!!!

maven said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eugene said...

I'm just playing because it's fun. I don't really need the swag.

Um, unless it's the Olly Moss Locke t-shirt. But maybe I don't need that either. I'd want to wear it but never wash it.

Patmc said...

Sorry if it's off-topic, but I had another one of my random Lost thoughts.

If the Taweret statue was already destroyed in the Flight 815 timeline (only the 4 toed foot was left), doesn't that mean that Juliette already detonated Jughead? And if she already set off the bomb... how does 815 crash on the Island in the first place? I thought that the nuke was supposed to "reset" the timeline? What else is different that causes 815 to land at LAX instead of crash?

Sorry... these things occasionally pop into my head, and won't go away. :-)

sandman90 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Patmc said...

@andalone - I know! I was so excited! My wife and I love Doc Jensen, and have read his Lost column since he started it. It's definitely a Lost fan moment to cherish for me! :-)

thorsten said...


Juliet just detonated the the core of Jughead, a small fission device to ignite the main hydrogen chain reaction. By far not enough to blow away the statue on the beach.

sandman90 said...

@Ob - Posted under a different email address above and deleted. I would love to discuss purchase of Locke t-shirt. You can email me at Thanks!

andalone said...

@Patmc - I love Doc Jensen's LOST columns too. I would really like to see them all complied into a book after the LOST story has completed. Hmmmm....think I'll tweet that to hime now! :)

Sandman90 said...

The above message is indeed me. Just struggling with work, business, and home email logins. Sorry to clutter the post with nonsense.

Tess315 said...

If you beleive Ben, and that's a big if, the statue was already destroyed when he arrived on the island. That would have been before Juliet detonated the bomb.

Are you thinking the bomb/incident destroyed the statue?

thorsten said...

I think the big Black Rock showdown resulted in Tawerets destruction…

They fight! They bite! They fight and bite and fight! Fight fight fight! Bite bite bite! The Esau and Jacob show!

Patmc said...

@andalone - That's a GREAT idea! It would be fun to go back to the beginning, and see how wacky so many of his theories were... and how many hit close to the mark.

Besides the retweet, I actually got this reply from him too!

"@patmc4fun If I ever write a book, can I use that for an endorsement quote?"

Maybe it could be for the book you are suggesting to him? hahaha!

Amy Lynn said...

@thorsten, you are a genius.

Tess315 said...

lol Thorsten
But that's a good possibility. I think the state has been destroyed for a long time.

And as I write this a LOST commercial just came on the tv. :)

John LaHair said...

Lunchtime = time for a few guesses at what prizes are hiding in Zort's house.

Producers of a method to stop reading = DVD of one of the seasons?

1 + 10 = 11 - the 11th poster?

Just in time for the New Year... Lost Loot. A reference to something that explodes... your own personal miniature Jughead? :)

Tess315 said...

or even the statue

andalone said...

@Patmc - I made that suggestion!

"@EWDocJensen compile the #LOST columns into book and then you can use @patmc4fun's endorsement"

Patmc said...

Does anyone remember if the 1970's Dharma crew actually saw the statue? Sawyer and company saw it when they were flashing through time... but we still don't know what time that was exactly. It could have been MUCH earlier for all we know.

Also, does anyone know from any of the maps that people have posted online... how close the statue was to the Swan station? If it was close enough, I would think that a nuclear warhead could still do damage enough to topple a nearby ancient statue. It wouldn't necessarily have to be from the blast. I think the ground wave alone from a nuclear blast would be enough to knock over the statue.

thorsten said...

Pat, lease read my post further up…

Tess315 said...

I don't think the Swan and the Orchid are very close. Juliet told Dan the Swan was 15 mintues from the beach camp. The Orchid was was on another coast around the point. I think Locke said it was a couple of miles when the were in the outrigger. That's after they had been rowing for awhile.

Joe D said...

@Patmc When Sawyer and his time jumping friends saw the intact statue, they were in a time before the well was dug, so I'm thinking it was pre Dharma time

MilkcanRocks said...

@ Patmc -

Here is my all-emcompassing theory regarding the 4-Toed Statue, and, more specifically, LOST in general.

To preface this, I think that the 4-Toed Statue is a bit of a MacGuffin, and is being used as a diversion - to divert our attention from the fact that we have all aready have seen 'the end' of LOST.

I think we are seeing things too linear - statue whole, statue broken. If we see the statue whole it must happen before it's broken, right? An emphasis in the show has been placed on the manipulation of both space and time, and I think that the statue is a bit of a landmark to gauge where the island is chronologically. Think of the Island as a person and the 4-Toed Statue as Jacks beard - it too is moving through time and space, but we used the beard to signify "future Jack". The Statue will be used to determine 'when' the Island is - broken statue or whole statue. But the Island/statue will both be moving through time also - what if what we see as 'the future' for our island charactures will actually be 'the past' for the Island? Does this make sense only to me? I can always draw a map or chart if needed.

My two cents? The Island was a nexus in time before the Swan detonation - both 'past' and 'future' times converged in one place. During this time, the statue is built/destroyed. The Swan detonation pulls the Island into a linear timeframe. Then, the Jughead detonation. The Jughead did not destroy the statue, but it destroyed the whole island, signified by the island moving/disappering in the Season 4 finale. The turning of the donkey wheel caused the Island to become unstuck in time and during those 'jumps' the island is destroyed.

In the end, there is no alternate reality, just reality.

maven said...

I concur with you guys that Doc Jensen should compile his columns into a book...twitted him, too! :)

I also agree that the Losties saw the statue in a time much, much earlier than Dharma Days. And something else happened to it other than the Incident. I like your idea, Thorsten, that Jacob and MIB had a little disagreement and the statue got in the way.

mungonna said...

It is with a degree of angst that I re watch any Lost episode. I record the episode as i originally view it, then watch the tape soon after once, maybe a 2nd time. After that,,another viewing,how to put it..disturbs at levels ,,that once riled ,become a task of fending off or placating by allowing the roar of the mundane to smother the insistence. The frustrated desire of these poor Losties is like witnessing an insane person clawing, grasping, anything ,,Anything, it can that will help pull itself back to sanity. Tears (as in rip) me up!

5 seasons of that struggle,,as even D&C admit..has been enough. Its time for the peel back of the Illusion, dismantling of the facade' the polarized conflicted beings unified and Truth to go forward making a sane existence. Indeed, a clean slate, a blank screen gives hope for the ability to rewatch Lost episodes at will, in knowing redemption is possible for these Losties.

So,,Yeaa!..I am in great need for season 6.


Sandman90 said...

Yes, you can't go home again, MEL. But you can try...

Patmc said...

@Thorsten - were you referring to your "black rock" comment, or the fission device comment?

If Black Rock... did you mean that Jacob and MIB had some sort of god-like tussle that caused damage to the statue? If fission device, I agree that blast damage from a fission (not fusion) warhead most likely wouldn't have gone very far from the drill shaft. I was referring to ground wave damage. Nuclear testing in Nevada (when there was still such a thing) almost always registered as an earthquake on seismographs.

mungonna said...

Sman..Howdy,,yea, i think Eko gave clue as to " home" when telling the meltdown Locke that Locke had to have " purpose" ..." Home" being Purpose"..or perhaps as A Breton put it.." everything with Love". Now there is a sane perspective that has no end.


thorsten said...

Yes, Sorry Pat, I referred to the earlier post ;))

I don't believe that Jugheads core could topple the statue. We know that Taweret was in one piece when the Black Rock arrived, so I thought it would make sense when it got maybe blown to pieces by the ships guns… because I expect to see the Black Rock backstory in season 6. But we'll see…

Amy Lynn said...

to the tune of "Auld Lang Syne"

Should Hydra Island be forgot,
what would your preference be?
Should Hydra Island be forgot,
with half of season three?

For half of season three, you know,
for half of season three,
was filled with cages, biscuits, rocks
for half of season three
And surely Exposé will go
and Eggtown’s out the door
We’ll rid the world of Jack and Kate
though that’s from season four

andalone said...

Doc Jensen responded to the tweets!


@MLostie @andalone @RamHatter I appreciate the sentiment! Until that day comes (or if it comes), I recommend new book by @Vozzek!"

mungonna said...

..Now theres a real mind stretch,,Amy Lynn and Guy Lombardo... only here, in the realm of the LostARG, it works.


andalone said...

Yay Amy Lynn! I have been waiting for that verse for days! :)

Joe D said...

Amy, that was awesome! My season 3 rewatch went well, but I think it was because I read that TPTB were conflicted with Disney, trying to establish when the series would end while they were writing and producing the cage episodes. They said something to the effect that they felt very caged too, not really knowing how much time they had to tell their story.

Tess315 said...

I think I'm one of the few that didn't have a problem with Season 3 cages and all.

As far as Nikki and Paulo they kind of got thrown at us due to the writers strike, when alot of people were upset they weren't getting stories of their favorite characters.
I think if they had been shown to us slowly like it had been planned we might have warmed up to them. Like Dan, Miles, Charlotte and Frank.
I really didn't mind them that much.

Patmc said...

@andalone - Awesome! Congrats to you too! :-)

I'm not sure about Vozzeks's book. I'd have to look at it in first before buying it. But if there is ever a book by Doc Jensen... you got my money!

Are you listening Doc...? ;-)

@Amy Lynn - Now THAT'S my kind of New Year's song! Very nice!

thorsten said...

rather like Frogurt, Sayid'sgirl ;))

andalone said...

@Patmc - Vozzek's recaps are really great. I enjoy his take on things.

mungonna said...

I am content with the abbreviated Nikki/ Paulo arc. They are really bad or negative characters. The quick sharp point of them was better made succinctly rather than spread out over many episodes...imho.

The whole Hydra Island experience, including the cages, was some of the Best of Lost..Breton's " soluble fish" was excellently explored in season 3..imho.

Amy Lynn said...

Damon jokes on the commentary of "Tale of Two Cities" that the audience hates those cage episodes because they didn't give Josh enough to do, but I think he's onto something. The thing is, LOST is primarily a mystery. Not sci-fi, not drama, but mystery. If we aren't learning something new every episode, there's a problem. So to be stuck in a rut for 6, 7, 8 episodes, that's a problem.

maven said...

I just got Vozzek's book. He's one of the "recappers" that I really enjoy reading. He does find things I haven't noticed! :) Haven't started reading it daughter-in-law just got me hooked on the Twilight series...should I be embarrassed to say that?

Rorschach said...

So my family clearly knows my very high level of obsession with LOST, my older brother just got engaged and will be getting married in Hawaii (his fiance is from Hawaii.) In his email showing where the ceremony will be he felt the need to point out that it will be 200 yards from the location that the polar bear cages are. Did he really think that I wouldn't go unless it was near a LOST location?

Tess315 said...

Yeah poor annoying Frogurt. He was introduced and then killed.

Maybe the writers felt like they were in a rut and some of the audience. I never did. According to TPTB LOST is a character show. Although I do love a good mystery.
I don't need questions and answers in every episode.

Capcom said...

I didn't mind the cages/Hydra story much during S3 either, SG. I was dying for some Others' backstory, and then we got plunked right down into the Hydra station. We met a handful of them right away, and saw some details of what they had been up to since 815 arrived (dossiers, spy cameras, etc.). Some of it dragged a bit, and Jack's whining with Juliet and Ben got annoying as usual, but overall I wasn't as displeased as some were.

I didn't even much mind the S3 mini-break, because I had recently read TPTB's explanation for the previous in-season reruns being due to how difficult it is logistically to make a complicated TV series like Lost, because it's like making a season of mini-movies and the production efforts are huge. So I cut them some slack on the breaks after reading that.

As for what the bomb trigger might do to the island, there's the possiblity that it combined with the energy source too which might have increased the force of blast. Although with what we've seen so far, it may have only produced an effect like when Des hit the failsafe.

I am really interested in finding out if the bomb trigger blast is what messed up the energy pocket, which created the problem of needing the procedure to release the buildup via the Swan equipment. Digging the hole exposed the magnetic energy, so I'd like to know how that multi-level energy problem evolved.

Good thoughts today everyone! :-)

Capcom said...

LOL Rorschach.

Unknown said...

YAY AMYLYNN!!! Love it - as usual!!! ;)

As for clues, I agree that kermit = t-shirt. And that hair product = gelaskin. And I think the bookmark might be the best guess for the fourth clue.

For the beginning...the DJ AM poster, or the pin they were wearing (dharma symbol with DJ AM logo)?

And Art of War clothing might be some Clandstine Industries clothing?



Anonymous said...

The 1 less than usual prize is the statue!

The beginning maybe is the first swag that was offered, which was a skate deck.

Or, maybe we are possibly getting some of the leftover prints that 1988 kept in case prints were lost or damaged!?


ChrisL said...

I agree Sayid'sgirl, I honestly didn't mind the cage episodes. They wouldn't be in my top ten but I did find some good stuff in them.

Amy Lynn, I have a question for you. Would you mind dropping me an email, chris dot leaning (at) gmail dot com.

Anonymous said...

Oops, the skate deck was for the second reveal!


Unknown said...

YAY AMYLYNN!!! Love it - as usual!!! ;)

As for clues, I agree that kermit = t-shirt. And that hair product = gelaskin. And I think the bookmark might be the best guess for the fourth clue.

For the beginning...the DJ AM poster, or the pin they were wearing (dharma symbol with DJ AM logo)?

And Art of War clothing might be some Clandstine Industries clothing?



(reposted using the correct account) ;)

Amy Lynn said...

@ChrisL... Just emailed you

@PatMC... just read about the 5.8 earthquake... stay safe!

maven said...

@PatMC: Watching news report of 5.9 quake on Mexican border...they said buildings did sway. Part of life in California.

I didn't mind the Cage usual they answered questions and brought up other questions (what were they working on....Ajira's airstrip). And they had to play up the triangle because I'm sure ABC wanted some romance action. TPTB must have thought it was very important to the story...they even commissioned a poster on it!

adam_keller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Patmc said...

@Amy Lynn & @maven - Thanks for the concern. No damage per se, but it was a heck of a ride! LOL
Sorry for going offline for a while. As a Californian, I'm used to earthquakes... but this was my first one in a high rise building. It was nothing at all like any other quakes I've been through. Huge side to side swaying... very disorienting to say the least. We had a 5.8, followed quickly by a 4.9. That one actually moved the building more, as it was a shallow quake. If anyone is interested just use the link below... then click on the mass of red right near the border... :-)

I was OK with the S3, but thought that it dragged a bit...

Zort70 said...

Scary things quakes.

I think S3 suffered because of the break between the cage parts and the rest of the season.

Love the theories on the prizes, don't blow them up out of all proportion though, just in case they turn out to be less than you hoped for !

Amy Lynn said...

@Zort, could be, though it seems backwards (re: S3). I wasn't watching back then, so I watched them all in order, and it seems that all of the sudden, around "I Do"/"Not in Portland", the show took a dramatic turn for the good.

Amy Lynn said...

*would just like to say that ChrisL is a really, really amazing person*

mungonna said...

PatMc..New Years Eve party came a bit early? No sense of it at all in Phoenix, flat foot all morning. Other Cali quakes produced white caps in the pool! Good to hear all is well!

hhmm..season 3 takes by all is interesting. I sensed a tightening of a coiled spring kinda thing thru out the season. The tension or reactions to the growing pressures..need for ..a release,,grew from episode to episode. Free Will, Instincts, Logic all had fascinating ways in dealing with the Others Pressures.
Of course, wasn't every ones favorite,,Bai Ling in season 3?


Amy Lynn said...

Oh, poor Bai Ling. That was a terrible, terrible episode.

John LaHair said...

@Patmc - wow... glad you're safe. Stay that way. Have never experienced an earthquake & happy to never do so.

@AmyLynn - when do we get a book compiling all of the witty anthems, tunes, and odes as well as those who have also contributed?

@Zort - just thrilled to play along. Sure whatever you have will be much appreciated. Just please promise that you won't have anything that needs to be translated from Latin or have a clue that's misspelled or contains extra numbers.

Speaking of playing along... has anybody taken the ABC quiz? Was brought up yesterday & I just got the email from ABC. Was pretty sure I answered all the questions correctly, but didn't get a confirmation that I did or didn't.

Amy Lynn said...

@ JPL... I wish I had thought of compiling everything before now.

Martyn said...

I wanna know why amy lynn thinks ChrisL is an amazing person now, i'm too intrigued. Damn LOST for making me want to know everything!!!!

Patmc said...

@JPL - my wife and I were both confused by the lack of any sort of confirmation of entry into the ABC contest too. I had to read the rules to understand that you could try again and again until you got all 6 questions right (thought my wife and I both did it on the first try... pretty easy questions). ABC should have put SOME sort of message when you finished the quiz.

@Amy Lynn - Ha! The infamous tattoo episode! I was hoping for mysterious and dark... and instead got cheesy.

@JPL - Thanks for the concerns. Pretty much every big building and bridge here in earthquake country has been retrofit for better handling earthquakes. I'm more worried about the people on the other side of the border. Wooden shacks and non-existent building codes in Mexico will probably yield some bad things on the news tonight...

mungonna said...

I am AGHAST!..What!!? got to be..of all the..terrible terrible episode???..oh no no nononono sweet sitter of row was the Central Episode,, the key to all of LOST..THE ANSWER..brought to You by Breton's fascination with the Mermaid Myth..Bai Ling...Only "Terrible" in that the most terrifying question any can face was at its core.." Who Am I?"

Amy Lynn said...

I think Stranger in a Strange Land goes so awry actually NOT because of the Phuket scenes (though those are pretty bad), but because of the woman they cast as Isabel. She's just not a very good actress. Reason enough why she never shows up again.

theotherben said...

Hey, I have to ask, but did anyone else have a problem getting their LOST print into a frame? Mine wouldn't say in there, and there framers have to keep it there for a couple of days to get it to stay flat. Anyone else have this problem?

Patmc said...

@theotherben - I had that same problem with my first poster. It was so curled from the tube, that it wouldn't sit flat inside the frame. I eventually took it apart, and flattened the print, by covering it with heavy books for a week or so. Still had a little curl in it, but sat flat enough that the mat board held it flat.

mungonna said...

I found it appropo the way she was photographed in that episode. As I recall,,the sheriff seemed to be always looking down at the other characters. Her self importance,, inflated position indicated. That she came across as somewhat " dull" or stuffy,seemed to fit the character. She wasn't meant to be liked..imho.

Amy Lynn said...

@MEL, I agree with you, but at the same time, it seems bizarre that someone of such importance (the sheriff) would disappear/die immediately. Kinda like they were testing the character, a la Nikki & Paolo

Tess315 said...

I just assumed that was the end of her story line. They really only need her to judge Juliet.
Which Ben commuted.

theotherben said...

I really forgot about Isabel. And what happened to Harper, Goodwin's old wife? She's only appeared once too.

mungonna said...

..Like so many " aspects" or 'Elements" or attributes of Lost characters , there seems a shift or transfer of those attributes frm a character to another character, within a season and from one season to another. What one character may say or do in season 2 or 3,,another repeats in season 4 or 5. Each time with dimension added perhaps.

I can see the Sheriff attributes extending out to the Elsie character of season 5 and blossoming into the full " bitch" all along intended.

Yes, i said that.

Amy Lynn said...

MEL, I had a similar thought. I think they intended the sheriff to BE Eloise Hawking, but disliked the actress, so her story got transferred to another character... similar to what happened with Eko/Locke

Martyn said...

The introduction and disappearance of Isabel was another contribution to the fact I didn't like season 3. That with the unexplained mark put on Juliet, it was strange and started to feel thrown together. This was the first season where I started to notice the filler episodes properly.

Admittedly, I started to like it again towards the end of season 3, probably from the moment I Des and crew went camping tbh, dipped when I realised how much of a bitch Kate was when telling Jack about Naomi and then peaked again with the exploding of the tree.

All in all, season 3 was a low point for me and season 2 remains my favourite season, mainly because it fully kicked in to sci-fi mode.

Martyn said...

Saying that, I better speed up my rewatch seeing as I'm going to Hawaii, so off to go watch whatever episode is after He's Our You, I think it's the Kate centric flashback. Great!

Joey said...

if it was not said already. The Dharma Orientation Blu Ray is on amazon's golden box right now!

Amy Lynn said...

Is there anyone who wants a DI kit who can't afford one?

Martyn said...


Amy Lynn said...

Martyn, you win for being first. Please email me at

Martyn said...

Is golden box like a special offer or something?

Amy Lynn said...

Yup, half price.

Martyn said...

Oooo, really? Just e-mailed you.

mungonna said...

Amy..something to consider: You have mentioned that D&C say Lost is a character driven show. Okay, I've listened to enough of those two's podcasts and interviews to take everything they say ,,sorry Lat,,as a bit of obfuscation. There is a Mystery they are trying to protect.

So, Character driven,,depends on how one sees Character. Carlton said at a panel or interview back at end of season 2 was it.. "of course, its all metaphor" I go with that and apply to " character". Each character is a metaphor. Easy enough..Man of Science, Man of Faith. From there, just study the words and actions of any character and add them and soon you see the metaphor of doesn't lie..therefore, he can be seen as Truth or Painful Truth.

With that in mind then, the same Concept can roll thru these a ripple expanding out on the surface of a pond( sorry about the cliche') and be reflected or shaped by each characters meeting it.

Yes,the actors come and go, adjustments made and if you watch closely,,at least I got a sense of the Isabel character being very uncomfortable at the shore scene when going back to main Island. Perhaps her age..or the ocean..or what not..just couldn't let her show an ease with the goings on. Yet, so many transfers of attributes , besides Eko/ Locke,,have taken place..that maybe its in the design of the show,,like the fragmented Time aspect is.


theotherben said...

The kit is amazing. I love it! But I didn't get a sub. patch sadly.

Joey said...

Yeah I didnt get the sub patch either. I just got a copy for my brother, so if he gets the sub patch im totally taking it hahaha

Martyn said...

Amy Lynn, are you serious???

Amy Lynn said...

Martyn, DI Kit/S5 should be there in a few weeks!

theotherben said...

But you can buy some DHARMA patches for $7 here. But they are out of the sub and others. But have serveral in stock.

ChrisL said...

Nice one Amy.

Amy Lynn said...

@ChrisL, I had something to pay forward.

Martyn said...

I can't believe it! Ever since finding this site 4 months ago, my inner LOST geekness has exploded and i've met the most amazing people on this site and experienced high's and low's with all of you on here and looking at my acquired posters reminds me of you all.

But Amy Lynn, this has just finished my year in such an amazing way, I can't think of a way to thank you! This is a truly amazing thing and proves how great this website and this show is. Right now, I want to name my first born after you, that's how ecstatic I am! I'm actually shaking! And babbling it appears, i'll stop talking and go calm myself down but thank you for your generosity, it means a lot to me.

theotherben said...

I have to agree with @Martyn. Lostargs is that greatest thing for a true lost fan. The community we've formed is incredible! It makes me cry.

lora said...

Rorschach, do you need a date for your brother's wedding in Hawaii? ;)

mungonna said...

Duuude..she just gave up her seat on the Its a Small World ride for you. Hey, its all Disney, so it works! Beauty Amy!!

Amy Lynn said...

Mel, coincidentally, right after I ordered it, Disney upgraded us to a theme park view, club level, for LESS than I booked the package for.

mungonna said...

What??..Ive never known Kharma to be so instant!! What is this world coming to? Its all those plastic debit/credit cards! I knew it!


Tess315 said...

Nice one Amy. Congrats Martyn.

maven said...

Awesome Amy Lynn. Nice for you, Martyn!

comixguru said...

Evenin' All :) looking forward to the contest, Zort!

Hope everyone has a wonderful new years celebration.

Still hoping for a Hawaii miracle :)

and-alone said...

@Amy Lynn - Random acts of kindness paid forward are a wonderful way to end the year. Blessings to you. YAY for you, Martyn!

Just arrived home to find #16 (199/300), AND Justin's System Failure (6/60), AND a LOST S4 film crew shirt waiting for me. Today was like a Christmas rewind!

andalone said...

ooohhhh spooky. That was the 2007 version of me on the last post. I wasn't signed into that account. Christmas rewind maybe went back too far......

Zort70 said...

Everyone is in a chatty mood tonight, lots of LOST fan goodness going round.

Speak to you tomorrow.

Patmc said...

Good night Zort...

(sigh) I sure wish that still meant that Tyson would post a new clue...


lora said...

I still don't have my LOST poster. Is anyone else on the east coast waiting for theirs?

mungonna said...

lora..uhhmm...count to 5?

Ellen B said...

Hello everyone who is still awake. :)

TomRex said...

Thanks to the support from all. However it does look like I will be putting the set with the DCAAPB print, jump suit, signed book and first order letters. This is so tough to create the ad for. This has been so much of my life for the past year.

If anybody knows someone who wants to spend some money to help a fellow lostie they will have some great pieces. The first 108 # print, 113 Olly Moss, 101 Dharma Van, 101 The Crash, 101 Love Triange. Lots of low numbers.

Offers taken at

Zort - let me know if this isn't cool. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I live in Ma and I got my poster a few days ago. I did have an early order number. My Ben print came super late, so I would not worry yet.

Anonymous said...

I would list it here.

This way everyone can see it. There's also a list of people looking for your posters.

I'm in a tough situation too. I had a root canal that failed and have to pay more to have it fixed or pulled (haven't decided). I need the money I could get from LOST but dont' want to part with it. My Mom says to keep it but it's tough.

hobbit said...

lora- I'm in Ohio. Still waiting on my Stout LOST, too.

lora said...

OK, trying not to worry about the Stout print yet. This is the first one I've been able to get; I can't imagine how anyone could go through waiting for up to 16 posters to arrive.

Rorschach said...

Right now I am good for a date, but the wedding isn't until August, so you never know... But to be honest, she has some cute cousins and I have little to no morals (especially with the open bar), so being single at this wedding might be a plus.

ObFuSc8 said...

HI ARGers!

PatMC -- I saw your tweet earlier, glad you're OK. Believe it or not, there are earthquakes in Illinois, too -- just not as often, and usually in the southern par of the state. There was a magnitude 5.2 quake in April 2008, and we actually felt it in Chicago. I just remember waking up thinking, that was weird, some really loud truck must have gone by -- and then heard it on the news later. (That's my only experience with quakes...)

Amy Lynn great job as always...I may sing that as 2010 rolls in. ANd very generous of you to pay it forward to Martyn with the DI S6 kit.

MEL -- no need to apologize for using the word obfuscate correctly. It's one of the reasons I have kept the screen name since the XFiles.

The Tyler stout LOST print has yet to make its appearance at my door. But I was a higher order #, so it's probably on its way.(Please ;) ) I'll freak out a little less knowing not everyone has received their print yet.

Sandman90 -- going to email you as soon as I'm done here.

ObFuSc8 said...

Just in case you missed this in the last post:

Some of the local ABC affiliates have a sweepstakes to win a trip to the LOST premier sneak preview in Hawaii. So if you live in one of the following cities, check it out!

Coming soon: Hartford, Denver, Dallas, Houston, Kansas City.

LOST The Beginning Of The End Sweepstakes

ObFuSc8 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ObFuSc8 said...

My guesses:

1 less than usual -- 4 toes really does come to mind. WOW if Jensen actually sent a blank of the resin Tawaret.

The beginning -- Giclee DCaaPB print

Use your Compass to find this survival pack -- Ron Herman LOST bag, with stuff in it. Though the Compass might be a reference to Locke...then again the DHARMA jumpsuits come to mind, but they never got any of those back.

Producers of a method to stop reading -- Bookmark, msybe with some of the stuff from the display at the U of A bookstore.

1 + 10 -- Widmore Publishing backer board.

New artwork mystery -- reaching here, but the SPiN ping pong ball. or maybe the Castaway Getaways brochure.

Kermit's colour with litchen -- Locke's Secret shirt (though would be too awesome if it were Locke's Secret the print)

Hair product for technology -- Gelaskins

Love the art of war clothing -- I <3 my Shih Tzu shirt

LOST loot -- not sure, it's really all LOST loot.

theotherben said...

Those sound like good guesses @ObFuSc8!

kiwilostie said...

Looks like Id better get up early in the morning! If that is indeed a Tawaret up for grabs, Im all over that like white on rice.
Martyn - nice one - youve been paying it forward with your swag for ages now, nice you got one in return.
Ob, Im still waiting for my Stout, so youre still all good!

kiwilostie said...

Funny story - today was listening to the radio - had a Kiwi reporter in NYC for New Years, talking about the dropping ball in Times Square etc, and then she mentioned Susan Sarandan (she was just in NZ for the premiere of Lovely Bones) and SPIN - they have a ping pong tourny on New Years Eve! Something like "What is one ball dropping compared to hundreds flying about?"!!!... So I laughed out loud, tried to explain the ARG to someone... and gave up!
Also, AmyLynn and any other NY'ers, for a taste of NZ, head here for a good old kiwi pie - the Brits will know these but probably not the US people. They are a staple!

Martyn said...


You've given me an idea to continue amy Lynn and chrisl's nice little chain going. I won't say anything at the moment because I've got to find the item again, but once I do, I will pay it forward in due course.

John LaHair said...

Good Morning All & Happy New Year's Eve!

Sure we have to wait another 13+ hours for the NY Times Square Ball to drop but more excited for Zort's clues to start to drop. :)

Justin said...

Happy new years eve everyone!!

@AmyLynn - nice of you with the DI box set :)

@Zort - Can't wait to see what you have in store for us!! I Love that everyone's spreading some generosity and holiday cheer!

Also, in addition to the sweepstakes Ob posted, there's another ABC sweepstakes going on for 815 people to get a message in a bottle with a sneak peek at the season6 premier. Here's the link: (sorry if this has been posted already. Didn't see it though)

and lastly, another artist is doing a guest reveal through my site. I've just posted the clue.

Zort70 said...

So it's finally here, the first prize draw is announced.